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A better choice for alternative education


earning Options High School, part of the award-winning Lake Orion Community Schools, provides students with a unique, highly structured and results-oriented environment for learning that requires dedication and accountability to be successful. There is a reward for the hard work.

Students who complete the requirements for graduation receive a Lake Orion Community Schools’ diploma and the opportunity to further prepare themselves for a bright future.

A Different Approach to Learning

“I appreciate the Learning

Since its establishment, Learning Options has embraced a

Options staff’s flexibility and

personal approach to alternative high school education, where

willingness to work with our

our educators truly engage students. Unlike some districts that

son. They set the tone to

exclusively use web-based learning tools to teach students, we

ensure students understand

blend traditional classroom instruction with online learning to

the importance of staying

meet students’ academic needs and desire to feel connected to

organized, completing

their school. Such a structure promotes greater accountability

assignments and working

and participation, plus a better understanding of the instructional

towards graduation.”

– Parent

material being taught.

Dedicated and Experienced Educators The staff of Learning Options High School has more than six decades

“ Learning Options gives students

of instructional experience, with special training in working with

who struggle in large groups

students who require more individual attention. Each of our educators

the opportunity to work in a

also has been trained in methods for effectively managing behavior

smaller class setting, making

and the learning experience in small classroom settings. This does

teacher support more focused

not mean, however, that expectations are lower. In fact, a peek

and effective.”

inside a classroom shows how Learning Options teachers challenge

– Educator

students daily to stretch themselves academically as they pursue their diplomas.

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Quality Learning Environment Students enrolled in Learning Options High School attend classes in a recently remodeled, dedicated wing of Lake Orion’s Community Education Resource Center. The area features updated classrooms with modern instructional technology, inviting common areas, counseling offices, cafeteria, lockers and other amenities that provide a quality learning environment.

Pride and Respect Like the entire Lake Orion educational community, a key goal of the Learning Options’ team is to instill a sense of pride and self-worth in each student. This is fostered in part by the personal connections forged between students and staff. In addition, the unique learning environment helps infuse students with a healthy respect for each other, the instructional team and the community at large.

We are all Dragons!

Graduation Requirements A total of 24 credits are needed to graduate and receive a diploma from Learning Options High School. This is aligned with other leading alternative high school programs in Oakland County and meets all of the requirements set forth by the Michigan Merit Curriculum. Course subject areas include mathematics, English language arts, science, social studies, physical education, visual, performance and applied arts, and foreign language. An online learning experience also is required. The high school’s web-based credit recovery program helps Learning Options students quickly complete previously started courses for credit.

Did You Know? More than 90 percent of students who enroll in the Learning Options High School graduate on time with their respective classes. The majority go on to attend community colleges and vocational schools. Some serve their country and pursue their educations in the military, while others enroll

“Thanks to Learning Options, I am going to actually graduate from high school and do something with my life. If it wasn’t for this program, I would never have finished high school on time.”

in universities.

n e d

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– Student

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Educating our students for the challenges of tomorrow

For more information:

To learn more about the Learning Options High School or obta in an enrollment application packet, visit www.lakeorion.k12.mi.us, or call 248-693-5450.

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