2021-2022 Locust Projects Annual Highlights

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Annual Highlights September 2021 - August 2022

Projects is an arts

producing and presenting exhibitions, programs and projects. Our mission is to… CREATE opportunities for visual artists at all career stages INVITE risk taking and experimentation ACTIVATE conversations around new art and ideas ADVOCATE for artists and creative practices 2

Locust incubator


6 Exhibitions 52 Next Generation 60 Artist Resources 68 Activating Conversations on New Art and Ideas 82 Getting Social and Seen 86 Fundraisers and Friendraisers 96 Supporters 3

570 applicants 34 public programs 32 basednon-Miamiartists 39 artists 15 exhibitions 7 Miami artists 4



Supportinglocal,nationalandinternationalartists at allcareerstages,LocustProjectsistheonly Miamiorganizationdedicated to producing andpresentingambitiousandexperimental site-specificinstallations by local,national andinternationalartists.

We are distinctinsupportingartistsincreating large-scaleinstallationsandprovidingthem withcuratorialguidance,artistfees,production budgets,and twoto ten weekresidencies. We foster connections to Miami’sartscommunity andthepublicthroughfreepublicprogramsand freeadmission.LocustProjectshaspresented morethan186commissionedprojects by over 438local,nationalandinternationalartists.



Jessica Segall: Reverse Alchemy on the Gold Coast September10November4,2021 WATCH NOW! Behind the Scenes with the Artist 8

“Locust gave me the time and support to work on large, experimental projects, and actually turn them into physical work on a large scale” — Jessica Segall

Lewis Colburn: A Fountain for a Dark Future September10November4,2021

WATCH NOW! Behind the Scenes with the Artist


“Locust Projects is a place that says ‘We want you to do something new, something that’s never existed before’... The uniqueness of this place, combined with the support and resources mean you can really take a big step.”

— Lewis Colburn


“The work shares a laundry list of problems, including workers being replaced by automation, and water rising around places that people live because of climate shifts. But there’s irony and humor, too.”

— Michelle Solomon, Miami Herald

AvirtualRoundtablewithLewisColburnand LeahSandler,gentlyguidedandgroundedinour local context by Miami-basedartistmisaelsoto.

UsingLewisColburn’sexhibitionasapointof departure,thisroundtableexploredItalian Futurism,imaginedutopias,disruptiveevents, automation,authoritarianism,sealevelrise, SiliconValley,speculativefiction,Sci-Fi,and more. By usingthesculpturalformsofthepast to interrogatetheconditionsofthepresent, we may findour way toward possiblefutures.



Watch the full roundtable here and read Leah Sandler’s blog post related to the program “Fragments on Future Anxiety, Velocity, and the Modernist Myth of Progress” here.

WATCH NOW! Behind the Scenes with the Artist

Loni Johnson: Remnants September10November4,2021


“Miami-based artist Loni Johnson’s site-specific installation at Locust Projects is the culmination of a decades-long exploration of relational inquiries that imagine and visualize alternative geographies for communities of color. Johnson’s multidisciplinary social and studio art practices converge to underscore the need to develop holistic, plural and socially responsive art-making processes.” — Anita Sharma, read her blog post “Ritual, Performance, & Care in the Altar-Making Practices of Loni Johnson” here.


“There’s no coincidence that I’m showing at a space like Locust, because they understand the importance of community and the importance of accessibility to art.” — Loni Johnson


Aspartofherexhibition,Johnson invitedguests to bringmeaningful objects—suchasphotographs, memorabilia,crystals,jewelry, andmore—andbuildsmallaltars asofferings to theirancestors. Participants were guided to contemplate how we claim,navigate, andholdspace; how ancestraland historicalmemoryinformswhere, when,and how we occupyspaces; and how we carryandhonorour ancestorsinthespaces we move through.Thealtars were unified into alargerpieceandinstalled asacollaborativework.


What We Hold Sacred

WATCH NOW: LoniJohnson’swelcomingspaceand palpablegenerosityofspiritsparkedatransformative responsefromvisitorswhofeltdeeplyconnected to, andimpacted by theproject. We seethispowerfully reflectedinaperformanceresponding to the exhibition by dancerImanClark. 17

Nadia Hironaka and Matthew Suib: Field Companion November20,2021February5,2022 WATCH NOW! Behind the Scenes with the Artists 18

“We really wanted Field Companion to create an environment within the gallery to think about community, relationships between neighbors, between even unrelated elements within a single community.”

Photo by Julianna Foster

— Matthew Suib



“Locust Projects, a highly regarded nonprofit alternative art space, reliably hosts some of Miami Art Week’s most interesting offerings. This year, Philadelphia-based artists Nadia Hironaka and Matthew Suib have created an immersive film installation of Field Companion, a film loosely inspired by the forests of the New Jersey Pine Barrens but filmed in a terrarium in the artists’ studio. ” — artnet news


Ever-expanding with branching layers of various frequencies and audio loops, the performance responds to the thread-like patterns of mycelium, forming aural connections amongst the musicians and with the audience.

