The Villagers June 2010

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JUNE 2010





T he Vo i c e o f B a l q u h i d d e r, Loch earn h ead , S t rat h yre & S t F illans



The ‘Saddlebags’



! ! ! t I d i y! We D


At Aber d


Well, it certainly was the trip of a lifetime! We rose to the task and cycled 197 miles coast to coast from Aberdeen to Fort William. We expected a challenge and had prepared well for the physical aspect of the trip, but were caught off guard by Mother Nature’s intervention in the form of flash floods and snakes, not to mention ‘The Grim Reaper’! FRIDAY EVENING

Having arrived at Aberdeen train station armed with our Global Positioning System (GPS), maps and various tubes of anti-chafe cream we disembarked from the train and headed out to Banchory on our trusty steeds (generously provided by Janet and Mark of Wheels fame in Callander). We were greeted by the lovely Jacqui at the Burnett Arms Hotel, who fulfilled our numerous requests and very kindly donated something towards our two causes: The Lilias Graham Trust and Callander Youth Project. SATURDAY - Day 1

Our first day proved gruelling to say the least. Up until this point the flash floods from the thunderstorm the night before were not in the forefront of our minds, but we were forced to find alternative routes for several sections of our track as they were impassable due to the excess water. We were three hours late for our rendezvous with Campbell Cumming who cycled with us as far as Glenshiel Lodge. His parting words of comfort, “You’ve got some way to go before reaching Tomintoul,” were never so true. We had four hours of ‘Find a Track!’ followed by an adder alert when ‘Indie Ollie’ fought off the advances of a ferocious serpent! Then we met a solo walker who, as an experienced mountain cyclist himself, warned us of imminent dangers ahead in the form of raging torrents, bogs and impassable tracks due to the recent stormy weather. He went on to say that he would not tackle it. However, we soldiered on regardless of the Grim Reaper’s advice and, as we were past the point of no return, we decided that we should follow Magnus Magnusson’s motto and ‘finish what we had started’ by battling on to conquer all the obstacles in our way. Tomintoul, the highest village in Scotland, was a very welcome sight!

En route!

Fort Wil li


SUNDAY - Day 2 .... is that all it was?!

Starting off earlier, we headed off into the Cairngorms with beautiful scenery, pine forests, peat bogs, high heather and overgrown tracks which allowed for exfoliation of the legs en route! Our map readers Ollie and Fiona kept us going in the right direction whilst Karen catered for First Aid eventualities (no broken bones!) and cycle chain lubing, leaving Laura to look after our psychological wellbeing in the form of, “Just get a grip and you’ll be fine!” With the sun setting over Ruthven Barracks we had a final 8 mile push to Laggan, where the Rumblie B&B with its strong Eco links and fabulous food provided us with our third night’s accommodation. As we had arrived late, the lift to the local pub by the kind proprietor was more than welcome by us all.

The Glen Way t ea Gr (Continued overleaf)

(Continued from Front Page) MONDAY - Day 3

We were expecting an exhausting Day 3 up the Corrieyarick Pass but by this time, being well within the zone, we chivvied each other along and thoroughly enjoyed our ascent to 775 metres on what would have been the highest road in the UK had it been kept open. We met two cyclists descending the pass travelling the easier way from West to East (track and prevailing wind in their favour). We felt rather self righteous, until we realised that they had fixed-gear cycles! A windswept young man called Richard escorted us down the hairy scary track to our final night’s stay at the Three Bridges B&B just outside Fort Augustus. The walls of this excellent B&B reverberated with laughter as we relayed our tales of adventure throughout our trip. TUESDAY - Day 4

The final leg took us along the Great Glen Way with some off-road cycling, passing Lochs Oich and Lochy and down into Fort William. A wave of euphoria was soon dampened by our welcoming committee of Malcolm and Gus spraying Champers in Grand Prix style.


Oh dear..... unaware that we were in the local High School car park, the headmaster, having received several phone calls from his staff, came out to investigate the shenanigans, involving copious amounts of alcohol and rowdy behaviour. On further enquiry, he congratulated us on our achievements and very kindly allowed us to finish our party. Thank you Sir! Stats: Weather - great General Scenery - stunning Wade’s Punctures - none Bridge Falls - seven Bruises - numerous Midges - none Camaraderie - 10/10 Wildlife - abundant Recommendation for this trip - a must!

Watch this space for the next adventures of “The Saddlebags.” Our heartfelt thanks go out to all those who have supported us in any way. It is still possible to donate and the total sum raised will be published in the next issue of The Villagers. Please check out our website for more photos of our trip:

Fiona Wilbert, Karen Methven, Laura Thomson, Ollie Cameron 2


The good and the bad news... The good news is that Gill Allan is well again and back with us. Three cheers! The difference in the layout and finish of this month’s newspaper is noticeable and I am very grateful and also relieved of much extra pressure. The bad news is that we have had to alter the rules about advertising in The Villagers. All these years there has been a large measure of goodwill on both sides and advertisers have been allowed a full month before payment has been requested and if there has been any unforeseen lapse the Business Manager has called in person, collected what was owing and no more has been said. Only once or twice in the past sixteen years have we resorted to the Small Claims Court when many months have gone by without any payment forthcoming. There is now a Code of Practice amongst community newspapers and all are requesting payment before an advertisement appears, whether it is for one month or at a discounted rate for six months. Invoices will, from now on, be issued as soon as a new advertisement is booked and if payment is received in time then it will appear in the next edition of The Villagers. A new category of ‘Advertisement Feature’ also comes into effect this month, which covers a one-off article describing a company; where it operates, what is produced etc. and where fax, office and mobile phone numbers are included, together with website and e-mail addresses. These articles will incur a fee of £10 each, also payable in advance of publication. I’m sure that everyone will understand why these measures have had to be introduced. To end, a reminder that we welcome any comments from our readers on anything reported in the newspaper but that views expressed in print may not necessarily be those of the editorial team. Marguerite Kobs



The following readings were taken at ‘Bramblings’, Auchtubh, Balquhidder for the month of April. Average max. temp. Actual max. temp. Average min. temp. Actual min. temp.

12.7 ºC 20.4 2.8 -5.0

54.8 ºF 68.7 37.0 23.0

Rainfall: 11.8 cms 4.7 ins Strongest wind gust: 41 mph on 21st April


Announcements H

John and Juliet Wrighton are pleased to announce the birth of Jemma Alexandra Wrighton. Their second daughter and sister to Jessica was born on Monday, 3rd May. We would like to thank everyone for their kind regards, cards and presents.


Martin and Erica Mackenzie are delighted to announce the birth of Patricia Rosie Thea Mackenzie, known as Poppy, on Tuesday May 4, a little sister for Honor and Tabitha. Thank you to everyone for their support and kind gifts.


We would like to introduce the 4th generation of the Richards family Lilly May, born on May 12 weighed in at 7lbs 2oz. Grandma Janet, great grandparents David and Barbara, together with great aunt Emma, would like to wish Sam, Sarah and Lilly May good health and future happiness.

Thank You...

I’m so grateful to Marguerite, our Editor, for covering for me (beautifully) these last two months while I’ve been out of commission! Thanks M. Gill Allan Production Manager

The St Fillans Bit

A defeated Japanese Knotweed

I referred last month to the announcement at the last Community Council Meeting that no external funding was now available for the treatment of Japanese Knotweed in the village - this after, literally, years of discussion and negotiation with ‘the authorities’ (sic) - and that the problem was now down to the village to sort out. In merely a couple of weeks the trusty duo of Eric and Lorna have done just that by masterminding a rolling three year programme of treatment jointly funded initially by the Community Council and the Garden Group (the funds raised by last year’s ‘Has St Fillans Got Talent’ evening being put to good use). This year’s treatment has already been carried out - a real example of grass roots* people power triumphing over the plodding procrastinations of the mighty and bloated awforrities. Coalition Government take note! (* - accidental pun, honest). I’m also pleased to report that Hayley Rivers-Hambach, to be referred to in future in this column as just Hayley to save ink, volunteered after the last CC meeting to be co-opted onto the Council for a year. This is to be confirmed at the next CC meeting. As an inspiration to young sportsmen and women of what can be achieved by hard work, endeavour, total commitment

and a bit of luck on the day, our famed snapper Fraser ‘Kitten’ Ballantyne achieved his life-long goal last week of winning his first major golf title - The St Fillans Senior Open. This is even more impressive when you consider that Fraser has spent the best part of the last year with various parts of his body in plaster watching DVDs of Last Of The Summer Wine whilst Doreen went out to work to pay for his medications. Truly a family effort. Without sounding too much like a Sports Personality Of The Year list, a mention of other local golfing successes is in order. St Fillans member Graeme Courtney achieved the incredible feat of two ‘holes in one’ in a month after twenty years of trying - the first whilst on holiday in Turkey and the second whilst playing in the Gents Monthly Medal at St Fillans in May. It is only the 4th Hole in One recorded in fifteen years at the club. Meantime the presentation of awards for the St Fillans Seniors Winter programme saw hardy annuals John Stanyon take the Callander Salver, Jim Dick the Eclectic Trophy (must find out one year what that means) and Gordon Strong the Henry Neath Quaich. Flowing nicely on the golf theme, on July 24 St Fillans Golf Club will be playing their part in the National Golf Club Help For Heroes charity fundraising event. Clubs all over the UK will be involved and that means hundreds of clubs and thousands of amateur golfers all raising money for the charity which gives much needed help and support for our troops injured, and in many cases disabled, in the

service of the country. Numerous serious prizes have been donated with the overall national first prize being a week long trip to Marriot Taba Heights. This really is an excellent and topical charity and any villagers wishing to make a donation or provide a prize for our local event should contact Gordon at the Club (685312). Last year the St Fillans Ladies Lunch Club entertained a guest speaker from the Makhad Trust, an organisation set up in 2003 to help nomadic people to establish an economically viable way of life which still retains their traditions and culture. As a result of the presentation Frances Brown and the Ladies joined with Kathleen Drummond and Friends to set about raising cash to help the Trust. A popular source of funds is from the sale of very lovely little beaded handbags which are handcrafted by the very Bedouin women the Trust sets out to help and the ladies held such a sale in St Fillans during the winter. The Trust is currently working in Egypt where climate change over the past ten years has drastically reduced rainfall and the water table. The St Fillans proceeds have already sponsored the sinking of a new well at Wadi Zuwetein in the Sinai Desert for local lady Fatima Mousa. The Trust is extremely efficient and a detailed record of the work carried out using the funds donated, including photographs of the well and of Fatima, has been forwarded to Frances. It makes a big difference to fundraisers when the visual evidence of the benefits of their efforts can be seen. The Trust is very, and directly, active and a visit to www. is well worthwhile. Closer to home, Mary tells me that the first Thai Theme Night in May was well attended at the Four Seasons and is followed by a Spanish Night on Wednesday June 16 - (Continued overleaf)

