Local Women Magazine Mid-Ulster May Edition 2020

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Proceeds from this download of Local Women go directly to the Southern Health & Social Care Trust


Mary Murphy’s designs are ‘sew’ good A magical makeover for Drumquin’s


Cover Girl Competition Winner:


from Armagh

“IT’LL BE WORTH THE WAIT” says Cookstown bride-to-be Rebecca Kennedy

The UP side of lock DOWN with your baby – Mid Ulster mums meet online




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Take Out Menu and Delivery Service Delivering a small Roast Dinner each day to elderly and vulnerable ÂŁ5 Available Tuesday - Saturday 12 -3 pm

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4 | Local Women Magazine


Supporting the NHS in Northern Ireland

his month I am welcoming you to a Like everyone we have been humbled by the work done so well to difficult trading conditions. We are all here to very special edition of Local Women by NHS workers during this pandemic and we wanted to support one another and we can’t wait until things get back to normal. Magazine. This is the first time we do whatever we could to support them.

have gone completely online and, as you are My team at Local Women have volunteered their time reading this right now, you must have been to produce these five magazines for the five areas of the country. I cannot thank the writers and designers enough able to download it – it’s worked! for giving up their time and skills to bring Local Women I have to say a huge thank you for downloading this online this month. magazine. The proceeds will go directly to the Health Trusts in Northern Ireland – so, by reading this magazine I would also like to thank our advertisers who have fully you are supporting the NHS workers on the frontline supported our fundraising efforts. Although we are living who are risking their lives day and daily during the in uncertain times, I have been amazed by the fighting spirit displayed by local businesses who have adapted Covid-19 crisis.

I have to say a big thank you to our web designer Kenny Campbell for stepping in and getting Local Women online. Many of you contacted us because you are unable to leave your homes and couldn’t get out to buy Local Women - now you can have it delivered digitally direct to your device. I hope you enjoy this first digital edition of Local Women. Tell your friends to download it too - and let’s raise as much money as possible for the NHS.

Dear Mid Ulster readers, I’d love to say that by the time you read this all the shops will be open, the bars will be in full swing and you’ll be trying to decide where to go out for your dinner this weekend. But I think we all know that’s not about to happen any time soon. Welcome to a new world and a new way of doing things. As you will see from this month’s magazine, there are a lot of businesses trading online, so get ready for a little shopping. There may be nowhere to go but at least you’ll look gorgeous in your Instagram pictures. It’s great to see so many Mid Ulster businesses adapting to the changes with online services and home delivery. It’s really impressive to see local business people trading online – and it’s amazing to see people who normally wouldn’t dream of internet shopping, clicking away and buying things. Even my mum has mastered the art of online shopping… no, honestly mum, those 50 phone calls to check you’re doing it right don’t bother me at all! Now, if only I could work out a way to get my roots done online, then I’d be sorted. Aw well, I could always buy a hat! Until next month,

Managing Editor: Kim Kelly, editor@localwomensnews.com Business Editor: Gillian Anderson, editorcol@localwomensnews.com Design: design@localwomensnews.com Sales: salesmid@localwomensnews.com Accounts: accounts@localwomensnews.com


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Local Women Magazine

Unit 6, Springrowth House, Derry~ Londonderry, BT48 0GG



The publisher does not guarantee the accuracy of statements by contributors or advertisers, or accept responsibility for any statement that they may express in this publication. The publication of an advertisement does not imply endorsement of a product, service or promotional event.

Local Women Magazine | 5

Redecorate and lift your spirits Now we are spending so much time at home, there’s never been a better time to redecorate. Elle Designs shows us how to breathe new life into our rooms.


e are living in very

a paint brush, but

strange times and

it is psychological,

most of our lives have

and decorating makes

changed in some way

us feel better! Be it a fresh coat or

or another.

a new look, it is raising our spirits,

A lot of people are isolated at home

breathing new life into a room and

and with that comes the perks of

giving us satisfaction in bleak times.

having time on our hands to tackle

In the same way as decorating the

projects we never had time to do. If

tree at Christmas is mood altering,

you haven’t joined the painting or

so is decorating our homes.

upcycling army - then where have

Our cupboards have never been so

you been?

tidy, essentially, we are feathering

naturally, I’m seeing lots of

Seeking out jobs to do around the

our nests and creating our own

decorating that needs done

house feels like it has becoming an

little haven where we feel most

or that I’d like to do I should

act of desperation, rather than a


say! The playroom and the


So, why are we crying out for paint

landing are next on my hit

we will be able to showcase

It’s not just because the weather has

to decorate? Well we can change


room sets, extend our fabric

been good and we have time on

the spirit of a room by changing the

Our clients are obviously

library, and present our

our hands that we have grabbed

colour thus altering our mood.

feeling the same as we

designs in a more advanced

A busy room can be made

have been inundated with

way in a home environment.

restful, a sad room can come

new enquires for room

It’s the big move we have

to life, changing the scale of

refreshes. Our paint suppliers

been waiting for and we

the wallpaper can alter the

(Zoffany, Sanderson and

are so excited. Follow us on

perception of the size of a room,

Designers Guild) have been

Instagram on @elledesigns _

raising or lowering the ceiling

delivering paint direct

louise to track our progress

height visually through colour and

to our clients’ doors. Our

on renovating the show home

scale. Wallpaper works miracles in

commercial clients are also

and the day-to-day life of the

the eyes of designers.

using this opportunity to

team at Elle Designs

We were very fortunate that we

re-brand and create a new

We hope you’re all keeping

were able to relocate our fabric

look - so needless to say my

safe and feeling well. We look

library to my garden room before

cupboards are still a mess!

forward to normality and we

the lockdown, so we have been

We have very exciting news

are trying to find the positive

able to continue working remotely.

for the future of Elle Designs.

in this experience.

We are used to working on jobs

We are currently working

throughout the UK that we do not

on our Show Home where

visit, so we could adjust very easily. Now I’m working from the garden I have never been in my house so much – ever! So

Tel: 028 7962 7777 15 High Street, Draperstown, BT45 7AB Email: interiors@elledesignsni.co.uk Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Elle-Designs Follow us on Instagram: Elledesigns_louise

6 | Local Women Magazine

Team Elle x

Local Women Magazine | 7

ƒ Mary Murphy

MARY’S DESIGNS ARE ‘SEW’ GOOD! 8 | Local Women Magazine

Mary Murphy from Magherafelt has organised a group of talented sewers to produce the safest possible face masks to help with the Covid-19 crisis.


agherafelt’s Mary Murphy is a brilliant example of how local heroes are helping our community during the Covid-19 crisis.

ƒ Mary Murphy wearing face mask which she has designed

Mary has re-purposed her design for manufacture skills to research and create the safest standard of face masks possible that can protect frontline healthcare staff and their patients. Her bespoke design will fit perfectly to any face, and so minimises the microbes that leak out as you breathe. Mary, who lives in Magherafelt with her family and two young children, followed up her Aeronautical Engineering Masters degree with a City and Guilds Creative Techniques for Fashion course at Belfast Met, graduating in 2012. She had been sewing all her life and decided that she wanted to work for herself in a business that allowed her to combine her love for maths-based design with her sewing skills, as she realised that she could merge the two disciplines to design bespoke lingerie. She explains: “The professional sewing, design and business techniques on the course were invaluable. I owe my lecturer Patricia Dickson so much, as these professional sewing skills enabled me to design bespoke pieces and set up successful lingerie businesses.” At the start of the pandemic when Mary realised that there was going to be a shortage of face masks, she set up the public Facebook group ‘Masks 4 All Ireland – Sewists Against COVID-19.’ People could volunteer their time to sew date with a weekly output of more than 4000 a filter can offer safety to staff and patients face masks, donate material or money to per week which are delivered to 7000+ care in the absence of surgical masks, and can be workers in multiple care homes all over Ireland. reused and boil washed. help care workers. Mary offers her bespoke design for manufacture knowledge online on how to sew the safest face mask possible, and she has daily Facebook live videos where she gives advice with another volunteer.

“They are designed for the best filtration possible and for longevity as they are such a surgical face masks, one cannot underestimate limited resource.” the importance of making masks that are as Mary explained: “As there is a shortage of

safe as a cloth mask can possibly be, as they

She added: “It is concerning that many need to fit perfectly over the nose and face face masks don’t completely fit to the face. There are now 3000+ members of this group with for example, elastic straps around the Our masks are donated from the project, and and 500+ volunteers sewing face masks, head and not ears, so there are no gaps. This material costs are supported by both fabric producing an average of 12,000 masks to design, using cotton material with space for donations and our Go Fund Me appeal.”

Local Women Magazine | 9

Laura & Stephen A Love Story galgorm.com

Local Women Magazine | 11

Meet The Local Women


These are the five beautiful ladies who won our competition to be on the cover of our first Local Women digital editions.

North West

Mid Ulster/Armagh/Enniskillen

South Down/South Armagh




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North Coast/Ballymena





Our Mid Ulster/Armagh cover girl is Leigha Coade, a 24-year-old sales assistant from Armagh. WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO ENTER THE LOCAL kept busy with studying my online marketing course and daily workouts. I’ve even taken WOMEN COVER GIRL COMPETITION?

ƒ Me and my boyfriend Aron

I love the magazine and how it gives women up some baking, not great, but I’ve tried! I from Northern Ireland an opportunity to recently moved into my first home, so I have taken this time to decorate, add showcase themselves. I believe little touches and make it mine. everyone has a purpose and Pinterest is great and gave me being able to share that on such so many ideas. an amazing platform is brilliant.



I spend each day doing a Definitely eating out. Me and my minimum of three hours treatment boyfriend always took a Friday for my Cystic Fibrosis. This is night as date night and treated key to keeping well and making ourselves to a nice meal together. sure my lungs are getting the It gave us both something to look clearance they need. I love to forward to throughout the week. travel - I have seen a lot of the world in my 24 years; and I WHAT’S THE FIRST THING have a lot more places on my list. My favourite YOU ARE GOING TO DO WHEN place is San Francisco, my boyfriend and LOCKDOWN ENDS FOR GOOD? I spent a full summer there. Such a cool and Host a garden party for all my family and vibrant city, so much to do and see. friends. I can’t wait to be together with everyone I love. Good weather, good people DO YOU FOLLOW FASHION? I love fashion and putting outfits together, which and good vibes. Lockdown has given me the is exactly why I love my job at New Look. I’ve time to reflect on what’s important in my life always had an interest in clothes, and I get a and I plan to make more time for the things that give me a sense of purpose. great sense of satisfaction when customers are happy with the purchases I suggest. My WHAT’S THE BEST THING ABOUT favourite online website to shop is Zara. LIVING IN ARMAGH? I’ve also recently discovered Shein, it’s I love St Patrick’s Cathedral. I feel like an online Primark, I love it! so lucky to have such a beautiful building on my doorstep, as DO YOU COME FROM people come from all over the A CLOSE FAMILY? world to visit it. I have one brother who is 13 years old. I have quite a large WHAT IS YOUR NUMBER family, and a close bond with my ONE AMBITION? goddaughter. I plan to make more time I want to work in Marketing. After for family when this is over. studying at Liverpool Hope University for three years, I was forced to leave HOW HAS YOUR HEALTH BEEN due to health reasons. I’m currently DURING THE COVID-19 CRISIS? studying online to create my own I was born with Cystic Fibrosis, a personal marketing portfolio. Also, I disease that mainly affects the lungs. have been using my Instagram platform I recently took unwell after my chest to raise awareness of Cystic Fibrosis. I became a little too full and required would love to merge my marketing goals, stronger IV antibiotics. A terrifying and my Cystic Fibrosis blog, with fashion experience in the current climate! and all things wellness to make my page a HOW HAS LIFE IN safe, supportive, and inspirational space LOCKDOWN BEEN FOR YOU? where sharing experiences and tips is Lockdown has been fine. I’ve beneficial to all who follow me.

ƒ Me and my brother

ƒ Me and my goddaughter ƒ Leigha and her friends

Local Women Magazine | 13

“I’M MORE THAN JUST A MUM” Our North West cover girl is mum-of-four Melissa Campbell from Derry. Melissa, 31 is a health and wellness consultant.


imaginations to play games and having loads of BBQs together. The downside to lockdown is the routines have gone and my girls miss their friends. I also miss visiting family and friends.

While I have been locked down in quarantine, I have been so busy as a mum and fiancée that I feel I have forgotten about myself. I wanted to do something for me.


WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU TO BE A LOCAL WOMEN COVER GIRL? Being a cover girl means that I’m more than just a mum. It means I have something memorable to show my girls - something for them to keep and be proud of. Something to show them that I still have an identity even though I’m mum.

ƒ Kayla

TELL US ABOUT YOUR FAMILY? I have four beautiful girls, Kayla who is 12, Leah who is eight, Mila who is two and Aria who is one. Mila and Aria were both born on the same day, March 4, one year apart, which I think is extremely rare and amazing. I’m happily engaged to my fiance Vaidas, he’s an amazing daddy to our girls and we support each other so much in everything we do. As a family we love doing things together, usually going out for walks or to the beach and making memories.

HOW HAS LIFE IN LOCKDOWN FOR YOU? Honestly? it’s been great, we have been spending extra time together as a family, learning to bake and cook and using our

My girls have coped really well. The wee ones don’t understand yet, so this is normal for them. My older girls understand and are taking it in their stride and making us proud.

ƒ Vaidas, Melissa, Leah, Mila and Aria.

WHAT DO YOU MISS MOST ABOUT LIFE BEFORE LOCKDOWN? Meeting up with family and friends, visiting beautiful places without restrictions and going for meals or the cinema.

WHAT’S THE FIRST THING YOU ARE GOING TO DO WHEN LOCKDOWN ENDS FOR GOOD? We are going to visit our family and friends and we were planning on booking a family holiday - so hopefully after lockdown that will be done.


ƒ Melissa and fiance Vaidas

I love my wee hometown because we all come together in crisis. We all support each other, especially people in need and we all are able to have joyous moments even in hardships.

WHAT ARE YOUR HOPES FOR THE FUTURE? To be an inspiration to my children and be the best mum I can be. I want to help them to see how amazing and unique they are and that whatever dreams they have for themselves, they can be achieved.

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ƒ Mila and Aria

“I AM HAPPY AND HEALTHY” Our Belfast cover girl is Ursula Valentine, a 23-year-old make up artist at the Make Up Pro Store.



I’m from a small town in Fermanagh called Irvinestown. I moved to Belfast four years ago when I got my dream job as the lead make up artist working for Paddy McGurgan.

Oh, I have thought about this one! I will do a gym routine in the morning , take a shower, then go to the cinema , go for dinner, then I want to go out and party. This girl has been locked up for too long!


ƒ Ursula after

I once went to try on a pair of jeans and my friend said to me, “If they don’t fit, don’t get in a bad mood!” That’s when I knew my insecurities about being overweight were affecting others. I wasn’t going out to social events or even going out with my friends. Things NEEDED to change. I was the only person who could do it.

HOW DID YOU ACHIEVE IT? I started Bootcamp classes with Dedicated Fitness Gym in Belfast. I began to see some movement in my weight. I then started to rethink my diet, eating healthier and consuming more nutritious foods to give me the energy and nutrients I needed. I completely removed all processed foods from my diet, and where possible stuck to fresh food, and prepared my own food. Then I began PT sessions with the owner of Dedicated Fitness, John Neill. The PT sessions were amazing for pinpointing and focusing on weaker areas and strengthening them. I then began a shred class, which leaned and trimmed my physique.

ƒ Ursula before

One Day, or Day One, you decide. In the past, I had dieted off and on for years, to no effect. Joining Dedicated Fitness, made me see that baby steps are perfect. Start off with small improvements to your lifestyle and ease yourself in.


Honestly, yes! After my weight loss photoshoot, I had put on a few pounds, and I felt like I had let TELL US ABOUT YOUR FITNESS REGIME? everyone down. Now I try to focus on my own When I was losing weight, my regime was three journey and ensure that I am healthy and happy. shred classes a week plus two sessions of weight training. Now I am happier with my weight, I WHAT IS YOUR NUMBER ONE BEAUTY TIP? think consistency is key, so I weight train three I absolutely adore Flick Eyeliner, it accentuates your eyes, and allows your times a week and do two cardio sessions. eyes to look more feline.


