Connect September&October

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BENEFITS Getting on the



All of Creation

Changing from the

Inside Out

One of the most important tools in business today is NETWORKING. If nobody knows about your business you are invisible. Join a Networking group that is serious about Business and about keeping Christ as our centre and foundation.

OUR MISSION • To grow, equip and encourage Christian business owners • To extend God’s Kingdom by using our unique marketplace gifting to bring finances into our local churches • To give exposure to each member’s product or service so that we can support and refer business to one another • To create a culture of excellence and integrity in Business

JOIN US When: Where: Time: Cost:

2nd Thursday of each month Highway Christian Community, 10 Harvey Road, Pinetown 8am – 10am R50 members, R80 non-members. Booking is Essential!

Each meeting features a 30-minute talk on a topic that will help you build your business – plus lots of great networking time over coffee and muffins.

Contact Tracey Olivier for more information. Tel: 084 548 4720 or Email:







Getting on the Brandwagon


Changing from the Inside Out


Family Matters in a Will


IN EVERY ISSUE Letter from the Editor


The Rest is HIStory


Advertising Information


Where to find CONNECT


CONNECT is produced by:

Tracey Olivier - Editor

Steve Joubert - Ad Design Robyn Biddle - Magazine Design and is printed by: DNA Print (Pty) Ltd.

Cover Image: Destiny Castle by Zena Fogg

Elaine Young - Sub-Editor


CONNECT is reaching people far and wide, and we are getting the most encouraging feedback. CONNEC T is clearly doing what we purposed it to do: CONNECTing Christian Businesses to Customers, and also encouraging, inspiring and educating marketplace Christians. One thing that strikes me as I meet people is how often they don’t realise that CONNECT is a tool to generate business – as well as a brilliant source of information. So let me spell it out for everyone: YOU HOLD IN YOUR HANDS A VERY POWERFUL TOOL! Here’s what it can do for you: • You can ADVERTISE your business at a competitive rate and make your company visible to 2000+ readers across Durban and surrounds. • You can use this magazine to find a CHRISTIAN SERVICE PROVIDER who can assist you in a wide range of areas.

Our vision for CONNECT is BIG. Got it? B–I–G. We want to get out to more c h u r c h e s, g i v e e x p o s u r e t o m o r e Christian businesses, and bring more of you God’s heartbeat concerning our harvest field. Here’s how you can help us reach our dream: • ADVERTISE in our magazine. You get a two-month presence for one ad, so it’s really cost-effective. • TELL YOUR FRIENDS! We’d love to distribute in more churches, and to have more business owners on board to give exposure to their companies. • I f y o u a r e a PA S T O R o r w o u l d like to have CONNEC T in your church, please get in touch with us. We have made this incredibly easy for you – please see the inside back page for details. • I f you RECOGNISE the work that we a re d o i n g a n d wo u l d l i k e to CONTRIBUTE to this magazine in any other way, we would love to hear from you.

blessing / n. 1 the act of declaring, seeking or bestowing favour (sought God’s blessing) 2 a gift of God, nature, etc.; a thing one is glad of (what a blessing...)

I spent some time at the recent House & Garden Show, and in chatting to d i f fe re n t p e o p l e a b o u t h ow t h e i r businesses had come about, I realised that each of them had a Story. The stories of Christians in business are of ten inter woven with a beautiful golden thread – God setting things up, leading the way and even ‘showing off ’ with miracles. This gave me an idea for a new column for the magazine, called “And the rest is HIStory” (or HIS Story)…because after all, it is all about Jesus Christ. I trust you will enjoy and be encouraged by our first of many (see page 28). Our website will be up and running by 1 October 2010. In the meantime, you can find us on Facebook and Twitter! Please share with us where you found CO N N E C T a n d w h a t i t h a s m e a n t to you, and support the businesses advertised in this magazine.





