n-Answers for in Class Lesson Six

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Answers for “In-Class” Lesson Six Reading English words in Greek The words on this page are English words, but they are written in Greek letters.

1. bed



2. bat



3. cat



4. cab



5. dot



More English words in Greek Letters. This page introduces four Greek letters that do not look like English letters. See pronunciation guide.

1. top



2. tip



3. boat



4. coat



5. rabbit



Names from the Bible: These are spelled as they appear in the Greek New Testament. Match the Greek to the English equivalent. d h c a b e i f g

βαραββαζ ρεβεκα Αννα Αβελ Αδαµ βαρναβαζ σιµων νικοδηµοζ πετροζ

a αγαπαζ b Φιλω

a. Abel b. Adam c. Anna d. Barabbas e. Barnabas f. Nicodemus g. Peter h. Rebecca i. Simon

a. agapas – (Agape Love) b. Phileo – (Love)

Fill in the blanks with the English equivalent of the Greek word: John 21:15 (NASB) “So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to σιµων Simon πετροζ Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you

αγαπαζ agape Me more than these?" He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I Φιλω Phileo You." He said to him, "Tend My lambs.”

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