Yes, definitely. I am able to put clothes on that I like, not that are convenient for my size. I am happier in my appearance and I am able to be myself, and not feel so self-conscious and insecure.


WHAT’S THE BEST THING ABOUT LIVING IN BELFAST? There are so many things on your doorstep, and it is so easy to travel around - and the people are so lovely and friendly.


I miss my family down in Fermanagh and I miss the It is only impossible if you make it impossible. gym and my work friends - we are like a family.

Local Women Magazine | 15


Our North Coast/Ballymena cover girl is Caitlin Dixon from Dunloy. Caitlin is a 13-year-old student at Loreto College in Coleraine. ƒ Caitlin Dixon

WHY DID YOU ENTER THE LOCAL WOMEN COVER GIRL COMPETITION? I enjoy modelling and the competition was a great opportunity to get my photo into a professional publication. I have done several photo shoots with a local photographer Angela Cunning and they are good fun. Angela has managed to win a few competitions with her photos that include me.

HOW HAVE YOU BEEN SPENDING LOCKDOWN? I still have schoolwork to do, so I log in every day to complete the tasks my teachers have set for me. I keep in touch with my friends via social media platforms and I try and get some exercise every day. Most of the time I play with my dogs, Bella and Sam. I like to take Bella on walks as often as I can. I sometimes go for a run on the treadmill or do some exercise on the trampoline. I’ve also started to learn some cooking and I’ve baked some cakes, buns and wheaten loaves.

ƒ Caitlin

school produces shows and we have performed at the Riverside Theatre in Coleraine, Braid Arts in Ballymena and the MAC Theatre in Belfast.

DO YOU MISS SCHOOL? I miss the social side of attending school as it has been tough being separated from my friends. It is quite hectic at school, whilst life has been quite relaxed recently.

DO YOU THINK LOCKDOWN HAS BEEN TOUGHER ON TEENS? Yes, it is tough. We cannot meet up as social gatherings are not permitted. It can sometimes get very boring just sitting around the house. We also have a holiday planned in Spain, but that may be in doubt. Thankfully, we have social media and Netflix to pass the time.


I hope to attend university. I do not have a definite plan for what I would like to do, but WHAT WAS YOUR LIFE LIKE I’d be interested in pursuing a career in law. BEFORE LOCKDOWN? If possible, I’d also like to pursue modelling. I I am involved in quite a lot of activities. also really love travelling so hopefully I’ll get the I dance for Loughgiel Irish Dancing opportunity to visit a few more countries once School, so I practice a few times the lockdown is relaxed. a week. When we have dancing competitions, the number of practice WHAT DO YOU MISS MOST ABOUT sessions increases. Through my dancing, I NORMAL LIFE? get to travel quite a lot. I have been to the I miss being able to just jump in the car and go on World Dancing Championships in Wales. holidays or visit places. I also miss being able to We have won it a few times at various go out to restaurants with my parents. levels, and we are the current holders. I have WHAT’S THE BEST THING ABOUT also recently started to play camogie again LIVING IN DUNLOY? for the local GAA club. I used to do gymnastics It’s a very friendly, community focussed village for the Sika club in Coleraine, but unfortunately, and there are always loads of things to do. I had to give it up as it conflicted with my dancing practice. Apart from school, I like to spend my ANYTHING ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE TO TELL US? free time hanging out with my friends. I also get I heard recently two of the satellites that Elon Musk involved with drama groups and I have been launched got married. Apparently, the wedding part of a number of shows. Our dancing was a bit boring, but the reception was great!

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“I WANT TO INSPIRE WOMEN IN THEIR 50S” Our South Down/South Armagh cover girl is Margaret Haughian, a 56-year-old retired Biology teacher from Warrenpoint.

WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO ENTER THE LOCAL WOMEN COVER GIRL COMPETITION? Women my age are often overlooked, and generally aren’t very good at self-promotion. I will hopefully inspire other women to continue to do their best to look and feel amazing, no matter what age.

TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF? I love sport and exercise. I work out every day, doing a variety of training from weights to yoga and my current favourite is boxing! I recently qualified as a fitness instructor, and have been known to take the odd boxercise class. During Lockdown I have discovered Piloxing, and I’m hoping to complete my instructor training soon.

IS BEING HEALTHY IMPORTANT TO YOU? I love cooking, and I’m a firm believer that you are what you eat. Also, because of coeliac disease in the family every meal must be cooked from scratch. We never eat processed food, and the only packet in the cupboard is porridge. DO YOU FOLLOW FASHION? I love hair, make-up and dressing up. I love clothes and fashion. I might be a bit of a hoarder, but clothes do have cycles. For example, I wore my going-away outfit from our 1987 wedding, to a recent wedding, and it still looks amazing!

TELL US ABOUT YOUR FAMILY? I’ve been married to my best friend and soul mate for 33 years. We still have a date night every week, which is important, and a good tip for younger married couples. We have two wonderful daughters. Olivia the eldest has Asperger’s syndrome and lives with us. She works as a teaching assistant and is the kindest, most generous person I know. I just wish people had more tolerance for the social difficulties

ƒ Margaret Haughian

associated with her condition, sometimes the world can be cruel to her, and this makes me sad. Our second daughter Katie-Rose is a junior doctor, currently working on a Covid-19 respiratory ward in a hospital in Nottingham. I miss her and worry about her safety but I’m very proud of her.

YOU RECENTLY GOT SIGNED TO A MODEL AGENCY – HOW DID THAT COME ABOUT? I bumped into Cathy Martin from CMPR Models who was a former student of mine. She planted a seed in my head that maybe I should pursue modelling in my twilight years. I got in touch with 1st Options Agency in Dublin, and they invited me for an interview. A few days later I got a lovely email telling

me they’d be delighted to represent me.

WHAT ARE YOUR BEAUTY TIPS? I have three - the first one is sunscreen in the morning, the second is retinol at bedtime, and the third is water. Drink lots of it, at least two litres daily.

HOW HAS LIFE IN LOCKDOWN BEEN FOR YOU? Lockdown is giving us all a chance to re-set and refocus. I do believe that nature is taking its course. I’m very accepting of that, and although it’s very difficult not seeing family and friends, we must continue to be positive. Routine is important in our family with Olivia’s autism, so we generally stick to the same times as before and remain grateful for everything we have.

WHAT’S THE FIRST THING YOU WILL DO WHEN LOCKDOWN ENDS FOR GOOD? I’ll visit my daddy in Ashgrove Care Home in Newry. He suffers from vascular dementia, a horrible disease. Last time I saw him was a few weeks ago through the window on his birthday. He blew me a kiss and sang with me...it was so sad.

WHAT’S THE BEST THING ABOUT LIVING IN WARRENPOINT? It is a beautiful town and the scenery is breathtaking. There’s nothing like a walk along the front shore to lift your spirits.

ƒ Margaret Haughian Local Women Magazine | 17






aking sourdough, starting novels, educating

three of my own and also have my nephew each

7-year-olds to master’s degree level - some

day) My children’s teacher always said they were a

people are knocking it out of the park on

joy to teach - why did they lie to me?! They drop

the productivity level during this global pandemic.

their pencils on the floor around three and a half

Then there are people who aggressively tell you

thousand times - and that’s in the first half hour.

it’s okay to do nothing but they say it with such

At the start of this we got up every morning and

conviction and intensity that I’m scared I’m not

did Joe Wicks but as our whole timetable slid, the

doing nothing enough.

thoughts of being up, ready, fed and watered to

I was sure I was finally going to be one of those

jump about by 9am feels comparable to those 4am

people with a super tidy garage and that person

early morning airport trips. There is no chance Joe

with no junk drawer (the random one with

Wicks is happening until at least 11am.

old chargers, take away menus, school notes,

Obviously you have to factor in some time to

nursery art work that lives there because it’s not

weep at something heart-warming. Don’t be

quite ‘fridge standard’, but you can’t quite bring

selective - a recovered person returning home to

yourself to put it in the bin!) I was certain that

rapturous applause from neighbours, a toddler

finally everything would be sorted - odd socks, the

waving at their Granny through a rainbow

Christmas decorations, old scraps of newspaper

decorated window, the various empowering

with recipes on them, even myself. I thought I

quotes that say we’ll all come out of this crisis a

would be sorted and wholesome and organised but

more empathetic, altruistic and globally conscious

no, I haven’t quite managed it. Lockdown can be


quite busy you see.

Timetable in numerous home workouts and feel

I know there are all those NHS workers, carers,

your six pack start to form purely through viewing

key workers and frontline staff making a difference

dance to do on TikTok.

and going above and beyond during this situation

At the moment, a lot of the day’s timetable is filled

barely feel the need to do them. Get a grip and

but life can be hectic for the stay at homers too -

with meal planning. You need to be thinking about

take the kids for the big event - the walk of the

who would have thought there were quite so many

the next meal whilst eating your current one.

day. They insist they want scooters and bikes so

banana bread recipes to google?!

Three meals a day seems so restrictive, so I’ve

I end up knackered trying to run alongside them;

Here’s some advice on how you can pull together

added in a few extras -you’re welcome! There’s a

aggressively crossing the road to avoid people,

your daily isolation checklist to make sure you’re

late breakfast, early brunch, late lunch and a thing I

therefore showing how committed to the cause I

keeping on top of things.

like to call ‘Linner’ in between lunch and dinner.


Wake up and before you even pull open the

I’ll be eating my breakfast, having my second

Climb in to bed and scroll for 90 minutes before

curtains and take a deep breath, immediately reach

cup of tea thinking about lunch, whilst looking up

going to sleep: time to catch up on everything you

for your phone, and spend 90 minutes scrolling

recipes for dinner. On a sidebar - I think it is the

missed during the 12 news bulletins and constant

through all the catastrophic news from overnight.

calm it instils in me when I’m planning, preparing,

WhatsApp messages back and forwards. Perfect

Take a look at Facebook for some conspiracy

cooking and feeding others. Don’t get me wrong,

nightmare material!

theories and who knows what nuggets of wisdom

whilst I’ve tried some great recipes, I also prepare

Donald Trump will have delivered while you were

a mean chicken nuggets and chips!

tossing and turning and dreaming of the perfect

I educate four children of varying ages. (I have


18 | Local Women Magazine

the work outs on screen. It all looks so easy I

Lara Lavine brings

luxury fashion to life Meet the Newry designer who has combined her passion for fine art with her love of high-end fashion to create stunning one-off designs.


which are totally unique and very beautiful.

s an artist Laura Rafferty has long been fascinated

As a reviewer at her first catwalk show at London Fashion Week earlier this year said: “Lara Lavine pushes the boundaries of wearable art to fashion dramatic, chic, limited edition and one-of-a-kind silk scarves and apparel based on her references to the railways of Northern Ireland; using the steam train wheel as a symbolic graphic in her bold designs.” Each one of Laura’s designs is a little piece of luxury, and a unique one-off. Every piece is something to be treasured for years to come – because, as Laura explains, she is creating exactly the opposite of fast fashion.

by Northern Ireland’s rich industrial

heritage. From the shipyards of Belfast to the steam trains that used to carry goods across the country, Laura has carefully studied our past industry and brought it to life in her fashion. For many her inspiration may seem far from the glamourous idea of what a fashion designer should be creating. But working under the name Lara Lavine, Laura creates truly beautiful pieces that reflect the zest for life, hard work and creativity that makes Northern Ireland unique. Laura explains: “I love to reflect our heritage in my designs. I create the wearable art experience, exclusive limitededition ladies, ready-to-wear dresses and silk scarves, where art, culture, heritage and fashion meet. My designs are inspired by the untold heritage of Northern Ireland’s industry and railways, the forgotten stories of its working people. I have been inspired by the grimy, greasy, mundane, industrial imagery,

and the stories of these heritage sites.” In creating her designs Laura enjoyed visiting places like Whitehead in Co Antrim where she saw the railway station where the old steam trains once ran, as well as the Transport Museum in Cultra which is a treasure trove of Northern Ireland’s industrial past. She uses motifs such a steam train wheel as

For instance, her silk scarves can be worn a number of ways and folded to show completely different colours. One piece looks difference depending on how you want to wear it and breathe new life into it. “I love creating something that can be kept and worn many times. In a world that seems to be about fast fashion, it is lovely to create a product that is sustainable and that you can love for a long time.” Laura’s skills as a fashion designer and seamstress mean that her designs are made for you. She is creating a work of art for you to wear – a piece of fashion that is both beautiful and meaningful. Laura says: “It’s a pleasure to be able to create beautiful clothes. I just love seeing my designs brought to life and being enjoyed for years to come.”

a feature in her designs

Shop the collection online www.laralavine.com Local Women Magazine | 19






















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Basil Knipe Electrics 41 Ballymena Road | Ballymoney | BT53 7EX T: 028 2564 9222 Local Women Magazine | 21

Women’s Institutes Arts Competition The Women’s Institutes of Northern Ireland held their Annual Arts Competition and Coffee Morning recently at Federation House.

ƒ WI prizewinners including Dorren Patton and Eileen White (both Mosside WI) and Evelyn Robinson (Ballymoney WI).


here was a wonderful display of paintings, calligraphy, good handwriting and decoupage from many talented competitors from the many Institutes throughout the Province who entered the Annual Women’s Institute Arts Competition.

presented the trophies and congratulated everyone who had taken part in the competitions and also to the Arts Chairman and her committee for providing the refreshments. Finally, there was a ballot with lots of prizes, to conclude an enjoyable morning.


Doreen Patton, Mosside

A week before the event, two adjudicators came to Federation House to judge the various classes and choose the winners. They said they had a difficult job, because the standard of style, detail and meticulous presentation was amazing.

Mabel Johnston Salver: Helen Galway, Ballysallagh

Pringle Cup:

The morning started off with tea and coffee, scones, pancakes, fruit loaf and traybakes, provided by the Arts Sub-Committee members. After lots of chat, banter and renewing friendships, everyone gathered in the boardroom for the prize-giving. Federation Chairman, Collette Craig MBE

22 | Local Women Magazine

Jean Blair Trophy: Jean Gregg, Dollingstown Moorcroft Salver: Deborah Smyth, Crossgar Phyllis Ennis Cup: Iris Causey, Desertcreat

Joy Swann Salver: Renee McCormick, Hillsborough Harbinson Trophy: Evelyn McQuillan, Moneymore Gosford Trophy:

Mary O’Hara, Aghanloo Jacqui Brachi Shield: Eileen Evans, Donaghadee Stedfast Salver: Eileen White, Mosside Newtownbreda Trophy:

Lorna Walker Salver: Jill Jackson, Tartaraghan

Evelyne Robinson, Ballymoney

Logan Salver: Deborah Smyth, Crossgar

Competition and Jean Hughes Trophy:

Best Entry In The Painting Iris Causey, Desertcre

Claire McMullan BDS is a partner at Dental 32 with a special interest in Dental Implants

Managing your Dental Health during lockdown The experts at Dental 32, Magherafelt update Local Women readers on accessing dental treatment during lockdown Are Dentists closed?

for 20 mins with clean tissue/gauze (a small


No, practices are not closed, but for now we

amount of oozing is normal)

Most ulcers heal within 7 - 10 days, non-

have had to postpone routine appointments and procedures. This is to protect our patients, teams and the wider community

• Trauma resulting in loose, fractured or missing teeth, swelling or bleeding • Significant toothache preventing sleep or

healing ulcers or oral lesions that present for more than 3 weeks should be assessed by your dentist. To care for an ulcer at home rinse

from the potential spread of Corona Virus. We

eating, significant swelling or fever that

with warm salty mouthwash regularly, brush

assure you we are working hard seven days a

cannot be managed with painkillers.

gently around the affected area, apply a topical

week to provide you with emergency care and advice.

treatment like Corsodyl Gel or Bonjela. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms please call your dentist and leave a message

Lost Crown

so they can get back you with advice, an

Clean and check the crown. If the crown is

appointment if appropriate, or referral to one

mostly hollow you can re-cement it at home

of the newly set up Urgent Dental Centres.

if you feel confident to do. Crowns should be temporarily replaced using a specific

You are advised to go straight to A&E if you

dental cement that can be purchased at most

are experiencing:


• Facial swelling that is affecting vision or breathing and/or preventing mouth opening

Bleeding Gums

more than 2 fingers width

Bleeding gums is NOT a dental emergency

• Trauma causing loss of consciousness, double vision or vomiting

and are usually due to gum disease. Brush twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste for 2 minutes, concentrating especially on the areas

In addition here is some advice to help you

that are bleeding and rinse throughly with

manage common dental problems at home:

chlorhexidine mouthwash.