Two AA Red Rosettes for Fine Dining Winner of Good for the Soul Award Open Daily for Bar Lunch 12-2.30pm Two courses from £9.99 Supper 6-9pm in the Tarken Bistro Dinner 7-9pm in the Meall Reamhar Restaurant Friday Night is Fish Night in the Tarken Bistro ‘Make Sunday Special’ traditional Sunday Roast lunch 12-2.30pm Monthly Theme Night in the Tarken Bar 6-9pm. This month:

Wednesday 16 June - SPANISH NIGHT!

The Four Seasons Hotel, St Fillans

01764 685 333


Continued from page 3

so get out those rusty castanets and flowery skirts (the ladies can wear something pretty as well). A novel innovation at the hotel is a ‘Girlie or Guys Getaway’ day at which you can enjoy a day’s clay pigeon shooting, white water rafting, canyoning, a boat ride on Loch Tay and chocolate tasting - then, after lunch …..(joking)! You can combine any or all of the activities into a day and finish up with Dinner in the Meall Reamhar Restaurant. It really does sound like an excellent idea and they will even organise a taxi home afterwards if you don’t want to stay the night. For all of you who missed our own Sophie last month (and quite a few asked me where ‘her bit’ was) she’s back... * She did submit her piece last month but missed the copy deadline. One hundred lines, Sophie: “I Must Remember My Deadline”! John Murray

Sophie’s Bit

Senior Golfers winner - Fraser Ballantyne

Sophie, Emily and the lambs

Hello! I hope you all had a good Easter. I have eaten all my eggs. In the Easter holidays I had a huge lie in which was really good. And a few days ago we went to the farm. Oh! It was so wonderful. All the lambs were so cute with their tiny little faces. Emily and I got our photos taken with them. We even got to feed them bottles of milk and when they had their milk their little tails started to waggle. Now you can see my grandma’s paintings in the shop! They are of St Fillans and I love them. Daniel, Emily and I went over to the mud heap across from our house. We all saved some tadpoles. And now they are really happy in our garden. I gave them goldfish pellets to eat and they love it. I will give you a progress report on them next time. May be they will have legs by then. We are still working on grumpy Dad to have chickens. But we might change that to ducks!

Sophie Jardine

Senior Golfers enjoy Sunny St Fillans

On May 20 around 70 golfers enjoyed a sunny day for the Senior Open at St Fillans. The event attracted visitors from east and west coast golf clubs, a couple of entries from south of the border along with many from the central region golf clubs. With around £500 being offered as prizes, this event is one of the more popular opens on the busy summer circuit and six former winners were among the competitors this year. The good weather conditions brought out many excellent scores but on the day the winning score was recorded by St Fillans resident, Fraser Ballantyne, who, as the picture shows, is delighted to have won his first “major”. Another St Fillans resident, Johnston Brown, picked up £60 for being the only player to record a “2” at any hole on the day. The club now looks forward to a successful Mixed Open on June 12.

The Village Store St Fillans

under new management Newsagent • Off-licence • Top-ups Tobacco • Groceries • Gifts Hot Pies to take away Hardware • Oil • Fishing Tackle & Permits Café • Dunfillan Coffee Soup • Toasties • Baking • Packed Lunches OPENING HOURS:

7.00am - 5.30pm every day Late opening (Fri/Sat/Sun) till 7.00pm

01764 685309




What shall we do with the village phone booth? What shall we do with the village phone booth? What shall we do with the village phone booth? All suggestions welcome! The BLS community council has now formally adopted the redundant BT telephone kiosk which is sited beside Balquhidder village hall and welcomes any suggestions as to its future use. In other villages these kiosks have become greenhouses, lending libraries, art galleries etc. Could ours become a temporary bus shelter for the schoolchildren who currently wait by the village hall each morning, in all weathers? Please send in your ideas to The Villagers (addresses on back page) or to any of the CC councillors listed on p.7.

ow in its 25th year, this concert series promotes the enjoyment of classical music in this rural community and provides a platform for young musicians starting out on their careers. The concerts are performed in the historic Balquhidder Parish Church designed by David Bryce, in a beautiful venue set among the stunning scenery of the Braes o’ Balquhidder. All concerts take place at 7pm, giving time to return to Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth, and all parts of Central Scotland. There is adequate parking around the church. Ticket prices: standard £8, concessions £6, under 15s free. The church has more than 200 seats, and average audience size is about 100, so there should be no need to pre-book individual seats. Season tickets are available at £30 for all 6 concerts or £20 for any 4 concerts. We rely on the generosity of local individuals and organisations. If you are interested in supporting us, please have a look at our sponsorship page - you can join our mailing list or contact us.

f 2010 Concert Summary --- 27 June ---

Pure Brass

(brass quintet)

--- 4 July ---

Trio Burnsteeg

(soprano, flute, piano) --- 11 July ---

“Blue Remembered Hills” (soprano, tenor, string quartet) --- 18 July ---

Ursula Smith (cello) and Jordi Bitloch (piano) --- 25 July ---

“She loves me... not!”

(RSAMD vocal trio with piano) --- 1 August ---

Northern Lights (wind quintet)

More concert details can be found at


Fully qualified, experienced primary teacher tutoring primary stages of the Curriculum for Excellence. Some spaces available: evenings, weekends or holidays. Short or long term. Offering tailored, supportive or challenging learning experiences, at reasonable rates, to help your child realise their full potential. Registered and Disclosure Scotland checked. References available.

Catherine Lochhead Tel: 01877 384756 email:


Pin-Feathers* by Old Nyati

*Once in demand by Victorian miniaturists, the tiny pin-feather comes from the leading edge of a woodcock’s wing and only two such feathers occur on each bird (one on each wing). This month Old Nyati brings us up to date with events in his own back garden.

Late winter and early spring is a tough and stressful time for wildlife. The Roe buck (pictured below) found extra feed near the bird feeder - wheat on the grass left for the pheasants - so he would clean up all of it each evening.

It was touch and go for this little doe over the winter, but happily she made it through to the Spring.

There was a Mallard nest, (pictured below with the duck incubating) by the garden pond, but after a great battle by the defending pair, a fox ate all the eggs. Then there is that famous nest usurper, the cuckoo, known as a brood parasite! So whose side are we on? Would it be nice to see nothing but crows, sparrowhawks, foxes, mink and pine martens?


With velvet... Cuckoo A Mallard’s nest... amazingly camouflaged, yet still easy for a fox to find

... and without.

The first photo shows his antlers in velvet and the later one clean out of velvet and in fine condition, helped no doubt by the extra feed. The doe in the other picture was in very poor condition, thin and undernourished through the hard winter; it was touch and go whether she would make it through to Spring, but she seems to be OK now, if a little scruffy. There’s an equally scruffy Red Squirrel too; is it moulting, or has it got some sort of skin trouble? The Sparrowhawk takes a toll of small birds at all times, aided by the fact that we attract them to our feeders, which is, as you might say, a ‘target rich environment’ for the hawk. 6

Cock and hen pheasants

“Oi - who are you calling scruffy?”

Nature is cruel; creatures either die of starvation or are killed and eaten. We mainly see the nice part of it all, but we should be aware of the reality; after all, the lovely bird song that we hear is actually a very rude warning to any other of the same species to “Bog off out of my territory!” Food for thought, isn’t it....

