Summer Locale

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Summer 2012

Summer 2012

P.E.E.K. Program

Keeping an eye on pre-school vision

No Courts, No Justice, No Freedom Law Day 2012 at the Clinton County Courthouse

PLUS: Community Spotlight with the Comet Crusade, Remembering Jack Bertoldi, PLUS: all of your favorite columnists, Gallery Talk and so much more!

See local. Do local. Be local.


Grace Haven

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Do Something. So I sit down to start reading, writing and

run, a class needs to be taught, the kids need to

editing. Out of the corner of my eye, near the

go to the orthodontist, and there are starving

gap between the bottom of the sofa and the

children in the world. There are a myriad of other

floor, I see something. It’s maybe green and

issues that need solving on top of this horrendous

maybe brown. It’s lumpy and prickly looking.

pine needle issue. My husband, of course, within

Good grief! I think to myself. I hope this isn’t moldy

earshot of this outburst, agrees to call the

food. It doesn’t smell bad. In fact, do I detect a

cleaning ladies, “Hello, can you come

scent of pine? Why yes. It’s the tip of a pine tree

tomorrow?” He then gets out the checkbook in

branch. A Christmas present of sorts - in summer.

fear his summer golfing schedule for the day

My knee jerk reaction, “THIS HOUSE IS A PIGSTY!”

might be inevitably altered.

Clearly, I’m over reacting. It’s really a small bit of

Yes, summer. A time when kids are home, the

debris. The furniture has been moved and the

house is a mess and pine tree needles from

floor vacuumed regularly since January. But, at

Christmas are found under sofas setting off a

that very moment, all I can do is focus on this

chain of events leading to an outburst that should

utter mess of a house. I have to do something.

only be quelled by the sheer gloriousness of

I bet I know what you are thinking. I bet you

summer fun. I miss it even when the pine needles

are saying to yourself, like me, self, why

are actually green and not laying under the sofa.

don’t you call those kids down from the

The summer is short and there are lots of things to

heights of autonomy that are their

do - that don’t involve cleaning. I remind myself

bedrooms and tell them to get their

of this after the pang of guilt hits my stomach and

patooties downstairs to help clean things up

the money disappears from the checking

around here! It’s summer for crying out loud

account. Do something.

and after all, didn’t the kids just say they

Check out this issue for all the best of things

were bored? They wanted to do

that are truly our local summer. Quell your inner

something? I realize this sounds like a bonafide

control freak at some events like, Concert in the

plan of action to solve two problems - mess and

Park or the Downtown Summerfest. The Farmers

boredom. But, the truth is, they aren’t that bored

Market is back and it won’t be long before the

and I can’t handle it. I can’t hold the hands and

smells of mint waft through the air from the local

mirco-manage the child-like effort that would

farms and the annual St. Johns Mint Fest begins

ensue to clean this house the way I want it clean.

anew. Enjoy this summer issue and the season.

Control freak, you say? Guilty as charged. But

Do something. It won’t be long before that flip

then there are the facts that a business has to be

flop is found in the Christmas decorations.

In this issue: 6 Law Day 2012 DeWitt Herbison Woods Middle School students get in on the courtroom drama.


10 I Can Still Hear His Laugh Lisa Soros takes us on a journey remembering Jack Bertoldi

16 Comet Crusade

24 P.E.E.K.

St. Joseph kicks off a successful new event that keeps everyone running!

New program introduced by Lions/ Lioness group targets pre-school vision.


Old Maid Laurie Oakwood-Bishop Marketing Manager Cammi Robinson Graphic Artist Megan Priess Office Manager Christina Hammond Photography Brian Bishop Jim Oakwood Lisa Soros Distribution Sam Thelen

Contributors: Kathleen Campbell Sue Carroll Ron Huard Lisa Soros Monica Stump-Thayer John Wieber

Published by Locale Media Company Bridal 2012 Photography by Lisa Soros The Big Race with Jake Gnegy, Blake Thelen & Jake Eaton Our advertisers make this publication possible. We graciously thank them for their continued support. We know our dedicated readers choose Locale as their community support resource. Please tell our advertisers you saw their ad in Locale Magazine so we may continue to bring you the best, beautiful and heart-warming stories of our favorite hometown.

