Ashland November 2013

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November 1, 2013


ing to rezone the landfill for solar, abutters shared concerns about what a solar development would do to the character of their neighborhood and their property values. Based on their feedback, the Planning Board and the Sustainability Committee will not be sponsoring a zoning change on the Howe St. parcel at this time.

Ashland had several green groups the past couple of years before the Sustainability Committee formed in January 2013. Appointed by the Board of Selectmen, the Sustainability Committee is comprised of nine members, with diverse backgrounds and skills. The committee defines “sustainability� as meeting Ashland’s current needs without compromising the needs of future generations. Sustainability involves the overlapping responsibilities of environmental stewardship, social well-being, and economic prosperity.

The committee plans to develop a list of additional sites that have potential for solar and actively involve residents in the process. Matt and Leah Marshquist are working with many other volunteers to

The committee is looking to re- make Ashland more sustainable. Photo/Cynthia Whitty. duce energy use and increase the percentage of the town’s energy provided by renewable sources, like solar. director, and we’re now ready to move forward.� Other area towns, such as Sudbury, are inThis year, the committee looked at solar stalling solar farms on their old dumps. development at the Howe St. landfill, AshSudbury’s solar field on 5.3 acres is estiland’s former dump, where a study by the mated to save the town $100,000 in energy Metropolitan Area Planning Council costs. (MAPC) showed that a 730kW solar array Sustainability chair Matt Marshquist said, could be built. The location has many ad“It is no longer a matter of, ‘Do we need al- vantages for a solar project, one of which ternative energy?,’ but ‘What is the best is that the land cannot be used for other purway to get it done?’ We’ve had a significant poses by the town. number of town transitions this year, inHowever, at a recent planning board hearcluding a new town manager and facilities

Partnering with the grassroots group, Transition Ashland, the Sustainability Committee is conducting a townwide survey to gauge residents’ energy usage and practices. Anyone taking the survey will be entered into a drawing to win a WaterSense toilet or a Nest Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat. Residents have until December 31 to take the survey.

The survey includes a question about residential solar. The committee is considering implementing a bulk purchase agreement

Meet Ashland’s New Police Chief, Craig Davis BY CYNTHIA WHITTY - FEATURE WRITER Ashland’s new police chief, Craig Davis, who was sworn in Oct. 7, said he looks forward to hearing new ideas and approaches and working collaboratively with both the police department and the community. “This is a department and community where I can make a difference,� said Davis. “I want to get to know my staff and see what the needs are, both individually and collectively. It is the same with the community. I want to improve community relations in Ashland, work with residents, and be transparent and accountable.� Davis came from Framingham, where he served for 28 years, most recently as the deputy chief of police. There, he led the police department in receiving its first state accreditation award in 2005 and reaccreditation in 2009 and 2011. He said he is most proud of creating and implementing the Framingham Jail

GREEN continued on page 3

POLICE CHIEF continued on page 2




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Local Town Pages

Page 2

In his spare time, he teaches the criminal investigation process at LaSalle College. “I like passing along some of my 30 years of knowledge,” he said. “Teaching requires a lot of preparation, and it keeps me razor-sharp.” This is his third semester teaching. He also likes reading American, political and military history. “I read a lot of leadership books, too,” he said.

POLICE CHIEF continued from page 1

Diversion Program, a nationally recognized program in a unique collaborative effort with the human services organization, Advocates, Inc. He designed the program to divert low-level offenders with mental illness away from arrest and the criminal justice system and into appropriate community-based mental health treatment.

A graduate of Northeastern and Framingham State universities, Davis grew up in Framingham and has lived in Holliston for 18 years. He has three children, ages 23, 21 and 15. “I have a therapy dog that I trained with my daughter, and we go to nursing homes and hospitals,” he said.

“I’ve seen the impact the program has had on people’s lives,” Davis said. “It’s been tremendously successful, both in and outside the state. It’s a win-win for everyone.” The program is now a state model program for how police and mental health agencies work together. Davis’ other accomplishments include developing and serving as the commander of the Framingham police department’s Specialized Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT) and developing a Juvenile Diversion Initiative with the Middlesex District Attorney’s Office, the Boy Scouts and the United Way. The initiative worked to divert pre-compliant

Town Manager Tony Schiavi congratulates Craig Davis at town hall after Davis is sworn in as Ashland’s new police chief. Photo/Susan Robie.

youthful minor offenders away from formal criminal justice sanctions and channeling them to

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a team-building, inter-personal communications skills development program.

When asked what he would like the people of Ashland to know about him, Davis said, “I am very approachable, both inside the department and out, and I look forward to meeting people from the community.” To reach Police Chief Craig Davis, send an email to or call his office, 508-881-1212, ext. 11.


November 1, 2013

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November 1, 2013

GREEN continued from page 1

for residential solar, which would allow residents to purchase solar panels at a reduced rate through a pre-selected provider. The responses to this question will help the committee determine if there is sufficient interest in this type of program. The Sustainability Committee mainly focuses on what the town and schools can do to be more sustainable while Transition Ashland focuses more on what residents can do. Marshquist is a co-founder of Transition Ashland with his wife, Leah. “We’re fortunate to have so much interest in going green here in Ashland. We have Green Up Ashland, the group that coordinates picking up trash around town on Earth Day; Ashland Community Gardens that promotes organic growing practices; and Ashland Farmers’ Market that promotes locally grown food,” Marshquist said. “This makes for a lot of great projects and partnerships.” Marshquist recounted how Ashland became a state-designated Green Community in 2012. “Because of the great work the Ashland Green Committee did, Ashland was designated a Green Community, winning a $164,000 grant for energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives. The town had to meet five criteria: create an action plan to reduce municipal energy by 20 percent, adopt a fuel-efficient vehicle policy, pass the building STRETCH code, create as-of-right zone for solar in industrial areas of town, and create a baseline report for tracking municipal energy use.”

Local Town Pages

Low or no cost measures to reduce your footprint: • Turn down your thermostat a few degrees in the winter and lower the temperature at night. (Each degree can translate to 1 percent or more savings on heating.) • Turn down the temperature of your hot water boiler to 120 degrees. • Install low flow showerheads and faucets. (Low flow showerheads use less than 2 gallons per minute, while standard showerheads use 2.5.) • Composting can reduce the amount of trash sent by a household to the landfill by 25 percent. adding solar panels or vegetation to school roofs, will take more effort and funding, but the great thing about being sustainable is that although it may require additional expense up front, it saves the town money over the long run.” The committee has plans to install 20 LED streetlights in downtown as a pilot program. The pilot will allow the town to gather feedback from residents on the color and brightness of the lights. If the feedback is favorable, the committee will recommend that the town replace the majority of the lights in town with LEDs. “LED lights will use significantly less energy, and there will be a maintenance savings as well,” Marshquist said. The town spends over $72,000 a year to pay for electricity for 787 streetlights. LED Street lights can cut the amount of energy used in half, while doubling the length of time the lights will last. A typical LED streetlight upgrade can pay for itself within 5-7 years, after which time, the town would be saving approximately $36,000 on electricity for streetlights each year.

Being a Green Community also makes Ashland eligible for additional grants. “There are a lot of low-cost changes we can make,” Marshquist said. “We can promote good habits among students and teachers, such as turning off lights and increasing recycling. Other efforts, such as

The middle school roof could potentially be a green roof or hold solar panels, depending on structural load and requirements of the MSBA grant. Photo/submitted.

“We are eligible for credits for our energy-savings initiatives. The longer we wait, the less attractive the credits will become, which is why the town should make the changes now rather than later,” Marshquist added. “We’ve built our entire way of life around fossil fuels, which contribute to global warming and are a finite resource. For the health of the planet, and the financial security of our community, we need to diversify our sources of energy. Our way of life and that of future generations depends on what we do now.” Another committee member, Tricia Kendall, wants to see Ashland do more recycling and become a more walkable community. “Right now, it’s unsafe to walk from almost anywhere to the state park, for example,” Kendall said. “We want to strive to save resources and have a better way of life for everyone. Everything we are doing is exciting and interesting. I’m personally learning from everyone on the committee.” A registered Mass. architect and mother of two young children, Kendall would like to explore having a green roof on the middle and Warren schools. “A green roof with drought-tolerant plants would absorb rainwater and protect the roof from UV rays. The roof would last longer than a typical asphalt roof. There are many benefits.”

Marshquist pictured near his new home cistern. The cistern is a 1,800gallon tank that will capture most of the rainwater falling from his roof. It has 4 feet of soil above it, and can be used year round. He and his family will use the rainwater for watering fruits and vegetables. A new house addition, visible in the background, is designed to maximize passive solar heat, and requires little or no supplemental heat in the winter. Photo/submitted.

Sustainability Committee members are Caileigh Bailey-Ricci, Wayne Bates, Preston Crowe, Eric Heideman, Tricia Kendall, Matt Marshquist, Sandra Mokey, Rob Moolenbeek and Geoff Slowman. There currently are two openings, including one spot reserved for an Ashland High School student. Meetings are generally the first and

third Thursdays of the month. To contact the committee, send an email to For more information on Transition Ashland, contact, or to take the survey, visit

For further reading: • MA Green Community Program: • Solar: • Home Energy Conservation: • Water saving: • Composting:

“It’s an exciting time to be in Ashland right now. The town is poised to take some great steps forward,” Kendall said.

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Pictured is a15 kW solar array at Canterbury Municipal Building, Canterbury, New Hampshire. Photo/submitted.

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Local Town Pages

Page 4

November 1, 2013

Indian Culture and Community in Ashland BY CYNTHIA WHITTY FEATURE WRITER Seven or eight years ago, one would have no trouble finding parking at the Sri Lakshmi Temple at 117 Waverly St. (Rt. 135). The situation is different today. Ashland resident Ujwala Pawnarkar explained, “Now, you have to get there at a certain time to be sure to get parking.” This situation is one indicator of the growth in the number of Indian families in Ashland and throughout New England. Pawnarkar has been in this country for 10 years, and moved to Ashland in 2005. She moved to the U.S. from the city of Mumbai,

India, where she was an architect, to marry and start a family. Ashland provides her with community, both Indian and non-Indian. “Ashland has a suburban feel, with almost everything I need,” she said. She is glad to be near the temple so that her children can keep in touch with their Indian culture. This year Pawnarkar served as the events coordinator for Ashland Community Gardens. She planned and coordinated several potluck meals and garden talks. “My kids enjoy the garden, and I like gardening with other people. You learn from each other,” Pawnarkar said. At the potluck meals, Pawnarkar treated her fellow gardeners to traditional Indian dishes, such as pohe, sheera, idli sambar, usaal and pav bhaji. KG Narayana moved to Boston from India in 1975 to study at Boston College. He holds a Ph.D. in physics from Boston College, and has been teaching at Suffolk University since 1987.

