Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
May 4, 2012
Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction
Parent NEWSLETTER A Message from Heidi... Dear Parents, Happy Spring! It is hard to believe that we are in the last quarter of the school year. Our staff remains committed to maximizing student achievement for each student.
Some articles inside: Olweus Update
BusStar Program
Who’s Coming to Third Grade?
LO/Oakland County’s Social Justice
Thank you!
Words Their Way
Test out/Online ~ M.S.
H.S. Summer School Opportunities
Early Childhood Events
Virtual Learning Academy
Please take a few moments to read about all of the things that are happening regarding curriculum, instruction and assessment. As always, please feel free to contact me regarding any questions, comments, concerns and/or praise.
Heidi Kast Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
Freshman Academy for 2012-2013 High school staff and administration have been working diligently to develop a Freshman Academy to be implemented this coming fall. Transition from middle school to high school is a pivotal year. This transition year is important because it is the year that has the greatest influence on high school graduation. Therefore, high school staff have committed to ensuring that all students entering the high school get off to the best
start possible. Information will be shared at the following: Waldon PTO—May 8 Oakview—May 8 Board of Ed.—May 9 Scripps PTO—May 15 Please feel free to attend any of the meetings that work for your schedule. Information will also be available on the District website on May 10.
Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction Page 2
OLWEUS UPDATE We are moving right along with our bullying prevention program initiative. Currently, Pine Tree, Oakview, and the High School have implemented the Olweus Program. In December, the District sent Brent Skiba, Pine Tree Family School Coordinator, and Cindy Hilley, Oakview Head Custodian, to Iowa to become Olweus Trainers.
Scripps and Waldon will be the next two schools to be trained with program implementation for the 2012-2013 school year. Orion Oaks, Paint Creek, and Stadium Drive are scheduled for implementation in 2013-2014. Blanche Sims, Carpenter, and Webber are planned for implementation in 2014-2015.
help us with this initiative. Feel free to share the brochure. Any donation is extremely helpful and will contribute to the well being of every child in the community of Lake Orion.
Throughout the year, we have been seeking donations, sponsorships, grants and partnerships to help fund this initiative. To date, close to $15,000 has been awarded.
This initiative has been recognized by our staff and our community as a high priority. Please take a few minutes to think about the connections you have that may be able to olweus/
For more information regarding the Olweus program go to:
Please see the attached brochure for further details.
Local Business Supports LOCS/Bus Drivers Volunteer Their Time BusStar Program Mannies Bagel & Delicatessen in conjunction with Lake Orion Community Schools introduces the new “Bus Stop” sandwich. Order the "BUS STOP" sandwich (turkey, cheese, cole slaw, and 1000 Island dressing on a bagel) for $7.95 and $1.00 will be donated to the Reading Program! Thank you Mannies for supporting the kids of our community!!!!
This availability lends itself well to assisting students needing extra help with reading, math, or other subjects at the elementary level. This project is a great way to get our students extra support while creating opportunities for our students and support staff to build relationships.
Some school bus drivers have indicated an interest in getting more connected with students and assisting the schools by helping kids with teaching and learning. As such, they have volunteered to help kids in a one on one instructional setting in a program called Project: BusSTAR (Supporting Teaching by Assisting in Reading). The purpose of this program is to better utilize available human resources of the Transportation Department to assist student learners who could use some extra help. Most bus drivers have a split work schedule and have some availability between their morning route and their afternoon route.