St. Johns Locale Magazine is published by Locale Media Company, LLC Š 2009. All rights reserved. Reproduction, whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. Contact our office at 517.614.4189 or email us at



NO COURTS, NO JUSTICE, NO FREEDOM Law Day 2012 Takes Place at the Clinton County Courthouse “Mr. Squarepants, it is clear that you have altered the pants and the jury finds in favor of Abercrombie & Fitch.� Dewitt Herbison Woods Middle School Students participated in a mock courtroom trial held in honor of Law Day 2012 at the Clinton County Courthouse. Sessions included a mock civil trial and a mock criminal trial to get a better understanding of how the U.S. court system works. The Honorable Judge Michelle Rick and the Honorable Judge Lisa Sullivan, along with Attorneys Ericka Anderson and Shannon Schlegal presided over the courtrooms and answered questions about different litigation scenarios during the event held on May 1st. The students prepared for court with scripts detailing fictional court cases. In the civil trial, it was Spongebob Squarepants vs. Abercrombie & Fitch in the case of the altered pants. The fictional criminal trial portrayed Jack Beanstalk as a man accused of stealing golden eggs from Mr. & Mrs. Giant.


guarantors of civil justice, social order, and public safety and we must do everything we can to enable their critical work. The courthouse doors must be open and the necessary services must be in place to allow all litigants, judges, and juries to operate efficiently.” The American Bar Association offers many Law Day resources to incorporate into the classroom, including a free Law Day Planning Guide. “All of us must have and protect our right and our freedom to use courtrooms when we need to. That courtroom must be open to protect families. That courtroom must be open to validate and protect contracts for business. That courtroom must be open to The 2012 Law Day theme, "No Courts, No Justice, No Freedom," underscores the importance of the courts and their role in ensuring access to justice for all Americans. President Obama issued a proclamation declaring May 1 as Law Day. In it he honors this year’s “No Courts,

keep the wheels of justice turning. That courtroom must be open to defend our individual rights to prove again and again that we continue to be a free society... “ —American Bar Association President Wm. T. (Bill) Robinson III

No Justice, No Freedom” theme. “Our courts are the



Second Marriage

Plan. Protect. Provide.

Open and accessible courts are the cornerstone of a free society. The framers of our Constitution recognized the importance of the courts when they made the judiciary one of the three coequal branches of our government. The courts are where we go to have our rights protected, our injuries redressed and our disputes resolved. Whether you are a consumer or a corporation, a victim or an accused, a lender or a debtor, a parent or a child, the work of the courts affects your everyday life. Recent budget cuts at the state and local levels have seriously compromised the courts’ ability to function effectively and keep the wheels of justice turning. This year’s Law Day theme, “No Courts, No Justice, No Freedom,� underscores the importance of the courts and their role in ensuring access to justice for all Americans. Open and accessible courts are fundamental to our way of life. From seeking justice in a criminal case to enforcing a patent or copyright, from personal injuries to landlord-tenant disputes, we turn to the courts to provide us with a fair and impartial forum to reach a just result. In state after state, severe funding cuts are crippling courts’ ability to fulfill this role. The following are points you may wish to emphasize in making the case for the importance of our nation’s courts.

A second marriage grants to each spouse, legal rights in being disinherited at death. Planning is very important: Learn what your rights are and what to do to protect your spouse and your children.

John E. Wieber, P.C. 201 E. State St. ST. JOHNS 989.224.9449

Wednesday Evening Appts Available


The courts are essential to a free society. Even the most eloquent constitution is worthless with no one to enforce it. If, as John Adams famously declared, we are to have a “government of laws and not of men,� we need open and accessible courts to ensure that everyone’s legal rights are respected. The courts belong to everybody. The quality of justice is not only the concern of lawyers and judges. It affects the health and well-being of the entire community. Even if you have never been inside a courtroom, you benefit from what happens there every day to ensure justice for all. As American Bar Association President Wm. T. (Bill) Robinson III has observed, “That courtroom must be open to protect families. That courtroom must be open to validate and protect contracts for business. That courtroom must be open to keep the wheels of justice turning. That court- room must be open to defend our individual rights and to prove again and again that we continue to be a free society. All of that takes more money ... not less and less money for our courts.�

The courts are “Society’s Emergency Room.” The courts play a special role in protecting the least advantaged members of our society. In a 2011 report, a nonpartisan ABA Task Force on the Preservation of the Justice System said, “Given their historic role as the protectors of the least advantaged in our nation, the courts have rightly been called ‘Society’s Emergency Room.’ And never is that title so warranted as in times of economic distress. The same recession that has led legislatures to reduce access to our justice system has obviously increased the numbers of people who need it.”

