June 2012
Lake Orion Community Schools
Featuring art work by the students of Mrs. Harris at Oakview Middle School
Julia C. 7th Grade
Message from our Superintendent Dear Staff, Parents/Guardians, and Community Members I hope you have been enjoying the Lake Orion Community Schools Dragon News! It is so wonderful to highlight our schools, students, staff and community in this publica on. Also, thank you for all the posi ve feedback! We will con nue to post new edi ons of the Dragon News throughout the coming school year and look forward to all the new accomplishments the district will achieve. Have a wonderful and safe summer! Marion Ginopolis Superintendent
Stand for Change On Friday, May 4 millions of students across the country par cipated in “Stand 4 Change Day” to bring awareness to the issue of bullying. Joining Lake Orion schools, students from Oxford schools demonstrated their commitment to pu ng an end to bullying. Each one of the nineteen schools in both districts was assigned their own word. On Friday morning, students at each school went outside to stand together to form their word; collec vely they formed the following message:
Be the change you want to see in the world. Lake Orion and Oxford join together 2 STAND 4 change
LOCS Welcomes its Newest Dragon! A er an extensive interview process, the Lake Orion Board of Educa on unanimously appointed Stephen Hawley as LOHS Principal. Ninety‐three applicants applied for the principal posi on that became open a er Sophia Lafaye e received the district’s Director of Technology posi on in December. A er careful review, a commi ee selected five candidates to interview for the posi on with Hawley rising to the top as the number one candidate.
Stephen Hawley
Hawley has been principal at Seitz Middle School in Riverview since 2010. He was previously director of athle cs and assistant principal at Riverview High School, and taught in Riverview before that for 11 years. He will take over the reins of LOHS on July 1.
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BusSTAR Program Lake Orion bus drivers are connec ng with students and assis ng the elementary schools by providing one‐to‐ one tutoring during their availability between their morning and a ernoon bus routes. Under the supervision of the principal and class‐ room teacher, drivers are volunteering to assist students who may need extra help with reading, math or other sub‐ jects.
Freshman Academy for 2012‐2013 High school staff and administra on have been working diligently to develop a Freshman Academy to be implemented this coming fall. Transi on from middle school to high school is a pivotal year. This transi on year is important because it is the year that has the greatest influence on high school gradua on. Therefore, high school staff have commi ed to ensuring that all students entering the high school get off to the best start possible. Informa on is available on the District’s website.
Oakland Schools Honors Mary Jo Burchart! In June, the Oakland County School Boards Associa on will be honoring Lake Orion School Board President, Mary Jo Burchart, for 12 years of service. Mary Jo was originally elected to the Board of Educa on in 2000 and served as Trustee, Treasurer and Vice‐President before becoming the President. She has served on many commi ees during her tenure and is currently involved with the district's Policy Commi ee. Before becoming a board member, Mary Jo was an ac ve PTO member and served on the Commi ee for the Development of Oakview Middle School, the 2000 Bond Commi ee, her neighborhood associa on board, as well as having helped to build the play structure at Friendship Park. She is currently involved with the Band Boosters. Thank you President Burchart for the many years of service with Lake Orion stu‐ dents!
Gavin S. ‐ 6th Grade (clay whistle)
District Receives MSBO Meridian Award of Excellence "The MSBO Meridian Award of Excellence is a special recogni on award presented by the Michigan School Business Officials acknowledging successful prac ces in areas of school management. Lake Orion Community Schools was awarded this recogni on for it's entry for the recently formed "Transporta on Advisory Commi ee". This commi ee is a Board of Educa on approved commi ee comprised of parents, school personnel, local police and government representa ves charged with advising admin‐ istra on and the Board of Educa on on transporta on and student safety issues. John Fitzgerald, Assistant Superintendent Business and Finance, accepted the beau ful crystal award on behalf of the district at the annual MSBO Conference held at COBO Hall on May 2, 2012. The award also includes a $1,500 student scholarship to be presented to the school district at the school board mee ng on June 6, 2012.
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Special Olympics Basketball Game The en re student body had the opportunity to witness a special moment in me when the students from Oxford took on our Lake Orion special educa on students in a basketball game. Oxford scored the most points during the game but anyone present was the real winner. Students in the LO STAR classes each sponsored a student from both Lake Orion and Oxford providing individual support with signs and personal jerseys provided to all players. Students raised approx. $850.00 to cover the cost of the jerseys and dona ng the balance to our Special Olympics program. The leadership class helped provide addi onal funding with their sale of LOVE ORION shirts during lunch. All profits from these shirts are being donated to the Special Olympics Program.
