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LOGOSOL NEWAS is aimed at anyone with an interest in wood. The magazine is published by LOGOSOL. Read more news and reports at www.woodworkingproject.com








Invest in a lifestyle


of course, Logosol sells a lot of machines to customers who immediately put them into operation and production for a project where having their own machine is an important part of the project. Sometimes the machine becomes an important cog in a company in the carpentry or construction industry. However, our largest customer category is still those who see the purchase of their own equipment as a long-term investment. A quick return on the money invested is not expected, although this is often the case. The investment is seen as the beginning of a long journey that can eventually yield an exchange that is worth many times the effort. Own wood processing becomes something of a lifestyle. Very often I meet sawmill owners who have taken over the sawmill from their parents. With 30 years in the industry and many retirees as customers, it is natural. I see it as proof that we deliver products that after many years work quite perfectly and where customers who saw with their own sawmill is a lifestyle that is inherited. We have recently held our annual Logosol World Meeting. It was an extraordinary meeting that you can read about in this issue of LOGOSOL NEWS. It is with pride that I see all

LOGOSOL NEWS is a magazine dealing with small-scale wood processing and forestry, published by LOGOSOL AB. Publisher: Bengt-Olov Byström

the committed and dedicated people working with Logosol around the world. Some have been there from the start and many have jumped on the bus along the way. Over the years, we have forged bonds that go far beyond business relations. April Wilkerson from Texas was one of the guests at the meeting. Her business idea is to build what she needs instead of buying it and then sharing it with others on social media. A vison to take advantage of what you have and create something yourself is a way of life that you hear more and more about. Hundreds of thousands are following April’s journey and many are following in her footsteps. Logosol’s journey began with the same creative desire and thus to make the most of all the resources available on the farm and in the forest. It is gratifying to see that the same momentum is now also being strengthened in the next generation. Many have discovered that their own wood processing is a great way to take advantage of what you have, as well as an opportunity to use your creativity to build and create in wood. You also invest in a lifestyle that is not only sustainable and economical, but also damn fun! BENGT-OLOV BYSTRÖM LOGOSOL’S CHAIRMAN AND FOUNDER

Production: LOGOSOL AB Advertising: Katarina Byström +46 611 182 85 Website: Visit our website with updated news and videos all year round: www.woodworking project.com







CONTENTS • 4. LOGOSOL INFORMATION Considerate customer care and Swedish quality. 5. COMPLETE RANGE OF BAND SAWMILLS WITH EXTRA EVERYTHING B751, B751 PRO and B1001; 3 strong bandsaw mills from Logosol. 6. PLUS MODEL FOR LARGER LOGS The Logosol F2+ Chain Sawmill is an acclaimed bestseller.


7. APRIL WILKERSON CREATES ON YOUTUBE Meet April who saws and creates in front of an audience of millions.


8. B751 PRO BAND SAWMILL, A NEW CUSTOMER FAVOURITE The professional version of our bestseller B751. 9. GERMANS PUT THE BAND SAWMILL TO THE TEST! Over three days, 15 cubic metres of timber were sawn.


10. LOGOSOL’S MOST POWERFUL SAWMILL B1001 Long-awaited band sawmill model for the pros. 11. WIDE SLABS WITH LOG MOULDER


11. EVERYONE CAN LEARN TO BUILD WITH TIMBER BLOCKS! 12-13. VISITING DELSBO LOG HOUSE & PLANING PLANT Marcus Emretsson and Mattias Sedenberg started their own business together. 14-15. NEWS AND TIPS ON PLANING 16-17. THE ROAD FROM LONGING TO MOVING IN The Ribacke Sandberg family built their dream house.


18. OVERSIZED TIMBER GIVES THE ALP HOTEL A UNIQUE PROFILE Logosol News pays a visit to Austria. 19. OSTRICH FARM IN HOME-SAWN TIMBER Grown in their own forest.


19. LARGE LOG SAWING WITH BIG MILL WIDE SLABBER Colorado spruce with a circumference of close to 1.5 m is sawn up in Årås Mill.


20. LOGOSOL WORLD MEETING With retailers and influencers from all over the world. 20. WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF LOGOSOL 21. ODDS AND ENDS

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@logosol_ portable_sawmills

Logosol Portable Sawmills





Considerate customer care

We always try to be really fair and helpful, should a problem occur. We are sure that in the long run it pays best for everyone if you continue to be completely satisfied with your Logosol machine.





WATCH DEMO VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE Watch a video and learn how to use our products! Sometimes it can be quite educational and inspiring to watch machine demos on your tablet. Our YouTube channel has over 30 000 subscribers and contains loads of videos. So, bring out the popcorn, put yourself on the coach and click on play! Now the fun begins!


ORDER THE CATALOG Do you want to get the Logosol Product Catalog for 2020? Scan QR code to go directly to the form or visit www.logosol. com/catalog.

• 100 pages packed with smart products for wood processing.











Get access to over 30 years of experience in smallscale wood processing. We give you unlimited support when it comes to knowledge and product




We who work at Logosol, love to see how people use our products. When customers call and enthusiastically tell us about their projects, we immediately have something to brag about at the coffee break. It is fantastic when customers, who made their purchase 30 years ago, call and tell us about how they still look forward to the first saw cut every spring. It is amazing to think about all the businesses that have been built up with the help of our machines. Every single story makes a lasting impression and is reason enough for us to continue developing awesome products and create valuable relationships with our customers.

2 M ON

Logosol gives you a 2-year warranty on all machines. The warranty covers manufacturing defects and problems that have occurred during normal use of the products. Exceptions to the warranty are consumable items such as belts, guide bars and saw chains.




We know our products are good, and we want you to be happy with your purchase for the rest of your life. When investing in our products, you can be sure that you get the highest quality equipment, designed specifically for the task at hand. We strive to build products that are flexible and easy to extend and expand. The advantage of Logosol is that you can start with a simpler product and as your needs grow, you can easily replace or upgrade the product – without losing the value of your original investment.


Logosol is the right choice, even when you choose wrong. We give you a two-month money back guarantee on all machines. You can test whether the machine meets your requirements before you make your final decision. Saw or plane a good deal of timber to see if the machine works as you expected. We are not afraid of taking back a machine with a little sawdust on it. As a customer, you only pay for the costs of return shipping. Cutting equipment and other consumable items are not covered by the money back guarantee. If you want to return a product, please contact us and we will help you.




use. We take care of the service of our products ourselves, and we answer your questions by phone every weekday from 8:00 pm to 4:00 pm. We can solve most problems by phone. You can also receive support via email.

2 YE

Feel secure with a market leading company that has long experience. We have sold over 30 000 sawmills and more than 10 000 planer/moulders. We have over 30 years’ experience of small-scale wood processing and are known for our thoughtful customer care. We will take care of you and your machine.

MEET US AT A TRADE SHOW We hope that you have the opportunity to come and visit us at a trade show and see our products in action. Expect the musthave meter to hit the roof when you see all machines you need or want to have. Go to the trade show programme logosol.se/ store/exhibitions


6 reasons to choose Logosol when buying sawmills and planers!


We have sold over 30 000 sawmills and more than 10 000 planer/moulders. We have over 30 years’ experience of small-scale wood processing.



We are a complete supplier that develops both chain sawmills and band sawmills. This is a unique combination that gives us tremendous benefits in our product development


No other manufacturer in the world knows so much about both sawing and planing. When you want to develop your business or hobby, Logosol is your perfect partner.