Even the most eloquent constitution is worthless with no one to enforce it. The courts are important to families. A bitter divorce, a custody dispute, or a contested will can hit a family hard. Courts provide an impartial forum for resolving these situations without undue delay so that people can get on with their lives.

The courts are important to businesses. Commerce would grind to a halt if businesses could not rely on the courts to enforce contracts and settle dis- putes. Courts facilitate commerce by providing certain- ty and predictability to businesses both large and small. - From the Law Day Planning Guide 2012.

Please Vote

Ryan Cressman



I CAN STILL HEAR HIS LAUGH Remembering Jack Bertoldi by Lisa Soros

When asked what she would miss most about Jack Bertoldi, who had been a

Parade and when it was held at the City Park, Mrs. Lehner’s students would take

presence in her third grade classroom

a field trip to see the carved pumpkins

for nine years, Krista Lehner’s eyes filled

and enjoy the donuts Jack always

with tears. “His presence. Everything. I

provided. He also loved to bring his

miss all of him.”

signature item, Mancino’s cheese bread, which he had specifically cut

They met through their work with the

and tailored just for the kids.

Clinton County Victim Support Team, which Jack founded. With no

Jack spent the winter months in

grandchildren of his own, and a passion for helping kids to read, Jack teamed

Florida, and you always knew that spring was here when he would suddenly re-

up with Krista to work in her classroom.

appear at Oakview, with that familiar

Each fall for the past nine years he has

twinkle in his eye and delight at being.

arrived, briefcase in hand, clothes

And for Jack, even while he was in

perfectly pressed (courtesy of Jeanne,

Florida, those students were never far

his beloved wife of nearly 52 years), and

from his mind. He loved sending care

declared, “I’ll only take a moment of

packages filled with newspaper

your time.” Of

clippings, suggestions

course, he never

for activities, coins and

stayed just a moment, because

shells. Of course with his wicked sense of humor,

there were always

Jack never signed the

books to read,

packages with his real

magic tricks to

name, preferring


instead to call himself

anecdotes to

“SpongeBob” or some

share, and jokes to

other cartoon name.

tell. Each year as school Mr. Bertoldi was active with the St.


wound down Jack would ask Krista, “Are

Johns Lions Club, and loved working at

you letting me repeat third grade?” And

the Food Court during the Mint Festival.

her answer was always an emphatic

He helped organize the Pumpkins on

yes. Krista is quiet as we contemplate

school beginning again this September. “It’s so hard to walk around my room. His presence is

Thank you for the memories, lessons, stories, treasures, cheese bread and magic tricks.

all over my room. I open a cupboard and see

Thank you, Jack Bertoldi, for sharing third

his stack of magic tricks. Or paper plates from

grade with us again & again & again. You will

Mancino’s. I can still hear his laugh. There’s my

be missed forever.

stool covered in gold screws from all of the times he tried to repair it for me.” She pauses. “He had such a presence. He was amazing.”

“When he came into our classroom it was the best day of the whole week!” - Ellie

The last treasured memory third grade has of Jack is the “Brownie story.” He loved to make deals with the kids, and this particular one was who would win the Ohio State vs. MSU football game. If Jack lost, he had to bring homemade brownies for the class. Mrs. Lehner and her class specifically stated that Mr. Bertoldi had to make them himself. Of course, when he arrived with the brownies, it was obvious that Mrs. Bertoldi had made them. Well, that was not the deal and so Mrs. Lehner gathered the ingredients and an apron, and together they all helped Jack bake the

“ always knew that spring was here when he would suddenly re-appear at Oakview, with that familiar twinkle in his eye and delight at being.”

promised brownies.





Fresh Produce and Local Goodies Make Farmers Market Special

! The St. Johns Farmers Market was created over 50 years ago to promote the sale of fresh local farm products, and to give growers of Michigan agricultural commodities and other farm-related products the opportunity to share directly with consumers.! The public is invited to attend each Saturday to purchase home-grown, home-baked and home-made goods from local gardens, farms, home kitchens and vendors. The Market is open every Saturday, from June 16 through October 27, 2012 from 8:00 a.m. until noon on Maple Street west of the Courthouse in Downtown St. Johns.! Bring your own bag to stock up on the farm-fresh produce (fruits, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms, nuts, dried fruits, honey, flowers, meats, poultry, eggs and dairy products) along with home prepared foods and baked goods (pies, cakes, cupcakes, cookies, bread, confections, granola, jerky, jam, jelly marmalade, maple syrup).! The Farmers Market also offers a wide variety of goods from artisans, crafters and growers.! These include landscaping plants and potted flowers, cutting boards, small wooden furniture, stained glass, aprons and tote bags, hooked rugs, dyed wool, crochet dish cloths and throws, woodcut paintings and lawn ornaments, hand poured candles, beaded earrings, necklaces, bracelets, pendants, pins and other jewelry, wooden toys, birdhouses, etc. If you are a farmer or vendor interested in providing locally grown produce, prepared foods or quality products at the Downtown St. Johns Farmers