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In addition to the challenges you face and sometimes carry, God has given you benefits to carry around as well, thoroughly equipping you for what the day brings.




n Psalm 78:9-12, the men of Ephraim, although armed to the teeth for war, turned back on the day of battle. Why? The verse goes on to explain that they had forgotten the Covenant and the wonderful works God had done. Now, faced with battle, they did not feel they had the inner strength to go through with the encounter. To cope with hard times, a relationship with God and a working faith are absolutely vital. And for God’s financial kings, success depends on a “now” faith which comes from a combination of business skill and an active relationship with God. We are not supposed to turn back on the day of battle. We were born to win and to overcome. We were formed and equipped to handle battle conditions. When other people go to work, we go to war. In battle, you need to know exactly what weapons to apply, and when. The men of Issachar – who joined David at Hebron to help turn Saul’s kingdom over to him in 1 Chronicles 12:32 – understood the times and knew exactly what to do in them. This is a goal and challenge for all God’s business kings. You have the just need to know what to use and when, so you don’t have to turn back on the day of battle. Psalm 68:19,20 (NKJV) tells us that God “daily loads us with benefits”, and to Him alone are the ways of escape known. The translation of the word “daily” implies that God has put something on you that you have to carry around. In addition to the challenges you face and sometimes carry, God has given you benefits to carry around as well, thoroughly equipping you for what the day brings. These “benefits” can mean acts of kindness...a favour improvement to be made...some good made to find you. The synonyms of “benefit” are gain...

profit...welfare. On top of this blessing, God adds the reminder that when you are in dire straits and things seem to be hopeless, He alone holds an escape plan from the stranglehold of the enemy. So as a Business King, I start every day knowing that God has a way of escape for me, which

“ You are a loaded Business King, ready to fire on all cylinders. May God honour the faith and tenacity you apply, on the day of battle! ” will lead me from where I am to the profit, gain and welfare He has in mind. He has an act of kindness, a conferred favour that he is waiting to release to me, so that I can find a way forward. This He is prepared to do daily. If you are called to be a Business King in the marketplace, then you already carry these benefits with you. Your destiny is wealth. Call the benefits in and watch God amaze you. YOU ARE A LOADED BUSINESS KING, READY TO FIRE ON ALL CYLINDERS. May God honour the faith and tenacity you apply, on the day of battle!






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have said it before, and I will say it again because it is such a powerful Truth: The significance of being born-again is greater than any of us could ever comprehend.

If you believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, and that His death on the Cross was an exchange of your sin for His Righteousness,

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then you my friend are what we Christians term “born-again”. Paul labels those that are born-again as “New Creations” (2 Corinthians 5:17). This is a deeply significant term. The original Greek here is “Kainos”. It literally means like a brand new


species – completely different from anything else on the planet. We are literally like aliens!

is “Zoe”. As new creations, sons and daughters of God, we have an unfair advantage. We have something the world doesn’t have: “Zoe” Life. The very Breath of God stirring within us. And with this life stirring in us, we have the ability to come up with world-changing ideas and strategies.

But here’s the thing...all of creation is waiting for us to rise up and be who God has made us to be! Think about that...all of creation! Romans 8:19 says, “The creation waits in eager expectation All of creation for the sons of God to be revealed.”

is waiting for us to rise up and be who God has made us to be!

The rainforests: they’re waiting for YOU. The oceans: waiting for YOU. The entire planet itself: waiting for YOU. The stars in the sky and the Universe as we know it: waiting for us. The very soil you are sitting on right now – waiting with eager expectation for you to rise up and realise who you are! Waiting for you to realise the Glorious Person God created you to be!

You see, I believe the “creation” knows s o m e t h i n g a l o t o f C h r i s t i a n s d o n’t . Creation knows the power and ability lying dormant within each and every Christian. I believe that when the sons of God all over the world start rising up and taking their rightful place as “co-heirs” with Christ, they will be revealed as the ones who are going to shape the future of our planet.

An Unfair Advantage In John 10:10, Jesus says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”The Greek word used for this kind of abundant life, a life only found in God,

I believe it was this “Zoe” Life that drove Martin Luther to oppose the religious powers of his day and release people into a whole new realm of free thinking and creativity. It was the “Zoe” Life of God that drove William Wilberforce in the late 1700s to oppose all the current philosophy of the day and abolish the slave trade. It was the “Zoe” Life of God that drove Rev. Martin Luther King JR. to set about a lifelong journey of seeing a truly free and democratic America.

The examples could go on forever. But the fact is, the planet is a better place because of these many men and women who couldn’t hold back the “Zoe” Life of God stirring within them.

