My edits 1

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“If fear is a natural response to a threat, or danger, why would we seek out that feeling?”

|the natural


from the f i g h t

or flight

response can feel

great. There is strong evidence that this isn’t just about personal choice, but our brain chemistry. One of the main released during scary and thrilling activities i M a phormones od row tI e h eis h tdopamine, d o p a M i n E i s a v a s o p r e s s o r a n d i n o t r o p i c agent. It works by increasing the pumping strength and it turns out some individuals may get more of a kick from this dopamine response than others do. Basically, some people’s of








This means some people are going to really enjoy thrilling, scary, and risky situations while others,

When we look a c r o s s continued events in the

the indefinite progress of existence and past, present, and future






and we find that people

To | e n j o y a yracs situation, we have to know we’re y o u I a r e | in a e environment. fas

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