Importance of Layers in Windows MTA Certification Windows operating system is one of the most advanced operating system known to mankind. With the introduction of windows in 1981; the mankind has been a great evolution in different fields including medical sciences and astrophysics. This advancement has also increased the popularity of the windows system but to understand the core concepts of windows operating systems; you need to work hard and complete a bunch of certifications. One such certification is MTA also known as Microsoft Technical Assistant certification. In this certification; you will understand the MTA windows operating system fundamentals and how they can be used to understand the advanced problems faced by mankind. All the operating systems are designed by architecture. It helps to defines how all the functions are performed by the operating system. The architecture of the windows 7 is based on the original Windows NT version. After a less poplar version of Windows the vista the company had to revert back to old infrastructure to save face. The architecture of any windows operating system depends upon the layers and you will find different aspects of layers of windows below:
System Support Processes System
The system support processes are an important part of the windows architecture. The processes such as windows logon process and session manager process fall into this category. These are the processes that can also be categorized as services of the windows. Other processes include printer spoof and some process of task manager.
User Applications:
These are the applications in the windows operating systems that actually perform or execute. A common example of such applications is Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Excel. The windows operating systems is divided into sub categories or bit. You will commonly see Windows 32 bit and Windows 64 bit operating systems. Apart from these, windows are also available in 16-bit configuration. This configuration helps with the compatibility with user applications.
Environment Subsystems
They can also be termed as the dynamic libraries that combine together and help the program to work in a system. They communicate all the information at a micro level.
Subsystem DLLs The main purpose of the subsystem DLL is to transfer the language of the user input into functions in which the native application can identify them.
This component of the architecture helps in thread management and networking. Other functions performed by executive are input and output and inter-process communication. It is responsible for specific tasks and helps in communicating between the hardware and software of the machine. You need to learn all the functions of executive to pass the MTA windows operating system fundamentals exam. Most of the computers in the world are controlled by this operating system and this means that Microsoft wants a lot of certified technicians; that can help their users from all over the world. The MTA windows operating system fundamentals are the first thing that you should learn; if you want to have a good career in this field. There is a huge chance of progress in this field and you should choose this field; if you love computers and their extraordinary applications.