Norwood April 2012

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Vol. 2 No. 10

Free to Every Home and Business Every Month

April 1, 2012

State Senator Rush and Mawn Return Home with Memories and Admiration for All Those Who Served BY TIM DAVIS

On the weekends the two made a pact to attend Mass every Sunday together, and then have dinner in the dinning facility.

Recently, Norwood’s State Senator Mike Rush returned home to his constituents and the residents he represents, and soon afterwards he made presentations to local town governments on his deployment to Iraq in 2011.

“My time with Senator Rush was crucial to my morale,” said Mawn. “We have a great number of mutual friends and enjoy talking about history, politics, and Boston. [It] gave us the opportunity to get to know each other better.”

Senator Rush made a formal presentation to the Norwood Board of Selectmen, thanking Norwood and its residents and discussing his deployment working with Special Forces from March 2011 to this past December. “I found the work to be extremely interesting and meaningful,” said Senator Rush in a recent interview. “There are many terrorist groups plaguing Iraq and continuing to do so.” Rush, a lifelong resident of West Roxbury and a graduate of Catholic Memorial and Providence College as well as Southern New England Law School, has been a Navy Reservist for 16

Working with Special Forces in the Army, also known as the Green Berets, Rush lived in the International Zone and worked with Iraqi counter terrorism services and forces. One of Rush’s favorite memories overseas was his time spent

with Norwood firefighter and Officer Dennis Mawn. “[There are] a lot of dangers in Iraq, [and] it was a combat zone where we both were stationed,” said Rush. “One great thing was Mawn was stationed there, we were a part of Combat Joint Special Operations Task Force (CJSOTF), and it was great to have someone from home there.”


Senator Rush was the fourth elected Massachusetts official to

Of Norwood’s 16,876 registered voters, 2,921 (17.31%) voted in the March 6, 2012 Presidential Primary which included candidates running for President as well as those running for Republican and Democratic Town Committee membership. 608 Democratic voters (79.89%) chose Barack Obama. 17.61% voted no preference with the remaining 19 opting to write-in candidate names. 2,075 Republican voters participated with Mitt Romney leading with 1596 votes (76.92%) and Rick Santorum earning 240 votes (11.57%). The remaining candidates finished as follows: Ron Paul 125 (6.02%), Newt Gingrich 80 (3.86%), Jon Huntsman 10 (.48%), Michele Bachmann 9 (.43%), No Prefer-



Both cited in their interviews how entertaining it was to watch those around them respond to their Boston accents. years, and has gone on to active duty as both a sailor and intelligence officer.

April 2nd Ballot Will Have Several Seats Open

“It was comical to be in the chow hall and watch the reactions of those around us try to decipher our Boston accents,” said Mawn. “[It] was a highlight of my week and we became terrific friends,” said Senator Rush.

continued on page 3

continued on page 3


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Page 2

Local Town Pages

April 1. 2012

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April 1, 2012

ADMIRATION continued from page 1

be mobilized to either Iraq or Afghanistan. His presentations to those in his district of his time overseas, were important to the Senator, as he wanted them to have a greater understanding of his service to the country. “I felt the citizens who I represent in the Senate [need to know], and I wanted them to have a great understanding of my role serving overseas.” For Mawn, the humbled officer wants the residents of Norwood to know how much he appreciates all the letters and kind gestures that have been bestowed upon him since his return, but he also wants everyone to remember and appreciate the forty-some odd service men and women from Norwood who have also served. “As for the town, I thank the sincerity in the comments and the small gestures of the people I meet

APRIL BALLOT continued from page 1

ence 7 (.34%), Write-In 5 (.24%) and Rick Perry 3 (.14%). Locally, there are several open seats included in the, April 2nd town election including: (1) threeyear Selectman, (1) one-year Moderator, (1) three-year Board of Health, (1) three-year School Committee, (2) two-year School Committee, (2) Finance Commission (2) three-year Library Trustees, (1) five-year Planning Board and (1) two-year Planning Board. However, except for the School Committee and Library Trustee seats, the candidates are running

unopposed. Town Meeting Members are also being chosen for the town’s nine districts. Of the nine districts, only two have enough citizens running to create any opposition (districts three and four) for each district’s 28 available seats.

Local Town Pages

Page 3

when I am out and about… says a lot about Norwood,” says Mawn. “I don’t think I could say it enough, the attention showed to me upon my return was and is very humbling, [but] that I should get all this attention because I am in public service just doesn’t seem fair.” “What it does give me though is a platform from which to remind folks of the dozens of men and women who have or are still serving, who come home and quietly resume their lives here in Norwood without all the fanfare,” said Mawn. “Their service should not go unappreciated.” “I feel humbled among the citizens of the towns who also have served in these wars overseas,” said Senator Rush. “I now have a perspective as a reservist and now as a veteran, and will use those experiences in my legislation to ensure Massachusetts [continues to be] number one in their support of their Veterans.”

In a recent debate, televised by NPA-TV, the four School Committee candidates (James F. Gormley, Richard W. Kief, Joseph M. Pentowski, and Paul J. Samargedlis) discussed a variety of topics. Conversation included their qualifications, positions on possibility of closing an elementary school, effects of the development/sale of the Endicott land on the schools, performance of the current Superintendent, class size, and a proposed increase in the dropout age.

Senator Rush and Mawn both referred to Rep. John Rogers and Veteran’s Agent Ted Mulvihill as those who go above and beyond the call of duty in helping Veterans

in Norwood and surrounding areas get the benefits and support they need.

Ms. Beggs (incumbent) has been a trustee for six years. She has participated in Finance Committee meetings, staff contract negotiations, and the search for the current Director. This is Ms. Reardon first run for the

trustee seat. She has lived in Norwood more than 40 years, is a regular user of the library, a former high school history teacher, and a literacy tutor at the library. Ms. Thomas served as a Town Meeting member for 13

“Norwood is unique that the town has these people (Rogers,

Mulvihill, and Mawn) who fight for Veterans (rights and benefits),” said Senator Rush. “I am proud to be able to call all of them my friends.” years. She brings research and writing talents to the table as a paralegal and writer. According to the Town Clerk’s office, Specimen Ballots with all candidates names are available for review at 10 locations (as required by law) prior to Election Day (including the Town Clerk’s office and the Shaw’s Supermarket bulletin board).

Mr. Gormley is a retired educator with 45 years experience in a variety of roles including as teacher, assistant principal, principal, and coach. Mr. Kief (incumbent) is a 48-year resident of Norwood, with six children who are Norwood high graduates and grandchildren currently in Norwood schools. Mr. Samargedlis is an incumbent with six years experience, two years concurrently as Chairman and has two daughters in the 8th grade. Mr. Pentowski was previously a member of the School Committee for 37 years and Town Meeting member for 40 years. NPA-TV also televised a debate (moderated by Jack McCarthy) between two of the four candidates running for two Library Trustee seats, Sarah E. Begg and Patricia A. Reardon. Linda M. Thomas recorded a video of her qualifications. Paul F. Ward did not participate.

1135 Washington St. Norwood, Massachusetts


Local Town Pages

Page 4

April 1. 2012

Principal Ceruti of the Willett's ECC Program Plans Retirement in June BY DAWN C. FITZGERALD This June, when preschool and kindergarten teachers as well as staff at the Willett Early Childhood Center begin to clean up for summer vacation, it will be with heavy heart. Their principal and mentor, Virginia “Ginny” Ceruti will be packing up her office for good. Ceruti has been a fixture in the Norwood Public School System, working in since the 1970’s. She began her career in education at the C.J. Prescott Elementary School, eventually making her way to the F.A. Cleveland Elementary School before landing at the Willet in 2004. She and another teacher, Mary Erickson was chosen to start the full time kindergarten pilot program. At that time, Norwood School Administration and a preschool occupied the Willett. The full time kindergarten program added two more classrooms. “It was bare bones” she states of the experience. “There was no cafeteria, or audito-

rium for the children to utilize, everything was done in the gym.” Nine years later Ceruti proudly states, “I think it is a happy place, a child friendly place…it has evolved into this place. It is awe inspiring to see.” Pictures of smiling preschoolers and kindergarteners line the walls as a testament to the beloved principal’s statements. Projects and pictures the students have created adorn bulletin boards, for all to see. Thanks to her hard work and foresight- what was once merely offices- has evolved into a warm, welcoming environment for all of Norwood’s young children. But Ceruti doesn’t take the credit, “There is input from all the teachers, I credit the teachers, they are all so thoughtful in their craft…all the credit is on the teachers,” she says. After nine years of working at the Willett, first as a kindergarten teacher then as principal, Ceruti has decided to retire.

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When so many look forward to retirement, Ceruti is filled with “mixed emotions.” Her husband is semi retired, her brother and sister in-law retired to South Carolina and her daughter Jaime, who followed in her mother’s footsteps, is an Assistant Principal in Virginia. With retiring she Principal Ceruti on right has the freedom to visit her family and principal I’ve ever worked for,” not just for school vacation. But she says Sullivan as the tears begin to states with a sad smile, “all my well up in her eyes. grandchildren are here and I’m Sullivan doesn’t just know leaving them behind.” “Ginny” from the Willett. Years It isn’t just the students Ceruti is ago, she was the kindergarten leaving. Sherry Sullivan has been teacher to her now adult daughworking alongside Ceruti since the ters. She states of Ceruti, “I conkindergarten program went to full sider her a colleague, a friend a time in 2005. “She was the first mentor. She is the perfect example

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of professionalism that everyone should follow.” When asked what she’ll miss most about Ceruti, she says, “There’s not enough paper to tell you…it’s going to be so hard.” On any school day, Principal Ceruti visits every classroom to check in with both teachers and children alike. She knows every child’s name. S has been known to greet the children as they get off their buses, even in frigid temperatures. Christina Jenkins, a Willett kindergarten teacher states Ceruti is known for her daily walks throughout the Willett, “She knows what’s going on in every classroom.” “She’s just perfect,” Sullivan interjects. Jenkins began working with “Ginny” in 2000 at the Cleveland School has been her coworker since. She says of Cerate’s retirement, “I will miss her guidance and her friendship. She has helped me to be the teacher I am today…She’s such a good educator; she knows the children and can bring out the best in you. She makes you want to be a better teacher for the children.” Recently Jenkins had a baby girl. She proudly states “Ginny is an honorary grandmother to my daughter and a second mother to me.” Principal Ceruti attends every Willet School movie night and craft night. According to Sullivan, Ceruti feels that it is important for her to be there, “just to say hello, and support the PTO.” She is “A part of the building…she sets an example,” says Sullivan of Ceruti’s ever present presence.

Local Town Pages

April 1, 2012

Earth Day 2012 Sunday, April 22, 2 PM-5 PM Corner of Washington & Nahatan Streets In April of this year, please join your neighbors for a celebration of Earth and our commitment to her, which will focus on sustainability of all kinds, including economic/financial, health, nutrition, ecology, and social issues. Such matters are intertwined, and sustainability for Earth can’t be achieved without attention to them all.

wood Common right across the street, if the weather permits. While the time for the event is 2 PM-6 PM that Sunday, the afternoon is not strictly scheduled, so come by when it is convenient for you.

Earth Day was first observed nationally in 1970, and led to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, as well as the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts (all with bipartisan support). In 1990, Earth Day went global; now people call attention to Earth’s needs and celebrate her gifts, on April 22, around the world.

In keeping with the theme of Earth Day, seed bombs will be available, to be lobbed into fallow ground, resulting in native plants (attracting bees and butterflies, fixing the soil, and beautifying our community). This “guerrilla gardening” should happen around the end of April or beginning of May, so the time is right. Spring rain breaks down the bombs, and the growing begins. No care of the resulting grasses and flowers is necessary, as they are wild plants, native to New England.

With a nod to New England’s unpredictable spring weather, Norwood’s event is planned for both indoors and outdoors. Most activities and displays will be inside the United Church of Norwood building, and we will spill onto the Nor-

The seed bomb project is planned to be a yearly event at Norwood’s Earth Day, so consider it a “tradition in the making.” There will be a small charge for the seed bombs, as the groups sponsoring Earth Day 2012 are all non-

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Photo by Tim Davis

profit and need to recover some of the money spent; plan to carry a few dollars in your pocket if possible.

Other than the seed bomb purchase, Earth Day will be free for everyone. We expect to have face painting for both kids and grownups; designs will include choices of animals, flowers, and leaves. We want to see lots of people, from toddlers to elders, decorated in honor of Mother Nature. Storytelling, music, and information will also be there for all ages.

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We have long known that an important sustainable practice is thinking “small and local.” A communal celebration in our own town speaks to this concept, giving us an opportunity to share the moment with our neighbors and demonstrate a commitment to the future of Earth. We’ll inspire one another with our presence. Collaborators on 2012’s Earth Day in Norwood are Together Yes, Friends of Norwood Center, Environmental Youth Coalition (high school) Morrill Memorial Library, and United Church of Norwood.

Local Town Pages

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April 1. 2012

2012 Norwood TONY Award Recipient: Megan Higgins The Norwood TONY (Ten Outstanding Norwood Youths) Awards were initiated over 40 years ago to recognize exceptional Norwood youths for their voluntary contributions to the community. Through anonymous reviews of the student's volunteer record and a 300-word essay, the Norwood Masons, who acquired the program 17 years ago, named the 2012 TONY Award winners at a banquet held January 30. The award includes a citation from Governor Patrick, a plaque from the lodge, a $1,000 savings bond and a gift card from Perk's coffeehouse. Two supplementary awards also included an additional $500 savings bond. Local Town Pages is also recognizing these noble young adults with a profile of each student each month in our newspaper. Norwood High School senior, Megan Higgins, is the second student profile

in our 2012 TONY Award series. TONY Award nominations are anonymous, which only enhances the special meaning of the candidate 's admiration. Norwood High School senior Megan Higgins still has no idea who valued her charitable work, but is equally happy of her acknowledgement as her ability to make a difference in the Norwood community. "It is such a great honor, but I have no idea who nominated me," Higgins said. "I wouldn't expect other people to do that for me and I'm happy others view me that way." Higgins has spent approximately the past six years helping organize a neighborhood food drive for the Norwood Food Pantry. Each winter, Higgins, her family and their neighbors send out fliers within the Doherty Field neighborhood announcing a date to leave contribu-

tions on their front steps and volunteers collect their donations and bring them to the food pantry. "It's very important to me that everybody can get necessities in life and if I'm able to help them I will," Higgins said. Higgins holds special childhood memories as a former Balch Elementary School student, and personally recognizes the positive effects of community service. With that in mind, she volunteers at her alma mater many times per year at pasta dinners, Santa breakfasts and monster mash dances for Halloween. "I like to see other kids have a great time in elementary school because I know high school kids were always doing that for us, you look up to them, they're idols," Higgins said. During her years at Norwood High School, Higgins joined many organizations, such as Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), the Friendship Club, Spirit Club and the Post Prom Committee and was on the field hockey, track and lacrosse

At press time, Higgins was still waiting to hear acceptances from the University of New Hampshire, the University of Massachusetts and Quinnipiac University for her fall placement, by has made a decision to major in nursing.

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teams for four years. She has also been a member of the National Honor Society since her sophomore year, heading up publicity this year and has been a member of the Foreign Language Honor Society since her junior year.

"I've always been attracted to the medical field and want to be able to help people who are sick," Higgins said. "I love working with kids and would love to do pediatrics." While her main focus will be on her studies, she intends on continuing her volunteer efforts in college. "I find community service really rewarding," Higgins said. "I love to help others."

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April 1, 2012

Local Town Pages

Page 7

Public Works Looks Forward to New Facility Article in May Town Meeting BY TIM DAVIS

the next 60 years,” said Ryan.

As the May 2012 Town Meeting approaches, the Norwood Board of Selectmen have supported the plans to have an article in the meeting to appropriate 41.2 million dollars for final design on a new Department of Public Works facility at Lyman Place. Currently, the new Lenox St facility is being prepped for partial vehicle and parts storage for the 4 million dollars that has been invested in the Town’s public work’s vehicles.

The biggest concern for Ryan and DPW is finding the space to protect their investment and their vehicle fleet. “Only 7 of the 35 vehicles can be garaged,” said Ryan. “The me-

The current Lyman Place facility has 1.72 acres of land and 17,000 square feet of storage. The newly acquired Lenox St. facility (acquired in

The Lenox St. facility will either use an already masonry structure in place or build a new one to help house a portion of the current vehicles as soon as possible.

