g-Homework Answers Week Three

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Homework Answers – Week Three: Word Study: John 21:15-19 Look up the word “love” in vs. 15 in the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance and the Key Word Study Bible and write in the Strong’s number for each word. “…Simon, son of John, do you love 25 Me more than these? He said to Him, Yes, Lord; You know that I love 5368 you. He said to him, Tend My lambs.” Look up the word “love” in vs. 16 in the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance and the Key Word Study Bible and write in the Strong’s number for each word. “He said to him again a second time, Simon, son of John, do you love 25 Me? He said to Him, Yes, Lord; You know that I love 5368 you. He said to him, Shepherd My sheep.” Look up the word “love” in vs. 17 in the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance and the Key Word Study Bible and write in the Strong’s number for each word. “He said to him the third time, Simon, son of John, do you love 5368 Me? Peter was grieved because He said to him “the third time, Do you love 5368 Me? And he said to Him, Lord; You know all things; You know that I love 5368 you. Jesus said to him, Tend My sheep.” In the Strong’s Dictionary, look up the numbers and write in the Greek word: #25 Agapao #5368 Phileo To look up the meanings of these Greek words, take the Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary and look up each word and write in the meaning: READ: Vine’s Pg 382 Top of Second Column  #25 - Agapao To love, in the NT usually the active love of god for His Son and His people, and the active love His people are to have for God, each other, and even enemies.

#5368 - Phileo To love, to have affection and regard of a very high order. Now re-read John 21: 15-19 with the appropriate words for “love”, and ask yourself: If Christ were to ask you “Do you “Agape” me?” What would your answer be? Did Peter ever show “Agape” love for Christ? Explain: Yes, As History shows us through Church Historian Eusebius and Church Father Tertullian that Peter grew and showed Agape love when he was crucified – He asked to be hung upside down because he did not feel worthy to be crucified the same way His Savior did.

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