April 24, 2012 May 4, 2012
P Pa ag ge e 3 3
Targeting Students for Reading Support At various points throughout the school year, in every grade K-5, students are given the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA). This assessment involves the student reading a benchmark book to the teacher and then retelling the story. The teacher then scores the student on a range of skills such as accuracy of reading, comprehension, and fluency. While it is always the goal to have students reading minimally at their expected grade level, it is important that teacher support is given to students that are not at their target level. A group of teachers have committed to ensuring that students needing reading support are truly receiving it as they transition to the next level. A teacher from each middle school has carefully reviewed all 5th grade student’s DRA scores. Students not at their target level will be given the QRI test by
the middle school teacher. The QRI test is a series of passages that students read and then answer questions that determine their comprehension of the text. The QRI determines the student’s expository (text book) reading level. These test results will then be used to ensure that the student is receiving proper reading support as they enter 6th grade. A similar procedure is happening with 8th grade students. All 8th grade students were given a QRI screener. The screener is similar to the full QRI test but only contains the reading passage and questions at the Upper Middle School level. Three high school teachers are set to review the scores and then do further testing for students that are not at an Upper Middle School level. Those 8th graders not on target, will be given the full QRI test of which the results will then be
carefully reviewed and the student’s schedules will be organized to include direct reading support as they enter 9th grade. While clearly it is everyone’s goal for students to be on target every year, it is important that we continue to closely monitor student progress to ensure every student is achieving. Times of transition can sometimes pose additional challenges that this group of teachers recognize and want to minimize. Their efforts are greatly appreciated and will no doubt positively impact students.
Who’s Coming to Third Grade? Since the implementation of All Day Every Day Kindergarten (ADED K), each spring next year’s teachers spend a day with Mary Masson. Mary Masson is the Early Childhood consultant that worked closely with our ADED K committee in the research, design, and implementation of the ADED K program. The purpose of this day is to provide information to teachers that will ensure a smooth transition for students. This information includes the philosophy and programming of ADED K as well as each grade level up to the transition. Additionally, we have taken the opportunity to follow this cohort of students and review with teachers the developmental characteristics of students at their particular grade level and the grade level below.
We look at how these developmental characteristics impact our practice. Our ADED K cohort is moving to third grade next year. Recently, third grade teachers had the opportunity to spend a day with Mary Masson. The feedback from teachers regarding this day has been very positive. It is due to this feedback that we have continued to follow this cohort.
May 4, 2012
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Lake Orion to Participate in Oakland County’s Social Justice Project Oakland Schools is partnering with the University of Michigan to provide professional development on intergroup relations and institutional change. Our district will be joining a cohort of seven other districts within the county this spring to broaden our knowledge on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, social class, and other forms of diversity that can contribute to excellence in education. As these forms of diversity continue to grow, educators will be challenged to recognize differences, increase interactions across boundaries, handle classroom conflict, and create changes in school and communities. This opportunity will enable educators to:
Understand core concepts of intergroup relations and institutional change
Assess their own social identities and how these identities affect the classroom experience
Understand how students’ social identities affect teaching and learning
Develop hands-on practice skills, e.g., creating safe spaces, handling incidents, learning pedagogical techniques for critical thinking and intercultural maturity
Apply group process activities to strengthen passion awareness, skills and knowledge
We are excited about this professional development opportunity and look forward to applying what we learn to maximize student achievement.
Words Their Way On May 11th, Lake Orion will officially launch a K-5 adoption of Words Their Way. Words Their Way is a developmental approach to word study that integrates teaching phonics, spelling and vocabulary. It is based on learning word patterns rather than memorizing unconnected words, teaching students how to look closely at words to discover the regularities and conventions of English orthography, or spelling. A full implementation replacing all current spelling programs including the district spelling lists will take place during the 2012-2013 school year. Words Their Way is a research based system for organizing instruc-
tion, highly regarded as one of the best approaches to this work and also tightly aligned with the English Language Arts foundational skills framed by the ELA common core. All classroom teachers will attend a half day session, where he/she will learn the program basics, the common assessment and options for classroom instruction. An additional follow up session will also be available. If you wish to read a more detailed explanation of the program, visit http:// TG_WTW_WordStudy.pdf.
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Test Out and Online Course go to Middle School
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Middle school computer teachers have been working hard to develop and implement a test out option for Computer Literacy 8. Current 7th grade students wishing to take band or choir and world language in their 8th grade year will have the opportunity to test out of a required computer class. The test out process and procedures will be very similar to the high school.
band students to take the required Computer Literacy 8 class through a different approach being called "I-CL 8". The I-CL 8 course will include minimal direct classroom instruction available during STAR and focus mainly on an online component. These opportunities will allow students to gain high school credit and have more flexibility in their schedule.