In the workshop at Logosol in the Swedish town Härnösand, sawmills and other machines are being assembled and then sent out all over the world. Alexander Ekman, production manager, is busy fitting a Swedish flag made of fabric to a band sawmill. ”Our skilled fitters feel proud of the products they assemble. The flag is a hallmark for all the products we make here in the workshop,” says Alexander and clamps the flag between two plates. ”Even our components are laser cut and powder coated in Sweden, often in local workshops.” In recent years, Logosol has taken the assembly home to Härnösand to be able to control the quality and be close to the products all the way from idea to end customer.



Keep an eye out for the Swedish flag on your next Logosol product; then you know that you share your pride in the product with a bunch of equally proud fitters at Logosol.

There are customers worldwide, who build their dreams out of wood with the help of our machines. Our community spans the globe with the help of groups on social media and customer events in different forms.


With over 30 years of experience and a constant aspiration for improvements, we develop machines on a new level with hard selection processes for every detail. As our customer, you can feel secure with your Logosol machine and concentrate on having real fun when creating with wood!


We receive a lot of positive feedback for our customer care. But we want to turn it the other way round. Logosol probably has the nicest and most inspiring customers. With our clientele, it is easy to become the world’s best in customer care!

B751, B751 PRO AND B1001

Complete range of band sawmills with all extras We have shared a dream with our customers and dealers: to create a complete range of band sawmills, with quality and power as watchwords. We can now offer our customers three different world-class band sawmills,” says Malte Frisk, CEO at Logosol. Today, Logosol has a complete line-up of band sawmills in the larger class: B751, B751 Pro and B1001. It is a powerful trio of band sawmills with quality in every detail. ”We have used traditional solutions where they are best suited, but also improved and refined the design with innovative solutions that make sawing easy, fun and efficient,” says Malte. Logosol has quickly become a player to be reckoned with on the world’s band sawmill market. More and more people have chosen to buy a modern and powerful sawmill from Logosol after careful consideration and comparison of competing models. With the capcity to cut logs with a diameter of up to 100 cm, you have now the opportunity to choose between several different models with many motor options and loads of accessories. Recently, Logosol’s founder Bengt-Olov Byström signed band sawmill number 1000.

• Logosol’s founder Bengt-Olov Byström signs the 1000th band sawmill.

”We can offer our customers world-class band sawmills” ”During this summer, Logosol will begin delivering hydraulic log handling equipment for B751 Pro and B1001,” says Malte. This makes it possible to fully configure the sawmill to the customer’s needs. Everything from small smart accessories, such as an extra toe board, to sturdy manual log handling or a completely hydraulic feeding. If the customer’s needs or activities change or develop in the future, there are no problems. You can supplement with accessories later on and invest in increased production capacity when the neeed arises. ”With three really strong players on the world’s band sawmill market, we have seriously got into the game. With all positive respons we have received from customers all over the world, we already feel like a winner,” Malte states. ”Customers who know us at Logosol, know that we are always aiming forward. As our customer, your are part of the journey and in the future you can take advantage of many nice accessories that will lift the band sawmills further.

• The trailer kit is one of Logosol’s most popular accessories for the band sawmills.

• With Logosol’s largest band sawmill, the B1001, you can cut logs that are up to 1 metre in diameter.

NEW! ACCESSORIES FOR LOG HANDLING FOR B751 PRO/B1001 Logosol’s band sawmills have the capacity to cut really big logs, but logs with a large diameter are also very heavy. Now Logosol has three new accessories that will facilitate. Logosol’s band sawmills can cut large logs, but the sawing is only a part of the log handling. The logs quickly become heavy when the diameter increases. The increase is linear with length, but with the diameter the increase in weight is squared. As an example, you can say that a log with a diameter of 70 cm is twice as heavy as one that has a diameter of 50 cm. ”When you are handling heavy logs, it is important that you take it easy and think about safety,” says Jonas Höglund, product development manager at Logosol. Many have a tractor they can use, but then they risk damaging the sawmill. Logosol has developed equipment that enables you to handle really big logs manually on your own, and do it in a safe way. The new accessories, which you can read about to the right, enable you to cut logs that have the diameters the sawmill is designed to handle, i.e. 75 cm or a whole metre depending on what model you have. You no longer have to hesitate about handling very big logs. Besides the fact that these logs contain large volumes of wood, which can become a considerable amount of standard boards and

planks, you can cut really wide and beautiful pieces that often have a much greater value, in terms of both money and joy.

Scan the QR code and watch the product video about the B1001 directly on your smartphone or ipad. You can also follow the link www. logosol.com/b1001


To start with, the sawmill should be set up steadily and on firm ground. The sturdy support legs, which are fitted to the bottom of the rail frame, add to stability, raise the sawmill to a good working height and give room for the log loader (if you do not choose a sawmill with a trailer kit, where support legs are included).


The log loader consists of two ramps, which are placed between the rail frame and the ground, and a crane with a winch and a long cable. The cable is wound one time around the log you are going to load, then you just turn the crank until the log is in place on the sawmill. When you are going to rotate the log, you use the same crane and rotate the log against extra sturdy log supports. These log supports have rollers on their tops to prevent the log from getting hooked. Instead, the log now rotates smoothly.


• Jonas Höglund shows the new log clamp. A patented solution, now with an extra sturdy design.

To secure the log during sawing there is a longer and sturdier log clamp. A new holder for it, with bigger holes, is fitted to a cross bunk. The bigger log clamp works in the same clever way as the original, with double eccentrics. This is a patented solution that has proven to work exceptionally well. It can be a good idea to keep the original log clamps and their holders on another cross bunk, as they can come in handy when cutting smaller logs.




A plus model for larger logs Now there is a plus model of the popular F2 Farmer’s chain sawmill. Logosol has developed a more powerful and even more flexible sawmill for those who want to saw larger logs. “We have listened to our customers and developed a larger model of the F2 chainsaw mill. The F2+ has stronger support legs and log lifters, as well as an extended log bed that can cope with larger timber. The stock diameter is increased from 50 to 70 cm,” says Robert Berglund, Product Manager for sawmills.


Logosol has been developing sawmills for three decades and is today a world leader with unique expertise in sawing and wood processing. “Our product development is usually based on Swedish forestry with logs of 40-50 cm in diameter, but today our sawmills are sold across a global market. We have customers in over 60 countries who saw all kinds of wood. By being responsive, we develop products that our customers need and want,” says Robert. The first model of the Farmer’s Sawmill was launched in 2014, on the occasion of Logosol’s 25th anniversary. In 2017, the model F2 came with finely-tuned features, and now F2+, a larger model for larger timber. “The F2+ brings with it all the benefits of previous models. We have taken portable sawing to a whole new level and found a perfect balance that combines function, quality and easy log handling,” says Robert.


The sawmill has been up-sized, got stronger fittings and solutions that can handle greater weight and harder blows. With a more robust construction for larger logs, we can offer a sawmill that will be an excellent alternative to those who look at band sawmills but have a limited budget or want a portable equipment that is easy to transport and store. A product for large logs with incredibly high quality at a low price. The model is very suitable for a stationary setup with several extensions and a sturdy log table. At the same time, the design is based on the success of 1-meter sections and a new solution where you can loosen the entire guide rail with a few screws. This makes it even easier to take the sawmill to the logs if they are difficult to transport. The F2+ was launched just in time for Logosol’s 2019 spring campaign and complements the chain sawmill range. “Many people will probably be quite impressed when they see what weights and diameters this sawmill can handle, and at what price. I believe that this model will find new markets and completely new customer groups,” says Robert Berglund.

