s ere ten Operation w e er th d, te ea cr nto ticle was At the time this ar rvice with the Toro se of s ar ye 40 er d ov . We members who ha ation department) m ga al am epr r ei th We asked some e. ic Fire Services (and rv se ng lo r ei brate th hat e day”. Here is w recognize and cele th in k ac “b as w how it of them to recall they said:
Mowing the Lawn at the Fire Station
Overhaul wit h Next
“Thursday’s duties included mowing the lawn. One time, on nightshift, it didn’t get done and the Fire Chief came down hard on the guys. The issue went all the way to arbitration and the Fire Chief was sure it would be an easy victory. The Association filled the hallway with other city workers (police, teachers, etc.) that took the stand to report that they did not cut the lawn at their workplaces. After that, it was no longer mandatory to do such maintenance jobs.” Captain Gus Maple, Modified
No PPE Back in the d ay, after the fi re g crews used to take off their ot knocked down, the petch coats, ro their boots an d ll extremely luck go back inside to do overh down au y Charlie Dixon to have a progressive Cap l. I was tain, named . He let me g ob had my SCBA on. Of course ack in, but only if I the senior guy , I would get ri s, lips, with com who had smokes hanging bbed by m fr smoke?” Than ents like “hey kid, you afra om their id of a little ks Chief Char lie Dixon. District Chief Chris Vascon cellos, C41C
Fire Watch Volume 14 Issue 4_v29.indd 34
Surfing on the Side of the Aerial
“If the tail board was full of firefighters, guys would find a spot on the side of the Aer ial and ride it like they were surfing. Also, ther e were buzzers on the back of the truck and the old guys would tell you – if you’re going to fall off the tail board, PUSH THE BUTTON FIR ST!!” District Chief Ralph Straub, C22A
Vo l u m e 1 4 | I s s u e 4 | F I RE WAT CH 34
2020-12-15 3:08 PM