Online Convention Program

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VASA Lodge 761 Nordikfolk Host of the 2010 District Lodge Lake Michigan No.8 102nd District Convention

This is our online Convention Program "We hope you enjoy" Last update 6/16/09

District Lodge Lake Michigan No. 8 Executive Board Extends Fraternal Greetings to Nordikfolk Lodge 761 for hosting the 102nd District Convention Welcome to all delegates and guests!

Local Lodges Siljan-Mora-Tuna No. 134 Thor No. 147 Linné No. 153 Kronan No. 179 Bessemer No. 203 Brahe No. 245 Svea No. 253 Nobel No. 288 Viljan No. 349 Viking No. 730

Linde No. 492 Satellite No. 661 Joe-Harbor No. 534 Bishop Hill No. 683 Hagar No. 721 Nordik Folk No. 761 Lindgren No. 754 Jubileum No. 755 Austin No. 466

Children’s Groups Vårblomman No. 54 Förgät Mig Ej No. 64 Skansen No. 113 Nordikids No. 208 Pride Of The Family No. 209 Sveaskolan No. 210

INDEX (This book is under construction) So check back often

Section: • The VASA Order of America • Lodge 761 Nordikfolk • About the 2010 convention. • Letters of support. • Please help support our convention, place a add in

our online book, your add will also be printed in our program book that is handed out at the convention.

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The Convention theme "Nordic Crafts & Culture" Our Program Agenda Memorial Service Convention Contacts & Directions to the Venue, Golf Course, Area Attractions

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Hotel Reservations Dinner Reservations Golf Tournament (Sign Up) Kubb Tournament (Sign Up) Kids Camp (Sign Up) Grand Lodge Convention 2010 2011th District Lodge Lake Michigan No.8 Convention

The VASA Order of America The Vasa Order of America began more than a century ago as a benefit fraternal society for Swedish immigrants to the United States. Membership at the time was limited to Swedish born men who through the Vasa Order met others who needed to learn the new language and ways of the new country. A benefit fund provided a small income to members during sickness, and a death benefit at the time would cover final expenses. The Order is named for Gustav Vasa, who liberated the country in the 16th century and became the first King of modern Sweden. The name of Vasa reflects the Order's roots as a Swedish American Fraternal Organization. Over the past century, many things have changed, and the Vasa Order has grown to meet the new needs of the Scandinavian American community. Where in the past, members looked to Vasa to help them learn the ways of the new country and provide them a means to share problems and solutions with their countrymen, today Vasa provides members a means to share their rich heritage with fellow Americans, and helps them to learn or remember the meaningful ways and values of the "Old Country." Swedish in origin, the Vasa Order welcomes men and women over 14 years of age of Scandinavian roots, (Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish or Icelandic,) and their spouses who would like to rediscover the traditions of their

forefathers; and those who are not of Nordic ancestry but are committed to the promotion and advancement of Swedish and Nordic heritage and culture. We do this by encouraging the observance of special dates old and new, such as Midsummer, Leif Ericksson Day, etc. with proper festivities including Smorgasbord and Scandinavian music. While much of our activity occurs during the summer season, in mid-December it is hard to find a Vasa Lodge where Luciafest is not observed. Many lodges and districts sponsor Language classes as well as Children's clubs in which Folk Dances are learned and performed in authentic costume. Whenever we can, we take part in programs where our rich heritage may be shared with the public. There are nearly three hundred lodges in the Vasa Order, governed by 19 District lodges in the United States, Sweden and Canada. The most popular monthly meeting nights are Friday and Wednesday. While you may apply for membership to any of our lodges, if you were to join the closest one to your home you would find it easier to participate in meetings and activities.

History of the Nordikfolk Lodge #761 Nordik Folk Lodge #761 gained its charter and held its Institution Ceremony on Sunday, January 29,2006 at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Lansing, Illinois. The new charter was signed by over 35 new members and overseen by district dignitaries from Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Nordik Folk Lodge #761 came to fruition over time when the Supervisor of Nordikids Musiklubb, Lynda Smith, began discussing the possibility of the parents group forming a new Vasa Lodge in Northwest Indiana. Many meetings later and after lots of planning, District Lodge Lake Michigan No. 8 dignitaries, District Master Sten Hult and his wife Nancy, and Bill and Sheila Lunquist of Flint, Michigan, came to share an informative Power Point Presentation explaining Vasa Order of America history, as well as topics including scholarships, the old age fund, rituals, and information on the popular Concordia Summer Language Camps in Bimidji, Minnesota. Brochures and membership forms were distributed and the rest is history. Present at Nordik Folk Lodge #761 Institution Ceremony were District Master Sten Hult of Midlothian, Illinois; Master of Ceremonies Nancy Hult of Midlothian, Illinois; Grand Lodge Executive Board Member / Past District Master Bill Lundquist of Grand Blanc, Michigan; Executive Board Member Sheila Lundquist, of Grand Blanc, Michigan; Vice District Master James Nystedt, of Wheaton, Illinois; Hospital Fund Secretary- Treasurer Charlotte Tollin of Roscoe,