The new Logosol chain sawmill comes with 30 years’ experience! • The Logosol F2+ chain sawmill is a larger and heavier model of the F2 chainsaw mill. The F2+ can handle logs up to 70 cm in diameter.

• Stronger leg supports and log lifters to handle larger logs.

• The log lifters can be disconnected from the saw beam, which is kept intact and adjusted.

• The boards you saw inspire creation with wood! What will be your first construction project?

• The F2+ chainsaw mill is affordable, competent and easy to use.

Open your mobile camera and point it here, and you will go directly to the video about F2+.

F2 OR F2+?

WHICH SAWMILL IS RIGHT FOR YOU? It depends on the size of logs you want to saw! The F2 saws logs up to 50 cm in diameter, with the plus model able to handle larger logs – up to 70 cm in the standard version.




Max. log diameter: 50 cm Weight: 50 kg Length: 4, 5 or 6 meters as standard, but can be extended to the desired length.

Max. log diameter: 70 cm Weight: 65 kg Length: 4, 5 or 6 meters as standard, but can be extended to the desired length.



Creative joy that encourages others On her “merch” (T-shirts and sweaters) you find the messages: “Get to it”, “Dirty hands - Clean money” and “Pretty Tough”. Those statements also apply to this high-producing influencer, whom we at Logosol are proud to call one of our ambassadors. Photos: Justin Mabie April Wilkerson works hard. She produces on a professional level and radiates a creative joy that is contagious. In 2013 she had never used a power tool. Now, seven years later, she has over a million followers on her YouTube channel. “My motto is that everything I need at home, I build myself,” säger April. says April. This has resulted in nearly 250 instruction videos about everything from a chicken coop, an electric guitar, an entertainment centre, a workbench, to a giant band sawmill. When she received a Logosol F2+, she luckily liked it so much that she skipped trying to build one herself. ”I like my home-made band sawmill, but it isn’t portable. Sometimes it is easier to bring the saw to the logs than the logs to the saw,” she says in her video about her first saw cut with the F2+. Unpacking and assembling were done in the blink of an eye, just like everything else she does. Already in her next Instagram story, she was up and running, filming her first saw cut. ”It runs like a dream,” she says with a big smile. In the video, we can watch April sawing Mesquite*. It is a hardwood, but the saw cuts through the log quickly. ”The cut becomes incredibly smooth and straight,” she answers a follower on Instagram, who wonders what the saw cut was like. If we know April right, she will probably use these beautiful boards in a future DIY video. We are eagerly looking forward to following her coming projects with this sawmill.

• April is excited about her chain sawmill and sees great advantages of a portable sawmill.

*Mesquite is a small to medium-sized tree that blooms and bears fruit. It also has long and sharp thorns that make it unwelcome among livestock farmers. The tree only grows in the southeastern USA and Mexico. Follow April on social media for loads of inspiration: April Wilkerson Logosol Portable Sawmills

wilker_dos @logosol_ portable_sawmills

Wilker Do’s Logosol


• The soort of wood April cuts here is called Mesquite and it only grows in the southeastern United States and Mexico.


LOGOSOL’S CHAIN SAWMILLS ”Many customers want evidence as to why our chainsaw mills are the best. Here are some examples of what I usually highlight,” says Pelle Karlsson at Logosol:

1. Marginal investment, especially if you already have a suitable chainsaw to use for it. 2. High precision and a good sawn surface. 3. The systems can be expanded both in terms of length of the sawmill but can also be supplemented with an electric saw, if you have access to a 3-phase power supply, and a log moulder. 4. Easily disassembled for ease of moving. 5. Much easier to saw cants with an F2/F2+ compared to our competitors’ sawmills, with a

higher degree of precision when doing so.

6. Our competitors’ solutions usually work only for

sawing unedged planks/boards. 7. Many bandsaw mills become too unwieldy and can not be set up where the logs are sometimes located. 8. In small-scale sawing, the saw speed is not the deciding factor, but it is the result that matters. 9. Our competitors usually have a few systems for chainsaws or electric saws, but not usually both. They normally have no or a much smaller range of other products such as planers, dryers, joinery machines, etc. 10. Separately adjustable log beds, which most people actively involved in sawing regard as an advantage.




The pro version of our bestseller B751 Now, we introduce new possibilities for our popular band sawmill Logosol B751. The extremely stable rail frame and the wheel bogie of the sawhead that were launched together with our large band sawmill B1001, are now also standard on our new band sawmill model B751 Pro. This means that many of the accessories that earlier only could be used on the B1001, now are compatible with the B751 Pro. Among the accessories, there are a trailer kit, a log handling system and a log moulder. The B751 Pro can also be equipped with Logosol’s advanced, digital sawmill control system, Smart Set.


In its standard configuration, the Logosol B751 Pro can cut really large logs, nearly 5 metres long and fully 75 cm in diameter. If you are going to cut longer logs, the sawmill can be extended to any length. The sturdy rail frame of torsionally rigid steel tubes is generously

”As soon as you touch the sawmill, you can feel the stability and quality” strengthened and adapted for sawing directly on the ground or on a trailer. The tube construction of the rail optimizes the torsional rigidity. This gives a lightweight and strong design that stays perfectly straight even under the load of the largest logs.

• The band wheels are 500 mm with integrated cooling fans blow out the sawdust far away from the sawmill.


The Logosol B751 Pro is an extremely stable band sawmill that is easy to use. The model combines welltried engineering with innovative solutions. The sawhead is adjusted in fixed steps, which allows quick and exact setting of the saw cut. In addition, there is a Last-Cut indicator on the height adjustment scale that shows the position of the last cut and works as a reference for the next. For the sawyer, it becomes easier to produce timber of exactly the right dimensions every time. You work quickly and comfortably, and get a perfect sawing result. The well thougth-out design gives a vibration-free and exact sawing. You get quickly started with your production and can begin sawing soon after receiving the sawmill. Time to start thinking about your first building project!

Scan the QR code to watch the product video about the B751 PRO directly on your smartphone or ipad.

• The B751 Pro can cut logs that are up to 751 mm in diameter.

• Wide boards for future building projects.


TRAILERKIT TILL B751 PRO Now there is a trailer kit for the B751 PRO band sawmill too. Sturdy support legs are folded down and adjusted to the right height by using a crank. The B751 Pro has a strong and torsionally rigid design and, because of that, six sturdy support legs are sufficient. The legs are located on the inside of the steel tubes, the drawbar can be pushed back, and the fenders can easily be removed to ensure that nothing is in your way when you are sawing. With a portable sawmill you become flexible and can transport your sawmill to the logs. The trailer kit will also be useful when you use the sawmill at home. For example, when the sawmill will be brought in for storage, or when you want to move the sawmill for cleaning it or loading logs.



FACTS • TRAILERKIT FOR THE B751 PRO • Smart two-position drawbar. The drawbar is pulled out when transporting, and pushed back after setup. This means that you can move freely around the sawmill without tripping over the trailer coupler. • The rail frame is self-supporting. • Quick-release attachments for the fenders. • Attachment for securing the sawhead and saw carriage for transport.

“The saw cut setting is completely manual but incredibly fast on Logosol’s band sawmills!”

“It’s quite simply better – both to the eye and touch” Logosol GmbH at the trade fair Sawing about 15 cubic meters in three days, that’s a lot of wood. That’s what happened at the Agrialp trade fair in South Tyrol last autumn. Logosols’ Henrik Sigurdson and Matthias Brand drove from Bad Saulgau to South Tyrol for the launch of Logosol B751. There they put the new band sawmill to the test for the first time. “I’ve never sawn so much in such a short time,” admits Henrik, who has been CEO of Logosol Germany for many years and is a seasoned carpenter. When the logladen truck arrived at the exhibition stand, he was very surprised and whispered to Matthias: “All that can’t be for us, can it?” But it was, and with delivered along with the logs there was also a detailed sawing instruction for two log cabins that were to be built on site.


