Ashland December 2013

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Ashland localtownpages

Vol. 1 No. 5

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December 1, 2013

Ashland Historical Commission Restores Clocker Club Dedicates Clocks to Their Former Glory $30,000 Fitness Center to Ashland High


“Other clocks in town have been repaired over the years. One in Montenegro Square, one at the Warren School and one at the fire station,” Rigby said. “The repair of the Telechron clocks is noteworthy because we are working with a private business owner.”

The Ashland Historical Commission, a town committee charged with preserving historic properties and sites, is working with a number of other individuals and groups to preserve Ashland’s past.

A current project is the restoration of two clocks, each 7 feet in diameter, on top of the Ashland Technology Center, formally called the Warren Telechron Co., at 150 Homer Ave. The clocks can be seen from the street as well as by thousands of people who ride the trains.

“Henry Warren’s Telechron clocks were used worldwide. They were some of the best electric clocks ever. They are 70-80 years old, and still running and keeping good time,” Cliff Wilson, The project emerged in early president of the Ashland 2012 when residents gathered to Historical Society, said. discuss how to revitalize downThe Historical Society, a town Ashland. “As a way to put On Oct. 22, Electric Time Company, Inc., experts in Henry Warren clocks, nonprofit organization Ashland ‘back on the map,’ dismantled and brought Ashland’s two clocks to their facility in Medfield. located at 2 Myrtle St., The estimated date for reinstallation is Dec. 17. Photo/Cliff Wilson. longtime resident Jim Hanna has a collection of around suggested getting the Telechron 100-150 different sion. Rigby scoped out the project, building clocks working again,” Carl Telechron clocks, all manufactured in worked with the building owner, Calare Hakansson, member of the Warren Woods Ashland. Properties, Inc. and applied for CommuStewardship Committee, recalled. nity Preservation Act (CPA) funds for the Ashland resident Henry Ellis Warren Hakansson liked the idea. He took pic- work. On Oct. 22, Electric Time Com- (1872-1957) held 135 patents. He was the tures of the clocks and neon signs on the pany, Inc. of Medfield dismantled the back of the building to give to Glenn clocks and brought them to their facility CLOCK Rigby, chair of the Historical Commis- for repair.

BY REBECCA KENSIL, EDITOR A few years ago, the Clocker Club’s former president, Al Klein, and vice president, Rob Leone, noticed the Ashland High School weight room was cramped and outdated. It was a small space with cardio machines and weights. Now, thanks to the all-sports booster club’s fundraising efforts, community involvement, and volunteer work, the weight room is expanded and refurbished. The project began with Klein’s idea to expand the fitness center using two additional storage rooms in the back of the gymnasium. The idea grew from there. Leone and Tim Connors, project lead, discussed creating a free weight room and cardiovascular area. They thought that student treadmill users would feel more comfortable in a separate room. This new space, equipped with windows, would also allow educators to keep an eye on students riding on the treadmills in lieu of gym class. In addition, the center would provide

continued on page 3

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FITNESS CENTER continued on page 2

Local Town Pages

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December 1, 2013

FITNESS CENTER continued from page 1

a place for teams to tailor specific programs for their workouts. Wellness teachers could use it for classes, such as aerobics. “The gym wasn’t really befitting of the new [athletic] facilities over there,” Connors stated. “Ashland High School, right now, all the facilities are fantastic. The football field for example. It made more sense to do this weight room that matched the existing facilities.” To start the project, the club built a budget. They raised money through their yearly fundraisers: a pancake breakfast on Super Bowl Sunday and a golf tournament. Last year, they also hosted a yard sale. The concession stands and the campus store also brought in

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(l to r) Rob Leone, Al Klein, and Tim Connors address the crowd at the grand opening. Photos/submitted.

funds for the project. While the club had to buy some materials, local businesses donated

much of the labor and materials. Helpers included Jamie Merloni of the New England Laborers' Training Center, Silton Glass, Ashland Lumber Company, and Vinny Hanrahan of Hanrahan Remodeling. Clocker Club members also volunteered their time.

The new fitness center features two rooms.

Publisher Chuck Tashjian editor Rebecca Kensil sales Lisa Kittrell Ashland telemarketing Kyle Koller Production & layout Gorette Sousa Michelle McSherry

The group of volunteers cut windows into the high school walls, in-

From our house to yours, wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season

Meghan McGoff, MJ Graves, Nancy Leary and Laura Cruppi take a break to smile for the camera.

stalled new floor mats, and painted the wall with school colors. The school logo, painted big and bold, now decorates the wall. “It was a labor of love for the members of the Clocker Club,” Connors said. The Clocker Club cut the ribbon on Nov. 4 for the new $30,000 fitness center. A total of 25 people attended the ceremony, including the principal, athletic director, superintendent of schools, and numerous community members. Connors, master of ceremonies,

Al Klein, Dave McGoff and Tim Connors paint the interior walls.

introduced Klein, who then explained the idea and the history of the booster club. Then Leone thanked all who were involved. The Clocker Club has no new projects yet, but they will raise funds for their next one. However, Connors noted a few potential projects: a ticket booth for the football field and a sign on the concession stand on the high school field. Recently, the club purchased a mat light for the wrestling team. It spotlights the mat, drawing attention to the event. What projects would you like the Clocker Club to do next? To find out more about the Clocker Club, go to

advertising dePartment 508-533-NEWS (6397) Ad Deadline is the 15th of each month. Localtownpages assumes no financial liability for errors or omissions in printed advertising and reserves the right to reject/edit advertising or editorial submissions. © Copyright 2013 LocalTownPages

Clocker Club volunteers painted the school logo on the fitness center wall.

Local Town Pages

December 1, 2013

CLOCK continued from page 1

inventor of the electric clock and the founder of the Warren Clock Company in Ashland in 1912. The company, later called the Warren Telechron Co., manufactured the clocks. “Warren, who worked out of a shop on his land, now Warren Woods, did so much for Ashland. He played many active roles in town. Without Henry Warren, we wouldn’t have Stone Park and the town forest. Because of him, thousands of people were employed here,” Wilson said. In 1927, with only 2300 town residents, the Telechron Co. had 1,500 employees.

Facts about Henry Warren in this article and additional facts below are from “Henry Ellis Warren-A Biographical Memoir” from the Encyclopedia of American Biography, The American Historical Company, Inc., New York: • Warren coined the word “Telechron,” meaning “time from afar.” • As a young child, he retrofitted his mother’s sewing machine to run by electricity and became obsessed with playing with timekeeping mechanisms. • In 1890, Warren entered MIT to study electrical engineering. • Warren selected Ashland to live and work since it had a suitable water supply for testing and manufacturing. • He installed an experimental shop in a house on his farm in Ashland, where he conducted research. Center building superintendent, Peter Gaudino has been involved with Rigby “to bring the clocks back to their former glory.” “We are very excited to see the end result. The restoration improves the building at no cost to the business. It’s a win-win for everyone. I hear from generations of people who used to work here. A lot of people are excited,” Gaudino said. Gaudino and Rigby plan to host a special event soon after the clocks are installed on or around Dec. 17.

Warren founded the Warren Telechron Company in 1912, later acquired by General Electric in 1943, to manufacture an electric clock that was synchronous to the power supplied by the electric utility companies. After more than ten years, Warren developed the Warren Master Clock in 1916, which made synchronous electric clocks possible by keeping alternating current flowing from power plants at a consistent 60 cycles per second. Within a decade, the electric clock revolutionized timekeeping. By the mid-1920s, Telechron clocks were in use by 20 million people. “The inventions made money for both Warren and the electric companies,” Wilson said. As the Ashland Technology

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“I’m so pleased that this project is being done,” Wilson said. “The restoration serves several purposes: the town will get back clocks that work; it helps to foster pride in being ‘Clock Town;’ and thousands of people coming through Ashland on the train will see them. Also, working with local business owners on this kind of town project is a positive thing. Businesses will be attracted to a town that is working to improve conditions. People don’t realize, that to attract business, it might be better to make the town attractive, than to put up a building.” Hakansson said they will start with the two clocks and possibly repair a third clock on Homer Ave. and replace a missing clock. “It’s great that the building owners have embraced this project. If the repaired clocks look nice, we can go on to the next stage,” he said.

“Since the town’s purchase of Warren Woods last year, people have become more aware of who Henry Warren was and his impact on the town and on history,” Rigby said. Rigby, who became the Historical Commission chair in Aug., said, “I love history. My goal is to protect historical assets in town. Keeping the historical flavor of Ashland is important. It helps to preserve the character of the town.” The Historical Commission is driving several other projects, including scenic road signs, plaques for historic houses and restoring the town’s Revolutionary War cemetery. “Everyone on the commission has great ideas. We all want to preserve our historic past,” Rigby said.

The Telechron building, circa 1960, with the clocks and neon signs. Photo/Ashland Historical Society.

chair, Julie Nardone, Elizabeth Whitham, Trevor Whitham, Cynthia Winterhalter and Cynthia Whitty. The committee meets once a month at town hall. To contact

the committee, send an email to or visit boards-and-committees/historicalcommission.

