Phoenix Edition
issue 3 NOV 2013
awesome cookie company
restaurant watch the clever koi lawless denim opens in cityscape 1 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
office furniture with modern flare / heckler Design rekindling the spirit of craftsmanship portsmith co. taking concrete to the next level / slab haus artist spotlight justin queal city of dreams enter the chaos randy slack presents chaos theory 14 Bike share program offers transit riders additional transportation options
2 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
what’s inside | november 1st, 2013 Localrevibe digital magazine Issue 3 | November 2013
furniture with a modern flare dean heckler / heckler design
restaurant watch the clever koi on central
rekinling the spirit of craftsmanship portsmith co.
taking concrete to the next level slab haus
state bicycle co. by kimberly gunning
Published by Localrevibe Media Network, LLC. Design & Layout Kronos Creative of Phoenix Creative Director Chris Kontakis Contributors Kimberly Gunning Morgan Tanabe Nicole Royse Katie Snyder Alexa Chrisbacher Got a story idea? Looking to advertise in Localrevibe? Contact us for more information. 480 336 2507
21 24
artist spotlight justin queal city of dreams this could be phx
awesome cookie company
bikeshare program offerce transit riders additions options
enter the chaos randy slack presents chaos theory 14
Please visit our corporate information site at For general inquiries, please email Localrevibe Media Network, LLC. 2828 N. Central Ave. 13th Floor, Phoenix, Arizona 85004 Phone 480 336 2507 Š All rights reserved. Material contained in this publication may not be
lawless denim opens in downtown cityscape
3 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior permission of Localrevibe Media Network, LLC.
4 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
Office Furniture with Modern Flare by morgan tanabe photos by jill richards & chris kontakis A furniture company inspired by modern-day technology began as a personal endeavor for founder Dean Heckler. After hunting for the perfect space-saving computer desk, Heckler sat down to design his own. His demand for sophisticated simplicity served as the catalyst for $4 million-per-year operation that it is today. Phoenix-based Heckler Design launched in 2008 and has since created an assortment of contemporary office furniture, tablet stands and point-of-sales hardware for retail customers. Made of steal to create a slick, and attractive look, Heckler believes achieving the quality and aesthetic of his products has led to his success with customers.
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Previously, “Small businesses had no choice in what their point-of-sales hardware looked like,” Heckler says. “A cash drawer with a big touch screen, a jumbled mess of wires... it is now all changing. People don’t want to pay for boring. With a cool cash drawer the price sensitivity vanishes and people are willing to pay for it.” The company relies on local vendors around the Valley to manufacture their products. From Scottsdale to downtown Phoenix, Heckler utilizes resources from all over Arizona. “Everything we make, we make in town,” Heckler says. “When I started making the desk for myself, I discovered that you can make these things in Phoenix.” According to Heckler, Phoenix is home to a large manufacturing base. “We have the machinery and technology in town for fabricating these products,” Heckler says. “It is not turned to, to make something that is for consumer or commercial use. But there is enough availability at these companies.” Launched on the first day the MacBook Air was announced, blogs and retail sites captured the technology along side the OneLessDesk furniture. While many people were looking to downsize their clutter during a rough economy, Heckler Design made it an easy transition while still maintaining the modernism society still sought to showcase. “When Apple blogs had my desk next to the MacBook Air, I took a lot of preorders and shipped them out a couple months later. Gradually the business grew,” Heckler says. “When the iPad came out I used the same resources for the iPad stand in heavy steel. Then I focused on designing the WindFall and it was a big hit.”
The Phoenix native attended Arizona
design for me. People were asking me if I
State University and received his bach-
could make other ones for them.”
elor’s degree in marketing and management. Before the success of Heck-
The business has already been deemed
ler Design, Heckler worked for a start-up
a success, and Heckler is looking to move
software company straight out of college
to a larger space this fall.
before deciding to begin his own. “It is really is going to be a lab for us to get After eight years of managing his own
good at running a warehouse,” Heckler
software company he closed the busi-
says. “We will grow out of that space re-
ness in 2007. While working from home,
ally quick.”
Heckler was inspired to design his desk and his idea for a new business venture
Heckler Design’s new 6,000-square foot
was created.
headquarters will be located in the former O.S. Stapley Hardware building on
“I had consolidated down to a notebook
Grand Avenue. The front half of the build-
at the time so I didn’t have the need for a
ing will display products and serve as an
big desk,” Heckler says. “I came up with
office space for the six full-time employ-
the idea for a desk that was just two in-
ees. The back of the building will serve as
dependent pieces made of either wood
a warehouse for the products.
or steel. I made phone calls around town to have it made for myself. I finally found
After two years in the new space, Heckler
a local company who could build the
plans to open a retail floor in the building.
