Dragon News Lake Orion Community Schools
June 2013
Congratulations to the Class of 2013!
Background Art by Jerry Brazeau, Art Teacher
From the Office of the Superintendent: Lake Orion Community Schools has announced a Bond Elec on on August 6, 2013, where voters will be asked to consider two bond proposals that focus on improvements to each of our school buildings. These include projects that will improve the safety, security, health, energy efficiency, accessibility and instruc onal technology in all facili es. In today’s compe ve public educa on environment, many of the proposed expenditures have been delayed too long and must be made now to keep the district among the best in Oakland County and the State. Proposi on A addresses projects that the District believes are necessary to our facili es, sites and instruc onal technology, totaling $28.7 million. Proposi on B includes addi onal enhancements valued at $4.5 million. By funding these improvements through a bond program instead of the general fund, the District can keep general fund dollars in the classroom for instruc on and programs. Our schools have been one of the shining cornerstones of the Lake Orion community for many years, helping a ract families, strengthen home values, lure businesses to locate here and, most importantly, support and educate our young people. This bond is cri cal to the long-term success of the district in a rac ng and retaining great families who want their children to benefit from a safe, sound and challenging learning environment. Safety and Security Enhancements: In today’s world, the safety and security of our students and teachers is of utmost importance. Some improvements have been put in place, but further updates are strongly recommended by the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office. Enhancements to our security systems will help to ensure the safety of our children in our schools in the future. Infrastructure, Facili es and Site Upgrades: Due to aging District facilies, improvements are required to maintain healthy and safe learning environments. Building components and systems that are beyond their useful lives will be addressed to create equity across all schools and also to provide energy saving ini a ves crucial to our opera ng budget.
Unsecure lobbies open to classrooms and other student areas
Flooded roof at Stadium Drive
Flooded roof at Pine Tree
Deteriora ng Plumbing
Energy-inefficient windows
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Technology Upgrades: Technology today is fundamental to learning. This investment will support 21st century teaching and learning in our District and help prepare students with cri cal skills demanded by colleges and employers. Technology tools and the infrastructure to support today’s requirements will be addressed in this bond program. The ini al computers acquired would have a seven-year useful life and be paid off early in the bond term. A er five-toseven years of opera on, 15-20 percent of these computers would be replaced annually over the course of the bond dura on. If you will be out-of-town on August 6, please apply for an absentee ballot at the Orion Township offices on Joslyn Road. You can find more detailed informa on on the proposed bond projects on the Lake Orion Community Schools website, www.lakeorion.k12.mi.us. Informa onal mee ngs will be held at various loca ons in the community this summer, star ng with a public forum at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 20, at the Orion Center located at 1335 Joslyn Road.
Important Dates Absentee ballots available: Saturday, June 22 Final day to register to vote: Monday, July 8 Last day to vote by absentee ballot: Monday, August 5
Elec on Day: Tuesday, August 6, 2013
From the Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Summer is a me for fun in the sun, relaxing and reading a good book, and visi ng new places! It can also be a great me for summer learning programs, and Lake Orion has a lot to offer to students of all levels. The elementary summer school program is an enrichment program targeted for our students who are struggling in reading and math. It is a free 6-week program that will run from July 9th through August 15th. Students will a end Tuesdays through Thursdays for 3 hours each day. Transporta on is provided to students who need it. Also, there is a shortened 3-week program for Carpenter students. For middle school students, summer school will run from July 8th through July 26th at Scripps Middle School. Classes being offered include ELA, math, math enrichment, science, and social studies. Students entering 9th grade are being offered algebra readiness in July, a ceramics studio class is being offered to both students and adults. ELA, math, science, social studies, modern language and various elec ves are being offered, 9-12, as well. Another summer offering is the LOHS Virtual Learning Courses.
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From the Office of Human Resources: Retirements Each year, we are faced with saying goodbye to staff members who have invested many years of service in our schools. Whether they are bus drivers or secretaries, teachers or techs, they have all contributed to the educa on of Lake Orion’s students in some way. We send a warm and hear elt ‘Thank You’ to each one of them listed (right), and we wish them much happiness in their re rement years!