For those students that are not successful at testing out or who do not wish to test out, an option will be offered for choir or
High School offers Summer School Opportunities Join us this summer at Lake Orion High School as we offer these exciting summer enrichment opportunities to both students and adults! Adult Ceramic Studio Class We are excited to offer a ceramics program this summer for adults. This studio class will focus on learning and developing skills in hand building and wheel throwing. Students will be able to experiment with things that are more specific to their interests. The class will be offered to all skill levels. One-on-one instruction will be given to all students regardless of ability. Beginners will learn, and students with experience will expand their knowledge of, hand building, throwing, and the firing processes. We will be experimenting with some alternative firing as well as offering conventional glazing methods such as cone 6 glaze and underglaze. The alternative methods we plan to explore this summer include barrel, pit, raku, and saggar firing.
Student Ceramic Studio Class We are pleased to offer a ceramics program this summer for students. This studio class will focus on learning and developing skills in hand building and wheel throwing. Unlike the normal school year class, students will be able to experiment with things that are more specific to their interests. The class will be offered to all skill levels. One-on-one instruction will be given to all students, regardless of ability. Beginners will learn and students with experience will expand their knowledge of hand building, throwing, and the firing process.
prove to be an exciting class to experience ceramics from a different point of view for all students who attend. Photography Art Camp
We are pleased to offer a Photography Art Camp this summer for students. Students will have the opportunity to use Adobe Photoshop to edit and manipulate photographs. They will learn the parts of a camera and how to use it properly. Students will develop skills to take a variety of different types of photographs. Photojournalism, sports, nature, portrait, and other forms of photography will be explored. Students will take an average The summer program will offer more of two field trips per week, whether it than the regular school year class. We is to a Tigers game or to downtown will be experimenting with some alter- Lake Orion, for the chance to experinative firing as well as offering conence different places and ways to take ventional glazing methods such as photographs. glaze and underglaze. The alternative methods we plan to explore this sum- See the attachment for class ofmer include barrel, pit, raku, and sag- ferings and further details. gar firing. Students will be given ample time to work in the studio and will be encouraged to develop their skills and technique as well as learn more about alternative firing methods. This should
H.S. Summer School Contact: Drew Towlerton
Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction Page 6
Virtual Learning Academy Oakland (VLA-O) The Oakland Intermediate School District in partnership with Oakland County districts will be offering a flexible, rigorous and innovative world-class virtual learning option for Oakland County families, with students in grades K-8, who choose a home-based learning environment for their children.
Oakland will provide online learning where students in grades Kindergarten through Eighth can receive their primary instruction in math, reading, writing, history, science, geography, technology, and the arts.
The primary target audience is students whose parents choose to home school their children. The Virtual Learning Academy-
Additional information can be found at:; drop down menu under “schools” tab find “Virtual Learning Academy”
Please see the attachments for more specific details.
LAKE ORION POLICE DEPARTMENT, LAKE ORION SCHOOLS AND OAKLAND COUNTY SHERRIFF WORKING TOGETHER FOR LO COMMUNITY Recently, Lake Orion Police Department, Lake Orion Community Schools and Oakland County Sherriff Department met to review the results from the MiPHY— Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth.
MiPHY is an online, anonymous student survey developed by Michigan Department of Education (MDE) in collaboration with the Michigan Department of Community Health.
Lake Orion participated in 2008, 2010
sexual behaviors, physical behaviors and family/community domains.
Survey was administered to all students in 7, 9, and 11 at Lake Orion Community Schools. LOPD, LOCS and OCS will take the information from the survey along with what the officers are seeing in our community to generate ideas on how we can further work together to support our youth and community.
and 2012. MiPHY is offered every “EVEN” year to all Michigan schools.
Data is relevant to alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, violence, nutrition,
CURRICULUM, INSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENT CONTACTS Heidi Kast……...Asst. Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Marysue Schwartzmiller….Administrative Assistant 248-693-5409 or Ext. 3908
TRANSITION DAY EARLY CHILDHOOD On May 11, the Lake Orion Early Childhood Program will host the 2nd Annual Transition Day with pre-kindergarten, special education and kindergarten teachers. The purpose of this day is to discuss students transitioning to kindergarten in the fall. Pre-kindergarten teachers will share information about their students regarding the social-emotional and academic achievements the children have made throughout the year. Kindergarten teachers will have an opportunity to ask questions and prepare for the children they will have in their classrooms. Transition day is a wonderful way for teachers to collaborate and focus on children’s individual needs and learning abilities. Teachers from all schools love this opportunity and look forward to it all year!