Surprised cock pheasant

BLS Co m mu ni t y Co u nc i l

At the most recent meeting on May 19, it was good to welcome several observers as well as the three new members of the council: Sara Hesp, Rosanne McWilliams (representing Strathyre) and Angus Cameron (representing Lochearnhead). It was also good to have the village hall at Balquhidder back in action with a superb, new floor after the damage it suffered over the winter. PC Ward gave a thorough report on recent incidents and events ranging from anti-social behaviour to fullblooded criminal activity. In doing so, he highlighted the enormous range of attitudes and expectations that exists in our society today. We may think of ourselves as being remote from the big cities and the challenging problems they face but we were reminded that we are by no means immune from these things. Plenty of people and vehicles with drugs and offensive weapons are regularly passing through this area and stopping to enjoy its facilities. PC Ward reminded us that the police cannot be everywhere at once. We need to take some responsibility for tackling criminal and anti-social behaviour by contacting the police without delay whenever we see such things occurring. If we ignore such things and don’t bother making reports, the powers that be will assume that everything is going well with us and divert resources to places where greater need is apparent. So, if you see something you think is wrong, ring the police, ask for the incident report number, and request that a copy of your report be passed to PC Ward for his attention. The good news is that the police and National Park authorities are being very proactive in dealing with nuisances

such as littering, loud music and the indiscriminate cutting down of trees for bonfires. Again, we can all help with this by reporting any such incidents that we happen to see. As we are all well aware, it has been a hard winter and nowhere is this more apparent than in the state of our roads. Unfortunately, the whole country has been affected by this and we have suffered a “double whammy” with the economic recession and a lack of funds all round. Nonetheless, a particularly bad stretch of road in Balquhidder has been re-laid recently and the worst problems elsewhere have been reported to Stirling Council and TransServ for urgent attention. In fact, Balquhidder is coming in for quite a bit of attention. Stirling Council has agreed to site a bin for dog waste there; the community council now owns the telephone box outside the village hall so, although we shall be losing the telephone connection, the kiosk itself can remain; and the Community Trust has been asked to consider the provision of a bus shelter, particularly for local children who would use it while waiting for the school bus. This bucolic idyll is somewhat spoiled by the mixed fortunes of broadband connection in Balquhidder Glen. BT has now upgraded the main line to the village but this still doesn’t guarantee that everyone gets a satisfactory connection. We need to know just how many are still not getting a decent broadband connection. If you are affected by this, please contact one of us on the council to let us know. We intend to pursue this through Bruce Crawford, our MSP. There are some further facilities that could be provided by BT to improve

things, provided that we have an accurate picture of the problem to present to them. Once again, you can see the full details of all that was discussed in the minutes of the meeting on the Stirling Council website. You can raise any matters of concern with any member of the community council. Paul Hicks Lochearnhead Lochearnhead Alistair Barclay - 01567 830 453 Richard Eastland - 01567 830 293 Paul Hicks - 01567 830 359 Angus Cameron - 01567 830 268 Balquhidder Karen Methven - 01877 384 624 Marguerite Kobs - 01877 384 215 Malcom McNaughton - 01877 384 239 Adrian Squires - 01877 384 748 Strathyre Sara Hesp - 01877 830 799 Rosanne McWilliams - 01877 384 72


Church News Balquhidder During Christian Aid Week we raised £160 for this year’s appeal, which focused on improving water supply and sanitation in some of Kenya’s urban slums. Reg. Charity No. SCO12316 It is thanks to donations like these that Christian Aid’s vital projects have been saved from cuts following a serious downturn in the charity’s revenue last year. Many thanks to all who contributed to this very worthwhile appeal. Meanwhile, Balquhidder Church is facing rising costs, especially after such a hard winter. We have help from our regular congregation and we are grateful to so many friends and visitors to the Church who support us. Later this year, there will be some fundraising events which we hope will go some way towards paying for the winter fuel bill!! Jean Edwards

Balquhidder: The Thin Place v

Launch of a Magical and Spiritual Trail


All local people and visitors are invited to attend the launch of this great new trail detailing some of the magical and spiritual highlights of Balquhidder, a place that is known to be ‘thin’ - where the division between heaven and earth is minimal. The launch will take place on Sunday 6 June at 2.00pm in Balquhidder Village Hall and refreshments will be provided. Come along to find out more and experience the trail with a guided tour by Charlie Hunter, our local Blue Badge Guide. The trail is the brainchild of four local businesses who took the initiative to produce something which will hopefully increase the number of day and longer term visitors to the area and attract both new and renewed interest in the Glen. Charlie Hunter, Blue Badge Guide,

Christine Cooper of Cooper Cottages, Gill Allan of Mercat Design and Alison Inglis of Indian Champissage Scotland, were successful in submitting a bid to the ScottsLand initiative for funds to design and produce the trail. Since then they have been busy designing and getting the trail ready for printing. Unfortunately, due to ill health, Gill was unable to become involved in developing the design. However, the team are extremely grateful to Harriet Methven for agreeing to produce all the fantastic drawings and to Alasdair Nimmo of Dhanakosa for his stunning photography and help with images. The ScottsLand programme is designed to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the publication of Sir Walter Scott’s poem ‘The Lady of the Lake’ by incorporating a diverse range of cultural and literary events, promoted

Enjoying wonderful views over Loch Earn and the surrounding countryside

The hotel is family run with ten en-suite bedrooms, lounge bar, restaurant and residents’ lounge. Relax in our bar, soak in the stunning views from our terrace and enjoy your drink or bar meal. For something that little bit more special, try our menu in the Lochview Restaurant.

Reservations - Tel: 01567 830229 Fax: 01567 830364

email: 8

by the National Park. It will take place from June to October 2010 throughout the Trossachs to celebrate the poem, the heritage and the landscapes. You can find out more information by visiting the website Copies of the trail will be made available at the launch and there are plans to deliver further supplies to local businesses and outlets at the beginning of June. If you would like to reserve a supply then please contact Christine Cooper on 01877 384331 or enquiries@ After the launch, you will also be able to download a copy from the Scottsland website and the LETI website: www.robroycountry. com. We look forward to seeing you at the launch on Sunday 6 June so that we can tell you all about our exciting project. Alison Inglis


Historic Callander Hotel Receives National Park Makeover

Midsummer YBall Balquhidder Hall Saturday 5 June


7.30 for 8pm Dancing to the

Ian Milligan Band

The newly refurbished Crown Hotel

Work to restore one of the most historic hotels in Callander is now complete. The Crown Hotel was the first recipient of the Callander Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS) a scheme funded by Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park Authority and Historic Scotland. It aims to maintain and restore the historic character of Callander’s conservation area by helping homes and businesses make essential improvements. The funding has enabled the hotel’s owners to re-slate the roof and overhaul the dormer windows. By carrying out this essential work, previous vacant space can now be used. The top floor of the hotel will be converted into a residential flat and the middle floor will become letting bedrooms providing much needed accommodation to the centre of Callander and ensuring the historic building continues to provide a service to both locals and visitors. Karen Hind, National Park Built Heritage Adviser said: “The Crown Hotel had become a prominent building in Callander as it was so run down. We had targeted the building as one of our Priority Projects and it has been a great success. We were able to use historic photographs supplied through Callander and District Heritage Society to show how the building looked in the past and were able to recreate the paint features. Everything was refurbished and so the majority of the original structure remains intact and any new materials, such as slates, were carefully matched. We worked closely with the owner, consultant and contractor and we are extremely pleased with the outcome. We hope this illustrates just what this funding can do to help regenerate the centre of Callander.” Ishbel Dowie, Licensee of the Crown Hotel added: “The top two floors of the Hotel have been vacant and in desperate need of repair work for the last ten years. The grant scheme has allowed us to move ahead with refurbishment work and save some of the key features that make this building special, including a beautiful ornate stained glass window. The CAOS chorus in full flow! We were able to re-use 50% of the slates on the roof maintaining the It was ‘Songs from the Shows’ on Friday May 21 as character of the building and reducing costs. It is fantastic that we are able to breathe life back into the top two floors the Callander Amateur Operatic Society chorus and which were virtually derelict and return them to good use. We regularly soloists treated a capacity audience at Balquhidder turn people away enquiring about accommodation in the summer. Now Village Hall to a happy musical evening of well known we can provide additional space for people looking to enjoy Callander. favourites, including songs from Les Miserables, By this time next year the whole building will have been redeveloped Call Me Madam and 42nd Street. sympathetically, retaining the character of such a historic building whilst CAOS’ next major production will be Hello Dolly providing the modern facilities demanded by travellers nowadays. in March of next year - keep watching The Villagers We’re grateful to both the National Park Authority and Historic for details. Scotland for allowing us to restore this important building and safeguarding the Crown Hotel for many more years to come.”

Tickets available from Mary Barclay 01567 830453 are priced at £12 which includes an excellent buffet supper!


CAOS Comes To Balquhidder


Callander Rambling Club The Club consists of a group of enthusiasts who meet regularly throughout the year to participate in a programme of strolls, rambles, hill walks and a Long Distance Path. Details are published on in the Ben Ledi View and on posters around Callander. New Members and guests are always welcome. JUNE • Wed 2nd 9:30am Stroll - Invertrossachs (4 miles) Jan McRae 01786-842081 • Sat 5th Rotary Sponsored Walk - Ben Ledi (879m) Richard Cooper 01877-331067 • Wed 9th 9:30am Ramble - The ruins of Dubh Chorein (12 miles) Bill Thomson 01877-330102 • Sat 12th 8:30am LDP, SWSW (4) Traquair to Selkirk (10 miles) Paul Prescott 01877-330032 • Sat 19th 8:30am Hill - Ben Lui (1130m) Mike Hawkins 01877-339080 • Sat 26th 8:30am LDP, SWSW (5) Selkirk to Melrose (10 miles) Paul Prescott 01877-330032

JULY • Sat 3rd 8.30am LDP, SWSW (6) Melrose to Lauder (10 miles) Paul Prescott 01877-330032 • Wed 7th 9.30am Stroll - Argaty and Kilbryde (5 miles) Norma Thornton 01877-331588 • Sat 10th 8.30am Hill - An Caisteal & Beinn a’ Chroin (995m) Richard Cooper 01877-331067 • Wed 14th 9.30am Ramble - Balquhidder to Brig O’Turk (10 miles) Bob Rennie 01877-330930 • Sat 17th 8.30am LDP, SWSW (7) Lauder to Watch Water Reservoir (12 miles) Paul Prescott 01877-330032

Provost Civic Awards Nominations are being sought for Stirling’s prestigious 2010 Provost Civic Awards. A Provost’s Civic Award is given to individuals or organisations who have made significant contributions to the life of local communities, or who have achieved national recognition in their field, over the last 24 months. Stirling Provost Fergus Wood is inviting local people to nominate Stirling’s outstanding citizens under nine categories of award: Business (large or small), Arts and Culture, Sport, Academic, Community, Volunteer Sector, International Relations, Special Achievement and a new category Citizenship (The William Jaffray Award). Both individuals and groups can be nominated for a Civic Award. Anyone can nominate someone for an award and the closing date for nominations is Tuesday June 15. Provost Wood will present the awards at a gala dinner in Stirling Castle on Friday October 29.