“ I truly believe that the last generation before Jesus Christ returns to this Earth will be a generation that has brought Heaven to Earth in every area of society.

And there is so much more to come! We are only scratching the surface. This planet is desperate for radical, worldchanging strategies and concepts. I truly believe that the last generation before Jesus Christ returns to this Earth will be a generation that has brought Heaven to Earth in every area of society. It is what this creation is eagerly waiting for. It is




waiting for you and I to be who God has called us to be in every area of society. Not just pew-warming, coffee-drinking, preachlistening, Sunday-going Christians. But worldchanging, pioneering, unashamed, bold Sons and Daughters of the Most High God!

Lying deep within each and every one of us is the Life of God - Powerful ideas and strategies. Don’t give up - be bold and courageous! Keep knocking on each door until that life within you is birthed and becomes a reality!

Be who God created you to be. A New Creation. An alien in this world. And don’t be timid, don’t be afraid, don’t be ashamed. Because it will take courage, it will take boldness and it will take perseverance. But we cannot get discouraged. It is a tragedy that there are far too many worldchanging concepts that are lying wasted in the

Be part of something significant. Be who God made you to be. You have the power to change the world around you. Believe it, for God Himself dwells within you. And if you allow discouragement to get to you and prevent you from ever being who God has made you to be, what a tragedy. All of creation will have to wait with eager expectation a little while longer...

“ It is a tragedy that there are far too many worldchanging concepts that are lying wasted in the trashcan of Christians’ offices because they got discouraged at the first mention of rejection.

trashcan of Christians’ offices because they got discouraged at the first mention of rejection. The Mother of Jesus carried the most worldchanging Body of Life within her, and she was rejected by almost every inn-keeper in Bethlehem. But she didn’t give up. Eventually, she and her husband Joseph settled with whatever they could find: a stable. And that night the most revolutionary Life was birthed into our planet. What an encouragement to us!



James Preston is an Elder at Highway Christian Community, Pinetown and a Highway Radio DJ

James Preston



I love the story of Jonathan and his armourbearer in 1 Samuel 14. The previous chapter sets the scene: Jonathan and Saul are the only armed men in an army of just six (quivering) hundred. The Philistine garrison, with “soldiers as numerous as the sand on the seashore”, is waiting on the pass of Michmash, ready to annihilate them. Oh yes, and most of Israel is hiding in caves at this point, so morale is probably not at an all-time high. Jonathan approaches his armour-bearer to join him in a little secret mission and they sneak off while Saul is strategising under a pomegranate tree with his men. I love what Jonathan says to his armour-bearer: “Come, and let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; 14


In another interesting move, he decides that they must allow the enemy to see them and then, if the Philistines tell them to approach, that will be the sign that God has handed the enemy over to them. Bearing in mind that the Philistines have a huge advantage, being positioned high above them and of course way outnumbering them, the plan seems almost ridiculous. So ridiculous that when the Philistines see

“ The time for Christians to hang back and see what the enemy has in store for us is over.

them, it says in verse 12 that “the garrison men said to Jonathan and his armour-bearer, ‘Come up to us and we will show you a thing.’”

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love stories from the Old Testament; they are so rich with the character of God and lessons for life. We often read them and think that the men and women of that time were quite different from us – somehow superhuman. But they weren’t; they were normal people whose only claim to fame was that they believed in their God and acted on it. What’s more, we are even better equipped than them since we have the Holy Spirit leading us today.

it may be that the Lord will work for us. For there is nothing to prevent the Lord from saving by many or by few” (1 Samuel 14:6). His reference to the uncircumcised shows that he is calling on the Covenant as a circumcised man. The Israelites are favoured b e c a u s e o f t h e i r Co ve n a n t w i t h t h e Almighty God.