The plan had been developed together with the exhibition organizer “Profanter Gartentechnik,” a Logosol dealer in South Tyrol. Under the guidance of Logosol’s log house expert Erich Pohl, two log houses were to be built from the finished sawn timber. The log houses would

”Our B751 performed the mission with flying colours!”

• At the end of the three days of the trade fair, Logosol’s Henrik (right) and Matthias were pleased and happy to have managed to saw so many cubic meters in such a short time. quickly and accurately. Henrik was also impressed with this feature: “The saw cut setting is almost like magic, even though it is manual. This is only possible with Logosol’s band sawmill”, he explains with a laugh.


Over three days, 15 cubic metres of timber were sawn. At the same time, Erich and his course participants worked on the log houses, which were completed in time for the auction to take place on the last day of the fair. The timber dimensions were exactly right; the B751 had done a fantastic job and left no marks on the logs. “The B751 is equipped with a new and revolutionary log holder with eccentric handles that do not damage the wood,” says Henrik, highlighting another unique function of the new band sawmill.

• The logs, which were sawn up with the B751 band sawmill, contained approximately 15 cubic metres of timber.


With such a perfect result, it was not difficult to auction off the two log cabins for around EUR 7 000. The money was donated to the “Bauernnotstand fund,” an association that supports needy farmers in South Tyrol. “After three days of the trade fair, everyone was happy,” says Matthias. All the Logosol personnel contributed to an excellent job well done, not to mention the new band sawmill. “We received orders already during the trade fair. There were customers of various kinds, ranging from entrepreneurs in forestry and crafts, to ordinary private individuals”, says Henrik, who is incredibly pleased that Logosol once again booked its presence at a successful trade fair.

• In order to cut all the logs, the work must be quick, but at the same time give an exact result.

subsequently be auctioned for a good cause. Twelve highly-motivated course participants were prepared, under Erich’s guidance, to use the specially sawn timber to build two stately log houses. This was part of a construction course for building in timber.


“We sawed, talked, sawed, talked and continued to saw,” says Henrik with a smile, remembering the trade fair’s busy and pleasant days. His colleague Matthias also remembers the many visitors to the trade fair who formed a permanent ring around the exhibition stand. The result was obvious: “Our B751 performed the mission with flying colours!” says a proud Matthias, who was impressed by how easy the new bandsaw was to use. The ease and speed of the work is mainly due to the new setting of the saw cut. With the revolutionary Last Cut indicator, which shows the latest saw cut, the saw measurement can be adjusted

• Logosol GmbH’s Log house expert Erich Pohl gives the twelve participants detailed construction instructions.

• Henrik Sigurdsson runs Logosol GmBh together with his employees, and the company is growing at record speed.




Logosol’s most powerful and largest sawmill

The B1001 is Logosol’s largest band sawmill. An extremely stable and easy-to-use sawmill that gives you professional capacity. “We have identified a global need for affordable sawmills that can take really large logs. If you look at the well-known players in the industry, we are the only ones to offer a sawmill that can handle logs up to 1001 millimetres in diameter at a reasonable cost,” says Malte Frisk, CEO of Logosol. Logosol’s band sawmill is developed from scratch. In 2017, the B751 was launched, which was a sales success. Not long after, a larger model came. “We have found the right combination in terms of design and function. Customers appreciate the simplicity and carefully designed details,” says Malte Frisk.


The Logosol B1001 can handle logs up to 4.8 meters in length and one meter in diameter. A major advantage is the smart system for setting the wood thickness. The saw head is adjusted with fixed steps, which gives a quick and precise setting of the saw cut. The heavy-duty rails guarantee a perfect saw result. “The rails are completely different from those of the competitors. It is the rails that carry the entire load and when you work with really large logs you need a robust construction that can withstand tough conditions. I dare say that we have developed the smartest and most stable rails in the category of mobile sawmills,” says Malte Frisk. In latter years, Logosol has invested more and more in the development of its own products. The goal is to improve the experience and capacity of wood refiners all over the world.

• The bandsaw wheels are 500 mm and have an integrated fan blades for cooling and efficient ejection of sawdust.


“When you buy a sawmill from us, you can expect new innovative accessories and opportunities to upgrade as your business and interest grows,” says Malte Frisk. Logosol launched its first sawmill almost 30 years ago and today has customers in over 60 countries. “We know all about sawmills. It feels great that we can transform all our knowledge and experience into new products that will both transform the industry and inspire more people to build their dreams out of wood,” says Malte Frisk.


The larger band sawmill model is also prepared for automation. In 2018, Logosol Smart Set was launched, a completely new way to control sawing. “The system can be retrofitted on all B1001 models. Smart Set is based on smart electric motors and has been developed from the ground up to revolutionise and simplify cutting for customers all over the world. With a modern user interface, you can control your sawmill completely digitally,” says Malte Frisk. The first step is automatic propulsion and height adjustment of the saw head. Then, at the rate you want, expand the band sawmill with all the stock handling functions you could wish for.

• The Logosol B1001 Band Sawmill is available with both a 23 hp petrol motor and a 12 kW electric motor

Scan the QR code with your mobile for more info and technical data about the B1001.


LOGOSOL’S BAND SAWMILLS 8 reasons to choose Logosol when buying a band sawmill! Andreas Alvåg at Logosol explains some of the advantages:

1. Eccentric log support that can be easily adjusted at an angle. Very important when sawing cants when the slightest angular error is clearly visible. 2. Log clamps that act as eccentrics and leave small marks in the log. 3. Fixed positions on height adjustment for increased precision. 4. Band wheels that have wide fan blades to



increase the ejection of sawdust from the housing (unique) (keeps the inside of the cover cleaner). 5. Sealed bearings for badn wheels for longer service life. 6. Water tank in aluminium instead of plastic. (Plastic tanks dry out when exposed to the sun etc. and can crack.) 7. Very steady moving blade guide compared to similar band sawmills we have carefully tried and tested 8. Swedish-made sawmill.

It feels great that we can transform all our knowledge and experience into new products that will both transform the industry and inspire more people to build their dreams out of wood.” Bengt-Olov Byström, Logosol’s chairman and founder


Timber for log houses & planed wide slabs with a log moulder Logosol has really good solutions for shaping or planing timber cants. For both band sawmills and chain sawmills, there are relaible and affordable log moulders available. Patented log calmps and log supports fixate for maximum precision.

Precise blade guides that you only see on larger and more expensive band sawmills.

The band sawmills has a patented system specifically for log moulding. The 400 mm wide cutter head can mill timber cants that are up to 7 inches, without resetting the cutter head or the moulding knives. ”You simply rotate the log a half turn and secure it from the other side. This way you also get perfect fit between the top and bottom side radius, even if the log varies slightly in width,” says Robert Berglund, product manager for sawmills. If you want to plane the timber, that is possible too. Many of Logosol’s customers want the inside of the wall planed. The cutter takes 400 mm in one operation, but almost twice this width if you plane in two operations, since the cutter head can be moved laterally. ”This might also be of interest to those who cut wide slabs used for table tops,” Robert states. The log moulder for the chain sawmills is very affordable and has been praised by customers over the years.

”It doesn’t have to cost a fortune to have a small log house factory, and you can always upgrade later on as your interest grows,” Robert concludes.