Ujwala Pawnarkar and her son Siddhant enjoy growing vegetables at Ashland Community Gardens.

promoting and organizing programs through the temple. This motivated me to volunteer with the Ashland Cultural Council and not just limit myself to Indian arts. My goal is to help promote the arts and bring awareness of value in other cultures across the globe.” KG’s daughter, Shoba, 30, a nursing student at Simmons College, celebrates holidays with her family in Ashland. For the Navaratri (nine nights) celebration, which started on Oct. 5, the family had a Golu, or display of dolls, like the one in the temple and typical of the ones that are found in a Hindu house in southern India. Navaratri is the celebration of three goddesses, Saraswati, Parvati and Lakshmi, who according to Shoba, respectively embody war (protection of people), knowledge and arts, and good fortune and prosperity. “For me, this is a celebration of women, who have all these aspects, which are depicted in these goddess stories, within them,”

Young students from Natyamani School of Dance in Westborough performed classical southern Indian dances for a mesmerized audience at Ashland Farmers’ Market Indian Cultural Day this summer. Photos/Florence Seidell

Shoba said. “Everyone comes together for this holiday–families and friends visit each other. It’s an opportunity to dress in traditional clothes and be with one another.” Another festival this time of year is Deepavali, or Diwali, the festival

“I love Indian music and dance,” he said. “My love of music and dance makes me support arts and culture in whatever way I can. I was chosen to work with the youth culture and educational program at the temple as its first chairman. I enjoyed this work as a volunteer in

Dr. Rohit Jangi has been practicing medicine in Ashland for over 30 years. He also came from Mumbai. Attracted by the worldknown Framingham Heart Study, he came to study medicine in Framingham and settled in Ashland, where he raised his two children. He recalled that when he first started his practice, he had an office on Rt. 126. Between seeing patients, he would tend his garden bed at the community garden back when it was smaller and on privately owned land.

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of lights, a five-day Hindu festival that starts on Nov. 4. “It celebrates the triumph of good over evil,” Shoba’s mother, Radha, explained. Diwali involves the lighting of small clay lamps filled with oil. It is one of the most important festivals of the year for Hindus.

In his spare time, Dr. Jangi has helped at Ashland Day, served as a trustee and the chair of the Hindu temple, and now builds sets for the new classical Indian theater group, Kalashri. “When I came here, there were only three families in Ashland, now there are more than 750,” Jangi said. “A lot of Indians come because of the temple and then they stay in Ashland, first buying a condo and then a house. The condos at Boulevard of the Americas are mostly Indian. Ashland’s easy commute to area high tech companies, like EMC, Boston Scientific and MathWorks, help to attract young Indians. The town has been friendly to us.”

Local Town Pages

November 1, 2013

Page 5

Ashland MRC Assists the Town and Nation The Ashland MRC, a small segment of an overarching federal public health and emergency response program, seeks volunteers to help when a crisis emerges. BY REBECCA KENSIL, EDITOR Ashland Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), a volunteer group in town working within the public health office, has played a key role in Ashland to provide public health assistance and emergency response since its inception in 2005. Housed federally, and broken down by state, region, and town, the MRC started post-9/11, when it was noted that there was a need for additional licensed medical support outside the health care delivery system. Today there are over 900 MRC units across the country. An executive committee leads the Ashland group, which is part of a 33-town region between Route 128 and 495, Massachusetts Region 4A. Mark Oram, public health agent, advises, while the Board of Health acts as a supportive group. The MRC works with other nonprofits in town as well, such as the Ashland Lions. The Ashland MRC email list has over 100 medical volunteers, yet

Michael Gurnick, chair of the Ashland unit, hopes to find more active members. A variety of people participate in the group—from non-medical volunteers to licensed medical personnel, all working toward one goal of improving the health and wellbeing of the townspeople. “The whole focus is a medical mission at the end of the day,” Gurnick said. Members can learn training for CPR, training in animal services, and much more. At quarterly meetings, in addition to updates on MRC activities, a guest speaker talks about a particular topic or training. “That livens up our meeting to bring someone in from the outside with a bit of expertise in something,” Gurnick said. One of the medical missions the MRC has helped with was to vaccinate during the flare up of the new H1N1 flu strain a few years

ago. Ashland MRC personnel were staffed along with public health nurses and EMT paramedics in all the schools to help vaccinate. “We probably vaccinated close to about 24 hundred, mostly kids,” Gurnick said. “That was done on the type of as-needed basis, because at the time, the H1N1 thing was kind of in addition to the regular flu vaccine, so it was kind of an over the top by volume. That is exactly the sort of the thing the MRC is trying to be able to handle.” Another service of the Ashland MRC is to open up shelters if there is a reason in town. This would work in conjunction with the Red Cross. “Shelter operations. That’s always critical, because we live in an area that could be prone to flooding,” Gurnick said. “We have blizzards, we lose electricity. That sort of thing goes on.” The Ashland MRC has provided not only local opportunities but state and national ones as well. “We’ve actually had people go away from here to the Berkshires in Worcester County to help out with the ice storms there, a few years ago,” Gurnick said. “That was to assist with shelter operations. We actually had one that traveled to the Gulf Coast two or

(L to R) Chair of Ashland MRC Michael Gurnick and Ashland Health Agent Mark Oram at the MRC Corps booth on Ashland Day 2010. Photos/submitted.

three years ago now in conjunction with the Red Cross to help out with problems. There were hurricanes down in Louisiana and Georgia. Again, that’s where the national picture comes in to play versus local.”

Gurnick explained his thoughts on the Ashland unit.

Gurnick noted that Ashland is lucky to not have a lot of local issues, besides the occasional blizzard.

“I like the fact that it’s locally based especially. Ashland’s a nice community because more time than not you are on a first name basis with a lot of different people in town, especially some of the people in different realms of public office, like selectmen, Board of Health.”

“However, should they [issues] arise, here is the MRC volunteer group that is ready to lend a hand on something like that,” Gurnick said.

Gurnick welcomes new volunteers to join the Ashland MRC. Email him at or call 617-543.1499. The next quarterly meeting is Dec. 17.

The Ashland MRC H1N1 flu clinic.

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Local Town Pages

Page 6

November 1, 2013

Parkinson’s Support Group Grows BY REBECCA KENSIL, EDITOR Many residents from Ashland and nearby towns who have developed Parkinson’s Disease attend a monthly support group at the Senior Center. The group was formed by Ashland resident Martha Budding two years ago this month. The attendance has grown from six to nearly 20 since its inaugural meeting. Parkinson’s is a disease of the brain. It typically begins slowly but ultimately the brain ceases to produce dopamine, a chemical vital to sending messages to extremities such as arms and legs. This inhibits normal acts such as walking and writing, affecting all systems of the body. Budding, currently retired, developed this disease in 1996 during her fifties. She initially noted her handwriting was illegible, shaky, and tiny one day. She also realized her stepping was off. Once the doctor diagnosed the problem, she began to attend groups in neighboring towns to gain insight on the disease.

the type of support group that she wanted to attend, one that provided topical information and guest commentary each week to people of all ages with Parkinson’s.

“The support group is great, because it’s a learning experience for everyone, newcomers and veterans,” Malcolm said. “There are many times where something unique or strange, something is different, and they all laugh and say, that’s it, that’s what happens, no problem. The open discussion time is probably the most important. Once people get to know the group a little bit, they are more apt to ask questions a little more serious, a little more personal. Support groups do know a lot, and they can answer a lot of questions very, very quickly.”

With her human resources background guiding the way, she then reached out to the Ashland Community Center, which hosts the Senior Center. “I asked them if they’d be willing to provide room, and they were very excited about the possibility of a group in Ashland.” The group was set to run on the second Wednesday of every month at the Ashland Community Center, 162 West Union St. Since then, many Parkinson's disease topics have been covered. Sometimes speakers come in to discuss current studies, ones working toward finding a cure for Parkinson’s, in which they can volunteer.

Yet, she was unsuccessful in her initial attempts to find support.

“Gradually, over the two years, we had people gain a lot more information about Parkinson’s Disease, how it works, and what is possible, and what you have to do about stuff that you have to live with,” she said. “People really appreciate it.”

“We just went around the room informally, and it seemed to never get anywhere,” Budding recalled.

In fact, there are regulars, and many come as couples, a partner coming to support the other.

So she took the initiative to start

Alice Smart and her husband

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Millie Dewolfe, a Hudson resident, has been going for over a year regularly and feels camaraderie with the group. “It’s a great group of people,” Dewolfe said. “I like getting together with them. We’ve all got a commonality. It can be different for each person, but it is a very supportive group. In spite of what they’re dealing with, they’ve got wonderful senses of humor. Very uplifting group and very informative.”

The group lifts weights. People who participate in the classes can sit or stand to do exercises. Back row: (l to r) Malcolm Smart, Joyce Indelicato, and Arthur Caya. Martha Budding sits in the front.

Malcolm, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s five years ago, go regularly to the support group. “We constantly see people that we have met, and that’s nice to know we’re not in this alone,” Alice said.

She added, “We are sharing different ideas, and Marty [Martha] has brought in speakers that tell us things that may be available now or in the future, depending on how the disease progresses, for each and every person.”

She continued, “Usually, I don’t leave that place without learning a little something, whether it is from the speaker, whether it is from Marty, or whether it is from one of the group, because we can each share as well with one another. But it is done in a very upbeat manner and not a self-pitying one. It is



continued on page 7

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Local Town Pages

November 1, 2013

Group goers feel positively about Budding’s leadership.

PARKINSON’S continued from page 6

what it is, and we’re finding ways to deal with it, and suggest, and we receive suggestions.” Of all the topics, DeWolfe found the Deep Brain Stimulation to be most helpful. “I wanted to learn more about that,” she said. “Just in case, down the road, that might be an option for me.” New members are welcomed by the group and then fill out information to stay updated through an email and mailing list. “It’s a very warm group, and it greets new people enthusiastically,” Budding said. “They don’t have to feel like they are entering a closed group.” “We’ve had a pretty good success with people coming back,” Budding added.

