Our Trust COVID special | Issue 13 | Autumn 2020

Page 14


Our Trust

District nurses at the heart of the community


istrict nurses, which include the twilight and night teams, are at the heart of community care. They play a crucial role in delivering nursing care for Brent residents. During the pandemic they continued to ensure that their patients were safely cared for at home. They empowered patients’ families to support their loved one’s care, minimising their level of contact wherever possible, particularly for our more vulnerable patients. They also continued to support primary care colleagues by visiting patients who were shielding so unable to attend their GP practice or hospital appointments. The team worked day and night with their colleagues from the bladder and bowel and care co-ordinator teams to ensure that

demand was met, and that patient care was never compromised but delivered safely at home. Head Nurse, Edgar Swart, says he is proud to be part of the district nursing team: “District nurses incorporate their many skills in meeting the complex health and nursing needs of people in a dynamic, multicultural and diverse borough.

“Our core values and beliefs, to keep patients safe in their own homes by providing nursing care, empowering patients and carers, sharing knowledge and promoting independence, were maintained throughout the pandemic.”

STARRS continue to shine brightly


ur Short Term Assessment, Rehabilitation, Reablement Service (STARRS) team did a fantastic job during the Covid-19 pandemic. They not only prevented patients from needing care in hospital, but also supported hospital discharges. STARRS is an umbrella term for several teams, including Rapid Response Brent, Early Supported

Discharge, hospital discharge co-ordinators, as well as a small team of nurses and therapists who work in the emergency department to help prevent hospital admissions. Head nurse Edgar Swart says the team rolled up their sleeves and helped their colleagues in other areas at the height of the pandemic: “A nurse from Early Supported Discharge, together with a paramedic and nurse from Rapid Response, supported our infectious disease team with community patient testing for Covid-19. STARRS also supported the anticoagulation and haematology teams with shielding patients. These were patients who would normally come to hospital to have their bloods taken for testing. We carried out more than 900 anticoagulation visits and 10-20 haematology visits. One of the STARRS paramedics also supported the occupational health team with staff testing for Covid-19.

AMU nursing staff redeploy to Ealing’s Covid wards


n 24 March the Acute Medical Unit (AMU) at Ealing was temporarily closed in response to the pandemic. Mairead Sheahan, AMU Clinical Nurse Manager, explains what happened next. “AMU staff were redeployed to the Covid wards where their skills were needed to care for acutely unwell patients and those needing Level 2 care such as Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure.

“Between hospital avoidances and early supported discharges from Northwick Park and Central Middlesex hospitals, both teams worked and supported each other to ensure that patients were cared for safely in community.

“The team responded well in caring for severely ill patients who staff could see deteriorating right in front them. It was also emotionally draining to see patients pass away without their relatives being able to be with them.

“Despite all the fears and anxieties, staff continued to carry out face-to-face visits, day and night, to ensure that patient care was never compromised.”

“I am very proud of how our nurses responded to the pandemic. They worked tirelessly throughout the crisis and never complained about having to work across different wards in the hospital.”

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