Issue 19
Street, Glastonbury
March 2013
& surrounding villages
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localreach Street & Glastonbury Editorial julie@localreach.co.uk
From the editor Welcome to the March issue of LocalReach. I can hardly believe that two months of 2013 have already passed – this year really is flying by. I am looking forward to the long Easter weekend at the end of March and also the clocks going forward on Sunday 31st March which should signal much welcome lighter, warmer days to come. There are plenty of ideas in this month’s issue to help you enjoy the early springtime including a selection of Mendip Rambler walks, charity fund-raisers for Red Nose Day on the 15th March and a busy programme at Strode Theatre. If you are a local club, don’t forget to send me your news so I can give you some free editorial in future issues – LocalReach is the ideal way to reach over 9,000 residents in Street, Glastonbury and the surrounding villages. Enjoy this issue! The Editor. LocalReach Community Editor julie@localreach.co.uk 11589-PKitchens A6 2pp 1 06/03/2012 9:35am Page 1 The deadline forLandscape_Layout the April issue is 15th March
Advertising sales@localreach.co.uk 01458 298278 Design Kristine Hatch khatch2@mac.com Leaflet Distribution distribution@localreach.co.uk 01458 298278 Disclaimer. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this magazine, we make no guarantee that the content will always be current, accurate or complete. We do not approve any of the services or products provided by advertisers in this magazine. Anyone using the products, services or advice from advertisers will need to carry out normal checks to make sure businesses are trustworthy and reliable. LocalReach Ltd 2013.
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Notice board
Mid Somerset Camera Club Street Parish Council The Mid Somerset Camera Club meets every Tuesday evening at the Tor Leisure Centre, Glastonbury at 8.00pm until approximately 10.00 pm from September until May. The group follows an organised and varied programme which includes tuition, visiting, speakers, practical sessions and competitions. Typically the Club holds several exhibitions every year. There is a varied programme planned over the coming weeks: • 5th March – Competition No 4 Self Portrait • 12th March – 7.30pm – Janet Haines – Widening Your Horizons • 19th March – Informal Evening • 26th March – Frances Underwood ‘Land of the Long and White Cloud’ and Janet Miles ‘Cold Places’ – two members will share their travel photography The Club is affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain through the Western Counties Photographic Federation. There are currently nearly 60 Members of varied age and ability joined by a common interest in photography. If you want to enjoy your photography in the company of other like-minded people, come and join. You can find out more by visiting the Club’s web site at www. midsomersetcameraclub.org.uk
Two parish councillors will be available to meet residents to discuss any local issue in the John Webster Room, Street Parish Rooms, 6 Leigh Road, Street from 11am – 12 noon on the first Thursday in each month. The next one will be on Thursday 7th March with Cllrs. Lloyd Hughes and Alan Copping. The April session will be on the 4th April with Cllrs. George Steer and Brian Perry
St Benedict’s Church March events St Benedict's Church Glastonbury are holding a Spring Concert featuring "The Avalonian Free State Choir" on Saturday March 23rd. 7.30pm. Tickets £5.00 on the door. For details ring 01458 835067. The Friends of Abbey House monthly talks on 'Spirituality in Glastonbury' begin again on Sunday March 17th at Abbey House Chilkwell St 7.30pm Admission £3.00.
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Local Expert PAGE
Musings from My Garden – By Martin Mudie Well, we’ve finally made it to March and regretfully I have to come out of hibernation. Still, there are many compensations in the garden. I always think it is as if nature has decided to end her winter’s sleep with a real flourish with all the leaves sprouting and the daffodils in full fig. But this can be a really good month to get on with preparations for the summer. Along with the flowers all those pesky weeds are beginning to grow and if you can start weeding now you will save yourself a great deal of work later on and as a rather portly gent I am all in favour of those new idea of energy conservation – mine mostly! Also in the garden centres you will notice a lot of new baby plants on sale. These can be real value for money and if you can find a frost free space on a window sill you can really have lovely bedding plants to put out in May. Finally, are you familiar with their lovely blue convolvulous? – the latin name is Ipomea ‘heavenly blue’. If you sow the seed now you can have a really lovely climber either in the ground or in a pot. A tip though. Try not to disturb the roots when transplanting and put some chicken manure pellets underneath as, like yours truly, they are very fond of their grub! Water well, and in a couple of months you will have flowers fit for a king. Happy gardening
The Methodist Church, Leigh Road Sunday Services from 10.30 am March 3rd: Roy Bryant 10th Wednesday Wives 17th Joint service at URC (Rev Tim Richards/Mrs. Janet Day) HC 24th Mrs. Janet Day - AAW (Palm Sunday) 31st - Rev.Colin Anderton HC (Easter) Women's World Day of Prayer will be held on Friday 1st March. Services at 2.30pm and 7pm, Mrs.Dorcas Hewish is the speaker Wednesday Wives - Wednesday March 13th at 7.30 pm- "Knit In." Monthly Coffee Morning - Saturday 16th March 10 - 12 noon. Messy Church - 20th March 3.30 -5 pm. Theme "Spring to Life". Babies and Toddlers - every Wednesday 2pm - 3.30 pm.