Whereupon Jonno does a little air punch – “Yes!” – and tells his armour-bearer, “Come up after me, for the Lord has given them into Israel’s hand.” Then they climb up on hands and feet and the enemy falls before Jonathan, and his armour-bearer kills them after him. All chaos breaks out in the camp. The Phillies even turn on one another, there’s an earthquake, Saul hears the commotion and does a head count and realises who is missing...go on and read it for yourself. As the Philistines flee, even the Israelites hiding in the caves and thickets come out and join in the fight. “So the Lord delivered Israel that day,” the story concludes. Take the land for His glory Some things that we can take away as marketplace Christians: •

Carpe diem (Latin for “seize the day”). The time for Christians to hang back and see what the enemy has in store for us is over. We need to first know our God then seize the day – seize opportunities with the confidence that our God goes before us, no matter what the landscape or how ridiculous the odds. It is all about God getting the glory. We have to stop being so defensive and hiding behind “I’ll pray about it” or “I am waiting on God”. In verse 6 Jonno says, “it may be that the Lord will work for us.” He isn’t 100% sure that this way is what God wants, but it doesn’t stop him from doing something. Get out from under the pomegranate tree, get moving and be led on the move. Many of us miss out on opportunities for fear of doing the wrong thing; we have become so averse to failure that we don’t take any risks. Some of the greatest men in history failed many times before they got it right. We have to

stop playing it safe, we have to believe and do! •

Team up with someone who believes with you as you both believe in God. If you are afraid to do it on your own, get an armourbearer to cover your back. I am a firm believer in getting good counsel around you and counting the cost, but don’t stop there. You have to take the risk and DO IT!

If you see someone with a ridiculous dream, get behind them and support them. Don’t wait for them to ask you to be their armour-bearer. For too long we have struggled on our own, fighting our own little battles; but if we join forces, how much more powerful God’s army will be. In verse 12 Jonathan says that God has given the enemy into Israel’s hand, not his own. Godly success is for the benefit of all, not so that you can be the hero.

As we take up our positions in the marketplace, let’s dare to believe in the ridiculous mission God has given us; let’s dare to believe in the God who gave his Son to clear the way for us through his life, death and resurrection. Let’s seize the day, let’s link shields with others in business, and let’s take this land for His Glory and His honour. Carpe Diem!

Tracey is a life purpose coach, Entrepreneur and Speaker with a passion for Small Businesses. She is also the Founder of KBN (Kingdom Business Networking).





rands – you either love them or hate them. When you get a Brand you love, you are dedicated to it, you follow it with great loyalty, you save your hardearned money for it. You can’t wait for the next design, the next model, the next menu item, the next innovation.

GETTING ON THE Our favourite Brands don’t just evoke dedication and loyalty and a willingness to pay more, but when we drive, wear, eat or use that latest piece of technology from our brand heroes we feel a sense of belonging and emotional security. Why is that?

“ The Advertising and

Marketing gurus have tapped into the fact that people don’t just buy a product, they buy a Brand. It applies to every aspect of life, including Church. BUT WHY?




Is it just clever marketing or playing with people’s emotions, or could there be a deeper reason? I believe there is! I was reading in Genesis 1 in the New King James Version one morning when the scriptures seemed to lift off the page to me. Here is what I noticed. Verse 4: God created the light and divided the light from the darkness. Verse 5: God called the light Day and he called the darkness Night.

centuries, millennia, holidays... all are part of the Day Brand Family. Money: the more successful we are financially, the more our hourly rate is. The world’s top professionals charge out their time in minutes. World Records in sport: are usually beaten by seconds or even milliseconds.

As I read on, I began to see that this was not a one-off verse but a principle. God branded everything he had just created. Verse 8: God called the firmament Heaven... Verse 10: God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas... God created five Brands during creation – Day, Night, Heaven, Earth and Seas – as an environment for his ultimate Adam Brand.

WAGON Notice that light and darkness are not capitalised as Day and Night are. Light and darkness are the substance or the ‘product’, so to speak, but Day and Night are the Brand. In marketing terms, the Brand “adds value”. Light as a substance travels at 186,000 miles per second and has done so ever since God said, “Let there be light”. But everything we do in life is measured by Day or a derivative of Day. • Day Time / Night Time: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades,

I want you to notice God’s consistency in staying with the God Brand Vision and Mission and His amazing ability to be cost-effective and add value. He creates the Earth, from the Earth He creates the Man, from the Man He makes a Woman, and from them both he fills the Earth. Everything God created complemented everything else. But here is the most amazing part. We know God created the animals, the birds and all the rest, but in Genesis 2:19 we discover something remarkable. Verse 19: Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name.