“This four million (dollar) fleet needs to be properly garaged and the necessary repair facilities needs to be provided to ensure the vehicles can respond quickly and safely,” said DPW Director Mark Ryan, of the need for a new facility. According to Ryan the current Lyman Place facility, which has been in operation since 1949, is “woefully inadequate.” “The current facility is outdated, unsafe, and very insufficient,” said Ryan. “A new facility will allow Public Works to continue to provide effective and efficient services for

“The new [Lyman Place] plan will garage all the vehicles,” said Ryan. “Having sufficient garage space, a vehicle wash facility, and adequate vehicle maintenance bays will increase life-span by 30% to 40% - which is a tremendous benefit – considering the fleet is worth 4 million.”

Photos Credit Wicked Local

The Town’s decision to stay at chanic bays cannot fit most of the larger vehicles, [and] there is only a ton lift which cannot lift 75% of the vehicles.”

Jan.) provides .34 acres of land and 3,000 sq ft of storage, according to Ryan.

New! Flashlight Spring Egg Hunt Coakley Middle School 8:00pm Grades 3-5 $5 per person Earth Day Celebration April 7th, 9:30-11:30am Start your spring cleaning at Hawes Pool to help us go Green. Pre registration encouraged. A great opportunity to earn your PINS points. Grades 4-8 - FREE

Fishing Derby and Rubber Ducky Race Enjoy a South Norwood Tradition and catch over 300 stocked fish. Hot dogs and drinks free with fishing derby. Rubber duckies provided by Norwood Bank. Help support the fishing derby, cheer your duck on, and win some prizes!

“I think it is a great spot for Public Works operation-wise, [with] local government accessibility-wise and local business-wise,” said Ryan.



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The Lyman Place facility upgrade also has the approval from Ryan who agrees with the decision.


Norwood Rec. Dept. Announces Exciting Lineup for April Spring Egg Hunt Tots to Grade 3 10:00am Tots to K 10:30am Grade 1-3 Saturday, April 7th Willett School $3 per person with ten sealed eggs

Lyman Place stems from a detailed study by the Town, which considered 40 different sites for the new facility, one of the foremost reasons for keeping the DPW site where it is was to maintain a strong infrastructure of Town buildings and facilities all within walking distance.


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Local Town Pages

Page 8

April 1. 2012

Babel and McGowan Big Winners at 2012 DWTS BY KIERSTEN BARRY Jean Babel, Paul Bishop, Donna Breen, Rick “Miggy” McGowan, Jack Tolman and Patty Griffin-Starr all shined brighter than then most radiant star in the galaxy at the 4th Annual Dancing with the Norwood Stars on Friday March 23. They were all winners, however at the end of night Babel and McGowan walked away as the 2012 winners of Dancing with the Norwood stars. Babel, took home the award for the most successful fundraising efforts, while McGowan earned this year’s title for Judge’s Choice in the dancing competition. “It’s not about winning,” Babel said the day after the show. “It is a life-changing ex-

perience and one I will carry with me and cherish forever. I made new friends and I saw this town come together in a way that was just different…as when you actually experience the power of this community.” Fox 25 News anchor Maria Stephanos opened the largest fundraiser to benefit The Circle of Hope, with humor and admiration for the two women whose small dream of helping others has grown because of this unique community, Stephanos referred to as “the salt of the Earth” and the dedicated individuals who work year round to ensure circle remains unbroken. “I am so honored to be part of this event… I truly am,” said Stephanos. “We are here tonight first to

support the dancers but most important to support two very special people, Lee and Michelle Kennedy who brought this all together. And for those of you who aren’t familiar, Michelle fought a brilliant fight, the town of Norwood rallied for her and her mom made sure that she would carry through on her promise to help people in Norwood,” said COH President Tim McDonough. “For the last fourteen years the Circle of Hope has given out over $265,000 to one-hundred and fifty Norwood families,” McDonough said. Earl Batol of Fred Astaire Dance Studio, Jack McCarthy, host of Norwood Digest, Attorney James Hillard and Fox 25 News reporter Mike Beaudet served as this year’s panel of judges.

Video presentations produced by NPA were shown prior to each dancer’s performance. The videos highlighted fundraising efforts, dance lessons, brief interviews and commentary from the dancers and their dance partners over the last three months. Babel, the third performer of the evening, made a vibrant entrance, dressed in a coral gown. She and partner Martin Rycroft artistically intertwined Ballroom dance moves such as The Hustle, The Cha-Cha and The Meringue, along with a combination classic and current songs, adding to their unique performance. Paul Bishop, ever so dapper, dressed in black pants, white shirt, checkered suspenders (and matching socks), Paul and dance partner took to the dance floor close to 10pm, just in time to ‘revive’ the crowd.



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New Businesses in Norwood While news reports continue to describe a struggling economy, Norwood continues to grow with new businesses arriving and opening their doors with services and goods to local residents. Two businesses are highlighted in our New Business Section this month. Read their previews below, explore their websites and visit their establishments to keep Norwood economically flourishing. Beijing Kitchen Beijing Kitchen, specializing in Szechuan and Mandarin cuisine, recently celebrated their grand opening in South Norwood,. Their menu is stacked with a variety of appetizer and soup choices as well as an array of entrees ranging from chicken, beef, seafood, pork, noodles, vegetarian, rice and Thai choices. They also offer luncheon specials and combination lunch and all-day appetizer combinations. Beijing Kitchen has seating within the restaurant where diners can watch their meals prepared in their open kitchen, take out is available or delivery for a $1 fee in Norwood with a minimum $10 order. Beijing Kitchen is located at 1068 Washington St., South Norwood, and their phone number is 781-352-2855. Their menu is available on their website at Their hours are, Monday-Thurs-

day, 11:30 a.m.-10 p.m., Friday and Saturday, 11:30 a.m.-11 p.m., and Sunday, 12 noon-10 p.m. Norwood Pediatric Dentistry Norwood Pediatric Dentistry is a new dental practice completely dedicated to the specialized and comprehensive care of infants, children, adolescents and special needs children. It provides a safe and friendly environment with a focus on prevention and education for its young patients and their families. Dr. Nooruddin Pradhan received his DMD from Tufts University in 2006 and in 2010 became a diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. He received two additional years of special training to treat the special dental requirements of children, teens and special needs children as well as the emotional and social aspects of childhood. He is an assistant professor in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at Tufts University and has staff membership and privileges at Tufts Medical Center and the Franciscan Hospital for Children. Call Norwood Pediatric Dentistry for an appointment at 781-349-8170 or visit their website at for more information. Norwood Pediatric Dentistry is located at 38 Vanderbilt Ave., Suite C.

April 1, 2012

Local Town Pages

Page 9

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Local Town Pages

Page 10

April 1. 2012

Community Commentary Community Column with Pastor Talking It Over Smith: Are Brain Parasites Real? With Norm: Time Attending a conference many years ago, I remember a statement; “Many things fail due to lack of timing than for any other reason”. Time is such a mystery. We know it began “In the beginning” (Genesis 1:1) but we don’t know when that was. We read in the book of Revelation that a time will come when “there should be time no longer” (Revelation 10:6). Dr. Jack Hyles once said, “Time is the one gift you give than you can never take back”. He thought of time as so valuable that he considered it a breach of ethics to waste anyone’s time or to treat it carelessly.

BY PASTOR KEVIN SMITH So there I was reclining in the stately reading room of Norwood’s grand library leisurely immersing my weary spirit in a world of ornate wood paneling and mysterious images carefully preserved in stain glass, presided over by the life-sized paintings of the library’s benefactors, the serious and respectable George and Sarah Morrill; when from a meticulously displayed magazine rack these bold black block print letters leapt out from cover of the Atlantic Magazine: “DO BRAIN PARASITES SHAPE YOUR BEHAVIOR?” “At last!” I cried, shattering the idyll of my fellow reading room patrons; a grey-haired man seated in a high backed leather chair even deigned to glance up from his beloved Wall Street Journal to spy the cause of the commotion. “At last,” I repeated, though with less volume than at first, an explanation for all the peculiar, quirky, frustrating and puzzling behavior I have witnessed over a lifetime surrounded by people. It’s the parasites! Microbial alien interlopers from feline feces are invading the brain synapsis of innocent Homo Sapiens. Toxoplasma gondii – the fiends! Even the name reeks of malice – Toxoplasma gondii! The Czech scien-

tist who has spent the last twenty years researching the effects of the insidious parasite on the human brain, and who is himself a victim of this kitty litter box peril, attributes to the parasite his inability to talk to the ladies, the fact that he is well known to the Prague police for a heavy foot on the accelerator, and his notoriously poor fashion sense. Of the first two I cannot speak, but the large glossy photo of the scientist in the March issue of the Atlantic Magazine gave ample evidence of the third. If only human behavior were that easy to explain I mused while an earnest looking young

man rose from his seat behind the reference librarian’s desk and made a shushing motion in my direction; all the pain, the brokenness, the emptiness that we inflict on ourselves and others, if only we could lay the blame for all that misery at the microbial feet of a brain parasite. Why, we could take a pill and it would all go away. But it wouldn’t go away would it? Human hurt runs too deep; it has been since the beginning and will be till the end. The amazing thing is not that we sin – sin is common to every one of us. The amazing thing is that God loves us despite our sin.

So what is time and why is it so important? It has been said that we are creatures of time. Our bodies seem to be timed to day and night. We calculate by seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years. Yet, God speaks and tells us that “one day, to Him is a thousand years and a thousand years like a day”. So, for example, when He speaks and says, “the time is short” He is speaking from His perspective and this often proves confusing to us. In the book of Ecclesiastes we are told that “there is a time for everything under the sun”. We must learn to understand time, value it and plan it wisely because once it is used, who can reclaim it?

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We generally break a day up into three parts, eight hours of work, eight of rest or recreation, and eight of sleep or any given variation of these. We need to plan so as to get the best use of our time. The Bible puts it this way, “teach us to number our days so we can apply our hearts unto wisdom”. We have ample time for the right things, the necessary things and we will someday give an account to the Almighty and “I didn’t have time” won’t fly with Him. We often say that the way to spell joy is Jesus – Others – and You. Jesus said, “render to God what is Gods, love your neighbor as yourself”. If we keep things in this order we have the ability to be healthy and happy. Stop and take inventory of how you value your time and how you are using it. It’s good to do the things you plan now because you have no guarantee for tomorrow. One of the great regrets of life is that I wish I had done such and such. This does not need to happen because there is ample time if we use it wisely. God does remind us to “prepare to meet thy God”. This is an appointment we all will have to keep. It need not be scary if we take the time to find out what He expects. If we receive Christ, he will take us to the Father and we’ll have an advocate. It won’t be wise to arrive there alone. We are entering the Easter Season when we are reminded that God prepared a sacrifice “in the fullness of time”. Take time to ponder this, and maybe we can “talk it over”.

Local Town Pages

April 1, 2012

Page 11

The School Report: Math and Science Night at the Oldham BY SHANNON MACDONALD

The Oldham School PTO hosted their first annual Math & Science Night at the J.P. Oldham School on Thursday, March 8th. The evening’s activities were free of charge for participants, and geared toward children in grades 1-5. Upon arrival, students were greeted by parent volunteers and given a sheet resembling a bingo card with the name and location for each of the activity centers available. Using space inside the cafeteria as well as several classrooms, the activity centers were buzzing with wide-eyed smiling children and their parents who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the tasks at hand. The idea for this event originated from a parent member of the Oldham School’s PTO, Kelly Grenham. After presenting the idea at a PTO meeting and getting approval, as well as the funds needed to run the event, Kelly also gained scheduling approval from Wes Manaday, the Oldham School’s Principal. Once the date was booked, she carefully planned an activity for each of the eleven hands-on learning centers and recruiting volunteers to staff the event. Drawing on her experience with similar school events both where she teaches as well as previous Math & Science nights at the Callahan School, Kelly remained steadfast in her goal to create centers where children would have the ability to interact with and explore different math and science concepts. The key to this night was to demonstrate how learning can be fun. Even though the evening was geared toward grade school children, there were plenty of adults in

attendance trying activities and learning right alongside their own children. Almost 100 students came out to experience what this night had to offer. Each unique station taught an aspect of math and/or science, but the kids were learning without the usual groans that sometimes come along sitting in a classroom to learn. There were homemade lava lamps, an estimation station, probability lessons with dice, money calculations by determining the “value” of your name, penny puzzles, and a fun calendar quiz to teach you how to determine which day of the week you were born. Kids and parents alike excitedly lined up at Charlie Haffey’s station to prove they had nerves of steel and could navigate the metal mazes without inadvertently zapping the buzzer. Groups of children architected unique structures using marshmallows and toothpicks. The devices that were available to try out were quite impressive – the microscopes and smart boards were truly a big hit. Who said learning can’t be fun? “They really know how to engage the children and make them excited to learn math and science. They are always so generous to donate their time to all the schools and programs,” said Kelly. Wes Manaday, the Oldham’s Principal, greeted families and spent some time with the Callahan School’s Principal, Mr. Griffin, who also generously donated his time and ran one of the learning centers.

Kids studying science at the Oldham School.

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Local Town Pages

Page 12

April 1. 2012

Arts and Culture “Norwood Rocks” for Food Pantry on April 6th BY KIERSTEN BARRY Four years-ago Norwood resident John Groh of local band Cousin Johnny had an idea, gather a few bands with Norwood roots and collaborate for a hometown show. At the time, the goal of the event was simple. Cousin Johnny, The Full-Time Dreamers and Death by Fame wanted to give their friends and family in Norwood a fun night while doing the one thing they loved, performing rock music. The event, Norwood Rocks, was a bigger success than Groh and friend Kate Kenney, lead singer of The Full-Time Dreamers, and fellow “Norwoodian” ever imagined.

“We played together at different points and always got along,” said Groh. “One thing everyone in bands talk about is how difficult it

enough sound that you mesh well, but are still different.” “Everyone [the bands] thought it was a great idea so we got in touch with Concannon’s and it just took off. I also think a big thing for us with that first year was social media. We had about fourhundred people at the first show,” said Kenney.“I looked out [at the first Norwood Rocks] and thought you have got to be kidding me, four hundred people!” “It’s true and every year people ask, even if they don’t remember the name Norwood Rocks, “So Kate, when are you having that show again,” Kenney added.

is to find other bands you can get along with and play a show together. You have to have a similar

The bands reunited for Norwood Rocks 2 a year later, turning

the show into a casual, last minute, fundraiser for Matt Brown. “The show was around the time of Matt’s accident. We decided to put a canister on the stage and ask people to give what they could to help the Brown family. And people gave, they really did. That is the thing about Norwood, we help each other and it has always been that way”, Kenney said of unique way Norwood always come together when needed. “This year with Norwood Rocks 3, we wanted to take it even further,” Kenney said of her idea to make the April 6 event an official fundraiser in which all proceeds will go to the Norwood Food Pantry. “I read a story about the Food Pantry and the number of people in our town and surrounding

towns that are hungry, it made me want to ball my eyes out. We go through our everyday life and we all have had our ups-and-downs, whatever your case may be. The reality is people are out of work now and hopefully it will get better but there are people right here in our town who cannot even provide food for their family. To think of a child not being able to eat really upsets me.” Kenney continued. “People donate heavily during the holidays but seem to forget about us the rest of the year. Right now, we actually have to purchase food because we are running low on items such as canned pastas, spaghetti sauce and other items that people use during this time of year. I was so happy when Kate called and told me about her idea for the show, it will make such a difference,” said Taeger. “We will be collecting canned food and we are only asking for a $5.00 cover at the door with all proceeds going to the Norwood Food Pantry,” Kenney said. “Everyone is tight on cash right now but everyone can contribute a can of food and $5.00 to help feed a family.” Along with Cousin Johnny, The Full-Time Dreamers and Death by Fame, lifelong Norwood resident and staple on Boston radio for the past thirty years, FNX’s Henry Santoro will serve as the evening’s host. “Anytime there is an opportunity to be involved in something in Norwood I jump in,” Santoro said. Santoro held a fundraiser at the O.C.C. for the Food Pantry last year. “When I saw Kate, a very dear friend, I thought of Norwood Rocks 3 as an extension of last year’s event.” “I am always supportive of anything I can do to help the people of Norwood. It is going to be great to be at the Elks and rock out on April 6!” Santoro said. Norwood Rocks 3 will take place at the Norwood Elks on Friday April 6. Doors open at 7pm.Please bring non-perishable canned goods and be prepared for an evening of rock and roll as Norwood Rocks for the Food Pantry.