If you have any queries regarding your dental

If the tooth is extremely sensitive to hot

care or need some advice, please contact your

A Dental Emergency is defined as:

or cold, Desensitising toothpaste can help,

dentist as you normally would. We are all still

• Facial swelling especially if extending to

rub toothpaste on the affected area and

here working hard to care for you as best we

do not rinse. Manage pain with Ibuprofen,

can. We hope it won’t be too long before we

Paracetamol, or a combination of both

see you all back in practice. In the meantime

accordance with instructions on the packet.

look after yourselves, stay home and stay safe!


eye or neck • Bleeding following an extraction that does not stop after applying pressure to area

OPENING HOURS: MON, TUES & THURS: 8.30AM - 5.30PM | WED: 8.30AM - 8.00PM | FRI: 8.30AM - 2.00PM 32 RAINEY ST, MAGHERAFELT, BT45 5AQ T 028 7963 3435 | EMAIL: INFO@DENTAL32.CO.UK | WWW.DENTAL32.CO.UK

Local Women Magazine | 23


boredom and for comfort. Being at home so much also can mean we are increasing the time we spend with our electronic devices. “Tablets, computers and phone screens create damaging radiation that is reflected back on to our skin.” Aileen, Younique’s senior skin therapist, says the stress of being in lockdown and having normal routines changed could also be behind skin problems. She says: “Bad skin is often caused by stress. Your body creates cortisol under stress (especially stress you have no control over) which in turn leads to oily skin and break outs, also swelling and rashes.

When lockdown was announced, many of us thought it would be a chance to give our skin a break. No make-up for weeks, more opportunity for sleep, less exposure to pollution without the daily commute. Surely, we should all be glowing and dewy by now?

in our skin and it can be upsetting to see all our hard work go down the drain.

So, our Younique experts are here to explain the phenomenon of ‘lockdown skin’ – and help But, judging by the social media messages us understand why being coming through about your skin concerns inside and doing nothing and asking about products on our online isn’t necessarily the best shop, it seems it hasn’t quite worked out thing for our beauty regimes. like that for a lot of us! Aine, Younique’s Clinical Loads of us are actually finding that our skin Director, says diet could be is breaking out, and is oily, dull or dry during one of the key culprits. lockdown. This is an added stress that we She says: “More people really don’t need right now. I’m sure you are likely to be snacking due to will agree, a lot of us have invested heavily

She also agrees “Poor diet is another significant factor. What many people do not realise is that the gut and the skin are interconnected. If you are overeating or stress eating this can often lead to eczema and rosacea.” Another key issue that Aileen highlights is potential dehydration. Are you drinking enough water now you are working from home? And are you drinking the right kinds of liquids? “Dehydration can be from two factors; not drinking enough water and drinking too many cups of coffee, tea or sugary beverages which will dehydrate your

11a Chichester Street, Belfast, BT1 4JA | Tel: +44 (0) 28 9693 0183 /youniqueaesthetics 24 | Local Women Magazine


Younique Aesthetics Newry

skin,” says Aileen


“If dehydration is your issue, have a bottle of water by your bed – as soon as you get up drink it, use a water app to remind yourself to drink water and don’t ignore it,” she adds. “Replace tea with hot lemon water.” As well as making a big effort to stay hydrated, there are other things you can do to try to limit the effects of ‘lockdown skin.’ During lockdown Aine says we should be avoiding too much refined sugar and chocolate, because they will dehydrate the skin and can cause breakouts. She says: “Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, they will nourish your skin with a lot of vitamins, also eating plenty of dried fruits will help because of their high fibre content and antioxidants.” “Please make sure you are protecting your skin with a combination of Vitamin C and SPF to bounce back more than 80% of UV rays,” she adds. “Despite some people having very limited time outside, make sure you use at least factor 40+ on your skin as the UV rays coming from the windows are enough to age your skin and create pigmentation.” Aine says that the extra time at home may also make people head to the garden to make the most of the sunshine. “Sunshine is a fantastic source of vitamin D, but never sit out without protecting your skin from the UV rays and try to avoid sitting for periods of 30 minutes or longer between 11am and 2pm.” Make the most of self-isolation to work on your skin texture. Aine recommends using a prescribed medical grade retinol once or twice a week, for optimum results. “This accelerates new skin production. Even if we peel and have redness, we don’t have any events or parties to attend.” It is important to use SPF protection alongside retinol products and start with a low concentration. Aine adds that lockdown is a great opportunity to work on your overall wellbeing, which can help to make your skin better too. “Relax and make time for meditation and exercise,” she says. “Your skin will thank you for it! Trust me.”

The Younique Ambassadors are working hard at home with their special skin ritual skincare kits, which can all be purchased on the Younique’s Online Shop and delivered free of charge to the safety of your home. Younique’s ambassadors are: Talented beauty, Jordan Humphries from Q Radio, who will be using the AlumierMD collection. Online sensation and owner of Sugar Coating Nails, Ingrid Graham, who will be using the Younique Clinical kit. International business woman, Gemma Garrett, who will be using SkinCeuticals products. These ladies will share the success of their skincare journey with you. All you have to do is follow them on their social media pages to find out how they are getting their glow on during lockdown. And to help you on your lockdown journey, we are giving you the chance to win the skincare kit used by your favourite ambassador. Simply go to Younique’s social media platforms and look for the #youniqueselfcareskincare competition.

5 Monaghan Court, Monaghan Street, Newry, BT35 6BH | Tel: +44 (0) 28 3025 6254 /youniqueaesthetics


Younique Aesthetics Newry Local Women Magazine | 25


Make up tutorials, new trends and guest appearances – there’s so much happening online at the Make Up Pro Store. What a strange time for all our PROLovers and we hope you are all doing well and keeping safe! However, we are not going to dwell on the negative and will continue to keep our PROlovers updated with all things, beauty, make up and of course a little bit of gossip as well! Just because the shops are closed doesn’t mean there’s no shopping! You can still shop 24/7 on our website and our telephone line is still available, so call us on 02890 434007. Don’t forget to check out our social media for makeovers, make up lessons from our superstar make up artists and some great workshops you won’t want to miss.


Recently Paddy has picked up the ULTRA UV PROTECTIVE DAILY MOISTURISER SPF 30 HYDRATING. This product protects your skin every day with broad spectrum sun protection combined with a boost of moisture. This is Ultraceuticals bestselling non-whitening hydrating formula and is fast absorbing and lightweight. Suitable for dry skin types. Layer over Ultra Protective Antioxidant Complex, which features a powerful complex of antioxidants and acts as a primer.


We are delighted to announce that Starskin is now available online at www.makeupprostore. co.uk. STARSKIN offer a range of face masks to illuminate, smooth, purify and hydrate, revealing flawless skin. And we are delighted to welcome the brand to the Make Up Pro Store family !

Check out this month’s handpicked PROlovers. If you have created a look inspired by Make Up Pro Store or using any Make Up Pro Store products, make sure to tag us on Instagram using the hashtag #makeupproinspo in your caption to be in with a chance to be featured next month.


Over the course of May, keep an eye on Paddy’s Instagram (paddymcgurganmakeupartist) as he will be inviting some well known faces to discuss a range of topics. He has some amazing guests lined up! Stay tuned on our social media for more information.

108-112 Royal Avenue, Belfast, Co Antrim, BT1 1DL Shop Online www.makeupprostore.co.uk

Due to Covid-19 all consultations are by video call


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Pet Food and snacks now available for delivery Telephone 028 2766 3513 for more information


38-44 MAIN STREET, BALLYMONEY TEL: 028 2766 3513



Local Women Magazine | 27


Bride-to-be Rebecca Kennedy from Cookstown talks to Local Women about having to postpone her dream wedding day at Galgorm due to Covid-19.


By Kim Kelly Pictures by Alexandra Barfoot

hen Rebecca Kennedy and Kyle Crooks planned their wedding for April, they could never have known what was about to happen. Just one month before their big day the unthinkable happened and the country went into Lockdown. With venues everywhere closed, including their venue Galgorm Spa & Golf Resort, and mass gatherings banned, the Cookstown couple had no choice but to postpone their big day. They initially planned to reschedule for later in the summer, but with things still so uncertain, they have now postponed until next year. Luckily just a few weeks before their wedding Rebecca, 26, and Kyle, 28, enjoyed a special photoshoot with Local Women photographer Alexandra Barfoot at their pre-wedding party. Here Rebecca shares the pictures of her party with Local Women readers and tells us about missing out on her big day…

How did you meet Kyle? We met eight years ago on the April 21, 2012 at the Royal Hotel, Cookstown. It was a country night with Remo. I honestly had never heard of him before but apparently Kyle knew of me and that night he had set his eyes on the target! I remember that night as if it was yesterday. I also remember a year later, Kyle joked that ‘the farmer had found his wife.’ He wasn’t wrong!

28 | Local Women Magazine

ƒ Rebecca

Tell us about the proposal? We had gone to our favourite place of all time, Galgorm Spa & Golf resort that weekend as we were celebrating our second anniversary of living together in our little home. We both deserved medals to be honest! But that night, it was me who got rewarded with a beautiful ring. Kyle got rewarded too I suppose, he was getting me as his wife!

When was your wedding scheduled? Our wedding was originally planned for Saturday, April 4, 2020. We had originally chosen April as that was the month we met.

Give us an idea of your wedding day plans? They were ideas that I had thought of for years. I knew exactly what I wanted our wedding to look like, the decor and the colours. We did plan a Spring wedding, but the same colour schemes and decor could have been used anytime of the year.

When did you find out you would have to postpone? We had our pre-wedding party on Monday, March 16, and I’m so glad we did. Who would have thought the following week that the UK would go into lockdown? A few days later we found out about the possibility of postponing the wedding. We weren’t too worried as we have an amazing wedding venue and wedding planner who we have full faith in, and we know that they only have our best interests at heart. This is a situation that most of us have never experienced before and hopefully never will again, but we all have had to pull together and try to make the best possible decisions throughout the wedding planning process.

put our family and friends at risk, especially not for our wedding. We were happy that it wasn’t a problem to postpone the wedding until it was a safer environment. Our venue and suppliers have all been incredibly helpful and so considerate with our feelings. We have the ultimate wedding dream team.

What’s your message to other brides in the same situation? Everything will be okay, and it will work out exactly how it’s meant to be. Everyone has a path in life and we just have to get over these hurdles. I know that a wedding is a day we build our lives around. We all dreamed of our big day from when we were little girls, walking around our bedrooms with a sheet over our heads pretending we were wearing a veil. Your day will come, and it will be everything you’ve wished for and more. Stay positive, everything in life is temporary and this too will pass!

What did you end up doing on the day you should have got married? We celebrated the day! I would advise any couple to celebrate the date you were supposed to get married. Mark the occasion. I came home from work on April 4, put my veil on and sat down with Kyle. We opened a bottle of bubbly and had some ‘wedding cake.’ I purposely saved our dummy cake and chocolate Guinness cake from our pre-wedding party for this occasion! It was our wedding date night and it was just perfect!

ƒ Rebecca and Kyle

How have you been coping with Lockdown? I’m using it as a reset button. I think I speak for everyone when I say it’s made us appreciate the little things in life a lot more. The world doesn’t revolve around work or money. We need kindness, support, love, and friendships. I’m finding it difficult being away from family and friends and not being able to hug them, but it’ll be worth the wait when we can all get back together!

Tell us about the photoshoot you had with Alexandra?

Last year I wanted to find a local photographer who could take some pictures for my mummy and daddy’s 25th wedding anniversary. It’s Have you rescheduled? Yes, we have rescheduled to Friday, March so important to me to have updated family 5, 2021. By next year, we’re hoping that we photographs. Alexandra was recommended How did you feel about it? To be honest, I felt relieved! We never would all will have adapted to this new ‘normal’ life! to me and she was so helpful. Nothing was a problem and she took absolutely beautiful ƒ Rebecca and Kyle photographs that we’ll treasure forever. Alexandra makes you feel at such ease and is full of incredible photo ideas! I’m so grateful for all her photos, they’re a reminder of what’s to come!

Are you looking forward to your wedding next year? Even though our wedding plans haven’t gone completely according to plan, I’m having the best wedding experience as a bride-to-be. Kyle and I both have been blown away by the support and kindness from our family, friends, the Galgorm Wedding Team, our Wedding Planner, Bronagh and all of our suppliers. I feel privileged to have a lot more time to plan our big day with such a remarkable team!

Local Women Magazine | 29

Anne’s Makeover Magic Anne Coll from Drumquin used to feel self-conscious about her height - but after a stunning makeover from Lisa’s Lust List, she is standing tall.


By Kim Kelly

attended a Lisa’s Lust List special event at the Radisson Hotel.

ere at Local Women we love to Before they went, Caroline share the triumphs of ladies in wrote to Lisa and told her our community and let them about her special sister and have their moment in the spotlight. asked her if she would give This month we are celebrating with gorgeous her a makeover - and Lisa mum-of-four Anne Coll from Drumquin, near was only too happy to help. Omagh who won a fabulous makeover from Caroline told Lisa that none other than Lisa McGowan from Lisa’s Anne had been working Lust List. extremely hard over the Anne, 41, was nominated by her sister and past two years because best friend Caroline O’Kane who wanted her she had given up her job to have a special treat. as a support worker for Just before Lockdown the pair headed Action for Children to away for a girly weekend in Sligo where they pursue her dream of being a social worker.