Everyone can learn how to build log houses! The band wheels are combined fan wheels that both eject sawdust and keep the inside of the saw head clean. Great advantage when changing blades and servicing.

Easy assembly with reliable rails that stay straight even under the largest logs. Adjustable feet are included.

Smart Set: Automatic propulsion and digital and motorized setting of each saw cut. With smart software and simple presets, you work quickly, easy and efficiently when sawing. Available for B1001 and B751 PRO.

• A lovely bunch of participants taking a course in log house building to learn how to build their dreams out of wood.

• Markus is handpicking the logs for the next course.

Many Logosol customers have taken a course with Markus Lindgren in Sidensjö, Sweden. Fresh Cut paid him a visit, and got to meet a bunch of enthusiastic participants. The participants’ driving force is to acquire skills to tackle a building project, everything from wind shelters to log houses. When we arrive in Sidensjö, Markus Lindgren’s log house building course is in full swing. ”It gives you so much energy to see how the participants, in just a few days, have learnt everything they need to get started with their dream projects,” says Marcus. In the background, four concentrated participants are working on axing a notch for a corner joint. ”It is about realizing a dream, and about building something for youself. On day four, their self-confidence comes. Then they have had time to digest all information and we have repeated many steps,” says Markus. ”They can cut timber cants, produce usable construction timber, make corner joints and the grooves, and they also acquire knowledge about how to choose the right log. Then, we practice putting in windows, fitting dowels*, and so on. After this, thay are ready to build a log house, a sauna or wind shelter, for example.” To saw the timber cants Markus uses an extended F2 + sawmill equipped with an electric saw. ”The chain sawmill from Logosol gives an excellent result. It is easy to set up and easy to handle, and you get perfect results every time. The sawn surface you get when using the F2 + always becomes nearly like a planed surface and always straight.

We take the opportunity to talk with one of the participants in the log house building course, Jörgen Gröhn, who is product manager within IT/Telecom. ”I found this course through a colleague who told me about a facebook group called Timmerhusgruppen (The Log House Group). I’m here with an open mind. I accept my lack of knowledge and am ready to learn about this amazing craftsmanship. Jörgen tells us that he has a log house from the 1850s that needs to be renovated. ”I want to learn the basics to see what possibilities there are for the project.” When the course day is over, we jump into Marcus’ car and bump up a steep forest road through snowy woodland. A deep pine forest is towering on both sides of the road. Along the road there are piles of large logs. ”We are giong to mark the logs for the next course. Handpicking logs is part of the luxury of cutting your own timber! *Dowels are cylindrical wooden rods that are drilled down into every log to stabilize and reinforce the log structure.



“I guess we’re both just as crazy. Or we just like the smell of Swedish spruce.”

• Marcus Emretsson and Mattias Sedenberg are behind the carpentry firm Delsbo Timmerhus & Hyvleri. The raw materials for the log houses consist mostly of first-class Swedish spruce.



Text: Mats Wigardt | Photo: Frida Sjögren

In the heart of the spruce’s plantation area, two timber contractors have in a short time established themselves as housebuilders and timbermen. The pride of the factory is a unique corner joint machine from 1962. They also have good help from a circular resaw and five-cutter plane from Logosol. Outside an industrial building in Delsbo, the timber packages are all lined up. Next door, a six-metre long, oversized pine log is added to be sawn up into boards. A wheel loader smooths the ground as much as possible and a timbered barbecue waits to be picked up by a customer. There is no hanging around at Delsbo Timmerhus & Hyvleri AB. “We have already managed to turn the negative figures in the first few months into a decent plus,” says Marcus Emretsson.


When Logosol News comes to visit, it is only nine months since Marcus and his colleague Mattias Sedenberg started operations in the spacious industrial premises outside Delsbo. The premises were built in the early 1960s and were already at that time intended for house production. Here, about fifteen employees have manufactured sheds, holiday homes and villas in solid Swedish spruce. The brand had a good reputation, with exports to both the United States and Japan. When the previous owners decided to sell the company, Mattias was at the head of the queue of enthusiastic speculators. “There was simply no better space imaginable,” he says. I called Marcus right away. I guess we’re both just as crazy. Or we just like the smell of Swedish spruce.” Both Marcus Emretsson and Mattias Sedenberg have many years in the carpentry and construction industry behind them. Soon they were up and running with their joint venture. The premises are rented by the municipality and the interior fixtures and fittings were bought from the previous owners, including log dryers, machines and a whole archive of house drawings. And the good times have played into the hands of the new owners. “A lot is being built now, not least here in the Dellen area,” Mattias says contentedly. A natural material like timber is right in time, it is solid and with no strange additives. We get a lot of requests, the phone is constantly ringing and the orderbook is growing. New power lines have been installed and a new wood chip burner for heating and the timber dryer is in place. And the company has already expanded with two employees to get all the company’s legs moving in step. They build log houses, they develop outdoor furniture and barbecues as well as planing and sawing to order. “We count on all types of jobs,” says Marcus. We have

• A unique corner joint machine for Delsbo joints, locally made in 1962, is a rarity amongst the machinery. already put up houses in both Hudiksvall and Stockholm and are curious about the Swedish mountain world. The logs to be used for the log houses are sawn with an upper measure of about 12 mm. Then the timber cants are dried and then planed to the right thickness in an eight ton heavy planing machine from 1954. The top and bottom of the timber cants are processed in a milling cutter, also from the 60’s. The taper of the logs is maintained. Then it’s time for the real rarity, a corner joint machine, locally made in 1962. The unique corner joint machine is able to make corner joints on tapered logs without the support of advanced computer technology. In a few minutes it mills out the so-called Delsbo joint. “As far as we know, only we have a machine that can make a perfect corner joint that is as complicated as the Delsbo joint,” says Marcus. The machine is completely analogue and the only one of its kind in the world. The old machines in the room are all analogue, with large and clear buttons and controls. The machinery is heavy and rustic with another two sturdy old planers to choose from, a planing machine and a Jonsered jointer. More recently, the older models have been joined by more modern machines.


Among the first things Mattias and Marcus chose to invest in were two products from Logosol. Firstly, the PH365 planer/moulder equipped with a fifth swivel cutter to produce more complex products. Then, a circular resaw. “We need to be flexible and be able to deliver the products that our customers want,” explains Mattias. “Then we also have to have machines we can rely on.” Next to the Logosol planer/moulder is a few hundred running metres of floor timber made of ash from Germany to be planed and tongued. And for the local construction store there are casings and mouldings with profiles that can not be found on the shelves of large DIY stores. The new machines also come in handy when Mattias and Marcus come to build timber storage and a new saw house. “We can’t leave 300 logs outside waiting for use,” says Marcus. “But so far we have not had time to do anything for ourselves - we have only built houses for others.”

• Marcus Emretsson and Mattias Sedenberg started their own business together when they had the opportunity to rent the right premises and buy the machines that were already in place.

• The machinery from the 1960s was complemented by machines from Logosol. The PH365 five-cutter planer/ moulder can handle complex productions. “We need to be flexible and be able to deliver the products that our customers want. Then we also need machines to rely on,” says Mattias Sedenberg about the investment.






Now it’s easier than ever to find moulding knives on logosol.com/moulding-knives. In our database there are almost 1000 different moulding knives and you can quickly find the knives to fit your machine.

