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How to get Fully Involved! Red Knights Motorcycle Club
Red Knights Motorcycle Club
This is a series of Q&A articles on Toronto Fire related organizations that can get you more involved in the firefighting community. Some of the best people on the job give back to the fire service in fun and exciting ways. If you find this organization interesting, consider reaching out to them for more information. This month’s theme is getting out of self-isolation and being active again. What better way than to get on your iron horse (motorcycle) and ride! The Ontario 1 (GTA) Chapter of the Red Knights is led by TFS’s Randy Smith. Here is some great information on how to take your motorcycle passion to the next gear! KEN: What does your organization do and what is its history? RANDY: It was started in Boylston, Massachusetts in 1982 by 11 local firefighters. The Ontario 1 (GTA) chapter started up in 1984, becoming the first international chapter of the RKMC. Within a few years, it expanded across Canada, New Zealand and Australia. We now have about 400 chapters in 20 countries, with 10,000 members! You can tour a lot of the world, finding a Red Knights chapter, with a warm greeting all along the way. There are three parts to our mission: To enjoy the camaraderie of firefighters globally; to improve the image of motorcyclists; and to perform community service. Our motto is “Loyal to Our Duty”. It’s a clear and deliberate reference to our profession. In regard to what we do, we ride, we socialize, and we have fun! Whether it’s heading out for a day ride, marshalling a charity event, or going thousands of kilometers on a tour, we really look forward to the ride. The international conventions are always a massive good time. Lifelong friendships are forged with like-minded folks from around the globe.

KEN: Do you have to own a motorcycle to participate in the activities? RANDY: Good question, and it’s one that requires a brief segue. There are different classes of membership. All firefighters are considered “active” members. Every active member must hold a motorcycle license and have access to a street legal bike. Spouses, partners, and other family members may become social members. We are an inclusive, family-oriented club. Unlike 1% clubs, we do not “prospect” members. Female firefighters are welcome as full members, and any brand (Harley, Honda, BMW, etc) is accepted. As for the “brand” issue, don’t worry - we will make fun of you, no matter what you ride! This is firehall life, after all. KEN: How do you recruit members? RANDY: One of our traditional approaches is to send notices to the fire halls. Of course, we don’t know whether you’ll actually see it or not. The Red Knights have also been very successful recruiting at the various bike shows. However, Covid shut those down everywhere for the past 16 months. Nowadays, we see a larger response to our online presence at www.redknightsontario1.ca as well as the @RKMC_ON1 Twitter feed and our redknights_ont1 Instagram account. What’s very gratifying, and somewhat surprising during these times, is the renewed interest in the past year! More of our younger TFS members are riding, and we are adapting. You used to see 25 to 30 year-olds buying full-on touring bikes. Nowadays, there are more cruisers, bobbers, streetfighters, sport, adventure and dual-purpose rides. I’m excited about the change, and we want fresh ideas. Our Road Captain welcomes input regarding routes, and we will look at the “two groups, one destination” method of planning for some rides. Opportunities like this article are really helpful, as Fire Watch is the one medium that reaches all TFS members.

KEN: What is the commitment for a member? RANDY: There are no “mandatory events”. Each member picks and chooses what they can get to. We are truly low pressure. This is a social club, not another responsibility. Of course, like anything social, the more you put in, the more you get out. KEN: Are there any costs that are the responsibility of the members for the club?
RANDY: I just checked with our Treasurer, and we’re not moving our account to the Cayman Islands (laughs). There is a small initiation fee of $20. As well, annual fees are $40 for an Active Member or $60 for the whole family. Outside of dues, there are other optional costs. We have a club vest, which is trademarked. It identifies us as Red Knights and is well known in the motorcycle community. These aren’t cheap, but every single vest ever worn by an Ontario 1 Red Knight has been made by hand, locally, for over 35 years. We’re proud of that, and plan on continuing the tradition. There are activities like BBQs, where everyone chips in, just like meals in a fire station. The more expensive events are the conventions and trips, of course. No one is obligated to attend them, but once you go to one, you can’t wait for the next one. I’ve attended many international and Ontario conventions, and never had a bad time. It was a real shame when the 2020 convention in Leon, France was cancelled due to COVID. That was one I was really looking forward to. KEN: What is the most epic event that you’ve done or that you’ve been at? RANDY: Wow, that is a great question! If you ask a hundred Knights, you’ll get a hundred different answers. Some Ontario 1 members have been taken on trips through the Italian, Swiss and Austrian Alps. Others have toured around Australia, the US and all over Canada. I was privileged to join Ireland 1 (Cork) a few years ago, and several members showed my family that part of the Emerald Isle. Conventions take us to roads that we would never otherwise see, and all Chapters are thrilled to show off their country, province or state. KEN: How has COVID changed the club and will you be returning to original activities or is there a “new normal” for the club? RANDY: That’s a tough one. Society is still recovering, and regulations are still changing. Most of us are vaccinated and are more than ready to get together again. Group motorcycling by its very nature is (and always has been) social distancing while socializing. We are currently planning events for the upcoming months, as well as next year. For those not on our email list, the website is the place to stay up to date. KEN: What would you say to someone out there who is thinking of joining the Red Knights? RANDY: I would say – do it! But why not do five minutes of homework first? Go to our website and check it out. Call me (or any member) and meet for coffee. I’m happy to ride just about anywhere, and I’m always ready to talk about the Red Knights. Just know that if you join, you may well find yourself with friends in Australia, Ireland, Belgium, etc., with the bonuses of local tech support, a hot meal, and maybe a place to stay if needed.
KEN: Any final thoughts? RANDY: Belonging to the Red Knights allows us to combine our fire family with our love of riding, with firefighters on two or three wheels around the world. The life of all Chapters is cyclical. Ours was once very large and active, then went through a period of maturing and gradual reduction. Now we are into another growth phase. It’s a fun time to get involved, and to be part of the future. I’d really like to thank you for the opportunity to share information about the Club! Remember – It doesn’t matter what you ride, it matters that you ride.
Contact Information
Website – www.redknightsontario1.ca Instagram – redknights_ont1 Email – redknightbiker@yahoo.ca Phone – 647–470-7562 (RKMC)