St. Johns Downtown Farmers Market OPEN EVERY SATURDAY JUNE 16 - OCT 27 8 am until Noon

Market, we would love to talk to you about how you can get involved!! Contact our Farmers Market Manager Shirley Davis by calling (989) 224-7863 or the St. Johns Principal Shopping District office at (989) 227-1717 or email! Proceeds from this event will benefit the St. Johns Principal Shopping District, a non-profit business organization promoting Downtown St. Johns, Michigan.! So bring your family, friends and neighbors to celebrate!home-grown, home-baked and home-made Michigan goods!in Downtown St. Johns!! Visit for additional information about our historic Downtown business district, and "like" us on Facebook too at Downtown St. Johns, Michigan.



Ingredients • 3!large egg yolks • 1!large egg • 3!tablespoon(s) vin santo or other lightly sweet dessert wine • 2!tablespoon(s) unsalted butter, softened • 1!tablespoon(s) heavy cream • 1!teaspoon(s) freshly ground pepper • Kosher salt • 2!pound(s) large asparagus • 2!tablespoon(s) extra-virgin olive oil • 3!tablespoon(s) freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese


Sp!ng Ve"table Treat

Grilled Asparagus with Pepper Zabaglione

Light a grill or heat a grill pan. In a heatproof medium bowl, whisk the egg yolks with the egg and vin santo. Set the bowl over a medium saucepan of simmering water and vigorously whisk the eggs over moderate heat until the sauce holds firm peaks, about 5 minutes. Remove the bowl of sauce from the heat. In a small bowl, mix the butter with the heavy cream and pepper. Whisk the cream mixture into the sauce, 1 tablespoon at a time, until incorporated. Season the zabaglione with salt and keep warm. In a large bowl, toss the asparagus with the olive oil and season with salt. Grill the asparagus over moderately high heat, turning occasionally, until charred all over and crisp-tender, about 5 minutes. Transfer the asparagus to plates. Set the bowl of sauce over the saucepan of simmering water and whisk over low heat until thick and just heated through, about 1 minute. Spoon the sauce over the asparagus, sprinkle with the Parmigiano-Reggiano, and serve.




(of course!)

Pine trees. Lilacs. Lisa. Mackinac Island.

Mom. Campfires. Cats. Moscato. Wyoming.

Kids. Silly.

Beach. Writer. Organized. Kindle. Chocolate. Imagination. Sister.

Family & Senior Portraits | Events | Passions 989-292-1487


Photography 15



Bagels. Bananas. Bottles of water. And beagles! Where are we, you ask? At the

type of stuff requires an engineer!) Funds to raise. Sponsors to secure. From day one

inaugural St. Joe Comet Crusade 5k, held

everyone involved was incredibly excited,

May 5.

and within a few weeks it all fell into place. When Chuck Block of the Michigan Running

Just a few short months ago, at the suggestion of the St. Joseph PTO, a small

Foundation signed on as the race timer, the race was a go!

group of folks took on the incredible challenge of planning a 5k. Terrilyn Voisin, secretary at St. Joseph School, headed up

Race day arrived in typical Michigan fashion, cloudy and cool with rain

the committee of 9 folks, none of whom had ever put a race on before. There were

threatening. But as you walked around the parking lot at St. Joe’s, it became clear fast

permits to obtain. Race routes to decide on

that nobody minded the weather a bit.

and measure. (And not by hand. Nope, this


Loud music, pre-race jitters, and pumped-up children helped liven the mood.

finisher, cruised in, in just over 21 minutes, running a 6:53 pace. At a few minutes past 11 o’oclock, all racers and walkers and doggies had finished, and it

First up was the kid’s race, an out & back 1k stretch along Cass Street. Parents, family and

was time to celebrate.

friends cheered, waved, and shouted encouraging words as the youngsters ran, walked and skipped