Occupational lenses (OPAL's) Many people spend the majority of their working day looking at computer screens and performing near vision tasks within the office environment. Away from the office we all tend to play with digital devices which may make our life more convenient yet place a far greater demand on our near visual system. This “gadget” overload on the visual system can give rise to symptoms of headache, neck ache, tired and stinging eyes. This is because optimal intermediate vision cannot be achieved with bifocal, varifocal or reading lenses, whereas they can with occupational lenses or OPALs. The short wavelength blue light emitted from electronic devices can also contribute significantly to eye fatigue. Lens manufacturers have responded by creating a range of computer orientated lenses(OPALs) with glare reduction coatings. These lenses have different features which can improve visual performance in both the work and recreational environments. Some are designed for the static screen user whilst others excel for the more dynamic office or recreational user. They all, however, offer an improved visual experience at
near focus with a gradual smooth reduction in power as the eye moves from the reading zone to the intermediate zone. OPALs offer wide and sharp vision at any point within the working environment allowing the wearer to see close up documents, the keyboard and the screen seamlessly . They can relieve back and neck pain associated with computer usage since they allow the wearer to maintain a comfortable posture when viewing the computer screen. OPALs are the perfect solution for people who spend long hours indoors and wish to maximise their near and intermediate vision. Although they were designed predominantly for the office environment, OPALs give sharp vision from near to a few metres, and therefore provide improved vision for recreational pursuits such as cooking, card playing and the reading of music. Your Optician should be able to discuss the benefits of these lenses with you and advise on the most suitable lens for your individual needs. Nikon’s “Home&Office”, “Online” and Shamir’s “Workspace” and “Office” lenses are but a few of the lenses on offer.
Clever dispensing for work and leisure
Consulting in Street for 24 years Adrian Springett (B.SC Hons MCOptom)
100 High St, Street. BA16 0EW 6
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Notice board
Local Expert PAGE
Street & Glastonbury Health Walks Street and Glastonbury health walking group are organising a series of short walks. Walking for Health is a national physical activity initiative for adults who currently do little or no physical activity and want to get a bit fitter with something simple like walking, or just want to make new friends. These walks will last approx. 1 hour and will be at a leisurely pace on easy surfaces. Starting at 2.00 pm and taking place on March 14th, March 28th, April 11th, April 25th, May 9th and May 23rd. For those of you that would like to something a bit more challenging there is a 2.5 mile walk on April 3rd over fields and stiles starting at 10.30 and a 3 mile walk to Compton Dundon also over fields and stiles, with the option of catching public transport back or walking the 3 miles back, on May 22nd at 10.30. Bring a packed lunch. All walks will start at Crispin Community Focus, Leigh Road, Street All walks are free and led by trained walk leaders, in a friendly relaxed atmosphere. The full printed programme covering all walks can be requested by telephoning (01823) 273084 or by visiting Crispin Community Focus. Details can also be found on Tone Leisure’s website at www.toneleisure. co.uk or on the Walking for Health website www.wfh. naturalengland.org.uk
Walton W.I. At Walton WI’s March meeting at 7.30pm on Thursday 14th March in Walton Village Hall, Clem and Val Pryer will be showing members/ visitors 'Traditional Narrow Boat Art' and the competition will be a 'Decorated Flower Pot'. As well as the ever popular raffle, there will be tea, coffee and biscuits available. New members and visitors are very welcome to join the group.
Holy Trinity Church, Walton There will be a Soup Morning and Bring and Buy Sale from 11.30am until 1.30pm on Saturday 23rd March in Walton Village Hall. Tea and cake will also be available. Proceeds will be in aid of the Holy Trinity Church, Walton. Everyone is welcome to join the event for delicious homemade soups.
