Millis/Medway February 2012

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Medway & Millis localtownpages

Vol. 2 No. 12

Free to Every Home and Business Every Month

February 1, 2012

Gluten-Free Options Growing in Millis BY J.D. O’GARA

ease, the body responds to gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye, by producing antibodies that attack a portion of the small intestine, called the villi. This damage prevents the body from absorbing nutrients. Blood tests for the disease look for these antibodies, and biopsies can later confirm the shortening and flattening of the villi.

As soon as she could communicate, Vanessa Ciasullo, of Millis, complained of a stomachache. “She wasn’t able to verbalize her pain until Kindergarten,” says her Mom, Mary Ciasullo. “She was in the nurse every day after school after lunch with her bellyaches,” but no one could figure out why, she says. “I had to tell her not to go to the nurse. We didn’t know it was real.” The nurse would often give Vanessa crackers to help her tummy and then send her back to class.

With a gluten-free diet, the villi heal, and life can improve for the patient. “Before it was more tough, because I would have to go to the nurse every single day. I kind of started to feel unimportant,” says Vanessa, now 10, “but now it’s so much easier. I’m better at sports, and I feel stronger and more healthy.”

Real it was, however. A few years later, in conversation, Mary met a woman whose son had been diagnosed with Celiac Disease. “I asked her what her symptoms were,” says Mary. Signs Vanessa showed were pale skin, stomach upset and intestinal discomfort immediately after eating. Mary also worried that her daughter had become frail, with dark circles under her eyes, and she was unable to gain weight. She’d become so fatigued she’d been blacking out during sports.

subsequent biopsy revealed that Vanessa, then 9, indeed did have Celiac Disease.

Last April, bloodwork and a

According to the National Insti-

Vanessa Ciasullo, right, shown with her Mom, Mary Ciasullo, learned just last year that a simple protein found in wheat, barley and rye called gluten was making her sick. These days, eating gluten-free, especially in Millis, is becoming easier, thanks to local vendors.

tutes of Health (NIH) an estimated one out of a 100 people has Celiac Disease, also known as Sprue, although many are never diagnosed. With this genetic dis-

Vanessa and her family also have a growing number of local shopping options. In January, local Roche Bros. added an entire new gluten-free section in their store remodeling. Two doors down, new gluten-free bakery Twist opened up in December. In the past year, says Mary, “the

BY J.D. O’GARA Strength in numbers – that advice that Mom always gave you can be put to work in the business world. For members of the 33-year-old Medway Business Council (MBC), grouping together gives them a voice. “We want people to understand that we’re part of the community, just like the residents are, but we had no platform to speak and represent us,” says 57-year Medway resident and business owner Richard Parrella. Parrella, who owns E. Parrella Company, Inc. (EPCO), his brother and nine others founded the Medway Business Council in 1979, with hopes that joining together would help disseminate information about things affecting business in the local business com-



continued on page 2

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continued on page 4

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Local Town Pages

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GLUTEN-FREE continued from page 1

availability (of gluten-free options) has quadrupled.” She now finds the items more locally, although, she says, “It’s pricey.” Kathryn Ernst, owner of Twist, who learned to bake using alternative ingredients after dealing with her own and her children’s food allergies, agrees it is costly and time consuming to find such products. Her entirely gluten-free and peanut-free facility also caters to allergies to dairy, soy and shellfish, and she’s careful in her practices not to cross contaminate food. She also makes sure not to use artificial colorings or flavorings, but admits that finding ingredients can be a challenge. “I want (customers) to have good, flavorful, home cooking with normal, natural ingredients—no preservatives – no dyes,” says Ernst. However, she says, “it is really challenging to find a commercial chicken broth without all this junk in it,” and likewise, she “won’t make a red velvet cake … until I can find out how to do it without using an entire container of red food dye and no corn syrup.”

localtownpages Medway & Millis

Published Monthly Mailed FREE to the Communities of Millis & Medway Circulation: 10,000 households Publisher Chuck Tashjian editor J.D. O’Gara sales Lori Koller Franklin & Millis/Medway Production & layout Dawna Shackley advertising dePartment 508-533-NEWS (6397) Ad Deadline is the 15th of each month. Localtownpages assumes no financial liability for errors or omissions in printed advertising and reserves the right to reject/edit advertising or editorial submissions. ©

Copyright 2010 LocalTownPages

That said, Twist is still trying to remain competitive, great news for customers like Millis resident Nancy Sitta, who could not be more thrilled about the new bakery. Sitta was diagnosed with sensitivity to wheat and oat last February. “I’ve had health issues for what I think is like 30 years,” says Sitta, “and no doctors have ever been able to diagnose what I have. Fifteen years ago I was labeled with fibromyalgia, but I did my own research on it, and I just didn’t think that I had it.” Sitta worked with her primary care physician to find an alternative practitioner. Finally, after conducting a blood panel, they found she had the food allergies. After she removed the gluten from her diet, says Sitta, “All of my symptoms disappeared.” Sitta hopes to “make people aware that if they have symptoms for something their doctor can’t pinpoint, it’s probably food allergies, and it’s a simple remedy.” Sitta does miss the texture gluten gives such food as bread, which binds better with the chemical. “I think the gluten-free pasta and the sugar cookies are much better than the bread,” says Vanessa, “but I miss eating pizza,” a sentiment Nancy also expresses. Mary Ciasullo, however, says she has found a gluten-free pizza place in Milford. Given how much better each feels, however, neither would go back. Says Mary of Vanessa on the gluten-free diet, “Life is much nicer with her health on the rise.” For more information on Celiac Disease you can visit or

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February 1, 2012

Food Allergies in School: Nothing to Sneeze At BY J.D. O’GARA January brought a serious issue that affects four out of 100 children to national headlines: food allergies. When 7-year-old Ammaria Johnson passed away at a Virginia elementary school, she had reacted to something many of us would never consider deadly – a peanut she got from a fellow first grader. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases reports that food allergy affects approximately 5 percent of U.S. children. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) analysis also found that the prevalence of food allergy among children under 18 increased by 18% from 1997 to 2007. With food allergies, the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks a food protein as it would a foreign virus, releasing histamines. The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) ( lists food reaction symptoms ranging from mild, including itchy rashes, hives, and swelling to severe, such as trouble breathing, wheezing or loss of consciousness. Eight types of food— milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy and wheat— account for over 90% of allergic reactions, according to the CDC. It’s a growing problem. From 2001 to 2003, there were 4,135 hospital releases throughout the country among kids under 18 with any diagnosis relating to a food allergy. From the years 2004 to 2006, that number increased substantially, to 9,537. The problem is close to home. At the Clyde F. Brown Elementary School in Millis, 36 students have food allergies, says Diane Danehy, School Nurse. The top culprit, she says, is the peanut. Within the

school, these allergies range mild to life-threatening, although Danehy has seen the number of students with serious reactions rise in her tenure at the school. “Absolutely, without a doubt (it has risen),” she says. No food is allowed on school buses, and the cafeteria has a separate table for children who have peanut allergies, she says. The peanut-free table is disinfected daily and has a paper tablecloth that is changed between lunches, and all the cafeteria food served is peanut, tree nut and peanut oil free. Elijah Norris,, who’s been Director of Dining Services in Medway for 5 years and Millis for 3, says the safeguards in the cafeteria under the Nutrakids system extend to the point of sale. “Instead of an old school cash register, it’s a computer touch screen where kids enter their secure 4-digit number, and their account pops up on screen. For students who have allergies, a note will pop up that says so that staff knows,” says Norris. Every teacher, and bus driver at Clyde Brown is EpiPen® trained, and they are given a list of students who have them and a list of parents who give permission to administer the drug, says Danehy. EpiPens contain Epinephrine, available by prescription as a self-injectable device. Due to state law, trained staff are only able to give students, who carry their own EpiPens, the medicine with permission. FAAN is currently backing a bill, School Access to Emergency Epinephrine Act, introduced in November to the Senate (S.1884) and to the House of Representatives in December (H.R. 3627), that would require elementary and secondary schools to main-

tain, and permit school personnel to administer, epinephrine at schools. Forty-one students at Clyde Brown carry their own EpiPens. Despite precautions, says Danehy, the school still can’t guarantee a peanut-free environment, due to outside food. “As a school, we are peanut aware,” says Danehy, “because we can’t guarantee that someone won’t bring in a product that contains peanuts.” “The biggest challenge is food brought in from home,” says Danehy. “My biggest beef is with the great big parties we have in classrooms, when parents just stop in with baked goods they purchased. Unless I see what the ingredients are in it, I can’t let them have it in the classroom.” As children grow from pre-school on, they are given more responsibility for managing their food allergies. “Our goal, when the kids walk out of Clyde F. Brown, they go to the middle school with responsibility for their food allergy,” says Danehy, who says the shift is necessary as older students switch classes. Sometimes the teens, however, do forget the seriousness of their allergy. “It happened to my son,” says Danehy. Her son, who had a peanut allergy, had relaxed to the point where he went to a sporting event at TD Bank North Garden without a safeguard. “He ate something that had cross contamination and had a reaction,” says Danehy. “Luckily, someone in the audience did have an EpiPen.” Danehy also sees something of a backlash among parents, what she calls “a lot of rolling of the eyes.” What she hopes to impart, however is “that every child has special needs, but for these select people, it’s a life threatening issue. We have to be vigilant to save the life of that child.”

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February 1, 2012

Local Town Pages

Ain’t Nothin’ but a Groundhog BY DAVE PASQUANTONIO They go by many names -- landbeaver, whistle-pig, woodchuck. They are part of an ancient prediction mythology, but have no special insight into the end of winter. They have many enemies, but are thriving. They have very cute babies who can ruin your summer.

Groundhogs are voracious eaters. They like green plants – grasses, shrubs, many flowers, and most garden vegetables. They will strip the bark off the base of a young fruit tree, because their incisors, the long teeth in front, never stop growing, and they have to wear them down. Many groundhogs are still hibernating on Groundhog Day, February 2, and won’t wake up for another month. But according to myth, on that day the groundhog pops out of its burrow for the first time since hibernating. If he sees his shadow, he gets scared, runs back into his burrow, and won’t come out for another six weeks, until wintry weather ends. If it’s overcast, he will stay out of his burrow – the cloudy weather signifies that the weather is changing for the warmer.

The Millis town election will take place on Monday, May 7 this year. The town has openings for the positions of Moderator, Selectman, School Committee (two positions), Library Trustee, Board of Health and Planning Board. Nomination papers will be available from the town clerk’s office through March 15, and anyone in-

Legend says that winter will continue for another six weeks if the groundhog sees his shadow, but chances are that the little guy will still be hibernating for another month.

sutawney Phil in Pennsylvania, but Alberta has Balzac Billy, Georgia has General Beauregard Lee, and Staten Island has Chuck, and there many more. The National Climatic Data Center puts groundhog prediction success at about 40 percent, although prediction proponents say that the groundhogs are accurate about three-quarters of the time.

tors – coyotes, big hawks, bears, wolves, foxes – but a groundhog entrenched in a burrow in a fencedin backyard is pretty safe from everyone except angry gardeners. You can try to cover the hole in late fall to discourage them, but after that you have to wait until any babies have left their burrow for good next summer.

You can make your own predictions even if you don’t have your own groundhog – take note of the weather on February 2 at about 7:30 a.m. If it’s sunny, prepare for more winter; if it’s cloudy, rejoice in the end of winter.

Scent-based repellants like mothballs may work, but the groundhogs may just dig another hole. They are timid creatures; small pinwheels placed near the burrows may persuade them to move, as they don’t like the motion. It is illegal in Massachusetts to relocate any living wild creature, so live trapping isn’t an option. You may have to suffer through chomped flowers, cucumbers, and carrot tops until the groundhog gets bored with your garden and wanders away in search of something tastier.

The basis for this myth is cloudy as well. Some say that thousands of years ago the Romans, or maybe the Greeks, observed hedgehog behavior to determine when spring would arrive. There’s a Germanic tradition that if the sun comes out on Candlemas – 40 days after Christmas, which is February 2 – a hedgehog or badger would see its shadow and return into its hole. When German immigrants settled in the United States, they substituted the more available groundhog.

Once spring arrives, all the groundhogs, famous or not, wake from their hibernation, which they began back in late fall. And they’re hungry, and ready to make more groundhogs. A male and female share a burrow until the babies are born in the spring, and then the male leaves for good. The little groundhogs are weaned after about six weeks, and then they can leave the burrow with their mom. They’ll eat up to a third of their body weight each day as fall approaches and they prepare for hibernation.

The most famous weather-predicting groundhog is Punx-

Getting rid of a groundhog is not an easy task. They do have preda-

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Nomination Papers Available for Millis Town Election May 7th BY J.D. O’GARA

They are groundhogs. And if you have a garden, or live anywhere in suburbia, you’ve probably seen them, chased them, sworn at them, or tripped in one of their holes.

So that’s the groundhog. They don’t really know when winter will end, but each year we hope that they don’t see their shadow so that we can get on with our spring activities. Like planting a garden for them to eat.

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terested in running must submit those papers by March 19. In addition, absentee ballots are also available from the town clerk’s office for the Presidential primary on March 6. Absentee ballots may also be downloaded from the town website,, under the “Forms & Documents” menu located on the left side of the home page.

Medway Memorial Committee Formed for Tercentennial BY COL. MICHAEL MATONDI The Medway Memorial Committee met and organized at a special meeting to form plans for the 300th Anniversary events. Members of the newly formed committee are as follows: Col. Michael F. Matondi, Chair Police Chief Allen Tingley Fire Chief Paul Trufant Peter Ciolek Richard Parrella John Larney Robert Saleski

Doug Wahl A search committee, headed by Richard Parrella and John Larney, was formed to study the erections of a monument honoring those who have served in the War Against Terrorism, expected to be dedicated on Memorial Day 2013. Also discussed were special day activities on November 11, 2013 honoring all veterans. The committee would welcome any suggestions for these events, and all committee members would be the contact people. At the Medway Mill 165 Main St., Suite 107 Medway, MA 02053

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Local Town Pages

Page 4

February 1, 2012


it’s good for the town, then fine.”

continued from page1

Parrella believes that the town of Medway has seen a change in philosophy toward the business community in recent years.

munity, as well as promote business opportunity in Medway and the surrounding area. “We felt it was important that we work together and in conjunction with the town to have input into how the business community fits within the community (as a whole),” says Parrella.

“Medway, like every town, is facing the need to develop a better and stronger commercial and industrial base,” says Parrella. “In the past, I believe, while there’ve been groups of people and individuals who have been very supportive of business, Medway traditionally was not a pro-business community.”