6 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
7 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
restaurant watch
The Clever Koi
Restaurant Opening Late November 8 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
Former Parlor Pizzeria Chefs Jared Porter
Arizona, where he held leadership roles
and Joe Absolor to open modern Asian
Chow Bella,Desert Living, AZ Vines & Wines
at Sam Fox’s Modern Steak and Culinary
concept The Clever Koi in Central Phoe-
and Phoenix Magazine. Most recently he
Dropout and the Mondrian in Scottsdale.
nix in late November. These nationally-ac-
was recognized as one of the ‘Best Chefs
From managing restaurants and planning
claimed chefs partner with co-owners
progressive high-profile events to creating
Joshua James (Beverage Director) and
inviting atmospheres he combined lux-
Nicholas Campisano (General Manager)
“The culinary arts have become my one
ury service with high-quality ingredients.
to create a recipe for success this fall.
true creative outlet and it is time for us to
These experiences led him to The Parlor
The Clever Koi is a modern take on a tra-
give that creativity its own voice,” said
Pizzeria, where he met Porter, James and
ditional Asian concept that delivers a
Chef Absolor. “If you would have asked
Absolor and will now be creating a na-
unique approach to classic flavors and
me four years ago if I would be right here
tional destination with The Clever Koi.
techniques. A seasonally and locally re-
- right now opening up a creative con-
fined menu that will include steamed
cept of my own in Phoenix I would have
“We’re not only focused on featuring
buns, house made dumplings and pro-
laughed at you in disbelief. I am humbled
a one-of-a-kind menu and a highly-re-
gressive noodle dishes reflecting regions
and grateful.”
garded cocktail program, but an overall
such as Thailand, Korea, China, Vietnam,
experience that will put The Clever Koi
Japan and Indo-China. This comfortable
Native of Spokane, Chef Joe Absolor
on the culinary map,” said Campisano.
urban setting will feature craft cocktails
changed career paths in 2007 and fol-
“The atmosphere, the people, the smells,
on tap, house made shrubs, eclectic im-
the tastes - it all creates a feeling that our
ported beers and sakes to round out the
guests won’t soon forget; that is my pas-
palate creating a unique dining experi-
sion, that is what inspires me and that is
ence in the Central Phoenix Corridor.
why our guests are my top priority.”
“We wanted to do something innovative
“Inspirational and artful,” said Joshua
and provide something that was not cur-
James. “That is how I describe our con-
rently represented in our community,” said
cept. Not only should a restaurant be a
Chef Porter. “My philosophy is to elevate
place to eat, but it should be a place
food not tamper with high quality ingre-
that inspires patrons every time they walk
dients and flavor combinations. We cook
lowed his true passion by enrolling in Le
through the door. That is my goal. That is
for the people as if we were cooking for
Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in
what I aim to achieve.”
our families - from the heart - and let the
Scottsdale. He began his artful culinary
food speak for itself.”
career at Prado at the Montelucia find-
Native to North Central Phoenix, James
ing motivation and solidarity under former
was compelled to be creative during his
Native Arizonan Jared Porter, most re-
Noca Sous Chef Logan Stephenson. As
tenure with Karl Kopp at AZ/88. While mas-
cently tenured as Executive Chef of The
an opening team member for The Parlor
tering the art of the classic cocktail he un-
Parlor Pizzeria, began his culinary career
Pizzeria, Absolor was quickly promoted to
derstood that restaurants were more than
at age 15 enrolling at the East Valley In-
sous chef under the guidance and direc-
just a place to grab a quick bite - they
stitute of Technology’s (EVIT) culinary arts
tion of Jared Porter, laying the foundation
were an opportunity to engage. As bar
program. Completing the program on full
for a prosperous and creative career in
manager of The Parlor Pizzeria, James had
scholarship and graduating from The Art
the local food culture.
built one of the most innovative beverage
Institute of Phoenix he dove headfirst into
programs in Phoenix - a place where food
the Arizona food culture, with positions
A Tucson native, partner Nicholas Camp-
and drink co-exist in unison and harmony.
at Phoenix locales such as Vincent’s, Mi-
isano made a name for himself in the
His recipes have been featured in local
chael’s, La Grande Orange, Fiamma Trat-
southern California food and beverage
magazines such as Phoenix Magazine,
toria, Asia de Cuba and Olive & Ivy before
scene, where he owned and operat-
Phoenix New Times, AZCentral and Desert
ultimately polishing his craft at The Parlor
ed a number of highly regarded new-
Pizzeria. Garnering national acclaim and
age lounges along the California coast.