Music at St John's Glastonbury Friday 8th March 7p.m. Millfield Preparatory School Choirs, Ensembles, Soloists Retiring Collection in aid of "CURE" Meningitis Charity and St John's Church.
When moving home, choose an expert solicitor who is local to you – by Jill Sinclair of Acorn Solicitors BUYING or selling a property can be one of the most stressful things you ever do. So choosing the right Solicitor who is experienced in Conveyancing can make the difference between a smooth transaction and a deal falling through. Our legal experts have been helping clients locally for decades and have secured membership of the Law Society’s Conveyancing Quality Scheme – the mark of excellence for the home buying process. Many firms advertise for Conveyancing services online or give cheap quotes. These are never as cheap as they sound, with hidden costs, and the firms will be
well out of the area and not able to be contacted easily. Acorn Solicitors are local to you and accessible on the High Street. We can see you in an evening or at home, if you cannot get into the office during normal office hours. We love using email and will always speak to you when you call or ring you back as soon as we can. We want to make your move as stress free as possible. For more information on Acorn and the legal services we provide call the Street Office on 01458 441507 or the Taunton Office on 01823 273010, or visit our website www.acornsolicitors.com
Are you looking for more business in 2013? We are a group of local business professionals in Wells and we are actively looking for more quality businesses to refer business to on a regular basis. If you are interested in meeting the group to see if its right for you please call us on 01749 649199 to arrange a visit, you will be assured a very warm welcome! The types of business types currently in our group are; Accountant, Independent Financial Advisor, Builder, Bookkeeping, Web Designer, Kitchen Fitter, Joiner, Business Coach, Electrician, Computer Support, Sign Maker & Video Production Services. Some of the business types we are looking for our group are; Printer, Solicitor, Graphic Designer, Mortgage Advisor, Photographer, Plumber, Painter and Decorator, Office Products, Bank, Security Systems, Travel Agent, Cleaner, General Insurance, Architect, Landscaper & Double Glazing.
Are you one of these businesses and looking for more business in 2013? Call us now on 01749 649199 to arrange a visit. 8
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Notice board
Weight management advice Did you know that it is entirely possible to maintain your perfect body weight without counting calories, or using portion control… or any kind of control at all. The trick is to be aware of and willing to accept your body. It is not a quick fix, but it really, truly works. Awareness means noticing how different foods and different ways of eating affect your body and mind. Notice both just after eating, and also later on and the next day. Look out for feeling tired, sluggish, achey or a change of mood, as well as obvious things like indigestion. Just start by being aware, don’t even think about giving anything up at first. Also, you must accept the weight you are at now. Yes I know that can be really difficult, but it is essential,
and your weight will change over time. Start to befriend you own body as it is today. Try to feel into it before you eat as well, and think about what foods it wants to be nourished with, which may well be different to what your mind is craving. If you do these things, you will break out of the diet /over-eating cycle. You will find you naturally start to eat less of foods that don’t make you feel good, and just cutting down in this way will cause your body to shed weight. That extra fat is a reaction against foods which are actually quite poisonous to your body. Optimum nutrition is actually highly personal… You need to really ‘own’ your own body and find out what works for it. More on Weight Management through Awareness in the next issue.
Women's World Day of Prayer Glastonbury Women's World Day of Prayer is a global, ecumenical movement of informed prayer and prayerful action, organised and led by Christian women who call the faithful together on the first Friday in March each year to observe a common day of prayer and who, in many countries, have a continuing relationship in prayer and service.
An event will be held on Friday March 1st in Glastonbury. 'FRANCE'. St Benedict's School; hopefully with some of the schoolchildren who study French. 2 p.m. Tea, coffee and refreshments after the service
Saturday 16 March 2013 ENROL NOW
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The VicToria Field Social Club
March eVenTS Friday 8Th March
Friday 15Th March
FREE Live Music and Entertainment in the Lounge with ‘Rick Avon’ from 8pm non members welcome. We will also be raising money for a Romanian Orphanage with a ‘Port and Stilton Supper’ starting at 7pm. Tickets for the supper available via the Victoria Club @ £2 per person.
We will be holding our monthly Quiz on Friday 15th March. 7.30 for an 8.00pm start. Teams of up to 6 @ £1pp entry. There is a LARGE CASH prize to be won. Non members welcome.