The group’s objectives are to offer direct involvement on local and state issues that affect business owners and residents of Medway; to assist local businesses in promoting and nurturing their businesses while networking, exchanging ideas and building relationships within the community; and to encourage members to exchange ideas and practices in perfecting and improving each business.

Parrella explains that businesses cost the town less than residents, and that since the total residential contribution in taxes cannot meet the costs, businesses are necessary. Despite the economic downturn, Parrella believes that Medway has the potential to boom when business picks up.

“We are open to anyone and everyone from the single sole proprietor to a large corporation like Cybex,” says Parrella. “We have professional people. We have retailers.” The MBC meets from September through June, and guest speakers are present at each monthly meeting. Parrella explains that the MBC has presented literally several hundred speaking programs over the years, on a number of different topics helpful to entrepreneurs. What’s more, each meeting offers networking opportunities and social interaction with other business leaders. “Who knows what someone’s going to get out of a meeting,” says Parrella, “but if you don’t go, you’re going to get nothing out of

Shown here are the Board of Directors of the Medway Business Council, a non-profit organization open to any business owner. The group strives to support each other, stay abreast of town issues affecting business and unite to give a voice to Medway Business.

it.” Networking, says Parrella, is a way of keeping ideas fresh and promoting your company. “You have to promote your business when things are slow as well as when things are busy,” he says, “and the Business Council allows you to do that by networking. You not only learn, you get to share experiences.” The 49-business member group also maintains communication with Medway’s Industrial Development Commission, Selectmen

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and Planning boards. For example, they have been involved in the Rte. 109 sidewalk construction and lighting renovations, the creation of Gamewell Road, and water installation at the Alder Street Industrial Complex. They have also helped work on zoning changes along 495 and Rte. 126. The group, as a whole, plays a large role in the community. In addition to initiating Medway Pride Day and, at one time, sponsoring the Medway’s Founder’s Day mentor program, the group offers

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two annual scholarships to Medway High School graduates. It also provides a large amount of the funding for the Medway Christmas Parade and Fireworks. “The business community funded 98% of the money raised for the Medway Christmas Parade,” says Parrella. “One of the things that has always bothered me is the business community is looked upon as a separate entity, when in fact, we’re part of the town. I don’t want something in Medway that’s bad for Medway. If

“We have a wonderful board of selectmen and planning board that’s much more open-minded and user friendly in promoting a healthy business climate in Medway,” says Parrella. “ Medway has an excellent location on interstate 495, only 12 to 15 miles to Route 128, centrally located between major urban areas of Boston, Worcester and Providence and easy access to New York, New Hampshire, Connecticut and whatever else. It has an educated and available labor force … I believe what Medway lacked in the past was a positive business attitude, and I believe that’s changed.” For more information on the Medway Business Council, visit or call (508) 533-3859.

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Local Town Pages

February 1, 2012

Millis AMVETS Keeps Support Going for Soldiers Overseas

Medway Election Papers Available Until March 30th The Medway Town Election will take place on Tuesday, May 22 this year, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Medway residents must register to vote by Wednesday, May 2 in order to vote in the election. Nomination papers are currently available from the town clerk’s office, and Friday, March 30 will be the final day to obtain papers. Nomination papers must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, April 3, and nominees have until April 19 to withdraw. Offices available for the 2012 Election include: Board of Selectmen (2) 3 year Dennis Crowley Richard Dunne Town Clerk (1) Maryjane White, 3 yr.

At least fifty boxes. Every month. It’s no small task for the small AMVETS Post 495 on Village Street in Millis, but every month, volunteers collect donations, shop for items, and pack care packages for men and women in the armed forces overseas, letting them know that they aren’t forgotten and giving them a few of the comforts of home.

Robert Collum, 3 yr. School Committee (1) Jeffrey Devolder, 3 yr. Park Commission (1) Judi Notturno, 3 yr. Library Trustee (2) Mary Ann Cabbibo, 3 yr. Edward Duggan, 3 yr. Water/Sewer Commission (1) Cranston Rogers, 3 yr. Planning and Economic Board (1)

Housing Authority (1) Helen O’Donnell, 5 yr.



Board of Health (1)

Thomas Gay, 3 yr.

Page 5

The non-profit Millis AMVETS Post 495 Packages for Patriots Program is led by Ken Phillips, who proudly points to a message board in the Amvets post covered with letters of gratitude from the soldiers. These letters have been arriving since the Post started the program when the United States first began deploying troops to the Middle East. “We’ve been doing it since ’03,” says Phillips, who notes that the 52 boxes in January “are going to Afghanistan.”

The effort is costly, says Phillips, who explains that although the Millis Post Office has been hugely supportive, each box costs $11 to ship and about $25 to fill. Since the program began, estimates Phillips, it has probably cost over $300,000. Many people do donate items, but for those months where donations are short, volunteers Susan Tabarani, Sarah Nez and Sharon Wanders put their bargain shopping skills to task, combing dollar stores and sales for items to fill the boxes. Fellow volunteer Bobby Woods assembles the boxes, readying them for the goods. The ongoing program is always looking for donations to help support the soldiers. Items always sought after by the soldiers include: Batteries Beef jerky/Slim Jims Trail mix or nuts Non-aerosol bug spray Flytraps

Sun block/sunglasses Books and magazines (new and used) Feminine hygiene products Hand sanitizer Powdered drink mix Instant coffee/creamer Eye drops/antacid/Tylenol Energy and granola bars Candy, cookies, Pop Tarts Tuna kits Socks/shoe insoles Cards and travel games Toiletries Anyone interested in donating items for the packages or in making a monetary donation to help keep the program going can send a check to: Amvets Post 495 Package Committee 404 Village Street Millis, MA 02054 For questions, contact Ken Phillips (774) 571-1613.

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Local Town Pages

Page 6

February 1, 2012

Homeowners Responsible for Removing Snow, Ice

A Special Evening of Romanza


Romanza, a special evening of romantic music will take place on Wednesday, February 8, from 7-8 p.m. in the Sanctuary of the Church of Christ, 142 Exchange Street, Millis. Local Millis musicians include Jagan-Nath Khalsa, violin; Jacob Litoff, violin; Antonio Massa Viana, guitar; and Lelia Tenreyro-Viana, vocals. Dancer Rachel Chase will perform as well.

Winter is here, and with it comes snow, ice, slips and falls. Homeowners should be particularly aware that they must dig out their shovels or snowblowers, or, if they can’t remove snow themselves, make sure that they hire someone to clear the snow around their property. That includes the sidewalk, if there is one, in front of their home. “It is the homeowner’s duty to

make (the sidewalk) safe and passable,” says Dave Schofield, owner of Schofield Insurance Services. “If personal injury did occur, an injured party would certainly go after the homeowner’s insurance. The policy would respond under the personal liability section. The policy doesn’t have specific reference to types accidents. It describes covered perils.” In fact, says Schofield, in winter, homeowners should take care to

make sure that all of their home maintenance is up to date, as neglected furnaces, roofs and electrical issues are a great source of loss. If maintenance has not been kept up, an insurance company could hold the homeowner responsible, on the grounds of material misrepresentation. However, says Schofield, the onus is on the insurance companies to ask if certain things have been updated.

Norfolk Cultural Council Juried Art Competition March 3-31 Applications Will Be Accepted through February 3rd The Norfolk Cultural Council is sponsoring a Juried Art Competition at the Norfolk Public Library March 3rd to March 31st. A reception with awards, art, music and refreshments will be held on March 10th from 5-7 p.m. The competition is open to all artists; cash awards will be presented for

the top ten pieces of art. A non-refundable entry fee ($15 for one entry, $20 for a maximum of two entries) made payable to the Norfolk Cultural Council is required to be considered for the juried competition. Applications may be sent with the payment (check or money order) from January 16th

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through and including February 3rd. Artists will be notified of their accepted artwork for the juried competition by February 9th via email or phone. Further information and an application may be requested by contacting

This concert will include works by Vivaldi - guitar concerto; Piazzolla, History of Tango; Paganini, works for violin/guitar; SaintSaens, The Swan; UJ Flury, Rousseau Suite for violin/viola; Massenet, Meditation from Thais; and Antonio Jobim, Girl from Ipanema.

A small reception will follow in the Fellowship Hall. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, please contact Nancy Sitta at (508) 376-2676. The Friends of the Millis Library is an independent organization that promotes the Library within the community by funding programs and services that would not be possible within the constraints of the Library budget. The Friends sponsor a variety of programs and book sales throughout the year, which are held at the Millis Library, 25 Auburn Road. Become a Friend today and help grow the New Library. For more information or a printable membership form, please visit millis/friends.asp.

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Medway Oil President Jeff Mushnick, pictured right, accepts a plaque of appreciation from Medway Lions President Brian Fox for giving the Club a “base of operations” for its monthly Bottle & Can Drive, proceeds of which benefit community efforts in Medway.

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Local Town Pages

February 1, 2012

Page 7

3rd Annual Cabaret Night February 11

Medway 300th Committee Seeks Citizen Input

Millis Fundraiser Supports Arts in Millis Public Schools

A period of historical significance is taking form in the Town of Medway about to embark on the observance of the 300th Anniversary of this historic community.

Come support arts in Millis Public Schools! The Millis Backstage Crew (MBC, Inc.) will present the Third Annual Cabaret Night fundraiser on Saturday, February 11, 2012, from 7 p.m. at the Millis High School cafeteria, 245 Plain Street, Millis. Cabaret Night will feature performances by the Millis High School Band, the Millis High School Chorus, Terpischore (Millis High School Dance Club) and various solo, duet and group acts. Tickets will be $10 for adults and $5 for students, and proceeds will support MBC, Inc.

ration formed to support music, drama, dance and the arts in Millis Public Schools. Proceeds from last year’s Cabaret Night supported five scholarships for after-school lessons, wardrobe for the December production of The Nutcracker and paid for awards for upcoming Pops Night on May 9. For more information on purchasing tickets for tables of up to eight people, or for more information about becoming involved in MBC, Inc., please contact Marnie Dohertymarniedoherty@yahoo. com.

MBC, Inc. is a nonprofit corpo-

Save the Date! Millis Lions Silent Auction March 24th Event Benefits Warren Jordan Scholarship Each year the Millis Lions Club generously provides scholarships for deserving Millis students in the 12th grade. This year, the main fundraiser for the scholarship program is the Warren Jordan Scholarship Silent Auction, which will be held on Saturday, March 24, beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the St. Thomas Large Hall on Route 109

in Millis. The cost of a college education is an enormous financial burden for our students and their families. The Millis Lions Club has been extremely helpful in supporting our students as they pursue a college education. Any contributions you could make to this worthy endeavor would be much appreciated.

BRUCE P. GUIDA Certified Public Accountant

Having the privilege of participating in the 250-275 anniversaries and hopefully in the 300th, I point with pride that our citizens responded with love of country; love of community and profound patriotism to our community so rich in tradition and who contributed so

much to the growth of our nation. A committee has been formed with Dennis Crowley as chairman assisted by John Foresto and with the solid backing of our present Board of Selectmen who have provided the spirit for us to go forward. I take this opportunity to urging all citizens to support and become part of this important Era, making Medway a community that is proud and leave in the hearts of fu-

ture generations that we truly care for their future and to carry on the tradition bestowed upon us by the Founders who sacrificed so much to make our town the outstanding example what true patriotism is all about. Periodic meetings are now being scheduled and will be announced as developed. Look for them in newspapers, radio, Internet and other means of communication. -Colonel Michael F. Matondi AUS (Ret.)

Medway Library Offers PAWS TO READ Program Dogs aren’t only man’s best friend; they are amazing listeners. The Medway Library will offer a unique opportunity to prove this point by introducing the PAWS TO READ program, which will pair young readers (grades 2-6) with trained therapy dogs and their trainers for one-on-one reading sessions at the library. The experience of reading to dogs is very different from reading to other children or adults. Children in-

volved in PAWS TO READ programs nationwide have show improved reading skills, a sense of pride in their accomplishments and a willingness to become involved in other positive activities. This is not a tutoring program, but rather an opportunity to practice reading skills and build confidence with an attentive, nonjudgmental listener. Children may bring their own books or take time before their scheduled visit to

Murphy Insurance Receives 5-Star Award The Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents (MAIA) is pleased to announce that the D. Francis Murphy Insurance Agency, Inc. of Hudson, MA, with additional offices in Bolton, MA, Groton, MA, Harvard, MA, Marlboro, MA, Mendon, MA and

Medway, MA underwent an intensive review in order to be re-certified as a Five Star Insurance Agency. The Five Star Award of Distinction is awarded by MAIA to an independent insurance agency that

browse the library collection where they will find many new and familiar books available. The program will be offered the first Wednesday of each month, beginning February 1, 2012 from 3:30 until 5 p.m. Please register at the Circulation Desk at the Medway Public Library for a 15-minute time slot or speak to Lorie Brownell for more information at (508) 533-3217 or lbrownell@ successfully completes a “fitness review” which examines an agency’s five key imperatives: Customer Focus, Management/Leadership Excellence, Human Resource Excellence, Process & Product Excellence and Future Success. Currently there are only 28 Independent Agencies in Massachusetts that have received the coveted Five Star Agency Designation.

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Local Town Pages

Page 8

February 1, 2012

Paying For College May Now Be Less Taxing Education Tax Rules Parents facing college expenses have several provisions in the tax law to consider. The benefits don’t apply to all, but there is something of interest for many families.

Tax Credits The Hope credit (renamed the American Opportunity Tax Credit) is available for certain tuition and fees, and it allows you to reduce taxes annually up to $2,500 per student for four years of college. The credit is equal to 100% of the

first $2,000 of qualified expenses and 25% of the next $2,000. The lifetime learning credit covers any year of post-secondary education, with a maximum credit of $2,000, no matter how many students in the family are eligible. Both the American Opportunity Tax Credit and lifetime learning credits phase out for taxpayers with higher incomes.