According to Tomi Ann Schultheiss, Principal at St. Joseph School, the goal for this year was to lure in

across the finish. Starting promptly at 10 a.m., the 5k

100 runners and hopefully “just break even.” But

run/walk included men, women & children, from a mere 6 years old to a spry 87 years young Robert

when the day was done, 363 runners (kids included) had participated, and over $8000 was

Zuker (who finished the race in under an hour!). Twitching with anticipation along the front line,

raised for the school. She says she was simply

Drew Hyatt, known for his track records at both the

generosity from the sponsors and community.

middle & high school, appeared to run the course in his head. A handful of four-legged participants

Chuck Block’s son, who handled the race timing, said that he had “never seen a first year race be so

wiggled excitedly alongside their owners. There was laughter, cheering, and high fives amongst all as


the starting gun went off and racers bolted down

overwhelmed by the amazing support and

In the end, it took roughly 80 volunteers, a hard-

the street.

working committee, some extra special sponsors, 10 cases of water, 40 pounds of bananas, and over

Nobody seemed surprised to see Drew Hyatt breeze through the finish shoot in under 17 minutes

360 participants to make this 5k a rocking success. There is no doubt that the Comet Crusade will

as the overall winner. Rondi Fillwock, the first female

return next year. - From Lisa Soros




Bring Your Chair to Enjoy Sights & Sounds of Summer The St. Johns City Park Performance Shell is the place to be every Wednesday evening once again this year for the summer music series that's free and fun. Lots of fan favorites and exciting new performers are ready to entertain audiences in the weekly series, June 13 through Aug. 29. The music begins at 7 p.m.; bring a blanket or chair for lawn seating. Talented musicians and singers from the midMichigan area and around the state are part of the 2012 line-up. "This year's schedule has a nice variety of musical styles," says Bill Tennant, chairperson of the Shell Programming Committee. The Jack Clarkson Band kicks off the series June 13. That's good news for their fans who were eager to hear the group play last year unfortunately, Mother Nature didn't cooperate. Bullwhip enthusiasts will also be pleased to learn that the Country band is making a return appearance in 2012, courtesy of inclement weather that also shortened its set last year. St. Johns resident Jeff Dietrich and his Bullwhip bandmates are looking forward to the July 11 show. Returning after a two-year hiatus is a Concert in the Park favorite, Kitty Donohoe. The awardwinning musician brings her rich, musical style back to her former hometown June 20. Appreciative fans can expect to hear Kitty's Irish and American heritage come through crystal clear in selections from her various CDs like "Northern Voices" and "This Road Tonight."

conjunction with the annual St. Johns Rotary Club fireworks display. Returning groups from last year include the Mid-Michigan Festival Orchestra July 18, performing light classical and popular music; the Capital City Chordsmen, July 25; "Broadway Revue" Aug. 8 that features Tom and Beth Webb and students from St. Johns High School singing Broadway favorites; and an award-winning group of teens from the Detroit area, Cats and the Fiddler, Aug. 22. Last - but certainly not least - the King closes out the 2012 Concert in the Park season Aug. 29. "The performance committee is pleased to have Matt King from Leslie back again as Elvis," Tennant says. "Our audiences love him, and his appearance is a perfect ending to the season." As in the past, the St. Johns Lions Club will have refreshments available for purchase each Wednesday. Concert in the Park is presented by the City of St. Johns and Clinton County Arts Council, supported in part by the Michigan Council for the Arts and Cultural Affairs and the National Endowment for the Arts. Additional funding for specific show dates is provided by local sponsors. For detailed information on any of the show dates, email Tennant at; or call St. Johns City Offices, (989) 224-8944.

2012 Concert in the Park Schedule

New Concert in the Park performers include the popular Lansing group, Singers on the Grand, in a June 27 show, and Lansing-based, classic rockers Sudden Impact Aug. 1. "We're very pleased to add both of these groups to the 2012 schedule," Tennant says, adding that another Concert in the Park "first" will also attract a large audience. "We're really looking forward to our debut, totally Gospel Night on Aug. 15, featuring the mid-Michigan Trommaters along with the popular Thurston Family Singers - it will be an exciting night." Excitement and more will fill the air July 4 when the Meridian Concert Band performs in


June 13: Jack Clarkson Band, Variety June 20: Kitty Donohoe, Irish/Blues/Folk June 27: Singers on the Grand. "Mostly Movies" July 4: Meridian Concert Band July 11: Bullwhip, Country July 18: The Mid-Michigan Festival Orchestra July 25: Capital City Chordsmen, Barbershop Chorus Aug. 1: Sudden Impact. Classic Rock Aug. 8: The Webbs & SJHS Students, "Broadway Revue" Aug. 15: The Trommaters & The Thurstons, Gospel Aug. 22: Cats and the Fiddler, Bluegrass Aug. 29: Matt King, Elvis impersonator - Submitted By Rhonda Dedyne

Concert in the Park



GUEST COLUMN: John Wieber Springtime in Paris is a Trip to Treasure I kept a promise to daughter Nicole -- take her on a trip with just the two of us. We arrived in Paris on March 3rd and spent the next 7 days there.