recognition for his recipes, his work has
Known for his refined style, quality of ser-
been featured both nationally and
vice and a pulse on all things entertain-
locally in
ment, Campisano took his skill set back to
9 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
10 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
Rekindling the Spirit of Craftsmanship Portsmith Co. by ashley brand
When Portsmith Co. founders Adam and Wendy Leidhecker began a Kickstarter campaign in 2012, they did not immediately foresee the success of their craft-made based company and the community involvement that would ensue. Constructed out of a need, the products that Portsmith creates are hand-crafted by local Arizona metal smiths, wood smiths, and seamstresses. The CNCH (Carry Necessity: Card Holder) wallet by Portsmith was designed to eliminate the “large, George Castanza wallet,” as Adam aptly states. “It just solves a problem. I mean, when I started carrying my CNCH I hardly even knew it was in my pocket,” he continues. Made from an oak, birch, or walnut backbone with an elastic cardkeeper, the CNCH is built to last while holding all the monetary essentials. The second product Portsmith offers is a bottle opener that is sure to be a conversation starter. Named after the fulcrum action of opening a beer bottle, the credit card sized Fulcro is made from stainless steal and stamped with their signature anvil brand mark. “Things wear out,” Adam says, “We want to try to continue to continuously improve [them]. We do want to make products that last and are cherished and well loved (...) my hope is that our Fulcro bottle opener is something that perhaps a father could hand down to his son.” In the spirit of creating lasting products comes the responsibility of the skilled tradesmen that have helped Portsmith Co. along their journey and the sense of community that allows. Adam says, “[we’re] not only crafting beautiful products ourselves with the aide of local craftsmen. [We] just keep people employed and their skills alive and then make something we can really be proud of.” Through social media applications such as Instagram Portsmith Co. customers clearly share in that pride as Portsmith Co. products can be purchased online at and the community movement of Arizona-made, hand-crafted products can be followed through Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
11 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
12 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
Taking concrete to the next level by kimberly gunning photos by chris kontakis
For creatives, an artistic nature is a part of their DNA—an inherent need to design, invent or create. From graphic design to concrete artistry, Brandon Boetto’s career path has followed suit of that lifestyle. Owner of SlabHaus, Boetto is breaking into the niche market of concrete artistry with his functional, hand-poured creations. Working along side of architects and interior designers, he is fulfilling a passion for design while helping to complete custom homes and businesses with hand-made concrete sinks, countertops, benches and lighting fixtures, among other requests. In Boetto’s pre-SlabHaus days, his background in graphic design led him to a career with Blue Media, where he worked in the graphics department and then the marketing department for over eight years. Although the outlet for creative design was there, Boetto explained, “I was just lacking something in my life and I needed to work with my hands more.” “I’ve always had a fascination with good design work,” he said. He explains he would frequent architectural blogs for inspiration and eventually stumbled upon a concrete sink made by a local artist. “I was blown away because I didn’t realize what you could do with concrete nowadays.” Boetto learned that the artist of the concrete sink taught classes in Tempe. “I was so intrigued by it, I just kind of dove in head first to learn as much as I could about it,” he explained.
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After his first class, he quickly turned his garage into a makeshift studio and began experimenting with sinks and countertops for his own home. Continuing his career with Blue Media, Boetto noted, “It was always just a hobby on the back burner.” With each hand-poured piece of art, the custom designs must be created and the forms built, using wood, fiberglass or fabric forming before the concrete is poured. The type of concrete used for these custom pieces is not the average sidewalk concrete mix, but instead, a mixture of five to seven different chemicals. “It’s artwork.” Every piece is different from the next, Boetto ex-
it’s artwork. every piece is different from the next.
plains, “which is what I love about it.” Eventually realizing that there was a market for this kind of product, Boetto began creating pieces for his friends. When the garage space became too small and neighbors began to complain, he moved his shop into a studio in Tempe. Two years after taking on the hobby inside his garage, Boetto made the decision to leave his position at Blue Media in order to pursue SlabHaus fulltime. Blue Media’s continued support and encouragement of Boetto helped him to move into a larger studio at the beginning of October, once his previous lease had run out. Thanks to his marketing experience, Boetto is well equipped to grow his business and he is hoping to find a couple people who share the same passion to join the SlabHaus team around the beginning of 2014. Although he will always maintain a handon approach to the business and the concrete designs, he is excited for the opportunity to take a step back and focus on building the company’s following. He says he wants to “find great clients that know the value of the product and love it for what it is.” Boetto understands the challenge with this because of the misconception of what all concrete is thought to be. But with the hours of work that go into each project, the unique and functional potential that exists and unlimited color options, “People who get it really love it.”