Other Education Tax Incentives

BAF Law La L aw Group Group

education savings accounts. You may establish an education savings account (previously called an education IRA) with a nondeductible contribution for any child under 18. The annual contribution limit is $2,000. Funds can accumulate and be paid out tax-free for qualified college expenses, including tuition, fees, books, supplies, equipment, and certain room and board costs. The funds can also be used to pay for elementary and secondary (K-12) school expenses at public, private, or religious

Debt Resolution Home Loan Modifications Call today for an initial consultation! Proven results with lenders, credit card companies, & collection agencies. 85 Main Street, Hopkinton, MA 01748 508-435-LAWS (5297)

schools. Eligibility for an education savings account starts phasing out at $95,000 of AGI for single taxpayers and $190,000 for married folks. individual retirement accounts (iras). Existing IRAs can also be a source of college funds. You may make withdrawals before age 59— without penalty for amounts paid for college or graduate school tuition, fees, books, room and board, supplies, and equipment. education savings bonds. Interest on Series EE and Series I bonds issued after 1989 is nontaxable when used to pay tuition and fees for you or your dependents. This tax break begins to phase out once income reaches certain levels. section 529 plans allow individuals to set up an account on behalf of someone else (say a child or grandchild) that can be used to pay college expenses. There are two types of plans: Prepaid tuition plans are designed to hedge against inflation. You can purchase tuition credits, at today’s rates, that your child can redeem when he or she attends one of the plan’s eligible colleges or universities. Both state and private institutions can offer prepaid tuition programs. Using tuition credits from these programs is tax-free. college savings plans are state-

sponsored plans that allow you to build a fund to pay for your child’s college education. Your contributions are not tax-deductible, but once in the plan, your money grows tax-free. Provided the funds are used to pay for qualified college expenses, withdrawals are tax-free. Qualified expenses include tuition, fees, books, supplies, and certain room and board costs. Private institutions are not allowed to set up college savings accounts. student loan interest deduction. Interest on certain student loans can be deducted whether or not you itemize your deductions. The maximum deduction is $2,500 per year over the loan repayment period. other tax benefits. Most scholarships remain tax-free, nontaxable employer-paid tuition may be available, and education expenses related to your job still may be deductible. When you start examining your situation, remember that many of these provisions are designed so that you can’t benefit from more than one in any given year. Your financial advisor can help guide you through the maze and help ensure that you receive the maximum possible benefit Jeffrey Schweitzer, EPA, CEP, ATP offers financial planning services at Northeast Financial Strategies Inc., in Wrentham, Mass.

71 71 Main Main Street, Medway, MA 02053

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Local Town Pages

February 1, 2012

Page 9

Boy Scouts Millis Public Schools Partner with Tufts in Science Joan Lynn, Director of Curriculum Turn 102 Millis teachers have been given Blue and Gold Banquet for Millis BY J.D. O’GARA February 8 marks the day that Boy Scouting officially landed on our nation’s soil. The Boy Scouts began as a British movement by Lord Robert BadenPowell, and the idea was brought back to the United States by William D. Boyce. The Boy Scouts of America was officially founded in 1910. Each February, the Millis Cub Scouts celebrates by holding a Blue and Gold Banquet. This year, the banquet will be held on Sunday, February 19th at noon at the Millis Amvets Post (on Village St). “At this event, we will hold the Arrow of Light and Bridging Ceremony and celebrate as the Webelos 2 become Boy Scouts,” says Scoutmaster Steve Butler. Scout Sunday is another tradition of Boy Scouts in celebration of its anniversary. On Scout Sunday, this year on February 5, Boy Scouts generally wear their uniforms to places of worship. Depending on the individual locations, Boy Scouts will sometimes participate in religious ceremony.

Winter weather

the opportunity to work with Tuft’s University Center for Engineering Education and Outreach through a National Science Foundation grant. The focus of the grant is to enhance the instructional abilities of teachers to effectively teach STEM topics. STEM is an acronym originally used by the US government to represent Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The grant is allowing teachers to integrate engineering and literacy in the classrooms. Eight Millis teachers participated in a weeklong professional development course provided by Tufts University during the summer. The course allowed the teachers to explore the engineering framework for creating units of study in their classrooms. The grant has several purposes including improving STEM education, increasing the range of student engagement in STEM and improving literacy skills. Since that time, Tufts University staff have been working directly with the teachers in our classrooms. Using the book The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary as a basis for the engineering problem, the students in each of the classes designed a question around the dilemma of Ralph

Winter break

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Millis Public School students work with Tufts University staff in a partnership made possible through a National Science Foundation grant.

being stuck in a garbage can. One class decided to work on “What could Ralph build that would help him get out of the trash can?” The students worked in groups and brainstormed ideas for how Ralph could solve his problem. Tufts University provided all of the

materials that allowed the students to work on solutions to this dilemma. While some groups came up with similar solutions, some ideas were very unique involving catapults, helium balloons, trampolines and tunnels. The students were actively engaged in

building their contraptions and then diligent in working to make sure they were viable solutions to help Ralph get out of the trash can. The Tufts staff is back after the Winter break to continue this joint venture.

Local Town Pages

Page 10

Church of Christ Offers Free Dinner and Movie Nights The Church of Christ Congregational, 142 Exchange St. Millis, will offer free monthly community Dinner and Movie Nights on Friday, February 17 and March 16. The event is sponsored by the Mis-

sions Committee and Men’s Fellowship Group and is held in Fellowship Hall. Dinner is served at 6:30 p.m. followed by a familyfriendly movie.

Letter to the Editor:

The Dinner and Movie Nights are open to the public and all are invited to attend. For more information, call (508) 376-5034 or visit the Church

Franklin Performing Arts Company presents A Culinary Cabaret to Support Electric Youth A Presentation of the Culinary and Performing Arts

tour. “A Culinary Cabaret” partners include media sponsor Northeast FLAVOR Magazine, Davio’s Northern Italian Steakhouse, Tavolino, Artistry Boston Catering and Events, Whole Foods and Clarke, The Ultimate Kitchen Resource Center. This event will take place in the beautiful Clarke showroom known to be the nation’s most exemplary distributor with two award-winning showrooms (known as the region’s ultimate kitchen resource centers), a Culinary Center teaching cooking to homeowners throughout New England, a nationally known appliance service company and a network of stellar independent retail dealers. Clarke now represents high-performance

brands including: Sub-Zero, Wolf, Asko, Best, KWC, Dawn and Scotsman. Electric Youth members serve as ambassadors of America’s youth while presenting concerts domestically and abroad. On a 15-concert tour in Europe, EY shows will include a return performance to entertain the U.S. Troops and families stationed abroad. EY last toured Europe in 2010 when they performed 15 shows in Austria and Italy and headlined the Fourth of July celebration for the U.S. Troops and their families stationed at Aviano Air Force Base. To purchase tickets for Culinary Cabaret, contact the Franklin Performing Arts Company at (508) 528-8668.

There’s a BIG price to be paid for dealing with a BIG bank. Big banks are hitting you with fees left and right. That’s gotta hurt. At Charles River Bank, burdening you with giant fees is not how we do business. We know that those $25 per month big bank fees add up fast, so we offer banking solutions that are unique to you. Stop paying a big price for the “privilege” of dealing with a big bank and let us show you just how much you can save with us.


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The Franklin Performing Arts Company will present a “A Culinary Cabaret”, an evening of fabulous food, wine and entertainment, on Friday, March 9, at 7:00 p.m. at Clarke, The Ultimate Kitchen Resource Center in Milford. The culinary and performing arts will unite to create a feast for the senses. “A Culinary Cabaret” will offer demonstrations by some of the area’s best chefs, restaurants and caterers and exceptional entertainment by Electric Youth and special guest artists from the Franklin Performing Arts Company. “A Culinary Cabaret” will support Electric Youth, Franklin’s international touring ensemble and their 2012 European

Those are just some of the reasons why Charles River Bank is


Millis Fund Launches Annual Super Bowl Sunday Campaign

THE MILLIS FUND is again offering YOU the opportunity to "make a difference" in the lives of your MILLIS fellow citizens as we launch our 2012 ANNUAL APPEAL for your donations. Established in 1994 by an anonymous donation of two thousand dollars given to the clergy of the four religious communities of MILLIS (St.Paul's Episcopal, St. Thomas Roman Catholic, Temple Beth Chunon and UCC Congregational). To Date The Millis Fund and YOUR response to our Annual Appeals has made a difference in the lives of more than 300 families (approx.1,000 individuals), who were facing EMERGENCY financial obligations involving housing, heat, public utilities and/or medical needs. As this past year's distributions have been the biggest in our 12-year history, we are counting on your generosity and we THANK YOU for your past support. No donation is too small as many small gifts, added together, make it possible to "Help-A-Neighbor-in-Need." All donations to TMF are deductible under Sec.401(C)3. All

contributors are assured of taxexempt status, and we are qualified to receive matching corporate donations. There are no administering costs other than the annual govt. filing fee, which is very often picked up by a member of the eight member volunteer Millis Fund Board of Directors, that administers all disbursements. The Millis Fund Guidelines are simple: APPLICANTS Must be Millis residents of one year or more Only one request per calendar year Checks will be paid directly to the Vendor, never to the applicant A simple one-page application for financial aid may be picked up at the Town Hall or at the United Church of Christ, Exchange St. (Rte. 115). The Millis Fund is supported by all Millis Town Boards, Departments, Schools, Civic Organizations and Local Businesses. On Super Bowl Sunday, February 5, the religious communities in Millis will again donate a special collection from their congregations to The Millis Fund. We need YOU to continue to MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

New England

-Ellinor L. Harkins


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Local Town Pages

February 1, 2012

Page 11

Living Healthy Take Heart! February is American Heart Month BY JANE LEBAK Judith Gold* of Millis is the last person you'd think of in connection with heart disease. In her early 40s, she works out five times a week and eats healthy. But women like Judith are the reason February is American Heart Month: Judith has high blood pressure. Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States, but many causes of heart disease are preventable. "Heart disease" refers to any conditions that affect the heart. Most people use it to refer to a narrowing of the blood vessels until those blockages stop oxygen from reaching the heart, resulting in a heart attack. But heart disease also refers to rhythm problems, congenital defects, and heart infections. Judith says of her experience, "I went for a routine exam, thinking I would just stop in and it would be fine, and that's not what happened. My blood pressure was 188 over 82, too high for them to let me leave without a care plan." Her doctor recognized the seriousness of high blood pressure, which can cause damage not only to the heart but to all major organs. The stereotype of heart disease is

a man in his sixties, maybe overweight, maybe a lifelong smoker. Instead, heart disease can affect anyone at any age. Madeline Evans, also of Millis,* is a young mother who noticed bouts of racing heartbeats. She became concerned when they would happen a couple of times a day. "I let it go for about two weeks, and then I went to the doctor, who did an EKG. That was normal, but she wanted me to wear a Holter monitor for 48 hours." A Holter monitor is a device smaller than a pack of cards which records heartbeat data. "Any time I felt my heart was racing, I would click a button, and it would mark where I thought an episode was happening." Based on this data, Madeline's doctor decided her palpitations were clinically normal. Although Madeline approached her doctor because of worrisome symptoms, high blood pressure and high cholesterol are called "silent

killers" because they cause damage before symptoms appear. The first step to a healthy heart is a regular

echocardiogram) to diagnose structural or functional problems, or a stress test to monitor the heart while it's working very hard. According to the CDC, in 2010, nearly 800,000 Americans experienced their first heart attack. Almost half of men under 65 who experience a heart attack will die within eight years, making it vital to prevent that first attack. Three target areas to improve are diet, physical activity, and exposure to cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke has a constricting effect on the arteries, causing the heart to have to work harder. For Heart Month, smokers can quit smoking or cut back.

checkup. Your doctor will take your blood pressure, check cholesterol with a blood test, listen to your heart, and possibly perform an EKG right there in the office. For further concerns there might be a referral to a cardiologist, who can order an ultrasound of the heart (an

Heart Health Month encourages consistent healthy choices with our diets. Reducing foods with choles-

terol, fat, and partially-hydrogenated oils is one such decision. We can eliminate foods and beverages with added sugars and opt for foods lower in sodium. Cardiovascular exercise promotes heart health as well as increasing lung function and levels of good cholesterol, but should be initiated only after a doctor's okay. A good goal for beginners is thirty minutes of physical activity per day, (even brisk walking,) three days a week. The nine-week "Couch To 5K" workout ( uses a schedule of running intervals to help a non-runner get in shape to jog three miles. Madeline Evans has joined a gym to raise her general fitness level and head off any future problems. By combining cardio workouts such as Zumba with strength classes such as Pilates, she intends to improve her overall fitness as well as her heart health. continued on next page

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Local Town Pages

Page 12

Living Healthy Pay Attention to These Symptoms. It Could Save Your Life Because early treatment is imperative to survive a heart attack, everyone should become familiar with a heart attack's classic symptoms:

chest discomfort pain in the arms, back, neck, jaw or stomach shortness of breath cold sweat, light-headedness, or nausea A 2003 NIH study discovered that heart attack symptoms can present differently in women, often without chest pain: unusual fatigue sleep disturbances shortness of breath indigestion anxiety If you are concerned that you might be having a heart attack, it's important to seek help right away to prevent permanent damage. It's always better to seek help at the ER and find out it's nothing than to ride it out and home...and find out later it was for real.

February 1, 2012

continued from previous page Judith Gold says, "What was frustrating to me was that I exercise all the time and watch my fat intake, so I thought I was doing everything right." She initially tried to control her blood pressure with lifestyle changes. "I thought I could handle it myself, continue to exercise, reduce my caffeine, up my potassium, calcium and vitamin D--but that didn't work." Now in addition to healthy choices such as limiting caffeine and sugar intake, she keeps her blood pressure under control with medication. Because you only have one heart, it's important to take care of it. This February, it's time to look out for your heart by scheduling a physical and renewing your commitment to healthy eating and an active lifestyle. *Both women used pseudonyms because they shared private medical information. For further information about National Heart Month, visit

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February 1, 2012

Local Town Pages

Page 13

Living Healthy Ask the Anytime Guy | Fitness Matters Expert answers to your health and wellness questions BY CHRISTOPHER CHARRON Question: Well, it’s that time of year again. Any advice on sticking to my New Year’s resolutions in 2012? ansWer: To be honest with you, I don’t really like the whole resolution approach at all. Wasn’t it Einstein that said doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is a sure sign of insanity? If that’s true, I find it ironic that people set similar goals year after year, and yet fail to reach those goals year after year. It’s clear you want to make some changes—that is what resolutions are all about—but it sounds like it’s your mindset that needs to change. You have to determine how committed you are to living a lifestyle of health. After all, it takes dedication and hard work to exercise consistently, make healthy food choices most of the time, and get adequate sleep each night. And these are just some of the behaviors that define wellness. But here’s the thing—when you decide that revamping your lifestyle is more important than reaching

some short-term goal for 2012, New Year’s resolutions will become a thing of the past! Question: I’d love to run the Shamrock Shuffle 5K with some friends in March, but I am not active at all right now. How should I go about training for something like this? ansWer: This is a great question! There are actually several plans on the internet that can take you from the couch to the 5K course in as little as 8-10 weeks. In fact, you can even use one of these plans if you have no intention of running a 5K, but simply want to start incorporating fitness (running) into your lifestyle. Most of the plans start with combination walk/jog/walk session, 3 days per week, steadily increasing the actual jog time from just 2 or 3 minutes to about 10 minutes by weeks 4 or 5. At this point, you also start to add an extra day of training, totaling 4 sessions each week. As you continue to increase your jog time, you gradually remove the walking warm-up, thereby finishing each workout with just a basic

walking cool-down. By the time you get to 10 weeks, you should be able to run consistently for 25-30 minutes without stopping. Not bad for a former couch potato, huh? Do a Google search for couch-to5K training programs, or check out for more information. Good luck! Question: I’m looking to add some serious muscle mass, and I’m curious about the engineered weight gainers out on the market? In other words, do you think weight gainers should be used to gain weight? ansWer: Weight gainer supplements can have a place when it comes to adding muscle, but here’s my general philosophy on the matter. First of all, we know calories are of prime importance if gaining weight is the goal. We also know that some people simply can’t eat enough to gain the type of weight that they’d like to. This means that liquid calories become pretty important because liquids obviously aren’t quite as filling as solid foods. But my personal preference would be to create my own weight

gainer smoothies with real foods, like fruits, yogurt, protein powders, oats, milk, and even things like peanut butter, frozen yogurt, and a little bit of chocolate. Then, you can combine these “beverages” with some hearty meals, and you’ll be on your way to a bigger you in no time. If you’ve found a particular weight gainer supplement that you happen to like, and you can afford it, then you can certainly go that route too. I just happen to be a “food first” kind of guy, and I’ve always found my smoothies and shakes more palatable than what is on the market. In the end, do what you think is best, and don’t forget to train for weight gain as well. Chris Charron is the club owner at Anytime Fitness in Medway. To submit a question for future articles, please contact the author at

Pot Roast Supper, Millis UCC Feb. 25th United Church of Christ, Rte. 115 Exchange Street in Millis, will host a pot roast supper on February 25, from 6-8 p.m. The menu will include pot roast, potatoes, onions, carrots. green beans, and gravy, and macaroni and cheese will also be available. For dessert, pick your favorite piece of pie. Adults, $10, Children ages, 4-10 $5; Children 3 and under Free. Call (508) 3765034 (100 tickets only). All are welcome!