VicToria BaBy & Toddler Victoria Baby and Toddler group runs every Friday morning, we have lots of creative play opportunities, singing, arts and crafts and a soft play area for babies. New families are always welcome. We run from 10.00am to 11.30am. £1.50 a family including refreshments.
Friday 22nd March Hindhayes School are holding Quiz with a Fish & Chip Supper. All welcome, please contact the School by 15th March to place your food order. 01458-442978. neW MenBerShiP oFFer Our membership year does not start until 1st April 2013 but New Members could cash in on a few extra weeks FREE by joining now. Join now and you will not have to rejoin until April 2014. Please feel free to pick up a white form from the entrance hall or ring for more details.
We now have Free Wi-Fi available to members Follow us on Twitter – VicClub_Street or our Face Book page with events and promotions. For more details please phone
also available are cricket, indoor Bowls, outdoor Bowls, Tennis, Squash, Skittles, Bridge, croquet, Pigeon club, Weight Watchers, Pop in Mother and Baby group, Salsa & Tango classes, Bingo, Football and rounder’s.
www.victoriaclubstreet.com. Advertising & Leaflet delivery call LocalReach on 01458 298278.
Notice board
Notice Board
Safety First By age 16 you will have heard a great deal about how to keep yourself safe and well, but you will continue to experience new situations and there will be new safety issues to think about. With this in mind, Strode College held a `Safety Awareness Week` recently,
providing students with information about personal safety issues and advice on how to avoid or deal with them. Strode’s student support team organised a programme of events which ran throughout the week, including selfdefence lessons, first-aid demonstrations, advice about alcohol, drugs and road safety, and e-safety sessions with a particular focus on how to avoid or deal with inappropriate images or videos
being posted online. Rape awareness tutorial sessions will also be taking place facilitated by the Youth Project Co-ordinator for the Avon and Somerset Police. A cycle repair and ride scheme visited college during the week offering free cycle maintenance and repair for staff and students. A range of organisations, including Avon and Somerset Police, Somerset Road Safety and Somerset Rural Youth Moped Scheme, visited the College to provide information and advice to students who were reminded to put their safety first.
Glastonbury & Street Musial Comedy Society
Why not help others this March by giving blood. The next session will be held on Thursday 21st March -13.15 to 15.15 and 16.45 to 19.15 at Salvation Army Hall, Goswell Road, Street. To make an appointment call 0300 123 2323
Acorn Antiques: The Musical After their recent success with Aladdin, local award-winning Glastonbury & Street Musical Comedy Society are delighted to be bringing their next production, Acorn Antiques The Musical! to the Strode Theatre in April. Victoria Wood based the hilarious Acorn Antiques on the long running TV serial Cross Roads, exaggerating its apparent low production values, wobbly sets, over-acting and wildly improbable plots. It chronicles the lives and loves of the staff of an antiques shop and lampoons the staples of soap operas: love triangles, amnesiacs and siblings re-united. Wood's aim was to give people "a lovely, happy night in the theatre", and that is what you get: a sparkling musical with witty songs, dance and bags of comedy, seasoned with a smidgeon of adult humour!
St Benedict's Christmas Lunch Once again organisers held a very successful, enjoyable, free Christmas Day lunch in St Benedict's Church and over 140 people attended. The organisers would like to thank Local Reach readers who came forward and offered to help on the day by giving either their time, or donations of food or money. Everything was put to good use and much appreciated by all who came. Thank you from Sandra Booth, and the P.C.C.
Acorn Antiques is on at the Strode Theatre from 23-27 April at 7.30pm nightly, including a Saturday matinee, with tickets ranging in price from £12-£16 (concessions available). Book your seats now at www.strodetheatre. co.uk or on 01458 442846 Mrs Overall can't wait to see you there! More information available on the website www.gsmcs. org (follow the links from the homepage).
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International Women's Day 8th March This annual day is one that is fully supported by Oxfam as part of its efforts to improve the life and role of women around the world. Members of the local Mid Somerset Oxfam Group are joining the national activities and presenting a special event at Henton Village Hall, commencing at 7.30 pm. It will be a fun evening, with laughter provided by local Frome entertainer Muriel Lavender with her own brand of poetry and humour This will be supported by a short presentation on Oxfam's work with women.