With the help and support of her husband Gavin, she has returned to college and is combining studying with being a mum of four children. Caroline says: “This was a huge sacrifice -giving up her job and income was a difficult thing to do. Anne believes that things worth doing do not come easy and she has worked so hard. “Recently she got the fabulous news that she had achieved over 70 per cent and she had

30 | Local Women Magazine

ƒ Anne after her makover

made the university’s Dean’s list. This is a huge achievement as it isn’t easy raising four children and finding time to do homework and housework. “Luckily, her lovely husband Gavin has been with her every step of the way and she only has one year left to study – so there’s light at the end of the tunnel.” Caroline explained to Lisa and the makeover team that Anne needed a little boost as she always puts other first and rarely thinks about herself. Caroline said Anne often struggled to know what to wear as she is 6ft tall. While many of us would love to be that height, a few comments made to Anne in her younger days had made her self-conscious about her appearance. Lisa, of course, couldn’t wait to get her hands on such a lovely model and Anne was picked for the makeover on the day. A team of stylists helped Anne achieve her dream look, with hairdressers and makeup artists working their magic. Lisa said: “Wow! Wow! Wow! How stunning does Anne look after my Glam Squad treated her to a makeover? A huge thank you to all involved.” And I’m sure you’ll agree that she looked absolutely stunning in this beautiful dress that she got it keep. Congratulations Anne – you look amazing! ƒ Anne before her makover

Local Women Magazine | 31

Loving Me Loving Life Learning to love yourself is the most important thing you can do in the quest to create the life you truly want.


ho remembers being taught how to actually love yourself? It is often commonly mistaken as arrogance or conceit. We often hear it as a criticism of others, “Look at her, she loves herself!” You can see some people physically squirm at the very mention of it, as for many it can feel so at odds with what they were taught as children. However, it is one of the most important things to learn in life, if not the most important. We are the only voice in our head, we are the one constant person in our life, regardless of what happens, so surely the relationship we have with ourself, is something we should at least think about. One of the problems I see is that in general most people’s understanding of ‘loving yourself’ means that they should tell everyone how great they are and act like they are better than others. Ironically those who do this usually far from truly love themselves. Learning to love yourself is about firstly getting to know yourself, moving towards acceptance of all parts of you, liking and learning how to love yourself, not just by how you feel about you, but in how you care for you. It is by taking these actions of self-love that we begin to permit ourselves to live more fully, by ensuring that all our needs are met, rather than using all our energy to meet the needs of others. The mindset shift I work on with clients is the reverse of this. By teaching clients how to respond to their own needs and to embrace their true self and permit it to shine through, regardless of what others think, this positively impacts on their relationships and the way in which people respond to them. It begins to look like real confidence without the need to make others feel less. Instead it inspires those around them to make similar changes in their own life. A lot of mothers are so overloaded with the pressures of modern living, to have and be it ‘all’, that they simply have long forgotten that they matter too. Ironically, the more they put their own needs further and further down the list, the more it affects them and their family. Quite often I tell clients to do the illogical. For example, when you have a long list of tasks to do 32 | Local Women Magazine

and unleash your inner potential. It is a 12 week programme consisting of weekly 1-1 Facetime or face to face sessions (once Covid-19 restrictions are lifted these will resume), weekly journaling activities, course materials and an initial mindset transformation, where we focus on exploring who you are and what you want from the course. I’m also an energy therapist, and can integrate this into the package, based on client needs and requests. In addition, I have a set up a ‘Mindset for Mums’ group providing weekly wellbeing ‘get togethers’ on zoom. These are free of charge thanks to funding from Garvagh Development Trust. The purpose of this group is to offer wellbeing and mindset tips for mums during COVID 19 lockdown. It is also to provide a network of support and non-judgemental space for mums to and feel overwhelmed, I advise them to take a support one another. I have decided to target this break, preferably by taking time to go outdoors, meditate or even take a nap; something which will group, as there are a lot of mums under immense pressure at the moment; juggling home schooling, relax the body and mind and recharge it. When setting goals and working out what we want working from home, and parenting, as well as trying to meet their own needs. from life, how can we begin to do this if we don’t know who we are. Most people define themselves I am also currently offering counselling and personal development mentoring via Facetime, by their job title or role in the family but have WhatsApp and telephone, which can be booked never even considered who or what is behind on a weekly basis. these titles. Make yourself a priority, nurture any feelings that When we begin to look more closely at this, we may begin to gain more clarity about what we truly surface, and seek professional support when you need it. want from life, not what we think we should do Ask yourself what would my life look like if I loved based on what we think will please others or the ‘rules’ and restrictions we have been placing in our myself more? What would I permit myself to be, do and have? own lives based on limiting beliefs. I believe we all have a duty to love ourselves, Stay well, so that in turn we have more to give to others. I Louiseanne can see that for a long time we have been taught to give and give to others to our own detriment, where as when we can meet our needs first, the For more information on the work help we can give others is much more sustainable. Louiseanne does, visit her Facebook The other thing I find is the happier I am, the more page: I want to spread it to others, as well as being more https://www.facebook.com/ capable to do so. lookwithin16 This has led me to put together the selfor email: louiseanneq@gmail.com development course ‘Loving me-Loving Life’. I offer a unique, tailor made programme supporting you in learning who you are and how to love yourself so that you can create the life you truly want


Shop online or instore to keep your pet tick and flea free as the weather gets warmer

We are here for all your Essential Pet needs

When we are lucky enough to get some sunshine and heat, insects such as midges, fleas, and ticks can be a real pain, not only for us but also for our pets. Fleas and ticks can be particularly problematic for our pets and can cause itching, allergies and can even carry more serious diseases such as Lyme disease. It is important to make sure your pet is well protected while out and about and at Pet and Country we have a range of products to help safeguard your pet including shampoos, pet clothing, bedding and travel accessories.

an infected tick can cause many potentially more harmful diseases including Lyme Disease. You should check your pet regularly, especially when you return from a walk. Ticks should be removed immediately, but as they embed into the skin you should always use a tick remover. As well as treating your pet for a flea infestation you’ll also need to treat any affected areas of your home. Flea and Tick Laundry Treatment by Groom Firstly, let’s get an idea of what we’re dealing Professional is designed to with. Fleas and ticks are similar in that they wash away fleas, ticks and use their sharp mouth parts to cut into the skin mites – perfect for sanitising to feed on your pet’s blood. They leave behind pet bedding, towels, and linen. redness and irritation and can also transmit There are many spot-on treatments available diseases to both humans and pets. for insect bites, but they say prevention is

covers, play pens, and even some clothing. The car seat and boot covers are a great accessory as they not only protect your car from dirt but also effectively safeguard your pet from insects. The neck gaiters and bandanas are the pawfect accessory for a dapper dog. You can style your pup in one of these unisex pieces, both available in the carrot orange and fern green, knowing they will be safeguarded from insects. (These pieces also not limited to pet wear!) The Safety Vest provides effective protection from insects as well as increasing your pet’s visibility in low light. It comes in a range of sizes to fit everything from teacup Terriers to Great Danes.

better than cure, and when it comes insects we agree! At Pet & Country we have an excellent range of innovative and proven pet clothing, bedding and traveling accessories that offer effective protection from insects. Insect Shield products are odourless and safe for all the

New to our Shampoo range we have Bye Bye Buzz which contains neem oil, traditionally used against fleas, lice and other biting insects. Neem is also used for its anti-fungal and antibacterial properties so it can help soothe skin irritations if your pets are bitten. This luscious shampoo will deter insects but also contains coconut oil for added coat and skin conditioning.

So how do they differ? Fleas are wingless insects, ticks are arachnids (related to spiders). Adult Fleas find 1 host and stay there until they die (they have a life span of 2-3 months) whereas ticks move around multiple hosts changing every couple of weeks. They both thrive in warm weather but ticks are better adapted to live through the winter so you find they can live for up to 3 years. Fleas can jump 150 times their height and the female flea can lay 40-50 eggs in a day – just think how quickly your pet and home could be infested. In fact fleas could live in your car or home for 100 days without a blood meal. Fleas tend to cause skin issues such as allergies and dermatitis, and they can carry tape worms, whereas a single bite from

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Insect Shield removes all the worry about overdosing on spot-on treatments and is also perfectly safe for puppies. Insect Shield can be used as an alternative form of flea and tick protection or used with current spot-on treatments for optimal protection.

Our store on Main Street in Ballymoney is currently open for Pet Essentials and you can shop online at www.petandcountrystore.co.uk and get advice on Facebook @petandcountry.

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family – even babies. The revolutionary Insect Shield technology means that the chemicals that protect your pet never enter the bloodstream of the pet (or your humans) and it is constantly working – not just when your pet has been bitten.


The Insect Shield range includes neck gaiters, bandanas, beds, blankets, car seat covers, boot



38-44 MAIN STREET, BALLYMONEY TEL: 028 2766 3513



DON’T DO IT! Chris Graham from Barbers of BT45 in Magherafelt speaks for hairdressers across the country when he tells us to put down the box dyes and leave our hair alone during lockdown.

In this time of self-isolation, confusion and irrational concepts, it is easy to think… I can try this myself. My advice is DO NOT do this. We as professional hairdressers and barbers go through thorough training taking into consideration fundamental aspects before we start cutting your hair. These include head shape, hair density, growth patterns, type of hair, lifestyle, problematic areas, maintenance, facial features, male pattern baldness, face shape, texture, movement and recession areas to name but a few! By combining all of these together we hope to create something that has been tailor made to suit YOU the individual. To execute these fundamentals, precision, balance, focus and sectioning need to be applied and if your current hairdresser or barber has done all this for you should be very happy! If someone else attempts to try give you a “tidy up” or a “quick trim” they will sabotage all the hard work and money you have spent getting your hair to the desired shape it may be.

FOR MEN What I recommend on men is simply using a small trimmer or clipper to tidy up around the edges. By this I mean tidy up the natural hairline (do not create a new one!) Doing this will really transform the whole hair by making it appear a lot neater as we tend to see the over grown parts around our ears and necks, which is when we normally decide it’s time to visit our local barber. This can be easy enough to do if you take your time and use the edges of a clipper to just remove whatever has overgrown from the natural hairline. Just this simple method alone you will give the hair a whole new appearance and look a lot neater and tidier which will tide you over until your next haircut…whenever that may be.

PUT IT IN A BUN! On women’s hair it’s much easier to conceal that the haircut is overdue unless you wear it a lot shorter. For those with longer hair I recommend letting it grow out and again wait until the hairdressers open. It’s easy to put your hair up in a ponytail or a bun out of the way if it is causing annoyance. For those with fringes or bangs, PLEASE do not attempt this on your own. We have all seen those disastrous videos

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online of people hacking their fringe off and it appears so much shorter than they originally thought. This has a lot to do with the tension you are holding in the hair, again a method trained hairdressers will only understand. If however it is in your eyes and really causing you to be irritated let the hair fall into natural fall (meaning let the fringe sit as it natural would without any combs or fingers holding it and slightly trim the ends of it until out of your eyes

(be extremely careful!), again waiting for the salons to reopen so the professional can then take over and tailor it to your specification.

BIN THE BOX DYE In terms of colouring we have to get real here. There has always been an ongoing debate with box dyes vs in-salon colours. You have all seen your hairdressers face when you mention you have used one, here is why, let me break

it down for you. A box dye will generally come with a colour tube (pigments) and a bottle of developer. But no two people’s hair is the same! So why is the box dye made to suit everyone? Exactly It’s not! Hairdressers use specific professional use only colour lines and their dedicated developers. We are trained to look at what the clients needs are meaning, their grey coverage percentage, natural base, porosity of the hair, strength of the hair, levels of lift needed etc and we then use the required developer we feel will give you the desired results without ruining the integrity of your hair. We will also use specific ratios to dilute the formula based on what your hair needs us to do to it. A box dye will not do any of this Permanent Box dyes contain a lot of ammonia, PPD and metallic salts. Whilst these can be dangerous to anyone, they are especially dangerous to pregnant women. These are chemicals that have been removed by most professional colour lines or at least kept to a minimal percentage, as they can cause irritation and allergic reactions. A professional hairdresser again will use every tool at his or her disposable to keep the level of ammonia and PPD to a minimal by incorporating alternative methods and advanced technology that the professional colour lines now offer to salons only. Box dyes can be high on the PH scale and be very alkaline were as we as hairdressers try to keep to the most acidic route as possible, again trying to protect the integrity of your hair.

require specific placement to create dimension and a certain style. It could go horribly wrong and again a colour correction would need to be done to fix any wrong doings.


CONTACT YOUR HAIRDRESSER A solution to the problem would be to contact your hairdresser directly. I’ve seen several hairdressers offering to make their tailor-made colours for their client’s hair and leave it out for them, with specific instructions on what to do. Whilst not all hairdressers are doing this it would be an idea to contact yours and see if they are offering this service. Otherwise root sprays are ideal for everyone at the moment as they can hide greys and simply wash out. These are available at most pharmacies and health and beauty stores. These were designed to buy the client an extra couple of weeks for their colour which is exactly the situation we find ourselves in now.

shaft by blowing open the cuticle, which is nearly impossible to repair. It also can reveal really undesirable undertones (brassy, orange, yellow) which you will be stuck with until you see your hairdresser again. Please do not attempt to just place a dark colour over the top to hide these results as again this is extremely hard to remove. Professional hairdressers will DITCH THE BLEACH also include bond protectors to protect your Those that receive any bleaching services hair for bleaching like OLAPLEX which will PLEASE DO NOT attempt to do it yourself. This save the integrity of your hair, Box dyes do not is an extremely powerful chemical that needs offer this add on. specific attention, expertise and placement. Again, different developers perform differently For techniques such as Balayage, Full Head Foils and can cause severe burning and irritation and Ombre etc again please do not attempt on the scalp, whilst also destroying the hair this. These are techniques and methods that

I really recommend using this time to give your hair a complete break from any chemical or mechanical services. Use conditioning treatments, and masks to repair the hair back to its original state by giving it the protein, keratin and amino acids needed. Mechanical services such as straighteners and hairdryers can also be kept to a minimum to allow the hair to repair as these can be just as severe on the hair shaft as the cosmetic colour. By doing all of this you are leaving the hairdresser with a blank canvas to return you to as good as before! They will see exactly where the hair has overgrown and can resume from where they left off. Myself, I have chosen to let my hair grow out and give it a break from styling! Even though I have the tools and equipment needed to do the job, I too am going to follow my own advice.

SUPPORT YOUR HAIRDRESSER Please show support for your hairdresser or barber by helping them in this unique situation as most of them are self-employed. Buying vouchers, liking and sharing their pages, and purchasing products from them will ensure you are doing your part in helping them in whatever way you can. They are relying on you to return to the salons when they open so they can do what they love to do! If any have you have any queries feel free to contact me on my social media platforms. @barbersofbt45 @chrisdozthis.

22 Market Street | Magherafelt | BT45 6ED | 028 7930 0396

www.bt45academyltd.com Local Women Magazine | 35


Lock Down Ending? Refill your Equivalenza bottle and save money.

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Super Cute And Super Comfy There’s no need to compromise on style just because we’re in Lockdown. Marianne from Daisy Mae Boutique picks some stunning summer looks you can buy from the comfort of your own home.




You don’t need to wear your pjs all day long to be comfortable at home. Casual tees are the key for comfort during lockdown, teamed with some easy worn jeans. We have some great t-shirts you can wear loose or tucked into some fab high waisted jeans. These are great to pull you in at the tummy and give you that bit of shape at the waist. Jeans and tees go up to a size 22.

Why not brighten up your footwear with our beautiful Eclectic Electric Rainbow Trainers from Irregular Choice? These are guaranteed to cheer up any outfit and are so comfortable - it’s like walking on air. And don’t forget we have some cosy Powder Socks - comfy on their own and super-cute teamed with any of our shoes..

For those summer lazy days relaxing in the garden, we have a lovely V dress from Amber Dresses that can be worn with the V at the front or the back. I personally prefer with the V at the back as it gives it a super elegant look. There’s also a similar style with a batwing type sleeve if you prefer your arms covered. These come in some beautiful rainbow pastel colours.

SMARTY PANTS! If jeans are too casual for your Zoom meetings, these lightweight cigarette trousers are just that little bit smarter teamed with a tee. These stylish pants are a style classic and are both smart and comfortable.

PURR-FECT TEES You’ll be feline fine in this cute kitty cat t-shirt. Slip on the ‘meow or never’ tee with your jeans for a purse friendly summer look at just £19.99, other tees from £14.99.

SANDALS THAT SPARKLE If you like a bit of sparkle, we have some beautiful diamanté flip flops, and some gorgeous sandals and wedges from Ruby Shoo. If you’re anything like me, and like a bit of matchy-matchy, you can team it with a matching bag to complete the look. If you like block colour footwear, we have Ragtime Ruffle from Irregular Choice that come in black and pink. There are also summer flats from Irregular Choice. Savannah comes in zebra and giraffe print!

GET SHADY Team your outfits with some beautiful on trend powder sunglasses. The Aubrey ones are my absolute favourites and suit pretty much every face shape.


JUMP INTO SUMMER As the weather hots up, it will soon be too warm for cosy loungewear. Why not try something simple and cooler like a lightweight jumpsuit? I love this fab navy, button up jumpsuit. It’s so easy to wear and also comes in blush pink.

44 | Local Women Magazine

Revamp your makeup routine with some great new brushes. We stock the Colour Me Bootiful brushes, designed by popular blogger Antonia Gallagher. I personally use them, and they give a beautifully flawless finish. I use them to apply Note BB cream which I set with Charlotte Tilbury magic powder. It’s a lightweight look that isn’t too heavy for during lockdown. Note is such a great brand - have you tried the Lip Corrector? It’s perfect for keeping your lips beautiful in Lockdown.


Shop new season lines online at

www.daisymaeboutiqueni.co.uk FREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS OVER £50

Local Women Magazine | 45

“As a mum you have to stay strong…” A Limavady mum who lost her son to suicide is using her heartbreak to help raise suicide awareness and break the stigma around mental health.


By Mandi Millar

hen I do actually realise that Ashley is truly gone I’m scared where it will take me... admits Limavady mum Jackie Barnes.