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Local Town Pages

Page 14

Medway SEPAC to Hold Forum on Anxiety/Depression in Kids Emotional stress influences mental health and well being. Children are often victim of stress due to their inability to express feelings. Mental and emotional health plays a large role in the development of self-esteem and relationships. It promotes clear thinking and ability to control thoughts, feelings and behavior and allows individuals to access learned strategies and tools to manage daily stress and keep problems in perspective. Mental Health issues are real, common and treatable. These conditions interfere with children's ability to learn. Untreated mental health problems can disrupt functioning and relationships at home, school and community. Studies indicate lack of identification and treatment can exacerbate existing symptoms, increase risk of school

failure, contact with the criminal justice system, dependence on social service agencies and chronic/acute disease. When not managed, or misdiagnosed, chronic release of stress hormones can slowly break down the body systems resulting in death, or the mind may decide to take charge resulting in suicide. Medway SEPAC is hosting a forum on this topic, Tuesday, February 7 at 7 p.m. in the auditorium of Medway High School. The panel includes a member of NAMI, child/adolescent psychiatrist, 2 first hand stories and the Parent and Professional Advocacy League. After the panel speaks, the forum and Riverside will be available for discussion, questions, and answers. The forum is free of charge and open to the public.

Join in the FITNESS FUN at Flipside Gymnastics Register now for Session 3, June Jubilee & Summer Programs * Session 3 run February -April, Session 4 runs May - June * June Jubilee – Three week June Preschool Program * Summer Gym & Swim Program-starts July 2nd You pick the weeks and the days! * Monthly Classes for July & August

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February 1, 2012

Winter Programs at the Millis Recreation Department Registration has begun for Millis Recreation Department

Melissa Price

You can register by phone (508) 376-7050 or if you have any questions, please contact Kris Fogarty at

Come and spend an hour a week at the farm learning to groom and tack up a horse as well as basic riding skills from getting on to learning how to sit correctly in the saddle and control a horse. (Max. 6 students).

These classes, times, fees and more are available online at, under Recreation.

SECRET SCIENCE Jen Manning The students enrolled in this course will be exposed to a wide variety of scientific topics through exciting experiments and beautiful children’s literature. Let your preschooler put on goggles and prepare for 4 weeks of hands-on science! Your young scientist will experience safe chemistry experiments designed to spark wonder and imagination! Make and take home science projects and experience three to five different handson science experiments each week. If your child like mixing things up, join this exciting class. All materials included in course fee. Min. 6 students.

YOGA FOR “MOMS AND TOTS” Angela Cote Yoga for children has been proven to improve concentration, fitness, flexibility and overall well being—not to mention you and your child will feel great too! Join this class for a special time for you and your child to spend together.


Whether you have always dreamed of riding or want a brush up course to get you started back in the saddle again, this is the course for you.

DODGEBALL & PILO POLO F.A.S.T. Athletics This class combines 2 of the most exciting programs you will see! Students will learn how to work together, strategize and exercise by using gatorskin dodgeballs. Pilo Polo a sport similar to hockey will also be introduced. Participants are sure to never have a dull moment.

STOCKS, SOUPS & SAUCES John Croatti The foundations of every great meal. Chef John will demonstrate the methods and provide recipes enabling novices as well as those more comfortable in the kitchen to produce more flavorful meals, tastier homemade soups and velvety sauces with confidence and ease.

VEGGIE, PASTA & SIDES John Croatti Chef John will demonstrate and provide recipes for creative ways to “pimp out” all your plates...with time saving tips and chef-tested techniques. From weeknight din-

ners to holidays and special events, you’ll gain the confidence and know how to make the most of every meal.

FISH, MEAT & POULTRY John Croatti This cooking class will show how to choose and grill a super steak, roast perfect poultry and prepare foolproof fish. Chef John will provide recipes, examples and insight with tips and techniques to get everyone roasting, braising and grilling with ease. Your center of the plate will be the center of attention.

ADULT VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE Join us in this fun, non-competitive volleyball program. Players will be assigned to a team each week for a semester of enjoyable, recreational volleyball. Passing and team play are emphasized to ensure that everyone has fun, regardless of skill level.

NASHOBA VALLEY SNOW TUBING The Bus will pick the kids up from the Veterans Memorial Building at 12:00 – SHARP – and head out to Nashoba Valley Ski Resort. The kids will enjoy a 2 hour block of snow tubing. The bus will arrive back in Millis at approximately 4:00 pm. Please note: lunch will NOT be provided. The admission is for bus and snow tubing pass only. Helmets are optional and you must bring your own.

HOME ALONE SAFETY Century Health Systems Learn the basics of being safe when home alone for short periods of time. Learn how to answer the telephone and door, Internet safety, accident prevention and fire protection. We also cover some simple 1st aid techniques. We will watch a short movie and also role play.

Local Town Pages

February 1, 2012

Scholarship & Teacher of The Year Applications Available Applications are now being accepted for The United Regional Chamber of Commerce's scholarships and 2012 Teacher of the Year nominations. Several $1,000 and $500 scholarships will be distributed through the Chamber. Applicants must be the sons or daughters of an employee of a Chamber-member business, be a high school senior who has applied to an accredited four-year college, have a cumula-

tive GPA of 3.0 or higher, and perform uncompensated community service. Completed applications must be received by April 13. The Teacher of the Year program recognizes an outstanding teacher in one of the 16 communities the Chamber serves: Attleboro, Bellingham, Blackstone, Foxborough, Franklin, Mansfield, Medfield, Medway, Millis, Norfolk, North Attleborough, Norton, Plainville, Rehoboth, Seekonk and

Wrentham. Teacher nomination forms must be received by March 16. Call the Chamber at (508) 2220801 or (508) 528-2800 for Teacher of the Year and scholarship forms. Scholarship recipients and the 2012 Teacher of the Year will be recognized at a celebratory breakfast in May.

Teacher of the Year We need your recommendation… Help us search for our 2012 Teacher of the Year! The successful candidate, in addition to receiving the honor this recognition brings, will receive a formal plaque and an award of $1,000. The recipient will act as a spokesperson throughout the community identifying his or her teaching philosophy and ideals. In December, The United Regional Chamber of Commerce will nominate the 2012 United Regional Chamber of Commerce Teacher of the Year for consideration as the Massachusetts Teacher of the Year. Nomination Area Includes: Attleboro, Bellingham, Blackstone, Foxborough, Franklin, Mansfield, Medway, Medfield, Millis, Norfolk, N. Attleborough, Norton, Plainville, Rehoboth, Seekonk and Wrentham Please complete the information below and mail, fax, or e-mail to the Chamber. I nominate the following Teacher for the Chamber’s Teacher of the Year Award. Teacher’s Name: ____________________________________________________________ School: _______________________________________________________ Grade: ____ Town: ____________________________________________________________________ Subject Taught: _____________________________________________________________ I feel this person is the ideal candidate for Teacher of the Year because: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Nominated by Name _________________________________________________ Phone ________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________ RSVP: Teacher of the Year Search Committee, The United Regional Chamber of Commerce, 42 Union St., Attleboro, MA 02703 Fax: 508-222-1498 Email:

Deadline for submitting nomination form is March 16, 2012

Page 15

Please Visit Our Website to read the Paper Online MOMS Club February Activities Planned The MOMS Club invites moms and kids from Millis, Medway, Bellingham, and Blackstone, to join them this February! MOMS Club (Moms Offering Moms Support) is an International non-profit support group specifically for athome mothers, including those who work part time or have homebased businesses. Events and activities are held during the day, when mothers at home need the support the most, and children are always welcome. Members receive a newsletter at the beginning of each month which includes a calendar of activities and events for that month. Activities include park play days, field trips, arts and crafts, holiday parties and more. We organize weekly playgroups for children of all ages, including babies and school age kids. We also host a monthly Moms Night Out. In addition to that, we are a charitable organization, performing several

service projects each year that benefit children and families in our community. Following is a schedule of planned activities open to the public for February: February 14th: Valentines Day Craft and Activity, Bellingham Public Library, 10:15 a.m. (please RSVP to momsclubmb@yahoo. com if planning to attend) February 21st: School Break Games and Activities, Medway Public Library, 2 p.m. February 24th: Member Meeting, Blackstone Library, 10:15 a.m. Any mother interested in attending or learning more about the MOMS Club may contact us at, or visit us online at

Run Your Inserts and Advertisements With Us! Call Lori Koller (508) 934-9608

Local Town Pages

Page 16

February 1, 2012

Valentine's Customs Then and Now Valentine's Day is a holiday during February that commemorates love and romance and also the patron Saint Valentine. The history of St. Valentine is shrouded somewhat in mystery, and there are beliefs that many different people went by the name St. Valentine. One such individual was a holy priest who served in Rome, Italy. Some historians surmise that he was jailed for defiance during the reign of Claudius II, sentenced to death, and became a religious martyr. Pope Gelasius marked February14 as a celebration in honor of his martyrdom in 496 AD. Today, the Catholic church recognizes at least three different martyred saints named Valentine or Valentius.

than religious obligation. Another legend says that Valentine himself authored the first Valentine card. It has been rumored he fell in love with a woman -- the jailer's daughter -while in prison and sent her a letter. He signed it, "from your Valentine." No matter the origins of the holiday, today St. Valentine's Day has become a day where love is celebrated. Lovers send each other cards and tokens of their affections. It is customary to go out for dinner and send flowers. Chocolates and roses seem to go hand-inhand with Valentine's Day events.

So how did St. Valentine's Day transform from a religious holiday into one far more secular? During Gone are the days where Valentine's Day notes were handwritten. Today we rely more on mass-produced the third century in Rome, greeting cards. Claudius II decided that single men served better as soldiers if they were single and had no attachments at home in the way of a wife and family. Thusly, he outlawed marriage. St. Valentine did-



agree with the views and reportedly performed marriages for young lovers in secret. It is this which may have propelled Valentine's Day to be more about love

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Although certain customs have become commonplace, some customs of Valentine's Day have fallen by the wayside. One such custom is the "drawing of names" that took place in the 18th century. Names of men and women (equal numbers of each) were placed into two different containers. A lottery of sorts took place where one man's name was drawn and matched with a woman's name. The people called were called "Valentines," and the pairing was considered a good omen of these couples marrying later on. Another lost custom was of a man wearing a paper heart with the person he loved's name written on it. The heart was pinned to his sleeve, which gave way to the expression, "wearing one's heart on one's sleeve." A woman could do the same type of thing by wearing a charm known as a love-badge near her heart. Where now we send out massproduced Valentine's Day cards, original Valentine's were handmade and personalized letters. Within them individuals could write their exact sentiments to a loved one. On February 14th, people nipped by the love bug partake in many customs to show their love. How will you show that special someone you care this year?

February 1, 2012

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February is National Wedding Planners Month By Anne Parker February is the month for love. It's also National Wedding Planners month. According to the Association of Bridal Consultants, people get married year round. There are different ways to plan a wedding. Some couples may want to plan all the details for their wedding. Others may consult with a wedding planner. A wedding planner, or wedding consultant, may help plan the whole event or just part of it. The bride and groom-to-be choose what they want help with. Some couples want to plan their event in six months, they want to select a location, get married and move on with their life, said Jim Abrams, owner of Shooting Star Photography in Franklin. Others enjoy the process, he observes. He recalls one couple he worked with who took two years to plan their special day: "They just wanted to enjoy the excitement of the preparing, the planning, and the anticipation of the wedding. They just wanted to soak up everything. They wanted to enjoy every step of the way." If you plan your own event, the best way to search for services is to ask your friends and family. Word of mouth is the best advertising. Also, check out websites that list vendors and services. A couple include www.The This is a popular site and magazine - for brides-to-be. It lists vendors to help plan the wedding. For this website, it's best to narrow it down to venues and vendors in your geographic location. Also, www.495weddinggroup. com lists many vendors from the MetroWest area to help plan your wedding day. This site lists products and services for many elements of wedding planning such as: bridal gowns, formal wear, hair and makeup, musical entertainment, photography, transportation, catering, wedding venues. Couples who don't want to plan it or need some assistance will call upon wedding planners to help make choices. You can choose a planner/consultant who will help with the whole affair or parts of it. A wedding consultant will do whatever you ask, says Beverly Ann Bonner, owner of The Wedding Beautiful in Norwood. "Some couples want to find a nice site,"

she said. Consultants can help work out etiquette issues with family situations. There are lots of different ways to set prices. "Consultants can charge on an hourly basis, a commission basis, a fee or per diem," she said.

• Hillside Nurseries, 823 Washington St., Franklin, (508) 528-0038 - by appt. • Medway Gardens, 38 Summer St., Medway, (508) 533-6591 Does table and altar arrangements, bouteniers.