14 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
15 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
photo by Jeffrey M Olsen
Living the Lifestyle of State Bicycle Co.
by kimberly gunning
State Bicycle Co., a Tempe-based fixed-
with friend Eric Ferguson, created the
The problem was, these bikes were not
gear and track bicycle company, has
company in 2008 based on what they
easy to get their hands on. Mehdi said,
been making international waves in the
liked and what they noticed their friends
“All the bikes that I really, really liked—
industry with their quality, hand-selected
had interest in purchasing. “We were all
they were $1,000, $1,500, maybe $2000.
products. Valley residents in the casual
kind of naturally drawn to the clean aes-
You couldn’t go to a bike shop down the
biking scene have likely run across these
thetic and beautiful look of that [fixed-
road and pick up a fixed-gear off the
stylish and functional bikes, quickly filling
gear style of bike],” Mehdi explained.
“Fixed gear bikes were really big among
Mehdi explained that, for consumers
graphic designers, photographers—a lot
who wanted to purchase a quality fixed
The three owners of State Bicycle Co.,
of creatives,” Mehdi said, which encom-
bike, it required ordering the frame from
brothers Mehdi Farsi and Reza Farsi along
passed the circle he was running in.
one manufacturer, the gears from an-
with envy because of how sleek and full of character they are.
16 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
other and so on, without any guarantee
Here in the Valley, State Bicycle Co. has
direction in order to appeal to as many
that all parts were going to be compat-
its own retail location on 7th Street and
people as possible and provide, “any-
ible with one another. Why spend so
Virginia, which opened in May. Their
thing you need to live the State Bicycle
much money and time on something
products can also be found at Tempe
Co. lifestyle.”
that may not work out?
Bicycle, Scottsdale’s FASTER, PHX BIKE in Phoenix and The Bicycle Cellar in Tem-
His favorites? Mehdi says he is currently
pe, among other locations.
riding the El Toro frame and is a big fan of both the City Bike Domingo and the
State Bicycle Co. is collaborating with
top-of-the-line Undefeated.
local companies on a couple new bike lines in their City Bike collection, including a line of retro bikes which will be available in Sprouts Farmers Market and a Four Peaks Brewing Company line—fully equipped with beer-transportation abilities. Two Arizona specialties to keep on the radar! The idea to begin the company was encouraged by Ferguson and Mehdi’s
This Arizona-born-and-grown idea be-
brother. All three resided in the Valley
gan with one fixed-gear style of bike
and previously worked together at a
available in seven color options. In just
furniture imports company. Needless to
five years, the company has gained a
say, they haven’t looked back since.
following of well over 410,000 Facebook likes on an international level. Grow-
“We hand selected all the factories that
ing with demand, the company now
we work with,” says Mehdi. State Bicycle
offers a wider variety of bikes and has
Co. works with about 20 different man-
branched out into lifestyle products, in-
ufacturing companies, including a few
cluding clothing and accessories. Mehdi
that are U.S. based, in order to purchase
says they would like to continue in that
top-quality pieces. Everything is shipped to their assembly warehouses—either in Tempe or the U.K.—where the bikes are carefully constructed. “That differentiates us from our competitors,” Mehdi says, as other companies order from generic bike factories, in China or elsewhere, paint it and put a logo on it. “I think we do it the right way. The quality kind of speaks for itself.” The second warehouse was opened in the U.K. to help alleviate high shipping costs from the many European orders the company receives. “We have customers pretty much everywhere,” Mehdi says, and two warehouses allow State Bicycle Co. to fulfill orders in the 30 to 40 different countries they receive them from.
