What maks a great LOGO design?
Your logo is the central piece of iden:ty • How your business presents itself to the world can be the difference between success and failure. Your logo is the central piece of iden:ty that communicates the character of your business. Its main func:on is to create and reinforce your brand iden:ty. • Every piece of your marke:ng material will be wearing your logo, so be sure you get it right or it could prove costly in the long run. To add value to your business and put you on the road to success, there are certain quali:es your logo should have.
Your logo should iden:fy your business. • Your logo should convey something essen:al about your business’ iden:ty. The design should reflect your business’ personality, its aItude, its sense of style, professionalism or fun, or whatever it is your business is about. A well thought out logo will promote those quali:es you want people to associate with your business.
Your logo should be recognisable. • In order to be recognisable, your logo must be dis:nct, easy to read and comprehend, and unique enough to avoid confusion with other logos. Your customers must be able to recognise your logo as yours and associate it with your business each :me they see it.
Your logo should be memorable. • Your logo design must be interes:ng enough to make a strong impression, and yet simple enough to deliver a clear message. It should ins:ll a posi:ve feeling in your customers that resonates long aKer they’ve seen your logo.
Your logo should be adaptable. • You will need to use your logo across many different media, from business cards and leLerheads to presenta:ons and packaging. A good logo must be adaptable enough to work in any situa:on you encounter. To meet these needs, your logo should look good in black and white as well as in colour. In terms of size your logo should be simple enough to look good quite small on a business card, yet interes:ng enough to hold its own on a poster or billboard.
Your logo should be cost effec:ve. • Unless you're an online business you'll probably be using your logo on all sorts of printed maLer, so remember to consider the cost of colour prin:ng. A logo with a maximum of two‐colours will keep your prin:ng budget manageable.
Your logo should stand the test of :me. • To be an effec:ve branding tool, your logo should stay with you as your business grows. You shouldn't be changing your logo on a whim, as this just dilutes the hard work you've put into building your business and its branding. A well‐designed professional logo will con:nue to be representa:ve of your business for years to come.