Lake Orion Early Childhood Great Start Parent Conference On Saturday, April 28, the Lake Orion Community Schools Early Childhood Depart‐ ment hosted the 6th Annual Great Start Parent Conference and Resource Fair at the CERC building. Lake Orion Community Schools along with the Michigan Department of Educa on Great Parents ‐ Great Start, the Great Start Collabora ve and Oakland Schools offered the conference FREE to all parents with children birth through five throughout the county. This all day conference began with a kick off presenta on and then invited parents to a end three “Breakout Sessions”. Along with the parent educa on sessions and tables, the a endees received breakfast treats and lunch which was provided by the Lake Orion Community Schools’ Food Service Department. All child care services were provided by the Early Childhood Department employees. Over 300 parents and children a ended the event this year.
Cailee G. ‐ 8th Grade
Olivia D. ‐ 7th Grade
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Lake Orion Summer School Opportunities Lake Orion Community Schools offers many summer opportuni es for K‐12, Early Childhood and adult learners. Lake Orion High School Summer Programming Join us this summer at Lake Orion High School as we offer these exci ng summer enrichment opportuni es to both students and adults! More informa on
Adult Summer Ceramics Class Student Summer Ceramics Class Photography Art Camp Virtual Learning Lab Courses
Adult Ed Summer Programs Summer School for adult high school comple on, GED prepara on and high school students who need recovery credit. Classes begin June 18th through July 6th. No school on July 4th. 8:30 a.m.‐12:30 p.m. at CERC. Registra on begins June 1st. Spaces are limited. Call 248‐693‐5436 #2 for more informa on.
Middle Level Summer School Program The Middle Level Summer School Program is open for students who are required or recommended to take summer school in order to be promoted to the next grade. These families will be contacted by the school principal, counselor, or the summer school coordinator. Click here for more informa on.
Little Dragons Summer Kindergarten Readiness Camp Li le Dragons Summer Kindergarten Readiness Camp 2012 June 19 ‐ August 2 (no class week of July 2) Tui on is $150 for the 6 week program (Scholarships available for low income families.)
Community Enrichment Summer Math Boost, Summer Reading Boost Summer help for students who have struggled with math or reading during the school year. Class taught by a licensed Michigan teacher. Classes are available for students entering grades two through five. Click here for more informa on.
Community Enrichment Summer Writer's Workshop Join us for some fun wri ng with six traits of wri ng: ideas, organiza on, voice, word choice, sentence fluency and conven ons. We'll read some good books, too. Class taught by a licensed Michigan teacher. Click here for more informa on.
ESL Summer Camp K‐5 Session 1: July 10‐26 Space Camp Learn English while learning about planets, rockets and even aliens. Session 2: August 7‐23 Time Travel Take a trip through me, visit pirates, and the Wild West. Return your registra on form soon. Forms were sent to all our ESL students K‐5. Call 248‐693‐5436 #2 for more informa on.
Friends, Fun and Sun A full day summer child care program for children birth ‐ 5 years.
6:30am ‐ 6:00pm New Lower Rates Infants/Toddler $40/day Preschool $30/day Maximum 9 hours More informa on
Community Enrichment Camp Wanna Have Fun Camp is available to all children currently a ending grades K‐6. Ten weeks of summer camps, Monday ‐ Friday 9:00am ‐ 4:00pm. You pick your schedule ‐ come for whatever number of weeks you would like. Choose three, four or five days a week. Extended camp available 7:00‐9:00am and 4:00‐6:00pm. Click here for more informa on.
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Congratulations to Kathy Fredericks! Kathy Fredericks, secretary at Stadium Drive Elementary, has been named the Oakland County Be y Campion Dis nguished Support Service Award winner! This award was created to recognize the valuable contribu ons that employees, other than teachers and administrators, make to Oakland County Schools. Kathy's name was submi ed as the Lake Orion Community Schools' nominee to Oakland County for 2011‐2012. We are so proud of Kathy and the work she does for Lake Orion students!
Pine Tree’s Health & Wellness Night Pine Tree PTO and Wellness Commi ee hosted the first Health and Wellness Night on Friday, June 1. Parents competed against their children in all kinds of physical challenges, from basic stretching and strength ac vi es, to climbing the rock wall and playing “Just Dance 3” on the Wii. A healthy snack was served to all a endees.