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Local Town Pages

April 1, 2012

Page 13

Arts and Culture Local Artist of the Month: Watercolor Painter Irena Roman BY TIM DAVIS April is a month where bright colors wash away the drudge of winter, especially at Gallery9, where the First Friday of the Month art show will feature three illustrators, including the featured Local Town Pages and Norwood Town News artist of the month, Irena Roman.

nature Membership in the American Watercolor Society, as well as receiving a High Winds Medal of Honor in their international juried exhibition, to go along with a Ralph Smith Memorial Award. One of Roman’s paintings have

Roman, a prominent representational watercolorist in the area, who currently teaches at MassArt in Boston, and will appear at the Galllery9 show on 45 Central St., with fellow illustrators Mark Logue and Polo Barrera.

Her recognition as a painter of watercolor has taken off recently as she has just been awarded the Sig-

“Recently, I’ve been concentrating on tabletops still life images, but I enjoy a variety of subject matter,” said Roman. “I love the work of so many artists, but especially admire illustrator David Grove, the water media painter Nicholas Simmons, watercolorist Mary Whyte, Winslow Homer, and Edward Hopper.” While painting is a true love for Roman, her ability to give back to the art community and teach is what truly rounds out the artist experience for her.

“I started drawing when I was 3 years old and always knew I wanted to be an artist,” said Roman. “Surprisingly, I didn’t start using watercolor until I was in graduate school.” Roman received her BFA from Mass College of Art and Design in Boston, and her MFA from Syracuse University, where she learned to watercolor.

awarded two gold medals from the New England Watercolor Society.

appeared in ‘Splash: The Best of American Watercolor,’ as well as her work has been twice recognized by The National Watercolor Society, with the “Watercolor West Award.” Locally, Roman has also been

“I actually never intended to become a teacher,” said Roman. “I was asked to fill in for a semester when a beloved teacher of mine from MassArt unexpectedly passed away. After being asked to return for a few semesters I realized that teaching had become integral to my artistic life.” Currently, Roman and her husband John are both freelance illustrators, with their own studios in their home. “We serve as a second pair of

Out and About Lots of Locks for Love My youngest child, after watching the Disney movie “Tangled” decided that she too would never cut her hair. Considering she has beautiful long blondish locks and I have very short brown hair, I vicariously lived through her by allowing her to let her hair grow and grow and grow. The longer it got, the crazier it became. It was long, it was messy, and it got into everything and onto everyone. Whereas some have dog fur on their clothes, we had “Brie” hair on ours. My short black coat was often covered in long blonde locks. As was my son’s jacket. One day he got so sick of picking long hair from his clothing he exclaimed, “I am so sick of being covered in hair!” A sentiment he said aloud and the rest of us

silently thought. When her hair went beyond her shoulders, it had to be fastened into a ponytail or bun at any given meal. Otherwise it would end up in her food. Some evenings I’d forget to tie up her long tresses. The next morning as I brushed her hair, I often find remnants of the previous night’s spaghetti supper or pot roast with gravy. Believe me, these were leftovers no one would ever want. Morning hair brushing was brutal. She’d come banging down the stairs, hair in her face, looking like Cousin It’s long lost twin. The tangles and snarls were time consuming to comb and fix quickly for school. When her hair went past her shoulders I suggested we get it cut

eyes for each other, which is very helpful,” said Roman. “Sometimes we have crazy, rush(ed) deadlines to meet…so having an understanding partner is crucial.” In April, the colors of the First Friday Show at Gallery9 should not disappoint as Roman is an excited participant. “I’m so happy to be part of the First Friday Show at Gallery9/Custom Art Framing,” said Roman. “(Owner Julie Vecchio) and her crew are dedicated to bringing together artists and the public for a greater understanding, apprecia-

tion, and promotion of the arts, which strengthens the community.” Illustration is the focus of the month of April at Gallery9. They will hold a second show on April 21 in conjunction with the Friends of Norwood Center and Together Yes for the Earth Day weekend. The second show will feature work by MassArt students on the 21st from 5-7pm in the gallery. Vecchio will be using ecofriendly framing materials for the student displays, with previews of their work visit Gallery9’s facebook page for more details.


and donate it. But she wasn’t ready. After months without trims, her tresses ran all the way down her back. Her hair was now so long we’d have to plan when it would be washed-because it took forever to dry. Not matter what watt the hairdryer had, it never seemed to completely dry all that hair. Then it began getting in her eyesand her way. She could no longer wear it completely down at school-because sometimes it would get caught when she pushed her chair in. One afternoon, I was getting my hair cut. I suggested she get a trim because her hair desperately needed it. But Brie had other plans. As we drove to the hairdressers, she told me she wanted it cut. She

was ready. But this time, I wasn’t. Selfishly I wanted her to keep her long locks. Despite the fact that I disliked her mane’s maintenance I loved my little girl’s long hair. Brianne had made up her mind. She wanted to donate her hair to Pantene for “people that had cancer” and for “people that had no hair”. Five years ago this year, my mother lost her battle with lung cancer. The disease not only stole her life but her independent spirit, her beauty and her hair. She was so brave in her battle. Five years later, my seven year old daughter showed that same bravery as she too gave her hair. But it was on her terms. And this time it was to help and it wouldn’t hurt.

I have never been so proud of my youngest child. She may be small in stature but she is big in heart. That afternoon, Brianne not only generously gave eight inches of beautiful blondish hair but a very valuable lesson to me. As she smiled at her newly coiffed self in the mirror she stated, “Don’t worry Mum, it will grow back.” And I realized that her hair would grow long and my little girl was growing up. On that day I swear the sun shined a bit brighter and it seemed a bit warmer. It must have been my mother smiling down at her littlest grandchild, the one with the really big heart. Dawn C. Fitzgerald is a freelance writer. She’d love to hear from you at

Local Town Pages

Page 14

April 1. 2012

Out and Around Paul Bishop Dunk Booth & Norwood Girl Scouts


Norwood Girls Scouts celebrating the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouts in the Town Common.

Joey Barry and Paul Bishop await the festivities.

Barry attacking the Selectmen with vengeance.

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April 1, 2012

Local Town Pages

Page 15

The Women’s Community Committee Thrift Shop: 85 Years of Sisterhood With a dedication to giving back to Norwood organizations for almost eighty-five years and bettering the community, the Women’s Community Committee share a life-long sisterhood BY KIERSTEN BARRY The Women’s Community Committee Thrift Shop has been an integral part of the Norwood community since 1927. The exterior of the historic shop located at 1194 Washington Street in South Norwood is as humble and modest as the hundreds of dedicated women who have been part of this remarkable organization for almost eight-five years. Customers are friends, always greeted with a warm and genuine smile by one of the thirty-five active board members who put in countless hours to keep the shop running. The passion, excitement and zest these civic-minded women have for the organization that has consistently helped to better the Norwood community since its inception is contagious. Helen Wythe, working on a Saturday in late February, was “thrilled” as she ran through the shop pulling items off racks for a young woman. Brand new sweaters and pants from Banana Republic and Ann Taylor for only $3.00 each, completed “the perfect” outfit for one happy customer. “I just love it”, Wythe said of the time she spends working with the other women. “Where could you find these deals and

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know you are helping the community, especially in these economic times.” Established in 1925, The Women’s Community Committee opened the Thrift Shop two years later in an effort to assist with the ongoing needs of the Norwood community. Income from the Thrift Shop has been used to support education initiatives, social service projects and recreational endeavors. “A very enterprising group of women began this group”, Thorne said. “Historically it was always a group who never focused on the individual members which is why we call ourselves sisters. We work together and the shop really is the focus, but we do have a lot of fun.” Wyeth described how the growth and diversity of the com-

mittee has contributed to the success of the shop. “It is a sisterhood. Perhaps at one point the committee was comprised of homemakers, but we have such a variety of women now. Women who worked for the FBI, directors of school systems, people who worked in marketing are part of the committee. I think that diversity is why we continue to work so well.” “We serve the community in three ways. We serve by having good prices, by having people who want to help by donating and by dispensing the funds back into the community. The community is so good to us; it really is a reciprocal thing,” Thorne added.

“We always contribute to the scholarships, but perhaps one month the Fourth of July parade

may need assistance or we may receive a letter from another organization. We make recommendations where we feel the funds should go, but we always take a democratic vote”, Thorne said. “And we do as much as possible to repurpose, recycle and reuse, absolutely nothing goes to waste, Deb Reddick said of the donations the shop receives from the community. “If we receive tee-shirts that are stained we give them to an oil company that needs 100% cotton rags to clean their machines and if we receive wool sweaters that are not in the condition to sell or don’t sell after a couple of sales we donate them to a local farm to swaddle baby lambs. Honestly, how sweet is that,” Wythe said.

Wythe also acts as the committee’s Sunshine Person, sending cards and notes throughout the year to fellow sisters who retired from The Thrift Shop. “It is a lifetime sisterhood and it is just wonderful.” Please visit the WCC Thrift Shop website at and their new Facebook page at /WCC-Thrift-Shop-NorwoodMA/104536446280056 For more information on the free spring babysitting course sponsored by the WCC for Norwood residents in grades six through eight, please call 781762-2991

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Local Town Pages

Page 16

April 1. 2012

She Offers People “A Little Bit of Heaven” BY J.D. O’GARA Maureen Kayata was at the top of her career. A Senior Vice President at the fifth largest bank in the world, the financial whiz had climbed the ranks of Corporate America over 24 years, earned a nice income and seemed to have it all. Then, she walked away, toward something even bigger.

dence, creativity and vitality. She uses different tools to remove fears and blocks that have disconnected people from their own divine guidance, blocks that have kept them from achieving everything from weight loss to happiness. Kayata believes that we all have a voice, or guide, which assists us in the direction we need to go. Her own guiding force led her to become a certified in Reiki Master. Reiki is a Japanese form of healing that works with the body’s energy system.

“It was an internal calling,” says Maureen. “It was such a pull. My belief is you should try to make a difference in somebody’s life every day. I practiced that in corporate, but I wanted to live it every day. I needed to do something that had meaning on this earth, I wanted to make a difference.”

Kayata received some affirmations that she had chosen the right path. She voluntarily performs Reiki at hospitals, and in one case, Kayata worked on a two-year-old boy whose parents had been told he was not going to survive. By the next morning, the boy had made a miraculous turnaround.

Kayata’s mission is to offer people “A Little Bit of Heaven.” She chose this name for her new vocation, reconnecting others with their own life purpose, restoring their peace, self worth, self-confi-

This was the first of several such experiences. In a different ICU case, Kayata instantly realized that Reiki alone was not going to work. The experience led her to learn reconnective healing and The Reconnection. A healing

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Kayata often sees clients who have exhausted more conventional methods of healing. “They’re at a crossroads,” says Kayata, and some of them do not want to admit to anyone else what they’re doing, because they don’t understand it, she says. Even Kayata herself cannot explain why her methods work. “I am not a medical doctor,” says Maureen. “I don’t claim to heal people, but what I do is honor the gifts that were given to me by God. I listen to the person, and I meet them where they are,” honoring their belief system, she says. “The miracle comes from within the person and their belief.” Among her gifts, Kayata is a medium. From a young age, she has been able to receive messages from deceased people. Growing up in a Catholic family, she kept the gift to herself for a long time. “How do you tell people you get messages that other people don’t see or hear?” asks Kayata. “When people cross, they’re still very much around you, but we are so thick in our grief, or so thick in our belief, that we miss it.” Most people, says Kayata, miss the signs their deceased loved ones send. As a medium, she says, she’s able to give that message of love or healing. “Mediumship is a huge blessing to have,” says Maureen. “I like to say I have two-way communication. I can ask a question and get an answer most of the time.”

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As if these tools aren’t enough, Kayata is also a Certified Hypnotist. Hypnosis is a very deep, progressive relaxation, says Kayata, “you can help a person reprogram anything at all in their life.” Kayata has also had hypnosis succeed where conventional medicine has not worked. In one instance, a teenage girl had trouble keeping food down for a period of 14 years. Kayata learned that the teen suspected her sphincter muscle wasn’t working properly.

Maureen Kayata

“I got her into a hypnotic state,” says Kayata. “I had HER do the work. During hypnosis, Kayata asked the girl to go in and tighten that muscle. After two sessions, her problem was completely resolved. Similarly, Maureen was able to rid an overweight client of an obsessive addiction to sugar. The result? “She has never had a craving for sugar ever again,” says Kayata. “and she’s lost 50 lbs.” Kayata, essentially, helps her clients reconnect with their confidence and their own internal power. “The fact is, we’re on this earth, but we’re so entrapped with fears that we can’t accomplish what we want to accomplish,” says Kayata. She works with clients to shift that belief, through hypnosis,

angel readings, channeling and healing. “If you can feel completely confident in yourself and step into your power completely, then every person who steps into your path will benefit,” says Kayata. “God made us all so special and unique. I try to bring out the uniqueness of each individual, to be accepting of themselves and work with what they were blessed with.” A Little Bit of Heaven is located at 175 North Main Street, in Attleboro, Mass., at Attleboro Chiropractic Health Center. You can reach Maureen Kayata at (508) 838-0883, email her at or visit her website and listen to her radio shows at

April 1, 2012 April 1 Norwood All-Night Parking Ban Lifted Art in Bloom 2012 George Morse House, 1285 Washington St., S. Norwood, 1-5 p.m. The Norwood High School drawing & painting III, 2D digital design111 and the Norwood Evening Garden Club partnered to offer Norwood's Art in Bloom 2012. This is the seventh event where garden club members interpret student's designs in floral arrangements. Free. April 2 Annual town election, 7a.m.-8 p.m. Monday Night at the Movies: A League of their Own Morrill Memorial Library, 7-9 p.m. The final movie in the Tom Hanks Film Fest is, A League of Their Own, with Geena Davis, Madonna and Garry Marshall and rated PG. Complimentary popcorn is provided by Regal Cinema, Bellingham. Sign up at the library Reference or Information Desk or call 781-769-0200, x110 or 222. Blood Pressure Clinic Norwood Town Hall, Health Dept. 6-7:30 p.m. April 4 Blood Pressure Clinic Town Hall, Health Dept., 1-3 p.m. NvCC Seminar:The Top Ten Wage & Hour Mistakes Employers Make 190 Vanderbilt Ave., 8-9 a.m. Neponset Valley Chamber of Commerce: wage & hour dispute represents one of the most active subjects of litigation/administrative claims at the state and federal level. Attorney Chris Pardo of the Boston office of the National Labor & Employment Law Firm will be on hand to address specific issues that can help you avoid costly claims such as: improper deductions from employee's pay, miscalculating overtime rates, meal breaks, misclassification employees as independent contractors or exempt employees and failing to audit employment practices for possible wage and hour problems. Avoid costly mistakes, sign up today! Free for Members. Visit for more information. April 5 Wine tasting & Social OCC Nahatan St., 6:30-9 p.m. The Norwood High School Athletic Boosters will host a wine tasting and social at the OCC. Tickets are $25, which includes a light buffet. Cash bar. For more information, email or or call 781-551-8585. April 7 Spring egg hunt, Willett School Field, 10 a.m. Hippity hop to the Norwood Spring Egg Hunt! Children from tots to 2

Local Town Pages

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April Calendar

years of age will search for eggs filled with candy and toys! There will also be a special guest of honor, Norwood's own friendly bunny! Cost is $3 per person and 5 sealed filled eggs. Register in advance and drop off eggs at the Willett School. Code OD35. flashlight Spring egg hunt Coakley Middle School Field, 8 p.m. Norwood Recreation is hosting this egg hunt is for the older kids, grades 3-5 who will search for eggs filled with candy and toys using flashlights! There will also be a special guest of honor, Norwood's own friendly bunny! Cost is $5 per person. Code OD36. earth Day Celebration Hawes Pool, 9:30-11:30a.m. Start your spring cleaning at the Hawes Pool conservation area. After the clean-up, enjoy a barbecue lunch. A great opportunity to get your PINS points! For grades 4-8. Show up that day or pre-register at the Norwood Civic Center.