May 4, 2012
Page 7 TECHNOLOGY NEWS Sophia Lafayette Director of Technology
“Cloud Computing Explained” What is cloud computing and how will impact the future of email in Lake Orion?
Cloud computing provides you the ability to access all of your work, from anywhere, on any computer with an internet connection. If you strip away all of the jargon around cloud computing, it basically means that the software you use isn’t on your own personal or work computer. Your data is stored someplace else. It could be anywhere. You pretty much use it through a web browser, a mobile phone, a laptop, or a tablet. This is how your personal email works if you use Gmail, Yahoo, or AOL. It’s also how your online banking works. Your banking information isn’t on your own computer. It’s stored in the “cloud,” so to speak, at your bank. Is it safe? The misperception is that if you have your data stored locally, it’s safer than if you have it stored in the cloud. In fact, it’s usually easier for a motivated person to get into your home network, or to pose as a cleaning person and take your computer right off your desk. If your data is stored by reputable companies, it’s often more secure than on your own computer. We used to worry about credit card transactions over the
internet, and now most of us don’t worry about buying a product from Amazon, eBay or similar vendors. To really understand more about how cloud computing works; check out one of these helpful videos on YouTube. 1. Cloud Computing - How it all works (2:33) 2. Cloud Computing Explained (5:23) 3. Cloud Computing in K12 (8:01) – a little longer, but provides great information in context of education. The first one is only two and a half minutes long, and provides an easy to understand explanation. The others also provide nice explanations with additional information. Where is Lake Orion Community Schools headed as it relates to cloud computing?
Summer School for adult high school completion, GED preparation and for high school students who need recovery credit classes run June 18th through July 6th. No class on July 4th. 8:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. M-F, at CERC. ADULT ED. DEPARTMENT & ESL SUMMER SCHOOL
For ESL summer camps offerings and registration form please see attachments.
LOCS staff is already using cloud computing on a daily basis. Programs and software like SchoolMessenger, Destiny, Moodle, Google Apps, NovaNet, and IXL, for example, are all cloud-based. However, one system that is not in the “cloud” is our email – GroupWise. GroupWise email is hosted on servers located in our district technology department server room. The servers housing email are quite outdated, and provide users limited mobile access to their email, as well as limited storage levels. Email is the next service that the district is planning to move to the cloud. By doing so, we will be providing our users access to their email from anywhere they have an internet connection via an Outlook interface. Users will also get increased storage space going from a meager 500 mb to 10 Gigs of space or more.
Spot the Dangers in the Wild Web Woods In an effort to teach children about potential dangers online and ways to avoid them, the Council of Europe offers a free online game called Through the Wild Web Woods. The game is designed for children aged 7-10 to help them learn how to spot dangers on the Internet and what to do when they do spot a danger online. The game is available in 25 languages. Click Here to Access Free Game ( http:// )
Adult Ceramics Class This introductory course is designed for adults interested in learning more about ceramics. This class will offer participants an opportunity to receive hands on experience and create ceramic art pieces. Refer to the district website for more info. Cost: $225.00 Student Ceramics Class This introductory course is designed for students interested in learning more about ceramics. This class will offer participants an opportunity to receive hands on experience and create ceramic art pieces based upon their interests. Refer to the district website for more info. Cost: $225.00 Photography Art Camp This camp offers students the opportunity to learn more about photography through hands on activities, field trips, and demonstrations. Students will learn and practice photographic techniques by completing hands on experiences in Lake Orion and the surrounding area. Refer to the district website for more info. Cost: $200.00 Virtual Learning Lab Our summer virtual lab offers students the opportunity to take courses, both core and elective, for credit recovery and credit forward purposes through a program called E2020. Course work is self paced with a highly qualified teacher on site to serve as a mentor. Refer to the district website for more info. Cost: $170.00
One hundred years from now, it will not LAKE ORION COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
matter what kind of car I drove, what kind of house I lived in, how much was in my bank account, nor what my clothes looked like.