17 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
photo by Jeffrey M Olsen
photo by Jeffrey M Olsen
18 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
photo by Shawn K Bennet 19 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
20 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
artist spotlight
Justin Queal
Capturing Energy In Art by morgan tanabe photos by chris kontakis
21 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
Art in Phoenix continues to bloom. No longer exclusively known for its dry heat and bleak landscapes, downtown Phoenix is sprouting an art scene and Justin Queal is the pioneer paving the way. The Phoenix based sculptor and painter has created quite the name for himself. Most recently famous for his murals at Squid Ink Sushi, Queal masterfully entwines colors to create a dizzying display of truly unique art. Through intricate textures and highlights, Queal brings a sense of drama into each piece he creates. What started as a “leap of faith” in 1997 has evolved into a movement with a passionate following. While working on Mill Avenue years ago, Queal found a gig live painting at a jazz and blues club. After immediate success and positive feedback he quickly earned a noteworthy spot in the Phoenix art scene. Doing live paintings is difficult skill to have. While many artists walk tentatively up to the easel with a singular idea, Queal took a unique approach. “I would set up next to the band and start working,” Queal explains. “You can feel the energy through live performances and you channel that energy into the work.” After trying his hand at live painting, Queal’s artistic sense erupted. He is able to construct loud works of art by channeling the environment around him. Most significantly, he is able to take a simple piece and transform it into a work of genuine originality. During a live painting “I get bored if I have a concept in mind already,” Queal says. “If I go into the space and don’t have something I pull it out of the feel of the moment. It is really exciting and it puts on a pressure that builds and builds until all of a sudden you start running free with it and people (watching) feel that too.” It has been 16 years since the artist’s humble beginning. He recently earned the spotlight in “Phoenix New Times” and Arizona
22 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
Foothills Magazine” proving his art resonates with Valley residents. While media attention has been beneficial to his success, his biggest accomplishment is his contribution to Phoenix’s emerging art scene. “Art is a funny thing when you put value to it,” Queal says. “The key to succeeding though is creating value. We all crave value.” For Queal, valuable art is the experience it brings to others. Conveying his surroundings through his art is the difference between a mediocre and exquisite piece of work. “You can make a magical home experience by creating something that brings good energy into an environment. I try to articulate the unseen energy,” Queal says. His inspirations do not end there. Women are really what make Queal tick. “One thing I always gravitate back to is the beauty of women,” he says passionately. “I like to pick women as a subject matter because beautiful women are one of the highest experiences we have. It gives me this high ceiling to bring beauty into the world and if you do it well, it will feel like a beautiful woman.” Queal is a rare artist of his kind. His timeless pieces and his ability to tap into his senses set a distinct scene others would be unable to explore without his vision. Find out more at
23 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
City of Dreams Community Awareness Group key to urban renaissance in the Valley
Imagine downtown Phoenix--its streets
owner of Sukha Creative, a consulting
and buildings with even more amenities,
and design business, embraced an idea
shopping, living spaces and foot traffic
that would create a space where peo-
and more green space parks for chil-
ple can share their creative thoughts on
dren, plush pads and a lively
urban revitalization and inspire others to
by katie snyder
do the same.
These are all elements downtown Phoenix could see arrive within the next several years with the help of This Could Be Phoenix, a community urban awareness group focused on raising awareness about urban living and sustainability in Phoenix through monthly envision-
“Many people are intrigued by the idea
ing projects, educational blogs, and in-
of creating a more sustainable and lively
spirational showcases.
urban center but they don’t often know where to go or how to get involved to
Quinn Whissen & Ryan Tempest
“Community revitalization cannot be
make it happen,” said Whissen. “This
limited to the input of landlords and
Could Be Phoenix is a creative outlet
business owners,” said Ryan Tempest,
that allows people, visionaries to explore
architect at Studio Ma in downtown
their dreams for the city and potentially
Phoenix and co-founder of This Could
make them a reality.”
Be Phoenix. “We want to bring the entire community together and re-envision the
The approach made by the website and
future of downtown Phoenix.”
through social media is to first get input from the public and residents of down-
24 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
The project began earlier this year when
town Phoenix on their own city. Individ-
Tempest and partner Quinn Whissen,
uals, groups can then envision the proj-
ects that they feel would best improve
economic and environmental benefits
said Whissen. “At this point, nothing is
and sustain the downtown area. Once
that arise from improving downtown
set but we know this movement is the
a month, a project is then chosen and
Phoenix’s urban lifestyle.”
start of something big and part of a
showcased on the website, highlight-
long-term community based partner-
ing the potential benefits of the project
Since 2006, over $4 billion private and
ship that will assure that we construct a
to the community, developers and key
public capital has been invested in
downtown that combines market driv-
the 1.5 square mile downtown Phoenix
en success potential with a balance of
area. Certainly, downtown Phoenix is a
both cultural and infrastructure needs.”