“Marty is wonderful as the leader of the group,” DeWolfe said. “It’s also helpful that she knows what we are going through, because she goes through the same thing. She does a lot of research. She puts a lot into the support group, and what it’s all about. She researches different topics. She will ask for input from the group sometimes, as to what we might like to hear about or learn about or experience. She will go out and she will research it, and she will try to find the appropriate people to come in and talk with us, so it can be very educational.” “I firmly believe that with more education about Parkinson’s, you can lead a more productive life,” Budding stated. “It’s not quite so scary.”

Page 7

The support group meets on the second Wednesday of the month from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Budding also began a Parkinson’s exercise program, which is headed by certified exercise coordinator, Joyce Indelicato. Indelicato does the routines with participants, a 45 minute session, 1:30 p.m. on Mondays and 11:15 a.m. on Fridays. Some special yearly events the group puts on include a holiday party in December and a picnic in the summer. The group also gets involved with Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month. Last year, they received some literature from the American Parkinson’s Association and the National Parkinson’s Foundation, and placed it on display at the library. Another event some members attend is a walkathon in June run by the American Parkinson’s Disease Association (APDA).

An alternative to weights, bands are used for strengthening the upper back and are helpful for posture. (l to r) Malcolm Smart and George Desmond exercise with the bands.

Budding concluded, “I think it’s a wonderful group. There is a nice camaraderie that has developed, and they are very supportive of each other, and I’m really pleased with the way that has worked out.” To learn more about the Ashland support group, contact Martha

Budding at 508-881-9695. Meetings are listed on the Senior Center schedule and at the APDA Mass. chapter’s information and referral center at Boston University Medical Center. See for more information about Parkinson’s.

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To counteract the effect of Parkinson's on gait, (l to r) Martha Budding, Donald Larick, Arthur Caya, Malcolm Smart, and George Desmond practice walking. Walking exercises can be done with a cane or walker.


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Local Town Pages

Page 8

November 1, 2013

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find a wide variety of fir trees, Fraser, Balsam, Korean, and Concolor, along with several varieties of Spruce, all are available and cut from our field. Choose and Cut trees are first come first serve and there is no pre tagging. Choose and Cut trees sell out in about the first two weeks after Thanksgiving, so come early for best selection What makes Deerfield Tree farm different from the rest? Besides having choose and cut trees, We also have a wide selection of fresh cut trees with sizes up to 12'. Not all fresh cut trees come from Canada or North Carolina. Deerfield Tree Farm gets all there fresh cut trees from a local tree farm. These trees are cut only a day or two before before Thanksgiving,

(not months in advance, as most parking lot stands do). The difference is, Deerfield Tree Farms trees will last well past the holidays, into March if you let them. We even gets trees delivered after Thanksgiving, and again these trees are cut just a day or two beforehand. So even if you are a little late picking out your tree your sure to find a real, and especially fresh Christmas tree. Cash or check only, and prices range from 30.00-80.00 for 6-8' trees. For those with a green thumb, We also sell live trees, balled and burlap, with price range from 60.00100.00. Live trees can be inside and decorated for about 5 days, then brought outside and planted in the yard. With enough space, and a little time, you will end up with a live,

growing record of all your Christmases past. We hope to see you this Christmas Season.

New Date for Annual Meeting: ACG Invites Gardeners and Community Garden Supporters on Nov. 2 PERSONAL SERVICE & COMMUNITY SUPPORT


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Ashland Community Gardens (ACG) is holding its annual meeting on Saturday, Nov. 2 (new date), 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Ashland Library Community Room, 66 Front St. ACG gardeners, anyone interested in gardening in a larger, in-ground location in 2014, and community

garden supporters are invited to attend the end-of-season informational and celebration meeting. Refreshments will be served. Currently, ACG has 56 garden beds at Stone Park and six inground beds at Cutler Mill Herb Farm on Fountain Street. ACG is

hoping to expand to Warren Woods in 2014 but would like to hear from interested residents in order to plan. For more information, or to be included on the 2014 garden wait list, send an email with contact information by Nov. 2 to

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ACG has 56 garden beds at Stone Park and 6 in-ground beds at Cutler Mill Herb Farm on Fountain St. but is hoping to expand to another site in 2014 if there is enough support.

Local Town Pages

November 1, 2013

Page 9

Boy Scouts Complete Renovation Projects Mill Pond Park (Keith Zontini) This spring, Boy Scout Keith Zontini, who is working toward his Eagle badge, designed and completed a renovation project at Mill Pond Park, where Ashland Garden Club member Pat Adams maintains two raised planters. Keith replaced the old railroad ties with interlocking pavers, which gave the beds a fresh new look. A beautiful new Mill Pond Park sign was installed and two picnic tables were added to the park. Keith, with the help of Mom, Dad and other scouts from Troop 23, also cleaned up the park, pruned tree branches, planted grass seed, and generally improved the appearance of the park. If you haven't visited it recently, please take a look. The park is located on Pine Hill Road just off Myrtle St., near the dam. To learn more about the Boy Scouts of America's requirements to become an Eagle Scout, visit the BSA

Keith Zontini completed his renovation project at Mill Pond.

website at

Marathon Park (Mike Robertson) Boy Scout Mike Robertson, with the help of Mom, Dad and several other scouts, completed a project in June at Marathon Park, located on Pleasant Street

near the train station. Mike is working toward his Eagle badge. A new curved bed was dug around the plaza where Mike planted hydrangeas and astilbe. On the opposite side of the plaza, forsythia and azaleas were planted. The new plantings, plus those in an existing

Marathon Park Sign. Mill Pond has a brand new beautiful look.

New sign at Mill Pond.

Newly renovated Marathon Park.

raised bed below the Marathon Park sign, will be maintained by an Ashland Garden Club member. Thanks to the Ashland DPW, a water faucet was installed to aid in maintenance of the plantings. The Ashland Sporting Association will be adding new informational signs

around the park - the original starting line of the Boston Marathon. The ASA plans to hold a rededication ceremony Sunday, Oct. 27, the day before the scheduled second annual Half Marathon. Check out the ASA's website at for additional information and photos.

Mike Robertson stands with his mom at Marathon Park, where he completed a renovation project.

Page 10

Local Town Pages

Enjoy Thanksgiving Morning at Ashland’s 7th Annual No Frills Turkey Trot

November 1, 2013

Sha’arei Shalom Community Announcements SHABBAT KIDS! – Friday, Nov. 1, 6:45-7:30 p.m. Join us for this interactive, musical service for young children and their families. We will celebrate Shabbat together with stories, dancing and singing. This Shabbat event is geared to children ages 3-7 (older siblings of course are always also welcome). Ashland Community Center, 162 West Union Street

SHABBAT SERVICES – Friday, Nov. 1, 7:30 p.m. Experience the warmth of the Sha’arei Shalom Community. Join us for a traditional Friday night service with Rabbi Margie. A community Oneg Shabbat will follow. Ashland Community Center, 162 West Union Street

SHABBAT CIRCLE– Friday, Nov. 15, 6:30 p.m. Join us for a family-friendly Shabbat Circle Potluck Dinner at the Ashland Community Center. Relax with old friends and meet some new ones over Shabbat dinner. Attendees are asked to bring a potluck vegetarian/dairy dish to share.

CHANUKAH PARTY – Sunday, Nov. 24, 10 a.m.Noon Organizers of the No Frills Turkey Trot with the official Turkey: (l to r) Renee Peters, Jill McKelvey, Sharon Ames, Mike Grimes, Marcy Arms, Agneta Erickson Oberg. Photos/submitted.

Back in its 7th year, Ashland will again hold its annual No Frills Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day morning, or Thursday, Nov. 28, with a start time of 7:30 a.m. from Ashland High School, 65 E. Union Street. This family-friendly event features local running routes for runners and walkers at all levels: 2-, 3and 5-mile routes as well as a ‘Kids Trot’ around the High School track for younger children. The ‘Kids Trot’ features our turkey mascot, which the younger children enjoy chasing around.

In support of, and to give back to the Ashland community, we ask participants for a donation of $5 per person (with a $15 family cap), of which proceeds will be donated to the Ashland Public Schools. We also accept donations of non-perishable food items for the Ashland Food Pantry. We are grateful that our donation to the food pantry has grown each year. And, in the past, the Trot has donated over 175 books to the school libraries through the donated funds. In 2012, Trot proceeds funded several items for the new fitness room at the middle school.

A No Frills community event on Thanksgiving Day (with Mike Grimes as our Turkey).

As the race name indicates, there are "no frills" that come along with this race. There are no entry fees and no race numbers. Our goal is simply to provide a fun accessible family event for the Ashland community members to get together, get some exercise, and give back to the community on Thanksgiving morning. 2012 was our inaugural year at the high school. It was a thrill for all involved to use the new facility, run around the new track, step on our turf football field and enjoy the beautiful views of Ashland. The

Join us in our festive celebration of Chanukah, the Festival of Lights! Bring your favorite Menorah, candles and appetite and join in the snacks fun and games. This celebration is geared for Preschool to 7th Grade. (Ashland Middle School, 87 West Union St., Ashland)

Sha’arei Shalom Contact Information: Web: Phone: Email: Address: 508-231-4700 Sha’arei Shalom, P.O. Box 454, Ashland, MA 01721

organizers are excited to be hosting the event there again, as our efforts are donated directly back to the schools. For more information, visit our Facebook page, AshlandTurkeyTrot, or email

Children have fun chasing our Turkey Mascot around Ashland High School Track.

Our Ad & Editorial Deadline is the 15th of each month, for the following month’s issue.