Fine Arts Night at Orion Oaks On Thursday, April 26, students, family and friends joined together for a fabulous evening celebra ng the Arts. They explored different art mediums and delighted in the beau ful ar s c crea ons of the students.
Scripps Band in the News On April 14, 75 Scripps Band students par cipated in 58 events at Solo and Ensemble Fes val at Oakview MS. 63% of the events earned the highest ra ng, a I (First Division) ra ng. On May 11‐12, the Scripps Cadet Band traveled to Chicago to par cipate in a clinic with a university conductor at VanderCook College of Music. They brought back many great tools to further improve their musical skills. The clinician remarked that they were be er prepared than most of the high school bands that come to do clinics with them. While in Chicago, the students also a ended a musical and visited two museums. They represented Lake Orion with exemplary ci zenship for the dura on of the trip.
Jessica S. ‐ 8th grade
Conferences and Chamber of Commerce Business Expo The Lake Orion Marke ng Management class assisted the Orion Area Chamber of Commerce in execu ng the 8th annual Business Community EXPO this past May. The students presented theme ideas, a ended weekly mee ngs, created promo onal materials and helped plan and set the floor plan for approximately 100 community businesses. The event is regularly a ended by the community during 4th term parent teacher conferences each year. The Lake Orion Marke ng Management class is pleased to be a part of this event for the past 6 years. The Chamber of Commerce Business Expo grew to 117 community businesses taking part in this year’s event. What a great evening for everyone involved!
NCA Accreditation and School Improvement The Michigan State Council for North Central Associa on, Commission on Accredita on and School Improvement (NCA CASI) reviewed and took ac on on the Accredita on Progress Report filed by LOHS under the direc on of the School Improvement Chairs Mr. Dave McKay, Mr. Jim Haugh, and Ms. Rebecca Hornbeck. The Council accepted the report and granted con nua on of the accredita on term with no findings or addi onal required ac ons.
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Count Your Steps… 3rd and 4th Grade Students Students from Lake Orion recently par cipated in the Count Your Steps (CYS) program. This wellness program for third and fourth graders in Oakland County is designed to get kids excited about exercise as well as ea ng fruits and vegetables. This year marks the 9th year of par cipa on in the CYS program. Children received a free pedometer at school, courtesy of corporate sponsors. They were asked to wear it at school for four weeks and record their daily steps in a log book. The real reward is a lifelong apprecia on our children receive from experiencing the true benefits of daily exercise and healthy ea ng.
Webber Art and Science Fair
Lake Orion Education Foundation 7th annual “Golf Fore Kids”
June 19, 2012 Devil’s Ridge Golf Course Call: Dave Jones at 586‐531‐ 1592 for more informa on
Orion Oaks Families Rock at the DragonROCK! Orion Oaks families got to rock it out at the DragonROCK. There was dancing, rock climbing, music games, face pain ng, cra s and refreshments.
Caleb M. ‐ 8th Grade
Emily H. ‐ 6th Grade
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Helping Senior Citizens Recently all 7th grade students at Scripps Middle School created a memoir placemat to donate to Heritage Place in Lake Orion. Each placemat contained a student memoir about how someone older taught him or her a lesson. Students then hand‐illustrated and personalized every placemat. The placemats will be read and enjoyed during meal mes at Heritage Place.
Second Grader As Principal ? What is it like being principal of Carpenter Elementary? Well just ask Dawson W. 2nd grader at Carpenter. Dawson bid on being principal for half a day at the silent auc on pancake breakfast. On Monday, January 31, the day Dawson was principal, he greeted students as they came into school that morning. He went on CNN to remind students of Carpenter’s snow rules on the play‐ ground. He signed some forms, answered lots of ques ons and even ordered some playground equipment. Dawson visited every classroom and saw lots of learning going on. The highlight of his day was going to the board Office to meet the Superintendent (Mrs. Ginopolis) and her cabinet (Mrs. Kast, Mr. Lobert and Mr. Fitzgerald). Mrs. Ginopolis asked Dawson, “If there is one thing you could change in the district, what would it be?” Dawson promptly replied, “ I would make all the middle schools and the high school year round just like Carpenter.”