ƒ The late Ashley Barnes

And so, in the five years since her son’s death, she has lived to keep Ashley’s memory alive in a community where, she says, kids as young as 11 are contemplating suicide. “Ashley was 24 when he took his life. He had two wee boys, everything to live for you’d think. But he had his demons too,” says Jackie, who discovered her son’s body. “I don’t think people would do it if they realised what they were leaving behind, the ripple effect, the aftermath. That’s something we struggle with daily.” In fact, Jackie still doesn’t think she’s processed it, even though she’s now working to promote suicide awareness. “If someone starts talking about Ashley I can feel the lump in my throat but then as quickly as it starts something kicks in and I go back to ‘being Jackie’. It’s like a survival instinct. “I’m on anti-depressants and I’d be afraid to stop them in case I end up in the black hole where I was after I lost Ashley, not eating, washing, sleeping,” says Jackie who used to sit by her son’s graveside in the wee hours just to feel closer to him. “We had a really special connection. If I asked Ashley something he’d never have told me a lie and he struggled with drugs.

ƒ Jackie is trying to raise awareness of mental health issues 46 | Local Women Magazine

“He’d managed to get back onto an even keel though and had even posted about it on Facebook but he’d lost a friend a few months before and that hit him hard so when he died there were rumours it was drugs-related.”

Not believing it, though, Jackie requested a copy of her son’s autopsy report, something no mother should ever have to read. “It revealed a tiny amount of cannabis which the doctor said wouldn’t have played any part, and a small amount of an anti-depressant the GP had prescribed, so drugs weren’t a factor,” she says, though Jackie accepts she’ll never really know what was going through her son’s head that night. “Ashley was to have stayed with me because he had an important appointment the following day,” recalls Jackie who’d started to worry when he didn’t show or get in touch. “When our lift rang that morning rang to make sure we were ready I told him I was wild worried. I rang Ashley’s neighbour to see if she could get a response at his house. “She said there was no-one about but that Ashley’s mobile was lying in the living room. Ashley’s phone was always superglued to him and I’d a feeling in the pit of my stomach right then that something terrible had happened. “I got a lift to his house and kicked the door in shouting for Ashley all the time. He wasn’t in the kitchen or the living room so I started up the stairs - and that’s when I saw it...

Ashley’s feet, just dangling there. “After that I don’t really remember much but I do know his left eye was half open and his hand was caught beneath the scarf he’d used so I’ll always wonder had he changed his mind and was trying to save himself – or maybe that’s just an instinctive thing...” In another cruel unknown, when police checked Ashley’s phone, they discovered his credit had run out the previous night so Jackie’s wonders had he tried to contact her but couldn’t. The torture of those what-ifs threatened to overwhelm her in the dark days that followed. “I didn’t care much about anything else. I just had to be with him and there were mornings I’d be up at 5am sitting by his grave with only the torch on my phone for light,” says Jackie who’s relied heavily on her mum Jean in the five years since. “I would be lost without my mum. She’s my rock, my everything. I know she stays strong for me and I try not to cry in front of her but when she heard about a sponsored walk I did recently to mark what would’ve been Ashley’s 30th birthday she was in floods of tears.” Jackie ended up raising over £1800, money she’s donated to LIPS (Limavady Initiative for the Prevention of Suicide). “This money will hopefully help train someone in counselling,” says Jackie who’s been shocked by the scale of mental health and suicide issues in the area. “I know a family where a wee 11-year-old is telling his mum he wants to kill himself. “It’s so important for people talk for once you’ve started to think about suicide there’s such a fine line to taking that final step. “And once it’s happened in your family,

ƒ Jackie has been supported through her grief by mum Jean

it makes you afraid for your other children. You’re afraid to turn your back for five minutes. You hear a bang and you just think, oh my God what’s that!” says Jackie who knows she’s yet to deal fully with Ashley’s loss. “The doctor has told me it could take five, 10 even 15 tears but that the longer it goes the harder it will probably be. “When other people cry over Ashley I know that should be me too and I ask myself, what’s wrong with you? But you cope the best way you can, don’t you? “As a mum you have to stay strong. I have to be strong for Ashley’s brother and sister and my grandchildren. As a mum it’s just what you do, isn’t it?”

ƒ Jackie with Ashley

* If you need help and advice, follow LIPS on Facebook or call LIFELINE on 0808 808 8000

ƒ Jackie visits Ashley’s grave daily

Local Women Magazine | 47

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What Women Want

HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIDE… Lori Gatsi-Barnett from the JoinHer Network speaks to Louise Warde Hunter, Principal and Chief Executive of leading Further and Higher Education College, Belfast Met, about why women have what it takes to deal with a crisis.

Continents, and time zones are grounded and facing a new normal. This new reality has opened our lives in so many different ways. For the first time the whole world is in the same place and our experiences are exposing just how similar we all are. Everything has changed and for a while we have become aware of our limitations as we are not out and present everywhere, but living indoors for a moment, in this time. At the same time, looking from the window of the house, on either side we see how resilient people, families, friends and communities are. We have had to consider the value of life and the danger and uncertainty no one could have ever imagined. Looking out neighbours have taken on consideration for each other, vulnerabilities have been so evident and the appreciation for everyone on the frontline battling it out to save us all. The weather has been bright and sunny as if to tempt us to go beyond our back yard. Gardens and outdoor living spaces in our homes have provided a safe haven as with our children we plant and practice science projects that we certainly don’t want to ruin our floors. The sound of laughter, games outdoors, the aroma of barbecue days and the best staycations worthy of a travel agent family deal, is another aspect of this new normal that we presently face.

consistent and courageous response, whilst not losing focus and having decisive action plans. It has been beautiful to watch and applaud female leaders at work. Louise continues: “At this challenging time for so many, communication has never been more important to us in all the communities we are part of, whether they are our communities of family and friends, our local neighbourhoods or our communities at work. How we connect and engage on-line has changed and accelerated. From video meetings at work to the advent of the social media family quiz or the latest Tik Tok challenge, there’s a sense that whatever the world looks like, as we emerge from isolation, we have reinforced new lines of communication years ago when she was studying the qualities in our daily lives.” of successful leaders of change in the public Globally we are changing because in every sector, there was a clear correlation between the community, whatever its make-up, family, characteristics of good change leaders and the friends, our local neighbourhoods, or our attributes often associated with women leaders. colleagues at work, we all recognise that we The common denominators were an empathetic matter. In whatever we choose to stay connected, approach and sustained, good communication. we should reflect on what matters. Additionally,

Back indoors on a rainy day, home school and home office complete, those board games, puzzles, trivia and consoles! The competition between generations rages on to see who wins the challenges and who cheats! Winning at its best! For a brief moment we are all caught up living, creating memories and embracing belonging, unity and cherishing wellness and safety hidden within the house. By now we have all become so particular about cleaning standards, making sure everywhere is disinfected as we fight a The true test of leadership has been put on war with detergents. display with how different governments have “I have always been interested in how people responded to this pandemic. The evidence has cope with and manage change” says Louise been overwhelming that women have what Warde Hunter, the new Principal and Chief it takes to deliver in times of crisis. There Executive of leading Further and Higher is obvious confidence, calm processing of Education College, Belfast Met. She said, many information, swift delegation of duties and a

appreciate the finer things and make time to be present in the moment. Rekindle hobbies, rewrite songs and remake movie scenes, redesign our living spaces, hold dear our loved ones and plan for the future. Whichever side of the window we stand on, I’m confident there will always be hello from the other side.

For more information find us at joinher.co.uk Local Women Magazine | 49

50 | Local Women Magazine



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ever has wellness been so important. Gemma Garrett from Buella Life knows that taking care of your health is vital and wants to share her range of health care products with Local Women readers.

This month Gemma is offering one lucky Local Women reader the chance to win a range of Buella Life products including:

Buella Life is an online third-party distribution platform sourcing best-in-class luxury and wellness brands which adhere to a common set of ethical and humane values.

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52 | Local Women Magazine

Local Women Magazine | 53

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Local Women Magazine | 55

PHARMACY HEROES We at Gordons Chemists have always put the patient first. Covid-19 has not changed this.

Like many other healthcare and frontline workers across the UK, our #PharmacyHeroes - both our team at Gordons Chemists and right across Community Pharmacy - are making us incredibly proud right now with staff having to make their own personal sacrifices in recent months in order to support the community and ensure you continue to have access to the medication you need. We are facing incredible demands on the services we offer, and we are facing an invisible enemy. Community Pharmacies across Northern Ireland experienced a huge surge in demand because of the coronavirus pandemic, and this has resulted in some pharmacies dispensing almost four times the amount of medication they normally would in a week. So how have our pharmacy teams managed throughout this crisis to continue to provide the medication you need, and give the care and advice you trust? Below is some insight into what your local pharmacies have been facing, so that you can understand what life has been like for them while they have been supporting those most in need during these difficult times. Many team members have chosen to isolate away from their families so that they can continue to work while also keeping their families safe. To cope with the dramatic increase in prescription requests the majority of our staff came in early, worked late, worked weekends and even cancelled holidays – all in a bid to catch up with the workload so that patients were able to receive their medication.

for prescriptions needing to be delivered. With many patients having to self-isolate or Numerous team members took it upon shield due to underlying health conditions, themselves to facilitate these deliveries this resulted in an unprecedented demand in their own time with many delivering

56 | Local Women Magazine

medication to patients during their breaks, on their way home in the evenings and even at the weekends. A large number of Gordons Chemists team members, including head office staff, have all had to adapt by taking on different roles and joining forces all in a bid to ensure that we continued to support our patients. Right throughout our network, team members have went over and beyond the call of duty to ensure that their patients received the care and support they needed during the Covid-19 crisis. Many of these acts have become part of the ‘new normal’ way of working. We therefore, wanted to take this opportunity to highlight just a few examples of how some of our teams interventions have directly benefited our patients and why we class ALL our staff as #PharmacyHeroes.

MOY Cathy wasn’t going to let being pregnant stop her from supporting her local community! “I was approximately 4 months pregnant when the pandemic hit. I initially worked away as normal in the dispensary availing of the PPE provided – however it was suggested by my consultant that I should self-isolate to avoid any possibility of catching the Corona virus, I didn’t enjoy being faced with the possibility of staying at home for 12 weeks - as I was still keen to be part of the team and provide a service to the public and our loyal customers in the Moy area. Therefore, in an attempt to distance myself and self-isolate, I decided to work from home during the first few weeks preparing and checking work for the branch in a bid to help with influx of prescriptions we were being sent.

ƒ Pharmacy manager in Moy branch, Cathy Scullion and Nigel Chambers, Dispensary Technician

to work safely in the branch while self-distancing from customers. This has allowed me to stay in involved with the daily activities and oversee the branch dispensing. I didn’t want to take time off unnecessarily, thus potentially impacting on the After a few weeks, a separate workstation was high level of service me and the team have been created for me in the store, which allowed me offering to our patients for the last number of years.

On numerous occasions both myself, Nigel the dispensary technician along with other members of staff have worked into the evening after the shop is closed, through our lunch breaks and came in on rest days all to ensure the continued supply of medication for our patients”.

ENNISKILLEN Pharmacist Maureen Symington and her team at Gordons Chemists in Enniskillen have been working around the clock to ensure that the dispensing of medication has been uninterrupted for their customers during the pandemic. “Ordering and collecting prescriptions from surgeries and taking on additional deliveries ourselves have all been in a day’s work for the Enniskillen team. Our main aim was to try to reduce the waiting times and queues for our patients – especially the elderly and vulnerable. Many of our team members have adapted and taken on different roles in store, to ensure the continued safety of our staff and our patients. We also received free lunches from local businesses which we are extremely grateful for.” ƒ Left: Back Maureen Symington & Joanne Martin Front left - Emma O’Connell Rachel Heavey - Cathy Johnston - Sheena Ormsby ƒ Right: Sarah Cullen Nicola McDowell

Phrases like ‘above and beyond’ or ‘going the extra mile’ don’t quite cut it when we think of the effort and commitment that our staff and all those through community pharmacy have displayed throughout this crisis. We’re incredibly proud of them, and immensely grateful to them for how they’ve stood up and

responded during this pandemic.

generosity shown to us through the many kind

We understand that it has not been easy on you - our loyal patients. For the appreciation and understanding, that, you’ve displayed to our teams - we thank you.

gestures and small gifts that our Pharmacy Teams have received over the past weeks again we thank you! These small tokens of your appreciation for our

We have also been humbled by the #PharmacyHeroes mean the world to us.

www.gordonsdirect.com Local Women Magazine | 57

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THE MOOD OF DRESSING WHILE YOU WORK FROM HOME DURING COVID19. Hello, to all my readers this month I thought I would write about the mood of dressing for work during covid19 while you move from the office to the comforts of your home as your typical workday. Once again, we challenge huge changes in our lifestyle and in our work environments. The coronavirus pandemic has forced most of us to work from home which has led to the tricky dress code when there is nowhere to go, so what do you actually wear to make your day

productive and help you feel motivated while you type up that memo, or take that business call . Just remember ladies that when you are feeling low, clothes always have the power to give us warmth and security especially at a time like this so firstly don’t opt for a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie, keep this wear for your afternoon walk plus you don’t want to get caught out with that all important conference call on Zoom, unless you opt for dressing from the top up otherwise known as “conference 60 | Local Women Magazine

of a lift in your day try choosing bright colours to boost your mood, I find this really works for me and I have noticed that when my customers come to visit me instore at Gasp they immediately feel lifted when they try on colourful pieces especially during the spring summer season, so try bring this mood into your home office environment it will make such a difference to your day! If you are really feeling brave and you have always wanted to practice power dressing for work well now is the time to do this from the confines of your kitchen table, your colleagues call dressing” keeping won’t recognise you in that business on top and zoom call while you dress to pyjamas on the bottom impress with that powerful then you can easily cover pinstripe blouse, tight up and your colleagues won’t knee length skirt with notice any difference ! a slit up the side and As we all face daily bad news and red soled high heeled restrictions it is tough enough trying pointed shoes , YES you to work let alone start pulling out that are in control of any difficult situation office skirt from the wardrobe and that may arise at work , you are ready delving into your closet for your most bring it on !! stylish shirt , but in times of crisis it is so Just on another note you may not important to feel good and getting all realise that I have revamped my dressed can act as a form of self care , online store www.gaspboutiques. so what I suggest is when you get up in com , we are taking all orders online the morning , after your breakfast and before you settle down to opening with shipping direct to your door, up your laptop browse through your I have had a little extra time to work on this while the boutique wardrobe and opt for a piece has been closed during this of clothing that makes pandemic so please feel you feel comfortable but free to browse away productive , maybe this will and send me any consist of a nice blouse with queries you may a collar, a shirt , or just simply have , I am more a smart colourful top that than happy to would look well on that help you in any way that I can. zoom call ! Comfort is important too, and it is very easy to just throw something on in the mornings but you don’t want it to feel like its yesterday’s clothes so take out a nice pair of stretch jeans or classy comfortable elasticated waisted pants along with good footwear , trainers or soft ankle boots, try to avoid staying in your slippers unless you have kept those pjs on ! Just remember our clothes can motivate us and establish a purpose to our working day environment. If you are looking for a little bit

I do hope you, your families, and loved ones are all keeping safe and I look forward to seeing you all again in store very shortly, it is trying times for each and everyone one of us , but I do believe we will all get through this as a nation and hopefully a successful covid19 vaccine will be approved shortly so we can all bring a little bit of normality back into our daily lives. In the meantime, Safe Safe everybody. Until Next Month Regards

Ann Doyle

Proprietor of Gasp Boutique Armagh Local Women Magazine | 61

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SUPPORTING YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM THROUGH COVID-19 Dietitian and nutrition blogger Kathryn Stewart gives you practical advice on how to keep yourself healthy during the health crisis.