Local Town Pages

November 1, 2013

Page 11

Ashland Farmers’ Market Ends Successful Second Season with a Pre-Thanksgiving Market BY CYNTHIA WHITTY FEATURE WRITER This year Ashland Farmers’ Market (AFM) will hold its first preThanksgiving market. The indoor market will be held on Saturday, Nov. 23, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Ashland Community Center, 162 West Union St. To date, 18 food vendors and 5 artisans are scheduled. Produce farms will include Arcadian from Holliston and organic farms, Long Life from Hopkinton and Medway Community Farm. There will also be vendors who provide pies, breads and condiments and vendors who will have great gifts for the holidays. For a complete vendor list, see Fresh, free-range, organically fed turkeys will be available to purchase. Anyone interested can send a $25 deposit with the desired weight to Shady Pine Farm, 70 Sibley Road, New Braintree, MA 01531. Turkeys are 12-35 lbs at $5.99/lb. Pick up is on Wednesday, Nov. 27 at 125 Front St. (across from the library, where the summer market is held), noon to 1 p.m. For more information, email “The turkeys are raised on a local farm, where we buy our feed,” says Julie Gaumond, farm owner. Shady Pine Farm provides high-quality, hormone-free, grass-fed beef and pork for the summer AFM. Gaumond calls AFM “an awesome market.” She says that it is better attended than the Boston markets in which she participates.

AFM Annual Meeting: Anyone interested in celebrating 2013 and planning for a strong 2014 is invited to the AFM Annual Meeting on Nov. 9, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Ashland Library Community Room, 66 Front St. Organizers are seeking suggestions, reflections, new ideas and new energy to improve what has become a community institution in just two short years! Come and meet the folks who brought the music, kids’ activities and special theme days to the market. For more information or to offer input if you cannot attend, email The market started just a year ago. In 2012, this make-or-grow-it market had an average of 600 visitors each Saturday, June through October, with over 1,000 on the first day. This year, the market had an average of 800 to 900 visitors each Saturday, with over 2,000 on the first day. “AFM is serving as an incubator for local, small businesses. We are finding that Ashland-based businesses are developing and launching products for the market,” Florence Seidell, a market coordinator, said. “We help businesses with marketing, display and presentation and suggestions to improve their product. Artisans, farms and services are all benefiting. We feel that if they succeed, we as a community succeed. We are happy if they ‘get wings’ and fly beyond us.” “In addition to encouraging new, small businesses and offering them a way to get started, we also support existing Ashland businesses,” Seidell said. “The Red Dress on Front St., for example, says they have been thrilled with the increase in foot traffic AFM has brought to downtown. We try to involve local businesses as much as


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possible through our theme days and other activities, such as the Kids’ Corner and the stage for live music. Local government, too, is participating this year.” Seidell added, “The Ashland Farmers’ Market operates on people power. This all-volunteer market needs new volunteers to keep the mission alive. We are always looking for people to contribute their time and expertise to bring good food to Ash-

Five Loaves Bakery

In its second season, Ashland Farmers’ Market brought an average of 800900 people downtown each Saturday this year. Special activities, live music and theme days attracted people of all ages. The pre-Thanksgiving market on Saturday, Nov. 23 will have some of the same vendors and some new ones as well. Photos/Florence Seidell.

land, support local businesses and organizations and build community vitality and shared learning. We are an

all-volunteer organization dedicated to improving the long-term health of our community.”

Page 12

Local Town Pages

November 1, 2013

Raising Money Smart Kids Teaching children to save, share, and spend responsibly. money management habits while kids are still young is the first step towards raising financially literate adults.

As soon as children are old enough to handle small amounts of money (typically around first or second grade) they should be allowed some of their own cash to manage. Once you’ve establishes the amount, frequency and guidelines of allowances in your home, sit with your children to discuss a plan for saving, sharing and spending. A good rule of thumb is the 10-10-80 allocation: 10 percent to savings; 10 percent to charity/church; and 80 percent to keep and/or spend.

top, can establish a positive money management pattern that will carry them into adulthood. It helps to give young children a reason to save by identifying some goals they may have. Inspire their desire to save by brainstorming about big ticket items the child has been wanting – a computer game, microscope, etc. Then sit down and figure out a savings plan that will help them achieve their goal. If you believe in paying your child for odd jobs and chores, help him come up with income producing ideas to accomplish his goal. Not only will this help instill a lesson on the value of money, it will also make the purchased item more meaningful once it is finally obtained.

Like many of us, most children will not be initially thrilled at the idea of saving 10 percent of their money. But teaching them that saving isn’t what we do with money that’s leftover, rather, it’s what we set aside right off the

You can also teach your children about the magic of compound interest by offering to add interest to their savings for each week or month they leave it untouched. Watching their money grow will do more to motivate

Allowance Basics: The 1010-80 Rule

BY EVAN YAMPOLSKY Kids are fascinated by how many pennies are in a dollar, or how much candy they can really buy for 75 cents. But teaching them the value of money and the importance of saving – now that’s another story. Children (and many adults) tend to live in the moment, so encouraging them to save for a rainy day can be challenging, though not impossible. Setting the right example and instilling good

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them than any number of lectures on the subject. (Saving $5 a week at 6 percent interest compounded quarterly will total about $266 after a year, $1,503 after 5 years, and $3,527 after 10 years!) Teaching children to share begins in pre-school so applying it to the financial arena may not be as difficult as you may think. Encourage your children to set aside 10 percent of their allowance for charity. Allow them to contribute to organizations that help families and children within your community, and also allow them to participate in food, clothing and toy drives. Be sure to track their contributions in a notebook you review at the end of the year so they can see the many ways their generosity impacted others. Pint-size philanthropy pays off in later years by establishing a healthy attitude towards money and the many good things it can accomplish – not just purchase.

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Lead by Example At the end of the day, children are going to learn more from what we do than what we say. The best way to teach our children good money management habits is to practice them ourselves. Walk the talk by sticking to an established savings plan and budget; pay off debts in a timely manner; live within your budget and resist impulse shopping; give to charitable causes that are meaningful to you; help protect your family’s future with adequate insurance coverage; and finally, maintain a teachable attitude yourself. Make wise money management choices that you can pass on for generations to come. Should you have any questions about financial issues, feel free to contact Evan Yampolsky at 508-382-4929, or by e-mail at evan.yampolsky@prudential.c om. Evan is a Financial Advisor with Prudential Financial. He enjoys working with families in Ashland, where he lives with his wife, Debbie, and two children.

Run Your Inserts With Us!

November 1, 2013

Local Town Pages

Page 13

Salone De Bella Takes Community to Heart BY J.D. O’GARA

and moving things around, and it’s probably cleanest salon I’ve seen,” says Beth.

Stop by Salone De Bella, and you’ll understand why it has become a vibrant part of the local community. Owner Michelle (Shelly) Savino, who has worked as a hairdresser for over 20 years, purchased the business, formerly known as Marilyn’s Hair Salon. Not only has the relationship with the former owner been positive, but Marilyn also still remains a fixture at the salon, still working as a hairdresser for her familiar clientele. “I worked at a salon in Holliston for five years, and this became available,” says Savino, who lives in the town with her husband, who grew up in Holliston, and three sons, all of whom attend Holliston schools. “I didn’t want to see it pass me by, so I grabbed the opportunity.” The Salon owner, who says she and her husband are big supporters of the town, says the year has been an exciting one for her and her business, which wasted no time in reaching out to the community. During the Holliston Business Association’s Spring Stroll last year, Salone De Bella reached out to the community with samples and coupons. Later, at the request of Theresa Lamkin, the salon hosted “Fair Hair,” in which it donated supplies, and stylists volunteered their time to create fun and funky hairstyles. Proceeds from the event were donated to Dana Farber, says Savino. “Fair Hair” was such a success that Salone De Bella brought the event back with funky hairstyles for Halloween, and to the HBA’s Christmas Stroll. Proceeds from the latter were donated to the Holliston Parent Teacher Association ( Salone De Bella has also donated to PTSA auctions for both Holliston and Ashland, supported two basketball teams through the Holliston Youth Basketball Association, and supported the local Brewfest and the annual Timlin 5K for ALS Research. On top of its embracement of the community, Salone De Bella has brought an upscale salon to the small town of Holliston. “Top notch stylists are here, using the top products,” says warm and friendly front desk manager

Beth Lucey. “The stylists go to many trade shows, and they’re up on all the latest styles and coloring techniques. It’s really a salon you’d see on Newbury Street rather than in a little town.” With a focus on the women, men and children who comprise her clientele, which, she says, spans all ages, Savino spent months researching products to arrive at a vegan offering, she says, called “Pureology.” “I really wanted top quality products,” says Savino. “I didn’t want something you can just go buy at (a drugstore). There are a lot of people who are vegetarian, or vegan, or who have allergies. I really wanted a product that would be good for everybody.” Savino has also altered her salon’s hours to accommodate the busy schedules of her patrons. Salone De Bella is open six days a week, where traditional salons are generally closed on Mondays. In the past year, she said, she has added to the staff, and at the request of Holliston clientele, has added services such as manicuring and some waxing services. “I think what they really like here,” says Savino, “is it’s just comfortable and friendly.” The owner took pains to make it that way. When she took over the salon, she completely gutted it and redecorated the space in 10 days, using bright, inviting colors. “Shelly’s constantly redecorating

“I like to keep things looking fresh by moving products and accessories around often,” adds Savino. The salon sees new clients just about weekly, says Savino, who is thrilled to see a lot of referrals and repeat business. For those clients who want to keep in touch, Salone De Bella offers a monthly enewsletter, with discounts and advice on the latest products and hairstyles. What’s to come for Salone De Bella, in addition to gearing up for prom season, says Savino, is a whole new array of hair extensions, not to mention help for women with thinning hair and new forays into foil and color. “It’s great here,” says Cindy Canavan, who has been getting her hair styled by Cheryl since the Salon opened last year. “It’s lovely. It’s warm. Everyone is personable. You feel so welcome here, plus – our hair is awesome.” Savino adds that she truly enjoys being a hairdresser as much as she does owning the business. “I really want to say, as much as I enjoy owning and running the business, I really love doing hair and making people look and feel good,” she says. Salone De Bella is located at 416 Washington Street, in East Holliston, right behind Bertucci’s. The salon is open from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. on Mondays and Fridays, 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. Tuesdays, 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays, and 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. on Saturdays. You may reach them at (508) 429-2287, or visit for more information.

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Page 14

Local Town Pages

November 1, 2013

Living Healthy Peanut Butter can be Savory & Healthy Peanut butter is often associated with school day sandwiches and sweet desserts. But peanut butter is not just for school lunch anymore. Though it's a high-calorie food, peanut butter boasts many health benefits and can be added to recipes for a nutritional boost.