From le : Cynthia Williams, Deborah Fristad, Jane Summers, Kathy Fredericks, Barb Elenbaas, Bob Elenbaas, Stephen Roberts, Jim Przybylo, and Carol Haworth
Michael Beach
Network Administrator
Paula Bowen
District Tech
Linda Childers
Bus Driver
Susan Denyer
Food Service
Café Assistant
Barb Elenbaas
Adult Education
Robert Elenbaas
High School
Business Teacher
Claudia Fowler
Bus Driver
Elizabeth Fowler
Kathy Fredericks
Stadium Drive
Deborah Fristad
High School
Music Teacher
Anne Galovich
Stadium Drive
Carolyn Graham
Waldon Middle
Colleen Green
Carol Haworth
Deborah Leafdale
Early Childhood
Childcare Assistant
Leann Lowe
High School
Drama/ELA Teacher
Patrick MacIntyre
High School
Industrial Arts Teacher
Jane MacKinnon
LRC Teacher
Tom Mundy
James Przybylo
Stadium Drive
Building Tech
Stephen Roberts
High School
Physical Education Teacher
Larry Scramlin
Bus Driver
Jane Summers
Early Childhood
Childcare Assistant
Cynthia Williams
Paint Creek
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The Betty Campion Distinguished Support Service Award The Be y Campion Award was established in 1990 to recognize support persons’ contribu ons to the learning community in Oakland County. The award is named for Be y Campion, a former Oakland Schools Board member who served for 24 years as a member of Oakland County school boards, and who spent 21 years as a PTA member. The award is funded by the Oakland Schools Educa on Founda on. Congratula ons to all of the nominees listed below, with a special congratula ons to Florence D’Annunzio, our district nominee to Oakland Schools!
From the le : Teddy Chris e, Tina Zach, Jim Bohnsack, Judy Rocheleau, Florence D’Annunzio, and Linn DeRose.
Posi on
Jim Bohnsack
Building Tech
Paint Creek
Teddy Chris e
Staff Associate
Pine Tree
Florence D'Annunzio
Dance Teacher
Stadium Drive
Linn DeRose
Office Assistant
Chris Potvin
Financial Secretary
High School
Judy Rocheleau
Counseling Secretary
Scripps Middle
Tina Zach
Blanche Sims
From the Operations & Maintenance Office: MSBO Meridian Award of Excellence The Michigan School Business Officials’ Meridian Award of Excellence is a special recogni on award that acknowledges successful prac ces in all areas of school management and educa on. This year Wes Goodman, Andy Fountain and Sue Tumey from the LOCS Opera ons Dept. were awarded this honor at the MSBO Annual Conference in Grand Rapids on April 24th. They received the award for the Operaons Manuals that they designed in collabora on with Clarkston Community Schools. Along with a beau ful crystal award, they were also awarded $500 for our district’s scholarship fund. The MSBO Meridian Award of Excellence also recognized the LOCS Transporta on Department for Project RUST (Restoring Underbody Stability in Transporta on) with an honorable men on award. Project RUST’s purpose is to strategically implement proven and department designed corrosion reduc on and preven on techniques and technologies available to prolong the life of Lake Orion Community School District’s transporta on fleet. It was implemented for the first me in the summer of 2012. They also received a beau ful crystal award along with $500 toward our district’s scholarship fund.
From le : Wes Goodman, Andy Fountain, and Sue Tumey
From le : Bill King & Janet Villareal
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From the Special Education Office: Living with Autism Workshop LOHS Life Skills students, as well as Alexa Stone (ASD teacher), Rob McClellan (social worker), and Nancy Floyd (speech pathologist) a ended the 2013 Living with Au sm Workshop featuring Dr. Temple Grandin. Dr. Grandin, the world-renowned au sm advocate and best-selling author, spoke about how she has succeeded in life not despite her au sm diagnosis, but because of it. She gave insights on issues facing the au s c community today, as well as helpful ps to support other individuals on the au sm spectrum.
Friday Fun Nights for Adults with Disabilities Three mes a year, the Lake Orion IMAGE Program hosts all young adults with disabili es in Oakland County for a Social Night at the CERC building. These nights provide young adults with a safe and fun way to spend me mee ng new friends within our community and other communi es. The adults are encouraged to come with a snack or pop to share with the group (as you would do if going to a friend’s house). Many ac vi es are available for the young adults: dancing with DJ Dave, Karaoke, video games, art ac vi es, basketball in the gym, and socializing with other young adults. High school volunteers are available to encourage and par cipate with the young adults if they are not sure which ac vity they would like to do. It is a great evening for both the young adults and volunteers!