An opportunity to open up your senses, relax, and step into the surreal microcosmic environment of Field Companion. Guests enjoyed an intimate electronic performance at Locust Projects by Maitejosune Urrechaga and Tony Kapel (Pocket Of Lollipops) with Daniel Clapp (Nightly Closures).



A landscape longed for — the garden as disturbance: Andrea Bowers Sandi Haber Fifield David Hartt Jim CristinaEmaOnajideEbonyHodgesG.PattersonShabakaRiLeiRodriguez Guestcurated by AdlerGuerrier andLaura Novoa November20,2021February5,2022 22

a landscape longed for: the garden as disturbance was selectedasanArtforum editor'spick for essential “Must-SeeShows”worldwide 24


Film Still from Sindhu Thirumalaisamy’s, The Lake and The Lake

Film Still from Sofía Gallisá Muriente’s film Assimilate and Destroy


The Depths: Isabelle Carbonell Sofía Gallisá Muriente Miguel ColectivoHilariLos Ingrávidos Sindhu Thirumalaisamy Guestcurated by BeatrizSantiagoMuñoz November20,2021February5,2022

Film Still from Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Coyolxauhqui

“Toxic Lake, Salt On Film, Moon Goddess Through Violence, through desert cactus, a mine and the photographs of those who labored them. This series unfolds through relations of material and sensorial experience, they arise from an inseparability of what we think of as "place" from historical events or the deep time of geology from a multi-perspectival experimental film language.” — Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, guest curator

Film Still from Miguel Hilari’s, Bocamina

Film Still from Isabelle Carbonell’s, The Blessed Assurance


Sonic ResearchInsurgencyGroup(SIRG): If the Source was Open (Megamix) February18-April9,2022 WATCH NOW! Behind the Scenes with the Artists 28



— Shanieya Harris, Artburst

“There is an integrated absorption that invites you, the viewer/listener, to envision, slow down, and spend time with the piece. Stepping onto the platform creates a physical meeting point where listening can take place. It’s a strategy for occupying the room, focusing on the audience, and positioning the listener. It is the listener’s responsibility to be present and activate it.”

An in-person listening and dialogue session with Miami-based artist Fereshteh Toosi activating the exhibition’s central sculptural platform.

Conversation on Sound and Power with Jillian Hernandez and Fredo Rivera

Fereshteh Toosi



SIRG joined scholars Jillian Hernandez and Fredo Rivera in a conversation about the critical issues most pressing to them with a focus on the aesthetics of excess, displacement, art, sound, power, and culture within the artworld and the “oceanic borderlands” more broadly, to use Rivera’s term. Watch it here

A Higher Power hosted by Arsimmerpoet-in-residenceMcCoy Incollaborationwith SIRG,ArsimmerMcCoy choreographedalive performance,audio,& visualhomage to Miami’s sovereignstoryteller Will“DaRealOne’’Bell (1964-2011)mentor to youngwritersandowner ofTheLiterary Cafe andPoetryLounge inNorthMiami.





Arsimmer McCoy’s large photo mural visible along the windows on North Miami Avenue was presented as part of an initiative to invite local artists and organizations to activate Locust Projects’ Mobile Storefront Studio. The image is a still from a film by McCoy created in collaboration with filmmaker Terence Price II and an excerpt from a poem written by McCoy and artist Reginald O’Neal: My crabgrass concrete. 2021

You are constructed of things that cannot die. so I won’t let you. from You can Always Come Home,





Leila Weefur:

WATCH NOW! Behind the Scenes with the Artist


“My experience working with Locust Projects has been one of the best. It’s rare that an institution really gives you the kind of freedom and budget while being an emerging artist and I think it’s very valuable to have this experience as an artist.” — Leila Weefur



“The voiceover is a child’s inner thoughts. Rarely do we hear/see/ understand the inner world of children, especially as they are trying to understand themselves and their relation to the constructed world around them. I wanted this to be the guiding voice, to place everyone in the mind of their child selves and experiences.”

— Leila Weefur


Atestimony by artistNajjaMoon activatingLeilaWeefur’s exhibition PLAY†PREY,captured by filmmakerJuanLuisMatos —followed by aconversation betweenNajjaandLeilaonthe affinitiesbetweentheirwork, onInstagramLive.

Watch thetestimonyhere, andtheconversationhere.