April 9 friends of the Library Author Night, Morrill Memorial Library, 7:30-9 p.m. Stephen Puleo, author of "A City So Grand: The Rise of An American Metropolis, Boston 1850-1900," will talk about his historical book. Please register at the library Reference or Information Desk or call 781-769-0200, x110 or 222. April 10 NvCC: How to Network with Kevin Hallinan, WINNING, Inc. Davio's, Patriot Place, Foxboro 10:30-11:45a.m. Neponset Valley Chamber of Commerce: Get the most out of the Chamber's Networking Events; a "How to Network" seminar will be hosted by Kevin Hallinan, WINNING, Inc. prior to the Noon Networking at 10:30am. If you are new to the Chamber, or just want a refresher on networking, Kevin can help you recognize and accomplish your goals. Join us for lunch and great networking at noon, and show off your new skills! April 12 Shakespeare at the Library Morrill Memorial Library, 7:30-9 p.m. Acclaimed actor and historian Stephen Collins will return to the library to present his latest one-man show, "Shakes-Scene." In this mustsee performance, Collins will bring William Shakespeare's words to life by acting out a selection of scenes from his tragedies, comedies, histories and sonnets. Sign up at the library Reference or Information Desk or call 781-769-0200, x110 or 222. April 17 Bendable Books: A Book and yoga Program, Morrill Memorial Library, 4-4:30 p.m.

Grades K - 2: Join us for some stretching, bending, and exercise with these books and yoga classes. Yoga teacher Kristin Mulligan will teach yoga poses based on the stories read in class. Great for beginners or yoga enthusiasts. Registration required. April 18 Lucy the r.e.A.D., Morrill Memorial Library, 10-10:30a.m. Lucy is a trained companion dog who loves to listen to children read. Bring your favorite book or borrow one of the library books to read to her. She even turns the pages of her own book! Visit Lucy's website for pictures of her previous visits to the library at Registration required. April 21 fishing Derby & rubber Ducky race Hawes Pond & Brook, 3-5 p.m. The annual South Norwood tradition is back! The pond will be stocked with over 300 fish. Hot dogs and drinks are free! The fishing derby is for kids 15 and under, the rubber ducky race is for all ages. Cost if $3 for the fishing derby and $5 for the rubber ducky race. Purchase on the day of the event or reserve in advance at the Norwood Civic Center.

6:30-8:30 p.m. Learn how to make gum paste flowers to decorate cakes and cupcakes. For grades 6+. Cost is $15 per person. Code OD80. Register at the Norwood Civic Center and receive supplies list. April 25 friends of the Library Book Sale Morrill Memorial Library, 5-9 p.m. Pre-sale for members of the Friends of the Library. April 26 25th Century Club Dinner Brookmeadow Country Club, Canton The Norwood Scholarship Foundation will hold their 25th Century Club Dinner at Brookmeadow Country Club. The event will feature a Norwood art exhibit and the Amici Cantores will perform. For tickets call R. West at 781-762-0344. friends of the Library Book Sale Morrill Memorial Library 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Open to the general public. April 27 Bonaparte family Magic Concert Norwood Civic Gymnasium 6:30 p.m. This dynamic, fun-filled family show will offer lots of audience participation and hilarious age-appropri-

Norwood Bank Community Shred Day, Norwood Bank, 11 Central St. 9-11:30 a.m. Norwood Bank will again be offering a community shred day in their parking lot. You may bring up to 2 boxes of paper contents, including bank statements, cancelled or unused checks and other confidential documents.You will receive a complimentary recycled Norwood Bank grocery tote along with coupons with special offers. Free and open to the public. For more information, visit April 23 gum Paste flowers Workshop, Norwood Civic Center,

ate comedy. There will also be some special magical guests! Cost is $5 per person. Code OD30 Sign up at the Norwood Civic Center. friends of the Library Book Sale Morrill Memorial Library 10 a.m.-4:45 p.m. Open to the general public. April 28 the Basics of Better Biking Norwood Civic Center, 12-4 p.m. This class is designed for adults who want to get back into bicycling, improve cycling skills, learn to ride more effectively and safely in traffic and/or participate in a large-scale benefit ride. The session will include simple practice drills in a parking lot, easy riding on local roadways and group discussion. For adults. Cost is $45. Code OD71. Sign up at the Norwood Civic Center. Sellers' Seminar Camber Real Estate, 638 Washington St., 1 p.m. Are you selling your home within the next 5 months? At this informative seminar, learn the top 5 mistakes sellers make, 5 tips for selling a house, 5 common mistakes made by home sellers, staging for the 5 senses, 5 steps in downsizing contents of your home and 5 reasons why buyer's financing may not happen. Call for details or to make a reservation at 781-828-2398. Free.

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Local Town Pages

Page 18

Needham Bank named Presenting Sponsor of Needham Women’s Club Grand Wine Tasting NEEDHAM, MA, ISSUED MARCH 14, 2012… Needham Bank, with five branches throughout the greater Boston area is proud to support the inaugural Needham Grand Wine Tasting as Presenting Sponsor.

To add to the festivities, a number of local restaurants will be invited to promote their business and provide “tastes” of menu items.

The first annual event, hosted by the Needham Women’s Club (NWC), an intergenerational service and social club whose members work together to enrich the lives of the Needham community through philanthropic and outreach programs, will be held on April 1st. The event will run from 3 to 6 p.m. in the newly restored Powers Hall located inside Needham Town Hall. The NWC has partnered with Higgins Wine and Left to Right: Jack McGeorge, President & CEO Needham Bank, Kate Maguire, member of Spirits to offer 80 different Needham Women’s Club, Mark Whalen Exec. VP & COO of Needham Bank types of wines at the event.

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April 1. 2012

“We feel privileged to serve as the sole presenting sponsor of the Needham Grand Wine Tasting,” said Jack W. McGeorge, President and CEO of Needham Bank. “It is certain to be a night to remember, made even more special being held at the beautifully Hall.”



Proceeds from the event will be donated to the Needham Community Revitalization Trust, an organization that adds sculptures, banners and benches throughout the town center and assists in the restoration of the town’s decorative landmarks.

About Needham Bank Since 1892, Needham Bank has served the greater Boston area as the leader in personal banking and real estate loans. The Bank offers a range of products and services to suit the financial needs of consumers and businesses, including a

“We are thrilled to have Needham Bank as Presenting Sponsor of the Needham Grand Wine Tasting,” said Kate Maguire, a member of the Executive Board of the Needham Women’s Club. “With Needham Bank’s support, the proceeds of this much anticipated

full line of deposit, loan, electronic banking and wealth management services. Needham Bank has locations in Needham, Dedham, Medfield, Wellesley and Westwood. Needham Bank is a convenient, reliable community bank that puts its customers and community first.

event will go towards making Needham an even more beautiful place to live.”

For more information on the Bank please visit or call 781444-2100. Member FDIC. Member SIF.

Needham Bank Sponsors Westwood Elementary Schools Coalition Needham Bank, with five branches throughout the greater Boston area is proud to support the Westwood Elementary Schools Coalition (WESC). WESC is a non-profit volunteer organization that raises funds for all five of Westwood’s elementary schools and their respective PTOs and PTAs. Needham Bank’s sponsorship will support the WESC’s Annual Spring Social Fundraiser, scheduled on Saturday, March 17th beginning 7:30 at Moseley’s on the Charles in Dedham. The event will feature live and silent auctions, music, dancing and refreshments. “We’re grateful to Needham Bank for its generous sponsorship of our annual fundraiser,” said Michael F. Walsh, President of WESC. “With the help and support of businesses like Needham Bank, we can continue to do our best to preserve the quality of children’s education throughout all of Westwood’s elementary schools.” “We feel privileged to sponsor an

Left to Right: Leena Patel, Asst. Westwood Branch Manager, Michael L. Walsh, President of WESC, Sandy Harte WESC, Rebecca Schofield, Westwood Branch Manager

organization that serves to enrich and support the educational opportunities of elementary students in our community,” said Rebecca

Schofield, Westwood Branch Manager at Needham Bank.

April 1, 2012

Local Town Pages

Page 19

PET CORNER Meet Meep: One day last fall a volunteer for Bay State Animal Cooperative was standing in her yard when she noticed a neighborhood girl lingering at the foot of her driveway. When asked "Can I help you?", the young girl told the volunteer that some children had found a cat and "she is very sick". The volunteer dropped what she was doing and followed the girl to a spot where saw a small, terribly emaciated black and white cat sitting in the weeds. The tiny cat immediately cuddled and purred when the volunteer lifted her up and carried her home. The cat was skin and bones and flea infested. As the volunteer asked the tiny cat, "What shall I call you?" and the little kitty could only reply "Meep", so the volunteer said "Meep it is"! A veterinarian exam revealed severe anemia, a fever, a displaced right hind leg knee cap, a dislocated but healed left hip, swollen joints in both front legs and very decayed teeth. General lab work was normal and she was free of the Feline Leukemia and FIV diseases. Meep had prob-

ably been struck by a car, causing the dislocated hip and displaced knee cap. In her injured condition, she was unable to eat, became anemic from the fleas which weakened her immune system. Her rotten teeth became quite infected. Tiny Meep was feeling a bit better after flea treatment, antibiotics and TLC but although she was gaining weight, the fever and swollen, painful joints persisted. Her infected teeth were removed determining they were the source of an infection that had spread to the joints, causing septic arthritis to develop, resulting in a permanently deformed left front leg. After the teeth were removed, little Meep immediately felt better but her ability to move around is severely limited by her displaced

right knee cap and deformed left front leg. Surgery to the displaced knee will drastically improve Meep’s quality of life and is the right decision for her. The Bay State Animal Cooperative is now seeking assistance from the community to raise funds for this life altering surgery. Meep has come so far help her continue her road to recovery. Estimated surgery cost $1,100.00. Send donations to BSAC, C/O Meep, 47 Windsor Rd. Norwood, Ma. 02062 Grand Opening of the Petco Adoption Center in Norwood Coming Soon, Volunteer Opportunities Open Immediately, email BSAC at info@baystateanimals. org or leave message at 781-436BSAC (2722).

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Local Town Pages

Page 20

April 1. 2012

Commentary Parenting Column: The Things We Do For Our Children... BY COLLEEN REYNOLDS If you walked the hallways of the Willett Early Childhood Center on March 16th, you would have seen some adults behaving very strangely. I offer the photograph of Mrs. Smith, and Ms. Devasto as evidence. And this is nothing compare to what most of us parents do for our own children on any given day! Because the window is short. There is a time limit on “the magic of childhood.” Soon green paint on the floor looks like a mess, not “leprechaun footprints. “ We parents stop at nothing to provide the props, and the candy, and the balloons, and whatever else is needed to make a day “extraordinary.” we are the protectors of their childhood. We orchestrate the magic, fight off the dragons, and create the kingdom. Whether its colored eggs or Halloween candy, or ensuring they go to a quality school… it’s our job, and it’s not easy. When we flip through our mem-

ories; there are events that get starring roles. But some memoires are more of a montage. A collection of many days blended into one. Father Mac’s playground was the setting for so many moments in my Norwood Childhood. Swimming lessons, picnics, being old enough to ride my bike there on my own, my job as a camp counselor; they all blend into one memory. The feeling of being “home” returns when I walk there with my daughter, and push her in the swing. When the boys ask, “ Can we meet our friends at FM and play baseball?” I think “of course.” It is where childhood happens. But, is that still a possibility? Is being a kid the way I remember it still a real thing? Can you open your door and send your kids off on their bikes with a towel and some change for the ice cream man and trust that they will be OK? Things changed.



Yes, some things are the same. Father Mac’s still seems to be the

stage for many a childhood, but instead of rows of bikes along the rocks, there are rows of minivans… The biggest change is that the parents have to be “present” during childhood. There is no more opening the door and sending your kids out into the world with the assumption that things are as they should be. Things will not be “fine” unless we keep a constant eye on them. “Childhood” is a big, long, complicated lesson. Every experience, every relationship is preparing kids for their grown up life The job of parents (and grandparents, and neighbors, and teachers, and town government) is to understand that childhood is a series of memories, but it is most significantly, a lesson. It is also precious, and magic, and fleeting. And creating a safe and productive childhood for our children and the children in our community is the most important thing any of us will ever do.

The effects of a “bad” childhood are forever. So are the effects of a “good” childhood. We need to ensure that our Norwood kids have the best possible childhood we can give them. It’s

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not just about providing the magic; it’s about fighting too. We work to ensure our children have a safe home. We are careful about what they wear, and what they eat, and protecting their health. We protect them from strangers, and dangerous chemicals. We talk to them about whom to text, and being safe online. When our children are home with us, we create the magic, but we also fiercely defend the kingdom. It is time for us Norwood parents to take the fight for childhood outside of our homes, and beyond the playgrounds. The issue of advocating for productive and well-funded public schools is now part of your parenting responsibility. Being an invested and vocal member of the community is part of your job. So pay attention because right now there is a battle waging. There is a fight to protect your child’s kingdom. If your kids are learning in Norwood Public Schools they are not getting what they need to survive in the world beyond childhood. It’s not that they are getting less than ideal experience; they are getting an inadequate experience. So you’re the magic. You’re the leprechauns, but you’re also the knights who have to get out there and battle. Pay attention. Do something. Because doing nothing will cost you and your children very dearly. The things we do for our children….

April 1, 2012

Local Town Pages

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Community Recent BSU Graduate John and Mary O'Connor would like to congratulate their daughter Fiona C. O'Connor (NHS 2007). She graduated Cum Laude on January 27th, 2012 from Bridgewater State University with a Bachelor of Arts in English and Secondary Education. Archer Recognized Norwood High School junior, John Pooley III, recently returned from the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. John, 16, was invited to attend USA Archery's Junior Dream Team Camp. While at the camp, John spent a week training under the direction of several Olympic coaches. John has been and avid competitor since he started shooting at the age of nine and has been ranked number one in his division in the state of Massachusetts for the last several years. John got his start in archery through the Ace Archers program offered by the Norwood Recreation Department and he continues to train under Coach Thomas Herrington at the Ace Archers facility in Foxboro. John trains daily with the ultimate goal of representing the United States in the Olympic Games. In addition to his accomplishments in archery, John is also an Eagle Scout, a Junior Black Belt in karate, and an Honor student at Norwood High School. ESOL Classes Offered Registration for free English classes is ongoing at the ESOL program location at the Chamber of Commerce Building, 190 Vanderbilt Avenue in Norwood, MA. We offer English to adult immigrants on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and now we are able to offer an afternoon class from 11:45 am to 2:30 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you have questions regarding this program, please call us at 781-769-5848 or go to our website at Sign Up to Walk for Hunger with the Norwood Food Pantry Team On May 6th, Project Bread will host its annual Walk for Hunger. And the Ecumenical Community Food Pantry of Norwood is currently organizing a team to participate in this event, which is dedicated to helping the one out of 10 Massachusetts fam-

ilies who are struggling to put food on the table. You can help by calling Team Captain Nick Campagna at 781762-6866 -- or logging on to – and signing up to be part of this local team. (Monetary donations can also be made at this web address.) The 20-mile walk begins and ends at the Boston Common. Starting between 7 and 9 am, it will wind its way through Boston, Brookline, Newton, Watertown, and Cambridge with entertainment, water, free snacks, first aid, and toilet facilities along the way. But if you’re not a long-distance walker, you don’t have to pledge to complete the entire course. You can sign up to walk 10 miles, 5 miles – or even just a couple – and take advantage of the free transportation back to the Common that’s available at checkpoints located every 2 to 2-1/2 miles along the route. Participants are encouraged to solicit monetary pledges from friends, family, and co-workers, but there is no registration fee required and no minimum fundraising pledge. Walkers who pledge to raise $500 or more to help their neighbors in need are designated as Heart & Sole Circle members and receive an invitation to a special reception at the kick-off breakfast, a free t-shirt, free shoe laces, 10 thank-you cards to send to sponsors, and recognition in Project

25% OFF Any Food Purchase over $25 With this coupon. Cannot be combined. Expires 4-30-12

30% OFF Any Food Purchase Over $30 (Sunday - Wednesday) With this coupon. Cannot be combined. Expires 4-30-12

Bread’s online annual report. Walkers who pledge to raise $1,000 or more are included in Project Bread’s Leadership Circle and also receive extras such as free sports socks, invitations to special events, and automatic entry into online contests for various prizes. Established in 1969, The Walk for Hunger is the oldest continual pledge walk in the country. Held the first Sunday in May each year, it helps Project Bread assist over 450 emergency food programs in 129 communities statewide – including the Norwood Food Pantry. Last year more than 4,000 teams, 42,000 walkers, and 2,000 volunteers participated in The Walk for Hunger and raised over $3.6 million. With your help, these totals can be even higher –and help even more hungry people – in 2012. The Norwood Woman’s Club The Norwood Woman’s Club will have their next meeting on April 10,2012 at 12:30 p.m.. Our program will feature Judith A. Swack who will show us how to de-stress our lives. We meet at Emmanuel Lutheran Church Parish Hall at 24 Berwick St., Norwood. A light lunch will be served. We welcome new members. You need not be a resident of Norwood to join. For more information please call Trina at 781-762-8173. First Baptist Church Announces Holy Week Schedule The First Baptist Church of Norwood has announced its schedule for Holy Week Services. On Palm Sunday, palms will be given out at

the 10:30 AM service. There will be special music by the choir under the direction of Ann Fleck and also by guest soloist Judith Fitzgerald. Holy Communion will be celebrated during the service. On Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday) the traditional Stone Soup Supper will be served at 6 PM followed by a Service of Communion at 7 PM. All who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are invited to take part. On Good Friday, First Baptist Church will join with the Anglican Church of the Redeemer from 12 noon to 3 PM in the Baptist Church sanctuary in remembering the seven last words of Christ on the cross. People are welcome to

come in at any time and leave at the end of any one of the seven sections. Easter Sunday will be celebrated with a joyous Alleluia, Christ is Risen! at the 10:30 AM service in the beautifully decorated sanctuary. There will be special music by the choir and guest soloist Judith Fitzgerald. When so many individuals and groups are trying to remove God from our world’s activities, this is a very special time for all Christians to stand and be counted, showing our faith in the risen Christ. All are welcome at any or all of these services throughout the week.