Many of the calories in peanut butter come from fat, but the majority of the fats in peanut butter are monounsaturated and have been shown to improve cholesterol by lowering low-density lipoprotein, often referred to as "bad" cholesterol, in the blood. Furthermore, peanut butter contains polyunsaturated fats that

can help raise high-density lipoprotein, or "good" cholesterol. As a result, when eaten in moderation, peanut butter may help reduce risk of cardiovascular disease.

Peanuts are high in fiber and are an excellent source of protein. Vegetarians or those who do not include much meat in their diets may find that peanut butter, which includes eight grams of protein in every two-tablespoon

serving, is a great way to consume their daily recommended amounts of protein. When preparing foods, choose a peanut butter that is as unprocessed as possible. The fewer the ingredients the better the health benefits. Some brands will include trans-fats and additional oils that can negate some of the natural health benefits. Read labels and look for a container that lists only ground peanuts and possibly trace amounts of salt for flavoring. The National Peanut Board touts the benefits of peanuts and has a number of different recipes available on their Web site at Here is a savory dish that can be served for dinner when the temperatures dip.


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Local Town Pages

November 1, 2013

Page 15

Living Healthy Confidence to Eat Your Favorite Foods: Have “Same Day Teeth” that Don’t Come Out It is a truth universally acknowledged that conventional, removable dentures are not the ideal solution for patients suffering tooth loss. Conventional dentures, even with an adhesive, only restore about 10% of chewing ability. Denture use may actually reduce jaw bone, making the dentures even more loose and irritating. If you are looking for an af-

fordable, well-proven alternative to removable dentures, the “Allon-4 implant” concept, also referred to as “Same Day Teeth,” is available now. This new concept is exactly what it sounds like: an innovative, one-visit procedure, in which patients leave with a superior smile, fixed teeth that don’t come in and out and the ability to chew all of those favorite foods with

confidence. Wearing dentures can often hurt when eating and can slip and not stay in place when chewing certain foods. If you don’t like having to live with these and other denture problems, then the All-on-4 concept with immediate fixed teeth can help you. It holds the jaw bone in place, allowing for a stable and comfortable chewing experience all the time. Whether

you have a few teeth remaining or none at all, improved chewing ability leads to better nutrition, better health, and ultimately, better quality of life. Everyone deserves a healthy smile and a full life with teeth that work, without compromises. It’s all about quality of life. You are invited to call for a complimentary consultation to learn how you can benefit from this innovative treatment, at 508881-1280. You can also visit

Dr. Zarrella has over 25 years of experience in the dental field. In addition to his extensive training in the replacement of missing or unhealthy teeth with implant supported teeth and bridges, he is currently working with a caring and gentle team of professionals all with advanced skills, fully trained to offer this immediate life-changing treatment that is taking the dental world by storm!

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Yoga tip for Being at Ease Addie Alex, Light of Awareness Your gentle, yet powerful awarethe Heart Yoga™ ness is a great source of support. What supports your ability to be at ease? Notice how at ease you feel right now . . . Is your breathing feeling smooth and full or tight and constricted or somewhere in between? Do you notice how just becoming aware of your breathing can cause it to change, relax and be more easeful?

Without it you don’t even notice the outstanding fall colors that nature offers us each autumn. Or without that pause for awareness, you don’t notice that ache in your back that turns into a serious pain. Yoga cultivates your ability to be aware at deeper levels within and

around yourself. Your ability to be aware of the fall colors all around you can lead to an experience of joy and delight. Being aware of that ache empowers you to take care of it. Your awareness allows you to make a choice of how you want to live and how you want to feel on the inside.

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Local Town Pages

Page 16

November 1, 2013

Living Healthy Anne Ferrari-Greenberg




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Acne Angst… It’s Not Just for Teens BY LISA MASSIMIANO, AESTHETICIAN, ACNE SPECIALIST OWNER SKIN SMART SALON Most people think acne is a teenage condition. The truth is many people continue to experience acne well into adulthood. Acne is mostly an inherited genetic condition that is caused by a combination of too much oil and an excess shedding of skin cells inside the pores. This mixture of oil and dead cells forms a plug inside the follicle, acne bacteria feed on the mixture, and an acne lesion is born. For acne-prone individuals, breakouts usually start at puberty when the follicles mature. Acne often occurs in males during the teen years because of surging testosterone, an oil producing hormone. But for women, acne can also appear for the first time in their 20’s or even 40’s even though

they never had breakout as a teen. There are several factors that can lead to adult acne and often it is a combination of all of them. Hormonal fluctuations. Hormones stimulate oil production. Women’s hormones often fluctuate with ovulation, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. Medications. Adult acne can occur with the use of medications like anabolic steroids, thyroid medications and some brands of birth control. Stress. It stimulates the adrenal glands which release testosterone stimulating oil production. Pore clogging ingredients. In acne-prone individuals, certain ingredients found in skin care products, makeup and even shampoos can aggravate acne and cause a flare up.

Environmental influences. Poor diet, certain work environments, pollution and free radicals. There is no quick fix for acne, but it can be controlled with proper home care, professional peels and modified lifestyle habits. And, once active acne has improved, treatments like Microdermabrasion can help minimize the appearance of acne marks and skin discoloration. Questions about acne? Email Lisa Massimiano at or call 508-8811180. Visit the salon website: Skin Smart Salon is located on the second floor, 44 Front St., Ashland.

November 1, 2013

Local Town Pages

Page 17

PET CORNER Monty Meet Monty - a cat who has made unbelievable strides at the shelter over the past couple of months. Monty came to us a very scared cat who was very difficult to approach - we only wish we knew what went on in his previous home to make him so fearful of people. Through a lot of patience with our volunteers, he has had a complete turnaround and is a total lovebug - just give him lots of chin scratches and he is in heaven, and he loves to rub up against your legs looking for attention. You have come a long way, Monty!! Now it is time for your forever home. Monty is about 2.5 years old and would do best in a home with older children.

Lana Meet our sweet little girl, Lana, who came to us with her five babies all of her kittens have been adopted, so now it is her turn. Lana is an absolute social butterfly, super outgoing and loves to talk - we are not sure what she is trying to tell us maybe she wants a new home soon! Lana is an adorable girl who loves to be brushed and enjoys the attention of all our volunteers - she is about 2 years old and would do well in just about any family situation but definitely wants to be the only princess in her new home.

Ashland Business Association Holds Holiday Party, Dec. 3 The Ashland Business Association (ABA) will hold its annual holiday party and Yankee Swap on Tuesday, Dec. 3 at Burnam’s Pub House, 366 Pleasant St. All ABA members and their guests are invited to attend. The cost is $20 per person if paid by Nov. 29, $25 at the door. Guests can enjoy drinks at 6 p.m. and a buffet dinner at 7 p.m. Mail checks to the ABA, Box 510, Ashland, MA 01721. Guests are asked to bring a wrapped gift, valued between $5 and $10, and a food donation for the Ashland Food Pantry. For more information or to join or renew a membership, visit, e-mail, or call 508-380-0555. Find the ABA on Facebook:



A f t e r spending a couple of weeks trapping 3 kittens and a mom at an apartment complex, we got the call that there was still one kitten out there. PJ and his siblings went into foster care for socialization, and all of his siblings have been adopted except this little guy. He is still somewhat shy, but he is playful and great with other cats in our kitten room - he just wants a home to call his own. He needs a home with someone who will give him time to come out of his shell - a little patience and love will go a long way in bringing out his true personality. PJ is about 4.5 months now and would do best in quiet home with older children, and a furry playmate would be right up his ally.

Xen came to us as a stray and is very apprehensive about being around humans, but, boy, has she come a long way in the last couple of months. She joined our Help-Us-Grow Program (HUG) a while ago and, with all the help from our HUG volunteers, she has blossomed into a sweet girl who loves to be petted and doted upon. Xen gets along fabulously with other cats so would love to have a furry friend in her new home. We do feel she would do best in an adult home or a home with older children.

Contact Sheryl Merchant, president of the MetroWest Humane Society for more info on these cats. Email, call 508-875-3776, or visit The MetroWest Humane Society is located at 30 Pond St., Ashland. There are also some wonderful opportunities for volunteers to give some of their time to help the shelter cats. Go their website to see how you can help.

ST. Cecilia Parish November 2013 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION


Our annual Basket Raffle will take place this fall. Twelve beautiful theme baskets will be on display in the Family Center from Nov. 2 to Dec. 15.

Please consider donating a baked good for our Sunday Coffee Hour. To volunteer to provide a baked good, please contact Joyce, 508-353-0273, or email

Social event planning, Nov. 12 at 5:30 p.m. in the Family Center for those interested in giving time, talent, and a helping hand. Kindergarten families will come together Nov. 24 at 9 p.m. Mass to celebrate the Feast of Christ the King.

ALL SAINTS Friday, Nov. 1 Mass Schedule 6:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 7 p.m.



There will be no pot-luck luncheon for November due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Our next gathering will be on Jan. 30. All Lunch Bunch dates are on the last Thursday of the month except for November and December.

St. Cecilia Parish annual Mass of Remembrance will be on Sunday, Nov. 3 at 11 a.m. Mass. We will call forward a member of the family to light a candle in memory of their loved one.

SOCIAL COMMITTEE Save the date! Our annual Pasta Dinner & Talent Show will be on Saturday, Nov. 2 following the 4:30 p.m. Mass. Please watch the St. Cecilia Parish bulletin for more information.

Fr. Cornell and the Parish Staff wish everyone a blessed Thanksgiving.

Local Town Pages

Page 18


nual Parks Pass – for over 50 Massachusetts State Parks.

Each of our Kindles comes preloaded with ten bestselling ebooks. The newest additions are The Light in the Ruins by Chris Bohjalian, And The Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini, The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty, The English Girl by Daniel Silva and The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith (AKA J.K. Rowling). Call the Adult Circulation Desk at 508-8810134 ext. 10 or come into the library to make a reservation. Limited to Ashland residents. Lending period of 3 weeks.

Danforth Museum of Art – Framingham

INTERNATIONAL GAMES DAY: Love to play games or just interested in learning how? Join us (and libraries around the world) in celebrating International Games Day. We'll have an assortment of games to choose from, snacks to keep you going, and a friendly and inviting atmosphere in which to learn. All ages welcome, especially adults and teens. Saturday, Nov. 16, 1-5 p.m.