Active Scotland Outdoor Activities We provide instruction for water skiing, wakeboarding, kneeboarding as well as towable rides and speed boat blasts. On land we provide bike hire and a quad bike trek experience. Visit us next to the Clachan Cottage Hotel on Crieff Road , Lochearnhead. WakeScot 14th August 2010 WakeScot and The Jamie MacGregor Cup will be up for grabs again on August 14. WakeScot is recognised by both governing bodies as Loch Earn’s only official wakeboarding event. New line up and great prizes on the day! Active Scotland Crieff Road, Lochearnhead 01567 830321 10

Remembering The Trossachs at the Movies

Over the years, many films and TV programmes have been made in and around the Trossachs. Disney’s Rob Roy, the Highland Rogue (1953) based on Sir Walter Scott’s novel Rob Roy, was filmed around Aberfoyle. The 39 Steps in 1959 featured the Invertrossachs Hotel, Brig o’Turk tearoom, Balquhidder village and Altskeith by Loch Ard. In the 60’s TV doctor series Dr Finlay’s Casebook, the doctor’s home and surgery was set in Callander’s Arden House and part of Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) was filmed in the Aberfoyle slate quarry. More recently Shepherd on the Hill (1993) people who got involved in any way and, was filmed at Loch Achray and Callander depending on who and what turns up, we’ll and in 2009 Richard Wilson toured the area try to include your memories or mementoes in in a 1950’s Bentley in Britain’s Best Drives Trossachs Film Week, part of the ScottsLand on BBC4. Also in 2009, Strathendrick Film celebrations. Society made Kirk, the story of Reverend Please call or email Eammon O’Boyle, Robert Kirk from Aberfoyle, who vanished Chairman of the Callander Film Society, on on Doon Hill, where legend has it the fairies 01877 330519 or trapped his spirit in a great pine tree. Trossachs Film Week is in Callander on Do you remember any filming in the area? September 10/11 and in Gartmore on 17/18. On location for The Thirty Nine Steps, 1959 Were you one of the extras? Or did you meet Free screenings will include classic and the cast or crew? Did you take your own contemporary films shot in the Trossachs or of Rob Roy, the Highland Rogue) together with a photographs? We’d love to hear from local Walter Scott stories (including The 39 Steps and selection of short films and videos featuring the area. The full programme will be available at the end of May on The festival is funded by the ScottsLand Grants Programme, which is financed by the Scottish Government, European Community Forth Valley & Lomond Leader 20072013 programme and Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park Authority.


McLaren High School News Yvonne King

visit our website:

McLaren Senior Ski Course We left McLaren High School for Austria at 4.30am on April 2, and after an ‘interesting’ coach and ferry journey we arrived in Partenen, Austria at 1.00pm next day. We stayed at the family run Hotel Partenerhof and were greeted with an impressive 3-course dinner. It was an excellent introduction to Austrian cuisine. The rooms we were provided with varied from the Jager Suite with its Jacuzzi bath to the boys’ shared beds! From a girl’s point of view the staff got the rooms exactly right! The first two days were challenging for everyone. The visibility was not good and for those skiing for the first time it proved to be a scary time! On the third day God created sunshine! The snow conditions were perfect and the skiing was excellent, and all agreed that this was the best day’s skiing. The input from our own teachers and the Austrian Ski School ensured it was challenging for everyone. The vast mountain area was ruggedly scenic and offered long runs over varying degrees of difficulty.

The evenings were good fun too. Austrian bowling and an 18th birthday party kept everyone, including the teachers, amused! All in all this was a week which none of us will forget in a hurry. So many friends were made and a great week was had by all.

Football News Andrew Hunter became the latest pupil from McLaren High School to be selected for the 2009-10 Scottish Schools Under 18 International Football Squad. Andrew followed in the footsteps of Liam Corr who played for Scottish Schools in 2006-07 and 2007-08, when Liam had the honour of being the first Scottish captain to lead out a team at the new Wembley Stadium.

Ailidh Lang S6 and Lewis Telfer S5

Andrew was involved in six games with the Scottish squad. He came on as substitute against Australia and Wales and was in the starting line-up against New Zealand and England. The highlight for Andrew was the televised game against England. Andrew made quite an impression on the game and caught the eye of commentator, ex-Celtic star, Davie Provan. Indeed Andrew played a major role in Scotland’s goal which gave them the lead. Unfortunately Scotland lost the match 4-1, however, as Andrew himself admits, playing for your country in an international against England is an honour and experience he will never forget. Andrew is also captain of the McLaren High School Senior Football Team and an excellent role model for younger players. Many congratulations to Andrew on all that he has achieved this year and best wishes for the future.


S2 Outward Bound Excursion

Outward Bound!

On April 26 a small group of S2 pupils were fortunate in being provided with a taste of adventure at the Outward Bound Centre at Loch Eil. The action packed week was promoted by the Outward Bound Trust to allow all Stirling Council Secondary Schools to experience how outdoor learning and adventure can contribute to the development of confidence and resilience as well as team work and leadership. The group was accompanied by Mr Bairner who was also exposed to the challenging tasks being set. After arrival at the centre on Monday lunch time, the McLaren team adopted the title of Clan Stuart for the week and were under the direction of a ‘Brummie’ instructor named Scott. Scott was not long in throwing down the first challenge’ – jog–dip! This was no ordinary jog –dip. The jog over a 1 mile route through the grounds of the centre aimed at raising the body temperature before jumping into the freezing salt waters of Loch Linnhe. So much for the Gulf Stream! Tuesday morning and it was into the minibus for a short drive into the heart of Glen Nevis where harnesses and helmets were issued for a rock climb and abseil experience. The 25m climb was technical and challenging and really pushed the McLaren. Back to Loch Eil for lunch and then wet suits were donned in preparation for the Gorge Walking experience. By this time the Headteacher, Mr Martin, had arrived and if he thought that his visit was purely to observe then he was very much mistaken! An extra wet suit and helmet were found and he too was exposed to the thundering torrent. Entry to the river bed was comparatively straight forward. “Stand in the water up to your knees” instructed Scott. The initial contact with the snowy melt waters was colder than the water in Loch Linnhe. “Now, on the count of 3, sit down in the water!” Again it was minutes of gasping discomfort as the icy chill permeated the wet suits. Fortunately it wasn’t too long before the wet suits did their job and bodies began to warm up (not!). Tuesday evening was an orienteering event with each School dividing into smaller teams to navigate their way around markers in the estate. Wednesday morning saw the McLaren Team begin to prepare for their overnight expedition. Rucksacks, tents, sleeping bags, waterproofs, boots, stoves, fuel, food, maps and head torches

Team McLaren at the 10k Run

Great Edinburgh 10k Run

all had to be issued and packed. Picking up the pack of 20kg was a daunting task, never mind walking with it! Then it was a 7km walk to where camp was established. Up at 7.00am and it wasn’t long before we were striking camp, packing and moving off for an ascent of Ben Beag, a small hill of some 2,000ft. Scott had planned the ‘expo’ in such a way that much of the gear could be stashed at the bottom of the hill lightening the loads for the walk. In the evening the group were exposed to ‘night-line’; everyone blindfolded, with one hand touching the person in front and the other following a rope. The route took the group over a 500m course through rough woodland, under a net and through a pipe before arrival at the finish. Friday morning was a brief opportunity to be exposed to height. After a climb up a 50 foot tree trunk, each person had to leap and grab a trapeze, some 6 feet away! What a ‘finale’! In every activity opportunities were highlighted where individuals could take initiative, offer solutions and support. The week was peppered with smaller team-building activities, and planning and reflection were instrumental at every stage. Having departed on the Monday as 12 individuals, the group returned as a team, with the sound of Bruce Springsteen from the minibus CD cementing the spirit that had been developed in those five short days. Theatre Outing A group of over 30 junior and senior pupils attended The National Theatre of Scotland’s latest production, Peter Pan, at the King’s Theatre on April 29. The pupils were thrilled by the stage effects and the haunting Scottish music which underscored many of the acting scenes. A memorable theatrical experience for all those who attended!

On Sunday May 2, a group of around forty pupils and twenty members of staff formed ‘Team McLaren’ and completed the Great Edinburgh Run. The staff and pupils had been training hard for weeks prior to the race, and had been collecting sponsorship money for the school’s Haiti Appeal. The pupils made their way by bus through to Edinburgh, where they were greeted with blue skies and sunshine, which helped everyone get into the spirit of the event. The race took Team McLaren, and more than 10,000 others, past a number of city landmarks, including the Scott Monument and Holyrood Palace. The event had a carnival atmosphere with large crowds and pipe bands dotted along the route at key distance points. In terms of the race itself, members of Team McLaren completed the race at different speeds, with groups scattered amongst the mass of runners. Whether the race was walked or run, each member of the group can be extremely proud of their performance. The leading pupil times were, for the boys, Christopher Ryan on 45.05 followed by Luke Melia with 48.04. Out of the girls Jasmine Ryan finished first on 52.02 in front of Christy Hamilton on 54.39. Moving on to the staff, Mr Robertson finished first on 44.38, followed by Mr Bairner who finished 21st in his age group with an impressive 47.24. Mr Cotter finished third completing the race in 48.23, and George won the battle of the janitors finishing on 48.50. The full race results can be viewed at and each pupil can be proud of the time they achieved. After the race itself, spirits were high with everyone fully enjoying the day. Staff and pupils are already talking about taking part in future events, promoting Health and Well Being while allowing the school community to experience a fun and challenging distance run. More McLaren News overleaf! 13

McLaren High School News ... Continued!

