"The Sorcerer's Apprentice": Start of a High Fantasy Chapter Book series!

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Written by Anna Taube, illustrated by Leonie Daub Publication from October 2022 on (starting with two volumes) Warlock Basil Humbuck has a terrible plan: he wants to destroy the Magic Spring - and with it the entire Enchanted Forest! But Humbuck has made the calculation without sorcerer`s apprentice Flo and elf Ava.

An exciting fantasy adventure! With magic, supported by friends and quite brave, elf Ava and magic student Flo face the adventures that await them in the enchanted forest. The two realize how much they can move and change, they can actually have a great impact on life in the enchanted forest and develop a strong self-confidence!



Plot “The Sorcerer's Curse” (Vol. 1): Ever since Flo can remember, he has lived with the evil sorcerer Basil Humbuck. He is supposed to learn Great Magic from him. And to help him destroy the magical source of the Enchanted Forest. With a giant poison worm, the Great Grol! But when they want to put the plan into action and fly over the Enchanted Forest, the worm bites Flo and he drops it. Furious, the master demands that Flo find the Grol and complete the mission. Alone in the enchanted forest, which according to Humbuck is teeming with evil creatures and elves! But in the forest, Flo is amazed to discover that it is beautiful. Except where the Grol comes along. Its poison kills all the plants and turns the Magic River into a corrosive broth. A unicorn that comes into contact with the poison even goes after Flo! Luckily, the elf girl Ava saves him. However, the bite from the Grol gets to Flo and he collapses. In a feverish sleep, he manages to defeat the poison with his magic power. It becomes clear: if anyone can stop the warlock and the Grol, it is Flo. When the wolf Rul reports that the poison worm is heading for the Magical Forest Lake, Flo therefore summons up all his courage and makes a decision: together with Ava and his new friends, he will save the Magical Forest!

Plot “Under the Spell of the Sea Monster” (Vol. 2) The Great Grol has reached the Magical Forest Lake! The elves quickly build a dam against the poisonous water of the giant worm. But they are powerless against the Grol itself, only Flo can help them. To free the worm from its curse, however, he would have to touch it. Impossible, as wildly as the Grol beats against the dam. So Flo decides to defend the forest lake from the worm with a protective spell instead. With the help of the magic of the magic forest and Ava's support, he manages to secure the lake. Enraged, the Grol turns away and swims away. Then the wizard's raven drops a curse ball that turns the otter queen into a sea monster! Luckily Flo manages to remind her who she really is. This allows him to touch her and return the queen to her true form. The Grol is gone, the dam has been given a protective spell and the queen is once again a lady otter the forest lake is safe!

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