Don't be afraid to negotiate with some vendors, Bonner added. If you are interested in a certain vendor to do your wedding and feel the price is not in your budget, ask if they are flexible, or can offer something similar to your desires.

• Paul's Florist, 54 Plain St., Millis, (508) 376-4161 • Robin's Florals, 250 Dedham St., Norfolk, (508) 384-3296 • Stobbart's Nurseries, 444 E. Central St., Franklin, (508) 528-0800

A new trend in wedding planning is "event decor" created by planners who customize the many details from small to large; from table cards to venue selection. Event decor is created by planners who consider elements and details a bride might not think of such as color scheme and flower arrangements, monogrammed invitations and menu. Shelby Kimball O'Connell of SKO Designs creates the look of your wedding event by considering colors, design, and theme. Edna Dratch-Parker, owner of EFD Creative Event Planning & Design, says people are taking their wedding day to a new level. As an event and wedding planner she can "brand" a wedding with your personal style with the special details and feel to make it look "magazine worthy." Another new trend in weddings these days is to offer a candy buffet, said wedding planner Andrea Occhinionero, owner of Unique & Elegant Events. "It adds a little panache to an event. And it can be a nice party favor for guests," she said. People can pay for services "a la carte" she said. They choose which parts they want help with. A bride might want help planning the color scheme or a theme. She will help to pull the look together. Below is a list of local businesses to help brides to plan their wedding day. Bakeries • Gaetano's Bakery, 74 Main St., Medway, (774) 277-3838 • Dino's Bakery, 191 Mechanic St., Bellingham, (508) 657-1022 • Nonnie Rose's Bakery, 357 Union St., Franklin, (508) 553-8779 • The Cake Bar, Trolley Crossing, Franklin, (508) 553-8700

Caterers • J and L Catering, 112 Main St., Medway, (774) 277-3889 • Nonnie Rose's Bakery, 357 Union St., Franklin, (508) 5538779 - Full catering, including fresh custom-made pasta, traditional italian cookie platters, wedding cakes, pastries, breads, catering • Primavera Ristorante, 20 Pleasant St., Millis, (508) 376-2026

February is National Wedding Planners Month as well as the time for Valentine's. Photo courtesy of Jim Abrams, Shooting Star Photography

Beauty Salons • A Cut Above, 56 E. Central St., Franklin, (508) 528-4543 10% discount for bridal parties of 5 or more. Hair, makeup, manicures, pedicures. Custom jewelry by Swarovski make nice gifts for bridal party and attendants. • B.Luxe, Medway, provides hair and makeup styling for bridal parties, (508) 321-1624 • David Christopher Coiffure, 365 W. Central St., Franklin, (508) 541-0099 - up-do's for weddings. • Hair and Nail It, 20 Main St., Franklin, (508) 541-7161 • Salon Elan, 32 Main St., Franklin, (508) 520-7159, - offers hair and makeup packages for bridal parties; rent the whole salon, pick stylist you want, food and drink offered. Call for an appointment. • Salon Sorella, 9 Summer St., Franklin, (508) 520-3863 - For parties of 6 or more, the bride gets complimentary service. Includes mother or mother-in-law of the bride. Bring in your own

food or drink. Services include hair, make up, manicure/pedicure, spray-on-tans. • Willow Salon, Millis, (508) 376-1113 - hair, up do's, nails, make up for bridal parties. They offer specials each month. Photographers • Eileen Nelson, Millis, (508) 517-3252, www. • Shooting Star Photography, 6 Mary Anne Drive, Franklin, (508) 553-0500 • Griffin Photography, Wrentham, (508) 384-8830 Florists • Designs by Lorraine, 65 Main St., Millis, (508) 376-5262,

• Traveling Gourmet, 16 Echo Bridge, Franklin, (508) 5284666 - specializes in home weddings Music/DJ's and Bands • Ron Auger Productions, (508) 889-9635, - DJ • Paul Giroux Entertainment, (781) 223-5888, www.paulgirouxentertainment. com - DJ Wedding Planners • EFD Creative - Event Planning and Design, (781) 856-1981, • SKO Designs, (508) 478-2309, - Event design boutique specializing in custom decor, accessories, invitations and more. • Unique & Elegant Events by Andrea, (508) 244-8911,

Designs By Lorraine Florist 65 Main Street Millis, Ma 02054 ~ 508-376-5262 ~

Page 18 courageous (Pg-13) - Starring Alex Kendrick, Lauren Etchells, Ken Bevel, Kevin Downes, Ben Davis, and Robert Amaya. The film focuses on four Albany, GA, sheriff’s deputies who put their lives on the line to fight gang and drug crime in the community. Courage is a given on the job. But exercising that same kind of commitment to watch another’s back is sometimes lost when they get home. The realization that needs to change overwhelms Adam (Kendrick) after his nine-year-old daughter Emily (Etchells) is killed by a drunk driver. Devastated by his daughter’s sudden loss, he is finally reminded by his wife that he still has a son to parent, one who is also grieving. That reality, combined with the impact of absent or ineffectual dads he sees on the job, leads him to pen a resolution outlining his renewed commitment as a father. To keep him honest, he asks three of his fellow officers, Nathan (Bevel), Shane (Downes) and David (Davis) as well as his handyman, Javier (Amaya) to witness the signing of his contract. But they do one better and resolve to put all their signatures to paper. Following the signing ceremony attended by the men’s families, the script kick starts a new storyline. Yet the purpose is to show that making a resolution is one thing; keeping it in the face of opposition, disappointment and difficult circumstances is another. Among them, one struggles to provide for his family, another to connect with his teen and a third to communicate to his daughter the unease he feels about the boys she hangs out with. This felt more like a made for TV movie; however, the message is very strong and it’s an important film everyone could benefit from seeing. RATING: B tinKer, tailor, soldier, sPy (r) - Starring Gary Oldman, Kathy Burke, Colin Firth, Tom Hardy, John Hurt, Toby Jones, Mark Strong, Benedict Cumberbatch, Svetlana Khodchenkova, David Dencik, Stephen Graham, Ciaran Hinds, and David Thewlis. This is based on the popular novel by John le Carré. The film focuses on the efforts of retired British agent George Smiley (Oldman) to uncover the identity of a Soviet mole in the upper echelon of the Secret Intelligence Service (called “The Circus”) following the ouster and death of Control (Hurt). Because any of the four men in charge - Percy Alleline (Jones), Bill Haydon (Firth), Roy Bland (Hinds), and Toby Esterhase (Dencik) could be the spy, Smiley must work from the outside, employing a small, loyal team. Gradually, by following clues and using his finely-tuned instincts, he determines that he is matching wits with the most intelligent and dangerous operative of Moscow Center, codenamed “Karla.” He then sets a trap to catch the mole, in the process endangering his life and those of the other members of his team. The film generates a fair amount of suspense, but it moved way too slow for me. It’s well acted, but there isn’t any performance

Local Town Pages


MOVIE REVIEWS that stands out. This will likely play well to art house audiences, who exhibit a greater willingness to embrace films that demand patience, concentration and don’t mind a slower pace. RATING: C+ the girl With the dragon tatoo (r) - Starring Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Christopher Plummer, Stellan Skarsgard, Elodie Yung, Robin Wright, Joely Richardson, Goran Visnijic, and Geraldine James. Directed by David Fincher. Disgraced journalist Mikael Blomqvist (Craig) is brought to an island community in the north of Sweden to meet with retired millionaire Henrik Vanger (Plummer). Henrik would like Mikael to look into a 40-year old murder - a “cold case” that has haunted him for half his life. In 1966, Henrik’s 16-year old grand-niece, Harriet, disappeared and was assumed murdered. Her body was never found but there was no evidence to indicate she had fled on her own. Her killer has gone undiscovered and unpunished but Henrik believes the circle of suspects to be small: his family. After taking the job, Mikael recruits the asocial computer hacker Lisbeth Salander (Mara) to be his assistant. Lisbeth, a whiz with gadgets and research, proves invaluable as Mikael’s uncovering and interpretation of clues leads him deeper into the web of a venomous spider. Craig is the best known member of the cast here, but the screen belongs to Mara, the glum, emotionally stunted, technically brilliant goth whose tormented past is hidden beneath a costume of piercings and body art. Lisbeth is one of those characters who draws the audience’s attention. She’s a girl-child trapped in a woman’s body whose moments of rage are terrible to behold. She is both impenetrably cold and desperately fragile. This is not the happiest experience one can have in a theater, but its cumulative power to provoke and entice is undeniable. Please be warned there is some very graphic and violent sexual content in this film that may be tough to watch. RATING: B+ War horse (Pg-13) - Starring Jeremy Irvine, Peter Mullan, Emily Watson, Niels Arestrup, David Thewlis, Benedict Cumberbatch, Celine Buckens, and Tom Hiddleston. Directed by Steven Spielberg. The movie, based on a best-selling novel and a long-running London and New York stage production, follows the adventures of Joey, a horse born and bred in the English county of Devon. We meet young Albert Narracott (Irvine), his usually drunken but not unkind father, Ted (Mullan), and his hardworking, loving mother, Rose (Watson). When the landowner (Thewlis) threatens to foreclose on the farm unless the

rent is paid, Ted sells Joey to army major Stewart (Cumberbatch), who rides the horse into the early battles of World War I. After Stewart is killed in action, Joey is taken by the Germans. Over the next few years, he ends up pulling ambulances and gun wagons, and being the pet of a lonely French peasant girl (Buckens) and her grandfather (Arestrup). Once Albert becomes old enough to join the British army, he never ceases scouring the front lines for Joey, even though the odds of him finding his beloved horse are worse than those of finding a needle in a haystack. The film is made with superb artistry. Spielberg is the master of an awesome canvas and an excellent storyteller. The landscape is very much a character in the film. John Williams’ score is the perfect accompaniment to the images Spielberg has assembled; some leaving you feeling very emotional. Spielberg provides an ending for the film that is joyous, uplifting, and depends on a surely unbelievable set of coincidences. RATING: Ayoung adult (r) - Starring Charlize Theron, Patton Oswalt, Patrick Wilson, Elizabeth Reaser, Collette Wolfe, and Jill Eikenberry. Directed by Jason Reitman. Theron plays Mavis Gary, a 37-year old who’s divorced when she returns to her backwater Minnesota hometown from the big city of Minneapolis for one reason: to recapture the love of her high school boyfriend, Buddy Slade (Wilson). For some reason, 20 years and one failed marriage later, Mavis has decided that Buddy is her soul mate. Long after having shaken the small-town Midwestern dust from her shoes, she holds her nose and comes back. She’s had some success while away as the ghost writer of a series of “young adult” books and as the author of teleplays for a once-popular TV program. Now, however, she’s avoiding writing the final episode of the show and struggling with writer’s block. Her refuge is the alcoholic haze in which she almost constantly exists. She’s shallow, petty, and self-absorbed - otherwise she’d realize that Buddy, who is happily married to Beth (Reaser) and is a new parent, has no interest in reviving anything with Mavis. While in town, she enlists an old high school classmate, Matt (Oswalt), as her drinking buddy and confidante. Matt, who was disabled as a result of an ugly run-in with high school bullies around 1990, is as anxious to forget about his teenage years as Mavis is to re-live them. The lead character here is cut from a similar cloth to the one played by Cameron Diaz in Bad Teacher and the result is the same: Theron is believable as the character, it’s just not clear how we’re supposed to

feel about her. RATING: B the Way (Pg) - Starring Martin Sheen, Deborah Kara Unger, James Nesbitt, Yorick van Wageningen, Emilio Estevez, Angelina Molina, Eusebio Lazaro, and Simon Andreu. Directed, written and produced by Emilio Estevez. Sheen plays Tom, a stodgy ophthalmologist, whose life is disrupted when his free-spirited son (Estevez) is killed in a hiking accident along the El Camino de Santiago, which goes from France to Spain. Once arrived in Europe, Tom decides to use his son’s gear to complete the hike - actually a 500mile pilgrimage. Tom remains a onenote character, curt and ungiving. Estevez never shows Tom laughing except in montage sequences, and we’re left wondering what could possibly make this man laugh. At first, “The Way” looks as if it’s going to be about Tom’s spiritual journey. Instead, “The Way” becomes a movie about the culture of the pilgrimage itself, the people who do it and the things that happen along the way. So we meet a jolly Dutchman (van Wageningen), an angry Canadian (Unger) and an insufferably talkative and boring Irish guidebook writer (Nesbitt) in the grip of writer’s block. Writer-director Emilio Estevez has made a respectable film. What’s respectable - and undeniable - is that this is a sincere effort to make a film of sensitivity and spiritual richness. RATING: B sherlocK holmes: a game oF shadoWs (Pg-13) - Starring Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, Jared Harris, Noomi Rapace, Eddie Marsan, Kelly Reilly, Stephen Fry, and Rachel McAdams. Directed by Guy Ritchie. This is the sequel to the 2009 film Sherlock Holmes. As the movie opens, Holmes (Downey) and Moriarty (Harris) are already crossing swords, although not directly. That changes when Holmes begins interfering with Moriarty’s villainous schemes. The endgame of the master criminal’s plotting is invisible to Holmes, but the immediate results are not. He is using anarchists and an ex-military sharpshooter to carry out assassinations. He is also employing Holmes’ “ideal woman,” Irene Adler (McAdams), as a messenger; Moriarty is displeased when she fails in a mission as a direct result of Holmes’ intervention. Meanwhile, Dr. John Watson (Law), Holmes’ assistant and lone friend, is about to embark upon a matrimonial adventure with his beloved Mary (Reilly). To celebrate the impending nuptials, Holmes (in his duty as the Best Man) arranges a “stag night” for Watson that involves the company of Holmes’ elder brother, Mycroft (Fry), and a lot of