Everyday we were up at 7:30 and out of the apartment by 8:30. Breakfast and exploring, return about 4:30, rest for an hour,! go out again and return to apartment between 10 and 11.

We stayed in an apartment in the middle of Paris, 2 blocks from Notre Dame Cathedral, the River Seine was right outside our window, The apartment was up 4 flights of stairs --60 steps total. On the first day we attended mass at Notre Dame Cathedral. On the days following some of the places we visited were, The Louvre - where we got to see the Mona Lisa, The Eiffel Tower -1000 feet up with a wonderful view and the only structure with an elevator. Except for churches, cathedrals, museums and monuments and similar buildings, no building in Old Paris is over 5 stories.

Impression: People were friendly, especially if you tried to speak French. Nicole knew just enough French to break the ice. People eat late -- restaurants are not busy until 9 to 9:30 at night. No rush to eat, once you're at your table it's your table for the night. Portions of food served are much smaller than in the U.S. Also, the people are much slimmer in general.

Visited the Orsay Museum -- favorite place on the trip. We got to see works of Manet, Gaugin, Van Gogh, Monet, Degas converted train station. Day at the Palace of Versaille. The gardens were beautiful even thought they were not in bloom yet, but still impressive. If you love art, culture and beauty, Paris is it.


Walked a lot -- rode the subway and trains and never felt unsafe. Since we were there in the offseason there were also no homeless begging for money. We never had to wait in line and we got the 4 day museum pass -- great deal. Best part of the trip -- 7 days with my daughter and the phones did not work except for the internet, so there was minimum outside contact. When I hear Paris now, I will remember the days spent there with Nicole. The boat trip on the Seine at night, Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower all lit up at night, the busy narrow streets lined with shops and restaurants and a week I hope Nicole treasures always.

GALLERY TALK Specialty Items Featured for July Sunday Event Already it’s July and if you’re looking for a change of pace, plan to visit the Clinton County Arts Council Sunday event July 8 at the Gallery in downtown St. Johns. The featured artist for July will be Mary Armbrustmacher, whose artistic bent is in the realm of specialty items ranging from watches to necklaces, with a few beaded bands in between.!Ms. Arbrustmacher has plied her craft for a number of years and has several items on display at the Gallery, including pieces fashioned from natural stone.! Items selected for the July Sunday event will hold broad appeal. The Sunday event for July will be held in memory of Frances Muehlenbeck.! The hours will be from 1 to 3 p.m. and refreshments will be served. !For information on this activity or other Arts Council events, calls may be made at 989 224-2429. The Gallery is located at 215 N. Clinton Ave. in St. Johns

Photography by Emily Irish-Kendall





I have been told numerous times what an inspiration I have been to some people. It’s

my body to make my skin tighten up. I’m not knocking any of those things, by any means.

wonderful to hear but it’s also hard for me to

I just wanted to do this by myself, for myself!

accept too. I’m finding out that it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows with this weight loss

The gratification that I would receive knowing I did it without any help… Priceless!

journey that I’m on. I had another gain this past month. I know that it wasn’t anybody else’s fault but my own. My body needed the rest and in a strange sort of a way, my mind needed a rest too.

I still have my goal and that has not gone away but it’s just not been on the front burner at the moment. I have had to deal with “recovery time” from a race and from a painful fall while out running. I needed to

I have been at this for 3+ years and it really has worn down on me. It bothers me I

listen to my body and I did just that even though my heart and head was telling me

haven’t been able to get to goal yet. Most

otherwise. It takes a lot of self-control and

people get to their weight loss goal in a short matter of time. I don’t want to say I’m

strong amount of determination and/or motivation to do what I have been doing for

envious of them because I’m not. I just chose to do this naturally. I didn’t want to

this long.

drink shakes, take pills, and apply “wraps” to

I still want to accomplish my goal but I also don’t want to lose myself in the process. It took me 3+ years to find myself and I don’t want to lose “me” again. I’m still learning to be comfortable in my own skin. I’m still learning to accept myself and how I look. That particular one has been the hardest lesson to learn. I see myself still as big and I’m really hoping that with time, I can get comfortable in my own skin. The hardest part of this weight loss journey has been the mental changes I have experienced and continue to experience. I have found strength and a resolve to continue on, despite the gains and the disappointment I’ve had in myself for not getting “this” done any sooner. I need to look at the bigger picture and realize what I’m doing is learning how to eat to live and not live to eat. There is a difference and I kind of let myself get a little “relaxed” about the concept.