LO Staff Recognition Be y Campion Nominees Tricia Arnold ‐ Secretary, Scripps Middle School Pam King ‐ Dispatcher, Transporta on Lisa Barry ‐ Counseling Secretary, Oakview Middle School Nina Marks, Custodian, Paint Creek Elementary School Kellie Hein ‐ LSS, Blanche Sims Elementary School Susan Hughes ‐ LSS, Pine Tree Elementary School Gail Sornson ‐ Custodian, Webber Elementary School Patricia Tarkington ‐ Secretary, Waldon Middle School Brenda Skrzypczak ‐ Campus Aide, High School
Teacher of the Year District Nominees Miriam Hamilton ‐ 8th Grade Math, Oakview Middle School Tom Romito ‐ AP Government and World History Lake Orion High School Lorie Van Arsdale ‐ Kindergarten, Orion Oaks Elementary 2012 Oakland County Excellence in Transporta on Diane Harbin Pam King 25 Years of Service in the School Food Service Business Dolly Earle
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Stadium Drive’s “Dance Party to Build This City” Under the guidance of third grade teacher Mrs. Lareau, Stadium Drive developed a partnership with the DDA and Village of Lake Orion to help fund a sign and community garden at Meek’s Park located in the Village of Lake Orion. They held a Dance‐A‐Thon with 4 hours of music and movement to raise money for this project. Meek’s Park is a 1.62 acre park, located along Paint Creek, in the eastern por on of the Village. The newest of the Village parks, the land was obtained in August 1985 when Ralph Meek sold it to the Village for $1.00. Meek’s Park has approximately 600 feet along the banks of Paint Creek and is accessible by walkways. Stadium Drive Elementary School of the Arts is excited with their community partnership to support Meek’s Park in Downtown Lake Orion!
Waldon Adopts a Road Students from Waldon Middle School Team 8B adopted a sec on of roadway to help them learn about their environment and the use of natural resources. The school worked in conjunc on with the Oakland County Road Commission and their Adopt‐a‐Road program, agreeing to clean up Waldon Road between Joslyn and M‐24. Students worked in two groups, with the morning group cleaning the south side of the road and the a ernoon group cleaning the north side. They recorded the types of trash they found, to be used in a classroom ac vity. When the group wasn't cleaning the road, they were on a tour of the Eagle Valley Landfill and the GM Orion Plant Powerhouse, learning how waste is managed and how the gas produced by decomposing trash in the landfill is used to heat and cool the Orion Plant. The day was made possible by a United Way Academic Service Learning Grant. It was an interes ng day, learning all about trash and alterna ve sources of energy.
Operation FORK Paint Creek Elementary Student Council started a community service project called Opera on FORK (Feed ORion Kids). They saw many of their peers going hungry in the evening hours, weekends and over extended breaks. To make a difference, students brought in food items to be put into baskets and given to families in need.
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Schools Celebrate National School Breakfast Week To promote the most important meal of the day, Lake Orion Schools Food Service Department provided a complimentary breakfast for one day to all students K‐12. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as it provides the necessary energy to get set for a day of learning and achievement. Ea ng a nutri ous breakfast at school can give children an extra edge. For example: Higher Academic Scores—Studies have shown ea ng breakfast at school results in higher test scores. Improved Behavior—Hungry children are more likely to have discipline problems. Reduced Tardiness—Children who par cipate in the School Breakfast Program are less likely late or absent from school. Breakfast = Achievement!
Filippis Foundation Award LOHS PE teacher Dave Whitaker received a $2500 grant from the Filippis Founda on. Mr. Whitaker will be using the grant to purchase exercise equipment for our special needs students. The Filippis Founda on which was established in 1982, invests in local communi es by suppor ng organiza ons that share their commitment to persons with disabili es. Congratula ons to Dave Whitaker and our Special Educa on students!!
2012 NO HAZ Poster Contest Winners
Itzel P.
Josh S.
The NO HAZ Consor um is pleased to announce the winners of the 2012 Poster Contest. First place winner is Itzel P. and second place winner is Josh S. both from Carpenter Elementary School. Congratula ons Itzel and Josh!!
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Alligators, monkey and lemur, oh my! Paint Creek students par cipated in a school‐wide assembly called "The Rain Forest". Live animals were presented along with their hosts to expose students to life in the rain forest and other exo c areas of the world. They had alligators, birds, snakes and a monkey that helped students learn about the rainforest and their role in helping to preserve them. The students are s ll talking about the animals that visited the school!