ART ON THE MOVE The 181: THE ABSOLUTE VALUE OF INFINITY ON ITS SIDE (O DISSIPATION) February18-April9,2022 WATCH NOW! Behind the Scenes with the Artists 38


“Art on the Move is different each time. It could be art that is seen on a bus or the side of a building. This time around with the 181 collective there was a great deal of trust and freedom. They started with a carpet, the rug cutter, and the ladder. Each day they gradually began to add to it. You never know what you will see when you arrive.” — Lorie Mertes, Executive Director at Locust Projects


Duringtheirresidency at LocustProjects, the181collectivememberscreateda seriesofactivationsofcircumstantial compositionsconsideringtime-based obstruction,including:theancient MudLakeCanal,Reserve-Capacity wave maneuvers,attempts to spotthe endangeredsnailkite,shadow-telling trailsfromMabelCody,andother anomaloussuccessions.Joinedbyartists CoseCosmiche(Milan),EmileMilgrim (Miami), Rat Bastard(Miami)andvarious passers-by for varioushappenings over thecourseoftheirtimeinMiami. Checkoutthe181’sArtonthe Move adventures,activations,variouszoom transmissions,andcollaborations duringtheirresidencyinour CLOSERLOOKblog.


— Tom Hughes

“We’re under this program or title of “Art on the Move,” which I think is very appealing to us, the fact that we get out and our work really is so site-specific, we take such influence from where we are, as opposed to constructing something super choreographed and repeating that in an institutional space, we love the freedom that this afforded.”

Treading on Thin Ice


Jia-Jen Lin:


WATCH NOW! Behind the Scenes with the Artist

“I’m interested in using the environment to reflect our current conditions. I feel, especially in these past years, the social violence, and every kind of change in the social system, has a big impact on how we portray our daily life…” — Jia-Jen Lin


WATCH NOW! Behind the Scenes with the Artist

R. Eric McMaster: Drift April22-June18,2022


“Knowing the adventurous nature of Locust, I knew that we could try slating the walls, work with musicians from the area and do something that’s going to really alter the space. What’s super encouraging about showing with Locust is how supportive they were in this process, but also thinking about how everything that I’ve learned from this is going to help me grow into the next project.”

— R. Eric McMaster


Performanceaccompanying R. EricMcMaster’sexhibition, Miami-localmusicians,Lee FearonandAkioGamma playeda12-minuteduet influenced by thescorefrom Drift.However,thescore, originallycomposed for the project by DannyClay,has beenreworked to effectively playinreverse.Therevised compositionwill have the musicianssonicallycome togetherinitsprogression ratherthandriftingapart. Themusiciansplayedon custom-built,conjoined violinscreated by theartist.


“A film on the ocean, one might think, could reasonably be filmed in any part of the world. Can someone truly tell the difference between the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean when there is only water? But McMaster divines importance in the specific part of the ocean where he films his work. To him, each part of the ocean has the same individuality as different human beings.” — Celeste Viana, Locust Projects Intern, read her blog post “The Depth of a Vision: A Closer Look at Drift by R. Eric McMaster” here.

R. Eric McMaster, Film Still from Drift


The was walking the with a heavy heel:

Ursula Biemann Atul MiguelShezadTaniaBhallaCandianiDawoodSbastida GuestCurated by OmbrettaAgróAndruff April22-June18,2022


Still from Ursula Biemann’s Acoustic Ocean

Still from Atul Bhalla’s Dvaipayana



Still from Miguel Sbastida’s High Tide


"I am honored and thrilled to bring the works of this exciting international group of artists to Locust Projects. I hope that viewers will be mesmerized by their sheer beauty, and touched by the powerful message behind each one of them." — Ombretta Agró Andruff, guest curator, read her CLOSER LOOK blog post here.

Still from Tania Candiani’s Sireny

Still from Shezad Dawood’s Leviathan Cycle

LAB CurrentMFA:Occurrences: Indranil Choudhury Tara Aliya Kesavan July23-August13,2022


WATCH NOW! Behind the Scenes with the Artists

“Locust Projects LAB MFA program is such a special opportunity for emerging artists. To be able to come into the space at any time, to have the time to try out ideas and sometimes fail and then start over, that was essential in a work like this that’s all about experiencing the physical environment.” — Indranil Choudhury

Now inits12thyear,LocustArtBuilders:Summer ArtIntensive for Teens, aka LAB,isaunique four-weekpre-collegeprogram for highschool studentswithaninterestinart,design, andexploringcreativecareers.

LABpromotescontemporaryartandproject-based learningasameans to encouragecreativity,critical analysis,andproblemsolving,whilebuilding communicationskills.LABextendsLocustProjects’ nearly25-yearcommitmentasanincubatorof new artandideas, by supportingexperimentationand innovationinartisticpracticewiththe next generationofSouthFloridaartists.