Confused by what diet you should be following? It was no carb last week, low fat this Aim for 5 or more fruit and vegetables week, eat more fruit, no wait, fruit contains too much sugar…the list goes on! Every daily: fresh, frozen, canned and dried Tom, Dick and Harry seems to be dishing out nutrition advice these days, but the truth is all count registered dietitians are the only health professionals qualified to give nutrition advice. If Choose wholegrain carbohydrates, e.g. you needed your car fixed you wouldn’t go to a hairdresser and vice versa so why take wholegrain cereals/ oats, wholemeal diet advice from those no qualified to do so? I know only too well how confusing it can bread/ pasta be to find reliable diet and nutrition information and advice which is why each month I’ll Stay hydrated: aim for 8 glasses a day be helping you make sense of a popular nutrition trends and providing practical tips to and remember soups, jellies and hot improve your diet. drinks count too A BIT ABOUT ME First things first, I’ll introduce myself, I’m Kathryn Limit alcohol to no more than 14 units Stewart a dietitian and sports nutritionist from a week the North Coast and as stereotypical as it Take a folic acid supplement if you’re sounds, my love of food initially led me to a pregnant or planning on it career in dietetics. I studied in Glasgow, got If you don’t manage to get adequate my first job in Nottingham and then moved Vitamin D from the sun (10-15mins back home to complete an MSc in Sport and between 12-4pm), consider taking a Exercise Nutrition. I’ve worked in hospitals, 10µg (400IU) supplement of Vitamin D as community clinics, with cycling and GAA it’s difficult to get sufficient amounts from teams and just recently returned from Dubai food alone. where I was working as a dietitian sports nutritionist within a gym, which was a little You can however support your immune Why not start with making one improvement different and a lot warmer! I’m currently living this week and add on another each week till system by following these simple tips: on my parent’s farm on the North Coast and in they become changes that turn into habits that Eat enough: if your weight is stable and my spare time enjoy writing my nutrition blog require little thought. you don’t feel constantly hungry, it’s @edible_evidence and making the most of living in the middle of nowhere to enjoy all the likely you’re eating enough

4. 5.

6. 7. 8.


socially isolating walks! CAN MY DIET PROTECT ME FROM COVID-19? I think this is the question on everyone’s lips of late! I’ve heard of garlic, elderberry, Vitamin C and D supplements all being touted as immune-boosting and protective against COVID-19 but the truth is there is no food, diet or supplement proven to prevent us from getting COVID-19. If you think about it logically, you technically don’t want to “boost” your immune system as an overactive immune system isn’t a good thing, this is what happens in allergic reactions or arthritis!


Include protein at each meal, e.g. eggs, chicken, fish, meat, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils

Contact Kathyrn on kathrynstewart1@hotmail.co.uk edible_evidence 64 | Local Women Magazine



COVID-19 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Roisin McAvoy from McAvoy Molloy Chartered Accountants explains the financial packages available to employers, employees and the self-employed during the Covid-19 crisis. to be more than half of your total income. You will need to confirm to HMRC that your business has been adversely affected. The claim service will be open from 13th May 2020 and is being delivered ahead of timetable.

Hi Everyone, I hope you are all enjoying the lovely weather we are having, in this unprecedented time in which we find ourselves. As businesses close to help prevent transmission of COVID-19, financial concerns and job losses are one of the first human impacts of the virus. Not knowing how this pandemic will play out affects our economic, physical and mental well-being. Despite this fear, businesses and communities have access to support packages introduced by the government and I am going to highlight these key initiatives, addressing some of the concerns or queries you may have.

Small Business Support Grant Scheme This is a one-off grant of £10,000. If you pay business rates with a rateable value of £15000 or below and receive small business rate relief you should be eligible. In order to determine this check your rates bill. If you cannot retrieve your bill don’t panic you can order a new one by logging onto www.nidirect.gov.uk Once confirmed that you are in receipt of the small business rate relief and that the rateable value is below £15,000, it is time to claim. You must register for this grant by logging onto www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk and follow the link for the grant listed above. Please note the deadline to register for this scheme is Wednesday 20th May 2020

Hospitality, Retail& Tourism and Leisure Grant Scheme This is a one-off grant and it has value of £25,000. The NI Executive is offering this grant to business in the retail, hospitality, tourism and leisure sectors with a rateable value between £15,001 and £51000. If you ‘re rateable value lies within this bracket log onto www.nibusinessinfo. co.uk and follow the link for the above grant. The closing date for scheme registration is Wednesday 20th May 2020.

Job Retention Scheme This has proved to be a particularly welcomed

Coronavirus Business interruption loan scheme Put simply it is access to loans, overdrafts and invoice financing for up to six years. It is a loan product and is fully repayable by the business. I recently participated in a remote meeting/ conference with Robert Mc Cullough, Head of Business Sector Engagement of Danske Bank. He emphasised that the principal factor INVOLVED IN APPLYING FOR THIS SCHEME is that business must have been viable pre the covid19 period. If you feel you would like to avail of this scheme you will need to furnish the bank with specific financial information including cashflows, recovery plans scheme. It has been suggested that eight out of ten and any other information the bank may require. employers are likely to benefit from this scheme. It is used to preserve jobs by placing employees Business Bounce Back Loans on furlough rather than laying them off. I had Chancellor Rishi Sunak has introduced a new never heard of the word “furlough “before and loan scheme to help small business who are is now a word that is used daily on the news. It struggling to access credit and they can borrow is the responsibility of the employer to notify the between £2000 and £ 50000. This is selfemployee that they will be put on furlough and certification process . the employee then needs to sign their agreement I hope the information noted will assist your that they understand that they are being put on businesses in these most challenging times. furlough The employee will then stop work but will receive their furlough pay. The employer can More importantly, look after yourselves, friends apply for a grant that covers 80% of the employee’s and families. Take some time to relax and let usual monthly wage up to £2,500 per month your accountants deal with the financial aspects plus the associated employer NI and pension to Covid 19! contribution. The claim is made online HMRC has If you have any questions in relation to the communicated that it will later check claims, and above or any aspect involving financial advice clawbacks will be made if found to be fraudulent. please contact me or a member of our team at McAvoy Molloy on 07842654263 or email info@ Self-employed Income mcavoy-molloy.com And I would be more than Support Scheme happy to assist in a professional, confidential This scheme allows self-employed people to claim and proficient manner. 80% of their trading profits (based on 3 years tax returns submitted to HMRC up to 18/19) Stay Safe, for 3 months. It will be limited to a maximum of £2,500 per month. Your trading profits need to be less than £50,000 per year for you to be McAvoy Molloy Chartered eligible for the grant Your trading profits need Accountants & Registered Auditors


28 Castle Meadows, Gilford, 4 Millvale Road, Annaclone, Craigavon, Co. Armagh Banbridge, Co. Down Tel: 078 4265 4263


Info@mcavoy-molloy.com Local Women Magazine | 65

LOOKING GOOD IN LOCKDOWN Kular Fashion is online and ready to help you with some stylish lockdown looks for work and leisure.


ue to the ongoing COVID19 health crisis, we’re all being forced to stay indoors in a bid to reduce the spread and keep our loved ones safe. But just because we’re on lockdown doesn’t mean we have to compromise on style. Whether you’re working from home, or enjoying some downtime, staying in is officially the new going out. And we have lots of outfit options for you to get you through the next few weeks.

Working From Home For those who are still working but from the comfort of your own home, it can be easy to get stuck in a rut and send emails in your PJs from under your duvet. But is that really productive? You don’t have to get suited and booted, but getting up and getting dressed first thing will really give your day a kick start. We all need some kind of structure to our day. Nothing says smart casual more than a GANT blouse and we have lots of colour ways to choose from. You can add some print into your wardrobe with this pale blue option, or keep it classic with a plain shirt that will never date. Also, you’ll look super professional when you show up to your Zoom team meeting - even if you are wearing it with leggings and trainers. We’ve never wore so much and our feet are thankful for it – what even are high heels? Let’s face it, they’re much more comfortable and look cool. These Ted Baker trainers are an online favourite, and come in a few different styles.

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Lounge Wear How we dress impacts our daily thinking, and while staying in your pyjamas all day is tempting, it’s always a better idea to get up and change into something just as comfortable. We have loads of cool and casual items at the minute including a huge range from Barbour International. These sweatshirt and t-shirt combos are perfect for this time of year. The grey and pale blue colour way is versatile and will take you right into Autumn, however they also come in oatmeal, khaki and white. While we might be dressed, we can still stay comfy in our house slippers no matter what time of day it is. These suede UGG slippers are the perfect addition to your wardrobe right now.

Treating Himself

Staying Active Thankfully the weather man has been on our side and we’ve been treated to a few glorious weeks of sunshine. This allows us to enjoy our one hour of daily exercise and get outside into the fresh air. We carry a huge line from The North Face for both men and women. It’s a fantastic brand that stands the test of time and will last in your wardrobe for years and years. This funky orange and purple rain coat (PIC7) is lightweight and versatile which features DryVent technology to wick away sweat and repel outside moisture. The orange t-shirt (PIC8) compliments it perfectly and would look beautiful with plain black leggings and trainers.

If the man in your life needs an update to his wardrobe, we have got him covered at Kular Fashion. We’ve found a lot of our customers are buying gifts for others and getting them shipped to their address, which is lovely to see in these testing times. From casual tees to comfortable sweatshirts and tracksuits, you can pick up some of the best premium brands at Kular Fashion while staying cool and comfortable at the same time. Check out our website for loungewear from Calvin Klein, The North Face, Carhartt WIP, Fred Perry plus much more.

We hope you are all keeping safe and well, and hopefully we will see you all in-store sooner rather than later.

www.kularfashion.com Get 10% off your first order online plus free delivery when your order is over £25. Ferryquay Street | Derry~Londonderry | 028 7126 1326 @kularfashion



kularfashion Local Women Magazine | 67



WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW DOT MICRO IS A MULTI AWARD WINNING COMPANY THAT PROVIDES A FANTASTIC HAIR LOSS SOLUTION CALLED SCALP MICROPIGMENTATION. The clinic based in Holywood, County Down provides a non-medical hair loss solution. Scalp micropigmentation can be used to treat hereditary hair loss, and other forms of Alopecia and can even camouflage scars on the scalp.

My only regret is that I didn’t have it done sooner.” Don Allen

One of our valued clients

SO HOW DOES SCALP MICROPIGMENTATION WORK? Tiny flecks of ink are applied to the top layer of skin. These super tiny dots resemble shaved hair follicles or can look like the base of hair follicles under thinning hair. Mark Smith, the global multi award winning scalp micropigmentation artist can basically make thin hair look more

dense or can a give a bald guy back what actually looks like a full head of hair but shaved. It’s amazing. The great thing about scalp micropigmentation is that the results are almost immediate and can last many years before requiring a top up treatment.

WHAT CAN SCALP MICROPIGMENTATION BE USED TO TREAT? Scalp micropigmentation is also known as SMP or a hair tattoo. The treatment’s popularity is huge in the US and other parts of the world and now becoming a popular choice as a hair loss solution in Northern Ireland. SMP has many uses. It’s most common use is for men who have severe hair loss. However, It’s equally effective for giving the appearance of more density in thinning hair and so a

great option to men and women alike suffering from various forms of alopecia.



In addition, it’s commonly used to camouflage scars on the scalp. These could be either small scars from minor injuries to large medical scars. The clinic offer free consultations with various treatment special offers on through winter and spring.

Give us a call today on +44 (0) 2895 570 001 68 | Local Women Magazine


Mark Smith

Dot Micro Award Winning Scalp Artist







E. info@dot-micro.com


See their latest results on Facebook and Instagram Local Women Magazine | 69

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For many children home isn’t a safe place… The amazing counsellors at Childline are hard at work during the pandemic. Belfast’s Denise Quinn explains that with children in crisis across the country, donating to the charity is more important than ever.


By Maureen Coleman

Co Antrim woman, who is a counsellor with Childline, has spoken about how she and her colleagues are continuing to support children and young people during the Coronavirus pandemic. Denise Quinn, from Belfast, has been a supervisor with the NSPCC-run service for around six months and is part of a dedicated team of staff and volunteers who are answering calls and email contacts at Childline’s Belfast base. Denise, who was a social worker for 11 years before joining Childline, has been granted key worker status with her colleagues at the Belfast base. Childline has 12 bases across the UK including two in Northern Ireland – Belfast and Foyle. The 38-year-old said: “Now, more so than ever, our children and young people need the service. We as adults are anxious and worried about the future and struggling to understand what is happening, imagine what that is like for a child. Their world has changed practically overnight. “The routine of going to school, seeing their teachers, playing with their friends, studying for exams that are no longer happening, and doing things that they enjoy, to instead being at home 24/7 perhaps with brothers and sisters they don’t get along with, and with parents who are themselves stressed, mean children are very vulnerable. We are very aware that already children are struggling with their mental health and don’t have the resilience and coping skills needed right now.”

in. We will be there to listen to them, to let them know they are important, to support them and keep them safe. Whether they are upset about not seeing their best friend, how anxious they are about not doing their exams, that they are frightened about their mum who is a nurse, or worried about when they will see their CAMHS worker again,

She added: “That’s where Childline comes Childline will be there.

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“I am so very aware of the children and young people for whom home isn’t a safe place, either physically or emotionally, and for all sorts of reasons. These children are now more vulnerable than ever. There is no teacher to look out for them. No visits to the school counsellor. And no friends to spend time with. It is these children that I am especially worried about and who need to Childline to be there.”

“We will be there to listen to them, to let them know they are important, to support them and keep them safe.”

Denise and her colleagues at Childline are now urging the public to continue to support children during this challenging time. To adapt to the ever-changing situation, the NSPCC has launched its appeal ‘We’re still here for children’. Despite Childline having to close the night service for the first time and having a 30% drop in volunteer hours, due to counsellors having to self-isolate, it’s battling to still be there for children across the UK. The NSPCC is urging the public to visit its website and donate £10 to help fund vital services like Childline so the charity can continue to answer calls and be here for the young people who desperately need someone to talk to, especially when home isn’t a safe place. Between January 21, 2020 and April 8, 2020, Childline delivered over 2,200 counselling sessions across the UK to children and young people who were concerned about Coronavirus. Denise added: “Yes, it is hard to keeping going to work, when almost everyone else is staying at home. It’s hard when everyone is so anxious, but trying not to be. And it’s hard to leave my children knowing that many of their friends are being brilliantly homeschooled by parents and having lots of fun each day. But then I have that chat with a child who is anxious, or lonely, or frightened, and I am able to listen to them, and even if just for a short time, to help them feel safe. Then that guilt about my own children disappears. “No matter what lies ahead in the coming weeks and months, I know that Childline will be there. I feel very grateful to be part of a team of staff and volunteers who are continuing to come to work so that our children continue to have someone who will listen, someone who cares, and someone who will support them to keep safe.”

Shop online at


In the past few weeks Childline has heard from children whose parents have lost their jobs and are under growing financial pressure, as well as from young carers struggling to look after their siblings whilst their parents fall sick with Coronavirus symptoms. Childline is also hearing from children who have had suicidal thoughts and talk about feeling trapped and isolated. To support the appeal, the NSPCC has launched a new television ad which features a Childline counsellor talking after a shift about the vital importance of the service. Young people can contact Childline on 0800 1111 or via 1-2-1 chat on www.childline.org.uk Childline also has a huge online community where children can get support from their peers on message-boards and use expert resources to help them through any issue they are concerned about. If adults are worried about children they can get advice from NSPCC practitioners on 0808 800 5000 or help@nspcc.org.uk The NSPCC is urging the public to visit its website and donate £10 to help fund vital services like Childline so the charity can continue to answer calls and be here for the young people who desperately need someone to talk to, especially when home isn’t a safe place.

21 Broad Street, Magherafelt. Telephone: 028 7930 0775 spoiltbelleboutique


Local Women Magazine | 77


WIN A CASE OF WINE FROM GREATVINE (www.wineswithstories.com)

Meet the couple who are bringing gorgeous Artisan quality, single vineyard wines from small family producers, direct to your door across Northern Ireland – and there’s a special Local Women Magazine discount. After living for many years in the heart of the Veneto wine region near Venice, Belfast husband and wife team Sherril and Thomas Soliman started GreatVine Ltd in 2016, to import beautiful artisan wines from small, single vineyard producers. Thomas was Food and Beverage Manager in luxury hotels on the Grand Canal in Venice for over 20 years and at Middle Eastern resort hotels before that.

