4 minute read
Chaplain’s Corner
“How are firefighters and cops similar to each other? Both groups aspire to be firefighters!”
Apopular phrase is ‘laughter is the best medicine!’ “Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain and protects you from the damaging effects of stress.” – helpguide.org
Learning from different mentors and experiences, a major key in mental well-being is avoiding burnout. You don’t need to wait until you are running on empty to refill your gas tank. It is usually harder to recover your strength after you are burnt out.
The reality is that there is no perfect answer when creating a plan for a healthy mental well-being. That is because everyone is different and unique in their own way. Understanding that your DNA is one of a kind, should make you feel special. Being one of a kind, amongst billions of others, is a great reminder that you are full of worth and purpose. Also, being one of a kind, makes it virtually impossible to have a singular answer that serves everyone’s mental well-being equally. The great news is that there are some common tools for people to use to help develop a healthy mental well-being.
This three-step reminder is a tool everyone can use to help develop and maintain a healthy mental well-being.
Reminder #1: Hard Work
“If you’re trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I’ve had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” – Michael Jordan
My basketball coach asked after every big game, “Did you leave it all on the floor?” My coach encouraged and expected us to give our best effort, despite the game’s outcome.
Even being the best, Michael Jordan went through roadblocks, obstacles and failure. As MJ achieved success through hard work, he also wanted to see his teammates succeed. He pushed them to be the best they can be. He also never asked them to do anything that he wasn’t willing to do himself. This is a similar principle that Jesus shared with the apostles. Jesus encouraged them to continue to work hard and in their hard work, help those in need. “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” There is great reward in working hard.
Reminder# 2: Accessibility
“Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.” – King Solomon
There are multiple resources to help your mental well-being that are accessible to you. As firefighters, you are constantly giving and looking out for other people. That constant giving can be very draining, emotionally and physically. Knowing that there are resources and tools available to you is great, but I encourage you to use them! Some of those resources are the GS benefits, EAP, Peer Support, the many wellness seminars made available, and, I have to say, last but not least, the chaplains! The opportunity for us to be able to give back and serve those who literally put their life on the line for others (that’s you!) is a great honour and privilege for us.
Reminder #3: Team
There’s no “I” in team but there is in win.” – Michael Jordan
A goal I have working in the inner city is creating a safe place for kids & youth. We focus on peer-to-peer mentorship (kids helping kids) and it has been amazing to see friendships develop and the sense of team that is built.
Having a healthy support system makes a great difference in mental-well being. Mentors and friends that you can confide in and learn from, creates confidence, and assures that you aren’t alone. There was a time where I tried to go through life on my own. I didn’t want help from anyone and only looked out for myself. Things fell apart very quickly, and I was in a dark place, drinking life away. It came to a point where I eventually confided in my support system and they graciously took me back. I started to make my faith in Christ my priority and that is when things started to turn around for me. I went from being angry and selfish, to kind and caring.
I ran into a high school friend nearly a decade after my ‘dark days’ and he was amazed to see the change in my life. My faith and my support system help me every day. I encourage you to find a support system that fits you, because in my experience, walking through life alone is very difficult.
Don’t forget that your DNA is one of a kind and that you are filled with worth and purpose. Remember ‘H.A.T.’ when taking care of your mental well-being.
North Command Chaplain Dan Chandran 647-242-9897 danieljchandran@gmail.com
Hard Work Accessibility
P.S. You can put this H.A.T. on every day.