A very clear view of the road ahead. Another lesson that I’ve had to learn is that my journey will be a forever one not just a temporary one. So many people

989.224.2900 517.224.2900

lose weight only to gain it back for many different reasons. Many of those people

Just north on Business 27 in St. Johns

get “comfy� with their eating, including me. I want to enjoy life but I also know

Serving our customers for over 20 years!

that I have to “keep myself in check�. I was 2 pounds away from goal and then I lost that resolve. I have those tools to get it back and I just need to pull motivation from deep within me back up to where it belongs. I may have been on a “break� of sorts this past month but I’m thinking it was just a mental break to rejuvenate me. I’m all about lessons learned, no matter how painful they may be and I’m glad I can see it for what it is. It’s another gain but it can only “break� me if I allow it. It’s all

about control! I can control my eating, I can control my amount of running, I can control the negativity I let into my thoughts. I guess if anything comes from inspiring people with my story it’s that I’m showing them I’m human too. I have experienced everything a person can

" ! " # ! ! "! ! $! ! ! " %

imagine going through losing this amount of weight. I used to think inspiring people meant you had to do something big, something significant. You can inspire people just by showing them you won’t

give up a dream no matter what obstacles get placed in your way. You can inspire people by sharing yourself and showing the good, the bad and the ugly. It’s all about perspective.

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P.E.E.K. PROGRAM KEEPS AN EYE OPEN Vision Care for Pre-School Children Starts in St. Johns It might not be surprising to learn most children do not receive their first eye exam until they enter kindergarten. However, studies have shown that approximately 20 percent of preschool aged children have vision problems. The earlier a vision problem is detected, the more successful the treatment is and the less likely a child is to have a recurrence of the problem. The St. Johns Lions and Lioness Clubs engage in various acts of service to mankind, with a particular focus on aiding the blind and visually impaired. With this in mind, they recently launched a project called “P.E.E.K. – Prevention Eye Treatment for Kids,” which is designed for children aged one through five. This free program is affiliated with Project KidSight, a Lions of Michigan initiative. The goal of preschool vision screening is to prevent blindness through early childhood detection and referrals. To ensure they have the best equipment available for this project, they recently ordered a Spot camera, manufactured by PediaVision, LLC. The breakthrough vision screener Spot was recently introduced into the market and can assess the vision of anyone from six months through adult with unmatched


speed and accuracy, delivering immediate comprehensive objective results. Prior to the availability of a special camera, it was very difficult to effectively detect a potentially serious vision problem in very young children. Most children under the age of five are unable to reliably perform the accepted methods of proper vision screening. The vision screener Spot is a breakthrough device that quickly and easily detects vision issues across all age groups. It is powered by sophisticated technology that quickly detects the indication of the following vision issues: • Near-sightedness (myopia) • Far-sightedness (hyperopia) • Unequal refractive power (anisometropia) • Blurred vision, eye structure problem (astigmatism) • Pupil size deviations (anisocoria) • Eye misalignment (strabismus) In just seconds, Spot provides a comprehensive, reliable analysis that enables informed decision making about the need for follow-up diagnosis. No physical contact is made with the child, and eye drops are not necessary. All that is required of the child is that he or she remain still and look at the camera for just a second or two. Once the picture has been taken, a specially trained technician can analyze the picture to detect possible signs of a vision disorder, and make the appropriate referrals to an eye care

professional. If a vision problem is detected, the parent/guardian will be given a list of eye care professionals in their area where they may seek help. In addition, a P.E.E.K. volunteer will place a follow-up call, mailings, or both to the parent/ guardian to see if further help is needed. We also participate in community events, such as the Sparrow Clinton Community Health Fair, where vision screening is offered to both children and adults.

The P.E.E.K. vision screening project is staffed by specially trained volunteers, including members of the St. Johns Lions and Lioness Clubs, local eye care professionals, and others. P.E.E.K. is affiliated with Project KidSight, a Lions of Michigan initiative. It is supported by the Sparrow Clinton Foundation, Avery Vision, and various local community service organizations. - Submitted by Kathleen Campbell.