It's a Summer Reading
Celebrate your birthday or team party at the Lake Orion Natatorium! A package includes 1.5 hours in the birthday party room and 2 hours of swimming for 20 children. Call the pool at 248.814.1715 or email Amy Kui‐ per at akuiper@lakeorion.k12.mi.us to make your reserva ons!
7th Grade Copper Foil
Orion Township Public Library’s Summer Reading Program invites children ages 0‐12 to a end the fun programs and events they have planned. This summer’s theme, Dream Big ‐ READ! is about all things nocturnal ‐ ‐ dreams, stars and planets, bats, owls, spooky stories, and more. The programs are free and open to children of all abili es. Stop in at the library or visit www.orionlibrary.org/children.asp for more informa on and a schedule of events.
8th Grade Metal Work
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Hershey Track & Field Meet Saturday, June 9 beginning at 10am to 12:30pm (Registra on/prac ce begins at 9:15am). This program introduces boys and girls between the ages 9 and 14 to physical fitness through basic track and field events, encouraging them to be the best they can possibly be. Age groups are: 9 – 10 years old, 11‐12 years old, and 13‐14 years old. Separate boys and girls divisions will be contested. More informa on Event winners qualify for Michigan State Hershey Track & Field in Holt, Michigan on July 6. Registra on form can be accessed online at :h p:/rp/lakeorion.k12.mi.us. Senior Marie Dohm captured individual state championship tle in the Giant Slalom
For more informa on contact Ben Gerdeman, Enrichment Supervisor at 248‐693‐5436 ext. 1 or email at: bgerdeman@lakeorion.k12.mi.us
Mystery of the Midnight Thief Stadium Drive Elementary School of the Arts performed their original produc on, Mystery of the Midnight Thief. Fi h grade students had one of four jobs: Actor, Set Design‐ er, Dancer, or Musician. Mystery of the Midnight Thief is the story of four children who hide in the Media Center a er school to try to find a special missing book. When they accidentally get trapped in the Media Center by toppling all of the bookshelves over, they begin a magical adventure where characters and ob‐ jects come to life and go on a quest to find their missing belongings. In the end, the Cat in the Hat got his hat back, and Harry Po er got his glasses back, and all was well with the world!
Scripps students Rebecca G. & Colin L., finished first in the Anima on Category at Kingsbury's Middle School Film Fes val.
Stadium Drive Elementary School of the Arts Media Center Wins Award
Blanche Sims Student Council collects $1287.12 pennies for pa ents.
SL 21 is a tool to help measure the quality of School Library programs within individual school buildings in Michigan. To achieve Qualified and Exemplary Status for a School Library program, a completed criteria measurement evalua on is submi ed to the Library of Michigan, an Office of the Michigan Department of Educa on. School administrators evaluate their building's School Library program in conjunc on with their School Librarian and submissions require the signature of their District Superintendent. Status earned are valid for three years.
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The Trial of Goldilocks Scripps students recently performed The Trial of Goldilocks. This play is a fun romp through rhyme as the jury tries to decide whether Goldilocks is a reckless destroyer or if the bears are vicious carnivores.
Waldon students Josh L. and Megan W. got to go on a black bear den check. They even held the cubs to keep them warm.
Kevin Yang finished as runner‐up in the Bowling State Championship.
Cailee G. ‐ 8th Grade
Blanche Sims Presented with US Flag SSG Jeremy Lemon, US Army, presented the US flag that was flown in Afghanistan as well as a cer ficate showing their apprecia on for unwavering support of the men and women of the United States Military to Blanche Sims Elementary School.
School Buses Pass Inspection
Don’t forget Friday Night Family Splash Bash! The 2nd Friday of the month You can pay cash at the door $3.00 children (12 & under) $4.00 for adults. Splash Bash Dates: 6/812, 7/13/12 The hours are 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
The Annual State Police Inspec on of our school bus fleet has been completed. Our fleet has passed the inspec on with a 100% pass, no advisory tags, no yellow tags, and no red tags. What is par cularly good about these results is that this was accomplished in spite of the fact that 43% of our fleet is scheduled for replacement with well over 150,000 miles and more than 12 years of age. Max H. ‐ 7th Grade
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Trees For Living and Learning Several Lake Orion schools had the opportunity to par cipate in the Tree's for Living program. This FREE program provides supplies to promote the plan ng of trees in local communi es. It is a hands‐on educa onal program to help students use the skills they've learned throughout the year by pu ng their educa on to prac cal use. The program helps students take pride in their community and shows them that simple ac ons they take today can have a long las ng impact on their communi es for years to come. It builds environmental awareness star ng at the elementary level and con nuing through all grade levels ,giving students an opportunity to develop a sense of accomplishment and civic pride. This project is in alignment with our schools Michigan Green School ini a ve. Orion Oaks Odyssey Angels placed third in the Regional Odyssey of the Mind compe on. Congratula ons Madison M., Taylor M., Ka e B., Annika M., Sophia L., and Addison P.