Illinois; Past District Master Jake (Reinhold) Gruel of New Berlin, Wisconsin; District Secretary Marge Gruel also of New Berlin, Wisconsin; Guards Mr. & Mrs. Les Touve of Wisconsin, and District Cultural Chairman Rey Carlberg of Midlothian, Illinois. Officers Installed were Mike Pearson, Chairman; Steve Westlund, Assistant Chairman; Linnea Ogrentz, Recording Secretary; Elsa Welton, Assistant Recording Secretary; Jenny Stoica, Treasurer; Barbara Hannigan, Historian; Jodi Nicola, Cultural Leader; Wendy Brown, Inner Guard; Ingrid Lesko, Outer Guard; Michael Pearson Jr., Master of Ceremonies; Fred Raddatz, Assistant Master of Ceremonies; Annelise Nelson, Financial Secretary; Lisa Pearson, Assistant Finanacial Secretary; Beth Raddatz, Auditor; Tim Ogrentz, Auditor; Phyllis Kalajian, Trustee; Michelle Wadkins, Chaplain; and Shelly Westlund, Archives Representative. Meetings for the Nordik Folk Lodge #761 will be held in Indiana on the third Monday of every month at 7 pm. Plans for the coming year include a picnic, a trip to Chicago's Historic Swedish Andersonville neighborhood and IKEA. We will also be involved in supporting Nordikids Musiklubb Children's group who hold their Annual Lucia Fest in December, and Spring Fest in April.

The 2010 District Lodge Lake Michigan No.8 Convention We would like to invite all members of Vasa to our 2010 convention, we promise it will be an enjoyable experience for you and your kids or grandkids. This years convention will be like no other you have experienced and one you will not want to miss. So mark your calender and come join us for the celebration of a decade and what we believe will be the kickoff to a new and exciting decade for members of The VASA Order of America. Thank You Lodge 761 Nordikfolk

Theme - Nordic Folk Art

(Experience the Beauty and elegance of Scandinavian art & crafts, be rewarded with the knowledge of our culture and heritage.)

The Viking Longhouse

(Come join us in our hospitality room to socialize, have a bite to eat and drink.)

Kids Camp

(Yes we invite you to bring the kids.

Your kids and grandkids are our future and we would like to include them in this celebration of our Nordic crafts, culture and heritage. We will have games and activities set aside during the adult activities to keep them active. They will be able to meet and socialize with our childrens group, The Nordikids.)

Kubb Tournament

(For the adults and kids, Kubb is a game played by two teams and we will have the experts to show you how to play.) "The history of Kubb is shrouded in mystery and there are several theories about the origins of the game. Most of these agree that Kubb evolved in Scandinavia and is over 1000 years old and came about as a way for the Vikings to while away the long summer evenings."

Golf Outing (This golf outing will be the talk of the convention and awards will be given on the night of our banquet.)

Silent Auction

(The auction will have many attractive items from Sweden and the U.S. The theme for this years convention is Nordic Crafts and Culture so be prepared to bring home a real find.)

The Raffle (We have a real expert on raffles, Lynda Smith and the Nordikids parents know how to make a raffle very rewarding for all that get involved.)


(To be announced) The idea is a smorgasbord

of tastes.


(To be announced) But the Nordikids children's group is planing a special night for our guests.


(To be announced) Located in

the beautiful city on Michigan City, Indiana

Letters of support Add your letter of support (Click Here) or e-mail (we will post them here and in the published version of this program)

Advertisement Purchase Your Page Today

*Get your page early and advertise for nearly one year in our online program book, then have your advertisement published in the printed version that will be handed out at the 2010 convention. (Make a donation to our convention) Contact: or At the 2009 convention, held in Indianapolis, Indiana, a challenge was submitted for each lodge of District Lake Michigan No.8, to raise $50 to support the scholarship fund. We look forward to being able to hand out two scholarship at the 2010 convention. We would like to expand on this challenge and ask all members to make a donation to this most important endeavor, our future, the Kids. Any donation would be greatly appreciated. Contact Lynda Smith (219) 923-8777 - 1502 Azalea Dr., Munster IN 46321-3812 ( e-mail )

Lynda Smith

Supv. of Children & Youth Clubs District Lodge Lake Michigan No.8 GL Youth Director - USA/Canada Leader of the Nordikids Lodge#208 children's club Member of Nordikfolk Lodge#761 & someone you should meet.