Tickets will be £12,00 (including a ploughman's lunch and a glass of wine or soft drink) and should be purchased in advance from the Oxfam shops in Wells, Glastonbury and Frome or via the organisers for this event Celia Lacy 07909 665813 Pat Cousins 01749 670517 Trevor Skinner 07739 817136 Mid Somerset Oxfam Group held its first event in March 2011. It is a small group that seek to generate more local knowledge about Oxfam and of course fund raise.
The Street Society March Event My Varied Career from the Theatre to Nurseryman in Ashcott - A talk by Gilly Hayward formerly Senior Gardener at Highgrove. This talk takes place on Tuesday 26th March at 7.30pm in the Methodist Church Hall, Leigh Road. Light refreshments will be provided before the talk. Non members are welcome at a charge of £2.00 per head. For details of what the society does and how to join the society, which actively welcomes new members, visit www.streetsociety.org or ring 01458443881
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March highlights Wednesday 6th – Saturday 9th March STREET THEATRE presents CALENDAR GIRLS by Tim Firth The stage version of the hugely popular film. When Annie’s husband dies of leukaemia, she and best friend Chris resolve to raise money for a new settee in their hospital waiting room. They persuade four fellow WI members to pose nude for an ‘alternative’ WI calendar. When the success of their charitable venture spirals globally, Chris and Annie’s friendship is put to the test. Tickets £11, Wednesday concessions £10; 1-in-10 free. Strode Theatre, Street. 01458 442846. www.strodetheatre. co.uk Saturday 16th March SENSATIONAL SOUNDS OF THE ‘60S With TIM PITMAN, PAUL SALVAGE, HAYLEY ANN JAMES, THE MOONDOGS and THE BIG O’ BOY BAND performing the music of ROY ORBISON, DUSTY SPRINGFIELD, THE BEATLES, THE RIGHTEOUS BROTHERS, AND MANY MORE! A return of some of the best local artistes for an evening full of the iconic music from the decade that invented pop. Early booking is recommended for this fundraising show for Strode Theatre which opened in 1963. Tickets £15, including free raffle. Strode Theatre, Street. 01458 442846. www.strodetheatre.co.uk Tuesday 19th March STEPHEN VENABLES: THE EVEREST STORY Everest mountaineer Stephen Venables marks the 60th anniversary of the first ascent of Everest with an illustrated talk celebrating the history of this iconic mountain, from the first attempt in 1921, to Hillary’s and Tenzing’s triumph in 1953, to today’s controversial commercial expeditions. In 1988 Venables, pioneering a new route up the gigantic East Face with three companions, reached the summit alone, without supplementary oxygen - the first Briton to do so. Tickets £14.50, concs £12.50. Strode Theatre, Street. 01458 442846. www.strodetheatre.co.uk Wednesday 27th March OPERA AUSTRALIA CINEMA SEASON MADAM BUTTERFLY Puccini’s Madam Butterfly is one of the world’s favourite operas, and this is one of Opera Australia’s most celebrated productions, directed by Moffatt Oxenbould and starring Hiromi Omura and James Egglestone. Lieutenant Pinkerton has just arrived in Nagasaki. His local fixer, Goro, has rented a house for him, and hired staff. All that is missing is a little wife to come home to. Goro knows a girl. Her name is Butterfly… Tickets £14.50, concs £12.50. Strode Theatre, Street. 01458 442846. www.strodetheatre.co.uk 14
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Unpack your life to waste less
By Nick Cater, Senior Communications Office at Somerset Waste Partnership Excessive packaging annoys many people but there is a lot we can do about it, and many companies are changing their ways. Average families buy three tonnes of packaged products a year, according to national statistics sourced by Somerset’s Green Routine waste prevention campaign. Every item needs some protection on its journey from producer to the consumers of Street, Walton, Ashcott or Glastonbury. Firms are helping, with efforts to reduce, simplify or change their packaging, under a voluntary agreement known as the Courtauld Commitment. But millions of tonnes of packaging are thrown away or recycled each year, as is far too much of the contents, especially food and drink. Of course, around 75% of Somerset households’ packaging – clean paper, cardboard, food and drink cans, aerosols, foil, glass bottles and jars, and plastic bottles – can be put in kerbside recycling boxes. And drinks cartons can be taken to most recycling sites, including Street, Dulcote near Wells, Highbridge and Yeovil. Between the waste of sending useful materials to landfill via your refuse bin and the green hierarchy of “reduce, reuse, recycle”, the very best option is to cut back where possible on packaging. That is why March’s Green Routine theme is packaging and what you can do about it, with hints and tips on the Somerset Waste Partnership website.