S2 Outdoor Education/Personal Development Programme Six S2 pupils have now successfully completed their six week Outdoor Education/Personal Development Programme in partnership with Active Stirling and Stirling Student Support Service. The group began with Team Building and Hillday activities, and continued with Kayaking when the group headed out to Loch Ard for some paddling skills and fun games out on the water. During the day the group also had time to explore Rob Roy’s cave on an island on the Loch. The fourth week saw the group heading out to the Invertrossachs for Mountain Biking, starting along Loch Venacher and then climbing up to Loch Drunkie. Week five was sea kayaking and we headed back to Loch Ard on

a glorious day for some more paddling skills, then finishing with some games. For the final week the group went abseiling and climbing at Kilsyth quarry crag where physical and mental challenges were completed by all. The Active Stirling staff frequently commented on how well the boys have worked during their six week programme and have been a credit to McLaren High School. Well done to all the pupils involved who were: Gary McKenzie, Gregor Bruce, Alex MacLennan, Kyle McGrath, Nathan Anderson and Robert Lafferty – with Mr David Gemmell our Inclusion Support Worker encouraging everyone each week!

Open Day at the Monachyle Mhor In warm sunshine, on Sunday 23rd May the Monachyle Mhor Hotel, Balquhidder, threw its doors open to the public, providing a fascinating, educational, and above all, fun, insight into home-grown food production. Visitors were invited to make a tour of the farm, the kitchen garden, and the hotel’s biomass heating system. Owner Tom Lewis gave cooking and burger-making demonstrations to enthusiastic (and hungry) participants!

Top: Week-old Tamworth piglets; Left: Tom demonstrates how to make the tastiest burgers; above: ‘Black Dan’ tells the truth about bees! 14

Photography Competition

A Big Thank You, Strathyre... Tony, Karen and Barry, for putting the fun into fundraising!

Family Evening Tony Waterman from The Munro held a free family evening in the village hall. The bar, entertainment and music from Craig had everyone from children to grannies and grandads up dancing all night. Tony held a raffle which raised £200 from which £100 went to the Youth Club and £100 to the Village Association.

The Callander Community Development Trust, in conjunction with the ScottsLand festival, is pleased to sponsor an amateur photography competition. Visitors and residents of all ages, Primary 4-7 (ages 8-11), Young Adults (ages 12-18) and Adults, are encouraged to visit the Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park with cameras in hand. Enjoy your visit to the Park and share your memories by submitting your photos to our competition. Categories include: • Local Landscape - The Big Picture • Local Landscape - The Smallest Detail • Local Wildlife - Plants, Animals and Insects • Local Life - People, Places and Humour Photos will be judged by members of the Callander Community Development Trust and employees of the Park Office in Callander. Winning photos will be announced during the Callander Film Society’s Trossachs Film Week ending September 10/11 and will become part of a permanent photo exhibition within the Park. Details for the competition and entry forms may be found in VisitScotland, Information Centres throughout the Park, in National Park Visitor Centres and on the following websites: Deadline for the submission of photos is 12.30 pm July 31. The ScottsLand Grants Programme is part-financed by the Scottish Government, European Community Forth Valley & Lomond Leader 2007-2013 programme and Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park Authority.

Karen’s Waxing Night in the Munro Brave men bared all - well, nearly! From eyebrows to chests, underarms to legs, the hair was removed by Karen and her hot hot-waxing team. Sponsors and the raffle together came up with a whopping £600 for the Youth Club, to be spent on some new games and on taking the kids for a fun day out. Thank you to Tony for the use of the Munro.

Ladies’ Hen Night in the Ben Sheann Organised by the Christmas Party committee, there was a great turnout. A twist in the raffle rules allowed you to steal someone else’s prize should you like it better than your own. Never has a nightshirt changed hands so many times! Thank you girls for a great laugh, and a big Thank You to Mary at the Ben Sheann. All your hard work is very much appreciated by everyone in Strathyre. Keep up the good work. What’s next then, guys??? Maggie

Live Music - Coming Soon!

12th June - Stevie McGill 3rd July - The Buick 55s 15


Advertisement Feature


Energy is an MCS (Microgeneration Certification Scheme) accredited company that provides and installs renewable heating and energy technologies manufactured in the U.K. We have noticed a significant rise in interest from the public and businesses as heating and energy costs have continued to rise. Our office is located “Behind the Green Door” of the old Post Office in Thornhill, Stirling, where we have installed heat pumps, solar PV and solar thermal panels into our Eco Office, which has greatly reduced our energy bills. In order for everyone to benefit from these technologies we believe it is important to show them in action. They are not the solution for everyone and one technology might be better suited for the consumer than another. Making sure that the equipment is properly sized and installed correctly are very important factors which the consumer should enquire about if ever purchasing such renewables. As the industry is relatively new within Scotland we believe that it is important to collaborate with other companies to ensure that everyone is properly educated in order to do the job properly. There are a number of financial incentives available as the Government aims to meet its Kyoto targets for 2020 in cutting carbon emissions. The Energy Saving Trust’s website shows the payments consumers receive back for every KWh of power they generate using renewable technologies. These tariffs range between 7 and 41.3 pence per KWh (depending on the technology) paid out for 20 - 25 years. Other renewable technologies qualifying for grants/tariffs are anaerobic digesters, hydroelectricity and wind turbines. We welcome anyone to call in to the office or phone us with any questions.

Two well known residents of Balquhidder, Rod and Lesley Blain, have recently returned from an exciting visit to the 4th Harley-Davidson Euro Festival at Port Grimaud, Golfe de St Tropez. Rod covered an amazing 3,000 miles, mostly in cold - and very wet - weather on the round trip, and Lesley arrived by car to join him for the rallies, where mercifully the weather improved! Rod told The Villagers, “Lesley and I enjoyed our French adventure so much. I travelled to the south of France on my Harley Davidson Road King and 20,000 more bikes arrived from all over Europe to take part in the rallies. The streets were lined with people cheering and waving, with the police encouraging us to blow our horns and rev our engines fantastic!”

Top: Port Grimaud; Above right: Heading up the rally; Right: Rod, Lesley... and surprisingly little luggage!

Emotion Energy Ltd

‘Behind the green door’

Vicky Jack and Anna Magnusson to speak at Community Trust AGM

The BLS Community Trust is holding its AGM at 7.30pm on Tuesday 22 June in the dining room at the Kings House Hotel.

This will be followed by tea and coffee, then Vicky Jack will be “interviewed” by Anna Magnusson. Vicky, of course, lives in Balquhidder and has climbed the highest mountain in each continent, including Everest. Anna Magnusson is daughter of the late Magnus Magnusson and sister of Sally Magnusson, and wrote 16

Vicky’s biography, “The Sky’s the Limit”. All Trust members will be receiving their own invitation to the AGM with the relevant papers, and we hope a good number will be present. We will be discussing what projects to take forward - there are several candidates. Anyone who lives in the BLS area - and indeed, anyone from elsewhere - is also very welcome. We would like a full house! Alan Clarke, Company Secretary BLS Community Trust Ltd

46 Main Street, Thornhill Stirling FK8 3PN Tel: 01786 850 395/850 473 Mobile: 07772 569 254

BLS Highland Games Dear Games Supporter, When I started this newsletter about the Balquhidder, Lochearnhead and Strathyre Highland Games I was struggling to find a wet day in order to have some spare time. It’s a pity we don’t have the same problem each July for the whole week leading up to the Games! Having said that we were blessed last year with glorious sunshine on the actual day. In 2009 the odds were stacked against us having a successful day, as, apart from the elements, the date clashed with not only the Clan Gathering in Edinburgh, the European Pipe Band Championship in Glasgow and the Open Golf, but also Highland Games events in Callander and Halkirk (with sponsorship of £30,000) and doubtless many others here and there. The Gathering robbed us of many of the Clansmen and some athletes but we still had a very good spectator turnout, people preferring a traditional Games. A good number of our regular pipers are members of a band and took part in the competition in Glasgow. Halkirk will have enticed heavies and other athletes with very large prize monies but this year we are fortunate that their event is on a different day. However, luckily for us, last year’s Perthshire Highland Games Association competition brought some very talented heavy athletes including Stewart Anderson of Lochearnhead, now Killin, who may well break some very long lasting local records. This competition is sponsored by Highland Safaris of Aberfeldy and competitors gain points at each of a number of Games events, finishing at Pitlochry in September. On a cheerier note we showed a very small profit, thus holding our own and everyone involved, especially the committee, put in a great effort to make the day a tremendous

success. Special thanks to our Chieftain, Donald McLaren of McLaren, who commuted back and forth to the Edinburgh Gathering, getting the best of both events and at the football match on the Sunday he encouraged most of the Clan followers to come across to Lochearnhead and return to Edinburgh later. We welcomed Jean Swanston onto our committee last year. Jean is famous in the Highland Dancing world and took on the job of organising the dancing events after the retiral of Mary McCallum who had worked with us for many, many years. With her knowledge and expertise Jean slotted in quickly and took a lot of the pressure off the girls in the Secretary’s tent by organising the check in, results and prizegiving at the dance platforms. We struggled to find a pipe band, but thanks go to our retiring secretary/treasurer, Charlie Fishburn, who, after many, many phone calls, found us the Towie Pipe Band and they were superb. Sadly they can’t make it this year but do want to come back sometime in the future.They were a marvellous addition to Pure Malt and the Ceilidh in the beer tent in the evening. This year we have the Badenoch and Strathspey Pipe Band who both look and sound very good. As always we are searching for new and committed committee members; those prepared to help before, during and after the event. A good number of us on the Games committee have been members for a long time and sadly do not see relief coming over the horizon, so if you know of anyone interested in joining us please point them in our direction. The alternative is the Games running out of committee!! Once again we are asking if you would like to become a Patron and support your Games with some form of Sponsorship or Patronage. We can put your own name or that of your company to a single event or to a group if the sponsorship covers a large proportion of the costs and of course, all patrons will be listed in our programme. Cheques must be made out to BLS Highland Games. (Individual sums will not be listed.) We will send you tickets for entry into the park and you will be invited to join with the convenors for some refreshments. I look forward to hearing from you soon. As always time is of the essence as we have print deadlines to meet for our programme.