Advertise For nearly one year in our online program book, then have your advertisement published in the printed version that will be handed out at the 2010 convention. (Full Page - $100.00) (Half Page - $50.00) (Quarter Page - $25.00)

Swedish in origin, the Vasa Order welcomes men and women over 14 years of age of Scandinavian roots, (Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish or Icelandic,) and their spouses who would like to rediscover the traditions of their forefathers and those who are not of Nordic ancestry but are committed to the promotion and advancement of Swedish and Nordic heritage and culture. We do this by encouraging the observance of special dates old and new, such as Midsummer, Leif Ericksson Day, etc. with proper festivities including Smorgasbord and Scandinavian music. While much of our activity occurs during the summer season, in mid-December it is hard to find a Vasa Lodge where Luciafest is not observed.

:)A little Lodge with a BIG website:) We are the North-West Indiana Lodge of the Vasa Order of America. This is our website it's mission is to Promote, Celebrate and Preserve Nordic heritage and culture. By sharing this website and promoting our culture with people and organizations that celebrate Nordic heritage and are committed to the preservation of organizations that do the same.

Advertise Here $25.00

Advertise Here $25.00

Contact: or

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Advertise Here $50.00 Contact: or

Advertise Here $50.00 Contact: or

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Come Visit The Help Support Our Lodge and The Nordikids Musiklubb

Nordikids is a Scandinavian children's group that promotes the culture and traditions of the Nordik Countries. Children between the ages of 4 and up attend weekl meetings to learn language, traditional and modern songs and folk dances.

Advertise Here $50.00 Contact: or

"Nordic Folk Art" Swedish Art Due to its position on the map, Scandinavia was for a long time somewhat isolated from mainstream European culture. Since a vivid cultural exchange did not take place, folk art motifs and traditional handicraft have instead influenced the development of modern design. Scandinavian 20th century design has gained a good reputation and is exported to countries all over the world. A characteristic feature of the Swedish arts scene is the large number of art associations (about 1800). Most of them are formed by art-loving employees at companies or institutions. The members of such an association may visit art galleries or museums together and the associations sometimes acquire works of art directly from the artists to be used as prizes in lotteries.

Design and Architecture

Foreign art experts often find Swedish design very functional, and no wonder, since Sweden was one of the strongholds of the Functional movement. Its breakthrough can be dated back to the Stockholm Exhibition in 1930, which was conceived by architect Gunnar Asplund and 'the ideologist' Gregor Paulsson. Asplund´s very simple but still sophisticated architecture received much attention abroad at that time. One of his creations is the District Court House in SÜlvesborg, which became a source of inspiration to European and American architects. The ideas if the Functionalist movement can still be found in the profile of the IKEA company. It produces cheap furniture and household goods of a simple design, which still has a lot of charm and personal touch about it.

Tiled Stoves

Tiled stoves are not only decorative, but in the old days they offered a more economical way of heating a house than an open fireplace. The production of tiled stoves in Sweden was resumed in 1980 at the Gustavsberg porcelain factory.


Since a large part of Sweden is forested there is plenty of material for woodcarvings. In the province of Dalarna this old tradition has become a tourist industry, the most famous product of which is the gaudily painted Dalecarlian horse.


The number of glassworks have declined over the years, but there are still a number of them producing high-quality art glassware as well as glass for everyday use. Kosta and Orrefors, for instance, are famous for their crystal vases and glasses. They are both situated in what is called "The Glass Kindom", an area in the south-east of the SmĂĽland province.


Most Swedish painters with an international reputation were active in the late 19th and

early 20th centuries. Among the most renowned artists from this period are Anders Zorn, Carl Larsson and Bruno Liljefors. Many of their works can be found in Swedish art museums. At the Gothenburg Art Museum you will find works by Carl Larsson and Gustaf Cederström are exhibited. The latter working primarily with historical motifs ("The carrying home of the corpse of king Charles XII" from1883-84; a copy of this painting made by the artist can be found at the National Museum in Stockholm). In Gothenburg there are also the Röhsska Art and Crafts Museum and the Furstenberg Art Museum. In Stockholm the Thiel Gallery shows paintings by Zorn, Larsson and Liljefors. Another Stockholm museum with an interesting history is Waldemarsudde. The building with its garden was a bequest to the Swedish government from Prince Eugen ("the Painter Prince"), brother of King Gustav V. Liljevalches Gallery in Stockholm is largely devoted to contemporary art, and their traditional spring exhibitions can be recommended. Gallery Olsson (in the Östermalm district) shows oil-paintings by Zorn and Larsson.