February 1, 2012 drinking. While Watson is playing cards, Holmes visits the gypsy Simza (Rapace), who may have knowledge about Moriarty’s plans. The film feels like it was adapted from a graphic novel, even though it was not. It contains a number of standout action sequences. Ritchie’s technique is unique in using slow-motion shots to detail Holmes’ advance mental choreography of fights and in the flight through the forest. It keeps the audience engaged and always guessing of his next move. I think I enjoyed this one a little more than the first. RATING: B mission imPossible: ghost Protocol (Pg-13) - Starring Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, Paula Patton, Samuli Edelmann, Michael Nyqvist, and Tom Wilkinson. This is the fourth installment in the Mission Impossible movie franchise. Veteran IMF agent Ethan Hunt (Cruise) and his team are hunting down the Swedishborn international terrorist Hendricks (Nyqvist), a nutcase with a 190-IQ who’s interested in gaining control of a few nuclear weapons. Their mission, should they accept it, is to keep Hendricks from achieving his goal. Hendricks and his thuggish henchman, Wistrom (Edelmann), are nasty pieces of work who kill without remorse and don’t blink at the thought of firing the first shot in a war that will obliterate billions. Hunt’s team consists of four agents (including himself). There’s Benji (Pegg), the Q-like computer whiz who’s returning from the third film; Brandt (Renner), the analyst with some field agent training; and Jane (Patton), who adds a dose of estrogen to an otherwise testosterone-laden production. Of course, this is really all about Hunt/Cruise, who gets the best lines and the most daring stunts. Once Hendricks blows up the Kremlin and frames IMF, the President exercises the “ghost protocol” and “disavows” the group. They still have their mission, but now they’re doing it off the grid, without external support. Hendricks’ trail takes them from Moscow to Dubai to Mumbai, where the final confrontation occurs. This installment is relentless in its pursuit of high octane thrills and suspense. The movie concentrates so hard on its set pieces that the storyline often feels insignificant and, at times, is easily forgotten. Cruise is totally focused on his role, but I didn’t feel there was a lot of chemistry between the other agents as in the past films. RATING: B immortals (r) - Starring Henry Cavill, Freida Pinto, Mickey Rourke, Kellan Lutz, Isabel Lucas, Luke Evans, John Hurt, Stephen Dorff, and Daniel Sharman. Immortals is the story of Theseus (Cavill), a peasant who may be humanity’s only hope against the mad King Hyperion (Rourke), who has declared war on not only mankind, but on the gods he detests for not intervening when he and his people needed them most. Ancient law states that the gods cannot intervene with the affairs of humans, unless the Titans have been awak-

February 1, 2012

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ened to wreak havoc on Earth. Hyperion’s plan is to acquire the powerful Epirus bow, the only weapon powerful enough to break the Titans free from their prison, so that he can force the gods into a confrontation. After having his mother and entire village slaughtered by Hyperion, Theseus makes it his sole purpose in life to kill the evil king. Unbeknownst to Theseus, he has been receiving tutelage from Zeus (Evans) for his entire life in the form of an old man (played by Hurt) should this dark situation ever arise. He is also aided on his quest by Phaedra (Pinto), a beautiful Oracle who has foreseen Theseus’ importance to the outcome of this event, and wants to make sure he stays on the right path, and Stavros (Dorff), a thief who joins Theseus’ cause and proves to be a loyal ally. While the trailers and marketing for Immortals might make it resemble another 300, it’s clear within the film’s opening moments that it isn’t much like the film at all. The highlight of the film is Cavill’s performance. As Cavill’s first big role since being announced as the next Superman, the actor proves himself a true movie star in the making. RATING: C the tWilight saga: breaKing daWn - Part 1 (Pg13) - Starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Peter Facinelli, Kellan Lutz, Ashley Greene, Elizabeth Reaser, Nikki Reed, and Jackson Rathbone. This is the fourth installment to the hugely successful Twilight franchise. In the film, Bella Swan (Stewart), Edward Cullen (Pattinson) and the family and friends they love must deal with the chain of consequences brought on by the couple’s marriage, honeymoon, and tumultuous birth of their child, which in turn brings an unforeseen and shocking development for everyone’s favorite werewolf, Jacob Black (Lautner). The story also brings to a head the uneasy treaty between the Cullen vampire clan and the local Native American werewolf pack. The treaty rests on the understanding that the Cullens will not kill any humans or create any new vampires; if the agreement is violated then the wolf pack is entitled to attack. The film kicks off with the highly-anticipated wedding; when a nervous Bella goes walking down the aisle with her father, finally catching sight of her fanged husband-to-be, the depth and love these characters have for each other feels very real. Stewart and Pattison’s interactions in this installment are much more natural and genuine overall. This installment focuses more on the relationships between the characters and the impending battle looming between the Volturi (the film’s vampire mafia, if you will) and the Cullens. Be sure to stick around for the post-credits sequence that teases the final film in the franchise. RATING: B+

Preschoolers Learn about Sharing at Millis Food Pantry The children at Happy Hours Day School in Millis recently collected items for the Millis Food Pantry. The month of December centered around giving and sharing and allowed the perfect opportunity for the children to learn first-hand what it means to help others. Judy Ackerman took the children on a tour of the food pantry and explained how their donations would help others, especially during the holiday season.

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February 1, 2012

Localtownpages...Making the Connection Our Town Publishing sponsored a free networking event on Wednesday, January 18 at Raf-

fael’s in Walpole. All Localtownpages in December had advertised the event, but

owner/publisher Chuck Tashjian was pleased to welcome a turnout of over 100 different businesspeo-

Here, Wendy Juergens, of Reliv, gets to know Robert Druker, of Boston Global Tracking, Inc., as well as Donna Anderson, of Lia Sophia.

Karen A. Lafond, of New York Life Insurance, meets Prime Time Promotions, Inc.’s Jeffery Haffem.

Attorney Joseph C. Gallo, Jr., and Maureen Kayata, owner of A Little Bit of Heaven.

ple from the area. Thanks to all who joined us, and we look forward to fostering your business,

and your community now and in the future.

Anne Crawford, of Personal Empowerment, talks with Sensible Organization’s JoAnn Krall.

Shown here are Carol Gallo, Tony Gallo, of Gallo Moving & Storage, Jennifer Powell, of Jennifer Powell Design and Jerry Guthro, of Medway Oil.

Chris Bond, left, of Murphy Business & Financial, networks with Monica Fernandez, owner of Evolution Reiki.

3D Animator David O’Gara, of O-Studios in Millis, discusses his passion for pooches with Happy Tails Doggy Daycare, Inc. owner Cathy Sutton.

February 1, 2012

Local Town Pages

Here are members of the Localtownpages team. From left, Dawna Shackley, Judith Dorato O’Gara, Lori Koller, Nicole Tashjian, Charles Tashjian, Christina Robertson, Lori DeLuca and Laurie Frizzell.

Page 21

Peter Ward, of Sandler Training, has a word with Our Town Publishing’s own Charles Tashjian, sponsor of the Jan. 18 event at Raffael’s in Walpole.


Chris Sottile, of Aflac, makes introductions with Jeffrey Schweitzer of New England Financial Strategies, Inc. and Dave Miles, of Miles Internet.

Denise Connell and Andrew Fiegl of Donahue Real Estate, pose for a pic with Robert Skloff of Silver Pine Capital and Brian Quinn of Century Finance Group.

Real estate mavens Kathy Gruttadauria, John Orrico, Jennifer McMahon and Laina Kaplan, of Northeast Signature Properties, in Millis, with their newest agent, Robin Spangenberg, and are ready to meet and greet.

Kim Marie Nicols, of the Hearing Care Center, makes the acquaintance of Localtownpages’ own Christina Robertson.

Local Town Pages

Page 22

February 4 medway lions bottle & can drive, Place returnable deposit bottles and cans at your curb by 9:00 a.m., or bring returnables to Medway Oil by 11 a.m. the day of the drive or to the Lions Bottle & Can shed outside West Medway Liquors, Main Street. Pancake breakfast, Federated church of Norfolk, corner of Main St. and Rte. 115, Norfolk, $7 adults; $5 seniors; children under 10 free. Call (508) 528-0262 or visit February 6 trivia night, Grades 1-4, Millis Public Library, 6-7 p.m., snacks will be served; theme: month of February—Black History, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, call Rachel Silverman (508) 376-8282 February 7 medway sePac Forum on Anxiety and Depression in Children and Teens, 7 p.m., Medway High School Auditorium. Free and open to public. February 8 romanza, special evening of romantic music, 7-8 p.m., sponsored by Friends of Millis Public Library, Church of Christ Sanctuary, 142 Exchange St., Millis, Features local musicians Jagan-Nath Khalsa, violin; Jacob Litoff, vio-

February Calendar of Events lin; Antonio Massa Viana, guitar; and Lelia Tenreyro-Viana, vocals. Dancer Rachel Chase will perform as well. Free. For more information, contact Nancy Sitta (508) 376-2676. all the Poop about chickens with Sandy Burns, 7-8 p.m., with refreshments starting at 6:30 p.m., Millis Garden Club meeting, Veterans Memorial Building, 900 Main St. Millis, members free; nonmembers $5 February 11 medway democratic caucus, 10 a.m., Medway High School, Democrats to elect six delegates and three alternates to the 2012 Massachusetts Democratic Convention Saturday, June 2, 2012 at the Mass Mutual Center in Springfield. Open to all registered Democrats in Medway. For questions, call Bob Ferrari at (508) 533-6819 or visit cabaret night, 7 p.m., Millis High School, 245 Plain St., Millis, Millis Backstage Crew (MBC, Inc.) presents the third annual Cabaret Night fundraiser, featuring the Millis High School Band, the Millis High School Chorus, Terpischore (Millis High School

Dance Club) and solo, duet and group performers. $10 adults; $5 students, and tables of up to 8 can be reserved. Proceeds benefit MBC, Inc., formed to support music, drama, dance and the arts in Millis Public Schools. Email Marnie Doherty at marniedoherty@yahoo. com February 13 valentine’s day Party, Millis Public Library, 45 Auburn Road, 4-5:15 p.m., Drop in to make your own Valentine's Day card! Decorate a cupcake and solve Valentine's riddles and puzzles! All ages are welcome! Call (508) 3768282. February 14 valentine’s day craft and activity, 10:15 a.m., MOMS Club of Millis, Medway, Bellingham and Blackstone, Bellingham Public Library, please RSVP to Pajama storytime, 6:45-7:15 p.m., Medway Public Library, 26 High Street, Medway, run by Medway Girl Scouts, open story time, children encouraged to wear their PJ’s and bring a stuffed friend for snuggling.

February 17 Free dinner & movie night, Church of Christ Congregational, 142 Exchange St., Millis. Dinner at 6:30 p.m., followed by a family-friendly movie. For more information, call (508) 376-5034 or visit February 21 school break games and activities, 2 p.m., Medway Public Library, MOMS Club of Millis, Medway, Bellingham and Blackstone, For more information, or visit Pajama storytime, 6:45-7:15 p.m., Medway Public Library, 26 High Street, Medway, run by Medway Girl Scouts, open story time, children encouraged to wear their PJ’s and bring a stuffed friend for snuggling. February 24 moms club member meeting, 10:15 a.m., For more information email, or visit MOMS Club of Millis, Medway, Bellingham and Blackstone Friends of the medway Public library meeting, 7 p.m., February 25

February 1, 2012

Pot roast supper, United Church of Christ, Rte. 115 Exchange St., Millis, 6-8 p.m., Pot roast, potatoes, onions, carrots, green beans and gravy (macaroni & cheese available), pie for dessert; adults $10, children 4-10 $5 and children 3 and under Free. (508) 376-5034. All are welcome. storytime! Ages 2-5, 10:3011:15 a.m., Millis Public Library, 45 Auburn Road, Millis, (508) 376-8282 February 28 Pajama storytime, 6:45-7:15 p.m., Medway Public Library, 26 High Street, Medway, run by Medway Girl Scouts, open story time, children encouraged to wear their PJ’s and bring a stuffed friend for snuggling. February 29 medway youth softball, Last day to register for Spring Season March 4 Fur bowl, Ryan Family Amusements, Rt. 109, Millis, proceeds support Purr-fect Cat Shelter, Registration 4 p.m., Bowling starts 4:30 p.m. $20 includes 2 games of bowling, shoe rental, refreshments, and a chance to win one of several raffle prizes. All ages and skill levels welcome. Prizes will be awarded in a variety of categories.

THE PURR-FECT CAT SHELTER Pet of the Month Three-Legs and One Great Big Heart Help “Jasper” Find a Forever Home this Valentine’s Day Looking for your special Valentine? The Purr-fect Cat Shelter has many cats that would love to be your Valentine! One of the many loving, adorable kitties looking to melt your heart is “Jasper.” “Jasper” is a very sweet, older kitten with stunning, gray tiger markings and a story of beating very difficult odds. The shelter was working a feral colony in a neighboring community when we trapped Jasper. It’s astonishing

that he was able to even get in the trap! You see, “Jasper” was born with a deformed right rear leg that stuck straight up in the air like a flagpole. Even the veterinarian said he had never seen anything quite like it. Jasper had to have his leg amputated, and this amazing little guy has shown the courage of a lion. There is no way he would have survived outside, and we are happy we were able to provide him the medical care he

needed. Jasper is active, playful, loves to cuddle and would do well with a feline friend. He is adjusting remarkably, as animals do, and is ready for his new home and to be your Valentine forever. All cats and kittens are examined by a veterinarian, spayed or neutered, tested for feline leukemia and FIV, dewormed, vaccinated and microchipped prior to adoption. Applications are available online at www.purrfect- or by calling the welcome. Prizes will be awarded message center (508) 533-5855. in a variety of categories. Visit our website or call the message center Come enjoy a fun afternoon at for registration forms and more inthe FUR BOWL, Sunday, March formation. All proceeds directly 4 at Ryan Family Amusements, benefit the cats and kittens of the Rt. 109, Millis and help support shelter. The Purr-fect Cat Shelter homeless animals. Registration is a non-profit, no-kill, all volunbegins at 4pm bowling will start at teer organization serving the areas 4:30pm. Your registration fee of surrounding Medway, Millis Nor$20 includes 2 games of bowling, folk, Walpole and Bellingham. shoe rental, refreshments, and a chance to win one of several raffle prizes. All ages and skill levels