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Yours as always

Angus Cameron, President 17

Rangers’ Review By Graeme Auty

Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park

Once again the summer season is upon us and the rangers are working evening shifts, weekends and bank holidays. A new initiative is being trialled this summer throughout the National Park, where volunteers will be working alongside rangers providing information to visitors about what to see and do in the area. The two new ‘visitor management rangers’ working in the Breadalbane team are Tony Phillips and Iain Fraser. Their role will involve setting up a stall with leaflets and information at busy locations. This pilot scheme will take place over four weekends during the summer, with a view to continuing in future years if it proves successful. It is hoped this will not only provide more information to visitors but also allow the rangers to focus more of their time on patrolling the busier lochside sites. We also have a new seasonal ranger joining our team, Dave Doherty, who will be with us until August. Going Bats Now that we are finally seeing some warmer weather it has been great to get out and about in the area and enjoy the long hours of daylight. At dusk you may be lucky enough to spot bats flying around catching insects. I am organising another evening bat walk with the children from Strathyre Primary School. Hopefully if we get a nice dry evening, like we did last year, we should see good numbers of Pipistrelle and Daubentons bats again. Pipistrelles are our smallest bat, weighing only about 5 grammes with a body length of 3-5cm long. Daubentons bats are slightly larger and have silver fur; they feed over water, taking insects from close to the surface and a great place to


see them is over the river Balvaig as it flows through Strathyre. Moth calls If you get a chance to walk over moorland areas, June is a good time to look for Green Hairstreak butterflies. These are very distinctive bright green butterflies, whose caterpillars have a wide range of food plants including gorse and blaeberry. Habitats include scrubby grassland, woodland clearings, heathland moorland, bogs, old quarries and railway cuttings, so there is a very good chance of seeing them in this area. Another moorland species to look out for in June is the Argent and Sable moth, this distinctive black and white moth which feeds on bog myrtle. It is found across the west of Scotland but is under

Argent and Sable moth

recorded, so we would be interested to know if you see one. As always, if you have any queries or wildlife sightings to share, especially if you have any sightings of grey squirrels in the area, please call in to the office in Lochearnhead or you can contact me on 01389 722115 or email:

LULU A little girl asked her mum, “Mum, can I take the dog for a walk around the block?” Her mum replied “No, because she is on heat.” “What does that mean?” asked the child. “Go and ask your father. I think he’s in the garage,” said mum. The little girl went out to the garage and said, “Dad, can I take Lulu for a walk around the block? I asked Mum, but she said the dog was on heat, and to come and ask you.” He took a rag, soaked it in petrol and scrubbed the dog’s backside with it to disguise the scent, and said “OK, you can go now, but keep Lulu on the lead and only go once around the block.” The little girl left and returned a few minutes later without the dog. Surprised, Dad asked, “Where’s Lulu?” The little girl said, “She ran out of petrol about halfway round the block, so another dog is pushing her home.”

S T U C A’ C H RO I N 5 0 0 0 H I L L R AC E - 1 MAY 2 0 1 0 On a day when the Scottish mountains brought everything to the party, snow, rain, strong winds and sun, the weather took its toll on the runners as they posted slightly slower times this year. 151 runners from 44 clubs and 27 unattached runners completed the race in fine spirits. It was good to see new runners joining the old hands this year from Scotland and England, although the prize for the furthest travelled must go to David Murray from Grande Prairie, Alberta, who arranged his holiday so that he could take part.

Spring, Tiso, Pete Bland, Thomas Allan, Kingshouse Travel and Sula Furnishings. Also to the following local businesses who once again donated bottles for the spot prizes; Stirling Stove Centre, Strathyre Cleansing, The Ben Sheann Hotel, The Village Shop, The Munro Inn and The Inn & Bistro. Special thanks to the Munro Inn for their help this year as host hotel, to Tony and all his staff for providing the registration venue, organising the soup and providing an excellent bar at the Ceilidh. Finally, thanks to everyone who helped make the Ceilidh such a rousing success

again this year, the bar staff, band, organisers and of course, everyone who attended. More detailed information about the race as well as more photos taken by Tommy Anderson can be found on our recently updated website, www. We are extremely grateful to Steve Respinger for all the time and effort he has taken in creating the current version of the website as well as his plans for its future development. Just a wee reminder, the Ben Sheann Race is due to take place on Wednesday June 16 at 7:30pm.

Robbie Simpson, Race Winner

Robbie Simpson of Banchory, who at 18 was running the race for the first time, finished in 2:15:41, ahead of Brian Marshall 2:22:37 and Stewart Whitlie 2.24.51. In the women’s category, Angela Mudge finished on 2:32:38, ahead of Andrea Priestley 2.47.32 and Kerri Weatherhogg on 2.48.46 The local prize went to Phil Williams from Dunblane who finished in 18th place. For the first time the local prize was sponsored by The Green Welly Stop in Tyndrum who very generously donated a bottle of malt whisky and a £50 voucher to be used in store. Our thanks to the Green Welly Stop and hope this inspires more local runners to have a go! We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this year’s event; organisers, marshals, registration and catering who all excelled themselves and contributed to a great day out. None of it would be possible of course, without Glenample Estate’s permission and their assistance before, during and after the race. Thanks again also, to our main sponsors for their continued support; Highland

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View from the Park by Owen McKee So far so good. The weather is certainly building up nicely for that long awaited summer but then a little nervous twitch as the cold and showering snap emerges. Time to worry? Not a bit of it. I still say that we are on a winner this year. And if I’m wrong I can always copy the Lib Dems and say that my original proposition wasn’t wrong, it’s just that the circumstances have changed. And let’s face it, what is more changeable than the Scottish weather !!! Last week I had the opportunity to view the National Park Planning and Access Committee from the public benches. The occasion was a Public Hearing on an application for a housing development on a controversial site in Drymen. I had to exclude myself from the Committee as Rural Stirling Housing Association was an interested party in the application and I had been involved in some of the negotiations on their behalf. Did sitting on the public benches give me a different perspective? I don’t think so but I did sense more acutely the passion of the objectors to the development. It was interesting to see the inventiveness used to emphasise the points of objection. That is perhaps the big advantage of a Public Hearing. Under the rules for normal Planning Meetings, although anyone can

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submit written representations, only two objectors are allowed to speak at the meeting and if the Community Council is one of the objectors it has first choice. Alas the inventiveness was to no avail. Planning is a legal process and were a committee to refuse an application merely on the emotion and passion of the objectors the decision would certainly be overturned on appeal. Any disadvantages to a Public Hearing? Time. For this one application the committee was in session from 3.00pm till 9.15 pm and it had a site visit from 1.30 pm till 2.30pm. Another unusual planning meeting looms and that is for the Gold Mine at Cononish, Tyndrum. This time the application will be heard not by the Planning and Access Committee but by the National Park Board. Naturally, with the possibility of a gold mine operating once again in Scotland, there has been considerable interest from the national press and as always each paper has its view on whether or not the Park Authority should allow a mining operation in the Park. The environment versus the economy. It had originally been hoped that the application would have been considered at a June meeting but unfortunately there has had to be a rescheduling to August as further information is awaited from the applicant. That re-scheduling may cause a little problem because there may well be a number of new board members, possibly as many as five, after the result of the elections on 1st July. To take part in the meeting each board member has had to undergo Planning Training so I have a feeling that there will be insufficient time for a new board member to receive that training before an August meeting. Owen McKee Till June 30 and thereafter, if I am successful in the elections, I can be contacted on matters relating to the Park as follows: Post: Taigh Na Bhuth. Lochearnhead Phone: 01567 830214 email: owen@thevillageshop.