LOCS Administration Building 315 North Lapeer Street Lake Orion, MI 48362
But the world may be a
Phone: 248-693-5400 Fax: 248-693-5467
little better because I was important in the life of a child.
We are responsible for our children. Please commit to supporting the implementation of this program . With your help and
Lake Orion Education Foundation
support we can improve upon the safety and
well being of every child in the community of
Lake Orion. Thank you!
P.O. Box 932
Introduction of Olweus Anti-bullying Program
How can you help???
Most recent bullying statistics reveal that bullying is a crime that is not going away anytime soon. •
160,000 children miss school every day out of fear of being bullied.
PROGRAM GOAL: To implement and maintain a consistent bullying
One in seven students in grades kindergarten
prevention program district-wide which includes ac-
through 12th grade is either a bully or has been a
tive involvement of the community.
victim of bullying. Sometimes a teen or child who has been bullied eventually becomes a bully as a way to retaliate. In fact, revenge for bullying is one of the strongest motivations for school shootings, according to a recent bullying statistics.
A reported 61 percent of students said they believe students shoot others at school because they have
Volunteer: Email Heidi Kast at to be added to the list of
volunteers that schools can use when help is needed.
Oakview ~ implemented program 2010-2011 Pine Tree ~ implemented program 2011-2012
SPREAD THE WORD: Be sure that people throughout the community are aware of the district-wide bullying
High School ~ implemented program 2011-2012
prevention program.
We as a school district and community have the responsi-
bility of keeping our children and young adults safe.
2012-2013 ~ Waldon, Scripps
at with any potential grant
been victims of physical violence at home or at school.
LOCS is committed to implementing the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program district wide. The Olweus program goals are to reduce and prevent
2013-2014 ~ Orion Oaks, Paint Creek, Stadium Drive 2014-2015 ~ Blanche Sims, Carpenter, Webber
DONATE: Make a tax deductible donation specifically
bullying problems among school children and to improve peer relations at school. It is important to note that it is not a program aimed at the bullies in the school or even
just at the bullies and victims: it is a school wide program
One time fee for 3 District trainers and
that is implemented at the school level, the classroom
instructional materials for 11 school
level, through individual students, and in the community.
For more information go to:
opportunities for funding this initiative.
Annual student survey fee—$1.00 per student
for the district wide bullying program. Make checks payable to Lake Orion Education Foundation and put in memo line “ for bullying prevention program”.
Lake Orion Community Schools English As A Second Language Summer Sessions at CERC For Elementary Students Currently in K-5
REGISTRATION FORM Student Name: Student School: Session to Enroll (circle)
Student Grade: Session 1 July10 – July 26 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. or 12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Parent Name:
Session 2 August 6 – August 23 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Both Sessions July & August
Home Phone Number:
Emergency Contact: 1. Emergency Phone Number:1. 2.___________________________ 2._________________ Child’s Medical Information: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Child’s Allergies: ______ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of person(s) picking child up after summer school: ________________________________________ Please write address on back.
Return completed registration forms to: CERC Attn: Kristin Varney 455 E. Scripps Road Lake Orion, MI 48362 --------------------------------------------------------------------------OUT OF DISTRICT STUDENT PAYMENT INFORMATION: Out of district student - $67.50 for each session Cash Check Visa/Mastercard Credit Card Number: Expiration Date: Name on Card: Signature:
For additional information please call 248.693.5436 #2
Lake Orion Community Schools English As A Second Language Summer Sessions at CERC
For Elementary Students Currently in K-5 Sessions held at Community Educational Resource Center 455 E. Scripps Road, Lake Orion
Session 1 July 10 through 26 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. or 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday Session 2 August 6 through 23 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday
Listening • Speaking • Reading • Writing
Lake Orion Schools student Out of district student
No cost $67.50 for each session
For more information and to register 248.693.5436 #2 Office hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.