6 minute read
Social media tags and mentions are more than just a courtesy. They can be an essential part of your digital marketing strategy. Whenever someone name-drops a person or brand online, that’s a social mention, and when someone links a profile page to their post, that's a tag. These shoutouts can be positive or negative, but every single one is an opportunity to engage with your audience and shape public perception of your brand.
Tags and mentions will alert you when someone is talking about your brand online (and vice versa). They’re a surefire way to start a conversation about your or someone else’s business, increasing engagements and improving your brand reach. Here’s a step-by-step guide to using tags and mentions on Facebook and Instagram.
To mention a person in a post or comment:
• Type the person’s name with a capitalized first letter • Select a name from the list that appears
To mention a Page or group in a post or comment:
• Type “@” and then the page’s or group’s name • Select a name from the list that appears
To tag a photo before you post it:
• At the top of your Facebook news feed, click “Photo/video,” below “What’s on your mind?” • Select the photo you want to share • Hover over the photo and click the pencil edit in the top left • Click “tag photo,” then click a person in the photo and start typing their name • Select the full name of the person or page you want to tag when it appears • When you are finished tagging people, click save then click the back arrow button • Select the audience for your post, then click post
To tag a photo that has already been posted:
• Click the photo you want to tag • Click the hangtag-looking icon in the top right of the photo • Click the person in the photo and start typing their name • Select the full name of the person or page you want to tag when it appears • Click “Done tagging”

Interact accordingly
Make an effort to respond to each mention of your business on social media. It makes customers feel acknowledged and appreciated.

Three ways to grow your leadership through delegation



If you search Google for the definition of a leader, you’ll find tons of answers. All of those answers have one root meaning: to lead others. A leader is in charge of leading people, no matter the industry or business.
My passion for delegation is fueled by this very definition. There are many ways delegation helps your people grow, but did you know it can help you grow as a leader as well? This article will show you why delegation should be one of the core tools in your leadership tool belt.
Being in the delegation business for almost a decade now, here are the top three ways delegation can serve you:
• Helps you keep great people • Creates space for success • Promotes growth
Delegation can help you keep great people. As we delegate, we are providing so many opportunities for our team members to grow. They are learning new skills and responsibilities, and they are learning to expand and grow in their abilities and roles. These team members then have the opportunity to gain confidence and bring their ideas to the table. Great people want responsibility. Great leaders want great people. Delegation is the tool to tackle both of these at the same time. It’s the practice of continuing to develop people into great leaders.
Delegation creates space for success. I have yet to meet a successful leader that is looking to fill up a free bucket of time in their schedules each week.
Leaders need more time. You need the time and space to think high-level and create more opportunities for your company. There are tons of statistics on leadership burnout. By embracing delegation and equipping your people to do great things for you, you can create the time and space in your schedule to operate at the level you need for your business without burning the candle at both ends.
Delegation promotes growth. If you are delegating to, and keeping, great people and creating time to think high level, your business will grow. You’ll then have the opportunity to lead from a higher level all the time. What would it look like if you could delegate an entire project instead of pieces of it? What could you focus on if you trusted that everything was being done well and you only needed high-level updates and regular reviews? How much faster could your company move if you were able to delegate quickly and efficiently to people that are used to taking on new responsibilities regularly?
Adopting a great delegation practice is vital to your success as a leader. It's even more vital if you want to be the best leader possible. You’re already leading people. Why not keep those great people, create space and achieve the growth you want? Delegation is the answer. ■

Three steps to delegate

BRAIN DUMP a list of items you’d like to get off your plate. Pick three that would have the biggest immediate impact to your schedule but would not be too difficult to hand off in 30 days. WRITE THE ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION: “What does it look like when this has been successfully delegated to someone else?” Take your time and think about the details here. TRANSFER THIS INFORMATION to the person to whom you are delegating, answer their questions, and set a weekly meeting to review until you are confident they own the new items.

JENNA SPENCER is CEO of AssistPro, a business that offers tailored, U.S.-based, executive virtual assistant services for business coaches, entrepreneurs and visionaries to help them grow personally and professionally. “I am passionate about teaching delegation. After founding and scaling a company providing assistant services, I created Delegation Mastery. This process helps leaders gain freedom in their lives and growth in their businesses through the mastery of delegation.” To sign up for a course, visit delegationroadmap.com/join.