Art Profiles

Carl Milles (1875-1955) is Sweden´s internationally best known sculptor. His summer-house with a studio can be found in Lidingö (outside Stockholm). It is now a museum. Millesgården, phone 08-446 75 90 Anders Zorn (1860-1920), is one of Swedens foremost artists. Zorn is famous for his sensual nude paintings and his lively depictions of local peasant culture. Today his paintings can be seen at the Mora Museum, and his home and studio are open to the public. Zorn Museum, Mora. Open all year, phone 0250-165 60 Carl Larsson (1853-1919) paintings are often portraits of his home and family, and his work is largely a celebration of idyllic family life.With his beautiful water colours, he gained popularity both at home and abroad. At the artist's home in Sundborn, you will recognise the wonderful environment painted by Carl Larsson and created by his wife, Karin. Thanks to this he has also had an influence on Swedish home furnishing during the 20th century. Carl Larsson's House.Guided tours, phone: 023-600 53 Bruno Mathsson's father was a cabinet-maker and it was a matter of course that the young Bruno would follow in his father's footsteps. His breakthrough came in 1936 with an exhibition at the Röhsska Museum in Göteborg. Here are, among other things, his famous chairs. He participated in the world exhibition in Paris in 1937 and in New York in 1939. After this, he achieved an impressive international reputation as a experimental designer. He also worked as a architect and he often drew houses and buildings with many glasswindows, for example the exhibition hall of glass in Kosta, in Småland (1954). He loved the sun and the light and a few kilometres north of Halmstad in Halland, one of his own houses is to be seen. Since 1978 the furniture factory DUX makes his classical furniture, for example the "relaxing-chair" Pernilla and the "working-chair" Eva.

Norwegian art Norwegian art came into its own in the 19th century, especially with the early

landscape painters. Until that time, the art scene in Norway had been dominated by imports from Germany and Holland and by the influence of Danish rule. Initially with landscape painting, later with impressionism and realism, Norwegian art has prospered until today. The current art scene includes a number of successful artists, some of whom experiment with combining art with photography or other media. Johan Christian Dahl (1788-1857) is often said to be the "father of Norwegian landscape painting". After a period in Copenhagen, he joined the Dresden school to which he made an important contribution. He eventually returned to paint the landscapes of western Norway, defining Norwegian painting for the first time. Another important early contributor was Johannes Flintoe (1787-1870), a Danish-Norwegian painter, known for his Norwegian landscapes and paintings of folk costumes. He taught at the School of Drawing (Tegneskolen) in Christiania from 1819 to 1851 where his students included budding romanticists such as Hans Gude and Johan F. Eckersberg. Adolph Tidemand (1814-1876) studied in Copenhagen, in Italy and finally in Düsseldorf where he settled. He often returned to Norway where he painted the old Norwegian farm culture. His best known painting is “Haugianerne” (the Haugeans) painted in 1852. Norway’s new-found independence from Denmark encouraged painters to develop their Norwegian identity, especially with landscape painting by artists such as Kitty Kielland, 1843-1914, an early female painter who studied under Gude and Harriet Backer, 1845-1932, another pioneer among female artists, influenced by impressionism. Frits Thaulow, 1847-1906, an impressionist, was initially a student of Hans Gude. He was later influenced by the art scene in Paris where he developed impressionist talents. Returning to Norway in 1880, he became one of the leading figures on the Norwegian art scene, together with Christian Krohg and Erik Werenskiold. Christian Krohg, 1852-1925, a realist painter, was also influenced by the Paris scene. He is remembered for his paintings of prostitutes which caused something of a scandal. Thorolf Holmboe (1866-1935) studied under Hans Gude in Berlin between 1886 and 1887 and Fernand Cormon in Paris between 1889 and 1891. He was inspired by many different styles at different points in his career, including Naturalism, Neo-romanticism, Realism and Impressionism. Nikolai Astrup (1880-1928) grew up in Jølster in the west of Norway. After studying art in Oslo and spending some time in Paris and in Germany, he returned to Jølster where he specialised in painting neo-romantic landscapes with clear, strong colors. He is remembered as one of the greatest Norwegian artists from the early 20th century. Perhaps Norway's most famous artist is Edvard Munch, (1863-1944), a symbolist/ expressionist painter who became worldfamous for The Scream which is said to represent the anxiety of modern man. Painted in 1893, The Scream is Munch's most famous work and one of the most recognizable paintings in all art. It has been widely interpreted as representing the universal anxiety of modern man. With this painting, Munch met his stated goal of “the study of the soul, that is to say the study of my own self”. Lars Hertervig (1830-1902) from Tysvær in south-western Norway painted semi-fantastical works inspired by the coastal landscape in Ryfylke. P.S. Krøyer (1851-1909), originally from Stavanger is one of the best known and most colorful of the Skagen Painters, a community of Danish and Nordic artists who lived, gathered or worked in Skagen, Denmark. Krøyer's best known and most well loved work is entitled "Summer Evening on Skagen's Southern Beach with Anna Ancher and Marie Krøyer". Harald Sohlberg, (1869-1935), a neo-romanticist, is remembered for his paintings of Røros. Odd Nerdrum, (b. 1944), a figurative painter who maintains his work is not art but kitch. Rolf Groven (born 1943) is best known for his satirical art painted