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Ashland Historical Commission members are Glenn Rigby,

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To learn more, visit: • Steve Leacu, Ashland Historical Society, February 2012: • YouTube video, dismantling the clocks for repair: • The Warren Conference Center & Inn:

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Local Town Pages

Page 4

December 1, 2013

Ashland Day Committee Helps Residents “Take Part and Be Proud” Year-Round Annual tree lighting is planned for Dec. 7. BY CYNTHIA WHITTY FEATURE WRITER As if planning and running the annual Ashland Day event at Stone Park each September isn’t enough, the Ashland Day Committee plans more great events for the town. The committee just held their Halloween Costume Parade in October. Escorted by the Ashland fire and police departments, the parade of kids with their parents started in Montenegro Sq., across from the Ashland Library on Fountain St., and proceeded to the Mindess School gym for prizes and refreshments. On Saturday, Dec. 7, at 5 p.m., the committee will host the annual tree lighting at Montenegro Sq. Highlights are Santa and a raffle for five bicycles. The Ashland Business Association (ABA) will provide hot chocolate and cookies. “Santa knows every family in town,” Bill Gath, the chair of the Ashland Day Committee, said. “He’ll arrive at the tree lighting in a fire engine.” The Ashland Day Committee is a nonprofit organization that gives back to the community in a variety of ways. They host several com-

munity events and frequently donate to the Ashland Emergency Fund, which helps individuals who are in need. Ashland civic leaders Ben Montenegro and Carl “Rick” Ghilani started the Ashland Day Committee in 1986, and it has been going strong ever since. Montenegro, a 61-year resident of Ashland, passed away just this past spring. Ghilani died in 1991. Joe Magnani, the Committee’s treasurer, recalled, “In 1983, Ben and Rick wanted to raise money for a young girl, Susie Mespelli, who suffered severe injuries and needed multiple surgeries from a bicycle accident downtown. The fundraising event was a success. They said, ‘We can do this for one person, we can do this for others in need.’” The generous response from the community set the stage for Ashland Day three years later. “In 1986, the town was experiencing a great deal of negative publicity when Nyanza was named a Superfund site,” Cliff Wilson, Ashland Historical Society president and longtime resident, recalled. “To help overcome the pall, individuals, foremost among them, Ben Montenegro

and “Rick” Ghilani, decided to institute Ashland Day to accentuate the positive of the town. It was a chance for Ashland to prove to the world that the spirit of the people of Ashland could and would overcome any negative conditions that the town might endure.” In keeping with that theme, the slogan for Ashland Day is “Take part and be proud.” The day takes months of planning. “We start planning Jan. 1 for Sept.’s Ashland Day,” Gath said. “I reach out to groups in February, and then do more mailings in April, June, and July,” Magnani said. “Some vendors have been there from the beginning. New vendors can highlight their business. The exposure can be great for a small business. This year, we had 98 vendors.” Not all the vendors have to be located in Ashland. “We’re all volunteer, even the public safety personnel,” Gath said. Gath and Magnani explained that Ashland Day is not a carnival. They don’t do games of chance. Also, there are certain things that are not allowed, such as selling toy weapons or anything that can be thrown.

Ashland Day Committee members Bill Gath and Joe Magnani (l to r) are key event planners for several community events each year. Photo/Cynthia Whitty.

“Our bike parade each year attracts around 25 kids,” Magnani said. He estimated that there were over 8,000 visitors to Ashland Day this year. “We used to have an auction during the event to help defray expenses, but now we hold it the night before at the American Legion. This year we raised a record amount – over $5,000.” Other revenue comes from ticket sales from the rides and vendor booths. Nonprofit and community organizations are allowed to participate at no charge. The Committee usually breaks even. “We’re not religious or political. The focus is on the community,” Gath said. “We get some business donations, so that we can assist the

Ashland Food Pantry by donating turkeys, gift cards and school supplies.” With their 30th anniversary in 2016, they hope to raise enough money for fireworks. “Next year, we might have a chili and chowder cook-off,” Gath said. “We certainly welcome new volunteers. We need people to help plan throughout the year and for the day of the events.” Ashland Day Committee members are Fran Blake, Mike and Hilda Duca, Mike and Keri Fabri, Bill Gath, Bob and Regina Gemma, Jack LeDuc and Joe and Donna Magnani. For more information or to volunteer, contact AshlandDay@ or visit

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The program from the first Ashland Day held in 1986. Submitted/Ashland Historical Society.

December 1, 2013

Library Notes Holiday Hours: Dec. 24 – 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Dec. 25 – Closed Dec. 26 – Closed Dec. 27 – 2-5 p.m. Dec. 28 – 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Dec. 31 – 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Jan. 1 – Closed

NEED HELP CHOOSING SOMETHING TO READ? Visit to browse some adult fiction suggestions by genre. You can also view our newest additions every month. This pin board will give you a short description of the book. Each book is linked to the Minuteman Library Catalog so you can see if it is currently available or you can put it on reserve!

MUSEUM PASSES: The Library has the following passes available – reserve your pass up to two weeks in advance. Information about museum hours, parking fees, etc., is available at the Adult circulation desk. Acton Discovery Museum - Acton Children’s Museum – Boston Conservation & Recreation Annual Parks Pass – for over 50 Massachusetts State Parks. Danforth Museum of Art – Framingham Garden in the Woods – Framingham Griffin Museum – Winchester Museum of Fine Arts – Boston Museum of Science - Boston New England Aquarium – Boston (Sept. – June) USS Constitution - Boston Wheelock Family Theatre – Boston (no production during the month of December)

FRONT STREET READERS: The Front Street Readers book discussion group meets once a month at the Library at 7 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 7 when Unbroken: a World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption, by Lauren Hillenbrand will be discussed. A miraculous, true-life account of Louis Zamperini, an Air Force bombardier, plane crash survivor, and Japanese prisoner of war during World War II.

FRIENDS' FRIDAY NIGHT FILM SERIES: Feature films are shown every Friday evening at 7 p.m. The Friday Night Film Series shows predominantly independent or foreign films, ranging from award winners, Italian murder mysteries, romances from Sweden, France, and Holland, and even animations. Many of the films are shown with subtitles in English. The license for public viewing is provided by the Friends of the Ashland Public Library. Most of the films are purchased with audience donations and the DVDs are added to the Library's film collection after the performance. Occasionally a DVD from a private collection may be shown. The movie schedule is available in the Library or online at

Local Town Pages DOCUMENTARY FILM & DISCUSSION SERIES: The Documentary Film & Discussion Series, sponsored by The Friends of the Ashland Public Library, meets every 2nd Thursday and 4th Tuesday of the month, from 7-9 p.m., for an indepth look at important topics of our day. The moderated discussions are often lively and thought provoking. For more information, call the Library at 508-881-0134, or visit Admission is free. All points of view are welcome.

Thursday, Dec. 12 – Understanding Evolution Science: Argument from Design (57 min.) This film examines the conflict between evolution science and Creationism and Intelligent Design. The notion of argument from design posits that highly complex mechanisms, such as the human optical system, demonstrate the direct action of the hand of God. Argument from design is the basis of positions that seek to defeat scientific materialism and replace it with a theistic understanding that nature and human beings are created by God. Evolution

science claims no knowledge of God. Why then do some proponents of Intelligent Design seek to prevent it from being taught and insist on equal time on the grounds that there is controversy? Why does this conflict have a long and continuing presence in the US? Is the dichotomy between evolution and creationism representative of the larger culture? There are clergy who embrace evolution and scientist who believe in God. Join us as we explore the struggle between evolution science, faith and truth. THERE WILL BE NO FILM ON DEC. 24.

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ART IN THE LIBRARY: DOWNSTAIRS PICTURE GALLERY "SENIOR WATERCOLOR EXHIBITION" Dec. 3, 2013 – Jan. 11, 2014 The eighth annual Senior Watercolor Exhibit is always a special treat during the holiday season and beginning of the new year. Come and see some of the best watercolor paintings done by senior citizens this year in Suzie Meeker's painting class held at the Senior Center in Ashland.

LIBRARY continued on page 8

Local Town Pages

Page 6

December 1, 2013

Ashland’s Assencoa is There to Help 1977, Assencoa started volunteering in town when his two boys, Wayne and Mark, were young and in sports. He became a coach for Ashland Youth Baseball & Softball (AYBS). Soon after, he met Arnold Baker, the late Ashland Selectman, who asked him to join the Democratic Town Committee. When Assencoa retired in 1997, he joined the Lions Club, serving as president in 2012 and as membership committee chair this year.” “Being Lions president was an unbelievable experience,” Assencoa said. “I enjoyed visiting the Lions Clubs throughout the district.”

Igidio “Izzy” Assencoa credits his wife of 44 years. “My wife Maureen helps by letting me do these things,” he said. Photo/Cynthia Whitty.


TV’s Zip Trip came to Ashland in July.

Igidio “Izzy” Assencoa is a busy man. Though retired, he is often running to board meetings or doing hands-on community work, such as serving breakfast to seniors. This year, in recognition of his many contributions, Assencoa was named Ashland Day “Citizen of the Year” in September and “Hometown Hero” when FOX 25

“I’m very excited,” the 75-yearold Assencoa said. “I’m getting to know more people because of this. People I don’t know are coming up to me and thanking me.” “These awards were some of the biggest surprises of my life,” he added.


After moving to Ashland in

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ingham high school in 1957 and joined the Air Force, where he served as a firefighter for four years in Wyoming.

director of Parks and Recreation. “Bill encouraged me to take the test to enter the Framingham fire department.”