“Each community knows their issues
work in progress but Tempest and Whis-
better than an outsider and they also
sen are hopeful their movement will in-
For more information about This Could
know their solutions better too.” She
spire more change, making downtown
Be Phoenix, visit www. thiscouldbephx.
said. “The projects don’t just address
a more viable urban center.
com or follow them on Facebook at
the problems but they show why and
how they can help sustain the down-
“We don’t see abandon buildings and
town area over time; more importantly,
vacant lots, we see what downtown
it invites locals, residents and workers in
Phoenix could be,” said Whissen. “Once
downtown Phoenix to become part of
downtown is revitalized, we believe the
the solution.”
surrounding areas, neighborhoods and businesses will naturally improve too.”
So, how does someone get involved? Start by getting educated.
But much more needs to be planned and accomplished.
“Research and examine what changes can be implemented to improve the ur-
“Any community’s downtown is not only
ban lifestyle in your area” said Tempest.
its outward face, but an integral com-
“From bike lanes to grocery stores, the
ponent of its economic heart and soul
goal is to raise awareness of the health,
and downtown Phoenix is no different,”
25 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
awesome cookie company by alexa chrisbacher
To satisfy sugar cravings with sweet con-
Clayton and his business partner saw the
venience this holiday season, look no
potential and Awesome Cookie Com-
further than your own front door. Awe-
pany was created.
some Cookie Company is bringing its
First Arizona event, Facebook traffic and
gift-ready, high-end treats straight to
Devoured Phoenix Culinary Classic, the
your doorstep.
cookies have garnered a following.
The artisan cookie company offers two
As the company grows, so will the list of
varieties of sweet and salty cookies: Fa-
varieties offered. A peanut butter flavor
mous Cranberry Oatmeal and Ghirar-
is already being developed but will not
delli Double Chocolate Chip. Both fla-
debut until it is up to the bakers’ “awe-
vors are sweet, savory and created from
some” standards.
Through a Local
hand-selected ingredients such as cagefree eggs and gourmet chocolate.
Awesome Cookie Company is expanding to the shelves of AJ’s Fine Foods in
“Our goal is to do different cookies,”
time for the holiday season. Two-packs
owner Kyle Clayton said. “We wanted
of the high-end treats are already avail-
to find those unique flavors.”
able at Bodega AZ in Scottsdale, GreaterThan Coffee in downtown Phoenix and
The original awesome cookie, Famous
to members of the private airline Scotts-
Cranberry Oatmeal, offers a hint of salt
dale Jet Set.
and sweet tanginess. The cookies come sealed in re-usable “They bake up really crispy when the
Mason jars complete with a bow. They
sugar caramelizes, so it’s kind of like a
ship nationwide in recyclable, hand-
mix between a cookie and a candy,”
stamped boxes, ready to be given to
Clayton said. “People really like that dif-
loved ones.
ferent taste.” Batches of cookies can be ordered onInspiration struck two years ago when
line in 7.5 ounce or 4 ounce Mason jars
Clayton, owner of Jackrabbit Janitori-
al, gave cranberry oatmeal cookies to friends and clients as Christmas gifts. The cookies turned out so good clients couldn’t wait for the next holiday season to get their hands on another batch.
26 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
Kyle Clayton
Two Wheeled Movement Pedals its Way into Phoenix Bike share program offers transit riders additional transportation options by katie snyder photos by Nick Foley
27 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
A new form of public transportation in the
more vibrant community,” said Romero.
Valley will roll out soon — a system that
“We’re looking forward to the much an-
requires no gasoline, breezes past traf-
ticipated soft-launch come December.”
fic, and might even make its riders thin-
So, how does it work?
ner too. It’s called a bicycle. Following a
The program mirrors similar ones in Bos-
“Whether you’re riding to work or to the
trend started in the world’s major cities,
ton, Washington D.C., and New York. To
grocery store, there are pricing options
Phoenix will introduce its very own bike
use a bike, customers will be required
that will work for everyone,” said Romero.
sharing program this December.
to first register online. Once registered,
The program will provide service 24 hours
members will receive a pin-code which
a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
“Cities across the nation have been par-
is used to make reservations via a touch-
With annual memberships starting at $79,
ticipating in bike programs for a while
screen kiosk found at each station, via
and hourly rates as low as $4.
now — from San Francisco to New York
smart phone app or laptop. Each bike
City— but Phoenix has been relatively
is solar-powered and features a GPS-en-
“Between affordability and accessibility,
late to the game,” said John Romero,
abled lock that works with regular bike
it’s no surprise that city bike sharing pro-
director of Phoenix’s regional bike share
racks and can give you directions as well
grams have exploded in popularity,” said
program and employee of Cyclehop.
as track the distance you are going.