Dana Schrauben named winner of the MHSAA‐Farm Bureau Insurance Schol‐ ar‐Athlete Award .
Caitlyn W. ‐ 8th Grade
Webber Elementary School Featured on TV and Radio Mrs. Peruski’s class was featured on the FOX 2 news TODAY program in a short segment on their “Pajamas for a Purpose” proposal and the success that it brought. Students were treated to interviews and a glimpse as to what it takes to be in the broadcas ng arena. Thank you to Deena Centofan for taking the me to come and showcase this cause.
Mrs. Peruski’s class was also featured for their pajama drive on 95.9 FM, CJWF. All students were asked what they wanted to be when they grow up and each student was “interviewed”. They were also treated to a pizza lunch and take home goodies from the sta on and it’s radio journalists.
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Footloose This spring, the Lake Orion High School Thespian troupe 2898 presented an evening of great dance, terrific singing and exci ng entertainment with this year's produc on of Footloose, the musical. It is the story of a Chicago boy arriving in a small town in Wyoming in 1984 only to find life there is very different. Watching him struggle with values and his own convic ons makes this a great musical but the ac ng, dancing and singing are also terrific. Carpenter Elementary students worked hard on their lighthouse projects. This project integrates what they learned in science, language arts, and social studies. Great job!
Teacher of the Year The Michigan Associa on of Middle School Educators awarded Carl Zoolkoski as their organiza on’s “Teacher of the Year” during their annual conference. The en re Oakview community is proud of their very own “Mr. Z.”
Kira L. ‐ 7th Grade
International Evening The Interna onal evening was a huge success. The adult educa on ESL classes created display boards about their country. They also brought in various items that represented their country heritage. Students brought in ethnic food to share. There were homemade tor llas, salsa, pizza, spring rolls, crepes, cookies, brownies, cakes and other dishes. Everyone enjoyed sharing their culture with others. There was even salsa dancing instruc ons. Families were invited to share in the evening. Many students brought their children. Several of the children are in our district ESL program as well. The children had ac vi es to par cipate in. They even learned how to do Japanese origami.
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Forensics Congratula ons to sponsors Ms. Srock, Mrs. Finkbeiner and the five members of the LOHS Forensics team that recently par cipated in the MIFA State Compe on, held at Western Michigan University. All of the students advanced through preliminary rounds of compe on.
Paint Creek’s Cap Mural was recently hung by LO’s Building and Grounds crew. The cap mural was made by upcycling any and all caps. Paint Creek has been collec ng caps for the past 3 years. Every student and staff at Paint Creek Elementary par cipated in the making of the mural by screwing in at least one cap.
Final results were: Senior Alexis A noto, 3rd place in Prose; Senior Samantha Weaver, 4th place in Sales; Sophomore Shayda Soraya, 4th place in Sales; Senior Theo Zucker, 9th place in Drama c Interpreta on; Junior William Mason, 10th place in Informa ve Overall. The team took 12th place in the Class A State Finals with just five compe tors. Go Dragons!
Dragon Digest The March edi on of Dragon Digest is now online! Dragon Digest is another program (aside from LO‐AM) produced by LOHS Television Produc on Workshop students. Dragon Digest is a half‐hour talk show showcasing 3 different guests from among the LOCS community. You can watch the show immediately by visi ng www.facebook.com/ watchLOAM or h p://vimeo.com/watchloam. The 30‐minute program also airs on the Educa on Channel (Comcast 22, AT&T 99) throughout the month at 7:30 and 8:30pm most weeknights. Oakview’s Riley D., won second place in the Middle School/Junior High Division of the Josten's Na onal Yearbook Photo Contest for the photo shown above.
LOHS Economic Club visits Detroit Eco‐ nomic Club Mr. McLaughlin and Mr. Kopec took eight students from Lake Orion High Economics Club to the Detroit Economic Club to hear Republican presiden al candidate Rick Santorum. Besides the opportunity to hear from a presiden al candidate they were also interviewed by the Detroit Free Press Associate Editor, Ron Dzwonkowski. Webber’s very own “Beatles” in their wax museum.