Try these ideas to help “unpackage” your life: • Avoid products with excess or hard-torecycle packaging (unless it helps fresh foods last longer). • Share that BOGOF deal with a friend or freeze one for later so a bargain does not become a waste. • Try lower-waste options in refillable, reusable, concentrated or bulk buy products. • Recycle all you can at the kerbside or recycling site; reuse packaging, if possible. As well as packaging, the year-long Green Routine 2013 campaign has monthly themes – from food to clutter – to help us all cut waste and save money while having fun. It is easy and takes very little time to pick the themes that could work best for you and check your progress to see the savings. For anyone in Glastonbury, Ashcott, Walton or Street who wants to find out more, there is full information about Green Routine 2013 on the Somerset Waste Partnership website at www.somersetwaste.gov.uk. At the Green Routine page, your can sign up for monthly emails packed with free hints, tools, and links to help you and your family save money, time and resources by cutting back on waste throughout the year. And for those keen and able to do a bit more, there is free training in Highbridge on 22 Match and Glastonbury on 23 March in ways to help families save £50 a month by cutting food waste – full details on the website.
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Volunteering Opportunity
Somerset Chamber recognises Strode College Support for local business
Mendip Community Support incorporating the Mendip & Sedgemoor Volunteer Centre require a Volunteer Administrator to cover the Street/Glastonbury area Duties include: Providing a volunteering brokerage service Promote volunteering opportunities in the area General admin duties including updating the database
The Somerset Chamber of Commerce has awarded Strode College a certificate of achievement to recognise the College’s commitment
Must be: Computer literate Confident meeting people in person and speaking on the phone Reliable Able to work from the Shepton Mallet or Bridgwater office Please contact Rachel or Louise for more information 9a Market Place, Shepton Mallet Somerset, BA4 5AZ Tel: 01749 34 68 30 Email: mcsupport@mbzonline.net www.mendipcommunitysupport.org.uk to developing and supporting local businesses over the last ten years. Strode College is one of the Chamber’s longest serving members. The College’s Business Development team works with businesses of any size or location to improve the performance of individual staff members and the business overall. They do this by delivering training and development to meet business requirements, including creating tailor-made training to address specific local issues. Graham Knight, Head of Business Development at the Strode said: “I am delighted to accept this acknowledgement of our long term commitment to the Chamber movement and the business community. A strong local and county Chamber are good for business in Somerset. I believe the strength of the Chambers will be heightened over the coming years with the strong endorsement of the movement by the last Heseltine Review which puts the Chambers at the centre of many business initiatives.” 16
Children meet Barn Owl Children from Ashcott Primary School received a visit from a beautiful Barn Owl recently. Chris Sperring MBE, conservation officer for the Hawk and Owl trust and Vice President of Somerset Wildlife Trust talked to the children about owls in Britain and brought along Beau the Barn Owl to meet them. Each class at the school have been finding out about local birds as part of their shared topic with their new link school ‘Yueyang Tower Primary School’ in Yueyang, China. The children will be sharing their work with the Chinese school and finding out about local wildlife in China too. This visit from Chris and Beau was particularly interesting for Owls Class who have found out all about owls as part of a class topic this year. Chris talked to the children and staff about the community barn owl project which aims to get a barn owl box in each of Somerset’s 335 parishes. “Winter can be a tough time for a lot of wildlife, not least the barn owl whose numbers plummet more during harsh weather than at any other time¬ - as food and nesting sites are even more scarce than usual. With up to 80 per cent of barn owls now nesting in man-made boxes we need to get more boxes up across Somerset and provide more of the habitat barn owls need.”
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Ski trip prepares students for successful careers that our students are well placed to compete for highly sought after public services jobs and to take on the challenges of higher level study. We do this by teaching a mix of theory and practical activities to prepare students for a range of situations & careers. “Skiing and snowboarding require excellent personal skills such as communication, leadership and team working, and high levels of fitness. Also, students need to be well prepared to deal with any situations that might arise on the slopes – skiing is an adventure sport so there are risks involved. The ski trip is a good opportunity to put those skills into practice. It was great to see how responsible our students are; they have fun but they work hard and achieve exceptional results.”