In Framingham, he worked in all five fire stations. He wasn’t the first black firefighter there, but he was the first to retire. There, he was active in the Knights of Columbus.

Assencoa is also involved in the Special Olympics, the town Board of Registrars and the Council on Aging.

“The camaraderie is important. The firefighters, the Lions, the Knights of Columbus—they all mean an awful lot to me,” Assencoa said. When asked who his hero is, he named, Bill Carey, Framingham

“There are many great people in Ashland who work very hard to help others,” Assencoa said. To see Assencoa on FOX 25 TV Zip Trip, visit category/267032/zip-trip-ashland and type “Ashland hometown hero” in the search box.

When asked what motivates him to volunteer, Assencoa credited the community-oriented spirit of his mother and brothers. Also, as a firefighter for 20 years, Assencoa saw that “people needed help and things needed to be addressed.” “As a firefighter, you see what the average person doesn’t see,” he said. “My wife Maureen helps by letting me do these things.” They have been married for 44 years. “We don’t do volunteer work together,” Maureen said. “He is the joiner.” Assencoa grew up in Framingham with his mother and six siblings. His father, originally from Cape Verde, died when he was 12. Assencoa graduated from Fram-

Assencoa is congratulated by his sister Darlene Mazurek upon being named “Citizen of the Year” at Ashland Day, Sept. 21, 2013.

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Local Town Pages

December 1, 2013

Page 7

From Zip Trip to Canyon Ranch Ashland’s Sabrina Nasios won the Healthy Competition Game Show that she signed up for at Ashland FOX 25 Zip Trip, landing a luxurious spa trip at Canyon Ranch. Community Health Plan (FCHP) booth for the chance to win. FCHP then randomly chose 10 applicants to go to FOX 25 in August for their trivia contest, the Healthy Competition Game Show. Nasios was among those chosen. The day of the contest, she almost could not attend, as one of her sons was sick. “I almost didn’t get to go, because, as always, there’s something.” But her husband knew how much she was looking forward to it and stayed home from work. She headed to the FOX 25 studio.

Gene Lavanchy of FOX 25 and Sabrina Nasios.

BY REBECCA KENSIL, EDITOR Sabrina Nasios, Ashland resident, wife, and mom of three sons, went to Ashland Zip Trip at 6 a.m. July 19 with hopes of winning Canobie Lake Park tickets for her family. She went from booth to booth, signing up for all the contests. While she never won those coveted amusement park tickets, she won something much more relaxing—a $10,000-value 4-night trip for two at Canyon Ranch, a top-rated health spa on a huge estate in Lenox, Mass. She had signed up at the Fallon

At the studio, she met all the newscasters. Then, the contest began. “I really wanted to win,” Nasios said. The first question was, “How long are you supposed to wash your hands?” Nasios buzzed in really quick, knowing the answer from watching all the zip trips. “20 seconds,” she said. She moved onto the final round with two others. The question: “Where do most eye injuries occur?” Once again, Nasios buzzed right away and got it. “At home,” she stated. She had won.

“Always enter those contests, because people really do win them,” Nasios said. “They always think, ‘What are the odds?’” On Oct. 27, she headed to Canyon Ranch with her long-time best friend Andrea. The fun began. They walked into the executive suite, complete with a couch, a big screen TV, and an expansive bathroom. “There was a closet the size of my bedroom. Two of them,” Nasios stated. The room overlooked the tennis courts, where they played tennis every day. Each was given $650 in credits to spend on anything at the spa, so the first day they received hot stone massages. During the week Nasios got a pedicure and hair highlight. She noted it was her first time getting a massage, pedicure, or full

FOX 25’s Elizabeth Hopkins (l to r) congratulates Sabrina Nasios on her trivia win.


cookies of all kinds.

The two also enjoyed the resort’s Halloween-themed events, such as a pumpkin carving, a scary movie night, and a dance. They also went to bingo, both winning small prizes.

Overall, Nasios found the trip to be a fun getaway.

Nasios said the food was “phenomenal.” She enjoyed it all, from the red pesto tortellini to the allday snack bar where they could get

“The place is gorgeous and everything about the trip was phenomenal,” she said. “We had a really good time just relaxing.” She arrived back home on Oct. 31, just in time to go trick-or-treating with the children.

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Local Town Pages

Page 8

December 1, 2013

Together, Ashland Lions and Leos Serve the Community BY CYNTHIA WHITTY FEATURE WRITER

clubs planted two trees in the same location.

The Ashland Lions Club actively supports diverse projects each year.

“Part of our service includes environmental work,” Julian Doktor, president of the Ashland Lions, said. “We have an Adopt-a-Highway project each April and October. We recently cleaned up Cordaville Rd.”

On Nov. 14, the Lions and the Leos Club of Ashland high school, a service club benefitting the school and the community, planted a Kwanzan Flowering Cherry Tree near the skate park diagonally across from the Ashland Library. The tree, donated by Weston Nurseries, will grow to a height of about 20 ft. Last year the

Contact YA Librarian Pam at for opportunities.

LIBRARY Katie Leon, Leos Club; Julian Doktor, Lions Club president; Serena Raso, Leos Club; and Carol Walden, Leos Club faculty advisor, (l to r) plant a flowering cherry tree on Front St. The tree was donated by Weston Nurseries. Photo/Cynthia Whitty.

continued from page 5 UPSTAIRS DISPLAY CASE

"COMFORT POTTERY" by Debra A. Griffin Nov. 5 – Jan. 2, 2014 Ashland artist Debra A. Griffin is showing her 'comfort pottery' at the Library this holiday season. Debra's functional high-fire stoneware pots (strong and safe for food, dishwashers and microwaves) are lovingly made to bring comfort to all who use them: comforting to use, hold, and to look at. Come see Debra’s work and be inspired to take private lessons in her studio in Ashland where she shares her knowledge and love of pottery.



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The metal work of Ashland resident Neil Mansfield is in the fireplace lounge area and the main circulation area.


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The Leos Club, with 25 to 30 members, was formed in 2010. They collect eyeglasses at the high school on an ongoing basis and help the Lions with senior dinners and a prom for seniors at the Com-


TEEN ADVISORY BOARD: Our next Teen Advisory Board meeting will be Thursday, Dec. 5 at 6:30 p.m. Come eat snacks, earn community service hours, and make the library a better place! Grades 9-12 TAB plans events and helps with selecting materials for the Teen Room throughout the year. TAB meetings also count as community service.

SNACK & CHAT TEEN BOOK CLUB Join our Snack & Chat Teen Book Club! We'll talk about whatever you're reading now and recommend plenty of great books in return. Plus, there will be snacks! Thursday, Dec. 19 at 6:30 p.m., Grades 6-12

Children DECEMBER VACATION WEEK: Please see above for vacation week hours. Thursday, Dec. 26 3:15 - 4:30 p.m. Legos Club (see details below) Saturday, Dec. 28 2 - 3:40 p.m. Family Movie - rated PG (please contact Library for title)

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munity Center. Last year, they held a concert to raise money for fire victims from town. The next senior dinner will be a holiday event, complete with Santa and elves, at the Community Center on Wednesday, Dec. 4 at 5:30 p.m. The day after Thanksgiving, the Leos will help the Lions sell Christmas trees on Rt. 126. The Leos deliver, sort, tag and sometimes sell the trees, according to Doktor. “It is one of our biggest fundraisers,” he said.

LAP SIT: For Infants and Toddlers on Wednesdays mornings from 10:15 to 10:45 a.m. Join us for stories, songs & fingerplays. This is a very large group and space is limited. Please plan to arrive well before 10:15 to allow time to remove winter clothing.

LEGOS CLUB: December 12 & 26: Kids of all ages meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 3:15 4:30 p.m. to build creations using the Library’s huge stash of Legos. The finished creations are displayed in the Children’s Room for several weeks. Kids younger than Grade 3 must be accompanied by an adult.

EARLY RELEASE DAY PROGRAMS: The Friends of the Library sponsor programs for kids in grades K-5 for every Ashland Early Release Day. Tuesday, Dec. 10 2 p.m. The Early Release Day Film Series will return with a holiday edition double-feature. Check at the library for titles. Wednesday, Dec. 11 2 p.m. Skyrise Children's Theater will present an Improvisational Theater workshop. Use your imagination to create characters and scenes without a script. All levels of acting experience (beginners and up) are welcome. Thursday, Dec. 12 2 p.m. Extended Legos Club. The library's regular Thursday Legos Club will offer extended hours today, starting at 2 p.m. Channel your inner architect and build with the library's supply of Legos. Lego creations may be displayed in the Children's Room for all to enjoy. Admission to all programs is free but space is limited. Children under age 10 must be accompanied by an adult.

YOUNG FAMILIES: Saturday, Dec. 14 10:30 a.m. Animal World Experience The Friends of the Ashland Public Library present Animal World Experience, a fun, interactive program with live animals, on Saturday, Dec. 14 at 10:30 a.m. At this "Winter Wonders" themed event, children will have a chance to meet and pet animals, and will learn about how these animals survive - and thrive - in the winter. Space is limited and live animals always draw a large crowd. Free tickets will be handed out near the Children’s Room beginning at 10 a.m. the day of the show.