This year’s diverse group of 28 students from 13 Miami-Dade County high schools were selected throughanonlineopencall process for theopportunity to learnfrom Lead Artist Mentor Loni Johnson andotherprofessional artistsinadynamicon-site programandbuildanart exhibitioninMiami’slongest runningalternativeartspacefrom scratch.Eachyear’sexhibition evolvesasauniqueandtimely reflectionofthecurrentissues andideasimpactingyouthtoday.


Specialthanks to GuestArtist MentorsChireRegans/ VantaBlackandMonicaLopezde Victoria,foundingLABArtistic Director.Thanksalso to workshop presenters: Katie Christie-Bereng, EddieBrown,NicoleCombeau, CarolinaCueva,andJohnEnglish.

“In LAB I've learned how to make prints, how to do book-binding, but I think mostly I’ve learned how to communicate with other artists and how to work with each other and compromise on your ideas, so that we can make something together.”

— 2022 LAB Student

The 2022 Locust Art Builders

For the2022LABstudentstheir exhibition, Garden of Candor, “istheultimatepeace, enlightenment,andacceptance gainedthroughselfactualizationreached after a long,arduous,andoftentimes traumaticexperience.”

Exhibition: Garden of Candor

WATCH NOW! Behind the Scenes with the LAB students




AspartofLocustProjects’ commitment to supportand mentorthe next generation ofartists, we extendpaid opportunities to high-school andcollege-levelinterns to supportourexhibition programs.Interns are given projectassignmentsduring theirtime at Locust.

“Locust gave me insight on what it means to create a space catering specifically to the artists and allowing them to wholeheartedly further expand on ideas.” — Destiny Moore, 2022 summer intern. Read her interview on creating the LAB documentary videos, on our CLOSER LOOK blog.


LEGALARTLINK -Artistsofalldisciplines can empowerandexpandtheir careerswithsupportfromLegalARTLink’s pro bonolegalservicesand professionaldevelopmentresourcesincludingonlinewebinars.


LocustProjectssupportsMiami-basedartistswithanumberofresources helping to supportandsustaintheircreativecareersincludingincubator grantsandprofessionaldevelopmentopportunities.

WAVEMAKER GRANTS -WaveMakerincubatorgrantshasawardedmore than$510,000 to 102ofMiami’svisionaryartists over thelastsixyears supporting new, publiclyaccessibleprojectsinnon-traditionalspacesacross Miami-Dade.AsanationalregrantingprogramoftheWarholFoundation, WaveMakergrants have providedseedfunding for severalofMiami’s artist-runinitiativesandprojects.



WaveMakerGrants are madepossible by TheAndy WarholFoundation for theVisualArts’Regional RegrantingProgram,anetworkof32partner organizationsacrossthecountry. Learnmoreaboutthe2022WaveMakershere.

WaveMakergranteesreceiveup to $6,000eachinthree categories: New Work/Projects,Long-HaulProjects,and Research&Development+Implementation.Inthespirit ofLocustProjects’artist-drivenmission,WaveMakers experimentand take risks,creatinginnovativeworkthat issharedwiththepublicinunconventionalspaces. Afteradynamicselectionprocessamong105applicants, theCycle9WaveMakersare: Trae DeLellis&JuanBarquin, PamelaLargaespada,PhilLique,JulianMontalvo&Fredo Rivera,TerencePriceII,RoscoèB.ThickéIII,LoniJohnson, MonicaUszerowicz,LizFerrer& Bow Ty, A.G.,Monica Sorelle,andEmaRi.The2022WaveMakers were selected by ChireRegans(VantaBlack),SummerJadeLeavitt, andMichaelLinaresVazquez.


LocustProjects’Splash!Party at SohoBeach Housecelebratedthisyear’sWaveMaker incubatorgrantees!Guests were welcomed to thepoolsidetropicalBeachBarwith delicious,spicyand sweet cocktails artisticallycrafted by SohoBeachHouse’s talentedbartendersusingCHAWAR,a raw agave spiritfromthemountainsof Ecuador,sponsored by Andean Agave and pastWaveMakergrantee, Evan Marcus. AcuratedSplash!playlist by Miami’s own celebrity DJ Kumi set theconvivialmood. WaveMakergranteesandthe first fifty luckyguestsreceivedthe coveted 2022 limitededitionWaveMakerSPLASH! towel designed by artistsand WaveMakergranteesLIZN”BOW.



Artistsworkingin any disciplinereceivereferrals to pro-bonoattorneys,one-on-onelegal counseling,andinvitations to professionaldevelopmentworkshopsonabroadrange oflegalissuesincludingcopyright,trademark,establishingLLCs,contracts,familyand business law, immigration,real estate, taxes,andmore.

On the eve of the 20th anniversary of LegalARTLink, Locust Projects is thrilled to receive a $30,000 Community Grant from The Miami Foundation to expand organizational capacity and awareness of LegalARTLink resources among Miami’s creative community. With the support of The Miami Foundation in 2022-2023, Locust Projects will support Miami’s artistic community with equitable and free access to the legal resources and education they need from LegalARTLink to ensure the protection, growth and sustainability of the work they do that makes Miami a better place to live.