Forty students from Strode College’s Public Services courses enjoyed the thrills and spills of the Italian ski slopes recently, where they showed their teachers just how well prepared they are - for fun and for their future careers. Strode teaches three different Public Services courses, providing students with the opportunity to progress through the courses to extend their knowledge and skills to a higher level for management roles: Level 2 Diploma, Level 3 Extended Diploma, and a Foundation Degree in Managing in the Public Sector Services. Students from all courses joined the skip trip. Maurice Holdstock, Public Services Course Manager at Strode said: “We want to make sure
St Margarets Hospice News If you would like one of the charity’s Community Fundraisers to pop along to your group or club and give a free talk on the Hospice give Gill a call on 0845 345 9671.
Forthcoming events include: March 9th Charity Football matchTaunton Town v Wimborne Town kick off 3pm at Taunton Town Football Club. March 18th Charity Night at the Swan Theatre Yeovil, ‘Play on’ by
Rick Abbott tickets £9. April 19-20-21st ‘Dubs at the Mill’ a must for all VW fans at Haselbury Mill Nr Crewkerne, Weekend camping tickets £25 or day tickets £5 to book www. scrumpydubbers.co.uk
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Notice Board
Mendip Ramblers March 2013 Walks March events Except where another contact is given – for further information call the Assembly rooms on 01458 834677. Nervous Performers Club 04, 11 and 25 March Relaxed environment for people wishing to improve their performance and stage skills. This will be working towards a live concert on 24th May 2013. There will be various seasoned performers giving advice and talking about their experiences. To be held on a weekly basis in the Assembly rooms Cafe 7:30 – 9:30. Entrance £3. Contact details Tim/Vivienne 07540111707 Shamanic Drumming 6th, 20th and 27th March Drumming Workshop – every Wednesday in the Main Hall. Starts at 7:30 till 9:30pm (Doors open at 7pm) with Lydia Lyte £8 entry or £7 concessions. For further information please call 01458 834677
Massage. Tarot Readings. Knitwear. Jewellery. Health Products. Gift items. Handmade items. Contact Dorothy 07592496266 for table availability; or Vivienne 07540111707 for arranging selling your 2nd hand clothing etc on the community Stand Robin Williamson 19 March 2013 8:00pm. Robin Williamson, born in Edinburgh, is a multi instrumentalist musician, singer, songwriter and storyteller, who first made his name as a founder member of the ‘Incredible String Band’. His style incorporates folk, jazz, renaissance, classical and Eastern influences. See more info at pigswhiskermusic.co.uk Tickets available from the Bristol Ticket Shop on 0117 929 9008
Spring Equinox Community Celebration 21st March 2013 8:00pm An evening of Pink Floyd and David Gilmour The Assembly Rooms Community Events will performed by Perfect Alibi be celebrating the balance of light and dark. 9 March 8:00pm. A Perfect Alibi concert brings At this equinox, the earth energy of winter Registered in England & Wales as an Industrial & Provident Society, No. 27410R professional musicianship, an amazing lighting changes to the lightness of spring. Sap begin show and a whole evening of your favourite to rise; new buds and blossom and the breeze Pink Floyd and David Gilmour music. begins to call to us of warmer days. Contact Vivienne for Floor Spots 07540111707 Bardic Circle 12 March 8:00pm Poetry by Candlelight A chance to share songs, stories and poetry, In the relaxing atmosphere of the Assembly in an informal and supportive atmosphere; Rooms Cafe, Amanda Earthwren is starting up or just come and enjoy the inspiration and her popular “Poetry by Candlelight” monthly creativity provided by the Bards of Gorsedh event on the 26th of March. For all those poets Ynys Witrin. All Welcome; admission by Magic and poetry lovers, this event will be held every Hat donation. last Tuesday of the month. For more info call Amanda on 07594440949 Market and Artisan’s Bazaar 19 and 26 March. The Assembly Rooms Indoor CAR BOOT Community Events will be holding their regular 31st March 2013. Start Time: Sellers 10am Tuesday Bazaar which opens at 11am until Buyers 11am. Browse at your leisure, without 4pm. It is a very colourful and welcoming the fear of getting wet ! event with many local artists, secondhand and 25 Stands. Entrance Fee: Sellers £5 (Tables £1) Vintage items including some choice unusual Buyers 50p. For Further Information contact one off items of clothing. Secondhand books. Vivienne on 07540 111707
Advertising & Leaflet delivery call LocalReach on 01458 298278.