Local Town Pages

December 1, 2013

Page 9

Find Fresh Cut Trees at Deerfield Tree Farm For many local families, the choice is clear: Only a real and fresh tree will do for the holidays. Deerfield Tree Farm has the freshest trees anywhere. Set on 10 acres of land, you will find a true New England Tree Farm experience. When you come out to the farm you will find a wide variety of fir trees, Fraser, Balsam, Korean, and Concolor, along with several varieties of Spruce, all are available and cut from our field. Choose and Cut trees are first come first serve and there is no pre-tagging. Choose and Cut trees sell out in about the first two weeks after Thanksgiving, so

come early for best selection What makes Deerfield Tree farm different from the rest? Besides having choose and cut trees, we also have a wide selection of fresh cut trees with sizes up to 12'. Not all fresh cut trees come from Canada or North Carolina. Deerfield Tree Farm gets all their fresh cut trees from a local tree farm. These trees are cut only a day or two before before Thanksgiving, (not months in advance, as most parking lot stands do). The difference is, Deerfield Tree Farms trees will last well past the holidays, into March if you let them. We even

Ashland Lions Christmas Trees Arrival The Christmas trees location will be the same as in past years, at the lot on Route 126 between Market Basket and Shaw's, next

to the Exxcel Gas Station. Stop by and pick from our huge selection of beautiful trees and wreaths featuring Balsam and

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Fraser Firs grown in Maine. Ashland Lions Club Christmas Tree lot will be open seven days a week, both daytime and evening: noon to 9 p.m. weekdays and 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.

gets trees delivered after Thanksgiving, and again these trees are cut just a day or two beforehand. So even if you are a little late picking out your tree your sure to find a real, and especially fresh Christmas tree. Cash or check only, and prices range from $30-$80 for 6-8' trees.

with price range from $60$100. Live trees can be inside and decorated for about 5 days, then brought outside and planted in the yard. With enough space, and a little time, you will end up with a live, growing record of all your Christmases past.

For those with a green thumb, We also sell live trees, balled and burlap,

We hope to see you this Christmas Season.

Choose & Cut • Fresh Cut Trees • Live Trees Fraser Fir • Korean Fir • Canaan Fir Concolor Fir • Balsam Fir

Bundle Firewood • Refreshments • Free Tree Baling Free Local Delivery • Special Orders on Request

Open Nov 29-Dec 21, 2013** **Depending on Tree Inventory and Weather**

Friday Nov 29, 2013 9AM-5PM• Weekends 9AM-5PM Weekdays 2pm-5PM•Or until Dusk Cash or Check Only, No Pre Tagging


25 Birch St, Millis MA •

Page 10

Local Town Pages

Alpaca Ranch Annual Holiday Open House and Holiday Boutique Featuring many alpacas and alpaca products. Acorn Alpaca Ranch at 99 Acorn St., Millis, will host its annual Holiday Open House Saturday, Dec. 7 and Sunday, Dec. 8. Visitors can drop by between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. to visit the friendly alpacas in the Ranch Barn and browse the fine alpaca products in the Holiday Boutique. The Ranch, in addition to breeding and selling the alpacas, offers yarn made from the fiber of their own alpacas as well as luxurious, warm, non-allergenic garments made from alpaca fiber. These items make great gifts to jumpstart

your holiday shopping and warm up someone’s holiday and winter.

choice of Alpacas for sale, this is the place to begin.

Among the soft alpaca clothing available will be alpaca socks, scarves, mittens, hats and other warm products. For knitting and crocheting, there is a wide variety of both natural and dyed colored yarns.

As in years past, we will be looking for names for some of our newest baby alpacas (called crias). An Alpaca Teddy Bear will be awarded for the best name submitted on each day of the Open House.

If you have ever thought of owning alpacas, you can talk directly to Bob and Louise Hebeler about alpaca care, husbandry and how to get started. With 15 years of experience to guide you and a wide

Acorn Alpaca Ranch is located at 99 Acorn St. in Millis. Directions can be found on our website at or call us at 508-294-7085.

December 1, 2013

Local Town Pages

December 1, 2013

Ashland Plants 10,000 Marathon Daffodil Bulbs BY DIANE ROBERTS PRESIDENT, ASHLAND GARDEN CLUB Many thanks go to the hundreds of volunteers from Ashland and from all over Massachusetts who turned out on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 19 and 20, to help plant 10,000 daffodil bulbs along Ash-

land’s portion of the Boston Marathon route. All of the public and private planting areas along Rte 135 were pre-selected by the Ashland Garden Club, but other businesses and homeowners along the route are encouraged to plant daffodils in front of their properties this fall, too. The Ashland Garden Club would also like to acknowledge the help of Linda Albert and Laurie Karcz, who volunteered their time to help in the selection of the planting locations, and to the landscaping companies, who donated the labor and equipment to

Girl Scouts planting daffodils on Rte 135.

make the planting project go more smoothly – Village Green Landscape for digging the long planting trench in front of the Ashland Community Center, Cedarlawn Tree for digging planting trenches at the corner of Union and Cherry Streets and at the Welcome to Ashland sign on Waverly St., Tyler’s Lawncare for digging trenches at the Ashland and Hopkinton town line and at the Middle School, and Kamataris Landscape for digging and planting bulbs at several business locations along the route. We are grateful to Kathy Thomas and Diane Valle for their vision in creating the Marathon Daffodil project and for the support of our Ashland Board of Selectmen, Town Manager, and DPW, who helped to make this all possible. A few hundred leftover bulbs were subsequently planted in other Ashland locations. Brownie Troop #75355 planted over 100 bulbs at the Warren Elementary School. Teen volunteers Erica Doiron and Shannon McKelvey helped plant over 150 bulbs on

Sha’arei Shalom Community Announcements Menorah Lighting – Tuesday, Dec. 3, 6:15 p.m. - 7 p.m. Sha’arei Shalom will sponsor the lighting of the Ashland town menorah in Montenegro Square (across from Stone’s Public House in downtown Ashland). This event is open to the entire Ashland community. Shabbat Services – Friday, Dec. 6, 7:30 p.m. Experience the warmth of the Sha’arei Shalom Community. Join us for a traditional Friday night service with Rabbi Margie. A community Oneg

Shabbat will follow. Ashland Community Center, 162 West Union St. Sha’arei Shalom Contact Information: Web:

Phone: 508-231-4700 Email:

Address: Sha’arei Shalom P.O. Box 454 Ashland, MA 01721


Lunch Specials Available All Month

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24 Front Street, Ashland

Page 11

Myrtle St. along the walkway near the Mill Pond dam and at the Welcome to Ashland Sign. Extra bulbs were also planted on the island at the intersection of Cordaville Road and Oak St. and at the Ashland Historical Society building.

Ashland will be in full beautiful bloom next April in time for the 2014 Boston Marathon, and the daffodils will continue to come up and bloom for many years to come, serving as a symbol of Boston Strong.

Ashland Garden Club

SAVE THE DATE! Saturday, February 8, 2014 10:00am-11:30am Ashland Public Library

Free Program

³*DUGHQLQJ ,V 0XUGHU´ with Neal Sanders Join us for a humorous horticultural talk that focuses on gardening IURP D KXVEDQG¶V perspective.

Local Town Pages

Page 12



The Basket Raffle is available for you to purchase tickets for a chance to win one of the twelve beautiful theme baskets on display in the Family Center from now until Dec. 15.

There will be no pot-luck luncheon for December due to Christmas. Our next gathering is on Jan. 30.

St. Nicholas Breakfast, Dec. 15, 10 a.m. – Family Center. Pancake and sausage breakfast sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Tickets $5 each or family cap of $25, on sale in the Religious Education office. Christmas Craft Fair Dec. 15, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in the classrooms. Baked goods, handcrafted items, ornaments and gently used Christmas items on sale. Christmas Pageant Dec. 15, 2:30 p.m. – Church- Reception follows in the Family Center.

SAINT CECILIA CHOIRS Christmas concert by St. Cecilia’s Choirs at Fatima Shrine, Sunday, Dec. 8, 3 p.m. Christmas caroling – Join St. Cecilia’s music ministry for caroling in Ashland, Dec. 22, 12:15 p.m., with hot chocolate reception in the Family Center following. Join us and spread the Christmas spirit!

SUNDAY COFFEE BAKERS NEEDED Please consider donating a baked good for our Sunday Coffee Hour. To volunteer please contact Joyce, 508-353-0273 or email



2013 CHRISTMAS MASSES Dec. 24, 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m. Dec. 25, 7 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m.

SOLEMNITY OF THE BLESSED MOTHER Vigil Dec. 31, 4:30 p.m. Jan. 1, 9 a.m. Fr. Cornell and the Parish Staff wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!

An exceptional program of care that matches seniors who need help with seniors who want to help.


! !