Win a case of wine

A joint passion for good food and great wines, drove them to want to share the previously unheard-of, incredible producers that they had discovered, back home in Northern Ireland. They began to import and wholesale to the finest hotels and restaurants in Northern Ireland including the Merchant Hotel which partners with GreatVine to host the annual month-long Festival of Prosecco. This popular festival features Prosecco parties on the roof terrace with speakers from guest wineries and masterclasses in Prosecco where participants get to experience five different styles and quality levels of Prosecco.

Then the Coronavirus pandemic happened, and plans changed dramatically. Improvising almost overnight, a more simplified version of www.wineswithstories.com was launched to showcase all of the beautiful, authentic wines in stock and the response has been overwhelming.

Amazon sales went crazy and from a standing start and a little bit of Facebook advertising, the new website orders also started to get really They launched on Amazon UK with their busy, especially with local people in lockdown new retail brand Wines With Stories, selling a ordering wines for home delivery. range of artisan wines direct to consumers across the UK. Artisan wines always have Wines With Stories deliver all over NI and the UK stories, whereas industrial commercial wines for a flat fee of £5 or free delivery if the order is never do. If a wine has a story, that’s proof of over £150 in value. authenticity and provenance. And Local Women Readers can now receive an exclusive 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT The plan was already underway to launch a on wines. All you have to do is check out European wide e-commerce website called www.wineswithstories.com, enter the code www.wineswithstories.com backed by investors, LW2020 at the ‘basket’ stage and the deal is with a specialist wine e-commerce distribution valid until September 2020. hub located in Spain.

This month GreatVine has teamed up with Local Women Magazine to give away a case of six bottles of Anselmi San Vincenzo which can be purchased on their website www.wineswithstories.com. Anselmi San Vincenzo wine is from an iconic white winemaker in the soave region of Italy. His wines are listed by nearly all Michelin Star restaurants in Italy including the 3 Star Gods. This wine will appeal to lovers of a high-quality Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc. There are tropical notes of mango, passionfruit, pineapple and ripe guava. The wine is so very fresh and juicy.

To win this fantastic prize, simply answer the following question:

Where is Anselmi San Vincenzo produced?

A. France B. Italy C. Spain Simply email your answer A, B or C to editor@localwomensmagazine.com. Please include your name, DOB and a phone number. Terms and conditions apply. This competition is strictly for over 18s only. Your age will be verified before the prize is dispatched. Prize is a case of six bottles of Anselmi San Vincenzo. No cash alternative is offered. One winner will be selected at random. Closing date is May 31, 2020. Editor’s decision is final.

78 | Local Women Magazine

Using our architectural skills, the team at Gravity Architects are re-creating workplace layouts to maximise space and safety – and get you back to work With the Covid-19 crisis an ongoing battle, social distancing is of paramount importance. Never has ‘keeping apart to stay together’ been more important. But, as businesses gradually get the green light to reopen, the problem of how to keep employees and customers safe within your workplace is proving problematic. Going forward businesses need to ensure that safety is the number one priority and a significant change in how we operate as a society is underway. That’s why you need to ‘future proof’ your business to keep the spread of Covid-19 to a minimum so you can keep trading. But the new social distancing guidance is throwing up a myriad of problems for businesses who operate in confined spaces, or with many staff, or who are customer facing. That’s where UK and Ireland based Gravity Architects can help you. The team at Gravity Architects are using their specialist design skills to make sure your business is compliant and your staff and customers are safe. Architects work every day to maximise space in small buildings and are perfectly placed to show you space saving ideas. Years of design experience means that Gravity Architects have the ability to find solutions to your problems. They can help with office or shop layouts and show you the space saving tricks of the trade

that will make your business operate more means that we can help you find solutions efficiently while staying safe. to your problems right now.

Liam Nelis said: “Architects test their skills every day working on floor plans of buildings to maximise function and utilise every inch of space. “We are well versed in working to strict guidelines and have the ability to cut through the red tape and get projects moving.

“Many businesses have said they feel their layout means they will never be able to open their doors again – but we believe there is a solution to every problem.




Our short-term solutions will ensure your business can start to operate at the earliest opportunity whilst maintaining safety for colleagues and customer.

Medium-term solutions will provide an opportunity to start operating with a higher level of staffing whilst maintaining safety and social distancing protocol.

Long-term solutions will maximise your operational opportunities whilst minimising the risk and disruption in the future.

“We will work with you to make your business work. We will ensure that your business is fully compliant with government guidance “There is nothing we love more than a so that we can all get back to work as soon challenge and our years of design skills as possible.”

For more information call on 028 7126 3206 or email Liam at lnelis@gravityarchitects.co.uk

www.gravityarchitects.co.uk Local Women Magazine | 79


Skincare direct to your door from Elave Skincare from the Gardiner Family Apothecary. Anxious, stressed and out of your usual routine? Cheer yourself up and get back on track with a bit of dermal TLC. There has never been a better time to safeguard your skin with a little help from Elave Skincare from the Gardiner Family Apothecary. Central heating can dry your lips, so moisturise and protect with Daily Lip Defence SPF20 (£7.99) a multi-action formula with coconut oil, shea butter, naturally-derived collagen and vitamin E. Repair and protect your face from environmental damage incurred during daily exercise sessions with Daily Skin Defence SPF45 (£20.75) an anti-oxidant oil-free formula with invisible zinc and vitamins B5 and E. Offers high UVA and UVB protection. Spoil yourself on a cosy night in with Rejuvenating Cleansing Treatment (£24.30), a 12% glycolic acid arginine complex gently which exfoliates and rejuvenates the skin to promote cellular regeneration and stimulate collagen synthesis, revealing younger, brighter skin. If overdoing harsh ‘beauty’ treatments has sent your skin into overdrive, you could try Elave Skin Balancing Cleansing Gel 200ml (£13.50) with manuka honey, amino acid, vitamin E and camomile to calm, balance and protect.

Finish off with Intense Moisture Surge 50ml (£18), a unique combination of ultra-pure fractionated coconut oil with shea butter which is naturally rich in vitamin E and natural glycerin to leave even dry, sensitive skin feeling soft and rejuvenated.

Because of so much washing, hands are having a hard time at the moment – and they can be a dead giveaway of age! Elave’s Hand Treatment (£7.99) is a unique combination of shea butter, coconut oil and emollients which repairs and For daily use, Elave’s Skin Balancing Moisturiser hydrates damaged dermis. (£18). This unique formulation contains naturally- All these products and more, including 70% derived prebiotics, antimicrobial Manuka hand sanitiser combined with gentle aloe honey, vitamins B5 and E, natural glycerin and vera, are available on Elave’s online shop hyaluronic acid to boost hydration and minimise - delivered right to your doorstep. Check out gardinerfamilyapothecary.com. the appearance of fine lines and blemishes.

FRIENDS & FAMILY DISCOUNT OFFER Get 10% off all Elave Skincare’s fabulous products by clicking on gardinerfamilyapothecary.com

and entering the code LocalWomen10 at the online checkout!

80 | Local Women Magazine

Local Women Magazine | 81

with Anna Nelis


ey everyone, my name is Anna Nelis! I am 10 years old and I am currently living the worst part of my life EVER during Lockdown! I wish that Coronavirus would go away so that I could go outside and play with my friends. Instead I am stuck in the house with my two little brothers and my crazy parents. When is this going to be over? I have decided to write to all the fed-up children out there to give them ideas of what to do during Lockdown when you are bored. Hers is a list of my favourite activities that I have done so far:

A Little Bit More About Me


hen I was in P5, I found out that I am Dyslexic. I was sad because I felt like I was dumb and couldn’t even say the word! I was embarrassed to tell people. I still am, a wee bit. I know now that it’s okay to be dyslexic, because if everyone in the world was the same, life would be very boring. Plus, being dyslexic gives you superpowers! My brain works differently, so I can solve problems in ways that other people can’t. Did you know that Roald Dahl was Dyslexic, and he wrote books for a living? It’s amazing that he could write books that have been read millions of times even when he struggled to spell. Maybe next month, I will write a page in my Dyslexic language and see who can work it out


• Making Fruit Salad • Planting Seeds • Making Plasticine • Baking my own Birthday Cake


If you are Dyslexic like me, I would love to hear about your superpower! Don’t be embarrassed, be proud! Giota Beag Eile You can write to me in Irish or English as I go to an Irish Medium School. You can email me at reception@localwomensnews.com

Friends over the Fence


ife during Lockdown isn’t that bad, because I have made a friend over the fence. Her name is Hailie, she is nine and she is tall like me! In fact, we could be twins- our friendship was meant to be. We like all the same things, like, Harry Potter, Ferrero Rocher, Billie Eilish and our favourite colours are green and purple. Every day after our schoolwork is finished, we go outside and talk over the fence. I don’t even know what we talk about, but we have a good laugh and Hailie makes me happy. It is amazing the games that you can play over the fence if you have a good imagination. We play ‘Hide ‘n’ Seek’, ‘Heads or Tails’, ‘Four Corners’ and ‘Five Second Rule’. I love having a friend to keep me company during Lockdown, and when this all over, I am going to go straight next door and give Hailie a great, big hug! My Mum told me about a poem called, ‘Mending Wall’, by a famous American

Poet called Robert Frost that she had read in school. In the poem, Robert and his neighbour are fixing the wall between their two farms, and the neighbour explains to Robert that, “good fences make good neighbours”. If it wasn’t for my fence, Hailie and I wouldn’t be friends as we wouldn’t be able to keep a safe distance from each other. Our fence splits us up, but it has made our friendship grow.

My Favourite Things

Hailie’s Favourite Things














FAVOURITE FOOD: Chinese Beef and Mushrooms with no Mushrooms






FAVOURITE SCHOOL SUBJECT: Lunch Local Women Magazine | 83


Funny Face Art

Making Art from rubbish This project was lots of fun because it was easy and creative to make and only uses materials that you have around the house. Any age can create a funny face, or any kind of face that you want, because they don’t have to be perfect. You can make a cross face, a happy face, a sad face, or even a surprised face. All that you need is:

• Cardboard • Paint • Tape or glue • Any extras that you want to add to it yourself.

Making Fruit Salad

We were asked to make a Fruit Salad as part of our homework from school, but I didn’t mind because I love fruit and it was nice and healthy. You can use whatever fruit you want and you can change what fruit juice you use. My Mum made it with us as we had to use a knife.

Ingredients: • Blueberries • Grapes • Kiwis • Strawberries • Pineapple • Apples • Pure Orange Juice •

Wash your fruit

Get an adult to help you cut the fruit

Add to the bowl and pour juice over the fruit


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Cut out a shape for the face from a cardboard box. (I got an adult to do this for me as the cardboard was hard to cut and you need to use sharp scissors)

Cut out shapes for the eyes, nose, mouth and ears, or any extra shapes that you want to add.

Draw a design or pattern on your face and then paint it.

Paint your shapes and leave them to dry.

Once all the paint is dry, stick your shapes to your face and DONE!

Planting Seeds


efore this dumb Lockdown started, my Grandad gave us seeds and pots to grow our own plants in our new house. I was happy because we sometimes plant in school and I love doing it. My Grandad gave us tomato seeds, sunflower seeds and Sweet Pea seeds. After a couple of weeks, they started to grow shoots out of the soil, so we replanted them in bigger pots and now they are flourishing. I can’t wait for the tomatoes to grow so that I can eat them. We have hanging pots on the fence filled with strawberry plants. One strawberry is already big, but it is green, sadly! I am keeping an eye on it every day so I can eat it before my brothers get it! It has been very sunny in our garden since quarantine started, so the plants are growing quickly without a greenhouse. We have an herb box and I am learning all the names of the herbs like Thyme, Rosemary, Coriander, Basil and Mint. I love gardening because you can get dirty and messy without getting in trouble. If you have been planting flowers or fruit and vegetables during Lockdown, then please send me your pics. TOP TIP PUT SOME STONES AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BIG FLOWERPOTS TO HELP THEM DRAIN PROPERLY.

Making my own Birthday cake...

This cake recipe is the best because it is really easy to make!

Before you start, preheat the fan oven to 180 degrees. •

Ingredients For the cake

• 225g/8oz plain flour • 350g/12½oz caster sugar • 85g/3oz cocoa powder • 1½ tsp baking powder • 1½ tsp bicarbonate of soda • 2 free-range eggs • 250ml/9fl oz milk • 125ml/4½fl oz vegetable oil • 2 tsp vanilla extract • 250ml/9fl oz boiling water

For the chocolate icing

• 200g/7oz plain chocolate • 200ml/7fl oz double cream

Now, all that you need to do is put all the ingredients, apart from the boiling water, into one bowl. Once you have done that, mix with an electric mixer and pour a small bit of the boiling water in at a time. Put the mixture in the lined cake tins and put it into the oven at 180 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes. When you think the cake is ready put a knife or skewer into the middle of the cake and if the knife comes out clean then the cake is ready. You have to let the cake cool down in the tin before you decorate it

How to make the icing •

For my birthday cake I used the ganache icing that I have included in my ingredients list. It is just as easy to make as the cake and tastes so good! Heat the chocolate and cream in a saucepan at a low heat. Once it has all melted, put it in a bowl and whisk it until it is all shiny and thickened. You must leave it for 1-2 hours until it is thicker and ready to spread.


Assemble the cake •

Remove the cakes carefully from the cake tins. Spread a little bit of the icing on one of the cakes and then place the other cake on top. Spread the rest of the icing around all the cake and then decorate it whatever way you want!

Instructions 1. In a large bowl, combine all of your dry ingredients (flour, salt, cream of tartar) and mix well. 2. Mix food coloring with

• 2 cups plain flour • 1 cup salt • 1 tbs oil • 1 cup cold wayer • 2 drops liquid food colouring (not compulsory)

your water first. Then add the vegetable oil and water

with food coloring

to a large pot Mix together.

3. Add the dry

ingredients to your

pot and mix well.

4. Cook over low to medium

heat until the dough starts to form and becomes dry.

5. Once it starts to form a ball together and looks fully cooked, take off the heat. Let the dough cool first before touching.

6. Once cool, knead the dough for 5 minutes to make the dough soft.

Local Women Magazine | 85

Poetry During Lockdown During these difficult times Local Women reader Rosalind M Patton has taken comfort from writing poetry. Here the Derry poet shares some of her work and explains how she overcame a lack of self-confidence to have an anthology of her poetry published.

Poetry to me is an experience. The words carefully placed in a particular order to provoke the mind to think, feel and visualise that experience.

A poem can encourage the mind to create a story. Short stories and books have the same desired outcome as reading a poem for me. The difference is a poem will stick with you. It will keep provoking thought each time you read it or recite it. I get lost in some of nature’s experiences. I have walked through my local park many times and each time my mind is filled with hundreds of possibilities for detailing what I see around me and how I feel. I love watching words come alive on a piece of paper. Every time I write or read one of my own poems, I have to remind myself that I did that.

At first, I struggled with confidence during the creative process. I would write, read and then throw my poems away. Then, I started sharing them with people close to me and that’s when I started keeping them and collecting them and writing more of them. Now I’m doing the most terrifying thing of all - putting them out to the world. Regardless of my book doing well or not, I feel accomplished in some ways because I did something my head said I couldn’t. My heart said I shouldn’t, and despite my legs shaking with fear, I flew.” A little faith, hope and love: A Poetry Collection by Rosalind M Patton is available on Amazon to buy or download.

86 | Local Women Magazine

Losing weight is easy they said Losing weight is easy they said. As they said it from bed, eating chocolate spread. I looked at their heads. Lollipop in size and to my surprise they didn’t even exercise. We’ve good genes they said as they stepped out of bed and grabbed a loaf of bread. There I was thinking I’d love some gingerbread. Then I looked at my jeans size 12 it would seem, not all that extreme. What could it mean to exercise to the extreme? Would it give me some pride? Would it give me a better stride? Would it make me a better bride should I ever wed? I don’t think I’ll bother doing the shred I too love chocolate spread. A lollipop head I do not suit, so I think I will avoid the fruit. Losing weight is easy they said words coming from their lollipop sized head. Little did I know they didn’t need to do the shred, they were allergic to bread, they had a side effect instead. Terrible I know but when they had to go they had to go! Maybe avoiding the bread and doing the shred will make me become a thoroughbred without the lollipop head? OK. Let’s get back on the trend and work for that bread. Losing weight is easy they said. Never again will I trust a lollipop head eating chocolate spread on bread from a bed.