This word “to name” in the Hebrew means an appellation, which means “to give a Mark of Individuality, Honour, Authority, Character, Fame and Renown.” God created the Adam Brand in His image and gave man the ability, joy and authority, through the power of appellation to name/brand the Hippopotamus, Giraffe and Lion – giving the animals their very nature and character and releasing them into their full potential. PROPHETIC DECLARATION It is exactly the same for us today in the business world. Our substance and product may be excellent, but I encourage you to understand this Naming Principle when creating your Brand. Prophetically, you can give your business a Mark of Individuality, Honour, Authority, Character, Fame and Renown in the marketplace. What an exciting prospect for us as Kings in Business.

Brian is Senior Leader of Kingdom Life City Church in Nor ther n Ireland, MD of several companies, and Director of Kingdom Corporate.

Brian Agnew 20


CHANGING from the


To begin living a life of true significance, we need to discover our own unique strengths and weaknesses, identify our values and what controls us, and appreciate our personal worth. That will lead us towards finding our life purpose and being the person God created us to be. Let’s take a brief look at some of the questions you need to ask yourself along this journey.

People and events can only influence us if we allow them to. If we do not have an inner locus of control, healthy convictions and a strong personal value system, then we will always be influenced by other people and situations – in short, other things will always control us. The mass media bombards us every day with images of what is “acceptable”, and the value system of the world can so easily infiltrate our Christian belief system. Much psychological research concludes that it is not necessarily the messages portrayed by the mass media that are the issue, it is how much the individual “buys into” these messages.

Who or what controls my life? When we talk about control as Christians, it is in the sense that “I am in control of (responsible for) my life while continuously seeking God’s guidance to manage my life effectively”. It is important that we are responsible for our own lives and the decisions that influence them.

What are my values? Values are the guidelines that direct our lives in a specific way. Values drive our convictions of what is good and bad and can also determine our behaviour. Values can also be described as life principles which sometimes develop over many years, and these differ from person to



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e all should strive to live life to the fullest, rather than just getting by. To achieve excellence, rather than accept the ordinary. But how? The truth is if we do not know ourselves, and understand our own behaviour patterns (especially our behaviour under tension) then we will always struggle in our inter-personal relationships – both personally and in our working environment.


person. Our values can be transferred from our parents, teachers, books and movies, and sometimes even develop unconsciously. It is important that we know what our core values are and live our lives according to these values. Understanding that other people’s values are often different to our own can make a big difference in our inter-personal relationships.

Are my priorities in line with my values and goals? In order to achieve our life purpose and live effectively, we need to have balanced priorities. We need to know what our goals are and engage in short, medium and long-term planning. In John Maxwell’s words, “Excellence occurs when you do the right things right.”

It’s also been said that What’s my purpose in “Excellence never life? To begin living a life of happens by chance! It Your life purpose is is always the result of the reason YOU were true significance, we need hard work, purposeful created. Each one to discover our own unique planning and the ability of us needs to know to see stumbling blocks where we are heading strengths and weaknesses, as oppor tunities” so that we may have a identify our values and what (A n o ny m o u s ) . L i fe meaningful life. Finding skills training can help your life purpose is an controls us, and appreciate you to identify your exciting journey of selflife purpose and learn discovery and won’t our personal worth. to make all your life happen overnight. decisions based on However, you can get your core values. In this way, it can empower started by taking a look at your inner man both adults and youth with the necessary (or woman). What are you passionate about? tools to cope with the stressors within their What activities energise you, and which ones world and to live a more significant and drain you? What makes you laugh or cry? balanced life. What are the most meaningful things in your life? It is time to ARISE and SHINE with the glory of the Lord upon us and through us. Who am I? Self-worth is what you have accepted as the truth about yourself and what you consequently believe about yourself. This is the ‘real you’ Elaine Venton behind the ‘mask’ that we so often portray to other people. Parents, the media, church, politics, friends, past experiences and so Elaine is an adult-teen life skills developer and runs the on all play an important role in the way we Bright Star Program, a life skills program that develops see ourselves. Many times these influences personal, relational and leadership skills through the do not convey the truth about who we are principle of “change from the inside out”. and cause us to have a distorted picture of ourselves.