Ashland Lions Induction and “Coats for Kids” Drive In the past few months, Ashland Lions Club welcomed new members. Carmen Camacho-Feliciano was recently inducted into the Ashland Lions Club. She and her husband Faustino reside in Ashland with their two children, Christian, 21, and Gabriel, 14. Carmen had come from Puerto Rico to attend graduate school 20 years ago. Her father had been a member of a Lions Club in Puerto Rico and she

Happy Holidays! Whether you’re trimming the tree, lighting the menorah, or still trying to recycle Thanksgiving leftovers into new recipes, we at Atlantic Capital Management wish you happiness and prosperity this holiday season! In keeping with the spirit of giving common during this season, we’re going to use our final column of the year to talk practically about year-end giving as it relates to both charitable and estate-planning scenarios. Beyond the obvious good that comes from making gifts or donations to the many charitable organizations that serve the public interest, there are also some significant tax advantages to charitable giving that make it an important part of any wealth-management strategy. Our experience serving our clients over the past 27 years has given us a lot of insight into the best practices for year-end giving; we’ve distilled the most practical into the list below. Give to qualified organizations: There are many qualified, rep-

CLUNKER HEATING UNIT REPLACEMENT SPECIAL! REBATES UP TO $1,925 FOR GAS or $950 OIL with 7 years to pay at 0% interest Maximize your savings by replacing your OLD heating unit now: It’s COAN to be warm and cozy this winter, with the Best for Le$$ $200 Free Oil Delivery Discount Coupons (Oil accounts only, on automatic delivery)

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wanted to follow in his footsteps. Maureen Camillucci was inducted as a member of the Ashland Lions Club on Oct. 22. She and her husband James have two children: Cal, 26, and Mackenzie, 16. Maureen and James reside in Ashland and are the owners and operators of Anthony J. Camillucci, Inc. Contracting. Both Carmen and Maureen have already become involved with the

Lions, agreeing to co-chair the "Coats for Kids" drive. The Ashland Lions Club, in conjunction with the Greater Ashland Lions Club, is holding a "Coats for Kids" drive. The clubs are seeking any "gently used" coats which can be turned into any of the Lions members or at collection points throughout Ashland. The Ashland Leos Club will also have a collection box at the high school. This drive runs until January.

Practical Tips for Year-End Charitable Giving

Happy Holidays! !

December 1, 2013

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utable organizations serving thousands of worthwhile causes; there are also many unqualified, disreputable groups willing to take your money. Use the Exempt Organizations Select Check tool at the website to verify the legitimacy and tax-exempt status of the group(s) you choose to give to. Pay attention to the rules and guidelines: As you might expect, the IRS has a plethora of rules and guidelines that cover charitable giving. For example, monetary donations of any amount, to any type of organization, must be documented properly in order to qualify as tax deductions. So whether you bought popcorn from the Boy Scouts or put up the cash for a new wing at the local hospital, you’ll need to provide bank records like canceled checks or statements to corroborate your contributions. Keep good records of your donations, including dates, amounts, organization names, etc. If you donate material goods to an organization, get a receipt if you do it in person, or keep written records that include time, date, and value of goods if you utilize a drop-off box or unattended location. Finally, be mindful of the technicalities involved in the tax exemptions; for instance, you cannot deduct charitable giving if you use any of the “short forms,” like the 1040A or 1040EZ, when you file your taxes. Don’t forget about gifting for estate planning purposes: While it’s not in the same purview as charitable gifting, don’t overlook estate-related year-end giving, either. You can reduce the overall value of your estate, and thus the overall estate tax burden, by mak-

Bill Newell

ing annual gifts to family members, organizations, and even your spouse! The annual exclusion rule allows individuals to make an unlimited number of gifts of cash or property, up to $14,000 each, completely tax free. Married couples (including same-sex couples in Massachusetts) can combine their annual exclusions, effectively doubling the amount of each gift to $28,000 even if only spouse makes the gift. For more information about our approach to charitable giving and estate planning, we invite you to visit our blog at William C. Newell, Certified Financial Planner (CFP®), is president of Atlantic Capital Management, Inc. a registered investment advisor located in Holliston, Mass. With Wall Street access and main street values Atlantic Capital Management has been providing strategic financial planning and investment management for over 25 years. On the Web at

December 1, 2013

Local Town Pages

Page 13

Signature Dishes from some of New England’s Finest Restaurants

Restaurant 45 combines an atmosphere of comfortable sophistication with fine dishes made from the freshest ingredients. Located in Medway with three function rooms and a cocktail lounge in an inviting atmosphere reflecting the hospitality of the restaurant and staff.

Signature Dish

Diners can enjoy a variety of steaks, fresh seafood, homemade pizza and more with fast and friendly service. Restaurant 45 caters to corporate gatherings, family functions, reservations and take out. Our menus provide a variety of classic dishes with something for everyone in the family to enjoy. Find our menus here. Offering a selection of seating for any mood, Restaurant 45 provides an amazing 1400 square foot lounge area with relaxing cherry woodwork decore designed by top local interior designer Susan Barba. Our lounge is perfect for an appetizer and a cocktail, or a full meal with someone special. With three updated function rooms for all sizes and an experienced and friendly staff, Restaurant 45 is the premier venue for your next family or business function. Contact us for information on catering and functions at our location or yours. Known for our first-class service, relaxing and inviting ambiance, and fresh and delicious menu options, it’s no wonder that customers have been coming back for years.

Hours: Mon - Thurs 11:30am -9:30pm • Fri 11:30 - 10:30 • Sat 12 - 10:30pm • Sun 12 - 9am

45 Milford Street, Medway, MA 02053 • 508 533 8171

Zio's Chicken Parmesan panko encrusted boneless breast of chicken over potato gnocchi in a tomato cream sauce with lightly dressed arugala and crispy prociutto.

Local Town Pages

Page 14

December 1, 2013

Living Healthy Put a Stop to the Battle of the Holiday Bulge The holiday season is dominated by parties, family gatherings and festive foods. Overindulgence in rich foods and drink during the

holiday season, compounded by cold weather that can make it difficult to exercise, often leads to weight gain by the end of the hol-

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iday season. But focusing on diet and exercise during the holiday season can help you avoid unwanted weight gain and provide more energy as the season progresses. The following are some effective ways to sail through the season without gaining weight. • Don't scrimp and sacrifice all of the time. The body is a powerful machine, but it does not always work the way that we want it to. According to nutritional experts, rather than metabolizing food on a daily basis, the body is geared to work over longer periods of time. That means you can balance out a high-calorie day by eating less food and/or lighter fare on the days before and after those days when you anticipate overeating. • Fill up before you go out. If you are worried about high-calorie foods and drinks that are often served at parties or holiday gatherings, eat before going to the event. Hunger may cause you to overeat and fill up on the wrong kinds of foods. Instead, eat a low-calorie snack that's high in protein and high in fiber

before leaving the house. Eating beforehand may help you avoid the chips and dips. • Get plenty of sunshine when possible. Lack of sunlight can attribute to winter blues, which may lead some people to rely on comfort foods. Such foods are typically rich in carbohydrates, fats and sugars. Spending time outdoors in the sun each day can improve your mood and get you off of the couch. • Fill up your plate with the right mix of foods. Don't deny yourself when faced with a big holiday dinner. Rather, fill the plate with a good mix of foods. Devote more space to lean proteins, such as roasted turkey or chicken. Even lean ham is good. Devote much of the rest of your plate to roasted vegetables and whole grains. Take only small portions of high-fat foods like candied yams or bread stuffings. You will still satisfy your craving, but you won't be overdoing it. • Skip the spirits for the most part. Alcoholic beverages are loaded with empty calories.

Many people would rather reserve bonus calories for a piece of pie or a rich brownie. Limit yourself to one drink per day. • Exercise every day. It can be easy to push exercise aside when you're busy with holiday tasks. But soon your metabolism may slow down in response to your body's suddenly more sedentary lifestyle, leading to weight gain. Aim for some sort of daily exercise, whether you decide park further away from stores at the mall or take the stairs instead of the escalator. Don't relegate exercise to a New Year's resolution. Inactivity will only mean you have to work harder in the future to shed those unwanted pounds you packed on during the holiday season. Weight gain may be another part of the holiday season for many men and women. But individuals concerned about adding extra pounds can stop the pattern of gaining weight during the holiday season by making smart choices throughout the season.

Local Town Pages

December 1, 2013

Page 15

Living Healthy Hopkinton Drug hosts their 25th Annual Holiday Open House Celebrate the Holiday Season with all of us at Hopkinton Drug on the weekend of December 7th and 8th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for our 25th Annual Holiday Open House. Bring the whole family along and enjoy everything from food tastings, door prizes, raffles, music, and caricatures to children's crafts, face painting, "Twas the Night Before Christmas" Readings, and pictures

with Santa (please make sure to bring your own camera)! Other highlights include natural product samples and the opportunity to meet with representatives from some top supplement companies such as Ortho Molecular and Nordic Naturals. Also, our own Hopkinton Drug Wellness Counselors will be available to meet with you.

If you would like to donate a toy, Hopkinton Drug is an official "Toys for Tots" drop off location. For more information, visit our website or you can find us at: 52 Main Street Hopkinton, MA 07152 508-435-4441

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Local Town Pages

Page 16

December 1, 2013

Living Healthy Anne Ferrari-Greenberg RN, BSN


158A Pond Street Ashland, MA 01721

Golden Pond Grand Opening After several months of hammering and sawing and drilling, Golden Pond Assisted Living recently celebrated the grand opening of its newly expanded facility in Hopkinton, Mass. This year, Golden Pond celebrated its 22nd birthday with a 64,000 square foot expansion. Pictured (l to r) Scott Richardson, President of the Hopkinton Chamber of Commerce; John Mosher, Chair of the Board of Selectman for the Town of Hopkinton; Katy Tavares, Golden Pond Executive Director; Kerry Kunst, co-owner of Golden Pond; Larry Kunst, co-owner of Golden Pond; Shelley Ryan, Golden Pond Marketing Director; and Cindy Chesmore, Director of the Hopkinton Council on Aging.