You can easily filter the moulding knives by position (horizontal, vertical), which machine they fit and what width you want on the knife. When you have found a moulding knife, you will also get tips on combinations where the current knife is included. You can also search for moulding knives you already have to get inspiration about what possibilities there are. “This feature makes it clearer what tremendous opportunities there are with Logosol’s planer/moulders and makes it easier for customers, whether they are looking for a specific moulding knife or just want inspiration,” says Ted Sundin, who has developed the new feature.


“Greater demand for our expertise in tools and custom knives for planers!” We can see a clear increase in demand for our extensive expertise in tools and custom-made knives for planer/moulders. For over 15 years we have been helping our customers with the right knives and tools for their planers. We have found solutions to the most complex requests and it’s only imagination that sets the limits for our customers. We see that the demand for high-quality mouldings and floors is increasing sharply and that this gives the planer owners many exciting

jobs. The value of the refining is great and for many it is the most profitable investment they have made. Andreas has over the years helped customers and dealers all over the world and he never ceases to be fascinated by how many different types of high quality timber products that can be produced with these machines. Below you will find tips on how to easily order your own moulding knives to produce unique profiles on your mouldings and panels.

• It should be easy to plane, and now it will be even easier to find the right moulding knives for your planer.

• Scan the QR code or visit www.logosol. com/moulding-knives

Design your own profile– custom-made knives increasingly more popular Many customers look for special profiles, and this can become a profitable niche for your planing business. We will help you order custom-made knives, so you can offer your customers unique solutions at a reasonable price. Example of profiles sent in to us. We make custom knives to your requirements!

It is easy to place your order: 1. You send us a sample piece of the moulding by post or email a drawing. 2. We will contact you and give you a quotation. 3. After you have approved the quotation, the knife will be sent to you within 10 days. Example of a drawing of special knives. Please contact Logosol for more information!



Open your mobile camera and point it to this QR code, and you will come directly to the web page where you can download the tool catalogue (92 pages). You can also get it at logosol.com/store/ downloads


Refining that increases the value of the wood Put a fifty-cent coin in at one end, take out 3.50 euros at the other. This is how Tobias Eklind explains the purchase of a planer from Logosol. The fact that it is also the workshop’s most fun tool to work with only makes the investment even more cost-efficient. Text: Mats Wigardt It didn’t take long after the first Logosol chain sawmill had been introduced before it was time for another step in Logosol’s history book. Bengt-Olov Byström, the company’s founder, remembers the thought process: “A sawn piece of timber has a limited area of use. Further steps are required to improve the quality and thus the value of the board.” With the same thoughts that were behind the introduction of the Logosol chain sawmill (that is, one would have the opportunity to take care of and refine the trees that grew at home on the farm by sawing planks and boards) the Logosol planer was introduced on the world market.


In the past, a planer had only been affordable to the real pros. A planer was big, heavy, complicated and expensive. It was not a machine that a small forester bought to produce a few meters of skirting board when the house was to be renovated. “Our idea was that it would be just as quick and easy to plane your wood as to saw it,” says Bengt-Olov Byström. And it was precisely as simple as that. The first planer to go on sale under the Logosol brand was manageable, easy to understand and affordable. A three-sided planer for SEK 20,000 was something completely new. The sawn timber could now be easily transformed into panels and mouldings. “If the Logosol chain sawmill was a saviour, the planer became the key to making the forester self-sufficient in timber,” Bengt-Olov Byström concludes. “It was an incredible boost.”


In the throng of planing customers there were, among others, several owners of smaller circular sawmills. Many had long felt the need to expand the business with a planer, but buying a new industrial planer was an investment they were unable to make. For them, Logosol’s new planer became the solution that they had previously, unsuccessfully, put high on the wish list.

• Tobias Eklind in Nol thrives when he planes his wood. ”Coolest machine in the workshop,” he assures us. “We filled a need and solved a problem,” says BengtOlov Byström. “Since then, we have sold about ten thousand planers all over the world.”


One of these, a PH260 four-sided planer, stands in a workshop in Nol, outside Gothenburg. Here, Tobias Eklind has managed to combine a lifelong interest in forestry and wood with a passion for tools and photography. On social media, he runs his Project of the Day with tens of thousands of followers worldwide. “I post films about sawmills and woodworking where I tell you as objectively as possible how they work,” he explains. The fact that there is a planer in the machine collection is no coincidence. In addition to seeing the planer as by far the most fun tool to work with, it is also the next step in the processing of the wood he saws. “It’s only with the planer that you can start making money,” he says. “Compared to raw sawn wood, the value increases between five and ten times when planed.” If you have, like Tobias, your own forest and an old house in major need of renovation, you can save large amounts by developing panels, casings and mouldings. “Nothing complicated at all,” he assures. ”Many people who have a small sawmill can also plane the wood, even if it is only to be used as building joists,” says Tobias. He himself has long-standing plans to expand his

• If timber is raw sawn passing through the planer, it increases considerably in value. company by offering to develop unique mouldings for city dwellers in the process of renovating their old apartments in central Gothenburg. Whether he is working with a four-sided or a twosided planer, it is easy to quickly set up the machine, which makes it profitable to produce even very small batches, no matter if the raw material is bought readysawn or sawn by yourself. “In addition“, adds Tobias, “the Logosol chain sawmills have a surprisingly high resale value. If you choose to sell, you get back a large part of your initial investment.”

Renovating with gentle hands When Stefan bought a house built in the beginning of the 17th century, his interest in building conservation was born. Then he bought a Logosol chain sawmill (Logosol M5) and renovated the cladding in the old style – with boards of irregular widths. ”It’s amazing to be able to cut your own timber. This way I can use a style that reflects the age of the house.” On his farm, Stefan cuts oak, ash, sometimes goat willow and cherry wood, and other sorts of wood that he can get hold of on the Swedish island Visingsö. –”We have the famous Visingsö oaks, which were planted here 200 years ago, and that now partially are allowed to be felled. The oaks on Visingsö were planted for naval shipbuilding. From when they had a diameter of approx. 15 cm and up until they had finished growing in height, the oaks were pruned close to the branch collar to become tall and straight.

• Tasteful design with the focus on wood is Stefan’s hallmark.

The interest in building conservation grew into cabinetmaking, which for Stefan includes the making of tables, benches, cutting boards and flower boxes, using recycled timber from demolished buildings. The planer SH410 is in operation almost every day and feeds out joinery material for the renovation of the houses on the farm and other woodwork projects. A 250-year-old log barn and a henhouse that is being converted into an exhibition room, are projects that are going on right now. During the art walk, which is held the first weekend in August, and during the harvest weekend in September, 500-600 people will come by and look at my furniture, so I need some space for my products.

• By painting parts of the furniture, the wood is beautifully accentuated.

• The SH410 from Logosol is an invaluable machine for the one who owns a sawmill.

• Cutting boards made of different woods, such as oak, birch, ash, maple, goat willow and larch.



Logosol on a visit to Mellerud

The road from longing

to moving in

With the goal of building as cheap, locally produced and environmentally-friendly as possible, the Ribacke-Sandberg family has realised their dream of a house of their own. Their own land, own sawmill, own machinery and own work has been a prerequisite. In autumn 2010 planning permission was granted, and by autumn 2014 it was time to move in.