NEED HELP CHOOSING SOMETHING TO READ? Visit to browse some adult fiction suggestions by genre. You can also view our newest additions every month. This pin board will give you a short description of the book. Each book is linked to the Minuteman Library Catalog so you can see if it is currently available or you can put it on reserve!

MUSEUM PASSES: The Library has the following passes available – reserve your pass up to 2 weeks in advance. Information about museum hours, parking fees, etc., is available at the Adult circulation desk. Acton Discovery Museum - Acton Children’s Museum – Boston Conservation & Recreation An-

Garden in the Woods – Framingham Griffin Museum – Winchester Museum of Fine Arts – Boston Museum of Science - Boston New England Aquarium – Boston (Sept. – June) USS Constitution - Boston Wheelock Family Theatre – Boston The current production is "The Hobbit" which runs from Oct. 25 through Nov.24.

FRONT STREET READERS: The Front Street Readers book discussion group meets once a month at the Library at 7 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 19th when Monkeys, by Susan Minot, will be discussed. A chronicle of the tragedies and blessings effecting the parents and seven children (dubbed “monkeys” by their mother) that comprise a large Irish-Catholic family living in Massachusetts in the 1960s and 1970s.

FRIENDS' FRIDAY NIGHT FILM SERIES: Feature films are shown every Friday evening at 7 p.m. The Friday Night Film Series shows predominantly independent or foreign films, ranging from award winners, Italian murder mysteries, romances from Sweden, France, and Holland, and even animations. Many of the films are shown with subtitles in English. The license for public viewing is provided by the Friends of the Ashland Public Library. Most of the films are purchased with audience donations and the DVDs are added to the Library's film collection after the performance. Occasionally a DVD from a

private collection may be shown. The movie schedule is available in the Library or online at

DOCUMENTARY FILM & DISCUSSION SERIES: The Documentary Film & Discussion Series, sponsored by The Friends of the Ashland Public Library, meets every 2nd Thursday and 4th Tuesday of the month, from 7-9 p.m., for an in-depth look at important topics of our day. The moderated discussions are often lively and thought provoking. For more information, call the Library at 508-8810134, or visit Admission is free. All points of view are welcome. Thursday, Nov. 14 – Last Call at the Oasis, in cooperation with Transition Ashland. Through testimony of experts and special guest Erin Brockovich, the film warns that drinking water supplies will run shortly out unless humans quickly change. The film examines the drivers of water shortage: agriculture, development, climate change and waste. As if running out is not enough, biologist Tyrone Hayes is concerned about the contamination of water with pesticides, especially atrazine. Last Call at the Oasis may inspire you to act locally to conserve and protect drinking water – while supply lasts. Special Guest: Wayne Bates, PhD, PE, specialist in water and wastewater treatment technologies and member of the Ashland Sustainability Committee. Tuesday, Nov. 26 – Understanding Evolution Science: Co-evolution and Natural Selection. Examines some of the mechanisms or processes of evolution -- in particular, the concept of development. Development is the process by which an embryo becomes an adult organism and eventually dies. An organism’s genes are exposed to natural selection during the process of development. Changes in genes that control development can have major effects on morphology, or the form and structure of the adult organism. Scientists study such changes closely because it is believed changes in developmental genes can bring about major evolutionary transformations.



"The Peace Dove" Posters from the Stephen Lewis International Poster Collection. Oct. 29- Nov. 30, 2013 The Dove and the olive branch have been symbols for Peace for many centuries. This exhibit of international posters focuses on the

use of these symbols, especially the Dove, in promoting world peace. The posters date from the mid-20th century to the present and display wonderful creativity along with their message of peace.

UPSTAIRS DISPLAY CASE "Comfort Pottery" by Debra A. Griffin Nov. 5 – Jan. 2, 2014 Ashland artist Debra A. Griffin is showing her 'comfort pottery' at the Library this holiday season. Debra's functional high-fire stoneware pots (strong and safe for food, dishwashers and microwaves) are lovingly made to bring comfort to all who use them: comforting to use, hold, and to look at. Come see Debra’s work and be inspired to take private lessons in her studio in Ashland where she shares her knowledge and love of pottery.

UPSTAIRS FIREPLACE LOUNGE AREA The metal work of Ashland resident Neil Mansfield is in the fireplace lounge area and the main circulation area. Also on extended loan: the welded painted metal sculptures of Joe Carpineto are exhibited on both floors.

November 1, 2013

Children’s Library CHILDREN: CELEBRATE FAMILY LITERACY MONTH @ THE ASHLAND LIBRARY MINION PARTY!! Come have fun at our first Despicable Me Minion Party at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 23. Fun for all ages, with games, craft activities, photoops, and refreshments. No registration needed. Kids under age 10 must be with an adult.

NEW BACKPACK KITS: The Children’s Room is adding 13 new backpack kits thanks to the generosity of this year’s Summer Reading sponsors. Each backpack is filled with a collection of picture books on one topic and each circulates for 3 weeks. The new topics are: Grandparents, Birthdays, Nursery Rhymes, Fairy Tales, Pirates, Ballerinas, Fairies, Alphabet & Counting, Trucks, Trains, Princesses, Silly Stories, and Dinosaurs. We also have the original 12 kits, which include: Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring, Community Helpers (2 kits), Going on a Plane Trip, Medical Care (Doctor, Dentist & Hospital Stay), New Baby, Moving, Friendship, and Farms.

Young Adult Library



For Infants and Toddlers on Wednesdays mornings from 10:1510:45 a.m. Join us for stories, songs & fingerplays. This is a very large group and space is limited.

Need community service hours? Contact YA Librarian Pam at for opportunities.

TEEN ADVISORY BOARD: Our next Teen Advisory Board meeting will be Thursday, Nov. 7 at 6:30 p.m. Come eat snacks, earn community service hours, and make the library a better place! Grades 9-12 TAB plans events and helps with selecting materials for the Teen Room throughout the year. TAB meetings also count as community service. Contact Young Adult Librarian Pam Aghababian at for more information.

SNACK & CHAT TEEN BOOK CLUB Join our Snack & Chat Teen Book Club! We'll talk about whatever you're reading now and recommend plenty of great books in return. Plus, there will be snacks! Wednesday, Nov. 20 at 6:30 p.m., Grades 6-12

CRAFTERNOON: Stop in for our next Crafternoon, where we'll make pompom bookmarks. Not only are they fun to make, but they're also a great gift! Tuesday, Nov. 26, 4-6 p.m., Grades 6-12

LEGOS CLUB: Nov. 14 No Legos Club on Nov. 28 because of Thanksgiving. Kids of all ages meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 3:15-4:30 p.m. to build creations using the Library’s huge stash of Legos. The finished creations are displayed in the Children’s Room for several weeks. Kids younger than Grade 3 must be accompanied by an adult.

YOUNG FAMILIES: Saturday, Nov. 16, 10:30 a.m. Stacey Peasley in Concert Stacey entertains children and parents alike with her catchy, playful original tunes at an upbeat and exciting concert! Stacey combines her love of children and music into a lively act that engages families with memorable, fun, sing-along songs! Stacey's concerts are always very popular and space is limited - tickets will be handed out starting at 10 a.m. outside the Children's Room on the lower level of the library.

Local Town Pages

November 1, 2013

Page 19

Calendar Friday, Nov. 1 Ashland Youth Lacrosse (AYL) is currently conducting registration for the spring lacrosse season. AYL carries boys and girls teams at the 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th, and 5th/6th, and 7th/8th grade levels. This spring also marks the start of a Kindergarten program. Registration runs from Nov. 1 - 30. Visit to sign up today! Direct any questions to the board members listed on the website. The Board of Selectmen is currently accepting grant requests. Applications should be submitted to by Nov. 1. Please be sure that your application includes a W-9 Form as well. Saturday, Nov. 2 Multimedia Art Auction at the Federated Church Fair, Federated Church of Ashland. For details, contact Bill Wallace at Sunday, Nov. 3 Daylight Saving Time ends. Turn your clock back an hour at 2 a.m. or before you go to bed the previous evening. Good news: you gain an extra hour of sleep. Admin & Ashland Educators Association Meeting, 3-4 p.m., Room 5, Middle School, 87 W Union St. Monday, Nov. 4 Officials from the Town of Ashland will be at the Community Center to provide information and answer questions on several warrant articles scheduled

Ashland Elementary Schools

for the Nov. 19 Fall Town Meeting. For efficiency, residents and stakeholders are encouraged to submit questions that they would like to have answered by sending an email to Michael Herbert at In addition to the forum, citizens can also find the warrant and supporting information for each of the proposed twenty-two articles on the Town of Ashland website. 7 p.m., Community Center, 162 West Union St.

mornings of the collections and should be contained in either brown paper leaf bags or in garbage barrels that are clearly labeled as “Yard Waste.” Contact Dave at the DPW, 508-881-0120, Ext. 19 or via email to: Tuesday, Nov. 19 Finance Committee (prior to the Special Town Meeting). 6-7 p.m., High School, 65 East Union St. Planning Board (prior to Special Town Meeting). 6:30-7 p.m., High School, 65 East Union St.

Tuesday, Nov. 5 Finance Committee. 6:30-9 p.m., Town Hall, 101 Main St.

Special Town Meeting. Warrant to be posted by Nov. 5. 7-11 p.m., High School, 65 East Union St.

Saturday, Nov. 9 "Create Your Own Terrarium" Workshop with Art Scarpa. $36 pre-registration fee, 10-11:30 a.m., Ashland Library, 66 Front St.,

Saturday, Nov. 23 Pre-Thanksgiving Ashland Farmers Market. Prepare for the holidays with fresh food and local crafts. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Ashland Community Center, 162 W. Union St.

Annual Meeting of Ashland Farmers Market volunteers. Celebrate and assess the season. Open to public. 1:30- 3:30 p.m., Ashland Library, 66 Front St.

Wed, Nov. 27 Town Hall closed at noon until Friday, Nov. 29, 9 p.m.

Monday, Nov. 11 Town Hall closed. Veteran’s Day.