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Michigan Youth in Government State Conference
The Lake Orion Natatorium is hos ng a FREE swim lesson as part of The World’s Largest Swimming Lesson. The lesson is June 14, 2012 at 11:00am, check‐in me is at 10:00am. More informa on.
16 Lake Orion students a ended the 64th Annual Michigan Youth In Government State Conference in Lansing from March 14‐18, 2012. These students spent me working in the state capitol building serving as legislators, deba ng na onal and state issues, and simula ng a court case through the mock trial program. The Lake Orion delega on was a strong group, deba ng well and represen ng our school and community extremely well.
Join us as we help break the Guinness World Record to spread the word that Swimming Lessons Save Lives.
LO‐AM was named the best high school newscast in the state for the second year in the row. Overall WDBC Dragon Broadcas ng program achieved the highest award in the state, the Spartan. Students won 50 individual awards (in 24 available catego‐ ries) through the MIPA statewide journalism organiza on. 50 is the new record for any school in the state, breaking the record we set last year! Among those 50 winners, LOHS SWEPT the "Graphics", "Anima on", "Live Sports Announcing", and "DVD Produc on" categories. First Place winners...we sha ered the previous record. Out of 24 individual categories, our students won first in 15 of them!
BPA ‐ “Making a Difference” Business Professionals of America was selected as one of the March 2012 "Making a Difference" recipients by Genisys Credit Union. BPA members collected clothing to benefit the Salva on Army. They had several clothing dona on boxes in local Lake Orion businesses, in addi on to the high school and the CERC building, to aid in their efforts. BPA members collected, sorted and counted the donated clothing, collec ng over $10,000 worth of clothing (and $55 cash) that was donated to the Salva on Army in Pon ac. BPA members will be part of a video created by the Palace of Auburn Hills, in addi on to receiving a t‐shirt and game cket for a Pistons game, which will highlight the group during half me.
Sarah H. ‐ 8th Grade
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Carpenter’s Intersessions From one extreme to the other! Alaska & Hawaii Whether the preference was igloos or surf shacks, deep sea fishing or ice fishing, the students were able to learn about it all during the February Intersession. Students took a field trip to the LOHS pool and pretended to swim in the deep blue waters of Hawaii. During an assembly students crawled inside a sky dome and saw the nigh me skies of both Alaska and Hawaii and also heard about their legends and folklore. Musher Dan paid a visit with his team of sled dogs and students learned about the exci ng Iditarod Trail Race held each year across Alaska. It was a one “extreme” week!
The Human Body: Senses and Systems Carpenter Elementary students proved they had the “guts” to delve into the mysteries of the human body during the May Intersession, “The Human Body: Senses & Systems”. Each day brought new and exci ng hands‐on experiments for all the children to par cipate in, giving them a chance to exercise their minds as much as their bodies.
STAR Class Receives Recognition On May 18, the Oakland County Commissioners passed a resolu on and recognized Cathy Srock and her STAR class for a recent project they completed. Cathy and student representa ves, Kelli Gilliam, Kandiss Gramme, and Beth Giguere, received cer ficates and a plaque for their outstanding efforts with a t‐shirt sale that generated a $2,400 profit which was donated to the North Oakland Community Coali on. Congratula ons again to Cathy and her students on some outstanding work in their STAR class.
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LOHS BPA Students Compete Four Lake Orion High School students competed in the Business Professionals of America Na onal Leadership Conference in Chicago, Illinois, compe ng against over 5,300 students from across the country. At the Awards Session, Lake Orion students received several awards:
Joshua Ahlborn has been awarded a scholarship from Oakland Schools Educa on Founda on & DENSO Scholarship Program.