Times, distances, meeting places and contact details for walks this month organised by the Mendip Ramblers are detailed below: Sunday 3rd March – 10am - Harridge Wood, Fosse Way, Ashwick, Chilcompton Distance 12.5 miles. Meet: Stratton-on-the-Fosse Village Hall. Contact Suzanne on 07875 839010
Thursday 14th March – 10am - Wedmore-Mudgley area Distance 6 miles. Meet: Wedmore Playing Fields, Blackford Road. Contact David & Hilary on 01458 442081
Sunday 3rd March – 2pm - Frome Rights of Way walk: Bradford on Avon Distance 6 miles. Meet: Bradford on Avon, Moulton Drive (end nearest canal). Contact Eric on 01373 812605
Sunday 17th March – 10am - Linear hilly walk from Charterhouse to Wells along Mendip escarpment. Using car shuttle system Distance 12 miles. Meet: Wells, Ash Lane at Mendip Way path. Contact Brian U on 01749 672457
Thursday 7th March – 10am - Castle Cary circular Distance 6 miles. Meet: Castle Cary, Millbrook Gardens car park. Contact Dave D on 01963 351077 Sunday 10th March – 10am - Glastonbury circular Distance 10 miles. Meet: Glastonbury, Bretenoux Road. Contact Janet on 01458 835238
Sunday 17th March – 2pm - Ashwick, Tape Hill, T'other Side the Hill Distance 4.5 miles. Meet: Oakhill, Village Hall. Contact Doreen on 01749 840271 Thursday 21st March – 10am - Zeals area Distance 6.5 miles. Meet: Zeals Village Hall car park and surrounding roads. Contact Mary & Maggie
on 01373 474530 Sunday 24th March – 1.30pm - Stratton-on-theFosse, Home Wood, the lost village of Fernhill Distance 6 miles. Meet: Stratton-on-the-Fosse Village Hall. Contact Val & Trevor L on 01761 232311 Thursday 28th March – 10am - Temple Cloud, Cameley&Hallatrow. One hill Distance 6 miles. Meet: Temple Cloud, Temple Inn Lane, near A37 end of lane. Contact Eric on 01373 812605 Sunday 31st March – 10am - Blagdon Lake, Ubley, Compton Martin Distance 10 miles. Meet: Chew Valley Lake, Heron's Green car park on west side. Contact Richard & Lisa on 01749 672373
For full details about the Ramblers, and for information about individual walks, use the contact numbers quoted or visit www.mendipramblers. co.uk Advertising & Leaflet delivery call LocalReach on 01458 298278.
Notice board
Local Business A – Z Dance Classes
Gypsy Belly Dance class
March Events Boxing Event
1st March, Shepton Mallet Leisure Centre Up and coming fighters will take to the ring at Shepton Mallet Leisure Centre on Saturday 1st March and is set to be an event for all the family. Girls as well as boys will be showcasing their skills and boxing talent. Time: 7.00pm to 10.00pm Cost: £10 adults, £5 children Contact: Sue Hockey on 01749 346644
Red Nose Day Charity Spinathon
15th March, Glastonbury Leisure Centre 45 minute spinning sessions - open to businesses, clubs, and individuals to book into time slots. All proceeds to Red Nose Day. Cost: all donations to Red Nose Day
Time: 9.00am to 10.00pm Contact: Emily Brown on 01458 830090
Easter Extravaganza Open Morning
29th March, Castle Sports Centre, Taunton An Easter themed fun morning at Castle Sports Centre. A range of different Easter themed activities, including Easter Egg Hunt, arts, crafts, games, inflatable play and much, much more. Our action packed morning will be bursting with fun and energy and guaranteed to keep boredom at bay! Parents welcome to stay or drop children off and let them enjoy the fun!. Time: 10.00am – 12.00pm Cost: £3 per child Contact: Ben Ellis on 01823 322934
Welcome to our Local Business A - Z Builders
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Funeral Directors
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Garden Services
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Highly skilled and knowledgeable gardener with over 20 years of experience. Excellent references and fully insured. For a friendly, reliable and no nonsense service, please ring David for a free, no obligation visit.
Tel: 07941 557007 or 01458 834873
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Local Business A – Z
Local Business A – Z Property Maintenance
Painters & Decorators
Neil ChaNt
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Television Aerials
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Yoga in Street. Every morning and some evenings Small gentle classes. Helpful, personal tuition. 01458 447759 / 07807 534616 / yoga-jo.co.uk
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