Business Expo at LOHS On May 9th the IMAGE Program premiered their cra business at the Business Expo at Lake Orion High School. All items displayed were made by the young adults with disabili es in the program. During the event, students prac ced interac ng with the public, making change and developed customer service skills. The IMAGE program is located in the CERC building and can be reached by phone at 245-6935430 if you have a special project in mind. We are always looking for projects or ways to interact with our community.
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From the Transportation Office: Excellence in Transportation Award 2013 The Excellence in Transporta on Award was developed so that each school district in Oakland County could honor its outstanding employees on an annual basis at the county level. They are nominated by their peers with no administrator nomina ons allowed. The 2013 LOCS Excellence in Transporta on Award recipients for Lake Orion were Bill King and Janet Villarreal. These outstanding bus drivers were honored at an awards banquet on April 25th that included transporta on departments from all districts in Oakland County. Both winners were recognized at the banquet and received a beau ful plaque and jacket. Congratula ons to all of the winners!
The Common Good—by Scripps’ Art teacher Jerry Brazeau
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From the High School: State Chorale Festival Our three high school choirs par cipated in the MSVMA State Choral Fes val held Tuesday April 30th at Rochester HS. The students represented our community well with their singing, musicianship, and behavior. Each choir performed for a 4-person panel of out-of-state collegiate choral professors. A er their performance on stage they worked with one adjudicator in a clinic se ng. Each choir earned the opportunity to advance to State Choral by receiving a minimum ra ng of Excellent at the District level fes val back in March. Students are judged using a rubric which considers the musical elements of tone quality, pitch, rhythm, dic on, stylis c interpreta on, and ensemble presenta on. Based on a five level scale of Poor – Fair – Good – Excellent – Superior, we are happy to report the following results: Campus Choir – GOOD Chorale – GOOD Chamber Choir – SUPERIOR (First me for this choir!)
LOHS Dragon Broadcasting Earns State & National Awards
Courageous Persuaders National PSA Competition Scholarship winners to be announced on May 15. Entries created by Andrew Proper, Riley Bussell, Julia Sherman, and the team of Neil Done & Anna Dietz are all in the Top 60 and could poten ally win. MIPA Spartan Competition (an evalua on of all student-produced programing)
Spartan Award (Top Honor)
MIPA Best Student-Produced Newscast LO‐AM was award 1st and 3rd place (individual episodes) All-MIPA Nominee Jacqueline Colve MIPA 3—Week Film Sofia Mendez Richard Doll Craig Matola, Kayla Rockey, Lauren Davis, & Julia Sherman Mitchell Po er Mitchell Bryan Sean Doody & Neil Done Shane Ciora, Billy Woods James Bell, & Jake Spencer
Challenge 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
HonorableMen HonorableMen HonorableMen Honorable Men
on on on on
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MIPA Carry-In Feature Ana Cordera 2nd Place Adam Liddicoa 3rdPlace MIPA On-Site Video Creation Jackie Colve , Aly Girling, 3rdPlace & Ted Swietlik
Meijer “Great Choices” PSA Competition Scholarship winners to be announced June 8. Becci Blascak is in the Top 10 of her category and could poten ally win. Michigan Interscholastic Press Association (MIPA) Individual Category Awards Names Sam Wright Sean Goodall Sofia Mendez Adam Liddicoatt & Kyle Marino Patrick Tunison & Adam Liddicoatt Ana Cordera & Adam Liddicoatt Amanda Vaughn & Neil Donetti Sean Goodall & Adam Liddicoatt Adam Liddicoatt Patrick Tunison, Adam Liddicoatt, & Sean Goodall Carl Leone Taylor Kolodziej Amanda Vaughn & Taylor Kolodziej Rachel Livingway, Adam Liddicoatt, Laura Gonda, & Kylee Bouch Ted Swietlik & WDBC Staff Amanda Vaughn & Neil Donetti Rachel Livingway & Ana Cordera Laura Gonda Amanda Vaughn Riley Holder Patrick Tunison, Claire McIntyre, & Tyler Martoia Kyle Marino Julia Sherman Adam Liddicoatt Sean Goodall & Adam Liddicoatt Andrew Proper Becci Blascak Amanda Vaughn & Taylor Kolodziej Kyle Marino & Adam Liddicoatt Claire McIntyre Kylee Bouch Sean Goodall & WDBC Staff
Category Short Film-Fiction Opener Animation Feature Story Personality Profile Editorial Sports News Story Humor Field Reporter Single Production Portfolio