Romero. “We’re confident the shared mobility movement will have the same
Cyclehop, a bike share operating com-
“The rental process is simple: Unlock one
effect here in Phoenix as it has in other
pany and the City of Phoenix have been
of our state-of-the-art bikes, provided
major cities.” And, when it does--Romero
working on the venture with subcontrac-
by Social Bicycle, from one of the kiosks
says there is great potential of expanding
tors Social Bicycles, that will supply the
around Phoenix, ride wherever you want,
the program into other cities as early as
bikes, and a kiosk company, that will pro-
and then return the bike to its hub sta-
vide the public interface, since earlier
tion,” said Romero. “And, we understand
this year. Together they will go to great
riders won’t always be able to return bikes
“For now, bikes will only be offered in the
lengths to source materials as possible
to their hub stations so, for a small fee,
downtown Phoenix area and along the
as local as possible. The program will be
they can drop off at other locations.”
Phoenix light rail routes,” said Romero.
paid for through private grants, customer fees, sponsors and advertisements.
“But if all goes according to plan, exThe program will start with 500 state-of-
panding to other parts of the Valley isn’t
the-art bikes publicly available at about
out of the question.”
“This type of program has the potential to
close to 50 stations around the downtown
get more cars off the road, reduce traffic
Phoenix with concentration on the Metro
Together the City of Phoenix, Social Bi-
congestion and promote a healthier and
light rail line and in and around Arizona
cycle, Cyclehop and the kiosk vending
State University’s downtown campus.
company,--CycleHop hopes to eventually expand the program east along the light rail into high-density areas like Mesa and Tempe. “With over 4.3 million people living in the Metropolitan Phoenix area there is no doubt a positive program like this would enhance the public mobility,” said Romero. “This is an important step towards improving the alternative transportation in Arizona and we couldn’t be more excited to be part of it.”
John Romero
28 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
29 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
Enter the Chaos… Randy Slack presents Chaos Theory 14 by nicole royse
Have you heard about the infamous exhibition “Chaos Theory”? For years I have heard people talk about the epic annual exhibition aptly named “Chaos Theory” and this year there has been a definite buzz in the air downtown. For the last 14 years local artist Randy Slack has put together a large exhibition highlighting the amazing art we have here in Phoenix, held at Legend City Studios where he has his own studio. Playing dual roles as artist and the anti-curator of the show has proved challenging but inspiring for Slack. Each year this exhibition has grown with more and more, everyone trying to get a lucrative spot within the show with the list featuring over 60 local artists. With art there always seems to be dare I say it Drama, and this exhibition has had its fair share over the years. Ultimately Slack has to play a curator, which means he must make decisions and limit who and what is shown based on many factors thus having to exclude certain art and artists. Since this exhibition has no theme artists have the freedom to choose what they exhibit but Slack has the last say since this is a highly trafficked and media covered exhibition. This year Chaos Theory 14 exhibition went off without a hitch! With a majority of the artists in attendance for the opening the studio was packed when First Friday kicked off. Offering an opportunity to speak with artists in attendance about their work, as well as an enormous selection of artwork to explore who could ask for a better night! The First Friday Opening on October 4th brought what seemed to be the entire art community out for this exciting exhibition and for the First Friday festivities; it was definitely the place to be seen! Walking through the giant entrance of Legend City Studios, the viewer’s attention is immediately drawn to the beauty of this striking 7,000 square foot industrial space, stunning brick walls, cement floors, filled with a copious amount of artwork. Featuring over 60 local artists with an eclectic mix of styles and mediums, not to mention a bit overwhelming by the quantity of work and the “no theme” exhibition it truly does give the viewer a sense of Chaos. Upon entering Chaos you are struck by Melissa Martinez fun and whimsical mixed media installation “Shimmy, Shimmy, Shake” juxtaposed by Steve Hofberger’s large abstract painting reminiscent of archaic painting titled “Losing the Luster”. Several amazing photographs featured throughout the gallery, including a
30 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