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Local Town Pages

December 1, 2013

Page 17

Ashland Cultural Council Offers O’Keeffe-Style Pastel Workshop for Adults Award-winning pastel artist Gregory John Maichack will present his participatory pastel workshop for adults, “The Art of Georgia O’Keeffe: How to pastel paint flowers,” on Monday, Dec. 2, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at The Federated Church of Ashland on 118 Please Main St., Ashland. call 508-881-1355 to register. This pastel painting workshop serves sheer adult beginners to advanced artists. It is free and open to the public. In this fun pastel painting workshop for adults, Maichack will provide insights into O’Keeffe’s life and painting methods, demonstrate how to use pastels, (as participants follow along), and coach participants as they attempt their own pastel paintings in O’Keeffe’s style, with the focus on her namesake flower, the calla lily. Maichack provides all materials, including hundreds of professional grade pastels. “It’s amazing to see adult beginners side-by-side with advanced pastelists enjoy and benefit from this deeply researched program,” Maichack said.

Maichack has presented hundreds of similar workshops in pastel focusing on other artists’ techniques, from da Vinci to Monet to van Gogh. He was hired by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA) to be their pastel demonstrator in 2012, and has been nominated twice for a Massachusetts Gold Star Program Award. He will display his original pastel artwork to illustrate his talk. Maichack’s workshops have been so well-liked, many libraries and senior centers have booked and rebooked him, often twice a year. “What I heard through students’ comments reflects a teaching style that is rare: encouraging, positive and constructive, with information given in a style that students find approachable, accessible, and clear,” Melinda Georgeson, director of education at Norman Rockwell Museum, wrote. Maichack lives in western Holyoke. He is a portraitist and painter working primarily in pastels and winner of the Award of Merit from the Bennington Center for the Arts: Impressions of New

A group poses for a photo with Maichack (back row on the left) after a Georgia O'Keeffe workshop.

England Show 2003, and Savoirfaire Pastel Award from the Great Lakes Pastel Society. Maichack was commissioned by Westfield State College to paint the pastel portrait of the past college president, Doctor Frederick Woodward, which was unveiled at the dedication of the Woodward Center. He has been in many national juried shows and was awarded hundreds of Massachusetts Cultural Council grants. As well as his portraiture, his still lifes and landscapes are represented by galleries from Kennebunkport, Maine to San Francisco. Maichack is accepting requests to do portraits, and various commissions to do pastel paintings. Please call 413-532-3667 or email Maichack at Visit his new website at Maichack was a faculty member at the Museum Studio School in the Fine Arts Museum Quadrangle in Springfield, Mass. and also teaches at Greenfield Community College in the adult continuing education department.

The Blue Calla pastel painting the workshop will recreate. Photos/submitted.

This project is supported in part from a grant from the Ashland Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.

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Local Town Pages

Page 18

December 1, 2013

PET CORNER Kip and Rafie Kip and his brother, Rafie, are a wonderful pair of young boys who are looking for a semi-quiet home where they can romp and play and cuddle. As they are a very bonded pair, we want them to be adopted together. They were born outside along with their four rambunctious sisters who have all been adopted - now it is their turn. Kip is a beautiful long-haired, soft black kitty with occasional white hairs sprinkled in his coat and some silverish gray on his chest. He doesn't enjoy being held most of the time (though that will probably change as he settles in with his new family) but he does enjoy being petted. Rafie is a short-haired gray kitty with the solid build of a Russian blue. Both boys are beautiful! Rafie is a quicker-to-cuddle kitty, but once they feel familiar, they are purr machines and love attention. They are skilled hunters of toy mice, ping-pong balls, string toys and any bugs that come their way. Please come and meet these handsome charmers. Better yet, adopt them and give them the home they are waiting for!



Meet our big, handsome boy, Gibby, who came to us because his owner was moving and unable to take him along. Gibby had a difficult time adjusting to shelter life so we gave him a big room all to himself, and he has really settled in and enjoys all the attention he is getting. But what he really wants now is a home to call his own. You walk into Gibby's room, call his name and he plops on his back, rolls around, and purrs non-stop - a super cat with a heart-warming personality. We feel Gibby would do best in a home with older children (teenagers and above) and as an only cat - he just wants all the loving to himself. Gibby is 5 years old - a youngster with a big heart.

Parker Parker is one good-looking and lovable boy - just look how content he is snuggling up in his blanket. He has every reason to be happy after being found as a stray - fortunately, we had room to take Parker into the shelter before the cold weather set in. Parker is a true gentleman with a heart-warming personality and is anxiously awaiting that new and forever home - you can't miss with this boy! Parker is about 3-4 years old and is positive for FIV, but don't worry, FIV+ cats can lead long and healthy lives. Our adoption counselors have lots of information on FIV and can assure you that Parker has many healthy years ahead.



Gibby We provide ‘small-town service’ while representing global insurance carriers. Let us help you save $$$!

Contact Sheryl Merchant, president of the MetroWest Humane Society for more info on these cats. Email, call 508875-3776, or visit The MetroWest Humane Society is located at 30 Pond St., Ashland.

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Local Town Pages

December 1, 2013

Page 19

Calendar of Events Annual tree lighting by Ashland Day Committee. Includes Santa (bring Monday, Dec. 2 Admin & Ashland Educators Association Meeting, 3-4 p.m., Room 5, cameras), a raffle for five bicycles, hot chocolate, and cookies. 5 p.m., Montenegro Sq. Middle School, 87 W Union St. Tuesday, Dec.10 Gregory John Maichack will present his participatory pastel workshop for adults, “The Art of Georgia O’Keeffe: How to pastel paint flowers. Special State Election (to fill the unexpired term of Congressman Ed Free event, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., The Federated Church of Ashland, 118 Main Markey). Ashland High School, 65 East Union St. St., Call 508-881-1355 to register. Thursday, Dec. 12 Tuesday, Dec. 3 Ashland Business Association (ABA) Holiday Party. 6 p.m.-10 p.m., Burnam's Pub House, 366 Pleasant St. Thursday, Dec. 5 Hanukkah is officially over at sundown.

The Documentary Film & Discussion Series. 7 p.m.-9 p.m., Ashland Library, 66 Front St. Saturday, Dec. 21 First day of winter and the shortest day of the year.

Tuesday, Dec. 24 Christmas Eve. Town Hall Closed for Christmas. 12 p.m.-Dec. 25, Saturday, Dec. 7 Book and Cupcake Sale. Please join Friends of the Ashland Public Li- 11:30 p.m. brary for delicious cupcakes, and browse for books! Books are $1 for Wednesday, Dec. 25 hardcover and trade paperbacks. Mass-market paperbacks and children's Christmas Day. books are 50 cents. Children's paperbacks are 25 cents. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 26 Ashland Library, 66 Front St. Kwaanza begins. Hopkinton Drug hosts its 25th Annual Holiday Open House. Bring the Tuesday, Dec. 31 whole family! 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Dec 7.-8, 52 Main Street, Hopkinton, New Year’s Eve. Town Hall Closed for New Year. 12 p.m.-Jan. 1, 11:30, 508-435-4441. p.m. Acorn Alpaca Ranch hosts its annual Holiday Open House. Visitors can drop by between 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Dec 7.-8, 99 Acorn St., Millis.

School Lunch Menus “Building A Brighter Tomorrow Out of a Healthier Today”

Run Your Inserts With Us! Call Lisa Kittrell (617) 460-6042

Page 20

Local Town Pages

December 1, 2013

Sports Baum Breaks 24:00 Mark in 3.2 Mile Race BY CHRISTOPHER TREMBLAY STAFF SPORTS WRITER Having played youth soccer for many years, Ashland’s Jaclyn Baum knew that it would be a big commitment to take on the sport upon entering high school her freshman year. So instead of soccer, she opted to try cross country and found that she not only enjoyed running but found it to be rather relaxing. “I liked knowing that I could improve my time every time that I ran instead of learning a play and going on the field and doing it,” Baum said. “My dad, who was a runner in high school, was super excited when I decided to run

cross country. Once I joined he was always pushing me to do better.” From that first year as a freshman, the Ashland athlete has cut her 2.6 mile time down almost 5 minutes down to 21:18. While she feels great about what she has accomplished over the past few years, everything was not always glamorous. “My first year was okay. I was still getting the feel for the sport, and I can’t remember my first meet fully, but I probably finished last or very near to it,” she said. “This year was the first time that I actually felt that I was in shape and knew that I could do it. I guess you

could say it was a long process.” Ashland Cross Country Coach Lou Mancini has seen an improvement in his two-time captain. “She has steadily improved over the four years that she has run,” the Clocker Coach said. “Jaclyn’s not a superstar, but she works extremely hard and is well liked by her teammates. This year alone she has dropped 3 minutes from her time on our course.” One of the things that helped Baum recognize her improved running ability this year was her performance in the state tournament. Last fall, the senior ran 27:00 on the 3.2 mile course. This year she finished with a time of

23:53, breaking the elusive 24:00 mark. “Cutting almost three minutes off my time from a year ago was great. I was so excited being able to get under my goal of 24 minutes,” Baum said. “I felt that I was mentally able to run faster this year not having to worry if I was going to get sick doing it.” Having had a successful cross country career, one would wonder why Baum never attempted to participate in track. “I really never thought about running winter or spring track as I was already committed to play tennis, my main sport,” she said. “I have come to love cross country now,

Jaclyn Baum. Photo/submitted.

but it’s still more of a side sport – tennis takes priority.”