Place 1st Place 1st Place 1st Place 1st Place 1st Place 1st Place 1st Place 1st Place 1st Place 1st Place
Single Production Portfolio Studio Talent Sports News Story Graphics
2nd Place 2nd Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
Live Sports/Event Coverage Editorial Sports News Story Environmental/Health/Science Studio Talent Live Sports Announcer Humor
Live Sports Announcer Short Film-Fiction Short Film-Fiction Music Video Commercial PSA Opener Sports Feature Story Anchor Anchor Live Sports/Event Coverage
3rd Place 3rd Place 3rd Place 3rd Place 3rd Place 3rd Place 3rd Place Honorable Mention Honorable Mention Honorable Mention Honorable Mention Honorable Mention Honorable Mention Honorable Mention Honorable Mention Honorable Mention Honorable Mention Honorable Mention
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Lake Orion Senior Drafted by Tigers Lake Orion senior baseball pitcher Nick Deeg, who had previously signed to play baseball at Central Michigan University, has had an exci ng senior season. First, Nick and his teammates combined to win the Division 1 Regional tle by bea ng Hartland 4-0 and Rochester Stoney Creek 10-2. Then, a er the game, he received a call from his brother telling him that he had been dra ed in the 37th round of the MLB dra by his hometown team, the Detroit Tigers! Nick’s hard work is paying off, and his dreams of being a major leaguer are a step closer to reality!
Another Award for the 2012 Dragon Yearbook! The 2012 Dragon Yearbook was again included in Ideas That Fly, a publica on produced by Herff Jones that includes the best of the best in junior high, high school, and college/university yearbooks. Thousands of yearbook staffs will use our yearbook staff’s ideas to spark crea vity, and the book will be featured at na onal journalism conven ons across the country!
Bowling Team in State Championship! The Lake Orion Varsity boys and girls bowling teams both qualified for the MHSAA Division 1 State Championship Bowling Tournament held in Muskegon, Michigan. Lake Orion was the only Oakland County school to have both teams reach the state finals. The Lady Dragons finished in 10thplace, while the boys finished in 17th.
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B e h i n d t h e S c e n e s
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From the Middle Schools: Oakview: Lewis & Clark Day On May 17th, 8th graders at Oakview Middle School par cipated in Lewis and Clark Day. Students and parents traveled around school grounds, facing teacher-led challenges along the way. Just as Lewis and Clark did, students had to work together in their own “corps” to successfully make it through sta ons and road blocks, earning tokens which were collected at the end of the day to determine a winning group. Although Lewis and Clark Day was only a day-long event, it took many months of prepara on by both teachers and students. Beginning five weeks earlier, students worked in their groups to create a corps name, logo, banner, and trunk. Teachers worked to create a sta on that challenged students, yet was reflec ve of the struggles Lewis and Clark themselves faced. Parents also played a big part in our successful day. At least 30 adults volunteered their a ernoon to chaperone a group around the school. Because of the hard work of teachers, students and parents, Lewis and Clark day was a huge success enjoyed by all.
Oakview: Track & Field
On Thursday May 30th, the Oakview Boys track and field team won the Oakland County Championship meet at Clarkston High School. Oakview competed in the meet against 48 other middle schools from all corners of the county, earning its victory by two points over West Bloomfield. Several Oakview athletes also earned individual County Championships. The team of Greg Maki, Darren Newman, Jaren Albright and Drew Geim were county champs in the 2 mile relay, and Michael Jarvis was county champion in the 3200m run and the 800m run.
Oakview: NJHS Service The Oakview Chapter of Na onal Junior Honor Society is pleased to announce that this year our members are responsible for logging just over 2000 community service hours! Reaching 2000 hours was a goal that we set at the beginning of the school year. This is a goal that we are so happy to have reached, as it represents a significant contribu on and impact on both the Oakview and Lake Orion communi es. A special thanks to all of the members and their families that have dedicated so much of their me to serving others.