Strathyre Primary News

Opening of the Friendship Hut in 1999

Full Circle Claire Marshall left the school in June 1998 to go on to McLaren High and before she left Claire suggested that a friendship hut should be built in the playground. This was to be a place where friends could go for chats and play. The hut was built and Claire came back in May 1999 for the official opening. She is pictured here reading to the P1’s at the time, who were:- Rosie Keenan, Chris Duncan, Chloe Strong, Ruairidh Leishman and Luisa McWilliams. Claire returned to the school this year to do a 5 week teaching placement from Glasgow University, to work with the P4 -P7’s. Part of her class went up to the friendship hut with her and they made Narvana Collages. Claire enjoyed her return trip to the school. She says she has always had fond memories of Strathyre Primary and now she has even more to add to her collection. We wish Claire all the very best and we know she will be a fantastic teacher. Rhoda Keenan

Ms Marshall teaching in 2010

School Events Diary for June Friday June 4 Strathcarron ‘GO YELLOW DAY’ organised by P1-P3, 1.30 - 3.00pm at the School. Coffee Afternoon, book stall, baking, toys and plants. Monday June 7 Sports Morning (weather permitting) at Strathyre School. Thursday June 17 Primary School Concert ‘GREASE’ in Balquhidder Hall at 7.00pm. Please phone the school for tickets. 01877 384 223 Thursday June 24 Prizegiving/End of term concert. Balquhidder Hall 1.30pm

The Dead Duck

A woman brought a very limp duck in to a veterinary surgery. As she laid her pet on the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the bird’s chest. After a moment or two, the vet shook his head and sadly said, “I’m sorry, your duck, Cuddles, has passed away.” The distressed woman wailed, “Are you sure?” “Yes, I am sure. Your duck is dead,” replied the vet. “How can you be so sure?” she protested. “I mean you haven’t done any testing on him or anything. He might just be in a coma or something.” The vet rolled his eyes, turned around and left the room. He returned a few minutes later with a black Labrador Retriever. As the duck’s owner looked on in amazement, the dog stood on his hind legs, put his front paws on the examination table and sniffed the duck from top to bottom. He then looked up at the vet with sad eyes, whined softly, and shook his head. The vet patted the dog on the head and took him out of the room. A few minutes later he returned with a cat. The cat jumped onto the table and also delicately sniffed the bird from head to foot, then sat back on her haunches, shook her head, meowed softly and strolled out of the room. The vet looked at the woman and said, “I’m sorry, but as I said, this is most definitely, 100% certifiably, a dead duck.” The vet turned to his computer terminal, hit a few keys and produced a bill, which he handed to the woman. The duck’s owner, still in shock, took the bill. “£150!” she cried, “£150 just to tell me my duck is dead!” The vet shrugged, “I’m sorry. If you had just taken my word for it, the bill would have been £20, but with the Lab Report and the Cat Scan, it’s now £150.”

Sing for Strathcarron 2010 H




in aid of

Strathcarron Hospice

H with soloist Eileen Hamilton IC MY F ACIF AIR L and the SOUTH P ADY Dunblane H Cathedral Choir Saturday 12 June 7.30pm Dunblane Cathedral !






Reg Charity NoSCO06704


Tickets priced £10 available from Strathcarron Hospice Tel: 01324 826222 and Choir members


Do you need a new home in Lochearnhead, Strathyre, Killin or Callander? If so,

Rural Stirling Housing Association may be able to help

The Association’s aim is to support rural communities by providing affordable good quality homes for people in housing need. We currently have 450 rented homes and around 30 of these become available for re-let each year. We also build some new homes each year. For more details and a housing application form contact us at: Rural Stirling Housing Association Stirling Road, Doune FK16 6AA Telephone 01786 841101 Email Registered as a Scottish Charity No. SCO37849 Please note that we encourage all applicants to also apply to Stirling Council’s housing list (Tel 0845 277 7000) Being on both lists is the best way to maximise your chances of being re-housed.

Loch Earn Shears Shearing Competition

Lochearnhead Sports Field Saturday 3rd July Junior, Intermediate, Senior Heats and Wool Handling Starting at 4.00 pm Sunday 4th July Open Heats 9.30 am Hand Shears 12 noon FINALS 5.00 pm New Zealand v Scotland Test Ceilidh Dance Sunday 4th July 9.00pm Bar Food

CALLANDER PODIATRY CLINIC within Callander Physiotherapy Practice

5 Station Road, Callander Saturdays 9.30 - 1.00pm Call 07880 825511 for an appointment Shona Brander BSc Podiatrist/Chiropodist 21


Central Scotland Police

There when you need us

Thanks I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody who kindly enquired about my health and wished me a full and speedy recovery. I am not sure if it was a coincidence but I see that an advertisement has taken the space I would normally have for my articles - Osteopathy in Callander. Having examined the picture I can announce I suffered all but one of the symptoms; however Liz, my partner, thinks that I showed all the classic signs for that particular symptom which lasted for the full nine weeks instead of the normal one week. Rumour Control It is funny that however irrelevant the reason for being off work, the rumour mill goes into overdrive. I have heard that I was suspended from work; was stopped while driving an unlicensed vehicle; had been transferred. I can categorically state that NONE of the above has taken place at anytime in my service let alone in the past few months. There is no doubt that this is malicious mischief-making in an effort to discredit me, started by those who would like me to go. I can assure you that if there was the slightest question about my professionalism and ability to carry out my duties then I would not be here, let alone be the “cover model” on this year’s Chief Constable’s Annual Report. A new post has been created which covers the whole of the force area, looking at tackling rural crime, travelling criminals and wildlife

crime. I was asked by a very senior officer if I would be prepared to take on and develop the role; however, this would mean moving away from the area. Although it would be a very interesting job I feel that there are still a number of issues here which need to be addressed, so I have declined. Ironworks We are well into the camping and fishing season with many people visiting the loch sides. Unfortunately a very small minority still don’t know how to behave, what is and is not acceptable and colleagues from throughout the area are constantly dealing with offenders. PC Buchan, Tayside Police, who has responsibility for the east and south side of Loch Earn, has taken a no-nonsense approach and is dealing with offenders in what we identify as a robust and decisive manner. He has issued a number of tickets including one to a motorist who was playing his music too loud. My first weekend back saw me responding to a call from Strathyre where a camp had been set up. I confiscated a quantity of alcohol and spoke to the six campers who had admitted littering and throwing two chairs into the river. I requested assistance from Callander, Killin and Dunblane later on due to the extreme behaviour of two of the men. A man has appeared at Stirling Sheriff Court having been found with an air rifle at Loch Venacher. He pled not guilty and was given bail with the added condition that he DOES NOT enter the National Park. This is an unusual step taken by the Procurator Fiscal’s office in an effort to stop antisocial behaviour. A new approach to littering will see the police issuing tickets to the perpetrators whilst asking them to clean up the area. If this

is done satisfactorily then the ticket will be cancelled. In cases of inappropriate and dangerous parking at loch sides drivers may find their cars being towed away at their expense. I would ask all those people who come into contact with campers and fishermen to bring this new approach to their attention. Several vehicles have been stopped on Glen Ogle which resulted in a number of people being reported to the Procurator Fiscal for a variety of offences including possession of drugs and firearms. Thefts 1. A car with the keys inside was stolen from a house near Strathyre. The owner saw the vehicle being driven away as it passed his window and contacted the police who responded from Callander. Unfortunately the car crashed and overturned at Leny Falls - the three occupants were unhurt. 2. An isolated house in the Balquhidder Station area was broken into during the day on May 13. Entry was gained by using a substantial amount of force. If anybody saw anything suspicious around this time please contact the police. Doorstep Sales Beware of casual door to door salesmen especially if there are two or more as one may attempt to gain entry to your house while the other engages you in conversation. If you are suspicious contact the police immediately. Smartwater There is a product on the market called Smartwater, first shown on Tomorrow’s World in the mid 90’s. It is colourless, odourless and tasteless and is sprayed on to anything of value which may be stolen thus leaving a unique trace on the criminal which can be detected later under UV light. A full explanation is available on the website: The kits normally sell for £60 but Central Scotland Police can supply them for £15 each. Cheques can be made out to Central Scotland Police and handed in at any police station or sent to me or to PS Kevin Chase. Please provide your name, address and post code so that we can pass these on to Smartwater. Tayside Appeal PC Ally Millar from the Road Policing Unit based at Perth is asking for the public’s help. Did anyone witness a road accident which occurred between 2 and 4pm on Friday May 14 on the A85, approximately 2 miles east of Comrie? In particular he would like to speak to anybody who saw a BMW and a Porsche travelling west at that time. Call...! I am very pleased to be back at work to continue to tackle the issues which are causing you concern, such as drink driving, speeding, theft and antisocial behaviour. Please call the police when something is going on or as soon as possible after an incident. PC Andrew Ward 01786 456 000


Experts reveal the Face of Stirling’s Mediæval Knight after 650 Years ‘Historic Scotland announces new research into castle’s skeletons following BBC show...’

A dramatic reconstruction has revealed the face of a mediaeval knight whose skeleton was discovered at Stirling Castle. The BBC 2 series History Cold Case attempted to discover the identity of the warrior who may have been killed during Scotland’s Wars of Independence with England in the late 13th and 14th centuries. The castle changed hands several times and scientific tests have been used to work out whether he might have been a Scot, an Englishman or even French. The programme focused on two of ten skeletons excavated from the site of a lost royal chapel at the castle. A team led by Professor Sue Black, a world-renowned forensic anthropologist from Dundee University, wanted to find out how, why and when the knight, and a woman buried nearby, met violent ends at the castle. Historic Scotland, which cares for the castle, has announced that it is commissioning further research to find out more about these ten skeletons, which include two infants. This work will be carried out by Dr Jo Buckberry of the University of Bradford and archaeological scientists Dr Janet Montgomery (University of Bradford) and Professor Julia Lee-Thorp (University of Oxford). Plans are also being made to include the facial reconstruction, and the other research results, in a permanent exhibition due to open at Stirling Castle next spring. Richard Strachan, Historic Scotland Senior Archaeologist, said: “Professor Black and her team have done a great job in finding out more about two of the skeletons. The facial reconstruction of the knight gives a powerful impression of what a warrior who died in the 1300s may have looked like. He was a very strong and fit nobleman, with the physique of a professional rugby player, who would have been trained since boyhood to handle heavy swords and other weapons and who would have spent a great deal of time on horseback.”