Thursday, Nov. 28 Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, Nov. 18 Yard waste collection for autumn began on Oct. 14 and continues for six consecutive Mondays, ending on Monday, Nov. 18. “Yard waste” is defined as: grass clippings, leaves, pine needles, pine cones, or anything that can be easily raked. Yard waste should be at the curb no later than 7 a.m. on the

November 2013

Saturday, Nov 30 Concert for Warren Woods. Tickets are $20 per person, payable by check to: Warren Woods Stewardship Fund, c/o 346 Chestnut St., Ashland, MA. 01721. Tickets will be held at the door. Seating is limited. 7 p.m., Hayden Lodge, Warren Conference Center, 529 Chestnut St.,

Ashland Secondary Schools

November 2013










“V” is or can be made vegetarian

Alternate choices

Breakfast anyone?

Questions or Comments?


“V” is or can be made vegetarian

Alternate choices

Breakfast anyone?

Questions or Comments?


If you have a food allergy please contact the Food and Nutrition Department before purchasing a meal. Menu subject to change without notice

A seasonal variety of entrée salads, sandwiches, fruit and cheese plates and veggie plates are offered in addition to the daily meal

You know it is the most important meal of the day so don’t skip it! We serve breakfast every day at all schools. Check it out!

Contact Lisa Beaudin, Director of Nutrition Services (508) 881-0165

No School

If you have a food allergy please contact the Food and Nutrition Department before purchasing a meal. Menu subject to change without notice

A seasonal variety of entrée salads, sandwiches, fruit and cheese plates and veggie plates are offered in addition to the daily meal

You know it is the most important meal of the day so don’t skip it! We serve breakfast every day at all schools. Check it out!

Contact Lisa Beaudin, Director of Nutrition Services (508) 881-0165

No School

Staff Professional Development Day






Chicken Parmesan Over Spaghetti

Fish Filet On a Bun Cole Slaw Sweet Potato Fries

Pizza Party! “V”

Mucho Nachos “V”

Assorted Pizzas Garden Salad

Tortilla Chips with Seasoned Beef Cheese, Lettuce & Salsa Refried Beans

Kayem Lite Hot Dog On a Bun






No School Veteran’s Day

Chicken Caccatorie Over Rotini Garlicky Green Beans

Pizza Party! “V”

Paella Spain’s famous dish Chicken, Ham and Chorizo and Rice

Italian Panini Sweet Potato Fries

Assorted Pizzas Garden Salad


Staff Professional Development Day






Chicken Parmesan Over Spaghetti

Turkey Chili With Corn Bread

Pizza Party! “V”

Mucho Nachos “V”

Assorted Pizzas Garden Salad

Tortilla Chips with Seasoned Beef Cheese, Lettuce & Salsa Refried Beans

Kayem Lite Hot Dog On a Bun






No School Veteran’s Day

Chicken Caccatorie Over Rotini Garlicky Green Beans

Pizza Party! “V”

Paella Spain’s famous dish Chicken, Ham and Chorizo and Rice

Italian Panini Sweet Potato Fries

Assorted Pizzas Garden Salad











Macaroni “V”

Chicken And Vegetable Stir Fry over Rice With a Fortune Cookie

Pizza Party! “V”

Roast Turkey with Gravy Butternut Squash Savory Stuffing Green Beans

Tomato “V”

Macaroni “V”

Pizza Party! “V”

And Cheese With Broccoli

Roast Turkey with Gravy Butternut Squash Savory Stuffing Green Beans

Tomato “V”

Soup Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Chicken And Vegetable Stir Fry over Rice With a Fortune Cookie




Hamburger or Cheeseburger on a Bun

27 Early Release No Lunches Served


Spaghetti And Meatballs Green Beans

Spaghetti And Meatballs Green Beans

Turkey Sausage Frittata “V”

27 Early Release No Lunches Served

And Cheese With Broccoli

Assorted Pizzas Garden Salad


Served Daily

Happy Thanksgiving!

Cold Milk Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Garden Salad Canned Fruit and 100% Fruit Juice

Breakfast $1.25 Reduced $ .30 Lunch $2.50 Reduced $.40 Milk $.50 Alternate lunches available daily: Sandwiches “V”, Salads and Fabulous Finger Food “V”. Mon & Fri Pizza “V”, Tues Pasta Free Soup with meal purchase on Mon – Wed – Fri. Friday’s soups are always vegetarian. Ashland Nutrition Services is looking for substitute cafeteria staff. If you are interested please call Roberta Tessicini at 508-881-0165

“Building A Brighter Tomorrow Out of a Healthier Today”

Tater Tots Apple Crisp Breakfast $1.25

Reduced $ .30

Assorted Pizzas Garden Salad

Lunch $2.75

Soup Grilled Cheese Sandwich


Served Daily

Happy Thanksgiving!

Cold Milk Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Garden Salad Canned Fruit and 100% Fruit Juice

Reduced $.40

Milk $.50

Alternate lunches available daily: Sandwiches “V”, Salads and Veggie Plates “V” Mon & Fri Pizza “V”, Mon & Thurs Burgers Tues Chicken Patties.

Free Soup with meal purchase on Mon – Wed – Fri. Friday’s soups are always vegetarian. Ashland Nutrition Services is looking for substitute cafeteria staff. If you are interested please call Roberta Tessicini at 508-881-0165

“Building A Brighter Tomorrow Out of a Healthier Today”

Local Town Pages

Page 20

November 1, 2013

Sports Ashland Youth Learn to LAX BY CHRISTOPHER TREMBLAY STAFF SPORTS WRITER With lacrosse becoming one of the fastest growing youth sports in Massachusetts, the Ashland Youth Lacrosse decided it was time to hold a Learning to Lax program to introduce the younger kids of the town to the sport. Roughly 40 kids, kindergarten to fourth grade, participated in the learning event held at the Metro West Sports Complex. “Other towns have done it and some of the coaches thought that it would be a good idea for Ashland,” Ashland Youth Lacrosse Boys Coordinator Peter Klay said. “We’ve had a strong lacrosse program in Ashland since 1996 and wanted to increase our numbers.” In addition to Klay, girls’ coordinator Peter Boomer, Ashland Youth Lacrosse Development Director Brian Kissane, and the high school coaches and players aided

in the Learn to Lax program, teaching the younger kids the nuances of the sport. The lacrosse hopefuls were shown the skills of the game and had an introduction to the sports equipment, while their parents were involved in a question and answer session. According to Klay, the Ashland Youth Lacrosse program had roughly 150 athletes participating from the first through eighth grade last year and is hoping that with the Learn to Lax program the number gets closer to the 200 mark come spring season.

multiple programs for both boys and girls, depending on their age. The season will begin in April and run through June with practices being held twice a week and games on Sunday at the Ashland Middle School turf field. Boys and girls grades K-8 can also participate in the Fall Lacrosse Skills and Drills to be held on Saturdays throughout the month of November.

Peter Boomer teaching the kids how to scoop up the ball.

“The Learn to Lax program is hoping to entice those not already involved in the sport to try it out,” Klay said. Signups for the spring season begin on Nov. 1 and run through the entire month. Those looking to play can visit the leagues website,, for more information. There will be


More scoop and cradle lessons. Photos/Christopher Tremblay

Now Open! Spring Season Registration November 1st – 30th

U9 U11 U13 U15

Boys & Girls 1st & 2nd Grade 3rd & 4th Grade 5th & 6th Grade 7th & 8th Grade

To register and learn more, visit us at Lacrosse…the fastest growing sport in the United States!

The children learn how to shoot.

November 1, 2013

Local Town Pages

Page 21

Sports Figueroa Plays Soccer with Passion BY CHRISTOPHER TREMBLAY STAFF SPORTS WRITER At the very young age of 3, Christian Figueroa was introduced to the game of soccer. The game so intrigued him, that now some 14 years later he’s still playing it with a passion for the Ashland High School. “It was one of those things that my father loved and got me involved in watching it with him,” the Ashland stopper said. “That’s all it took, and from there I’ve been involved in soccer since.” Figueroa started playing defense right from the get-go. He not only enjoyed the position, but he took his play to heart, looking to prevent the opposition’s top scorers from making an impact on the game. His coach loves that enthusiasm.

only able to win a couple of games his freshman and sophomore season but turned things around last year, advancing into the Division 2 South Tournament. Once in the tournament, the Clockers defeated Bishop Stang and Apponoquet before falling to Medfield in the quarter finals. “The first two years, our team wasn’t taking advantage of our play, but things changed last year when we started connecting. A chemistry was formed, and we all improved,” Figueroa said. In addition to Ashland qualifying for the state tournament,

“Christian is a very smart and passionate about the game, he gives 100 percent all of the time,” first year Ashland Coach Andre Mikhael said. “As our stopper, everything goes through him defensively, and although he’s kept us in a majority of our games due to his ability, sometimes he thinks too hard.” Although primarily a defender, Mikhael has had to move Figueroa around due to a rash of injuries this fall. “He’s a very talented player that can play multiple positions, including goalie on two occasions, where he has allowed only two goals,” the coach said. “By moving him around to other positions to help the team out, we definitely lose something from his original position. That’s nothing against the other players on our team; it’s just a testament to how good Christian is.” As a four year starter, Figueroa, for the most part, has been on the short side of winning. Ashland was

sixth grade, won the 2012 Northeast Region 1 Championship. According to the Ashland stopper, club soccer is more technical than high school play, especially in moving the ball up field, and is faster when it needs to be. In club soccer, the athletes control the opportunity more, instead of kicking the ball up field and hoping for the best. Playing club soccer has definitely been a plus to Figueroa’s high school career, but he’s also worked hard in the off-season. “I’ve dedicated a certain amount of hours to get myself ready physically as well as watching a lot of English Premier Soccer on TV, watching the way they distribute the ball and mindful of who’s around them,” he said. “I’m hoping that I can bring that to my game as there is always room for improvement.” The senior Clocker captain is hoping that having a year under their belts as well as tournament experience will allow Ashland to go deeper in the post season this fall despite playing in the competitive Tri-Valley League (TVL).

Figueroa’s club team, Abbey Villa Club Soccer out of Hopkinton, which he had played for since the

“The majority of soccer players in the TVL play on club teams in the off-season,” he said. “Just making the tournament last year was a thrill, but this year we want to go much further.”

Frozen Yogurt Shop

Christian Figueroa plays during a game against Medfield. Photos/submitted

Following their tournament run this year, Figueroa will have to decide on where he’s going to attend

college next fall, and while his education will come first, he’s hoping to still play soccer.