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Oakview: State Festival Results Oakview's 7th and 8th grade choirs both represented Lake Orion extremely well at MSVMA State Fes val on May 9, 2013. Both choirs received excellent comments and ra ngs from the judges and experienced success in another MSVMA State Fes val appearance. Congratula ons to all students involved!
Scripps: LEGO Robotics Students in 7th Grade Applied Technology classes built and programmed Lego Mindstorm robots. Students learned to program 30 different ac vi es while making a movie to present to their classmates, showing evidence of their success. Students were then allowed to use their crea vity to program the Robots do something else like playing baseball, dancing, or running around a track. These pictures are of a culmina ng acvity where students programmed their robots to ba le each other using the NCAA basketball “March Madness” format.
Scripps: Band Festival On Saturday, April 13th, 73 Scripps Middle School Band students participated in 62 events at the Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association District IV Solo and Ensemble Festival. The festival was held at Waldon Middle School. Students performed as a soloist or in a small ensemble for an expert adjudicator. The students were graded on their tone quality, intonation, rhythm, technique, and interpretation. These grades were then averaged together for an overall rating of I, II, III, IV, or V, with I being the highest. Those events earning a I or II received a medal for their achievement. 74% of the Scripps Band events earned the highest rating possible.
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Scripps: Orion Art Center Show Each spring the Orion Art Center does an art show focused on recycled art. Crea ng images from materials that would typically be thrown away. The art show is open to all ages and has cash prizes for different age categories. This year, David E., Ethan P., and Alex M. won first place in the team category for using old library books and sculp ng a seascape complete with a ship, octopus and beach scene with a light house. This is a fun show to be a part of, and it’s funny how inspiring junk can be when you give it a second look.
Scripps: Pet Needs Drive “Everyone loves animals,” said Liesa Bruin, President of the Na onal Junior Honor Society at Scripps Middle School. Bruin and the NJHS coordinated a “Spring into Ac on” campaign to collect pet food, leashes, toys, clean bedding, cat li er, pet carriers and dozens of bound carpet samples for the Oakland County Pet Adop on Center. “The families at Scripps were really generous,” beamed Kris n P., NJHS Historian. The mission of the Oakland County Pet Adop on Center is to provide a safe haven for animals un l they are found permanent homes. The Na onal Junior Honor Society encourages and recognizes scholarship, leadership, service, character, and ci zenship.
Scripps: Stream Leaders
Scripps: Citizen of the Month
For over 10 years, Scripps Middle School has par cipated in the Clinton River Watershed Council (CRWC) Stream Leaders program. This opportunity pairs 8th grade students with environmental engineers from General Motors to test the quality of Paint Creek in downtown Lake Orion. The data is submi ed to CRWC for their annual report. Students conduct water quality tests using chemical tests, physical studies, and land use surveys.
Brandon A. Lake Orion Area Op mist Club—May Winner
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From the Elementary Schools: Blanche Sims: Fun and Learning—A Great Mix!
Kites in the Classroom
Science Fair
Board Members Visit the Reader’s Workshop
Biography Projects
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Orion Oaks: Fine Arts Poster Contest Winners
Orion Oaks:
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Orion Oaks: Field Day
Paint Creek: SPLAT! SPLAT! (Study, Play, Learn And Talk) lock-in was held at Paint Creek Elementary on May 24th. Students par cipa ng in the SPLAT! Homework Club a ended a er school sessions, three mes weekly from January through May to boost academic gains in reading, wri ng and math. Students and staff celebrated student par cipa on and academic accomplishments with a lock-In in which students e-dyed T-shirts, painted rocks, flew kites, and competed against the Paint Creek teachers in a very compe ve game of kickball. The “Build Your Own Sundae Bar” was also a huge hit!
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Pine Tree: Dragon Genetics Pine Tree fi h grade students learn about gene cs with an engaging project. Each student receives a specific gene c code and creates a dragon with traits based upon the code. They are encouraged to be innova ve in their design and recycle materials when possible. The students make presenta ons to their peers to describe the gene c structure of their dragons. Each one is unique and crea ve!