Adrian Lupusoru: Na onal Champion, Business Mee ng Management Tyler Jackson: 2nd place, Insurance Concepts; Top Ten, Administra ve Support Concepts; Top Ten Business Mee ng Management
Adrian Lupusoru
Tyler Jackson
FIRST LEGO League As part of Lake Orion Community Schools’ Project 21 ini a ve, we are proud to announce the forma on of the District’s FIRST LEGO League! Much like robo cs at the secondary level, FIRST LEGO League (FLL) is designed to immerse students in grades K‐5 in real‐world science and technology challenges. In this hands‐on program, students will discover the possibili es of improving the world around themselves using cri cal thinking, crea vity and imagina on. Students will use LEGO elements and moving parts to build LEGO‐based robots and develop research projects while learning that they can make a posi ve contribu on to society. Teams will be organized by elementary school and the FIRST LEGO League season will begin in the fall. For addi onal informa on regarding FIRST LEGO League, please visit: www.usfirst.org
Mental Health Awareness Week The Na onal Honor Society in coopera on with the Oakland County Community Health Authority par cipated in their "Go Green" effort for May which is Mental Health Awareness Month. On May 9, students and staff wore green as a symbol of support for students and people, in general, dealing with mental health issues. Members of NHS posted green flyers around the building that gave an overview of the effort and signs to look for if someone is depressed and contact informa on so that they can contact someone if they need help or a friend needs help. During the week, members of NHS (in connec on with Common Ground) gave out informa on, played games etc. at all lunches in an effort to make students aware of this issue and their efforts will con nue throughout the month.
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Student Leadership Conference
Madeleine Mar ndale (10) is the first LOHS Student‐Athlete selected to the MHSAA Student Advisory Council.
Four Lake Orion High School Students, Kyle Bell, Kiana Brown, Alec Schli and Bethany Kogut, spoke at the Learning Achievement Coali on‐Oakland, at Oakland University on May 2. The students presented an an ‐bullying message and ini a ves that have taken to address this concern that affects schools across the county. The students did an excellent job during their presenta ons, and we have received excellent feedback.
MSVMA State Solo & Ensemble Festival Oakview Athletes Are Champions Oakview athletes were champions in two events at the Oakland County Track Meet. Congratula ons to Ma B. who won the Boys 800 meter run, then later joined with John A. Andrew L. and Cole S. to win the Boys 2 mile relay.
The LOHS choir students par cipated in the MSVMA State Solo & Ensemble Fes val on April 13 & 14, 2012 at Carman‐ Ainsworth HS in Flint. Four large ensembles, two small ensembles and seventeen soloists each performed two selec ons for adjudica on, par cipated in a clinic, and were tested in sight reading. All large ensembles earned a Division I ra ng on the performance por on of the Fes val.
Common Ground Celebrates Teen Advisory
Board Common Ground, a non‐profit organiza on that helps people move from crisis to hope, celebrated several gradua ng members of their Teen Advisory Board last Tuesday night at Andover High School. The teen board is comprised of representa ves from most Oakland County high schools including Lake Orion, where LOHS senior Breanne Dixon was honored at the event. Teens represent their school district and community and brainstorm with other teen representa ves from different communi es to develop ways to spread awareness about their many programs.
Paint Creek iSing
Specs Howard Award Program Congratula ons to Mr. Roger Smith who placed second in a contest sponsored by Specs Howard to recognize the Educator of the Year in the field of broadcast media. Students, parents and staff had the opportunity to nominate and vote for teachers on line. Roger missed first place by only 25 votes. Roger walked away with a very nice 46" Samsung TV that will now be used at LOHS. Congratula ons to Roger!
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MSVMA District Choral Festival Scripps 8th grade Chorale earned an “Excellent” ra ng Waldon 8th Grade choir earned an " Excellent" ra ng Oakview's 7th and 8th grade students combined as one choir and earned an “Excellent" ra ng
Destination Imagination Oakview’s Rachel W. and Taylor W. competed in the Des na on Imagina on World Championships in Knoxville, Tennessee with a community group. Their team won first place in the “Coming A rac ons” compe on.
All three HS choirs earned a ra ng of EXCELLENT.
Winter/Spring Athletic News: Boys Basketball team won District, Regionals and made it to the State Quarter Finals Boys Ski team came in 5th in the state; Marie Dohm was State Champion in Girls Giant Slalom Hockey team won the OAA Championship Girls Bowling won the League, County and Tri‐County Championships Kevin Yang was the State Individual Runner‐up in boys Bowling Boys Lacrosse won OAA Championship Boys Track won the OAA, County and State Championships
8th Grade Ceramics
Sarah K. ‐ 7th Grade
Ceramic Bust ‐ 8th Grade
Amy A. 6th Grade
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Congratulations Class of 2012
Adult Educa on
Learning Op ons
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Congratulations Class of 2012
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Congratulations Class of 2012
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Congratulations Class of 2012
Lilly C.