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Nearly 70 years of compassionate care
St. James Parish Hospital opened in 1955 as part of a Hospital Service District. St. James Parish Hospital is a public, nonprofit, Critical Access Hospital that has transformed through the years to adopt to the ever-changing needs of the community. As we evolve, we always remain committed to our mission of providing excellent, quality and compassionate care.
Our Story
In the 1950s, the closest hospitals to St. James Parish were in New Orleans and Baton Rouge. David Reynaud—the namesake of the hospital’s medical
Written in May 1955: St. James Parish’s new and completely modern hospital at Lutcher was officially opened following dedication ceremonies attended by a record number of persons for such an occasion. Principal speaker at the dedication was Dr. William Frye, dean of the LSU college of medicine. Other speakers were Dr. Edward Grant, director of the Louisiana department of institutions; Dr. Ward Turner, chief of staff of the new hospital; W. Lee Grant administrator; Rodney P. Woods, Jr., representing Lutcher & Moore and David Reynayd, hospital board chairman, who was master of ceremonies. Built at a cost of $375,000, the hospital offers compete hospital and diagnostic facilities. The rooms range from $7.50 to $12.50. All hospitalization insurance policies will be honored. The telephone number of the new hospital is Lutcher 2512.