How does termite tenting work?

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How does termite tenting work?


Eliminate Termite Infestations Through Termite Tenting

Termite tenting, also known as termite fumigation, is a method used to eliminate termite infestations in structures such as homesorbuildings.

Large, airtight tarps made of specialized materials are placed over the building, covering it entirely. The tarps are secured tightly to create a sealed environment whichisfumigated.

Call (800) 291-3019 forTermiteTenting services in San Diego, Orange County, andLosAngeles.

Termites have been on the planet longer than humans. In the many millennia wehavelivedwiththesepests,manymythsaboutthemhaveevolved.

Accepting the myths as truths is one of the main reasons why many homeownersdonotknowtheyhaveaninfestation.

As a result, they are slow to respond to one or make the mistake of trying to useDIYtermitecontrolmethodsthatoftendomoreharmthangood.

Hi-Tech Termite Control 5555 Magnatron Blvd Ste L, San Diego, CA92111 CALL: (800) 291 - 3019

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