j-How to study the Bible Lesson Three

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Lesson Three Philippians 4:1-9 This week we did an Expository study using the following tools: Bible & Commentary. These tools represent in our analogy of building our wood bench; the Lumber and Saw. The Lumber is essential to build a wood bench without it you could not build a wood bench. The Bible is essential for Bible Study, without it how could we study it. The Saw cuts through the wood and shapes it, as the Commentary cuts through the scriptures to helps us understand the richness of the scripture. As you studied, did you see how Warren Wiersbe brought out the Greek meanings and how he brought the scripture out to where we could apply it to our lives. This has been such a wonderful study, I can’t wait to go through the homework. After the homework we will do some hands-on work using our Next tools, the Drill and the drill-bits. We started off reading Philippians 4:1-9. Paul starts off in verse 1 exhorting his dear friends to stand firm in the Lord. This refers to what Paul has just taught in 3:20, 21. The way to stand firm is to keep our eyes on Christ, to remember that this world is not our home, and to focus on the fact that Christ will bring everything under his control. (Life Application Bible) Then in verse three, he mentions the book of life. Do you all know about the book of life? Yes, those whose names are in “the book of life” are all who are marked for salvation through their faith in Christ. (see Luke 10:17-20, Rev 20:11-15) If you are a Christian, then your name is listed in the “Book of Life”. Verses 4 & 5 talk about the ultimate joy that comes from Christ dwelling within us. Christ is near, and at his second coming we will fully realize this ultimate joy. He who lives within us will fulfill his final purposes for us. Which brings us to our first question in our homework regarding verse 6.


What does the Greek word translated “anxious” (careful) in verse 6 mean? 




What does Worry mean? What is Worry? 

Wrong thinking (The Mind) and wrong feeling (The Heart) about circumstances, people, and things. Worry is greatest thief of Joy. (Warren Wiersbe Commentary pg 126)

Imagine never being anxious about anything. It seems like an impossibility, but Paul’s advice is to turn our worries into prayers. Whenever you start to worry or are anxious, stop and pray. (Life Application Bible)

What is the antidote to worry? 

Prayer - Having the Secure Mind where the Peace of God guards you (V.7) and guides you (v. 9). (Warren Wiersbe’s Commentary pg 126)

God’s peace is different from the world’s peace. True peace is not found in positive thinking, in absence of conflict, or in good feelings. It comes from knowing that God is in control. Let God’s peace guard your heart against anxiety. (Life Application Bible)

What are the three conditions we must meet to conquer worry? 


To be Pulled in Different directions (Our hopes pull us in one direction; our fears pull us the opposite direction; and we are pulled apart! (Warren Wiersbe Commentary pg 125)

Right Praying (vv. 6-7), Right Thinking (v.8), Right Living (v.9) (Warren Wiersbe’s Commentary pg 126)

What are the three different words to describe “right praying” in verse 6? 

Prayer, Supplication, Thanksgiving

Prayer is the general word for making requests known to the Lord. It carries the idea of adoration, devotion, and worship. Whenever we find ourselves worrying, our first action out to be to get alone with God and worship Him.

(Warren Wiersbe’s Commentary pg 126)

 6.


Then the second part of “Right Praying” is Supplication

What is Supplication? 

An Earnest sharing of our needs and problems (Warren Wiersbe’s Commentary pg 127)

Vines Expository Dictionary states it is: a wanting of a need, asking. Strong’s number G1162 (Prayer)

Big or small petitions, Christ wants us to be earnest in our asking (Matt. 7:1-11) Warren Wiersbe’s Commentary

Look at verse 7 in the Key Study Bible – note the cross-reference for “the peace” (Isa. 26:3) In the commentary Warren Wiersbe brings out Isa 26:3 as he describes: “Peace involves the Heart and the Mind”. (Warren Wiersbe’s Commentary Pg 129) 

Peace involves the heart and the mind. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee" (Isa. 26:3). Wrong thinking leads to wrong feeling, and before long the heart and mind are pulled apart and we are strangled by worry. We must realize that thoughts are real and powerful, even though they cannot be seen, "weighed, or measured. We must bring "into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" (2 Cor. 10:5).

—Bible Exposition Commentary - New Testament 

Notice how the Cross-reference enhances verse 7



How can we have a “built-in radar” for detecting wrong thoughts? 

As a Christian, fill heart and mind with God’s word (Warren Wiersbe’s Commentary pg 130)

You remember how we talked about “Rhema” the more we study God’s Word, the more we store up so that the Holy Spirit can bring them to remembrance. The Holy Spirit controls our minds through truth (John 17:17; 1 John 5:6), but the devil tries to control them through lies.

No Christian can afford to waste “mind power” on thoughts that tear him down or that would tear others down if these thoughts were shared. ((Warren Wiersbe’s Commentary pg 130)

V. 8 shows us what we should think on as Christians.

What we put into our minds determines what comes out in our words and actions. Paul tells us to program our minds with thoughts that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. Examine what you are putting into your mind through television, books, conversations, movies, and magazines. Replace harmful input with wholesome material. Remember the tools we have discussed – all the “On the Go tools” that you can fill your mind and heart daily 24/7. With technology today, there is no excuse for filling your minds with Godly material. Above all, read God’s Word and pray. (Blue print from Life Application Bible)

How is the “Peace of God” a test of whether or not we’re in the will of God? 