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Local Town Pages

Page 22

April 1. 2012

How To Prevent Lawn Damage Many homeowners aspire toward a pristine and lush lawn. For some a nice lawn gives them feelings of pride. Others believe a perfect lawn enables them to have the best-looking house in the neighborhood. Many homeowners spend hours outdoors perfecting their lawns or spend a good deal of money hiring professionals to make their lawn more appealing. But just because a lawn looks good now doesn’t mean it will look good later. That’s because delicate grass can be damaged by a number of different factors. Grubs Grubs are not very lawn-friendly. Grubs are actually the larval stage of different types of large beetles. These worm-like creatures feed on the roots of grass and are able to kill large sections of the lawn in a relatively short amount of time. It can sometimes be difficult to discern whether grubs, drought or another other pest has damaged a lawn. One way to check is to grab a portion of the damaged lawn and attempt to peel it back. If it comes back easily like a piece of carpet, it’s likely grubs. Spotting grubs underneath is a sure sign these larvae are killing the lawn. Using an insecticide for grub control in July can help kill off

grubs that start hatching in August through September. Grub eggs do well in sunny patches of lawn that are well watered. More shade may deter them. There’s also the option of letting the lawn go dormant and not watering it, but you will be left with a brown, unappealing lawn. Pet Urine Pets can also damage a lawn. Pet urine can create burnt patches and significant discoloration on the lawn, particularly if the dog or cat uses one area consistently as their potty zone. The best way to prevent urine damage is to walk your dog so that Preventing lawn damage includes cleaning up after pets, whose urine can cause discoloration in he or she will not have free reign the yard. of the yard. However, sometimes dogs get out or stray cats and dogs to 8 hours having elapsed for the to voles and look very different. baited. You may also dig sharp maThey have a cylindrical body terials or chicken wire into your visit your yard and relieve them- best effect. shape with velvety fur, very small soil around planting beds to make selves without your knowledge. So Burrowing animals or invisible ears and large paws for it uncomfortable for voles and this method is not foolproof. Moles and voles are among the digging. Moles often feed on moles to tunnel through. Therefore, you should take added more common lawn damage culearthworms and other small inveraction to maintain a lush lawn. Moles can also be controlled prits. Voles are small rodents that tebrates found in the soil. The burwith traps. Finding active mole resemble mice but have stouter First, make sure that soil and rows they create are essentially tunnels will help you place the bodies, shorter tails and rounder lawn is in good health by fertiliztraps for the worms, who fall into traps effectively to either kill or heads. They feast on everything ing and taking care of it properly. the burrows, where moles easily simply contain the mole. The live from bulbs, succulent roots, Second, water can dilute urine and access them. Moles often stockpile animal can be relocated to a site ground cover, and even dead anineutralize its corrosive properties. worms for later consumption in where they won’t cause trouble. mals in their paths. Their burrows Some have found that diluted urine underground larders. can often act as a fertilizer to grass. enable them to move around relaLawn damage can occur through Voles can be kept away with natYou may have noticed that the out- tively undetected, typically until a number of different factors. Findside ring of a urine-burned spot is the damage has already been done. ural vole predators, such as cats, ing out the cause can help you find hawks, owls and snakes. Mouse often greener than the healthy Moles, although they have a siman effective treatment. lawn. Try to dilute the urine prior ilar-sounding name, are not related traps can also capture voles when

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Local Town Pages

April 1. 2012

Many Current Trends In Outdoor Living Amenities Are Captured In Easy To Install Pre-Packaged Kits BY CHARLES H. GAMAREKIAN Thanks to a whole new crop of outdoor living conveniences, homeowners now crave all the comforts of indoor spaces — only outdoors. Today’s diverse lifestyles dictate what families want to add to patio plans. Among these are open-air kitchens, outdoor fireplaces and fire pits, and what are commonly referred to as “outdoor rooms”. One factor that can easily raise the budget is the cost connected with installation, especially where quality, as it should be, is of paramount importance. As a manufacturer in the concrete pavingstone and wall systems industry, I have always helped do-it-yourselfers, landscape designers and professional contractors to address current trends in outdoor living and to turn “wish lists” into reality. Cambridge Pavingstones with Armortec® and Cambridge Wallstones offers a comprehensive line of products for outdoor lifestyles that combine unmistaken quality, natural

Outdoor Living Trends / Page Two beauty and value with design versatility. However, we at Cambridge have eased the design/build factor with all-inclusive, pre-packaged design kits on our entire line of outdoor living products. For example, our fire pit kits are ready to install. Models are complete with grates for grilling, optional fire screens and galvanized, stainless steel covers while the outdoor fireplaces have dimensional cast stone surround options in a choice of colors. There is even an L-shaped, openair kitchen kit with a stainless steel appliance package and a decorator-inspired, granite countertop included. More adventurous cooking enthusiasts can opt for a Cambridge Outdoor Pizza Oven Kit that also bakes bread and roasts veggies with an old world, brick oven flavor derived from an authentic wood-fired oven. Choose a pre-packaged Cambridge Patio Pub & Bistro Table for seating and gathering and/or a Grill and Bar Module Kit for food preparation, all with tops in matching granite. A pergola is typically an opensided, garden structure that consists of pillars that support a

partially open roof structure, such as latticework or a trellis. In contrast, a patio pavilion also has open sides but a closed roof. Both can convert an open patio into a sheltered outdoor room. Columns (pillars) can be anchored into the pavement or set on columns (pedestals) a few feet above ground level. If getting involved with building these kinds of structures seems to be a bit intimidating, Cambridge offers both pergolas and pavilions also in prepackaged kits. The structures are set on any Cambridge wallstone columns (sold separately). For added convenience, a pre-packaged column kit is available in a

variety of color options.

Outdoor Living Trends / Page Three Pre-cut and pre-packaged kits help professionals give you competitive pricing by reducing time and labor costs so you can be ready for greater outdoor living experiences this season. For more outdoor living ideas and the nearest distributor, visit Cambridge online at . If you have any questions whatsoever, you can e-mail them to me, Charles Gamarekian, at

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Whatever your needs are, our team of experts can install everything needed to create the yard that you have always dreamed of. Flowering & shade trees, evergreens & shrubs, annuals & perennials, Brick or stone walkways, stone & retaining walls, fire pits

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About the writer: Charles H. Gamarekian is the Chairman/CEO of Cambridge Pavers Inc., manufacturers of Cambridge Pavingstones with ArmorTec®, Cambridge Wallstones and a full line of products for outdoor living. He is one of the founders and a current board member of the Interlocking Pavement Institute. Organized in 1993, ICPI is the North American trade association representing the inter-

locking concrete paver industry and considered by peer associations around the world as the leader in development and dissemination of technical information for design professionals and contractors. Mr. Gamarekian is recognized worldwide as an expert in his field and is a frequent speaker on the proper installation of pavingstones, wallstones and many outdoor living products.

Local Town Pages

Page 24

April 1. 2012

Things To Know Before Building a Deck Statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau Housing Survey indicate that homeowners annually spend billions of dollars improving outdoor living areas.

levels. Though many people associate decks with one level, it’s possible to have a multi-level deck if you simply don’t have enough room to build a deck that will be big enough to meet all of your needs. A multi-level deck can break up those long flights of stairs while ensuring you will always have somewhere to go to escape the sun on a hot day.

One of the most popular ways to do just that is to add a deck to a home. Decks are beneficial in many ways. Grillmasters love decks because they make the perfect place to set up a grill and a table and cook for family and friends. Those who simply love being outdoors find decks the perfect place to relax and soak up some sun or idle away the evening hours.

* You will want to protect the deck. Decks are a costly investment, and you will want to protect that investment. If you’re building a wood deck, keep in mind the sun will beat down on the deck for most of the year. You can protect the deck by painting it. Paint provides sunscreen for the deck, stopping the sun from breaking down the material. Once you’ve finished painting, apply sealant, whether it’s oil- or water-based.

But homeowners who want to build a deck should know a few things before that process begins. * Permits are necessary. Unless the deck is going to be especially small, you will likely need a permit to build it. Before buying any materials or consulting any contractors, make certain you know which permits you need and how to get them. If the proper permits are not secured before the project begins, you might have to tear down the whole project and start all over again. * Decks don’t have to go on the back of the house. If the back of your house sits in the blazing sun all day, then it’s probably best to build the deck elsewhere, and that’s perfectly alright. So long as the property and permits allow, decks can be built on the side of a home as well, and putting a deck on the side might be more com-

fortable. * Decks don’t have to be made of wood. It’s easy to assume all decks are made of plain wood. However, decks can be made out of a wide variety of materials, natural or synthetic. Pressure treated wood is perhaps the most popular material for decking because it’s not very expensive. But manmade materials

that are a mixture of recycled plastic and wood bits or sawdust are also popular because they require no maintenance. But homeowners should know that manmade materials can get hot in the sun, which will require those enjoying the deck to wear shoes. * Expect to do some digging. If you’re going to build your own

deck, expect to do some serious digging. Local building codes will dictate how deep you will need to dig for the pier footings, which support the deck’s weight. Just how deep you’ll dig depends on your climate’s specific frost line, but it’s safe to assume you’ll get a workout in when digging.

The addition of a half-bathroom is a popular project among homeowners, and it won't necessarily break the bank. If converting existing floor space into a half-bathroom, such a renovation can cost as little as a few thousand dollars, making the addition of a powder room one of the few home improvement projects where the value added to the home exceeds the cost of the renovation. Before deciding to add a half-bathroom, it helps to consider some of the pros and cons of the project.

Pros * Convenience: A half-bathroom is often added on the home's main floor or in the basement or attic. This makes it more convenient for guests to use the restroom during a dinner party or when coming over to watch the big game in a basement home-theater area. * Problem-free: Half-bathrooms are smaller because they don't have a shower or bathtub. That means common bathroom problems like mold and mildew are not as big a concern as they are for full bathrooms. * More choices: Because mold and mildew aren't likely to present a problem in a half-bathroom, homeowners have more options at

instead of a bathroom. Once the pros and cons have been weighed, homeowners who want to go forward with the project should then check with their local municipality to ensure the codes and requirements won't restrict their project. Size or window restrictions might curtail the project or limit what homeowners can do, which might change their minds on the project altogether.

their disposal when choosing floors and countertops.

Cons * Space: As their name implies, half-bathrooms are much smaller than full bathrooms. As a result, they tend to feel cramped. * Value: Though an inexpensive half-bathroom addition might recoup its value and then some at resale, the project won't add as much resale value to a home as a full bathroom addition might. * Loss of storage: If storage around the house is sparse, homeowners might be better off keeping the area designated for the half-bathroom as a storage closet

A deck makes a great addition to many homes, but homeowners should learn as much as possible about decks and what goes into building them before making any decking decisions.

* The deck can have multiple

Is It Time To Add a Half-Bathroom When it comes to renovating a home, homeowners expect to spend money. No home renovation or home improvement project is free, but some are less costly than others.

* Don’t forget fasteners. Fasteners will hide the screws for aesthetic appeal. But not all woods and fasteners are the right fit, as certain woods are only compatible with certain fasteners. Find out which fasteners make the right fit ahead of time. Because fasteners conceal the screws, they also make it possible to go barefoot on the deck.

The addition of a half-bathroom is a project that often makes practical and financial sense.

The addition of a half-bathroom often makes practical and financial sense. But before making any addition, homeowners must weight the pros and cons to make the best decision possible.

Local Town Pages

Page 25

April 1. 2012

Shopping For a Garden Storage Shed Storage space is often a coveted commodity. Apartment dwellers seek out more closet space, homeowners may desire more acreage, and even children may want more space for their toys and belongings. The purchase of a storage shed could alleviate some clutter issues and move items outdoors — creating more space. Household garages are no longer as popular for storing vehicles. Instead, garages are used to store the extra items that do not fit inside the home. Many people even turn to self-storage units for extra storage space. According to the Self Storage Association, the storage industry earned roughly $20 billion in revenues across North America in 2010. It has also been the fastestgrowing segment of the commercial real estate industry for the last 30 years and is considered to be recession-proof. Garden storage sheds present another place where individuals can keep items out of sight but easily accessible. As garages fill up with belongings quite quickly, many homeowners think about a shed purchase to at least keep outdoor lawn and garden essentials in their own place. The process of purchasing a shed

is not as simple as finding the least or most expensive type on the market. There are other factors that come into play when selecting a shed. * Appearance and design: Although the function of a shed is to store items out of sight, the shed itself will be in full view in a yard. Therefore, plenty of homeowners prefer something that has just as much aesthetic appeal as it does storage capacity. An unsightly shed can affect the overall appearance of a property, or even hurt the sale price for homeowners thinking about putting the home on the market. It’s important to select a shed in a price range that also complements the style of he home so it coordinates with other features. Some people choose to have a custom-built shed that can replicate the architectural style of the home and even features the same siding and finishing materials. * Size: Sheds come in a variety of sizes, from compact lockersized sheds to large buildings that may even double as a garden room, pool room or kids’ playhouse. Homeowners should keep in mind that the size of the shed may have to meet local municipality rules for additions or structural changes to a property. A larger

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Sheds can offer much-needed storage space in a home’s backyard.

shed may require a permanent flooring material, such as concrete, and may be subject to permit applications and inspections, whereas a smaller shed may not have such stringent requirements. Furthermore, certain towns actually may restrict the size and placement of a shed if it interferes with traffic visibility or impacts a neighbor in a negative way. * Siding materials: Sheds are constructed of various exterior materials. Some of the more affordable options are metal or plywood and particle board. However, these materials can be easily compro-

mised by rain and snow. The most maintenance-free materials are vinyl or molded PVC-type plastics. However, these may look like cookie-cutout units and may not have as much visual appeal. Cedar and wood are popular siding choices but won’t be maintenancefree. They need upkeep and also tend to be more expensive. But the cost may pay for itself in durability as well as an attractive appearance. * Minor enhancements: Touches like decorative architectural features, window boxes, shutters, or even simply planting shrubs and annuals around the shed can make

it an integral part of the landscape instead of simply an eyesore. Double doors will ensure large pieces of equipment can fit inside the shed. The addition of a pressuretreated ramp at the entryway provides easy access to the shed as well. Storage sheds can provide muchneeded space for homeowners. Certain features as well as cost need to be factored into the decision before purchase. Homeowners should compare chain home improvement stores as well as private retailers to find a shed that is the best fit.