At LocustProjects we believeartists are essential to societyand are driven by amission to provideaccess to opportunitiesandresourcesthatnurture,sustain,andempower creativecareers.LegalARTLink at LocustProjectsprotectsthelivelihoods,businesses, andart works ofMiami-basedcreativesofallartisticdisciplinesthroughaccess to pro bonolegalservicesandeducation.Sinceit was foundedin2003,ithasassistedhundreds ofvisualartists,writers,composers,dancers,designers,choreographers,filmmakers, andmultidisciplinaryartists,amongothers.



On Friday, June 17 we welcomed The Asian Pacific American Bar Association of South Florida (APABA) for a special cocktail reception benefiting the Meenu Sasser Family Scholarship. Allyn Ginns Ayers, Director of Locust Projects’ LegalARTLink, is also APABA’s current president. Attorneys from firms across Miami were able to see the exhibitions on view and meet artist Jia-Jen Lin who gave a private tour of her exhibition Treading on Thin Ice

. 67


InlinewithLocustProjects’visionthatartandartists are essential to society, we inspirecuriosityin new artandtheexchangeof new ideas throughfreepublicprogramsandpartnershipswithlocalartistsand peerorganizations,allowingus to go beyondthewallsofLocust Projectsandreachawideraudience.Thisyear’spartnershipsincluded: TalksMiamiwithOoliteArts,CommonFieldOnlineConvening, BookleggersLibrary,AntoniaWrightxUNTITLEDArtFair,Intro to Crypto for Creativescoursewith Tam Gryn,and5x8Miami: RoundtableonMassIncarcerationwithArt at aTimeLikeThis andtheBakehouseArtComplex.


Talksprovidesdirectaccess to the top curatorsandideasdrivingcontemporary arttoday,throughayear-longseriesof conversationspresented by LocustProjects andOoliteArts. Sincelaunchingthepartnershipin2018, we’ve invited28artsleaders to Miami to talk abouttheircuratorialvisionandpractice, theartandartiststhat have shapedtheir careers,and how theysupportthework ofartistswhetherinmuseumsornontraditionalspaces.Eachalsovisitsthe studiosoflocalartists,providingfeedback andvisibilitythat can buildabridge betweenartistsworkinginMiamiand theinternationalculturalcommunity.


All Talks are available online at Talks.Miami 70



Photo by Rana Young


Photo Courtesy of Amada Cruz

Diana Nawi | Independent curator and Co-Artistic Director of Prospect.5


2021-2022 SEASON

Photo Courtesy of Lars Nittve

Amada Cruz | Director and CEO of Seattle Art Museum Humberto Moro | Deputy Director of Program at Dia Art Foundation

Dr. Lynne Cooke | Senior Curator for Special Projects in Modern Art at the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC

Lars Nittve | Founding Director of Tate Modern in London and former Director at M+ museum for visual culture of West Kowloon Cultural District in Hong Kong

Photo by Ernesto Solara

Photo by Iglesias Cooke

Lauren Haynes | Patsy R. and Raymond D. Nasher Senior Curator of Contemporary Art at the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University



InMotherArtist,avirtualpanel inpartnershipwithCommonField OnlineConvening,conceivedand moderated by formerPrograms ManagerMonicaPeña,Miami-based artistsArsimmerMcCoy,Loni Johnson,andCoralinaRodriguez Meyerdiscussedtheirartpractices, theircommitments to caregiving, and how integrating care into cultural work can leadusalltowardsamore nourishing,tender,andsustainable future.Theartistsengagedsession participantsthroughpassionate andcompassionatediscussion, experience-basedskillsharing,and artist-createdparticipatoryactivities.

Loni Johnson creates healing spaces for Black women, investigating how she claims space and how our ancestral memory informs the ways we move through space. Coralina Rodriguez Meyer translates structural violence into heirlooms to restore civic agency.

Arsimmer McCoy is a collaborative storyteller with deep roots in her Miami Gardens (formerly Carol City) community.




BookleggersLibrarytook over ourMobileStorefront StudiofromNovember 2021throughAugust2022 withacuratedselectionof booksrelated to eachof ourcurrentexhibitions. BookleggersLibraryisa nonprofitmobilelibrary thatexpandsaccess to free booksasa way ofbuilding community.

Photo by Ballyhoo Media

Photo by Ballyhoo Media


Antonia Wright: And so with ends comes beginnings at UNTITLED Art Fair

UNTITLEDVIPShadthe opportunity to meetthe artistontheirpatiowhere she was signingcopiesof herlimitededitionprint related to theproject.

