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Mission Forward
Hands-on, applied learning has always been a cornerstone of the Logan experience. Since founder Dr. Hugh B. Logan’s first class of seven students, the university’s curriculum has incorporated real-world, evidence-informed, patient-centered practice into daily instruction. Now, more than 85 years since its founding, Logan remains dedicated to teaching its students the long-standing traditions of chiropractic technique while also preparing them to work in an integrated and ever-evolving health care environment.
As part of its ongoing commitment to advancing education and transforming lives through evidence-based health care, and thanks to a generous lead gift of $1 million from Arlan W. Fuhr, DC (’61) and Judi Fuhr, Logan recently announced plans to renovate and expand the newly named Fuhr Science Center (formerly Science and Research Center) as well as renovate portions of the Administration Center.
Guided by the university’s mission and vision, the Advancing Education, Transforming Lives campaign is an investment in experiential, hands-on learning that will be funded through three efforts: financing through an existing long-term relationship with the university’s banking partner, a strategic spend in cash reserves and a fundraising campaign. Following the renovation of the building’s existing 33,426 square feet and the construction of an additional 14,400 square feet, the updated Fuhr Science Center will house state-of-theart anatomy labs, a simulated imaging center, Anatomage Tables, technique labs, faculty offices, and additional student collaboration and study areas—all important and necessary features as the university continues to expand its degree programs and enroll even more students in the College of Chiropractic, College of Health Sciences and the newly formed College of Health Professions. This college will house all non-DC degree programs that are based in person, including the Master’s in Athletic Training, and future degree programs with 51 percent or more of face-to-face instruction. Construction will begin in 2022.
“This campaign will transform our spaces to support students and increase emphasis on the elements of the Logan academic experience—anatomy, technique and clinical methods—that prepare our graduates for the patient care of tomorrow,” said Logan President Clay McDonald, DC (’82), MBA, JD. “On behalf of the university and its future students, we are incredibly grateful to Arlan and Judi Fuhr for their generous support in helping us launch this initiative.”
Dr. Fuhr, founder and chairman of Activator Methods International and co-inventor of the Activator Adjusting Instrument and the Activator Method chiropractic technique—the world’s most widely used instrument adjusting chiropractic
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Dr. Clay McDonald with Judi Fuhr and Dr. Arlan Fuhr Anatomy Lab Amphitheater

Anatomy Lab
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technique—has remained connected to Logan throughout his career. In the 1970s he was one of 70 alumni who donated $5,000 to raise the $350,000 down payment for the purchase of Logan’s current campus property. From 1981 to 1991, he served on the Logan Board of Trustees as finance chairman. In 2016 he volunteered to chair the Forever Chiropractic, Forever Logan campaign, the first perpetual scholarship that benefits both current and future Logan chiropractic students.
“Logan University provides a strong education rooted in science, research and evidence, and its graduates are solid and balanced in their practice. I’ve dedicated my career to innovation so that we as chiropractors can help patients improve their health, and it’s an honor to give back to the university that has given me so much,” said Dr. Fuhr.
The lobby of the Fuhr Science Center will feature artifacts such as original Activator Adjusting Instruments donated by Dr. and Mrs. Fuhr.
“Any chiropractor wants what’s best for their patients, and I think Logan has always been good at inspiring its students and alumni to further the profession and in doing so provide the best care to patients,” said Judi Fuhr, CEO of Activator Methods International. “In supporting the campaign to renovate Logan’s facilities, we hope to help inspire and teach the future generation of chiropractic so that someday someone will come up with a new tool or technique that transforms patient care, as Arlan did with the Activator Method.”
Renovations and Additions Enhance Student Learning
Once complete, the updated 47,826- square-foot Fuhr Science Center will house: State-of-the-art Anatomy Labs
An understanding of human clinical anatomy is an important element of chiropractic and health science education. Through the dissection of human cadavers, students discover the inner workings of the body and identify anatomical structures. The Advancing Education, Transforming Lives campaign includes the renovation of the existing 1,500-square-foot anatomy lab and the addition of a 2,850-square-foot lab. Each state-of-the art lab will have an associated lecture amphitheater to observe specimen dissection and prosection as well as additional areas for specimen preparation and storage. Anatomage Center
Anatomage Tables are the most technologically advanced, 3D simulation systems available and are used by leading health care institutions throughout the world. This new virtual simulation space will accommodate two virtual dissection tables, allowing students to view real human anatomy to supplement their work in the Anatomy Lab. Chiropractic Technique Labs
Technique classrooms will be updated using the most current pedagogical methods and expanded to accommodate growing enrollment. Some classrooms will include force plate technology, which uses embedded sensors on a human torso model to provide students with immediate feedback on their performance in delivering spinal manipulation. This technology allows students to learn quickly to modulate all aspects of the adjustment and to modify these parameters for each type of patient, gaining competency in several adjustment techniques before putting hands on a patient. The Activator technique lab will be furnished with the latest electronic Activator instruments, which produce an electronic thrust of pressure at the touch of a button, helping prepare students for their entry into the field of chiropractic. Additionally, a rehabilitation lab will provide a hands-on training space for students in athletic training and human performance programs. Radiography Simulation Center
The radiography simulation center will train students with equipment similar to that in the Norman W. Kettner, DC Imaging Center and commonly used in chiropractic offices. Additionally, this space will allow students supervised practice time outside of class with Logan’s well-qualified faculty. Student Collaboration and Study Areas
Research has shown collaboration and study space help build a sense of community and meet the social and emotional needs of students. Identified as a growing need through a 2019 campus space utilization study, the renovation will add a total of 1,800 square feet of community space to the campus footprint, providing greater opportunities for students to work together. Faculty Offices
Updated offices will be adjacent to labs and classrooms to improve student access and provide privacy for one-on-one meetings.
Updates to the Administration Center will include: Learning Resource Center and Administration Entry
After being remodeled, the Learning Resource Center and Administration Center lobby will have more open space, increased student study areas and collaboration space, an updated bookstore and a coffee shop. Classrooms
Classrooms will be updated to better reflect current best practices in pedagogy, allowing for small group learning, classroom interaction and applied application of learning along with updated technology. Student Collaboration Spaces
Student collaboration spaces will be added throughout the building, and existing studentcentered spaces, such as entrance spaces, library, testing center, video studio and student union, will be updated.