If we are walking with the Lord, then the peace of God and the God of peace exercise their influence over our hearts. Whenever we disobey, we loose that Peace and we know we have done something wrong. God’s peace is the “umpire” that calls us out! (Warren Wiersbe’s Commentary pg 131)

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” Col. 3:15

V. 9 sums it all up. It is not enough to hear or read the Word of God, or even to know it well. We must also put it in to practice. How easy it is to read the Bible and not think about how to live differently. How easy it is to debate what a passage means and not live out that meaning. Exposure to God’s Word is not enough. It must lead to obedience. (Life Application Bible)

This brings us to the end of our Homework. Wow, look at how much you learned with just using the Bible and a Commentary. How rich our lives could be if we simply apply God’s word. To have such a close relationship with God, that we can say as Paul did “For me to live is Christ, and to Die is Gain”. When you examine Paul’s life and see the Joy that he had in the midst of difficulties – wow – that is possible for us too. We talked about the Peace of God. How in the midst of trials you can have a quiet confidence within, regardless of circumstances, people, and things. But what I want us to do now is examine the second part of Philippians 4:7. Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (NASB) This is where I want you to advance to your next tool. The Drill. We are going to be drilling into the Word of God finding where in the Bible they are used. Digging deep to search out the meaning of the word “Guard” in vs. 7. In order to see the Original Greek word used, there are a couple of ways we can do this. For the purpose of this class today we are going to look at the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance. Now you remember that the Concordance is “Translation” sensitive. In the KJV verse 7 reads “Keep” instead of “Guard”. Therefore we will need to look up to word “Keep” today for the purpose of showing you because my concordance is KJV. In that you do not have your Strong’s Concordance with you I have photocopied the pages we need. Please look up the word “Keep”. Notice on the Left hand side that the verses which pertain to “Keep” are listed in book order according to the Old and New Testament. Find Philippians 4:7. Once you have found the verse – look to the right and you will see another

number. This number is the Strong’s number referring to the Original Greek word. Now look at the back of the Strong’s Concordance to the Greek Dictionary and look up the Strong’s number to find the definition of the word. If this were an Old Testament verse the number would be for the Original Hebrew word, then you would look it up under the Hebrew Dictionary.

Greek Strong's Number: 5432 Greek Word: φρουρέω Transliteration: phroureō Phonetic Pronunciation: froo-reh'-o Root: from a compound of <G4253> and <G3708> Cross Reference: Part of Speech: v Vine's Words: Guard, Keep, Keeping Usage Notes: To guard; to be held prisoner; to be shielded; - keep

Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary: KEEP (page 340) Usage Number: A-6 Part Of Speech: Verb Strong's Number: <G5432> Original Word: φρουρέω, phroureō Usage Notes: "to keep with a military guard," e.g., Gal. 3:23, RV, "kept in ward;" see GUARD, B, No. 3 —Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words

Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary: Guard (page 284) Usage Number: B-3 Part Of Speech: Verb Strong's Number: <G5432> Original Word: φρουρέω, phroureō Usage Notes: a military term, "to keep by guarding, to keep under guard," as with a garrison (phrouros, "a guard, or garrison"), is used, (a) of blocking up every way of escape, as in a siege; (b) of providing protection against the enemy, as a garrison does; see 2 Cor. 11:32, "guarded." AV, "kept," i.e., kept the city, "with a garrison." It is used of the security of the Christian until the end, 1 Pet. 1:5, RV, "are guarded," and of the sense of that security that is his when he puts all his matters into the hand of God, Phil. 4:7, RV, "shall guard," In these passages the idea is not merely that of protection, but of inward garrisoning as by the Holy Spirit; in Gal. 3:23 ("were kept in ward"), it means rather a benevolent custody and watchful guardianship in view of worldwide idolatry (cp. Isa. 5:2). See KEEP. —Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words

Look at this word, “Guard”. “A military Term, To keep by guarding, to keep under guard” The sense of that security that is ours when we put all our matters into the hand of God – Phil 4:7, It is not merely that of protection, but of inward garrisoning by the Holy Spirit.  The peace of God is like a most elite soldier who guards and protects the most precious possession of God: the believer's heart and mind.  There is no middle ground. Either we yield heart and mind to the Spirit of God and practice right praying, thinking, and living; or we yield to the flesh and find ourselves torn apart by worry.  With the Peace of God to guard us and the God of peace to guide us, why


So let’s reread this verse: Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (NASB) Now that you know the Greek meanings, doesn’t this verse have greater meaning to you. God’s peace surpasses all understanding, a peace that is different from the world’s. God’s peace is like soldiers surrounding believers hearts and minds, securing them against threatening and harmful outside forces. When our friends, worry and doubt come the Guard says “wait, I have an approved list, if you are not on the list you are not allowed.” Worry, Doubt sorry you are not on the list – be gone. Fear – no you are not on the list. Love – yes you may enter, peace, you may enter.” Isn’t it great how if we are faithful and applying the Secure Mind of scripture – Right Praying, Right Thinking, and Right Living that the Peace of God will be there to Guard our Hearts and Minds. Friends, this is so powerful. Not only have we learned a new tool but we have studied the Word of God and enriched our lives.

For those of you who have never used a commentary before, have you seen a difference in your studying?

Let’s go through the homework for next week:

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