Welcoming Fire The light and heat from an open fire an all too welcoming beautiful sight. Warming a room and those within that room. From admiring the glow to the being emerged in the hot lava like coal. Flames burned the flesh, the heat fusing and shrinking the skin. A feeling like the bones had become too large for the skin cover, a feeling like you had put on a glove which was too small for wearing. Screams I can’t remember. Pain I don’t believe I felt. Anguished loved ones, guilt, anxiety but no one at fault. A child’s hand disfigured by something so welcoming and warming but never meant for flesh to touch. A mother’s faith, prayer, love and a belief that the child could be healed was thought not to be enough, until one day it was enough. The child’s hand healed, a healing so unbelievable that no one would believe her story as an adult that she had fallen into a welcoming fire, landing on hot lava like coal. A mother’s faith, prayer, love and belief not to be questioned when power of faith is stronger than the flames of a fire.

The faith is still there Friends unite on a different sight. Streets quiet, some empty, almost apocalyptic, shops closed, schools dormant, churches without their faith goers. Faith is still there you can feel it in the air. Love is in abundance, the streets go quiet and still, the world retreating to their place of home. Love expressed through a thought and a prayer, the faith is still there. Schools and scholars alike turning to other frequencies to help moral and social instruction in a social distant happening. Faith is still there it’s in the air, people still care. Our churches empty, no place of worship so they worship everywhere. The good is in us, the faith is still there we move forward and continue to care. Local Women | Feature | 87 Local Women Magazine | 87

CHECK-IN & CHAT As Age NI launches a vital new lifeline for elderly people, a Covid-19 Appeal has been set up to raise additional funds to support their services.


ge NI has launched a ‘Check-in & Chat’ telephone service, for anyone who is over 60 in Northern Ireland, who may feel isolated or lonely during this time. Age NI Chief Executive, Linda Robinson, said the new service will provide older people with support during these worrying times. “These are particularly difficult times for many older people and the service can provide a reassuring call about what matters or even about what they saw on television the night before. Our aim is to reassure older people that they have someone to turn to at this time.” Eddie Lynch, Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland said many older benefits and / or emotional support to provide “One caller got in touch saying: “I haven’t people, especially those that are shielding the reassurance that that they have someone to been able to visit my wife in the Nursing are feeling vulnerable. turn to at this time. They them match a trained Home for the past three weeks. I have been He said: “We need to be providing as much volunteer to provide on-going check-in and so distraught worrying about how she is support as possible to help them get through the days ahead. The enhancement of Age NI’s helpline is providing an invaluable service for some of our older people.

chat support. We adapt our approach to meet feeling. Thank you so much for listening. It’s the needs of the older person. For example, so reassuring to know that you will be here if I

one older lady, at the grand old age of 93 has need anything else.” difficulty hearing and therefore cannot benefit These are the sort of calls that Age NI are “The ‘check-in & chat’ service aims to help from a daily phone call instead one of our dealing with day in day out. The service is those older people who are self-isolating dedicated volunteers are writing to her by snail providing so much comfort to so many. during the current pandemic and who may be mail every week. Sometimes the old way is still With demand on the service expected to lonely or anxious. My team are delighted to be the best way and she looks forward to the Age grow, Age NI has launched a COVID-19 involved with this service. It will, I’m sure, act NI letter dropping through the door”. Appeal to raise additional funds at this time. as a lifeline for some people reaching out for Telephone Volunteer, Flo McKeever outlined the social contact we all need and keep us all the rewards from volunteering with the Check- By supporting Age NI, you will be making a vital contribution to supporting Northern connected through these difficult times.” in & Chat Service; Ireland’s older population through these times. Upon registering for the service, Age NI “It is very rewarding speaking to people You can find out more about the work of will set about matching volunteers, as Check- who you know are so thankful to hear from in & Chat Service Manager, Samantha you each day. I check-in with a number Age NI at www.AgeNi.org or follow them on Facebook; Twitter and Instagram. Murphy, explains: of people throughout Northern Ireland To receive a regular telephone call, contact “Expert Age NI staff will determine the support and conversations cover everything from that callers need, be it practical support around practical issues like getting food delivered to Age NI Advice on 0808 808 7575 (Mondayservices, financial support through enhanced mindfulness and gardening. Friday, 9am-5pm) or email info@ageni.org. 88 | Local Women Magazine

THE MISS NORTHERN IRELAND 2020 FINALISTS Here are the eight girls who have made it through to the Miss NI grand final. Pictures by Sean Donegan


ue to the current Covid-19 crisis, the Miss Northern Ireland 2020 final at the Europa Hotel had to be postponed. However, it is hoped that as soon as the situation improves and it is safe to return, the event will be rescheduled. When the time in right, further heats will be organised to find contestants in venues across the country.

Miss Antrim Megan Walker.

Miss Enniskillen Jessica Eastwood.

Miss Ginger Janes Emily Ward.

Miss Granny Annie’s Jessica McIntyre.

Miss Newry Sarah Maguire.

Miss Spice Kathryn Knox.

The Newly Crowned Miss Belfast Jane McArdle.

The Newly Crowned Miss Broken Shaker Erin Reilly.

Local Women Magazine | 89


FAKEAWAY RECIPES Dieting can be tough, in order to ease the transition we have developed a selection of healthier alteratives to our takeaway favourites.

Salt and Chilli Chicken INGREDIENTS

Calories: 371

2 x chicken breasts, sliced

1 x eggs

20g Ground Almonds

1 x pepper, sliced

1 x onion, sliced

1 x chilli, sliced (or 1/ 2 Tsp of Lazy chilli’s

depending on preference)

1 x tsp coarse sea salt

Carbs: 1.6g Fat: 19.8g Add cals for side ie Rice 154 cal per 100g


Pour some ground almonds onto a plate and add the teaspoon of sea salt to it – mix it through!


Take your strips of chicken and dip it in a bowl of beaten eggs, before rolling it in the Ground Almonds mixture – repeat until all the chicken is coated.


Cook the chicken at 200° for about 20 minutes or until you think it has cooked through.


While the chicken is cooking, stir fry (using fry light) the green peppers, onion and chillies.


When the chicken is ready, add it to the pan to combine it with the vegetables.


Serve with rice or noodles and devour.


180g chicken breast cooked and

Calories: 379

shredded/cut into pieces

Carbs: 29g

200g homemade chips

Fat: 9g

Sea Salt

Protein: 43g

¼ tsp Paprika

¼ tsp Onion granules

Pinch of Sea Salt

Onions and peppers

Sauces - Skinny Co Sweet Chilli Mayo, Chilli

& Garlic Mayo

DIRECTIONS 1. Cook up chicken whether than be thinly sliced and fried or boiled then shredded 2. Cut up potatoes toss in tbsp of olive oil/coconut oil & Seasonings 3. Put in the air fryer and cook for 18mins at 170°(can be done in a normal oven also) 4. Once Chips, Chicken and veg are all ready plate up and cover in sauces and enjoy :)

Full range of sauces and protein available at Sport Health Nutrition Follow us on Facebook/sportshealthandnutrition45 90 | Local Women Magazine


As a thank you to all our wonderful NHS staff we are offering full access to all editons of our cookbooks. E-mail seanakelly16@hotmail.com or dannyglenn1990@gmail.com and we will forward.


30g Oats - blended into flour

Half scoop of protein (Vanilla, chocolate etc),

1 egg

Water 50g to 75g (depending on how thick of

consistency you like) ADDED TOPPINGS

spicy beef nachos INGREDIENTS SERVES 3

Calories: 338

180g 5% Mince

Carbs: 32g

2 x Wholemeal wraps

Fat: 8g

100g Passata

Protein: 33g

1 x tsp Lazy Garlic

1 x tbsp of Worcestershire sauce

1 x chilli, sliced (or 1/ 2 Tsp of Lazy chilli’s

Greek yogurt

Skinny Co Chocolate Sauce

Strawberries (mashed up to jam consistency)

DIRECTIONS 1. Blend oats into flour 2. In a bowl whisk together blended oats, protein and egg then add water 3. Melt a tsp of coconut oil in a pan and pour in half the mixture, cook for 2 to 3 mins until browning the flip and repeat 4. Add preferred toppings and enjoy Calories: 270 Carbs: 19g Fat: 9g Protein: 25g Add cals for toppings

depending on preference) •

1 x tsp coarse sea salt

1 x tsp Coconut oil

Skinny sauces Sweet Chilli Mayo & Garlic Mayo

• Can add onion & peppers SALSA •

1 red pepper

1 red/white onion

1 tsp Lazy Garlic

1 tsp Lazy chilli (add mo

re if prefered spicy)

2 tbsp passata

1 tsp of tomato puree

DIRECTIONS 1. Fry your mince in coconut oil with the garlic, Chilli and onions and peppers 2. Add in the rest of the seasonings with Passata & Worcestershire sauce 3. Make Salsa - Sweat off chopped peppers & onions add Garlic and Chilli stir well, Add in passata & tomato puree combine until reduced and serve 4. Serve with Skinny sauces Sweet Chilli Mayo & Garlic Mayo To make carb free swap out wraps for baby gem lettuce

www.uturn.fitness Follow us on Facebook/uturnfitnessderry Local Women Magazine | 91

92 | Local Women Magazine


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Local Women Magazine | 93

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Local Women Magazine | 95


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Local Women Magazine | 97

Bicalla Lace Front Top White £29.99

Taifun Floral Print Sleeveless Blouse Off White £60.00

Gerry Weber


Organic Cotton Floral Shirt


Zebra Print dress

£70.00 Taifun Floral Print Sleeveless Top £60.00

Tamaris Camelia Tan £59.99

98 | Local Women Magazine

Olsen Zebra Print dress £109.00

Olsen Linen Jacket with Turn Up Sleeves £129.00

Gerry Weber Organic Cotton Dress with Ruffles £110.00

Taifun Open-Fronted Long Blouse With Floral Print Navy £80.00 Taifun Watercolour Sleeveless Blouse Blue £60.00

Local Women Magazine | 99

Taifun Floral Print Crop Trousers Off White ÂŁ99.00

100 | Local Women Magazine



Spot Print Top

Linen Jacket with Turn Up Sleeves



Olsen Gerry Weber

Wide Leg ‘Anna’ Linen Trousers

Floral Linen Skirt



Gerry Weber 7/8 Trouser with Glitter Detail Yellow £99.00 Tamaris Rosa Pink £49.99


Gerry Weber

Shirt Dress With Tie Belt Khaki

Patterned Linen Tunic



Local Women Magazine | 101

Newry Street | Kilkeel | Co Down | T: 028 4176 2315

New Wedding List Service

Check out our new website for browsing, creating and managing wedding lists.


102 | Local Women Magazine


Natasha Andrew BRIDE: Natasha Cairns ; Daughter of Gilda Cairns, Lurgan and Emeile Morrow, Killyleagh GROOM: Andrew Hagan, from Lurgan ; Son of Wendy McConkey Bleary & Laurence Hagan, Lurgan DATE: 21/10/19 CEREMONY & RECEPTION: Orange Tree House BRIDESMAIDS: Kelly Penny, Gina Lyons, Kathy Anderson, Nicola Cairns BEST MAN: Christopher Boggs GROOMSMEN: Ian Penny, Joel McKinley & Adam Carson PHOTOGRAPHER: Eamonn’s Photography HAIR: Natasha Cairns Hairdressing (myself) and AMF Hair MAKEUP: Alana Manderson DRESS: Lesley by Enzoani, Elody Bride, Newry FLOWERS: Daisy Diamond

We want your Weddings! Relive your special day by seeing it in print.

Send your lovely wedding photos to weddings@localwomensnews.com and we will feature it in our magazine. It doesn’t matter when you got married. Local Women Magazine | 103

104 | Local Women Magazine


Danielle Eoghan BRIDE: Danielle Fisher, from Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan; Daughter of Martin Fisher (Dundalk) and Carmel McCaughey (Castleblayney) GROOM: Eoghan Ó Colla, from Gaoth Dobhair; Son of Peadar Ó Colla Bernie Uí Colla, Gaoth Dobhair WEDDING: 07/02/2020 CEREMONY: An Chúirt, Gaoth Dobhair RECEPTION: An Chúirt, Gaoth Dobhair BRIDESMAIDS: Kelly Fisher, Nicola Fisher BEST MAN: Michael Ó Colla GROOMSMEN: Ronan Ó Colla PHOTOGRAPHER: Marty Crawford HAIR: Serenity Beauty MAKE-UP: Serenity Beauty DRESS: Something New, Letterkenny FLOWERS: Aanees Flower Shop, Letterkenny

Newry Street | Kilkeel | Co Down | T: 028 4176 2315

New Wedding List Service

Check out our new website for browsing, creating and managing wedding lists.


Local Women Magazine | 105

Get an extra guest room, dressing room or walk in shower simply by installing natural gas


f you’re like the many others who are currently working from home at the moment you might be dreaming about how to get a bit more space at your place. Social media is awash with images of people having set up personal workstations in the most interesting of places, from the corner of kid’s bedrooms, to garages, to kitchen counters. Throw in the chaos of looking after kids, two parents working from the same house, a few dogs and cats, and suddenly home isn’t the sanctuary it used to be - in fact most houses are bulging at the seams. Of course, we are all doing the right thing to reduce the risks of spreading coronavirus, but sometimes, when juggling kids, deadlines, zoom calls and space issues, it’s understandable that things can get a bit fraught and tight! Well, did you know that natural gas might offer a solution? If you haven’t already got natural gas you can get more space at your place by installing it. That’s because when you switch to natural gas from oil you can get rid of the tanks in your roofspace, the hotwater cylinder in the hot press and the oil tank in the garden too – allowing you to reclaim a whopping c. 75sq feet of space from your home which opens up lots more space for new rooms and areas.



when the time comes to sell.


The opportunities don’t end there. With natural gas the hot water cylinder in the hot press is taken away which suddenly opens up possibilities for a brand new dressing room, laundry room or even a walk in shower.





K Lastly by installing natural gas you can remove the oil tank in your garden. Hello garden reDoes the idea of having an extra room appeal? design. Ever wanted outdoor space to sit, Removing the hot water tank and pipework relax, entertain or a place for the children to the peace of mind of never running out. You’ll from your attic could mean a loft conversion play? Now you can. also being doing your bit for the environment is possible. Converting loft space not only Simply, firmus energy natural gas is the by reducing carbon emissions by up to 50%*. provides extra space, whether for an extra ultimate home improvement. Not only do you So what are you waiting for? Find out if you living room, home office or bedroom and get more space at your place but you’ll get can get natural gas today by calling our bathroom, but even better, when done well, all the normal benefits too including instant customer servives phoneline on 0330 024 can add pounds to the value to your home heat, smart controls, endless hot water and 9000 or heading to firmusenergy.co.uk/gas. We also have a team of energy advisors who are ready and waiting to answer any questions you might have. Just head to firmus energy. co.uk, choose the energy advisor dependent on the area that you live, and give them a call. Want more space at your place? Choose firmus energy natural gas.

To date, over 100,000 customers have connected to natural gas with firmus energy and are enjoying the benefits that natural gas brings - from constant hot water, to more space in the garden, more efficient boilers to simply being a better choice for the environment. Homes and businesses interested in making the switch to firmus energy natural gas can find out more by calling 0330 024 9000 or visiting www.firmusenergy.co.uk • When compared to oil 106 | Local Women Magazine

More Space

% 0





D S 3 1s t m

20 *

e now d a


Upg r

at your place with natural gas


goodbye oil tank, ergy Our en rs adviso to dy are rea r call u take yo

hello kids play area Register your interest today at


Local Women Magazine | 107

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Local Women Magazine | 109

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