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Page 26

Local Town Pages

April 1. 2012

Living Healthy Koko FitClub ... from the member’s point of view “I koko because it’s fun, effective, and addicting!” “Since I joined Koko in July, 2011, I have increased my strength by 93%! The best part of this is I can eat more without gaining weight because my metabolism is faster due to the increase in lean muscle mass. I’ve also lost pounds and inches on top of that! I never thought I would be as consistent as I am, but Koko makes it easy! I feel like I have a personal trainer standing next to me every time I work out. The Koko Smartrainer tells me what to do, and the fantastic FitCoaches help me whenever I need it. Before Koko, I was NEVER a gym person. Traditional gyms don’t offer what I needed – personal attention, world-class coaching, measurable results, and a friendly, inviting atmosphere. Doesn’t sound like a typical gym, does it? That’s because it’s really different… and far better!”

- Marsha Goldstein, N. Attleboro Marsha Goldstein’s Story – from the owner’s point of view (written by Christine Johnston, Owner) After experiencing Koko through our complimentary session, and with her family doubting her level of commitment, Marsha joined Koko saying, “You are going to need to help me every step of the way.” We told her that we would, but we all knew that she would not need much help once she had completed her Foundation program. After all, Koko FitClub makes getting in shape simple, for everyone. Well, we were right! And her family was wrong! Marsha is one of the club’s most consistent

members. Her consistency is obvious when you see her amazing results and her yellow lanyard! It is the only one in the club! (Marsha’s yellow lanyard signifies that she has earned more than 250,000 Koko points. Koko points are awarded based on how well you “Koko”

with each and every strength and cardio session. The changing lanyard colors offer members a new milestone/goal to work toward – a source of motivation.)

As of the writing of this article, Marsha has completed 111 strength sessions and 309 cardio sessions. She follows the “Koko prescription” precisely, completing three strength sessions per week (with a day of rest in between) and four or more cardio sessions per week. That is a prescription for success Koko Works! Reading Marsha’s story, you might wonder if Marsha should be pictured in our ad with a disclaimer that reads “Results not typical.” The answer is no. At Koko, RESULTS ARE TYPICAL! We hear about them every day. The top 10 strength gains at Koko Plainville, across both males and females, range from 64%-130%, and we regularly hear stories about weight

loss, lost inches, greater flexibility, better sleep patterns, improvements in blood work, and overall rejuvenation. As a Koko owner, whose mission is to change lives, nothing could be more rewarding. In the past week, as I have introduced myself to some of our newer members across our three clubs, I have had at least five of those members say the same five words to me – “I’m so glad you’re here!” Koko, that is! Those words make me very proud to be a Koko owner. We really are changing lives 45 minutes at a time! Koko changed my life; it changed Marsha’s life. Are you ready to make a change? Visit any of our clubs, check us out online at, or call our clubs at 855-GET-KOKO to schedule your complimentary session. As Marsha knows, it’s not a high pressure sales pitch… just an introduction to a fitness solution that can change your life.

Local Town Pages

April 1, 2012

Page 27

Living Healthy Medfield Orthodontics Celebrates 3rd Anniversary!

After improving countless smiles on patients young and old, Medfield Orthodontics is proud to be celebrating its third anniversary this month. Throughout the past three years, the practice has grown substantially and established itself as a leader in orthodontics in the area by uniquely focusing on personalized care while producing exceptional treatment results. "Every patient's care is individualized," office manager and treatment coordinator Kristin Formalarie said. "We know their first names, mothers and fathers names and whether or not they got the part in the school play. It starts from their initial phone call. Everybody who works here loves the patients." Dr. Jodi Parker and Formalarie have been with Medfield Orthodontics since its inception in 2009 and together have built an exceptional Team delivering outstanding treatment along with a high level of customer service. Drawing from her many years in the dental field, Formalarie proudly describes a practice completely dedicated to the comfort and care of its patients. "It takes many aspects to make it happen and here it comes together so well," Formalarie said. That compassion shared throughout Medfield Orthodontics is a vital component of their successful his-

tory. While they service a varied mixture of children, teens and adults, all patients receive treatment at often vulnerable times in their Many lives. times, their young patients initially arrive with their head barely reaching the reception desk, but once their treatments are completed, they are blossoming into young adults.

sulting in much lower out-of-pocket expenses. It is like a benefit within a benefit. Medfield Orthodontics is also happy to work within a family's budget with financing. "If someone wants orthodontic treatment for their child or themselves, we don't turn them away," Formalarie said. "We try to work with the economy and work with everyone."

"The difference in this office is that we make it a really great experience for the kids and for the parents as well." Formalarie said. "Our favorite part of our job is when they

get their braces off and see their smiles transform. It is very rewarding to the entire staff to see this transformation."

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Although initial financial reactions with orthodontic treatments can be intimidating, Medfield Orthodontics is a preferred insurance provider which sets fees, often re-

Dr. Parker specializes in providing orthodontic treatment for children, teens, and adults and is an elite Invisalign provider. Medfield Orthodontics is located at 266 Main St., Bldg. 3, Suite 32A, and also offers convenient evening hours. For more information, call them at 508359-1989 or visit their website at www.medfieldbraces. org.

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Local Town Pages

Page 28

April 1. 2012

Living Healthy Cardiothoracic Surgeon Iraklis S. Gerogiannis, MD, FACS, Establishes Norwood Hospital Office NORWOOD, MA – Norwood Hospital is pleased to announce that Iraklis S. Gerogiannis, MD, FACS, is offering cardiothoracic surgery at Norwood Hospital. Dr. Gerogiannis, who also practices at St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center, is board certified in surgery and thoracic surgery. He completed his residencies at Yale-New Haven Hospital and The Graduate Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and served as chief resident at both institutions. He received his medical degree from

the National University of Athens School of Medicine. Prior to joining the St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center staff in 2008, he was medical director for Cardiac Surgery at Memorial Hospital in Gulfport, MS. Dr. Gerogiannis’ clinical interests include coronary revascularization, esophageal cancer, lung cancer, minimally invasive cardiac surgery, minimally invasive thoracic surgery, robotic assisted surgery and valvular heart disease. He is an assistant professor of sur-

gery at Tufts University School of Medicine and is fluent in French and Greek. He has also been very active with the American Heart Association and the American College of Surgeons and is the recipient of numerous academic awards. “It is wonderful to offer our community a cardiothoracic surgeon of the caliber of Dr. Gerogiannis,” said John Holiver, president, Norwood Hospital. Dr. Gerogiannis’ office is located in the Pain Clinic, with appointments available by

RSVP 781.444.2266

Back by popular demand A Candid Discussion with Dr. Robert Stern

calling (617) 789-2045. Norwood Hospital Cancer Center in Foxboro Hosts Look Good…Feel Better Session Norwood, MA. -- On Wednesday, March 14th, Norwood Hospital Cancer Center in Foxboro will host an American Cancer Society sponsored Look Good…Feel Better session. Volunteer beauty professionals will teach female cancer patients beauty techniques to help restore their self-image during chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Women will learn about makeup techniques, skincare, nail care and options related to hair loss such as wigs, turbans and scarves. Each participant will receive a free cosmetics kit for use during and after the workshop. A light dinner will be provided to participants. To register for this event, please call DoctorFinder at 1-800-4885959.

WhO: American Cancer Society WhAt: Free beauty technique session and cosmetics kit for female cancer patients WheN: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Where: Norwood Hospital Cancer Center in Foxboro 70 Walnut Street Foxboro, MA 02035 About the American Cancer Society The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a nationwide, community-based voluntary health organization. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, the ACS has state divisions and more than 3,400 local offices.

Professor of Neurology and Neurosurgery Boston University School of Medicine; Director of Boston University Alzheimer’s Disease Center Clinical Core

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Dr. Stern’s major areas of funded research include the assessment and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, driving and dementia, thyroid-brain relationships, and the cognitive effects of chemotherapy in the elderly. Dr. Stern has also published on various aspects of cognitive assessment and is the senior author of many widely used neuropsychological tests. We’re conveniently located at:

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April 1, 2012

Local Town Pages

Page 29

Living Healthy Is Joint Pain Slowing You Down? CONTRIBUTED BY JOHN VACOVEC, OWNER AND THERAPIST OF PHYSICAL THERAPY AND SPORTS REHAB, INC. Any injury that affects the ligaments, cartilage or bones can contribute to joint pain. Joint pain can affect any part of the body from your neck to your feet. Joint pain is common amongst seniors, but anyone can be affected by it. It can occur all of a sudden, and can be sharp and painful (acute joint pain). On the other hand, it can last longer and can be dull and achy in nature (chronic joint pain). One of the causes of joint pain is bursitis (inflammation of the bursae). The bursae are fluid-filled sacs that cushion and pad bony prominences, allowing muscles and tendons to move freely over the bone.

ther away from your destination will help increase walking distance. Using the stairs instead of

Your physical therapist will conduct a detailed evaluation to determine the cause of your joint pain. Expect your physical therapist to ask questions to get to the root of the problem. These questions include: • What caused your pain? • Which joint hurts? • Is the pain on one side or both sides? • How long have you had this pain? • What is the nature or type of pain? • Have you injured yourself in any way?

the elevator is another way to get some extra exercise. If you have joint pain, a warm bath and massage can provide some short-term pain relief. Your physician may ask you to get some rest, and seek the advice of a licensed physical therapist. Gradual, progressive stretching is a good way to reduce joint pain. Please consult a physician or a physical therapist before you start stretching.

Arthritis, traumatic injuries, sprains and strains can contribute to joint pain. At times, joint pain may be associated with tingling, numbness, or weakness. Symptoms like these should be reported to a physician as quickly as possible. Joint pain can trigger muscle compensations across your body, which is the body's way of helping you cope with the joint pain. Overcoming Joint Pain In most cases, joint pain can be treated with progressive, supervised exercise which is exactly where your physical therapist can help. Exercising will also help you reduce or maintain your ideal weight, which helps decrease stress on weight-bearing joints like the hip and knee. Walking is the easiest exercise. No special equipment is needed, other than a good pair of walking shoes. Parking fur-

you may need professional help. It may be a result of an undetected condition or an injury.

Physical Therapy and Joint Pain Joint pain is an indication that

To learn more about how physical therapy can help you deal with joint pain, please call us today and schedule an appointment. We don't want you to experience any type of pain, and as the experts in joint motion and muscle strengthening, we would like to do everything possible to assist you. Our goal is to help you lead a pain-free lifestyle.

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Page 30

Local Town Pages

April 1. 2012

Library Happenings Actor Stephen Collins Brings Shakespeare to the Library Critically acclaimed actor and historian Stephen Collins will return to the Morrill Memorial Library on Thursday, April 12 at 7:30 p.m. to make William Shakespeare’s words come alive in a one-man performance entitled “Shake-Scene.” From the evil machinations of Richard III to the philosophical banter of Falstaff and the brilliant oratory of Brutus and Antony, Mr. Collins will bring the Bard’s words to life in this exciting dramatic production funded by the Friends of the Library. This free event, commemorating National Poetry Month, will include a sampling of Shakespeare’s tragedies, comedies, histories and sonnets. Stephen Collins has delighted audiences at the Morrill Memorial Library in two other dramatic performances within the past few years: “The Theater of the 1930s, ‘40s and ‘50s” and “A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That.” Sign up at the library Reference or Information Desk or call 781-769-0200, x110 or 222. The library is accessible to the physically challenged.

(Stephen Puleo – Guest at Friends of the Library Annual Author Evening) On Monday April 9 at 7:30PM the Friends of the Morrill Memorial Library will present an evening with the local author Stephen Puleo. Puleo will discuss his latest book “A City So Grand: The Rise of an American Metropolis, Boston 1850-1900.” Published in 2010 this lively and very readable history of Boston in the second half of the 19th century covers a myriad of events. The Civil War, the abolitionists, new immigrants, the filling in of the Back Bay, medical advances, the 1872 Great Fire, and the opening of America’s first subway station (Park Street) in 1897 propel the city rapidly forward. By 1900 Boston had been transformed into one of America’s leading cities. As well as being an author and historian Steven Puleo is also a teacher at Suffolk University, public speaker, and communications professional. His previous books include the bestseller “Dark Tide: The Great Boston Molasses Flood of 1919”, “The Boston Italians: A

Story or Pride, Perseverance, and Paesani, from the Years of the Great Immigration to the Present Day”, and “Due to Enemy Action: The True World War 11 Story of the USS Eagle 56”.His books have been widely and favorably reviewed by many publications and in History Channel programs, and have been used in many book clubs, high school and college curricula, and town wide reading programs.

Prohibition days to the present. From gunmen to gangsters, mobs to Mafia, organized crime has left a mark on the City on the Hill from the beginning of the last century to the recent capture of James “Whitey” Bulger. The Boston Mob Guide is a primer for those who want to learn more about the nefarious Bulger, the Winter Hill Gang, Joe “The Animal” Barboza and Stephen “The Rifleman” Flemmi.

This program is partially funded by a generous grant from the Norwood Cultural Council. The program is in the library’s Simoni Room. A copy of the book “A City so Grand” will be available for purchase. Registration is required at 781-769-0200 x100.

Beverly Ford is a Boston-based journalist and long-time reporter and freelance writer for the Boston Herald, the New York Daily News, the London Times and the London Mirror. Stephanie Schorow is the author of several historical nonfiction titles including The Crime of the Century: How the Brink’s Robbers Stole Millions and the Hearts of Boston.

Author of The Boston Mob Guide to Speak at the Library Beverly Ford and Stephanie Schorow, co-authors of The Boston Mob Guide: Hit Men, Hoodlums & Hideouts, will appear at the Morrill Memorial Library on Tuesday, April 24 at 7 p.m. to talk about their book. They will also give a slide show presentation tracing the history of the Boston mob from pre-

Norwood Recreation Wraps up Another Floor Hockey Season BY HOWARD WEINSTEIN The Norwood Recreation Department wrapped up another great season of floor hockey. We want to thank the players on the 25 teams, volunteer coaches, parents and the referees for a successful season. The following teams won the championships: PEEWEE - Champions- Thunder Bronze Champs: Mustangs MITES - Champions - Yellow Monkeys Bronze Champs: Cobras SQUIRTS - Co-Champions Blackhawks and Bricklayers The following awards were given out: PEE WEE 2012 AWARDS ALL STARS Alex Ice - Cobras Shannon McGettigan - Cobras Conor Copponi - Snakes Wil Gamel - Snakes

Jay Wdlakowski - Bullets Marc Murphy - Bullets Michael Shore - Lightning Harry Gover - Lightning Joey Ryan - Thunder Chris Martin - Thunder Aiden Reardon - Eagles Austin Reardon - Eagles Brady Stanton - Cougars David Laakso - Cougars David Hayes - Pythons Liam Glavin - Pythons Donte Keller - Colts Alana Lowrey - Colts Reed Cottens - Big Dogs Daniel Barron - Big Dogs IVATTS Marc Karem - Cobras Connor Miller - Cobras Ally Giabanco - Snakes Renee Babineau - Snakes Allison Kelleher - Bullets Sean Hernon - Bullets Jake Mannering - Lightning Mark Larrivce - Lightning

Tim Denahey - Thunder Anthony Deangelis - Thunder Alley Gordan - Eagles Brendan Walsh - Eagles Kevin Demuth - Cougars Anthony Venuto - Cougars Dominic Diiorio - Pythons Bridget Popkin - Pythons Jake Russo - Colts Kaitlin Burke - Colts Daniel Gruber - Big Dogs Brian Osterchel - Big Dogs MITES 2012 AWARDS ALL STARS Hope Ford - Huskies Katelyn Flynne - Huskies Brian Connolly - Sharks Jack Curran - Sharks Joey Demarais - Yellow Monkeys Ty Magliozzi - Yellow Monkeys Kyle Cahill - Ducks Maeve Glavin - Ducks Brendan Gillis - Cobras Jake McCarthy - Cobras Matthew Bonner - Mustangs

Social Media 101 at the Library Curious about the pros and cons of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and how they can help you or your organization? If you’re an entrepreneur, small business owner, job seeker or just want to learn more about social William Doyle - Mustangs Joseph Flynn - Shamrocks Daniel Diblasi - Shamrocks James Gamel - Eagles Robbie Wladkowski - Eagles Jason Denehy - Maniac Monkeys Sean Quinn - Maniac Monkeys Colin Sheehan - Hawks Ryan Larson - Hawks IVATTS Ally Parkinson - Huskies Michael Gasbarro - Huskies Owen O’Toole - Sharks Quinn O’Toole - Sharks Prestin Coyle - Yellow Monkeys Aris Koktsidis - Yellow Monkeys Kerry McMullen - Ducks Kevin Sullivan - Ducks Zoe Irving - Cobras Connor Robertson - Cobras Tiernan Brogan - Mustans James Whelan - Mustangs Kyle Leonard - Shamrocks Jacob Flynn - Shamrocks Ally Steeves - Eagles Jenna Costa - Eagles Harry Leduc - Maniac Monkeys Danny Cotter - Maniac Monkeys Mike Koutrouloa - Hawks Bradt Gaspa - Hawks

media, come to a free presentation at the Morrill Memorial Library on Monday, April 23 at 7 p.m. with Bessie and Claude DiDomenica. Online etiquette, privacy, and other social media concerns will also be addressed. Bessie DiDomenica is a successful entrepreneur and business professional. She was the executive director and co-founder of Children’s Animated Television, Inc., an award-winning nonprofit that produced educational videos on social issues for youth. She also co-founded the Secretary of Innovation blog in 2009 as a resource for social entrepreneurs to share their ideas, find new solutions and create positive social change. Claude DiDomenica applies his technical knowledge as a jack of many trades, including Secretary of Innovation’s co-founder, blogmaster and columnist. He is also the co-founder of Children’s Animated Television, Inc. Sign up for this program at the library Reference or Information Desk or call 781-769-0200, x110 or 222. The library is accessible to the physically challenged.