February 1, 2012

Local Town Pages

Page 23

Americans Say They Feel Less Confident About Retirement Now Than In 2010 ROGER J. CUMMINGS, CFP Financial Advisor Ameriprise Financial You may find that your unease about financing your retirement is beginning to increase as the outlook on our economy stays gloomy, and according to a study commissioned by Ameriprise Financial, you are not alone. The New Retirement Mindscape® 2011 City Pulse index examined the 30 largest U.S. metropolitan areas to determine where consumers are the most prepared for and confident about retirement. The results show that while three quarters (75%) of Americans say they’ve taken steps to prepare financially for retirement, the economic uncertainty that has persisted over the past year may be taking a toll on people’s emotions. A mere 18% of respondents surveyed say they believe they’ll achieve their dreams in retirement, down significantly from 21% who shared this sentiment in 2010. Likewise, when asked how they feel about this stage of life, more Americans express negative feelings than did so last year, including the number who say they feel worried (24% vs. 21%), anxious (21% vs. 17%) and depressed (10% vs. 8%) when they think about retirement. While it would be great if a boost in confidence came easily, the best way to feel secure about your financial future is to prepare well for it. Though the options and advice available to you can seem overwhelming, and often complex, there are several simple steps you can take if you’re feeling wary about your post-career years: 1. Start with the basics. Deciding to make a plan is the first important step, but before you get too carried away, determine what you will absolutely need to maintain your

lifestyle during retirement. Include basics like groceries, mortgage payments and other financial obligations. You may want to make a list of things that you could live without if you hit a roadblock in the future. It’s also important to consider things like rising healthcare costs and cost-of-living increases. Plan for at least 20 years worth of expenses. The resulting number will be the absolute minimum you’ll need to save to finance your retirement. 2. Consider your lifestyle. One of the most enjoyable parts about planning for retirement is deciding how you might spend your extra free time. Though you could just be looking forward to relaxing, you may also decide to move to a different area of the country, travel, volunteer or spend more time with family and friends. Your plans can always change, but creating a list of activities you may pursue is a proactive way to begin your planning process. 3. Determine expenses. Many people get hung up on this step, as it can come with a tough reality check, but the earlier you tackle it, the more time you have to save for your retirement goals. Calculate how much each of the activities you’ve planned for retirement will cost. Think about and include any hidden costs. For example, spending more time with family can include things like buying more gifts as your family grows, travelling to see family during holidays and even things like helping fund a grandchild’s tuition. Be honest with yourself and accurate with your predictions to get the best idea of what your retirement will cost. Set goals. With your list of activities and associated costs, you can determine how much you’ll need to save for retirement and what kind of income needs you will


have after you leave the workforce. Remember that though it’s important to be aware of the “big picture,” try not to let yourself get caught up in numbers with commas. Break your retirement income needs down into smaller goals that can be prioritized. Though you may find you have to make some decisions along the way, knowing what your retirement will cost and being able to work toward several achievable goals to begin with will help you feel more at ease as you continue to plan. 5. Track your progress. Like with

all goals, it’s important to set milestones and continue to check in and reflect as you go. Keep in mind that a little time and organization goes a long way. Set one day each month to sit down with your finances. Even if your goal still seems far away or if you’ve experienced a setback, you likely won’t regret spending the extra time to review your progress. If you still find yourself overwhelmed or needing help to stay on track, consider meeting with a professional financial advisor who can help you budget your finances now and plan for the future. Re-

member that while it may be a bumpy ride to retirement, the surest way to feel confident about what’s to come is to do all you can to plan for it. This communication is published in the United States fro residents of MA and RI only and the Advisor is licensed/registered to do business with U.S. residents only in the states of MA and RI. Brokerage, investment and financial advisory services are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. Some products and services may not be available in all jurisdictions or to all clients. © 2011 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Local Town Pages

Page 24

February 1, 2012

Millis Lions Pancake Breakfast in 41st Year

Don’t Wait Six Weeks! Go Online Today!

Event to Take Place Superbowl Sunday

BY KRISTEN ALBERINO Social Security Public Affairs Specialist in Quincy, MA Soon, the world’s most famous groundhog will be getting a lot of attention. On Groundhog Day, the world’s furriest weather reporter, Punxsutawney Phil, will pop out of his home to forecast one of two possibilities: an early spring or six more weeks of winter. Regardless of what Punxsutawney Phil predicts, there’s no reason for you to wait six weeks to do business with Social Security. Whatever the weather, you can visit our online office from the convenience and comfort of your warm and cozy home or office. Just go to

Last year, the Ferzoko family of Millis made the Millis Lions Superbowl Breakfast a family affair, and they have supported the Millis Lions for years.

The Millis Lions Pancake Breakfast over the years has turned into the Lions Superbowl Pancake Breakfast. This year, the Superbowl Breakfast will take place on February 5, at the St. Thomas Legion Hall on Main Street in Millis from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Tickets are $6 apiece, with children 6 and under free, and you can purchase them from any

member of the Millis Lions or at the door. This past year, the Lions served over 320 Breakfasts at the event. Our record year we served 550 people. Over the many years, we have added beans and grits to the original menu of eggs, pancakes and home fries. The grits are served

plain, and butter, maple syrup or honey can be added. We also added wheat pancakes last year to the delight of the people who came. For more information on the Millis Lions, visit For more information on the breakfast, contact (508) 376-1211.

You can do so many things online. And it’s so easy, even a groundhog could do it … if eligible. Below are a few of the things you can do at www.socialsecurity. gov. • Get an instant, personalized estimate of future retirement benefits with the Retirement

Estimator at; • Apply for Social Security retirement, spouse’s, or disability benefits at; • Apply for Medicare at; • Request a replacement Medicare card at medicarecard/, and • Learn about Extra Help with Medicare prescription drug costs at, where you can find a link to apply. Punxsutawney Phil has called for six more weeks of winter 87 percent of the time. We suspect that’s because he just likes to stay in his comfortable home. You can too, on Groundhog Day or any day, by going online. Whatever the weather, learn all about the things you can do online at

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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Ages 14 - 17 Professional dance instructors Prestigious opportunity for serious dancers Perform in a full-scale dance production at the end of the program Fully air-conditioned facilities Affordable - low cost with lunch included www

Local Town Pages

February 1, 2012

Page 25

Medway Community Farm 2012 CSA Shares Now on Sale! Once again, the Medway Community Farm is offering CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) membership. We are striving to develop a working farm that enhances Medway's rural character, enriches our community, and provides a setting for outdoor and farm education for all ages. We are reaching out, in our second year with a full-time farmer, to community members who believe in what we do and are willing and able to support our growth. The CSA model is a farm business plan in which individuals are able to pre-purchase a portion (usually referred to as a share) of the farm's harvest. In our case, it is either $300 or $550 worth of vegetables to be distributed on a weekly basis for 25 weeks, starting on May 29 and ending in MidNovember. By paying in advance, individuals enable us to afford the supplies, tools and labor needed to grow your food without incurring significant debt. We will be including more winter squash, carrots and potatoes

this season, as well as adding corn, sweet potatoes and Brussels sprouts to the crop plan. An example of a full share pickup for last July was 3 lbs. tomatoes, 5 lbs. cukes, zukes, peppers, eggplants (you chose which ones), two bunches of herbs (choice basil, parsley, cilantro), a head of lettuce, a bunch of carrots, 2 pints of cherry tomatoes, a bunch of fresh onions. There will also be chard, beets and scallions on the table as trades. A half-share would be roughly half of that. In addition to the vegetable shares, the Medway Community Farm also offers flower, egg and coffee shares as well as garden plot rentals. Garden plots are 200square ft. and rent includes composted, prepared soil available as early as April 15th with access to water and tools until October 31st. The cost to rent a plot for the season is $175.

Busy as a Beaver

To sign up for your garden share, or to reserve a plot, email Brittany Sidway at bsidway@

There’s no time to waste, it seems, for beavers on the Charles River on Myrtle Street in Millis. The nocturnal, semi-aquatic rodents have built this winter lodge, made up of sticks and mud at the side of the river.

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Local Town Pages

Page 26

Obituaries millis: John b. henderson, age 69, of Millis where he has lived for 38 years, died unexpectedly, Friday, January 6, 2012 at the Norwood Hospital. Born in Boston and formerly of Medfield, he had worked for 34 years for the Medfield State Hospital as the Storeroom Manager before his retirement in 2001. He once played AAA Baseball for the former Boston Braves, and he enjoyed camping. Husband of Deborah (Firmin) Henderson, he also leaves 2 sons Marc D. Henderson of Riviera Beach, FL and Todd M. Henderson of Franklin, his twin sister Barbara Kitchenmaster of Gloucester, 4 grandchildren, Luc and Kaci Henderson, Colin HendersonCanelli and Pierce Henderson and 2 nieces, Debra Kitchenmaster of Gloucester and Tricia Girard of Newberry, NH. Those wishing may make a contribution in John's memory to: The Home for Little Wanderers, Development Department, 271 Huntington Avenue, 2nd Floor, Boston, MA 02115. Punta gorda, Fl (Formerly millis): lester a. lacroix, 70 of Punta Gorda Florida died December 23 after a battle with cancer. He is predeceased by his father and mother, Harold and Beatrice (Forbes) LaCroix of Millis. He was formally from Millis when he was drafted into the Marines and badly wounded in Vietnam on September 22nd. 1967 near Khe Sanh. He had sustained shrapnel wounds in the back and neck while under enemy fire. For acts of bravery in this attack he received the Bronze Star. He is survived by his wife Sandra and daughter Pamela (LaCroix) Piorkowski, his brother, Frank LaCroix of Granby, CT and many loving cousins, nieces, nephews,

step-children, and friends. Donations can be made to the Tidewell Hospice at 1144 Veronica St. Port Charlotte, FL in his honor. millis: John F. “Jack” o’neil, age 67, of Millis and Hull where he has been a resident since 1985, died unexpectedly Monday evening at the MetroWest Medical Center in Natick. Born and raised in Brighton, he was the son of the late Joseph G. and Gertrude (Weiss) O’Neil. He was a graduate of St. Columbkille Catholic High School and after a tour of duty in the U.S. Navy, he returned to college graduating from Boston College having earned a B.S. in Business. A former resident of Holliston, he enjoyed and was a member of the Millis post 208, American Legion and Post 1495 Veterans of Foreign Wars in Medway. Mr. O’Neil retired in 1998 from Digital Equipment Corporation where he was employed for over 20 years as a Quality Control Engineer. He was currently employed by Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at Logan International Airport. Beloved husband of 43 years to Roberta K. (McGovern) O’Neil, he leaves 3 children, Kate Jobmann and her husband Robert of Westmoreland, NH, Brian O’Neil of East Milton and Tricia O’Neil of Tampa, FL, 2 sisters MaryAnn Stone of Brighton and Gertrude “Trudy” Dunn and her husband Alan of NH and Robert O’Neil and his wife Rosemary of NH as well as many nephews, nieces and extended family. He was predeceased by a brother Tommy O’Neil. If desired, contributions in Jack’s memory may be made to Mass. Operation Stand Down, 256 Freeport St., Dorchester, MA 02124. See for the guest book, directions and

additional information. millis: mrs. sylvia b. (capone) vellante, of Millis, died Friday, December 23, 2011 in Boston, surrounded by family members and loved ones. She was 87. Sylvia was raised in Wakefield, MA, a first generation American and daughter of the late Joseph and Angela (Pizzano) Capone. Fluent in five languages, Sylvia was a dedicated teacher for more than forty years. She attended Boston University where she graduated with top honors and earned an undergraduate degree and later in her career a Masters in Education. After graduating from college, she taught foreign languages at the public school system in Barnstable, MA and also at the Kents Hill School in Maine outside of Augusta where she met her late husband, William Vellante. They were married in 1950 and lived in South Easton, Mass. Sylvia and her husband moved to Millis in 1959, where she began thirty years of service as a teacher at Medfield High School. She also taught in Mexico during this time period. Sylvia is survived by her three sons, William Vellante and his wife Laura of New Canaan, CT, David Vellante and his wife Deborah of Harvard, MA and Richard Vellante and Wendy Harrington of South Boston, MA; her grandchildren Kendra, Carlyn, Christian, Angela, Alicia, Roman, Pilar, Geraghty and Olivia; Her sisters Virginia (Capone) Hopkins and Lilian (Capone) Raffael and many nieces, nephews, cousins and other relatives. If desired, memorial contributions may be made to the William and Sylvia Vellante Scholarship established in 1996. Checks payable to Millis High School, Attn: Guidance Dept., 245 Plain St., Millis, MA 02054.

February 1, 2012

Medway Library Seeks eReader Donations Did you upgrade to a new eReader / tablet over the holidays? The Medway Public Library is looking for Nooks, Kindles and Sony eReaders in good condition to use for training and expanding patron access to eBooks. Please donate devices in good working order at the Library, 26 High Street, Medway while the Library is open (Monday 10 a.m.-8 p.m., Tuesday-Thursday 2-8 p.m., Fri-

day - Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m.). Be sure to check out the Library's collection of eBooks and Audiobooks for use on your computer, tablet or eReader. Visit the Library's website to access the digital media catalog. For more information, visit the Library or website, or call the Library at (508) 533-3217.

Millis Youth Baseball and Softball Registration Open Millis Youth Baseball and Softball spring registration is now open. The final registration date is Saturday February 11 from 8:30 – 11 a.m. at the Millis High School gym area. Registration is open to all children ages 6-13 for baseball and

Kindergarten – 8th grade for softball. All first-time players will require a birth certificate. Registration fees for baseball range from $85 - $135 depending on age. Softball fees are $85. More information can be found at

Medway Lions Bottle/ Can Drive February 4 The Medway Lions will conduct its monthly bottles and cans collection on Saturday, February 4, 2012, a fundraiser with proceeds used to support community services. Redeemables should be placed at curbside by 9 a.m. Redeemables may also be brought directly to Medway Oil on Broad

Street by 11 a.m. the morning of the drive. Residents are reminded that they may also, at their convenience, place redeemables in the Lions Bottles and Cans shed in front of West Medway Liquors on Main Street. The Lions thank residents for their continued support.

Youth Softball Spring Registration Ends February 29th Medway Youth Softball is now accepting registrations for in-town instructional Softball league K-2nd grade, including practice and games versus Millis’ k-2 program, with a fee of $70. Volunteers and coaches are needed!