Scholarship Player at Wake Forest Poole was the star pitcher on Ashland’s state title squad. BY KEN HAMWEY STAFF SPORTS WRITER Jim Poole’s dream as a kid was to play Major League Baseball after a stunning career at Ashland High as a pitcher and shortstop. That’s one reason he attended Wake Forest University on a partial baseball scholarship. The weather in North Carolina was more favorable to extensive scheduling and additional games, the competition was top-notch and the Atlantic Coast Conference was highly regarded. Located in Winston-Salem, the Demon Deacons even played their home games in a minorleague ballpark. Unfortunately for Poole, who was instrumental in leading Ashland to a state championship in 1966, his dream was never realized. “A good senior year at Wake Forest might have generated some interest but I developed a sore arm after a good junior season,’’ said Poole, who’s now 65, retired and living in Somerset, Va. “I experimented with throwing a slider and threw it a lot when I pitched in the Boston leagues during the summer. That led to arm trouble.’’ Poole, who hit .320 and had a 62 record as a junior, slumped in

his final campaign in college, winning only two games and hitting .260. Although Poole didn’t draw any interest from pro scouts, he’s got no regrets. This is because his days at Ashland and at Wake Forest were proof that Poole was a high-octane player, a smart pitcher and a clutch competitor. At Ashland, the 5-foot-11, 175pounder was absolutely dynamic. He hit .390 as a senior and .410 his junior season. He pitched his senior year and was not only unbeaten during the regular season at 6-0, but he also started all three tournament games and won all of them, downing Norton in the tournament finale for the state crown. “We went 18-2 my final year and capped the season with the state title,’’ Poole said. “What a great team we had and what a thrill to be state champs. We had a good mix of veterans and younger players, a superb coach in Clem Spillane and the team chemistry was excellent. Everyone was supportive of each other.’’ Poole cited players like Mark Iarussi in centerfield, Dennis Baker at first base, Steve Willard catching, Joe Markarian at third and Earl McLaughlin at second

base. Poole, who relied on pinpoint control, beat Revere, Bourne and Norton in the tourney, and his 9-0 overall record on the mound generated first-team all-state honors in the Boston Globe and Boston Herald. Able to mix a fastball, curve and knuckler with a change-up, he also was a twotime Dual County League all-star. “I have some great memories of that season,’’ Poole said. “My best game was a two-hitter against Bourne in the tourney and my best game at the plate came in the regular season against Lincoln-Sudbury. I had five hits and three RBIs.’’ A three-sport athlete and a cocaptain in baseball and basketball, Poole played football as a running back and safety. A guard in basketball, he averaged 14 points a game. “My best game in basketball was a 28-point effort in a win against Lynnfield,’’ he recalled. “I was average in football but I had a good final game against Hton. I scored on a 20-yard run and had three receptions.’’ Coached by Spillane in football and baseball, Poole rates his late coach at “unique.’’

Jim Poole and teammates celebrate a championship win.

“There was no coach like Clem,’’ Poole emphasized. “He could motivate you and make you a tougher player. He was a good man and he demanded discipline.’’ After getting his degree in business at Wake Forest, Poole worked first for a publishing company, then later earned a master’s degree in counseling at the University of Virginia. He then worked in a psychiatric hospital, eventually became self-employed as a cabinet-maker, taught woodworking, then spent 20 years as a guidance counselor at an elementary school in Locust Grove, Va. He also coached middle school baseball for 10 years. Poole is married, and he and his wife Susan have two daughters and two grandchildren. In his leisure time, he enjoys sailing,

Jim Poole. Photos/submitted.

gardening, hiking and woodworking. Calling his brother Bob, who also was a top-notch athlete, his role model, Poole relied on a philosophy of being competitive, giving 100 percent at all times and enjoying athletics. As far as being unable to achieve his Major League goal, Poole will be the first to admit that Ashland and Wake Forest were special places. “Ashland was a great place to grow up and play sports,’’ he emphasized. “It was hard to move away. At Wake Forest, I was in a mix with talented players and was able to compete at that level. I enjoyed that level and we had good team spirit.’’ Jim Poole was a gifted athlete whose work ethic made him a very special player.

December 1, 2013

Local Town Pages

Page 21

Sports Testing their Wills against Ashland’s Hills Second annual Ashland Half-Marathon & 5K Spilka then shouted “Go” as the runners crossed the classic starting line painted by Ashland’s Jacques Leduc. Although locals dominated the top slots, winning three of four divisions, a mother-daughter team which finished near the back of the half-marathon pack garnered a lot of attention.

Men’s 5K winner, Patrick Daly of Ashland. Photo/submitted.

Ready to test their wills against Ashland’s hills, 1,128 official entrants gathered at Marathon Park for the second annual Ashland Half-Marathon & 5K.

After a close call during the Boston Marathon terrorist bombing, the efforts of Kris Biagiotti and her daughter Kayla have attracted national notice, including that of ESPN, which shadowed the duo from Mendon for a documentary to air on the sports channel next April. “The videographers are

ease and Kris Biagiotti pushes her in a carriage. She needed a little help managing the now-famous Green Street Monster and said she agrees with Rodgers’ assessment of the Ashland course. “It was one of the hilliest courses I have run. I was comparing Green Street to some of the grades when I ran Mt. Washington years ago,” Kris Biagiotti said. “I think Boston, even though a longer distance, was easier to push Kayla than the Ashland Half.” Kris Biagiotti said she and Kayla will be back next year. “We felt the love all day long,” she said. “We had a blast. Everyone was nice and Kayla got lots of hugs. That's her measure of a good time.”

strengths but the Ashland route made me really dig deep and tested the mental side of racing.” Hine’s winning time of 1:28:32 put her almost 2 minutes ahead of Hopkinton’s Dara Delmata at 1:30.22. The South Hadley resident, 24, enjoyed herself. “The event was wonderful. Sometimes it is nice to just run smaller races that really highlight the beauty of strong, close-knit community… I can certainly see myself returning” she said, adding, “I will be sure to incorporate more hills in my training runs so I can blow through that mile 10 hill that seemed to hit me like a brick wall.”

Along with families and friends, competitors from 108 Bay State cities and towns as well as from 20 other states, as far west as Oregon and as far south as Louisiana, and the District of Columbia joined entrants from Bermuda, Great Britain, Greece and Japan. Ashland Sporting Association President Steve Greenberg later told town selectmen the Sunday, Oct. 27 event was “like an open house for the whole town.” Legendary runners Bill Rodgers and Bobbi Gibb were on hand to cheer on the runners along with Ashland kindergartner Anagha Kulkarnie, who sang an inspirational National Anthem. Recalling the original 1897 “American Marathon” start, state Sen. Karen

Mendon’s Kris Biagiotti said she was humbled when two of the sport’s greatest champions, Bill Rodgers and Bobbi Gibbs, held a tape for her and her daughter Kayla to break as they crossed the finish line, adding “it was quite an honor for us.” Photo/Patrick Brosnan

The top three in the men’s half with their medals, from left, winner Keiron Tumbleton of Hopkinton, second-place finisher Mike Barry, also of Hopkinton, and Joseph Di Cicco of Dedham. Photo/submitted.

a lot of fun,” Kris Biagiotti, 46, said. “It doesn't add any pressure. We have fun with it.” Kayla, 18, has mitochondrial dis-

The men’s half-marathon champ, Keiron Tumbleton, 48, of Hopkinton compared the Ashland course to two other notable half-marathon tests, the Applefest Half in Hollis, N.H. and the “brutal” Monson Memorial Classic. “Knowing what the terrain of the course was like, I wanted to be conservative with my pace until 7-8 miles,” he said. “I started out easy and ended up in the lead at about 2 miles. I just ran steady from there on.” Tumbleton, who has battled recent injuries, won in 1 hour, 19 minutes and 11 seconds, good for a 3-minute-plus edge over Mike Barry, also of Hopkinton.

Women’s half champ Melissa Hine of South Hadley poses with her mother Karen at Marathon Park after her victory. “I always run my hardest for my personal satisfaction,” Hine says. “I also think about how proud my parents will be, which helps me push even harder.” Photo/submitted.