Text: Mats Wigardt | Photo: Bosse Lind

Henrik Sandberg has been raised to stand on his own two feet. Simply muttering “I can’t do it” does not feature in his vocabulary. “What you can’t do,” he assures, “can always be learned.” A cliché like “difficulties are there to overcome” is for him an obvious formula for life. And with a wife who also does not hesitate in the face of new and unknown challenges, the family’s house building, dubbed “Project Longing,” has become a reality. It was not long afterwards that sweet music had arisen between Henrik Sandberg, self-employed and a sawmill owner just south of Mellerud, and Erika Ribacke Sandberg, a children’s librarian from Valbo outside Gävle, as the idea of a house of their own was born. But buying a turnkey house was not an option. And since Henrik had his own land and his own sawmill, with a Logosol foursided planer included in the machinery inventory, he had all the prerequisites for building himself. “We drew and drew,” Erika says, lifting her newly awakened son Valter, 1½ years old, out of the pram. “Many hours were spent in front of the computer and many sketches ended up in the trash before we figured out how our house would be.” And now, almost seven years after the planning permission was granted, we are sitting in the cosy kitchen of the family house. Through the windows we see birch groves and corn fields and a blue sky. It is homely and pleasant with many unique details that can not be found in any catalogue.

heavy metals, solar panels, separating toilets where urine is used for fertilisation and the faeces turn into soil. “And we have done practically everything ourselves, with the good help of relatives and friends,” says Henrik. He talks about the rough oak floor that he himself sawed and planed, about the six meter long 8 x 8 inch rafters taken from his own forest, about struts and the fine staircase with unedged steps, about countertops and drawer fronts, about mouldings and details selected and worked. “All the time left over after Erika’s full-time job and my own half-time job has been spent on the house,” he says. “Costs for purchased materials have stayed below SEK 600,000, but we have not included the value of our own work. It’s taken us four years to finish it.”


In her own blog, Erika has talked about the project, about the ups and downs, from foundation and casting to raising the foundations, framework, roofing and kitchen. All the timber except the windows, front doors and kitchen frames, has been sawn and planed in his own sawmill, Bysågá, which Henry took over from his father. Outside, the house measures 8 x 12 meters, which gives a living area of 150 sqm, distributed over two floors. During the course of the work, various solutions have been compromised, twisted and reversed, always with the environment in mind, all according to the formula of cheapest, best, most environmentally friendly. This has involved, among other things, a lot of wood, without plastic or unnecessary plaster, taps without

We take a look around what must rightly be regarded as a dream house. The heating system is a mixture of wood and sun, with insulation of cutter shavings from their own planer. The kitchen is an easy to work dream with beautiful cabinet doors of birch and practical shelves of elm and oak. In the laundry room and bathroom, the oak floor has been oiled, waxed and seamed, and in the shower you stand on a stainless steel plate that extends partly up the wall. “We have used a lot of oak for details such as stair railings and mouldings,” says Henrik. “It is a hard wood and wears down the planing kives, but well worth the effort.” Upstairs there are high ceilings, with struts and roof construction visible. Much of the wood has been treated with egg oil tempera in peaceful colours, using eggs from their own chickens which are visible tripping around in the chicken coop under the birch plantation. We carry on full of wonder. Henrik keeps his musical instruments in the study. In addition to driving tractors, sawing planks and digging optical fibre cables, he is also part of a frequently hired rock and dance band. Rough outbuilding doors have been transformed into exciting doors to bedrooms and bathrooms. The sloping roof makes for innovative storage spaces. A freestanding bathtub dominates the space in the bathroom from where you can lie and look out over the sky.

• A freestanding bathtub on the oak floor of the bathroom that has been oiled, waxed and seamed.

• The kitchen has been given cupboard doors of birch and shelves and worktops of elm and oak.




“Erika has seamed the floors both here and in the laundry room,” says Henrik. “She has the patience and accuracy required for it to be good enough.” Externally, the house is covered with untreated spruce and pine that has begun to adopt a pleasantly greyed colour scheme. The laths are planed with the four-sided planer. Corners, barge boards and other details have been painted in red calcimine paint. The garden features a water lily pond with a small bridge and carp swimming in the water.


On the other side of the road is the sawmill started by Henrik’s father and where Henrik himself since 2005 has been sawing and planing products to order. He bought the planer from Logosol, a PH260, in 2005 in order to offer further processed products. “It’s the planer that makes the revenue,” says Henrik. “It is easy to adjust and gives good results. I can offer many different profiles and there’s no shortage of work, even if my own house is now ready.” As time becomes available, the family has more construction projects in the pipeline. A simple storage room has already been erected, additional outbuildings and a carport are on the wish list.

• Sandbox with accompanying parasol for his son Valter.

• The doors to the bedrooms and bathroom come from old outbuildings.

• Project Longing began as a dream. Today, the Ribacke Sandberg family lives in their own paradise, which they themselves designed and built. Their own machinery and their own work has been a prerequisite to succeed with the project.

FACTS • PROJECT LONGING Dimensions and materials: Wooden house in 1 ¾ våning, floors, 32 degree roof angle, outer dimensions 12 x 8 meters. Untreated cladding. Built on bedrock, with a warm croft foundation. Climate system: Natural-draught. Preheated inlet air in winter. Heat from a baking oven in the middle of the house connected to the accumulator tank and solar panels on the roof. Triple glazing. Interior: Open plan flooring, open ridge in the living room. Exposed beams and posts. Solid floors of oak, plain tongue and groove on walls. Building blog: www.nogg.se/projektlangtan

• All the timber except the windows, front doors and kitchen frames, has been sawn and planed in their own sawmill, Bysågá, which Henrik took over from his father.. The machine park includes a four-sided planer from Logosol.

PROFITABLE REFINING WITH OWN PLANER MACHINE Logosol has sold over 10,000 planers and has close contact with customers all over the world. Each machine is covered by security packages with generous guarantees, knowledgeable support technicians and machines that retain a high value. To get you started quickly with the manufacture of profiled timber products, there are well thought-out starter kits for each planer/moulder. Download the planer/ moulder catalogue on www.logosol.com and read more!

• A lot of oak has been used for the details. ”It’s a hard wood and wears down the planing knives, but it’s worth the effort,” Henrik Sandberg says.

• Close-up of a staircase railing in beautiful oak.



Logosol News pays a visit to Austria

Oversized timber gives the alpine hotel a unique profile

Text: Mats Wigardt

• A cosy corner with a wooden feel.

In the middle of the Austrian Alps, Huwi and Renate Oberlader have created a personal and exclusive type of accommodation that stands out. Their hotels, villas and restaurants, built entirely of stone and recycled timber, attract visitors from all over the world. A Big Mill from Logosol has played an important role in the project. Huwi and Renate Oberlader are hoteliers and entrepreneurs, deeply rooted in the Austrian Alps. With a passion for outdoor recreation, design and natural materials, they have succeeded in creating a modern concept where the city meets the rural landscape, without stumbling upon any exaggerated alpine clichés.


In Leogang, a small alpine village with downhill skiing and cycling, right between Kitzbühel and Salzburg, they have built up an exclusive hotel, Hotel Mama Thresl, aimed at a youthful and active clientele.

• Renate and Huwi Oberlader with a freshly sawn table top.

to the planning of new projects, Mattias Band at Logosol in Germany received a request for suitable equipment to cut out wide slabs from large logs of high-grade deciduous timber. Mattias offered to deliver everything on site and loaded a Big Mill with an electric motor and a two-metre long bar on the car. He was also asked if he was able to assist with the assembly of the sawmill and that the buyers got started with the sawing. “Everything worked according to plan,” says Mattias. The logs were sawn and the customer was satisfied. Now all that remains is to wait for new hotel projects to begin.

The Oberladers have consistently managed to combine natural materials with modern design. A three-storey building with a construction of concrete and solid wood and a façade of larchwood that can accommodate 50 rooms, some of which have their own sauna. The visitor is greeted both inside and outside by a – frequently used – climbing wall that stretches from floor to ceiling. Inside, wood – recycled, wide and untreated boards – is the dominant material in walls and floors. Larch, oak, ash, pine, alpine spruce... In tasteful combination with glass and rough natural stone always taking into account the natural shape of the wood.