Family Matters in a Will

A number of factors need to be considered when you draw up your Will. These include: • Do you live with someone to whom you are not married? • Do you have money overseas? • Have you considered your children’s future if you’re not alive during all their childhood years? • Is your spouse able to take care of his/her finances after you die? • What will happen to your business after you die? • Do you have enough ready cash in your estate to cover your liabilities? • Does your child know how to manage his/ her money? • Who will look after your children if you die when they’re still young?



• Who will care for a disabled family member if you’re no longer there to do so? How (or whether) you are married and have children makes all the difference in how you plan your Will. Let’s consider each in turn. (I’m sure that for many readers, this will be the first time they have thought about these issues.) Types of Marriages If you’re married, the way in which you chose to marry will have a significant impact on your estate. When a marriage comes to an end – either through divorce or death – assets and liabilities have to be dealt with and distributed to other people. Your marital regime will determine where responsibility for the assets and liabilities lies. Marriage in Community of Property is a common cause of confusion when it comes to a Will. No matter in whose name property is registered, all assets are jointly owned by both husband and wife. This means that you cannot bequeath an asset in full to someone other than your spouse, since you only own half the asset. Cash is much less of a problem because it’s an

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In our first CONNECT issue we featured an article by Bruce Burnett on the importance of a Will. In this issue Bruce takes us through some of the key family considerations to bear in mind when drawing up your Last Will and Testament.

asset that’s easily divided up. But an executor will have great difficulty dealing with something like a house, for instance. Similarly, both spouses are liable for each other’s debts. The estate of a surviving spouse could be decreased considerably because of the other spouse’s debts. Marriage Out of Community of Property offers far better estate planning opportunities, particularly if your ante-nuptial contract has been suitably drafted. The contract may be used to secure certain assets for a spouse, and the marital regime may allow for protection of personal assets against debt, in particular where one of the spouses is in business on his/her own. The choice of marital regime is a vital part of one’s future – yet very few people actually give it significant attention. It’s a really good idea to discuss this well in advance, in conjunction with planning your Will, with an estate planning expert.

We may know where we are going when we die (yay!), but let’s make sure those left behind aren’t left with the burden of wrapping up our affairs without a Will to guide them.

Divorce The obligations in terms of a Divorce Order have to be met before the terms of a Will. In other words, if you are liable for maintenance in terms of your Divorce Order, you should put in place a special plan to meet this obligation if you die while it’s still applicable. Otherwise, your estate will probably face a major claim for a lump sum for this maintenance need – leaving your estate beneficiaries (perhaps a second wife) out of pocket. It’s also crucial to have a new Will drafted as soon as you get divorced. If your current Will names your spouse as beneficiary and you subsequently get divorced, she could still inherit if you die later without having amended the Will. Children South African law no longer distinguishes between children born within marriage, those born outside of marriage, and those adopted. If you wish to treat such children differently in terms of inheritances, your Will should be drafted accordingly. Where children could inherit while under the age of 18, your Will should make provision for a Trust to be set up to house the inheritance. If the inheritance consists of a reasonably substantial amount, the opportunities for growth in the capital value of the inheritance, as well as for flexible use of the funds, are far greater if a Trust holds the inheritance than if it is paid over to the Guardian’s Fund. How important is it to appoint alternate heirs? It is always wise to include an alternate heir in your Will. This is especially important when spouses with young children frequently travel together and the chances of the whole family not surviving an accident are far greater. If you do not nominate alternate heirs, your intestate heirs will inherit your estate.



When should you review your Will? Your Will should be reviewed periodically, especially when there has been any change in your status or circumstances, or those of your beneficiaries (such as marriage, divorce, remarriage, the birth or adoption of a child, a death in the family, or following a substantial change in your assets or general financial position). Another good time to review your Will would be after any changes in legislation that could affect your estate. What do you need to tell others? Your Will is a legal document. In order to ensure that your wishes expressed in it are put into effect at the time of your death, your family and friends should know the following:

I trust this has been useful in clarifying some of the issues around a subject we don’t like to think of too much. We may know where we are going when we die (yay!), but let’s make sure those left behind aren’t left with the burden of wrapping up our affairs without a Will to guide them. Bruce Burnett

• Who you have nominated as your executor • That your executor should be notified immediately in the event of your death • The whereabouts of your Will

A Penny for your Thoughts... “May your days be many and your troubles be few. May all God’s blessings descend upon you. May peace be within you may your heart be strong. May you find what you’re seeking wherever you roam.” Irish Blessing

“Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings.” Author Unknown

“When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.” C.S. Lewis

“Prayers go up and blessings come down” Author Unknown

PUZZLE TIME Many of you would have at least heard of, or done a Soduku puzzle before, so we thought we’d treat you to a few puzzles, ranging from easy to difficult.


