2 minute read

The programme is divided into two blocks: setup and the drawPoint function


All this code does is iterate through a grid using two loops. Then, a function call draws a circle at each grid point and displaces it in 3D space using a mathematical variance.


Matt Pearson, page xxii float xstart = random (10); The variable xstart is an arbitrary floating point number between 0 and 10. xstart is an arbitrary starting point on the x-axis. But whether I enter 0 or 1000 here. I see no change in the output. This might be the initialisation of xstart. float ynoise = random (10); The variable ynoise is also an arbitrary floating point number between 0 and 10. ynoise is an arbitrary amount of noise in the y-direction. Whether I enter 0 or 1000 I see no change in the output. I just assume it’s the initialisation of ynoise. translate (width / 2, height / 2, 0); The translate function positions everything in the centre of the display window. ‘Everything’ are the ellipses at the x, y and z directions. for (float y = -(height / 8); y <= (height / 8); y += 3) { I reduced the width and height from 2000 to 1500 pixels because the image didn’t fit on my screen. That then becomes 1500 : 8 = 187.5. Boils down to: for (float y = –187.5; y less than or equal to 187.5); y + 3. So y = –187.5 as long as y is less than or equal to height 187.5. Then y is incremented by 3 pixels. ynoise += 0.02; ynoise is (a random number out of 10) + 0.02 float xnoise = xstart; The initialisation of the variable xnoise. This is equal to xstart. xstart is a random number out of 10, which in turn is equal to xnoise. for (float x = -(width / 8); x <= (width / 9); x += 3) { In fact, this x-loop is the same as the y-loop. So: for (float x = –187.5); Just as long as x is less than or equal to width (1500 / 9) Divided by nine? That’s 166.666. No idea why this isn’t 8. And then x is incremented by 3 pixels. xnoise += 0.02; xnoise (which was equal to xstart) is raised by 0.02. drawPoint (x, y, noise (xnoise, ynoise)); Here the program goes to the drawPoint function. That has three variables x, y, and noiseFactor. x and y are the coordinates. noiseFactor is the amount of noise (I think, not sure about that (yet)). pushMatrix ();

The pushMatrix () function saves the current coordinate system to the stack. translate (x * noiseFactor * 4, y * noiseFactor * 4, -y); NoiseFactor is determined by xnoise and ynoise. When I suppose xnoise is 1 and ynoise is also 1. Then they are both 1.02 during the first call of the function. This then implies that: x * 1.02 * 4 = 4.08 and y * 1.02 * 4 = 4.08, – y float edgeSize = noiseFactor * 26; edgeSize = the noiseFactor 1.02 * 26 = 26.52 ellipse (0, 0, edgeSize, edgeSize); An ellipse is placed at: 0, 0, with a width of 26.52 and a height of 26.52 popMatrix ();

Restores the prior coordinate system. And then we enter the for next loops again until all conditions are met.


A generative system in 24 lines of code.

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