Women’s half-marathon winner Melissa Hine arrived with a healthy respect for the hilly course. “I really had to make sure to run smart. I needed to pick up the pace but be prepared,” she said. “Hills are actually one of my

Running is a family affair for 13-year-old Kaleigh Donovan of Ashland, who won the women’s 5K. Her time of 21:10 beat Shana Halvorsen, also of Ashland, by 1:04. Donovan’s mother, Gina, competed in the half-marathon while her twin brother Jack and Shea, 11, both finished in the top 25 in the 5K. The Donovans ran with the largest team, No Frills Runners. “Jack is a very good runner and actually beat me by a minute,” Kaleigh Donovan said of her twin, eighth overall in the men’s 5K. “My goal next year is to beat Jack!” Men’s 5K champ Patrick Daly, 23, of Ashland, saw it as more than a running event. “The start of race obviously has a lot of history and it was awesome to have two running legends on hand,” he said. “The new signs in Marathon Park are a great addition and add a lot of character to the park. The hometown fans were great too and definitely gave me a little boost.” Daly’s time of 18:20 bettered Patrick Cronan of Dedham by 20

seconds. On the Saturday morning before the race, the Ashland Sporting Association held a ceremony unveiling six historical plaques at Marathon Park. Rodgers and Gibb participated along with 95-yearold Ashland resident Jean Cunis, who recalls when the Boston Marathon starting line was in Ashland, and Patrick Kennedy of Brighton, whose great-grand uncle, “Bricklayer Bill” Kennedy, won the 1917 marathon. The ceremony featured speeches on the significance of Marathon Park by Boston Athletic Association Executive Director Tom Grilik and Ashland Town Manager Anthony Schiavi. The races had 347 Ashland runners and 57 sponsors, ranging from Long Trail Beer and Barefoot Wine to many local merchants. Town officials and a hundred-plus volunteers also contributed mightily to the event’s success.

Speedy Kaleigh Donovan, 13, of Ashland, won the women’s 5K in fine fashion. “I love running because people cheer for you and you feel like you're actually accomplishing something,” Donovan says. “ I love feeling the wind in my face and hearing the sound of my sneakers pounding on the asphalt.” Photo/Patrick Brosnan

Local Town Pages

Page 22

December 1, 2013

New Facilities Manager Welcomes Challenges BY CYNTHIA WHITTY FEATURE WRITER Ambitious and resourceful, Ashland’s new facilities manger Eric Heideman has a history of welcoming new challenges. While in the Navy, Heideman led a camp maintenance division for four overseas deployments and pursued his undergraduate education, earning an AA degree in construction technology and a BS in criminology. After leaving the military, Heideman decided to pursue a career in the public sector. While working on his MA in Public Administration from Framingham State University, he wanted “to get his foot in the door,” so he volunteered to work for 30 hours a week for four months as a procurement specialist for the town of Framingham. The self-made internship paid off. When the longtime facilities manager left, Heideman applied for and got the job. In Framingham, he ran the municipal facilities department for two years. Why come to Ashland in August to manage both municipal and school buildings and report to two supervisors, the town manager and the assistant superintendant of schools?

“More communities are going toward this combined services approach because it is more efficient and cost effective,” he said. “Plus, I’m drawn to taking on more responsibilities. In Framingham, I had nine employees to manage; in Ashland, I have 25.” There has never been a formal agreement between the schools and the town. Heideman said he is looking forward to formalizing the arrangement. “There are a lot of challenges to get our buildings safe and usable at all times,” he said. “Doing more with a small budget and limited staffing resources is always challenging. We have seven town buildings—the community center, town hall, library, two fire stations, police station and the DPW—and five schools—the high school, the middle school, Mindess, Pittaway, and Warren.” Heideman said, “The town is looking to start a capital improvements program. We want to proactively maintain buildings and become more sustainable. We want to find areas for savings with energy efficient equipment in buildings while making the buildings compliant with state and federal building code laws. We’re working to reduce municipal en-

ergy use by 20 percent using the Green Communities funds.” Other goals include improving the rental process for facilities, such as the high school auditorium and sports facilities. He is using new software, SchoolDude, to make facility rental more userfriendly. Heideman is taking on a facility index audit, an overall inventory of equipment in all facilities, which he will use for long-range planning. Heideman works closely with the building inspector, the DPW, and the all-volunteer Sustainability Committee. “It’s a close network. Everyone is essential for us to be successful,” he said. Heideman grew up in Berkshire County, and loves to hunt, fish, play the guitar and sing country music. “It runs in the family; my father and grandfather also play guitar and sing,” he said.

New facilities manager Eric Heideman was hired in August to oversee Ashland’s municipal and school buildings. Photo/Cynthia Whitty.

“I want to learn all I can on a regular basis. I’m eager to learn new skills, be a jack of all trades,” he said. Working in local government is Heideman’s dream. Someday he wants to be a town manager. To reach Eric Heideman, send an email to eheideman@ or call his office, 508-881-0170.

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December 1, 2013

Local Town Pages

Page 23

Retiring? Top Six Things to Consider Before You Leave Your Job 4. Manage asset allocation: Regularly monitor and review your investments to ensure they support your goals and to determine if you should change how assets are allocated among different investment types; consider professionally managed investments products.

BY EVAN YAMPOLSKY There’s no better time than the present to take a fresh look at your financial future – including how to plan for retirement. If you are one of the vast members of baby boomers approaching retirement age, preparing for the golden years may mean making several important decisions while still in the workforce to help ensure you will have enough money to live in retirement. As retirement looms closer, the overwhelming possibilities leave many people uncertain about where to start. Here are six important financial considerations to think about before retiring: 1. Define your retirement: Your vision will drive your plan. You may decide to work parttime, launch a completely new career, or perhaps go back to school, volunteer or develop new hobbies. Consider if you need to downsize, relocate or remain in your current residence. 2. Know where you stand financially: Take inventory of your assets and possible income sources, and understand how your retirement plan will help provide you with income during your retirement years. Save as much as possible while still working. 3. Estimate your expenses in retirement, especially for healthcare: Healthcare can be a significant expense category during your retirement years, so understanding what your healthcare plan covers in retirement is critical. Consider long-term care insurance to cover expenses that may fall outside of your health insurance if the need arises.

5. Plan for your beneficiaries: Create a will, choose a guardian if needed, and select who will manage your estate. Transferring wealth is a critical part of retirement planning. Estate planning, in particular, can be an efficient way to distribute the maximum amount possible to your beneficiaries at the time of your death. Added benefits like reducing estate taxes enhance the value of incorporating life insurance into your overall planning for retirement. 6. Explore options to create a retirement income: Research product strategies that can help generate a guaranteed retirementincome stream, including the new generation of variable annuities that can provide guaranteed streams of income for life while still affording degrees of flexibility and control. It may be advantageous to purchase these products while you are still working. It’s never too early or too late to start taking these tips into consideration. Investors should consider the contract and the underlying portfolios’ investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. This and other important information is contained in the prospectus, which can be obtained from your financial professional. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing. A variable annuity is a longterm investment designed to create guaranteed income in retirement. Investment returns and

the principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor's units, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original investment. Withdrawals or surrenders may be subject to contingent deferred sales charges. Insurance policies and annuity contracts contain exclusions, limitations, reductions of benefits and terms for keeping them in force. All guarantees, including optional benefits, are backed by the claims-paying ability of the issuing company and do not apply to the underlying investment options. Your licensed financial professional can provide you with complete details. Prudential Financial, its affiliates, and their licensed financial professionals do not render tax or legal advice. Please consult with your tax and legal advisors regarding your personal circumstances. Long-term care insurance is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, located in Newark, NJ. Variable annuities are issued by Pruco Life Insurance Company (in New York, by Pruco Life Insurance Company of New Jersey), Newark, NJ, and distributed by Prudential Annuities Distributors, Inc., Shelton, CT. All are Prudential Financial companies and each is solely responsible for its own financial condition and contractual obligations. Prudential Annuities is a business of Prudential Financial, Inc. Should you have any questions about financial issues, feel free to contact Evan Yampolsky at 508-382-4929, or by email at evan.yampolsky@prudential.c om. Evan is a Financial Advisor with Prudential Financial. He enjoys working with families in Ashland, where he lives with his wife, Debbie, and two children.

(l to r) Bob Zakrzewski, Pamela Bathen, Stephanie Fair and Steven Greenberg

Planning for the holidays? How about planning for spring? It’s hard to believe, but we’re already seeing signs of a busy spring market. We won’t bore you with the financial indicators, because it boils down to this: more and more requests asking us how to prepare a home to list next spring. Here are a few basics: Clear the decks: Our talented stager, Gina Gatter of Fresh Interiors, emphasizes de-cluttering and removing all personal items. Prospective buyers need to picture themselves living in your home, so the goal is to make it appear as if NO ONE LIVES THERE! Prepare yourself to store Junior’s school pictures—a sometimes difficult, but necessary, task. Swab the decks: The holiday clutter is upon us, and I suggest you revel in it. But when the calendar turns to 2014, make this the cleanup of the year. Discard, organize, scrub, polish. Consider renting a storage unit if there are items you simply can’t part with. Convenient locations are listed on our web site. Maintain your vessel: Repair the leaky faucet, the running toilet, the sticky door. Every home has faults, but buyers won’t overlook them. If you’re not exactly a handyman, just check our web site for referrals. Next month we’ll continue to tackle each step. Begin by calling us, and we’ll help ensure smooth sailing through the upcoming spring season!

Buying? Selling? Not sure, but need to know more? Call us anytime. Collectively, Steven Greenberg, Pamela Bathen, Bob Zakrzewski and Stephanie Fair of REMAX Oak Realty have over 60 years’ experience in the Metrowest Real Estate market. They welcome your questions at 508 309 3538 or CHECK OUT OUR NEW SITE‼!

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Local Town Pages

Page 24

December 1, 2013

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