Rainford’s Music Maestro by Nicola Gray It has been said that self-doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will; but for Rainford’s Ross Harrington, failure simply wasn’t an option when it came to pursuing his passion for music. The 21-year-old, better known to the music world as producer, NAVOS, has just been signed by Island Records and is tipped to be the sound of the summer as his new hit ‘Believe Me’, rockets up the official charts. Ross’s story is a modern day fairy-tale backed up by passion and lots of hard work. Ross grew up in Rainford and has lived in the village all his life, attending Rainford CE Primary, before moving on to Rainford High Technology College and Sixth Form. Ross added, “I’ve spent a lot of my time here and I love a night out in Rainford, some of my favourite places to go are The Golden Lion and the Junction Pub. I worked in the Junction Pub, that was my first real job. Ross continues, “Music has always been my passion though, since I was 12 or 13 years old. I have always been into music, I played guitar in primary school and it just grew and grew from there. “I went to an Avicii show in Manchester in 2015 and I thought that’s what I want to do as a job. From there it started as a hobby, I got a computer for Christmas and the necessary software and the rest is self-taught. It all comes with a lot of time and effort. And effort is exactly what Ross has in abundance; last year saw him finishing his last year at Edge Hill University and up until a few months ago was working in Dunelm in Liverpool. Ross added, “It was a lot of work, I was completing the last year of my Sport Therapy degree, so there was a dissertation to write. I enjoyed University but I’m concentrating on producing music, I think you get one shot at this and I intend to give it my all.”
I like a good back story, so I wanted to know where Ross came up with the name NAVOS, he laughs, “That’s a funny one, when I was little, I wanted to be in the Navy so that together with the last part of my first name gave me NAVOS. Ross’s name isn’t the only thing that has changed in the last few months; he’s made the move from University and Dunelm to the studio and the heady heights of the music charts. Ross explains, “My work mates are always texting to say I’m smashing it and that they’re really happy for me. Everyone has been so supportive. “Life is quite a bit different, sometimes I can’t believe that I’m doing interviews and going to photo shoots, but it’s cool and I’m loving it.” The pretext to all of Ross’ success is his hard work, when I ask him about an average day his head is most definitely