SQUIRTS 2012 AWARDS ALL STARS Jenna Naumann - Maniac Monkeys Richie Carroll - Maniac Monkeys Dylan Hamwey - Bombers Ryan Nychay - Bombers Sean Steeves - Flames Devin Seple - Flames Samatha Rose - Blackhawks Kevin Broderick - Blackhawks Emily Daly - Bricklayers Brian Michenzie - Bricklayers IVATTS John Cavanaugh - Maniac Monkeys Morgan Roach - Maniac Monkeys Kileigh Gorman - Bombers Ben MacDougal - Bombers Matthew Mahoney - Flames Tricia Wladkowski - Flames Kyle Willis - Blackhawks Colin Maceachern - Blackhawks Colin Ellis - Bricklayers Sabastian Reyes - Blackhawks

Local Town Pages

Page 31

Norwood Sports

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Boys Basketball Program Takes Major Step with Tourney Win BY TIM DAVIS


The Norwood boy’s basketball program under coach Rich Cormier took a major step in the right direction by wining their first tourney game since 2005, with a 62-50 win over the higher seeded Medfield.

With Norwood seeded 12th overall in the South Bracket, the Mustangs traveled to Medfield to play the 5th seed, and one of the best teams in the Tri-Valley league.

“This team and especially these seniors wanted to do more than just make the tournament,” said Cormier. “We always felt that we were battle-tested and could play with anyone in Division 2.” The Mustangs play in one of the toughest Division 1 leagues in the Bay State Conference, with teams

Norwood’s senior Steve Martinez opened the game by hitting a three from the wing, and the Mustangs jumped out to a quick 8-2 lead. Fellow senior Tommy Bartucca added a rebound and put back to make it 16-6 with 2:56 left in the first, and the Mustangs would never look back. Norwood’s star senior captains Sean O’Neil (who had 11 of his 15

A big reason the Mustangs came away with the win was their bench and their second leading scorer Troy Sousa-Semper, who hit a long three at the end of the first quarter to give Norwood the 19-10 lead. “Coach told us yesterday, when you get the ball don’t be afraid to shoot it,” said Sousa-Semper after the game. And the Mustangs were certainly not shy. Norwood hit ten free-throws down the stretch to coast to the easy 12 point win and the upset. “We really stepped up and hit some shots,” said Cormier. The Mustangs say good-bye to a plethora of seniors who made a big impact on the program, with none bigger than Munro (over 500 caSteve Martinez goes up for a shot reer rebounds) and O’Neil who finished just shy of 1,000 points with 949. “They are our co-MVP’s – both first team BSC all-stars, (and) tremendous leaders both on and off the court,” said Cormier. Fellow starters Martinez, “a jack of all trades,” according to his coach, and a BSC honorable mention for his clutch shooting in big games and his ability to defend on the wing. Sousa-Semper, who transferred from Brockton, was second on the team in scoring and assists and was a, “wonderful addition to our team over the past two years,” according to Cormier.

Sean O’Neil drives to the basket against Medfield

such as powerhouse and top 20 ranked Newton North. Norwood finished the season (11-9) overall to qualify for the tournament for the first time in two years. “We want to make the tournament an annual event and always be in the mix in our division and I think this year was an important step toward that goal,” said

points in the first quarter) and Tommy Munro (11 rebounds) got caught in early foul trouble and missed a majority of the first half. “I am proud of our guys and proud of their resiliency but we can’t have our two captains on the bench for that amount (of time),” said Cormier after the game.

Also point guard, Bartucca who lead the team in steals, was a “defensive pest on the court” and was responsible for defending the opposition’s best guard and had a career high 9 points in the Medfield win. One of the biggest surprises was Kenny Stokes who returned from an injury and “provided a spark off the bench,” especially in a comeback win over Milton. “It is going to be difficult to replace the leadership and the tenacity of this senior group, but we have a great group of underclassmen who are ready to take the torch,” said Cormier.

April 1. 2012

Local Town Pages

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April 1. 2012

Norwood Sports

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Danielle Ringler- Athletic Republic Athlete of the Month In Norwood, the athletes who participate in the four major sports, football, hockey, basketball, and baseball/softball dominate the headlines in the papers. However, one senior track star has quietly excelled without much recognition. Her name is Danielle Ringler, and she is the Athletic Republic’s Athlete of the Month for being the leading scorer on the girl’s indoor track team. “Danielle is a very hard worker,” said her coach Matt Curran. “During the off-season she attended several camps and clinics…between seasons she was always trying to improve.” In the off-season Ringler attends Athletic Republic as well as spends time on the treadmill to prepare to be one of the leagues best.

“Track clears my mind,” said Ringler. “I love running and the competition of the events between teams we go against.” Ringler knows mental preparation is a big part of being successful on the course and prepares accordingly. “Right before my events, I do a few sprints, repeat the basics of my warm-ups and mentally tell myself ‘first…first…first.’” In the upcoming spring season, Ringler will be participating in the long jump, triple jump, high jump, and the 100m, 200m, and 400m. “This spring I expect her as an individual to progress in the post-season,” said Curran. “Last year she qualified in the 200m for the class meet and placed in the league, I also expect her to continue to be








our leading scorer and lead her team by example.” Ringler’s has set a high personal goal this season, to hit 24 seconds in the 200m. “Track has taught me that if you train hard and set your goals high…[they’re] reachable,” said Ringler. More importantly Ringler has embraced the team attitude and has cherished her memories while on the Norwood High track teams. “We are a big family,” said Ringler. “Everybody supports and cheers for each other…it’s humbling.” “I will miss the good times we had on the bus and the good friends I made on the team,” added Ringler. “There is no competition

amongst each other.”

ners,” said Curran.

“The past few years we have been fortunate to have some great athletes, Katie Bernazani, Katie Gotto, Megan Underhill, and Cory Ryan – Danielle learned from them and I expect her to pass on that knowledge to the younger run-

“Over the past four years at Norwood High School, I have grown to make my own decisions and hopefully my decisions are supported by positive outcomes.” Said Ringler.

"Concept" of H.S. Football Playoff is Approved BY MIKE STOLLER The MIAA's Tournament Management Committee (TMC) voted 15-0 on March 19 to approve the concept of a new statewide high school football playoff system. The proposal to change the current system, which does not allow for true state champions and makes fewer teams eligible for the playoffs than in other high school sports, was developed by the Massachusetts High School Football Coaches Association (MHSHCA). It now awaits a vote on May 10 by the MIAA Board of Directors. “The idea is to have more quality teams in the playoffs and provide a playoff atmosphere to more student athletes,” said Steve Dembowski, spokesman for the Executive Board of the MSHSFA and longtime head coach at Swampscott High. The MHSFCA proposal would permit at least two teams from each league/conference to make the postseason - as opposed to the one team that qualifies under the current system - as long as there are at least five teams in the circuit. Other teams in each league or conference division could

become eligible through a wildcard type scenario. The restructuring also would reduce the number of statewide divisions to six, as opposed to the subdivisions (i.e. Division 1A) now factored into the alignment. To avoid having more games overall played during the regular season, the first seven games would be a qualification round for the postseason, in which teams would earn points on a rating system based on wins and losses and the level of competition of both divisional and non-league opponents. The last six weeks would serve as the postseason for those teams who stay in the hunt each week, while the teams that don’t make the playoffs and the ones knocked off in the early rounds would complete their schedules against other teams of the like. In all, there would be six state champions, one from each division. So, how would this all play out for Norwood High School and the entire Bay State Conference? Simply put, the top two teams from both the Carey and Herget divisions would be guaranteed playoff berths, and the remaining teams in the conference

could still qualify through their ratings points as judged by the MIAA.

Since the teams who would qualify for the playoffs would be determined earlier in the season, only 12 teams, as opposed to the current 74, would still have a chance to win a state championship by the time the annual Thanksgiving rivalry games roll around. This would allow more athletes who play both fall and winter sports more time to prepare for their winter sports seasons. According to Dembowski, the reason the MIAA approved only the concept, and not the specific plan at the March 19 meeting, was due to concerns about scheduling, revenue splits, and the rating system. "I think if those questions are answered, I think most people in the room liked the concept," he said, referring to the 15-0 vote. At this point, Dembowski and the MHSFCA are largely out of the picture, with their plan being presented to the TMC by the MIAA's own football committee, which he said will make amendments to the plan before presenting it again on May 10. If it is approved, the new system could be in place as early as the 20132014 season.

April 1, 2012

Local Town Pages

Page 33

Norwood Sports

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Norwood Boys Hockey Senior Class…One of the Best BY TIM DAVIS The Norwood Boys hockey team season ended on March 8, with a tough 1-0 loss to Natick, but their coach and the Norwood faithful will not soon forget these Bay State Conference Champion Mustangs, and how special they were to the Town of Norwood.

Both teams started the game tentative as only 9 shots were taken in the first period, as both Norwood and Natick looked for a scoring opportunity. It wasn’t until the start of the second period when Natick’s Trevor Kaplan lifted a rebound over the pads of Norwood goalie Jordan

The other difference maker for Natick was their standout senior goalie Derek Kwok, who made 33 saves, and none bigger then the one on a Brendan Cathcart’s backhand while Norwood was on a power play, late in the second period. Natick played even more conservative in the third as they packed their zone limiting Norwood to shots from the point that rarely reached Kwok or posed as a threat. The one bright spot for Norwood was goalie Davis, who made 25 saves against Natick with many coming on breakaways or 2-on-1’s in the third as the Mustangs became more and more aggressive on offense.

“I am proud of the kids,” said Coach Bill Clifford. “I had a great bunch of seniors who showed great leadership…they’ve been through a lot. My hats off to them, they were a special team…they really are.” After beating Walpole on the last game of the season, with a goal in the final seconds by Andrew Alty, to give Norwood it’s first league championship in six years, the Mustangs entered the tournament a surprising low 4th seed against a 5th seeded Barnstable team. A late power play goal in the third period by Kyle Dolan was the difference in helping the Mustangs advance to play an unlikely a Natick Red and Blue team, which upset a Super 8 Needham team, 32. Norwood tied Natick 2-2 earlier in the season and then beat the Red and Blue 3-1 on Feb. 11, which gave the Mustangs plenty of reasons to be optimistic, heading into the Semi-Finals clash.

Davis with 11:02 left in the second, to give Natick the 1-0 lead. The goal would stand up as the Red and Blue packed the zone eliminating anything in front of the net. “They clogged the middle and they blocked a lot of shots,” said Clifford. “It makes it tough when you are trying to get the puck through…give them credit they played well.”

“He came up huge,” said Clifford. “He’s done it all year for us with a 1.50 (GAA). He made some unbelievable stops tonight.”

Norwood seniors who say farewell are: Andrew Alty, Matt Brown, Austin Glaser, Peter Kelly,

Patrick Clifford, Kyle Dolan, Jake Ranalli, Brendan Cathcart, Mark Maggio, Mike Murray, and Connor Mahon.

This group will not be soon forgotten from Norwood hockey.

With 10:09 left Davis stopped a breakaway, and at 8:45 he stopped a 2-on-1 to keep the score within one goal. Davis also had a big a save on a power play with the glove and then with a leg kick in the final minutes to give the Mustangs a chance.

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“We had to start taking some chances, and that lead to some opportunities for them, but (Davis) kept us in it, I couldn’t ask anything more from him.”



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Local Town Pages

Page 34

April 1. 2012

Norwood Sports Girl’s Hockey Bows Out of Tourney with Head High BY TIM DAVIS

the season.

The girl’s hockey team closed out another successful season on March 5th, with a tough 5-2 loss to Belmont in the Division 2 quarterfinals.

In the tournament, there was no bigger goal than Kelly’s gamewinner with 52.3 seconds left to beat Martha’s Vineyard 4-3, in the second round of the tourney.

Coach Bill O’Donnell’s team went (16-5-1) overall and shocked all in the Bay State Conference, with a 2nd place finish, and the chance for the division crown coming down to the last game of the regular season.

Against Martha’s Vineyard, Kelly found Smith for a backhand goal against Martha’s Vineyard’s goalie with 10:49 left in the first period, for the early 1-0 lead.

“They played like a team all year,” said O’Donnell. (And) that team attitude got them a lot further than a lot of people thought they would have gotten.” After losing a starting goalie, and three dynamic players on their front scoring lines. The Mustangs relied on untested sophomore goalie Samantha Baturin to keep the puck out of the net, and sophomore Emily Kelly to take on the offensive load. The biggest surprise for the Mustangs was their freshmen, Kacie Smith (31 points), Samantha Hayes (12 points), Lisa Moynihan (11 points) and Isabella Aspinwall (10 points). These freshmen managed to score 34 goals and tally 29 assists in helping captain Hayley O’Rourke, junior Jenny O’Donnell, and Kelly and the rest of the Mustangs score over 100 goals on

Baturin, who showed remarkable improvement throughout the season made a big save on a 2-on-1 break with 7:22 left in the first, to preserve the early lead. But Martha’s Vineyard would answer with a shot off the back of Baturin’s pads that trickled in for the equalizer with 10:05 left in the second. The Mustangs would answer, with Kelly feeding O’Rourke for her patented snapshot off the faceoff that found the corner of the net for the 2-1 Norwood lead with 5:21 left in the period. The lead was short lived as the Mustangs mishandled a pass at the point that squirted free and was picked up by Martha’s Vineyard Celia Mercier who scored easily on the breakaway to tie the score back up at 2-2 with 3:52 in the second. In the third, Kelly was at the fore-

front of the offense again for Norwood’s third goal, this one coming off a penalty shot where Kelly easily handled the MV goalie with a nifty backhand move giving Norwood the 3-2 lead. But once again MV answered. This time, Mercier tapped a loose puck in front of Baturin for the equalizing goal with 11:12 left in the third. Kelly answered with 52.3 left with another beautiful backhand move that was similar to her penalty shot goal, to propel the # 6 Hayley O’Rourke picks up a loose puck. Mustangs ahead for good, with the assist held the Mustangs to three shots in coming from Smith. the final period for the 5-2 BelIn the Belmont game, the Mus- mont win. tangs were down early until Smith tapped in a rebound to tie the game at 1-1, with 6:54 left in the first period. Belmont added a second goal in the second, but Kelly answered with a remarkable goal off a direct face-off that ricocheted off the Belmont’s goalie glove to tie the game at 2-2. Belmont answered with three goals in the second and third and Clip and save this coupon




“The last three years there was a lot of on-ice success and Hayley was a big part of that.” said O’Donnell of O’Rourke.