LocustProjectspresented And so with ends comes beginnings,avideo by Miami-basedartistAntonia Wright, at UNTITLED ART FAIRviewableonafloating videoscreen at Lummus ParkBeach.

Shotwhentheartist was 9monthspregnant, thevideoisametaphor for thedualitiesof ecstasyandanxietyoflivinginaparadise for ground-zerosea-levelrise.First,oneseesa pregnantbodyfloatingabovethesurfaceasit slowlysinksbelowthe water level.Then tower cranesemergeintheframe.Theseubiquitous instrumentsontheSouthFloridaurban landscape are the first objectserectedon any constructionsite.Withoutaproper sustainabilityplanthecityisbeinghastily developed, yet thestomachisabuoyant shelter;itsround,softshapesuggestsaplace of safety incontrast to therigidityofthe machinery.

Still from Antonia Wright’s And so with ends comes beginnings


Intro to Crypto for Creatives:

A New Renaissance with Tam Gryn

Inthisclasscreated by Tam Gryn,Director ofFineArts at rally.ioandheadCurator at SHOWFIELDS,studentslearnedabout whathasledus to theDigitalization Movement,what are thepractical implications for art,culture,fashion, business,finance,gaming,andbeyond. Withafocusonthecreative community,theyconnectedthedots betweenourtimespentonsocialmedia; thepandemicand2yearsofzoom; discussedBitcoin,CryptoPunks,glorified JPGsandallthemyths you have heard withinthehistorical context ofartasit reflectsourlives.



WATCH NOW: Tam GrynandLocust Projects’formerDirectorofDevelopment,Charity Von Guinness.

“The reason why I created this course is because as an art curator, I’m very interested in how art intersects with other industries because artists are the moral compass of society, they bring their values to new industries and in return they should learn to monetize in new and exciting and creative ways.” — Tam Gryn


Moderated by Art at aTimeLike Thisco-founderBarbaraPollack andorganizedinconjunctionwith the ATLT project,8x5featuring billboardsacrossMiamiaddressing theun-Justice System.


InpartnershipwithArt at aTime LikeThisandtheBakehouse ArtComplex, we co-presented aroundtableaddressingart, activismandmassincarceration withMacArthurFellowDesmond MeadeofFlorida RRC, Vivian AzaliaofDreamDefendersand artistsReginaldO’Neal,Chire Regan/VantaBlackandSherrill Rolanddiscussedcreativity, activismandthecriminal justice system.

5 x 8


GETTING SOCIAL 15.7k followers 6.7k followers 140 2.6ksubscribersfollowers 82




In2021-2022,LocustProjectsreceived itseighthArtWorksGrantfrom NEA; we were amongthe first grantees— andtheonlyFloridagrantee—ofthe newlylaunchedRuthFoundation for theArts,a new grantmakerdedicated to meetingtheevolvingneedsandlived experiencesofartists,communities, andartsorganizations;and we were amongthe106Miami-based nonprofits to receiveaMiami Foundation2022CommunityGrant.


Buildingonourvision to providecontemporary visualartiststhefreedom to experimentwith new ideas by creatingacultureof“yes,”LocustProjects offersmanyopportunities to supportourexhibitions andprogramminginimpactfulanddirect ways. LocustProjectsreliesonfundingfromannual fundraiserssuchasSpringFling,SmashandGrab, andAnnualBenefitdinners,aswellasfromsupport fromdonors to theIncubatorAnnualFund,members andindividualdonors. We were thrilledinFebruary 2022 to bebackinperson for the first timesince 2019 for ourAnnualBenefitDinner.



TheINFINITYAnnualBenefit Dinner was anunforgettable artandculinaryexperience commemoratingtheKnight Foundation–theirtransformative impactontheartsinMiamiand specifically,theirsupportof experimentalartandideas at LocustProjects–andcelebrating iconicfoodandartpioneer, AntoniMiralda,anartistwith longstandingties to Miami.

HonoringtheKnightFoundation’s transformativeimpactonthearts inMiamiandcelebrating internationallyrenownedfood andartpioneerAntoniMiralda at theRubellMuseum East Wing.




EVENT CO-CHAIRS: Richard and Susan Arregui, Debra Scholl, and Munisha Underhill.