great piece by William LeGoullon titled “(un)Intended Targets” of striking rusted fuel containers. Also stand out piece by Wayne Rainey depicting a modern Phoenix rendition of the Grimm fairytale “Red Riding Hood” titled “I Know Things Now” focusing on the “wolf” as male predator possibly the start of a new series for this veteran artist. Also eye-catching portraits beautifully painted and modern, including a striking portrait titled “Lee Davis” reminiscent of paintings of saints during the Renaissance but in real life he is a local Christian rapper, painting created by Lee Madrigal. Some really interesting mixed media pieces by Tucson based artist Brooke Grucella that are both intimate and humorous titled “Curly”, “Moe”, and “Larry” with graphic backgrounds and bold colors. The moving piece by Annie Lopez titled “Alien Inspector” an archival pigment print with a moving image of an alien laborer’s identification card underneath a small paragraph about the person’s life. It is always wonderful to see the work of Die Bearmy, Tara Logsdon this year she presented a wall mounted Bear light titled “Bear The Light” with beautiful interlaid designs. The viewer could not miss the stunning and massive white-banded geometric sculpture titled “Tethering the Storm Within” by Pete Deise. As always Randy Slack came through creating an incredible and eye catching massive 8x16 feet painting titled “Party Wave” literally depicting a giant surfing party very reminiscent of the movie “Beach Party”, a beautiful and fun painting integrating Slacks’ love of surfing and the 1950-60’s era. The artist subtly abstracts his lines, uses a bold color palette, and painterly brush strokes to draw the viewer in. Chaos Theory 14 did not disappoint and definitely lived up to the buzz with a great atmosphere including a performance by local band Cherie Cherie. Overall the exhibition was interesting and well presented in a beautiful space with artists presenting both new and old work. It was wonderful to see so many local artists out supporting our community. This exhibition felt like the kick off of the First Friday Season for the Phoenix Art Scene! Typically only a 3-Day exhibition, this year the exhibition has been extended to include additional days; Third Friday on October 18th and October 19th for the 5th Annual Grand Avenue Festival. Make sure to check out “Chaos Theory 14” a sure to make you think exhibition and perhaps even spark a need to buy some local art! Legend City Studios: h t t p s : / / w w w. fa c e b o o k . c o m / p a g e s / L e g e n d - C i t y - S t u dios/269523602202 Randy Slack:
31 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
32 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
Lawless Denim & Co. Open First Store at CityScape Phoenix Arizona’s First and Only Denim Manufacturer Brings Custom, Handmade Jeans to Downtown. Lawless Denim & Co. will be the first and only denim manufacturer in the state of Arizona when it opens the doors of its first store at CityScape Phoenix on Oct. 12 offering 100 percent handmade, custom-fit jeans, denim clothing items and leather goods. The 3,200-square-foot space will serve as both a retail location and a manufacturing shop that will feature reams of 25 different types of selvedge denim for customers to choose from in 10 different styles. With everything made by hand, the manufacturing area will have professional tailoring stations, vintage sewing machines used for stitching and cutting tables. Customers will be assisted by denim smiths and in-store designer Maya Vita to select sizing, denim type, cut, style, stitching color and button finishes. Each pair of custom jeans are priced around $245. Lawless Denim & Co. products stay true to classic American denim manufacturing with brass hardware, vintage-sewn stitches and the highest quality American and Japanese selvedge denim. Selvedge denim is made in small batches on pre-WWII vintage looms, much like the ones Levi Strauss used when first making blue jeans in the 1870s. The limited release of each batch of selvedge denim ensures customers receive unique and specialized denim weight, color and texture. Lawless will also have ready-made jeans available for purchase that can be tailor fit and priced from $85 to $180. “It’s all about keeping with tradition and bringing each customer a truly unique and custom-made pair of jeans that will easily become their favorite pair of jeans,” said Roman Acevedo, Phoenix resident and owner of Lawless Denim & Co. “You can’t get anything like this in Arizona. In cities like New York and Los Angeles, you’ll typically pay $400 for custom jeans. Our jeans are handmade to your body type with high-quality denim in classic styles that will never go out of style. The best part – you’re part of the design process.” Other custom-made items at Lawless include denim jackets and leather goods such as belts, wallets, accessories and bags. Acevedo purchased a rare Italian belt cutter that will be the only one in Arizona. In celebration of its grand opening week, Lawless is offering customers a custom-made pair of jeans for $175 from Oct.13 through Oct. 20. Also, men’s and women’s ready-made jeans in white oak raw selvedge denim will be on special for $107. “Lawless Denim & Co. is a prime example of the entrepreneurial spirit taking place in downtown Phoenix. Roman is drawing attention to a great American tradition of denim manufacturing and its authentic connection to Arizona. Today’s consumers expect quality, craft and authenticity. Downtown is all about reinvention and Lawless embodies that,” said Jeff Moloznik, vice president of development at RED Development. Lawless Denim & Co. is open Monday through Saturday from 11am to 9pm and on Sunday from noon to 7pm. For more information, please visit
33 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -
34 | Issue 3 | november 2013 -