1 minute read
Marianne Nygaard Palmberg
from Localfolk Oslo
by Localfolk
Positivity and nature in abstract art
Abstract painter Marianne Nygaard Palmberg has always been a creative person, but it was only five years ago that she found art to be something she wanted to pursue more seriously. She aims to convey certain moods in her paintings, often inspired by nature, and balances this artistic pursuit with her day job.
It was five years ago that Marianne committed herself to painting. Throughout her life, she has explored her creativity in many ways—through knitting and sewing, for example—but found that painting was the medium she kept returning to.
"I started taking courses to learn more techniques, and I'm now a student at Nydalen Art School where I'm undertaking a two-year long art education," she tells Localfolk. Painting grew from a hobby to a serious pursuit, although she admits it can be hard to find the time while also working as a teacher.
In the last year, Marianne has started delivering her own courses, one of which includes Paint a Picture in Shades of Blue. Her own art is often inspired by colours found in nature. "I love being in nature," she says, "I often bring a camera and take pictures of things I see—a detail, colour combinations, which inspire me to paint."
Although abstract, Marianne's paintings show a clear inspiration from nature, both in colour and in mood. “It’s not like I paint what I see, in that sense, but it can often be details such as the atmosphere from a day by the lake or in the mountains that starts a process.”
Details, structures, shapes, and contrasts are important elements of Marianne’s work. “Sometimes one might glimpse certain shapes reminiscent of landscapes,” which again shows the inspiration Marianne draws from nature.
"One of the goals with my paintings is that the people viewing them should experience positive emotions— that they're touched." Creating positive emotions is an important aspect of her work. "Art can bring out a range of emotions, but I want to bring out positive ones."
Her goals include finishing her formal art education and finding more time to pursue her artistic career. She contributes to the upcoming book, The Nordic Art Guide, and hopes to see her art at more exhibitions in the future.
Instagram / @art_by_marianne artbymarianne.no