Pine Tree: A World in Motion Today’s students are the technology leaders of tomorrow. Ensuring that they are prepared to compete in an ever-changing world is more important now than ever. A solid founda on in mathema cs and science is essen al and can provide life-changing stepping stones to a world of endless possibili es. This spring, fourth and fi h grade students at Pine Tree Elementary had the opportunity to work with engineers from Chrysler through a program called A World In Mo on® AWIM). AWIM is a teacher-administered, volunteer-assisted program that brings science, technology, engineering and mathema cs (STEM) educa on to life for students in grades K12. Benchmarked to the na onal standards, AWIM incorporates the laws of physics, mo on, flight and electronics into age-appropriate, hands-on ac vi es that reinforce classroom STEM curriculum. The students were able to apply the engineering principles to make their own self-propelled vehicles!
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Stadium Drive: Meek’s Park Sign Project During the 2011-2012 school year Stadium Drive Elementary partnered with the Downtown Development Authority and Village of Lake Orion in hopes of crea ng a sign for Meek’s Park. Construc on on the sign at the entrance off of Broadway Street has begun, and an official ceremony is being talked about for later this Spring.
Webber: Fifth Grade 5K Race The fi h-grade 5K event was one of the biggest accomplishments at Webber Elementary School. EVERY fi h grade student par cipated. EVERY fi h grade student went the enre 3.1 miles under one hour. As students finished, they waited on the grass for classmates to come in. High fives, words of encouragement, and running along side friends were all part of the sportsmanship displayed today. Other grades lined the start and finish lines. Buddy classes made posters. Parents were checkpoints along the path and med each student as he/she crossed the finish line with his/her official race bib. Truly breathtaking . . .
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From Early Childhood: The Early Childhood Program incorporated iPads, projectors, and a SMART table into the department. The adult staff were trained to use the devices, but the children have taught them even more. The children are so excited to have the new technology! This year, the program developed a children’s library in the CERC building. The children visit the library every day to use technology, read and check out books, and visit with Ms. Marge from the Orion Township Library. In the fall, the Orion Township Library and Lake Orion Early Childhood partnered to write a grant. The grant was awarded this spring, and the materials purchased will be housed in our children’s library. We hope to con nue growing our library inventory and even offer parent materials for check out. The Great Start Parent Conference and Resource Fair was a huge success! This conference offers parent educa on, resources and even free child care to all who a end. It is the 7th year in a row that the Lake Orion Early Childhood Program has been host to this amazing county wide conference.
Around the District:
Stan Ford, Lake Orion High School Track Coach, has been named as a finalist for the Na onal High School Track Coach of the Year.
On April 26, Scripps 7th Grade Band members Alyssa T. (clarinet), Hunter L. (percussion), and Tiernan M. (bassoon) par cipated in the 1st annual Detroit Symphony Orchestra (DSO) Middle School Honors Band. They rehearsed all day at the Max M. Fisher Center in Detroit, then presented a concert for parents in the evening, while si ng alongside members from the DSO.
Oakview's 7th and 8th grade choirs both represented Lake Orion extremely well at MSVMA State Fes val on May 9, 2013. Both choirs received excellent comments and ra ngs from the judges and experienced success in another MSVMA State Fes val appearance. Congratula ons to all students involved!
MSU Junior, Jacob Ludwig, is one of three compe ng for the 2013 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, a highly compe ve na onal undergraduate award to encourage excellence in science, engineering and mathema cs. Jacob is majoring in chemistry in the College of Natural Science.
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Lake Orion Community Schools Administrators Marion Ginopolis ‐ Superintendent Heidi Kast ‐ Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruc on and Assessment John Fitzgerald ‐ Assistant Superintendent of Business and Finance Larry Lobert ‐ Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
Lake Orion Community Schools Board of Education Debbie Porter ‐ President Birgit McQuiston ‐ Vice President Melissa Miller ‐ Secretary Jim Weidman ‐ Treasurer Steven Drakos ‐ Trustee Connie Meech ‐ Trustee Bill Holt ‐ Trustee
District Vision: Educa ng our students for the challenges of tomorrow District Mission: Providing an exemplary educa on for all learners
Lake Orion Community Schools Administra on Building
315 N. Lapeer Street Lake Orion, MI 48362 248‐693‐5400