For those who haven’t done a Soduku puzzle before, give it a bash, you may really enjoy it! Complete the Sudoku puzzles so that each and every row, column, and region contains the numbers one (1) through nine (9) only once.


• There are 9 rows in a traditional Sudoku puzzle. Every row must contain the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. There may not be any duplicate numbers in any row. • Like the Sudoku rule for rows, every column must also contain the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Again, there may not be any duplicate numbers in any column. • A r e g i o n i s a 3 x 3 b o x demarcated by bold lines on each puzzle. There are 9 regions in a Sudoku puzzle. Every region must also contain the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

Destiny Castle Love, Risk and Persevere


y journey with the Lord began in 1990, while I was flying in Mozambique during the War. I was suffering from severe burn-out and was sitting paralysed in a park in Maputo. During the night I felt myself falling into a black abyss and then I felt a Hand pulling me out. At the same time, these words came into my head: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me...” (Philippians 4:13). As I had no Christian upbringing, I had no idea what it meant. Two days later, I went out to the airfield and was sitting in my aeroplane, but I could not fly. I couldn’t work out the controls or how to take off, and I sat there for two days. Suddenly, as if from nowhere, the words came into my head, “But those who hope in the Lord, will renew their strength. They will mount up on wings as eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not grow faint.” I later found this was the verse Isaiah 40:31. Suddenly everything clicked and I could fly. I took off and got up to an altitude of 8,500 feet. Then in bad weather I suddenly got hit again, and I couldn’t remember how to fly. I took my hands and feet off the controls and said to the Lord, “I do not know who you are or why you



have taken this interest in me, but you must fly this aeroplane, I can’t do it!” I didn’t touch the controls again, and the Lord flew the aeroplane Himself for 1 hour 45 minutes. Just before Virginia Airfield in Durban, the Lord said to me, “You can land this aeroplane, you’ll be alright!” After making a superb landing, I taxied to the parking area where my distraught wife Denyse was waiting for me, and I said, “I don’t know what happened or understand it, but I have to find out about the Lord...” We drove straight through to Rev. Kingsley Dale’s house and I told him what had happened. After spending some time with Kingsley, I came to understand what was going on and began attending the Westville Presbyterian Church. A few years later in my walk with the Lord, the evangelist Charles Ras spoke at our church and saw a vision concerning me, of wheels moving through Africa. Through that vision, he prophesied that I would come up with innovative ideas to make money and spread the Lord’s word. Some years later, whilst looking for a location to start the Youth Leadership Programme (based on the wheels overland safari), I stopped next to

“ Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. (Proverbs 16:3)

the road near Clarens and noticed what looked like ruins on the mountain top. This was the first in an amazing sequence of events which gave rise to Destiny Castle and the programme Destiny Explorations.

In keeping with the prophecy given to me years ago, and now that the Castle and Chapel have been built, we are now beginning an exciting new journey. The Destiny Explorations Youth Leadership Programme is funded by Destiny Castle and will equip children with the necessary skills to succeed in life, based on the fundamental principle of the Love of Christ. Mike Fogg Destiny Castle

Image supplied by Zena Fogg

In 2007, whilst building the Castle, we felt the Lord clearly tell us that we must build a Church. My daughter and I stood up at the Castle one morning and drew the Church’s layout with a stick in the sand, and a few months later, King’s Chapel was completed. The ceiling of the Chapel

is very special and commemorates the verse Isaiah 40:31, which is painted on the roof with the Eagle – lest we should ever forget. King’s Chapel is dedicated to “The Glory of God, and with grateful thanks to Rev. Kingsley Dale” who led me to the Lord.

Looking down the aisle at Kings Chapel SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2010 • CONNECT






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A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

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