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Image processing involves modifications of images to get a more enhanced image or to add some features or characteristics to that particular image. It involves capture of the image, modification and ultimately the output. The output may be a modified, altered or include enhanced features of the same image. In most cases, the output will have improved clarity, improved highlight of image features, or specific alterations. Digital image processing uses computers to modify images while analog processing refers to the use of hard copies of images. It is said that a picture speaks a thousand words. Marketers of products and services have, in recent years, realized just how important images are in attracting attention and conveying messages to buyers. A well-presented image has the power to affect potential customers’ emotions, introduce the positive features of a product and as a result, increase a business’ sales.

THE FOLLOWING ARE THE TOP REASONS, IMAGE PROCESSING HAS BECOME A NEW TREND FOR MARKETERS: •A well-presented image has the ability to present and highlight the best features of a product. In the world of fashion, clothing models are presented in clear, wellprocessed photos in order to present the designs in the most attractive way possible. Car dealers spend a lot of money in producing the best possible images of their vehicles, with an emphasis on the positive features of new models. Whether it is online or through other media including press and TV, advertising through welldeveloped images has continued to gain popularity. •Images attract more attention than text or voice advertising. Images can be displayed online or by video, but one outstanding thing is that they attract attention. People, or potential buyers, are more likely to be attracted to an attractive, intriguing or outstanding image than to text messages or to radio or video voice advertising. •Images can be used to tell a story. Images, especially in video format, can be used by marketers to introduce a product in a way most text messages cannot. Images are also useful in instructing buyers on how to use the product or service. •Images are great for persuasive advertising. They are used to make the potential users desire that particular product or service. You are more likely to respond to images of a well-designed, well-furnished hotel room overlooking a beautiful beach than hearing about it or reading about it. Seeing it helps you visualize the experience and as a result, desire that product or service.

• Images are a great way to make buyers identify with a product. For instance, marketers targeting a specific group of people such as a race, age group, body type etcetera, have found that images play a great role in helping the target market to identify with that product. • Images tend to be more etched in customers’ memory than text or audio marketing. Buyers tend to remember images or photos long after seeing the advertisement, and this makes it easy to remember a specific product. • Identification. In a world where there are different products from different marketers for the same purpose, nothing is as helpful as images in enabling buyers to identify and therefore focus on a particular product. For instance, images can help you identify the shirt or dress design you like, even though there are so many shirts and dresses that look almost similar. An image will help you identify and choose your favorite car, even though there are car models that look almost similar. • Images are a pleasant way of conveying messages. A well-presented image give a pleasurable experience to buyers, making it more likely for them to buy that product. • In a competitive world, images help marketers to make their product stand out from similar products. The marketers use image processing to showcase their products in a way that causes it to outshine other similar products in the market either by use of color or design.

Considering all the above points, it is of paramount importance, then, that images be presented in the best possible way. This is

why image processing is important in ensuring the best presentation possible. It makes no sense to present images of products to buyers in an unattractive manner. The purpose of image presentation is not just for the sake of information, but for identification and attraction. MARKETERS SHOULD ASK THEMSELVES THREE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS: •Is the image attractive? •Does it help identify this product in a sea of products? •Is it informative? Does it speak a thousand words about features and design, etcetera? If any of the answers to these questions is No, then the marketer needs to make use of proper or advanced image processing to ensure that the product is presented in the best way possible to potential buyers. Connect with source url:https://www.loginworks.com/blogs/why-image-processing-has-become-a-new-trend-formarketers/

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