The Stirling Knight’s facial reconstruction

One intriguing avenue of research will be to compare the results from the Stirling skeletons to those of soldiers found in mass graves who were killed at the Battle of Towton, the decisive clash of England’s Wars of the Roses, in 1461. Dr Buckberry, a biological anthropologist, said: “Techniques have advanced a long way since the skeletons were discovered in 1997 and we can now tell much more about where people came from, their lifestyles and causes of death. This group is highly unusual, because of where and when the people were buried, suggesting that they might have been socially important and have died during extreme events such as sieges. As the castle changed hands

Jo Buckberry

a number of times these are people who could have come from Scotland, England or even France and one of my hopes is that we will be able to find out where at least some of them originated.” The skeletons, which date from the 13th to 15th centuries, were found during preparatory work for Historic Scotland’s £12 million refurbishment of the castle’s Renaissance royal palace, returning it to how it may have looked in the 1540s. Part of the project involves the creation of superb new displays telling the story of the castle through the centuries.


Loch Earn Sailing Club

Put some wind in your sails!

Two fantastic opportunities are coming up at Loch Earn Sailing Club, St Fillans, for budding Ben Ainslies and Shirley Robertsons. June 2010: Annual event, the Scottish Schools Brown Cup, kindly sponsored by Brook MacDonald Asset Management of Edinburgh, takes place on Monday June14. Students from around the country will compete for the prestigious trophy at Loch Earn Sailing Club – entry is free


and all Under 18s sailors (must be still at school to qualify) are welcome. Last year, the 50th anniversary of the event, attracted 59 competitors. The winner of the Handicap Fleet in 2009 was Jack Evans from Fortrose Academy, top of the Toppers was Alexander Still from Gourock High School and top Primary School sailor was LESC’s Aaron Murray from Commercial Primary School in Dunfermline. The Brown Cup was won

by Lomond School from Helensburgh. On the preceding weekend this year, Sat./Sun. June 12/13, LESC is inviting a limited number of students to attend an intensive training camp. In preparation for the big event, instruction will cover race training for sailors of all abilities provided by top Royal Yachting Association (RYA) coaches to give them a flavour of what our Olympians go through to reach their peak. A limited number of places are still available for this two-day camp which (heavily subsidised by sponsorships) costs just £35.00. July 2010: Are you looking for a different holiday activity for the children this summer? You might consider a 5-day sailing course at Loch Earn Sailing Club. All levels and abilities are catered for from absolute beginners to more confident improvers and advanced helms. The LESC course is approved by the RYA and training is supplied by experienced instructors. During their training students will spend their week working towards the RYA certificate as a mark of their achievement for their level of expertise. Adult students are also welcome so the whole family can learn a new skill together. Taking place from Mon.– Fri. July 5-9 at the Club, from 10:00hrs to 16:00hrs approx each day, the course costs £160 for members’ children or £185 for nonmembers (ages 8+) and £210 for adult members or £250 for non-members. For further information on the Scottish Schools Brown Cup and for each of these training courses see www.lochearnsc. com, or pop in to the Clubhouse at Sandy Point, near St Fillans, to collect an application form.

Farm Forum: of belching bovines and rampant rodents A month to go until the longest day! As I write the weather is scorching but next week is forecast to be much colder again - it is not easy knowing whether we have had summer or it is still to come. During the last few years cattle have been in the dock over their alleged prominent role in the emission of greenhouse gases. Where this information emanated from, we can only guess but as normal it was jumped upon by anti-meat extremists and the like. However, a new report from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation has found cows to be almost blameless on this issue. Whereas the original report issued in 2006, which started the whole furore, said that the livestock sector was believed to be responsible for up to 18% of emissions, the actual figure is about 4% if you count the whole milk industry including packing and distribution. As one correspondent said the original flawed report is still embedded in the thinking of climate change policy makers. He said “It will take time and effort to eradicate this fundamental misconception.”

It is now suggested that pasture sequesters far more carbon than the ruminants grazing it. I am often referring to ludicrous rules etc. being passed in Brussels and being imposed on the whole community. I don’t apologise for this because many of these rules impact on us all, not just the agricultural industry. A case in point is a proposed pesticides ban, that, if imposed, would remove anticoagulants which account for almost 95% of all the current pesticides used in the control of rats and mice. No doubt health and safety is the excuse being used, although that is the reason they are used in the first place! One MEP - Struan Stevenson, who sits on the environmental committee, labelled the proposal “just plain crazy” and said it was typical of the ill-thought-out plans that give the EU a bad name. The mind boggles when you think of the damage that would be incurred if we had an infestation of rodents in this country and all over Europe. The amount that is eaten is significant but what is of far more concern is the horrendous contamination caused, not to speak of the spread of diseases - ones transmissible to humans as well as the likes of foot and mouth. One correspondent highlighted the dangers of removing such an

effective pesticide without having a proper scientific background or impact assessment. Farms and food companies are regularly inspected for infestations of various kinds and have to keep a register of pesticides used and full information about antidotes. What is required now is a register of antidotes for excess EEC bureauocracy! Agricola

Good Food - and a warm welcome awaits all. Award winning local chef. Eddie McAnally will be cooking the best of local produce. To make a reservation and enquire about our free transport service contact George at the Kings House. Reservations Tel: 01877 384 646 Fax: 01877 384716 email: 25


We’ll send you or your friends ‘The Villagers’ £10.50 for 11 monthly issues (£19.50 for Europe and £25.00 for the rest of the world). All you need to do is to post the completed form to: BLS NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION, Tom-Na-Dair BALQUHIDDER FK19 8PB, SCOTLAND Cheques should be made payable to: THE BLS NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Remittance enclosed £ .................(do not send cash) Please send copies of ‘The Villagers’ starting on ................ for 11 months To: NAME ................................................................. ADDRESS: .................................... .............................................................................................. POSTCODE ...................... SENDER’S NAME & ADDRESS IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE Please send copies of ‘The Villagers’ starting on ................. for 11 months NAME ....................................................................... ADDRESS ..................................... ............................................................................................... POSTCODE....................... 26


Eco - Dry Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Services Package Deals Now On For 2010 3 Carpets cleaned for the price of 2 3pce suite + carpet £120

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• DIARY DATES • Weekly & Monthly Activities Regular weekly and monthly activities have mostly wound down for the summer. Lists for the four village halls will resume in August prior to new classes starting in September.


Balquhidder Trail Launch - 2.00pm - see p.8


Loch Earn Sailing Club, Scottish Schools Brown Cup - p.24


‘A Night On Broadway’ - Dunblane Cathedral - see p.21


Ben Sheann Hill race - 7.30pm start


Primary School Concert ‘Grease’ - Balquhidder Hall - 7.00pm. Please phone the school for tickets 01877 384223


BLS Trust Meeting - Vicky Jack and Anna Magnusson - Kings House Hotel - 7.30pm - see p.16


Prizegiving / End of Term Concert - Balquhidder Hall - 1.30pm


West End Jazz and Supper at Tullybannocher - 7.30pm


Summer Music - Balquhidder Church - 7.00pm - see p. 5

JULY 3/4

Loch Earn Shears - Lochearnhead Sports Ground - see p.21


Summer Music - see p.5


Summer Music


Summer Music


Strawberry Teas in aid of Church and Hall funds - 1.30 - 5.00pm - Balquhidder Hall


BLS Highland Games - Lochearnhead Sports Ground - 12 noon - see p.17


Summer Music


Last Summer Music Concert


Folk Night with ‘Tarneybackle’ and Supper at Tullybannocher - 7.30pm

The deadline date for copy each month this year is the

24th. Please help us to get The Villagers to you on time!

All cheques for advertising or mail order subscriptions must be made out to ‘The BLS Newspaper Association’

The Villagers’ Contacts BLS Newspaper Association Tom-na-Dhair, Balquhidder Lochearnhead FK19 8PB Email: Editorial Team Editor: Marguerite Kobs 01877 384 215 ‘Kalinka’, Auchtubh, Balquhidder Lochearnhead FK19 8NZ Business Manager: John Stewart 01877 384 664 Production Manager: Gill Allan 01877 384 203 Advertising Co-ordinator and Photographer: Alistair Barclay 01567 830 453 Co-editor and Lochearnhead Contact: Ali Ferguson 01567 830 405 Strathyre Contact: Susan Revie 01877 384 306 St Fillans Contact: John Murray 01764 685 487 Mail Order Distribution: Hilda Astbury 01877 384 681

The Villagers’ Photographer

Alistair Barclay is available to attend village functions and take photos if contacted in plenty of time. CDs of photos are also for sale. Please phone him on 01567 830453

CHURCH SERVICES Balquhidder, Lochearnhead, Strathyre and St. Fillans CHURCH OF SCOTLAND Balquhidder Parish Church Registered Charity No. SCO12316 Sunday 12 noon Minister: Rev John Lincoln The Manse, Killin Tel: 01567 820 247 Dundurn Church, St Fillans Sunday 12 noon Minister: Rev Graham McWilliams Tel: 01764 671 045

ROMAN CATHOLIC Callander, St Joseph the Worker Sunday 11.30am Saturday Vigil Mass 5.30pm, until September Killin, at the Episcopalian Church Sunday 2.30pm Father Jim McCruden 2 Ancaster Square, Callander Tel: 01877 330 702

SCOTTISH EPISCOPAL CHURCH St Angus’s, Lochearnhead First and third Sundays of the month: Holy Communion at 11.15am. Second and fourth Sundays of the month: Evensong at 6.00pm Fifth Sunday of the month: please see church noticeboard. Vestry Secretary - Lawrie Hopkins Tel: 01567 830 238 28

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