“We had some opportunities to score and it didn’t happen,” said O’Donnell. “We didn’t get as many goals as we would have liked, we had some momentum with that tying goal in the second but that other team (Belmont) didn’t quit.”

Of Casey, O’Donnell said, “It took a lot of courage to transition from a team manager to a goalie.” Casey got the starting nod for the final game of the season and came up with a shutout against Bishop Fenwick.

O’Donnell praised his goalie after the game, “Sam Baturin made some saves and she has come a long way this year, (she) kept us in the game.”

“Her (Casey) hard work helped us throughout the season and she has a great spirit.” “I told them when they look back they will have a lot to be proud of ,” said O’Donnell of his team. “They had a lot of good memories from the season.”

Seniors that say goodbye to Norwood hockey include O’Rourke and goalie Nicole Casey, but not without some praise from O’Donnell.

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April 1, 2012

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Page 36

Local Town Pages

Murph’s Place Welcomes Senator Scott Brown to Norwood BY KIERSTEN BARRY Murph’s Place, Carolyn Murphy’s restaurant known for its warm atmosphere and home cooked meals was the unanimous choice by The Norwood Republican Commitee when deciding

where to invite Senator Scott Brown (R) for breakfast with locals on Saturday, March 3. “Murph’s is such a popular spot among the locals it just seemed fitting to invite him here. He is a regular guy, he is really just a regular

guy,” said Member Pat Barrett. “He [Brown] is coming by to say hello, talk to the people and get to know his supporters, and of course enjoy a little breakfast.” “Senator Brown has always had a warm spot in his heart for Nor-

April 1. 2012

wood, we have supported him since he was a Congressman and we continue to support him. Cheering on their longtime “independent voice”, The Norwood Republican Committee braved the chilly morning air waving campaign signs as Brown arrived accompanied by wife Gail Huff. Brown referred to Norwood as “a great, close-knit community” “I have been here many times being that I live just up the street. Norwood is also a very diverse community and a key part of the race”, the Senator said referring to his run for re-election on November 6, 2012. Brown spent about an hour speaking with patrons, posing for photos with people of all ages and political backgrounds before sitting down to enjoy breakfast with his longtime supporters. “I have never been here, but Carolyn and the staff have been nothing but welcoming and accommodating.

They are just wonderful,” said Brown. One young boy asked for Brown’s autograph, while an older man stopped by the Senator’s table to shake his hand before going home. “Excuse me Senator, I am sorry to interrupt but I just wanted to tell you that you have my vote Senator, just don’t tell my wife, she thinks I am a Democrat,” the man said with a wink.



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Page 37

Local Town Pages

April 1. 2012

Women, You’ve Come Babel's Paint & Decorating Raises a Long Way But The Over $1,000 for Circle of Hope Journey Isn’t Over March is Women’s History Month, and since women began officially celebrating their political, economic and social achievements over a century ago, they have made significant strides in these areas. And though women have overcome many obstacles, they still face some unique financial and lifestyle challenges. Here are four tips for women to help overcome these challenges when working toward their financial goals. • Plan to live longer on your retirement savings. On average women live longer than men. Living to an old age is a blessing, but it can also mean facing greater healthcare costs and the challenge to make retirement savings last. To avoid the future burden of long-term care costs on yourself and your family, consider including a long term care policy into your financial plans for retirement. Do your research beforehand, and keep in mind that these policies are typically more affordable to purchase while you’re relatively young and healthy. • Consider the financial impact of time out of the workforce. Taking on the role of caregiver for children or aging family members is admirable, but may place limits on one’s earning power and savings goals. Exiting the workforce for any period of time means leaving behind a paycheck, and often the ability to contribute to an employer-sponsored retirement plan. To off-set any loss of income from time spent out of the workforce, be sure to plan for the effect it may have your long-term financial goals and save more while you’re able. • Practice salary negotiation at work. When it comes to equal pay, women have done a lot of catching up, however their salaries still tend to be less on average – about 75 percent of what men earn – and that can add up

over time. One of the factors that may contribute to this discrepancy in income is that women tend to impair their ability to earn more by hesitating to ask for and negotiate promotion or higher salary. Recognizing your worth and proactively seeking a salary increase can make a difference in your earning power, and your retirement savings. • Review your investment portfolio with a critical eye. Women tend to take a more conservative approach than men when investing their money. Though this isn’t always negative, defining and taking the appropriate amount of risk with your investment portfolio can be beneficial. Like with any important personal relationship, an emotionally balanced approach to your investment portfolio can produce healthier exchanges and opportunities.

On March 8, over 60 novice decorators and generous local citizens filled Babels Paint & Decorating Store to learn the latest decorating trends while also contributing money for the Norwood Circle of Hope Foundation. The evening raised over $1,000 for the organization through entrance fees, raffle tickets and additional donations.

Babels interior designer Christopher Eysie gave an entertaining, informative and often amusing workshop on "The Well Dressed Room" as well as answering many decorating questions from the spectators. Eysie connected well with his audience using many wallpaper, accessory and color props and presented varied examples of dressed rooms through a slide show presentation. He described how the best dressed rooms must have a plan and flow and gave numerous decorating tips from tinted ceilings, to fabric walls, the benefits of custom pillows and the numerous choices available for color coordinating.

Workshop attendees were given decorative gift bags filled with a color fan, brochures and decorating tips and were also offered raffles for the chance to win beautiful accessories, such as hand-hooked rugs and pillows, a floral arrangement from Silver & Sage and a wall clock, paint and supplies to decorate one room and a $500 Babels gift certificate to support Jeanne Babel in Dancing with the Norwood Stars. All raffle proceeds and entrance fees were all donated to the Circle of Hope. Babels also provided a wine and cheese social at the Babel's Home earlier in March to support Babel in Dancing with the Stars, a popular yearly Circle of Hope event.

The Circle of Hope is a nonprofit foundation established in 1998 in memory of Norwood resident Michelle Kennedy, who suffered from leukemia. Norwood residents united during her battle, many who did not even know her personally, and the Circle of Hope established in her memory continues that community spirit by do-

nating all its proceeds to Norwood residents. "The people of Norwood who support us are the actual Circle of Hope," Circle of Hope member Lee Kennedy said. "We do the fundraising and the people who support us allow us to do what we do." For those who missed the workshop, there may be another opportunity to hear Eysie's decorating tips. "The Well Dressed Room" was such a popular attraction that over 30 people were put on a waiting list for a future workshop. "We just couldn't fit any more people in the store and we decided that we would have another seminar later in the spring since everyone who attended enjoyed the presentation so much," Babel said. For more information on the spring seminar or to make a donation to the Circle of Hope, call or visit Babels Paint & Decorating Store at 781-762-3128, x3, 23 Cottage S

Women have made achievements that generations ago seemed impossible, and now have the ability – and sometimes even an advantage – when it comes to financial independence. They now hold public office, occupy high-ranking positions in some of the largest global companies and run their own businesses. Recognizing your own financial personality, and planning for both the expected and unexpected events that life may throw your way is the first step in taking control of your finances. Whether you’re a man or woman, you’re Putting the my clients first the approach believe in,it and itstarts starts the needs of myofof clients first first is the I believe and starts byit starts Putting my clients isisapproach the approach I Ibelieve in, and byby by likely busy with multiple obliga- Putting the Putting theneeds needs my clients first is the approach Iin, believe in,itand Putting the needs of my clients first is the approach I believe in, and it starts by tions, and you may find yourself listening listening totoand you understanding your dreams. I’llwork work with you tothe find the the listening and dreams. I’ll with you toyou find to you your your dreams. I’ll work with you to find listening youunderstanding andunderstanding understanding your dreams. I’ll work with tothe find struggling to find time to spend listening to you and understanding your dreams. I’ll work with you to find the right financial solutions to help helpplan youplan plan foryour yourunique unique goals. solutions to you for financial solutions to help you for your unique goals.goals. financial with your finances. Consider work- rightright right financial solutions help plan for your unique right financial solutions to to help youyou plan for your unique goals.goals. ing with a professional financial ad® ® ® ®® visor who can help you evaluate Our Our Dreams. MORE WITHIN REACH Our Advisors. Dreams. MORE WITHIN REACH Advisors. YourYour Dreams. MORE WITHIN REACH Advisors. ® ® Our Advisors.Your YourDreams. Dreams. MORE WITHIN REACH Our Advisors. MORE WITHIN REACH your current financial situation and help better prepare for your Call me today atfirst (781) 461.9669 Call (781) Call of me today at (781) 461.9669 Putting thelongneeds my is461.9669 the approach I believe in, and it starts by meclients term financial goals. Call me 461.9669 Call me today todayatat(781) (781) 461.9669 Roger Cummings Cummings 865Providence Providence Hwy RogerRoger Cummings 865 Providence HwyHwy, Roger 865 Hwy Roger Cummings 865 Providence Hwy Cummings Providence Steto 200find the listening to you and understanding your dreams. I’ll865 work with you Roger J. Cummings, CFP is liSteProvidence 200 Ste 200 200 Ste 200 Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Ste Financial Advisor Roger Cummings 865 Hwy Roger Cummings 86502026 Providence Hwy Financial Advisor Dedham, MA Dedham, MA02026 02026 Dedham, MA 02026 Dedham, MA Ameriprise Platinum Financial Dedham, MA 02026 An Ameriprise Ameriprise Platinum Financial An Ameriprise Platinum Financial Ste 200 Platinum Financial Financial Advisor censed/registered do business solutions to An Ste 200 Financial Advisor righttofinancial help you plan for your unique goals. Services® practice Dedham, MA 02026 Services® practicepractice Services® An Platinum Services® practice AnAmeriprise Ameriprise Platinum Financial Dedham, MA 02026 781-461-9669 An Ameriprise Platinum Financial 781-461-9669 781-461-9669 781-461-9669 with U.S. residents only in the 781-461-9669 Services® Services practice ® Financial 781-461-9669 Services® practice practice states of MA, RI, NH, ME, NJ, FL, 781-461-9669 ® GA, AZ, MD, NC. Our Advisors. Your Dreams. MORE WITHIN

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or to allpractice clients. Ameriprise Financial cannot guarantee future financial results. Services® 781-461-9669 © 2011 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved.

Local Town Pages

Page 38

April 1. 2012

Scams Are No Joking Matter; Don’t Become An April Fool

Spending Saturdays


The Friends of Norwood Center want you to spend your Saturdays in Downtown Norwood!

Being the butt of an April fool’s joke is fine when it’s good-natured fun. But no one wants to fall victim to a scam artist or identity thief. You may think you’re safe simply by not carrying your Social Security card with you and not providing your personal information over the Internet or by email. But scam artists have become shrewd. Never reply to an email claiming to be from Social Security and asking for your Social Security number or personal information. Identity theft is one of the fastest-growing crimes in America. If you think you’ve been the victim of an identity thief, you should contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at www. t. Or, you can call 1-877IDTHEFT (1-877-438-4338); TTY 1-866-653-4261.

risk losing their Social Security or Medicare benefits unless they send a contribution or membership fee to the advertiser.

Some people who receive Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits are often victimized by misleading advertisers. Often, these companies offer Social Security services for a fee, even though the same services are available directly from Social Security free of charge. These services include getting a:

If you receive or see what you believe is misleading advertising for Social Security services, send the complete mailing, including the envelope, to: Office of the Inspector General, Fraud Hotline, Social Security Administration, P.O. Box 17768, Baltimore, MD 21235. Also, advise your State's attorney general or consumer affairs office and the Better Business Bureau.

• corrected Social Security card showing a bride's married name; • Social Security card to replace a lost card; • Social Security Statement; and • Social Security number for a child. Some direct scammers suggest that Social Security is in dire financial shape and that people

Learn more about identity theft at 10064.html. Read about misleading advertising at Please don’t let a scam artist or identity thief make an April fool out of you.

Happy Easter & Passover

How are you Spending Saturday?

The third Saturday of every month FNC is holding a Spending Saturday, beginning Saturday, April 21st with a kick off to our Earth Day weekend of events with Together Yes. Your group support of our local merchants on these days can add up for our downtown businesses. When you spend your money locally more of that money stays in your local community. Make a difference in your community by patronizing your local merchants. Every business in Norwood Center will benefit from your patronage on Spending Saturday. Particular businesses participating in our First Spending Saturday event with an Earth Day tie-in on April 21st include Envy Boutique, Babel’s Paint and Decorating, Twice Is Nice, Silver and Sage, Custom Art Framing, Band Gig Music Program, with more coming on

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Kathy Reebe Community Liason


Riverbend of South Natick 34 Lincoln St., S. Natick, MA Thomas Upham House 519 Main St., Medfield, MA Timothy Daniels House 84 Elm St., Holliston, MA Victoria Haven House 137 Nichols St., Norwood, MA Medicare/Medicaid Certified

daily! Visit these stores for discounts and chances at raffle giveaways to be announced at the FNC and Together Yes Earth Day event on Sunday, April 22nd from 2-5pm, held at the United Church in Norwood’s common room. Spending Saturdays feature savings and specials for patrons of Norwood Center stores, restaurants, businesses, etc. Want to know what is available to you for this month’s Spending Saturday? Check our website : for updated listings. How are you Spending Saturday? On April 21st, I’m spending it at businesses concerned with the earth and sustainability. How about you? Everyone is encouraged to become a Friend of Norwood Center. Membership costs help the FNC continue the revitalization of Downtown Norwood. Business membership is $100 and resident membership is $35. Join by visiting our website: www.norwoodcenter.blogspot.c om or by sending your check payable to Friends of Norwood Center Membership, c/o KM&M, LLP, 473 Washington Street, Norwood, MA 02062.

Local Town Pages

April 1, 2012

Page 39

Norfolk County Register of Deeds home M A R K E T P L A C E William P. O’Donnell announces Donation Site for Cradles to Crayons Norfolk County Register of Deeds William P. O’Donnell is pleased to announce that the Registry of Deeds, 649 High Street, Dedham, will serve as a donation site for the non-profit organization, Cradles to Crayons.

The items in need are, clothing; children sizes newborn to 20 and adult sizes, shoes, sneakers, sandals, coats, books, new arts and craft/school supplies and baby supplies, especially crib sheets. All items must be new or like-new.

Founded in 2002, Cradles to Crayons (C2C) is an innovative non-profit organization which is based in Brighton, MA. C2C is committed to providing every child in need with the essentials they need to feel safe, warm, ready to learn, and valued. C2C’s unique commitment to the “whole child” nurtures self-esteem and creativity by providing new and like-new clothing, books, school supplies, and other critical items to disadvantaged children across Massachusetts.

The donation site is located in the Registry’s lower lobby. Should you have any questions or require assistance in donating at the Registry, please call 781-461-6104 or email; To learn more about Cradles to Crayons, visit their website:

Registrar O’Donnell has dedicated space in the Registry’s lower lobby to serve as the donation site. Too many Massachusetts children, ages newborn to 12 years of age experience the New England winter without a warm coat, or face their first day of school without a backpack. This donation site will help Cradles to Crayons meet the hundreds of requests received each week by providing this donation site to the resident’s of Norfolk County. Register O’Donnell said, “I encourage the businesses and resident’s of Norfolk County to consider participating in this very worthy cause and drop by the Registry of Deeds with a donation.”


The Norfolk County Registry of Deeds, located at 649 High Street, Dedham, is the principal office for real property in Norfolk County. The Registry is the basic resource for homeowners, title examiners, mortgage lenders, municipalities and others with a need for secure, accurate, accessible land record information. The Registry land records date back to the founding of Norfolk County in 1793 and are available for online viewing. The Registry’s online index is available from 1900 forward and continues to expand to include earlier records. Complementing the Registry’s ef-

forts to expand and increase the accessibility of land records the Registry now accepts electronically transmitted documents. “E-filing” allows a real estate professional from not only Norfolk County but from across the country to send and record documents within minutes at the Norfolk County Registry of

Deeds. To learn more about this technology and/or the other services offered by the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds please contact our Customer Service Department at 781-4616101, or email us at: The Registry of Deeds website is

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Local Town Pages

Page 40

April 1. 2012


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