Oakview: A Year In Review A Day in the Life by Lisa Soros As I write this article, our last for the school year, I am amazed at how swiftly this school year has come to a close. It’s cliché but honestly, didn’t we just come back? Wasn’t September just yesterday? And yet, when I look back on all that we have done at Oakview for this 2011-2012 school year, it becomes clear that yes, we did in fact have a full year. We began the year with nearly 40 fifth grade students to one teacher, and thanks to the diligence of our School Board and Superintendent Ken Ladouceur, we were


able to hire a part-time teacher, Mr. John Ferden. Mr. Ferden and Ms. Worrall quickly settled on a teaching strategy that would benefit all of our students, and the two of them have done a marvelous job of instructing. This was our first year with all-day, every day kindergarten, and we witnessed a wonderful transformation in our students and teaching staff. One might also say that Oakview was a “teaching school” this year as we were blessed with seven wonderful student teachers.

We’ve enjoyed Science Alive, Mother-Son Bowling, the Butterfly Ball, and Trivia Night, all courtesy of our PTO. We must also acknowledge our PTO’s generosity in extending an invitation to all elementary girls to attend our Butterfly Ball. Students and our art teacher, Mrs. Ann DenHerder, worked tirelessly to complete their Square One Art projects, a fundraiser that has now succeeded beyond our wildest dreams. Our entire student body chose to forego a gift exchange over the holidays, choosing instead to give back to our community. Fourth Grade held a Read-a-Thon in January to raise funds for their day trip to the Henry Ford Museum in March, and third grade held their own Read-A-Thon in April to offset the cost of their field trips to MSU, the Historical Museum and the state Capitol. Two staff members welcomed babies, Nicole Toft and Cari Cravotta, two became engaged, and one is embarking on a leave of absence to pursue an amazing opportunity. Mrs. Cravotta put together not one but two terrific music programs to showcase our students. We saw butterflies take flight, held three rounds of Parent/Teacher Conferences, danced with the Nutcracker, met with illustrator Tom Woodruff, celebrated D.A.R.E. graduation, threw three Gator Galas, dressed up as twins, our favorite Dr. Seuss characters and rocked an 80’s look, ran a mile, went barefoot for a day, celebrated Earth Day, and staff helped serve dinner to our students at Big Boy.

And we’re not done yet! May was full of exciting events, with second grade going to MSU, third grade to MSU each Wednesday, fourth grade to the MSU Planetarium, Field Day and the fifth grade Safety Patrol picnic at Hawk Island. We finish out our year, fittingly, with fifth grade graduation in June. We can’t wait to see what the 2012-2013 school year brings!

See more from Lisa Soros at



Habitat For Humanity Says Thanks 2nd Annual Blessing of the Bikers a Big Success A Big Habitat Thank You!

Parsons and their group from Road Riders for Jesus, as well as Nan Simons and her group

Habitat for Humanity of Clinton County

from the Wild Hogettes. Bikers were treated

extends a very big thanks to all who participated in the Blessing of the Bikers

to an outstanding t-shirt designed by Laurie Oakwood Bishop of St. Johns Locale Media

event on Saturday, May 19th at Motz County Park in St. Johns.

Company and trophies for the bike show were custom designed by Hammer in Hand Custom Cycles of St. Johns.

The event was attended by 110 bikers and bike enthusiasts who were greeted with two

Many thanks go to the following for their kind support and sponsorship:

live bands, a bike show and slow drag race, a commemorative T-shirt and door prizes

Agro-Culture Liquid Fertilizers

from 21 local businesses. The event

Barber’s Floors and More

concluded with a sincere blessing from Chaplain Steve Hale of the Road Riders for

• •

Capitol Harley-Davidson Hammer in Hand Custom Cycles

Jesus and a charity ride to Capitol HarleyDavidson in Dimondale.

• •

Midstate Title Agency Pauli Ford

Ryan’s Roadhouse

• •

Sparrow Clinton Hospital St. Johns Locale Media Company

The event would not have taken place without the expert help from Burt & Dawn 28 • email:

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SUDOKUMAZE Sudoku is a simple and fun game of logic. The rule is that you need to fill the grid so the numbers 1 - 9 occur once in each row, column, and 3 x 3 box. Numbers can appear in any order but not diagonally.

We are looking for someone who likes to play games! To sponsor our puzzle page, call us today at 517-614-4189

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