“With our distinct mission to support the creation of cutting-edge new work by local, national, and international artists at all career stages, there’s no more fitting artist for Locust Projects to honor than Miralda, an internationallyrenowned experimental artist for more than sixty-years who has made Miami their part-time base since 1982. Guests enjoyed a taste of Miralda’s vision in a unique, immersive dining experience envisioned by the artist. At its center, was the concept of infinity—in both the shape of the table and in the convivial exchange around it. Each guest was an essential ingredient, seasoning our joyful time together.” — Lorie Mertes


GIVE MIAMI DAY 2021 LocustProjectsreceivedvital support to keepourmission inmotionthroughour core programs, making history by raising over $60,000 from 80 donors and finishing in 5th place overall on the visual arts organizations leaderboard! We were wowed by thespirit ofgenerositythatblanketed Miami’snonprofitsduring the10thAnniversaryof GiveMiami Day to thetune of$33millioninsupport. 92

WATCH NOW: thisamazingvideocaptures theheartofwho we are andall we do at LocustProjectsandwhat we strive to make happen every day — ART, madeinhonorof the10thanniversaryofGiveMiami Day. 93

Featuringcommissionededitions anddonatedoriginalworks by

POP-UP ART SALE past andupcomingexhibitingartists by We Are Nice’n Easy —consistingofan interactive,physicalloungespace performingasasimulacrumofa swimmingpool,whichhostsa collectionofpoolfloatsoftsculptures andtheircorresponding NFTs — recentphotographiceditions by CristinaLeiRodriguez,JuanaValdes, ElizabethWithstandley,andAntonia Wright,aswellasprints by Gonzalo Fuenmayor,AdlerGuerrier,Simón


Vega,andmore! ProceedsfromthePop-UpArtSale benefittedLocustArtBuilders(LAB): SummerArtIntensive for Teens. 94


Total Wine & More

IN-KIND DrifterDacraCulturedCHAWARCocktail Co.

Amy ElizabethPollackWithstandley, founder

Albert and Jane Nahmad Family Foundation

WLRN Public Media

Adler Guerrier

The Kirk Foundation Artis

John Joseph Lin Stewart Merkin


Dawn Adels Fine

Miami Design District

2021-2022 SUPPORTERS

Debra Frank, secretary

Jacober Creative

Paul Jacober

Linda Adler

Jorge A. Garcia, emeritus


Antonia Wright

*FY 2021-2022

Diane Grob

Tripping Animals Brewing

Diane Moss

Nick D’Annuzio

John Devine

Steven Lanster, treasurer

The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

Hillsdale Fund

Paul Berg, emeritus

Kalexy Graphics and Signs

Jaime Odabachian

Wet Heat Project

Zachary Balber Photography


Bette Ann Fialkov

Oolite FloridaArtsDepartment of State

Munisha Underhill, vice chair

I’ve Been Framed

Gander & White Shipping Inc

Jillian COOPER,Choifounder

Doreen Lima

Brian Heller

The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts

Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural A airs

VIA | Wagner Incubator Grant

Juan WestenKarenSunitaElizabethRichardAlonsoArreguiBaileyBhagwanBoyerCharles, founder

Raúl Guijarro De Pablo

Debra Scholl, chair

Lauren Gnazzo

Nicole Chipi

Avra CarlosJainR. Lago

Anna Mora

Paul StevenCarolJacoberDamianandRochelle


Diane and Werner Grob

NEXT SupportingGENERATIONSponsor

Juan and Clara Toro

Stewart and Corinne Merkin


Linda TylerJohnSydneyKarenSunitaAdlerBhagwanBoyerCarpelDevineEmersonDorsch and Brook Dorsch Talenia Gajardo


Supporting Sponsors

Elizabeth Bailey Frank Destra and Alex Fluker Nicole Chipi Debra and Barry Frank

Diane and Robert Moss

Major Sponsor



Avra MilesDebiMindyDebraAmyHalNedraJaimeLorieDoreenMalindaJainKrantzLimaMertesOdabachianandMarkOrenPhillipsandGregKendallandRichardPollackandDennisSchollSolomonandJeWechslerWilkin


Susan and Richard Arregui

Juan Alonso Friends Anna RomanMoraTsunder

Supporting Sponsor



Friends Dawn Adels Fine

Juan Alonso Bette Ann Fialkov Jill Ginsberg and David Kaplan Scott Hodes John Joseph Lin Charity Von Guinness and Timothy Buwalda Munisha Underhill

Susan and Richard Arregui


Frank Destra and Alex Fluker

Theresa and Juan Alonso

Jacober Creative Miami Herald | El Nuevo Herald Le Tito’sDJCDRRubellBasqueMuseumMaguirePeoplesHandmade


SoFlo Studios

Sarah Arison

Hal Phillips and Greg Kendall Amy and Rich Pollack Faye and Je rey Roth Sydney and David Schaecter Debra and Dennis Scholl Candise and Justin Shanbron

Rita MarioCabasésCader-Frech and Robert Wennett

Teresa Kessler

The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation


Rosa Sugrañes Clara and Juan Toro Munisha Underhill

René DianeGonzalezandWerner Grob

Je Krinsky Ellie ArielPeterGeorgeHaydockLindemannMenendezPenzer-Milgroom and Jeremy Milgroom

Suzanne Delehanty, Cathy Le , John and Lynne Richard and Valerie Ricordi



Craig Robins

Paul Jacober and Mauricio del Valle

Kelley Johnson


Anna ChristianneMora Mora

Tony and Dora Molina Diane and Robert Moss

Debra and Barry Frank

Vivian Pfei er

Clara Sredni

Elizabeth Bailey and Paul Kennedy Beauty Shop Miami


Karen Boyer

Francine Birbragher

Ximena MarianneCaminosandJohn Devine

Marvin Ross Friedman and Adrienne bon Haes


Diane and Alan Lieberman

Marie Elena Angulo and Henry Zarb


All installation images by Zachary Balber Photography and all event images by World Red Eye and Locust Projects sta , unless otherwise specified.