in figurative style. Groven's paintings are frequently printed works of art in textbooks used in Norwegian schools, as well as history books. His paintings express his views on topids such as environmentalism, Norway's EU membership and nuclear disarmament. Per Inge Bjørlo (born 1952) is a Norwegian artist and sculptor specialising in industrial art where he has used scrap machine parts, especially rubber and glass, for his numerous paintings and "installations". Marianne Aulie (born 1971 in Lørenskog) is one of the best-selling contemporary artists. One of her techniques is to bathe her works in Champagne in order to get a particular texture from having the alcohol react with the acryl paint. She often combines painting with photography.

Art of Iceland Origins of contemporary Icelandic visual art

Contemporary Icelandic painting is typically traced to the work of Þórarinn Þorláksson, who, following formal training in art in the 1890s in Copenhagen, returned to Iceland to paint and exhibit works from 1900 to his death in 1924, almost exclusively portraying the Icelandic landscape. Þorláksson was not the only Icelandic artist learning in Denmark at that time: there were several Icelanders, both men and women, at the Academy in the closing years of the century, and these included Ásgrímur Jónsson, who together with Þorláksson created a distinctive portrayal of their home country's landscape in a romantic naturalistic style.

Landscape painting

The distinctive rendition of the Icelandic landscape by its painters can be linked to nationalism and the movement toward home rule and independence, which was very active in this period. Other landscape artists quickly followed in the footsteps of Þorláksson and Jónsson. These included Jóhannes Kjarval, Jón Stefánsson, and Júlíana Sveinsdóttir. Kjarval in particular is noted for the distinct techniques in the application of paint that he developed in a concerted effort to render the characteristic volcanic rock that dominates the Icelandic environment.

The emergence of abstract art

Abstract art became prominent in Iceland in the mid-twentieth century, spearheaded by artists such as Svavar Guðnason and Nína Tryggvadóttir. However some of the country's prominent artists working in that period eschewed abstractionism, such as Gunnlaugur Scheving who instead favoured narrative content and an approach to colour and form possibly influenced by fauvism and cubism; and Louisa Matthíasdóttir, based in New York, who learned from abstract expressionism but nevertheless painted from life.

The return of figurative art

Einar Hákonarson's show in 1968 distinguished itself from its Icelandic art scene then current as Hákonarson’s paintings were pop, figurative and expressionistic. This exhibition brought the figure back into the Icelandic painting, which had been dominated by the abstract art for years. Hakonarson said he was more influenced by feeling for nature, rather than by trying to paint a specific part of it. In his work can be seen different kinds of focus, for example on city life and the modern family unit. He has done a series about The Icelandic sagas, the Holocaust and communism, to name but a few. Religious themes are common in Hákonarson’s art and he frequently makes pictures from the Bible.

Icelandic art from the late twentieth century

The portrayal of the landscape through visual art has remained a prominent (perhaps the most prominent) theme in Icelandic art to the present day, often reflected in the exhibitions at the country's national gallery. Its 2007 summer exhibition, for example, was called "Alas Nature!" and described as an exhibition which "aims to examine nature in a different light and from a different angle from what is generally accepted". Debate has occurred within the artistic community as whether an appropriate balance has been struck in the support of galleries and public institutions for different media, traditions and subjects in Icelandic visual art.

Program Agenda Coming Soon

Memorial Service

Hotel Reservations Coming soon

Dinner Reservations Coming Soon

Golf Tournament (Sign Up) Coming Soon

Kubb Tournament (Sign Up) Coming Soon

Kids Camp (Sign Up) Coming Soon

Grand Lodge Convention Coming Soon

2011 District Lodge Lake Michigan No.8 Convention Coming Soon

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