Order your


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Local Town Pages

Page 22

November 1, 2013

Sports McLaughlin’s Confidence Helped Ashland Win Two Titles BY KEN HAMWEY STAFF SPORTS WRITER Forty-seven years ago, Ashland won its first state title in baseball in 1966, then followed it up with a second state crown a year later. That back-to-back stretch was a classic run by a high-octane nine that won with talent, class, and a disciplined coach. One of the major contributors in that mix was Earl McLaughlin Jr., the second baseman who could hit, field and turn a double play in an instant. The 62-year-old McLaughlin, who’s lived in Franklin for 33 years, still has fond and vivid memories of those championship seasons and, as the years have passed, he realizes the enormity of the achievements. More so than when he was competing. “We had good talent at every position,’’ McLaughlin said. “At that time, winning back-to-back state titles in baseball had never been done before but we didn’t see that as a huge accomplishment. We expected to win. Fans saw the championships as a much bigger deal.’’

What followed for the young Clockers were trophies and banquets. Lots of excitement permeated Ashland, a blue-collar town that embraced the success of its boys of spring.

A patient leadoff hitter, McLaughlin was on board for both state titles as a sophomore and junior. He has great praise for some of his teammates during those seasons.

“Clem Spillane was our coach and we were able to give him his first state title in baseball,’’ McLaughlin said. “I look back now and realize how fortunate I was to be with great players, quality teammates and a demanding coach.’’

“Dennis Baker, Jim Poole, Joe Markarian, Steve Willard and Mark Iarussi were just a few of our top players,’’ McLaughlin said. “Dennis could hit, field and lead; Poole was an exceptional fielder at shortstop; Markarian could fire the ball from his third-base position; Willard was a catcher with a great arm who could also hit; and Iarussi was a student of hitting, often relying on a powerful swing.’’

Ashland defeated Norton in 1966 for its first state title, then blanked Dartmouth, 8-0, a year later for its second appearance in the winners’ circle. McLaughlin, who hit .320 during his three varsity seasons, drove in three of Ashland’s eight runs against Dartmouth. “Two of my most memorable games were against Dartmouth and Lynnfield,’’ he noted. “I had a triple and single against Dartmouth for three RBIs, and in a Dual County League game against Lynnfield as a sophomore, I had seven assists at second base and made some diving stops to help us win, 3-2.’’

McLaughlin also competed in football (halfback) and basketball (guard). A fractured leg cost him most of his senior year of football but he excelled in basketball, averaging 14 points a game from either guard slot. “I had a decent jumper from 1618 feet,’’ he said. “My best game was an 18-point effort against Lynnfield, which was my career-high.’’ Baseball, however, is where

GOLDE N POND PRE SE NT S A free lecture series for the community


November 9 Successful Interventions for Challenging Behaviors

Learn about how taking care of an individual's immediate need can produce a decrease in unusual behaviors. Receive tips on how to redirect people with dementia as the behaviors are occurring. Discuss prevention, validating feelings, and finding the humor in everyday situations. Presentation by Mal Allard LPN, Their Real World (CEU’s available)

November 23 Smooth Transitions – Household Downsizing and Estate Dispersal

Have STUFF? This will be a humorous discussion about identifying, then using or moving-out, belongings that collect within our homes. There is no time like the present to put our things to good use even if that use is no longer with its current owner. Presentation by Ann Newberry, Smooth Transitions

After graduating in 1968, McLaughlin enrolled at Worcester State. He later worked as a supervisor for General Motors in Framingham, then managed a service station in Ashland and later worked in sales before retiring this year. He currently works part-time at New England Country Club in Bellingham. McLaughlin and his wife Karen

“Clem Spillane knew how to motivate players,’’ McLaughlin said. “He was a disciplinarian who kept all of us on our toes.’’ Always relying on an athletic philosophy to win within the rules, McLaughlin firmly believes that the disciplines he learned in sports helped him gain confidence and handle most real-life situations. “Those days at Ashland taught me how to improve with practice and how to handle any criticism,’’ he said. “Athletics helped all the players develop confidence.’’ Confidence that led to a pair of state championships in baseball.

It is really a pleasure doing business with you!

Lectures are held on Saturdays from 9 to 11 am

Golden Pond

50 West Main Street, Hopkinton

“We won the Zone 5 championship in 1966,’’ McLaughlin said. “And, I’ll never forget leading off in a regular season game against Lowell and hitting a home run. We had five Ashland High kids playing Legion ball for Framingham.’’

have three children and six grandchildren. His leisure activities include time with his family and playing golf. Calling his father, Earl Sr., a role model for his support and encouragement, McLaughlin also admired his late coach.

to All Residents for Patronizing our Businesses

Please RSVP 508-435-1250 or call with questions.

Complimentary Breakfast Presentation Questions & Answer Session

McLaughlin shined. He was a twotime honorable mention all-star in the Boston Globe and Boston Herald, and he continued to excel for three seasons with the Framingham Legion where he hit over .300.


Visit our website for a complete listing of our Saturday Morning Lecture Series

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Earl McLaughlin and his grandchildren. Photo/submitted.

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Local Town Pages

November 1, 2013

Page 23

home M A R K E T P L A C E Advertise Your Listings! Call Lisa Kittrell (617) 460-6042

(l to r) Bob Zakrzewski, Pamela Bathen, Stephanie Fair and Steven Greenberg

Buying a Fixer-Upper – with a little help from the Government and Prospect Mortgage We have always liked Todd Zukowski with Prospect Mortgage. An Ashland guy, he has helped countless numbers of our clients, and the reviews are always glowing. We like him even better after he shared this financing trick with us, and thought we’d share it here. Say you have enough money for a down payment, but then can’t figure out how to pay for the work that needs to be done? The Federally backed 203K loan to the rescue! They will lend not only the price of the house, but the money you need to fix it, as well. And unless your rich Uncle runs a bank, this is a financing trick that isn’t available with other types of loans. What does it do? • One loan, one closing, one monthly payment. Who cares? You will when you see what it can save you on the cost of borrowing money twice.

Our Ad & Editorial Deadline is the 15th of each month, for the following month’s issue.

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Loans are available to qualified applicants who meet NEB Mortgage’s current loan underwriting guidelines. Annual Percentage Rate (APR) assumes an 80% LTV on owner-occupied single family residential properties located in Maine, Massachusetts, or New Hampshire. The annual percentage rate may increase after the initial fixed rate period ends. For the 7/1 ARM: Rate adjustments are capped at 2% in the first adjustment period, 2% each year thereafter and 4% for the life of the loan. Property insurance required (including flood insurance if applicable). See tax advisor regarding deductibility of interest. Additional restrictions may apply. Rate is accurate as of 10/23/13 and is subject to change without notice. *For rate locks longer than 6 months a fee will apply. Contact your loan officer for additional information.

RE/MAX Oak Realty

158 Pond Street, Suite A Ashland, MA 01721 508-309-3538 - office

Local Town Pages

Page 24

November 1, 2013

Ashland Children’s Library—Magic Tree House and More BY REBECCA KENSIL, EDITOR Lois McAuliffe, 59, the Ashland Library Children’s Librarian for nearly 14 years, is happy to help children and parents find the books/resources they need in the children’s section, designated for newborns through 6th graders. In an interview, she explained all about the children’s library resources.

What print and online resources can children use in this section? For the babies, we have a lot of board books. We also have toys and puzzles for the children to play with while their parents are trying to look for books. We have a big parenting collection for things like “my child is not sleeping through the night,” “my child is not getting along with kids at school.” Then we have picture books. We have easy readers. Hooked on Phonics, we have flashcards, and we have some new phonics puzzles they can take to help them learn how to read. The school age kids have to rely on us a lot for doing homework assignments. One of the nice things

of being part of the Minuteman [Library] Network is that if we don’t have things on the shelves, we can get them from other libraries for someone. If you ordered it on Wednesday, you’d probably have it by Friday afternoon. Or, we can see what other nearby libraries might have if you were in a bigger rush and wanted to go to Framingham. We can check right from our computers what is in stock. We have lots of series, and we put them in order by the number of the series, so the kids can say, “I need Magic Tree House #23,” and we can go right to the shelf and get it for them.

What kind of workspace can they use? We have two tables. They can spread out their homework. We are also right next to the café space that is here at the library, which is where we let you have food, so the kids sometimes come in and they have a snack before they do their homework, or they can have a snack while they do it. This afternoon, we had 14 kids working on their homework as-

signment while they ate popcorn. It’s nice to have a place where they can do that. But a lot of kids, particularly from Mindness [School], because that is close by, they might walk here after school, have their snack and do their homework or talk with their friends. We have four Internet access computers in the children’s room that also have Office so they can do word processing and type up a report. We do get a number of people who meet with tutors here at the library, and the tutors really like having a space. We're also used a lot by scout groups, and the Mom's Club of Ashland may meet here and use our facilities.

What books or media are checked out the most? We have a large collection of DVDs, which are popular. In the summer time audio books are very popular for car trips. Right now graphic novels are very, very hot. There was an author, [Jarrett Krosoczka] who came to the school last spring, who does a series of graphic novels called Lunch Lady. Those are really hot

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right now. Magic Tree House continues to be one of the most popular, and Captain Underpants is always popular. We try to keep the displays circulating, so they're not always seeing the same things. "Well, maybe you already know about Magic Tree House, but you don't know about this, and I think you'd really like this."

Do you have any advice for students hoping to ace their tests? I think everybody should remember how much we have in resources, and when they have homework assignments that they ought to come to the library, because we'll most of the time be able to get what they need for the assignments. And when they come, be sure to bring their piece of paper with the assignment written down, because they often come in and they don't remember. It's good to have it written down so we know exactly what the teachers are looking for. Contact Lois McAuliffe, director of Children's Services at Ashland library by email,, or phone, 508-881-0134 ext. 13.

Lois McAuliffe, Ashland children’s librarian, is always busy at the Children’s Library. Here, she is dressed up as "Fancy Nancy" in 2010 for a Hollywood Costume Party. Fancy Nancy is from a popular series of picture books and easy readers by Jane O'Connor. “Fancy Nancy thinks that the more accessories you wear, the better,” McAuliffe said. “You can never be ‘too fancy’!” Photo/submitted.






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