The program is also accepting registrations for the Spring 2012 season for the Spring Program ZZZ 5REHUWV0LWFKHOO FRPTravel Program (Tri-Valley Soft-

ball) for girls in grades 3-8. The fee is $130, and volunteers/coaches are needed! Last day for registration will be February 29, 2012. Send questions to Register online visit http://www. _id=1991216

Local Town Pages

February 1, 2012

Page 27

Medway Dems to Elect Delegates to State Convention Democrats in Medway will be holding a caucus at Medway High School on February 11, 2012 at 10 a.m. to elect six delegates and three alternates to the 2012 Massachusetts Democratic Convention, where Democrats from November 4, 2009 across Massachusetts will select candidates to compete for the Democratic nomination for U.S. 3522) )250 Senate. The convention will be 3OH DVto H arrive UHYLand HZfinally \RXU Dheld GYHon UWLSaturday, VHPHQJune W 2, 2012 at Dawson of Millis has been waiting for the winter snow found his little bit of heaven. Hello WITH! Center in FKHFN DSSURSULDWH ERthe [ VMass LJQ DMutual QG Springfield.

tions in 2012,� commented Massachusetts Democratic Party Chairman John Walsh. “Caucuses are the first step in building a community organizing strategy for victory. They give people an opportunity to become part of the local effort.� The caucus is open to all registered Democrats in Medway, and the Democratic Town Committee warmly welcomes participants. Delegates will be divided equally between men and women, and all ballots will be written and secret. In the spirit of inclusion, youth, $Fand FW people with disminorities,


“This is going to be an exciting November 11, 2009 year as we build on our recent sucJohn Peters III cesses and prepare for the elecMedway Country Manor 115 Mollison Street Please check box: Quality Women’s & Juniors Clothing Medway Handbags • Jewelry • Accessories ♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼♼

Girls’ Night Out

abilities who are not elected as delegates or alternates may apply to be “add-on� delegates. Details on the rules can be found at The Medway Democratic Town Committee normally meets on the second Monday of the month at the Medway Senior Center. For more information on the caucus or the committee, please contact Bob Ferrari at (508) 5336819 or visit

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Local Town Pages

Page 28

February 1, 2012

Millis/Medway Sports Where Are They Now? Porter Excelled as Three-Sport Star at Medway BY KEN HAMWEY Staff Sports Writer The athletic disciplines Rick Porter learned as a student-athlete at Medway High and Boston University still play a key role in his daily routine as principal at Blackstone-Millville Regional. Setting goals, working as a team and overcoming adversity helped spur Porter to become an all-star athlete and those precepts continue to help him to be a top-notch administrator. “When I played sports, I strived

to improve by being prepared, contributing in a team concept, by setting challenging goals, and overcoming any deficiencies,’’ Porter said. “In my role now as a principal, I’m always aiming to be better organized and prepared, working to build good chemistry by having a quality staff and faculty, and ensuring that we’re reflective of past results and able to fix any problems that arise.’’ Porter’s excellence as a threesport star at Medway may not be “The titles in football were a thrill and leading the area in scoring was

Porter mulled a dozen offers to play Division 1 college football, eventually choosing to attend Boston University on a full scholarship. He didn’t disappoint Terrier fans. He was a three-year starter at cornerback and captain his senior season. “I led the team in interceptions as a senior and felt fortunate to win the Tom Gastall Award,’’ Porter noted. “That award was for being the most valuable back. I also was chosen as an alternate for the BlueGray all-star game.’’ A science and physical education major, Porter graduated from BU in 1975, then signed a $40,000 contract to play for Memphis of the WFL.

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“I got to training camp but suffered a hamstring injury,’’ he said. “I was penciled in as a starter at cornerback, but was told to go home, rehab, then return. The league was having trouble staying afloat and folded before I ever got back to Memphis.’’

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an honor,’’ Porter said. “It’s always nice to be part of a successful team but there were other teammates and coaches who deserve credit. Coaches like Hal Ryder, Bill O’Donnell and Eric Sidman motivated and inspired me.’’

Porter was now set to begin his career in education, joining the Bellingham faculty. He taught science and health for 25 years, became head of the Wellness Department and earned a Master’s in administration from Fitchburg State in 1993. He also was an assistant football coach at Belling-

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Rick Porter learned early that real-life lessons in athletics can be valuable tools.

ham and coached girls track for 12 years. Porter, who is married and has three sons, moved to Milford High as an assistant principal for four years before becoming principal at BMR in 2003. “When I arrived at BMR, I was fortunate to have a dedicated staff, good teachers and excellent coaches,’’ Porter emphasized. Overseeing an enrollment of 550 students, Porter said that “about 80 percent of our graduating classes go on to higher education.’’ “I greatly admire dedicated students, high-caliber student-athletes and participants in our marching band,’’ he said. “The Blackstone-

Millville Charger Marching Band has gone to national competitions and we’ve won many honors.’’ Porter learned real-life disciplines as an athlete, applied them in academics and now is utilizing many of those principles in his role as the school’s principal. “I remember a track meet against Dover-Sherborn,’’ Porter recalled. “Their guy threw the javelin 180 feet and my best had been 175. On my last throw, I reached 183 feet and won the event. It just goes to show that you can surpass your limit when pushed. I often tell our faculty at staff meetings to be careful not to limit yourself when you set objectives.’’

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Local Town Pages

February 1, 2012

Page 29

Millis/Medway Sports Millis Senior Eyes Hoop Tourney Success DellaCamera’s Courage Helps Conquer Injury Jinx BY KEN HAMWEY Staff Sports Writer Anthony DellaCamera is a study in perseverance and dedication. A senior center on the Millis basketball team, the 5-foot-11, 185pounder not only has overcome six serious injuries to his knees, but he’s also managed to remain positive and upbeat throughout a fiveyear stretch of adversity that started in the seventh grade. DellaCamera, who is one of the Mohawks’ co-captains, has dealt with three knee-cap dislocations, two torn cartilages (meniscus) and a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). And, a bout of tendinitis also was in the mix. The versatile center, however, has stayed healthy so far and is hoping to end his career at Millis with some success in post-season tournament action. The Mohawks, who were 2-6 overall after their first eight games, have qualified for the Division 4 playoffs, nevertheless, by virtue of their victory over Marian. Although DellaCamera’s statistics aren’t the kind of numbers that will land him on the Tri Valley League all-star team, his contributions on and off the court make coach Tom Ingraham refer to him in superlative fashion. “Anthony is our best inside defender, our best defensive rebounder and our best post player,’’ Ingraham said. “He’s one of the best captains I’ve ever coached. He organized summer league play and off-season drills, he’s assisted our younger players in their transition and he’s helped me often with jayvee practice. Bouncing back from all his knee problems says a lot about his character and his ability to handle adversity.’’ Averaging nine points and seven rebounds a game, DellaCamera’s injury problems started as a sev-

enth-grader when he dislocated his left knee cap. He tore the meniscus and his ACL in his right knee in the eighth grade, then tore the meniscus again and dislocated his right knee cap as a freshman. During his junior campaign, he missed eight games because of a partial dislocation of his right knee and a case of tendinitis.

Ingraham also gets high marks from “the comeback kid.’’ “Coach Ingraham is very supportive,’’ DellaCamera emphasized. “He never gets down, always remaining positive. He’s a good motivator who knows basketball.’’ An honor student, DellaCamera plans on attending college and majoring in mechanical engineering. Duke, RPI, Boston University and Northeastern are possible landing spots.

“I missed all of my jayvee season when I was a freshman and I missed almost half my junior year,’’ DellaCamera said. “The injuries do wear you down, but getting depressed doesn’t get you healthy. I’ve done all the therapy and adhered to the doctors’ orders.’’

“I visited Duke with my AAU team,’’ DellaCamera said. “I’ve always liked J.J. Redick who played at Duke. He’s such a good shooter and I try to emulate him when I take a shot.’’

What DellaCamera did during his five years of rehab was strengthening exercises for his knees and muscles. He’s also lifted weights and played pick-up games. “When Anthony was in the seventh and eighth grades, he was regarded as one of the top up-and-coming prospects in the TVL,’’ Ingraham said. “He was big for his age but he could handle the ball. He was dominant and explosive then and was on the jayvees in the eighth grade. He’s still a good player who can handle the ball, rebound and shoot threes.’’

DellaCamera doubts he’ll pursue basketball in college. His last fling with the sport is Millis’ current season and he’s hoping the ending will have some success. “I just want us to give our best in the tourney and see how far that takes us,’’ he said. “A positive finish is what I’d like.’’ Anthony DellaCamera is a young study in perseverance and attitude.

Davis at point guard, and swingmen Derek Latosek and Chris Baker who can play guard or forward. “Jamie can pass and is an excel-

lent play-maker,’’ DellaCamera said. “Derek is strong on offense and can also play solid defense while Chris is versatile at both ends of the court.’’

After six knee injuries, surgery and what seemed like endless rehab sessions, Anthony DellaCamera deserves respect. He’s learned how to overcome adversity at a young age and knows the value of learning real-life lessons.

Celebrating Presidents Day

DellaCamera’s 11 points against Holliston this season and his 12point effort in the tourney last year against Carver rate as quality outings. He also rates being a Mohawk captain as a special thrill. “When I played in our loss to Carver in the tourney, my legs felt good,’’ DellaCamera said. “And, I was comfortable in our openinggame loss to Holliston this season. I’m enjoying my role as a captain with Jamie Davis. I basically try to lead by example.’’ DellaCamera admires the intensity of three of his teammates —

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Local Town Pages

Page 30

February 1, 2012

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Local Town Pages

February 1, 2012

Page 31

home M A R K E T P L A C E Northeast Signature Properties Welcomes Robin & Mark Spangenberg

Northeast Signature Properties LLC, the leading Real Estate Brokerage Office located in Millis, Massachusetts is proud to announce that ROBIN & MARK SPANGENBERG joined the company in January of 2012. Robin

is a REALTOR with the Greater Boston Real Estate Board, Massachusetts Association of Realtors and the National Association of Realtors. Robin brings over eight years in residential real estate experience. Mark brings over twenty years in residential, commercial and investment properties experience. According to the local MLS (Multiple Listing Service), Robin Spangenberg is one of the Top Producing Real Estate Agents in Millis. Robin and Mark have

resided in Millis for the last fifteen years where they are raising their four children. Robin and Mark have been active in the community through their involvement in various town committees such as the Board of Health, the Middle/High School Steering Committee, Girl Scouts, CCD, and many youth sports programs. The Founder and Owner of Northeast Signature Properties LLC, Jennifer McMahon, stated "Everyone in our office is thrilled

to have Robin & Mark on our team. They are certainly an asset to our organization in many ways. They are successful agents in the area who have proven to grow their business by consistently providing a high level of service, in-

tegrity and professionalism to their clients. In addition, they are well respected within the town and the local agent community. We are excited and proud to have them as part of the Northeast Signature Properties family.”

Thinking of buying or selling a home? Let me help you through the process! No Day Like Today! uPdated 3 bedroom condo

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MEDWAY / MILLIS REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS address 19 Evergreen St #A, Medway 2 Fairway Ln, Medway 104 West St, Medway 3 Pine Ridge Dr #2, Medway 8 Shaw St, Medway 13 Pond St, Medway 5 Stone End Rd, Medway 2 Skyline Dr, Medway 14 Sanford St #30, Medway 29 Ellis St, Medway 175 Village St, Medway 11 Iarussi Way, Medway 13 Iarussi Way, Medway 12 Crook St, Medway 52 Milford St, Medway 4 Independence Ln, Medway 3 Coffee St, Medway 22 Oak St, Medway 5 Legion Ave, Medway 6 Stony Ridge Rd, Medway 5 Legion Ave, Medway 6 Stony Ridge Rd, Medway 11 Millbrook Rd, Medway 14 Winthrop St, Medway 91 Oakland St, Medway 127 Winthrop St, Medway 182 Spring St, Millis 133 Middlesex St, Millis 11 Tuckerdale Way #11, Millis 43 Auburn Rd, Millis 17 Eden St, Millis 5 Ryan Rd, Millis 84 Key St #84, Millis 260 Orchard St, Millis 120 Dover Rd, Millis 127 Dover Rd, Millis 13 Country Village Way #13 10 Independence Ln, Millis 27 Hemlock Cir #27 280 Orchard St, Millis

Price $248,500 $362,800 $307,500 $359,900 $250,000 $313,500 $445,000 $150,000 $194,500 $355,000 $225,000 $400,000 $400,000 $340,000 $290,000 $555,000 $239,400 $335,000 $186,000 $427,500 $186,000 $427,500 $369,500 $200,000 $230,771 $355,000 $269,900 $316,148 $172,400 $292,299 $10,000 $450,000 $245,345 $280,500 $440,000 $290,000 $150,000 $242,500 $70,000 $239,800

buyer Long, Wallace Cox, Kevin F Mula, Tajinder S Warnick, Jordan E Wheeler, Russell W Jackey RET Finnegan, Mark A Eastern Prop Group LLC Roth, Sarah E Vaida, Evan A Mcwade Consulting Svcs Senek LLC Senek LLC Williams, Paul R Robinson, Jason L Khoury, John A Melle, Shaun Brown, Wayne F Aurora Loan Svcs LLC Shawlis, Steven J Aurora Loan Svcs LLC Shawlis, Steven J Ficcardi, Anthony J Poulten, Meredith FNMA Lally, David Sullivan, Joseph FNMA Drake, Bretton P Wells Fargo Bank NA Lenahan, Michael W Nelson, David A FNMA Kehlhem, Gregory C Koss, Stephen Sorrenti, Joseph M Macneill, Michael A Independence Lane LLC Mezini, Femion D Lupien, Jessica M

seller Oreilly, Terence Manske, Michael J Bryszkowski, Mateusz M Pine Ridge Drive LLC Garvey 2002 FT Loveless, Donald M Chang, Bang Cascanet, Mary B Kehlhelm, Gregory C Gullotta, Joseph D Dean Properties Inc Bedrosian, Taniel Mikael Bedrosian LT 53 Hiawatha Avenue NT Dodsworth, David S Mendes Dev Co Inc Carpenter, Dolores P Mello-Obrien, Maura E Learned, Kristin Diebler, Eric J Learned, Kristin Diebler, Eric J Basso, Patricia J Strittmatter, Susan Walker, Lisa R Mullin, Barry J Lamacchia, Katherine A Mcconnell, Joseph Tuckerdale LLC Macquarrie, John L Roches Building Co Inc Fitzpatrick, Edwin R Darcy, Steven C Purtell, Carol A Koss, Jeffrey Erik RT Storey, Bob OWB REO LLC Fraser, Donald W Camozzi, Joseph

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E.R.A. Key Realty Services asK the realtor by E. “Cappy” Capozzoli

Sheila & Bill ask; “We are having a family debate about buying a home or waiting a few years. Is this a good time to buy”? Excellent question, which deserves a two-part answer. First let’s look at your personal finances. Do you have cash reserves, (emergency funds)? How secure is your current job(s) and your income level? Estimate the cost of ownership, (payments +insurance + taxes + maintenance). Secondly, the price of most homes has declined over the past few years, and mortgage rates are very low, (the lowest I have seen since I became a Ma. real

estate broker in 1972). From that perspective, this is an excellent time to invest in a home. Let’s say you are waiting and spending $1500 a month on rent. In three years that’s $54,000 of your money that’s gone bye-bye forever. Those funds could be going in to home ownership, and paying down a mortgage. Also remember that the majority of mortgage payments in the early years is “interest”, and that both interest and real estate taxes are tax deductions, which together are a big benefit to you. There is another big benefit of real estate that is often overlooked and that is “pride of ownership”. It’s great to own your own place, live in, and enjoy for years, and when you sell, maybe even make a profit. If you just break even, well maybe that’s ok also. Lastly be realistic with your price range. You will be “comfortable” in your new home only if you are “comfortable” with the payments. Mr. Capozzoli has been a Massachusetts real estate broker for 35 years. You are invited to submit your real estate questions by e-mail or by phone 508-596-2600.

e.r.a. Key realty services, 707 main st, millis Information is for general purposes only always consult your attorney.

Local Town Pages

Page 32


February 1, 2012

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