LOG.India June 2011 Preview

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IndIa’s LeadIng LOgIstIcs MagazIne www.logisticsweek.com


June 2011 Vol. 4 — No.10 October 2010 | Vol. 4 – No.2


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Method In Motion

amit mukherjee, Vicepresident (iT and supply chain) and group cio at rpg, has deployed exemplary supplychain strategies at spencer‘s retail >> page 34

TElEcom logisTics 20 THE FINE PRINT 24 Movement of telecom

network equipment opens How to avoid heartburns awhen window of opportunity signing SLAs.

Moving Life’s Goods

KK Kaul, VP (Head - SCM), LG Electronics India Ltd, has set up the Korean giant’s India supply-chain fromNEglEcTEd scratch. Here’s how.

low Page 34 adopTioN 24 waTErways 44 COLD CALL: where are the cold-chain cos?...08 Why WMS still does There’s business and support. IndiaBut is ignoring inland notIILF haveIS enough waterways at its own HERE: Industry’s first enterprise-only awards were given away in May...12 takers in India peril THE ANSWER IS: Our expert offers solutions for your warehouse woes...44

Contents 8 AnAlysis

Fresh Look At Cold Chain Sector

The cold chain sector is finally getting its due both from the government and the industry.


skills Pay the Bills The logistics industry is plagued by a huge skill deficit. The lack of training institutes only adds to its woes. Here are a few tips on what LSPs and the user industry need to do to bring in the muchrequired change.

12 Upshot

3rd Annual Supply-Chain Summit and IILF Awards: Glimpses It's a constant attempt by supply-chain divisions of user companies to check spiralling costs. India Supply Chain Cost, seems to have addressed this effectively by bringing together the men who manage the daily hassles.

20 24 FeAtUre Cross Connection Lack of proper communication and understanding between clients and service providers leads to friction when it comes to formulating service-level agreements.

12 16 ColUmn

The Question Of People A skill-gap definitely exists. However, just mindlessly accumulating labor need not necessarily be the solution to the problem.


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June 2011 | www.logisticsweek.com

JUne 2011 34 CoVer story Looking Good LG Electronics India has been growing at an unprecedented rate. A detailed report on how KK Kaul, Vice-President (Head - SCM), LGEIL, runs the supply-chain of the company.

ADVeRtIseRs InDeX ARMSTRONG Limited. ............................................. 41 BLR Logistiks .......................................................... 32 Capricorn Logistics ................................................. 43 Cemat ..................................................................... 51 CII Institue Of Logistics ........................................... 42 Container Logistics & Infrastructure summit ........... 26 DIESL ......................................................................BC EXIDE Industrial ...................................................... 55 Gandhi Automation .................................................... 9 Hormann India pvt Ltd ..............................................11 Mahindra Navistar ..............................................30-31 Manforce Trucks .................................................... IFC Oilfield Warehouse & Services................................. 49 Pharma & helathcare supply chain.. .......................... 3 Phenix ................................................................... IBC RK Foodland Pvt Ltd ................................................ 47 Safexpress .............................................................. 45 Saudi Transtec ........................................................ 28 Schaefer Systems International Pvt Ltd ....................17 Shree Rajlaxmi Logistics Limited............................. 21 Shree Rajlaxmi Logistics Limited............................. 23 State Bank Of India ..................................................19


Tristar ..................................................................... 27 Vijay Logistics ........................................................... 4

44 BenChmArKinG Whether you are a warehouse manager, or a warehouse owner or just a supply-chain enthusiast wanting to know more about warehouse management, we have an expert you can turn to every month for all your queries.

mAy 2011 IndIa’s LeadI

May 2011 Vol. 4 — No.9 October 2010 | Vol. 4 – No.2

ng LOgIs tIcs Maga zIne www.logistic sweek.com


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46 BACK to BAsiCs We explore three terminologies: RFID, Management Information Systems, and Key Performance Indicators.

48 pAnorAmA Books, Journals, Blogs, Technology, C-Profile, and Solutions - a look at what's new in and for the supply chain industry.

Method In Motion

amit mukherje e, Vicepresident (iT and sup ply chain) and group cio deployed exem at rpg, has plary supp chain strat lyegies at spen cer‘s retail >>

Served Smart page 34

How Abhijit Upadhye, Seni National Supp or Director, ly Chain, McD India, runs onald’s the logistics of a huge, growing chai fastn keeping TElEcom things lean .

logisTics 20

FAST FORW Movem ent of ARD teleco46 m netwo Trials and rk equipm triumphs entofopens the aexpres windos w of opport courier industr unity y.


low Page adopTioN18 24


d Why ON WMS TOP: still Things does that top waTErwa notLOSE ys 44 retail SCM perfor have enough CONTROL mersisdo India takers in India ignorin to stay : How Japan’s g inland ahead of the HIGH WATE tragedy waterw game...10 has affecte ays at RS: An in-dep its own d global th report on peril logistics...16 the maritime cargo trade in India...32

June 2011 | www.logisticsweek.com 7

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