Special thanks and recognition for the contributions of sta moving on to new adventures in 2021-2022: Jordyn Newsome, Clifton Childree, Alexandra Contreras, Monica Peña, Andrea Sofia R. Matos and Charity Von Guinness.

Mercede Hankins


LegalARTLink Director, PT

Allyn Ginns Ayers

Communications Coordinator


Executive Director

Larissa Perez

Lorie Mertes

Compiled and Designed by Alexandra Contreras.

Gallery and Operations Coordinator

Founded by artists for artists in 1998, Locust Projects is Miami’s longest running nonprofit alternative art space. We produce, present, and nurture ambitious and experimental new art and the exchange of ideas through commissioned exhibitions and projects, artist residencies, summer art intensives for teens, and public programs on contemporary art and curatorial practice. As a leading incubator of new art and ideas, Locust Projects emphasizes boundary-pushing creative endeavors, risk-taking and experimentation by local, national and international artists. We invest in South Florida’s arts community by providing artists with project grants and empower creative careers by supporting the administrative work of being an artist through an onsite artist resource hub and access to pro bono legal


Sid Wolf


Donor Engagement Manager


Preparator and Project Manager, PT Tom Mickelson

Locust Projects 2021-2022 exhibitions and programming are made possible with support from: TheJohnS.andJamesL.KnightFoundation;TheMiami-DadeCounty DepartmentofCulturalAffairsandtheCulturalAffairsCouncil,theMiami-DadeCountyMayorandBoardofCountyCommissioners,TheChildren’sTrust;TheAndyWarhol Foundation for theVisualArts;TheNationalEndowment for theArtsArtWorksGrant;SusanandRichardArregui;HillsdaleFund;theAlbertandJaneNahmadFamilyFoundation; VIAArtFund|WagnerFoundationIncubatorGrant;DianeandRobertMoss;ElizabethBailey;CowlesCharitableTrust;DianeandWernerGrob;KirkFoundation;Diane andAlanLieberman;Artis;andtheIncubatorFundSupportingSponsorsandFriends.

Jia-Jen Lin: Treading on Thin Ice premiered at LocustProjectsandwillcontinueitsexpeditionintheArcticCircleinSvalbard, Norway in2022.Theexhibition was commissioned by LocustProjects,andsupported,inpart, by theNationalCultureandArtsFoundationofTaiwanandThePuffinFoundation.

2022 Locust Art Builders (LAB) was madepossiblethroughleadsupportfromtheHillsdaleFundInc.andtheAlbertandJaneNahmadFamilyFoundation.Additionalsupport provided by theMiami-DadeCountyDepartmentofCulturalAffairsandtheCulturalAffairsCouncil,theMiami-DadeCountyMayorandBoardofCountyCommissioners, TheChildren’sTrust;TheKirkFoundation;SusanandRichardArreguiandtheIncubatorAnnualFund’sFriendsof Next Generation.

Presented by LocustProjectsinconjunctionwithUNTITLED. Antonia Wright: And so with ends comes beginnings ismadepossiblewithsupportfromaWaveMakergrantfrom LocustProjects.WaveMakerGrants are madepossible by TheAndyWarholFoundation for theVisualArts’RegionalRegrantingProgram,anetworkof32partnerorganizations acrossthecountry.

3852 North Miami Avenue Miami, FL www.locustprojects.org33127

R. Eric McMaster: Drift was commissioned by LocustProjectsandsupported,inpart, by aFoundation for ContemporaryArtsEmergencyGrant.Composition by DannyClay. Performed by BenitaDzhurkovaandJoãoDaFraga.Cinematography by AlexMarkow.AudioMixing by JohnHowell.FabricationAssistants:RachaelStarbuckandAndyForbes. SpecialThanks to BillHaddadand Zen andCarrieMayo.


Nadia Hironaka and Matthew Suib: Field Companion was co-commissioned by LocustProjectsand Rowan UniversityArtGallery. Music by Green-House,courtesyofLeavingRecords.

A landscape longed for: the garden as disturbance was madepossiblewithadditionalsupportfromGander&White.

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