A portal made of wood frames the entrance, the reception desk consists of a large log several meters long. Furniture and decorations, restaurant, terraces and relaxation – all in breathing wood that has had to age slowly in peace and quiet. The same concept in terms of building materials and design applies to the small village, Bergdorf Priesteregg, consisting of 16 greyed villas that are rented out to more mature visitors with high demands on tradition, convenience and privacy. “Luxury primitive” is a description that likes to pop up... But to succeed in their mission, Huwi and Renate have been in need of wood and tools. Therefore, in the run-up



• Limitless, playful and imaginative.

• Myra, daughter to Niklas and Mona, who started the ostrich farm. The interest in wood has also been handed down. Myra is a trained cabinetmaker.

• Ostriches are noble and proud animals. They can weigh over 150 kilos and run 70 km/h.

• A simple set of furniture made of stumps, overlooking the pond and the ostrich enclosure.

• Niklas and Mona in front of the wall made of timber slabs that were sawn on the sawmill.


The ostrich farm grew out of their own woods Life on the ostrich farm is never dull, to say the least. Niklas’ tasks include everything from house building, feeding the animals and taking care of conference guests. A sawmill from Logosol gave energy to their project, and is now being frequently used by the daughter Myra. The story about the farm begins 30 years earlier, when Niklas and Mona bought a fixer-upper in the beautiful Swedish village Gerdal. Several years were spent on renovations. Then they heard about ostriches and, after a quick decision, they became ostrich farmers. ”We thought like farmers do: How many animals do we need to make a living out of this?” says Niklas.


The interest in ostriches spread in the area, and soon they had to start building to able to receive all the people that wanted to see the exotic birds. ”In 1997, we hired two carpenters to build the café building. They used sawmills from Logosol. We used timber from our own woodland.” It started with a café, but after a couple of years, the

couple realized that they needed to build a restaurant. Niklas remembered the carpenters’ sawmills and purchased a sawmill from Logosol. They opted out the log house method, since proper interior walls would be needed for the kitchen part. But they could still give the house a rustic style. Niklas rigged a device for anglecutting timber slabs with the Logosol chain sawmill. Then they used the timber slabs for cladding. When the houses were built, the restaurant attracted guests immediately, and it has continued that way for almost 20 years. ”It goes better and better every year,” says Niklas.


”I’m a trained cabinetmaker and work a lot with wood,” Myra tells us. Last year they cut up a goat willow that had been felled by a storm, and used it for joinery. ”With your own sawmill, not much is wasted,” Niklas states. Myra has now become a joint owner in the farm, and Niklas and Mona are pleased to have one more coworker. ”The ostriches are so funny. When you go into the enclosure to feed them, they always come and peck at me. Sometimes they even play with me and snatch my beanie off my head,” says Myra. Logosol News sends the family a couple of hats as a backup at the ostrich farm in Gerdal.

The Logosol chain sawmill is still there and lives on through the daughter Myra, who is 24 years old.


Large-scale sawing in a manor house environment At the beginning of the summer, the old Colorado spruce was felled at Årås Mill. The tree stood too close to the manor house and had previously blown apart at the top. The tree was taken down, but how could you cut the giant logs into planks? The village society contacted Logosol and the solution was a Big Mill. Logosol founder Bengt-Olov Byström helped to cut the first log. “The equipment from Logosol was exactly what we needed. Without it, we wouldn’t have been able to part the log. It was the only option,” says Sven-Olov Larsson from the village society.


Together with his friend Arne Hvit he took over the task after Logosol’s visit in May. Sawing up planks and boards was a major undertaking. The Colorado spruce measured 43 meters in height and nearly 1.5 meters in diameter. 107 year rings could be counted after the felling. “It’s always too early to give up. The sawing went beyond expectations. Absolutely superb, most of it has become planks,” says Sven-Olov Larsson. By the end of the summer it was sawn and ready. The top logs will become table tops in the historic cellar from the 15th century. Some of the wood is to be sold.


“This is unique timber in Sweden, ready-sawn and prepared in 2 inch thick, 2.4 meters long, 1-1.5 meters

wide dimensions. We have already had interested parties.”


Before returning the Big Mill equipment to Logosol, he took the opportunity to cut up some large logs at home in the yard. “Those beech trees were planted by my grandfather over 100 years ago. Beech is a hardwood species. Sawing them up took a lot of time and a lot of fuel.” Here, too, the equipment worked above expectations. Big Mill PRO consists of two interconnected timber jigs. With a 1.5 metre bar you can make really wide cuts. “This project has taught me a lot. Perhaps mainly that it is no problem to cut up a tree like this when you have the right equipment,” says Sven-Olov Larsson.

• The first cut in solid Colorado spruce, sawn with Big Mill PRO by Bengt-Olov Byström from Logosol and Sven-Olov Larsson, Jens Böhn and Arne Hvit from the village society Årås Mill in Kölingared.

• Under the leadership of Arne Hvit, the society continued to cut up the giant logs. Some 40 planks 100140 centimetres wide were the result of their work.




• LOGOSOL World Team! Inspiration, joy and fellowship are important watchwords for Logosol and during the World Meeting.

Energy boost for another 30 years the 2019 edition of Logosol World Meeting became something special. In addition to Logosol’s staff from the head office, Logosol dealers from 18 countries and suppliers, there were also some specially invited guests in attendance Practically every year since Logosol was founded, Logosol dealers and guests from all over the world have been invited to Härnösand to mingle, exchange experiences and take part in new products. The Logosol World Meeting has over the years developed into a welcomed and appreciated event with forestry and wood refining as a common denominator, where various activities have been interspersed with product demonstrations and inspiring lectures. HOT SAW AND HOMEMADE GOODIES The 2019 edition included a performance by Robert Ebner, one of the world’s best in the extreme sport Timbersport where athletes compete against each other with chainsaws, handsaws and axes. Also included was a tour of Logosol’s premises, an open-air lunch by the lake Klubbsjön, tasting local delicacies and a boat trip along The High Coast. In addition, many appreciated opportunities were offered to enjoy the famous Swedish ‘fika’. The homemade apple pie and cinnamon buns proved very popular.

World Meeting was considerably larger than in previous years. In addition to retailers and distributors from 18 countries, there were also a large number of influencers on site in Härnösand, from Sweden as well as from countries such as Canada, Italy and the USA. One of these was April Wilkerson from Texas with over a million followers on YouTube and Instagram. “Now that I’ve met all the people behind Logosol, I’m extremely motivated to explore their different products,” she says. Another guest was Paul Lemiski from Canadian Woodworks. He quickly became curious about Logosol’s wide slab sawmill Big Mill. “I have a number of large and valuable logs lying in the yard where Big Mill would have been ideal,” he says. And Steve Larosiliere from Chicago appreciated the innovative and at the same time familiar corporate culture he met with Logosol during his visit to Härnösand. “It’s wonderful to see how you care for this brand,” was his spontaneous comment.

• A cosy atmosphere with guitar playing in the background and barbecue smoke in the air.

EXTENDED GUEST LIST AT WORLD MEETING Due to Logosol’s 30th birthday, the guest list for the

• Guests were allowed to both saw and plane during the days.

• April Wilkerson both received and gave inspiration! Those of us who follow her on Instagram and YouTube know that not only Logosol but also Sweden is now close to her heart.



• Tom Fox and Malin Isaksson by the sea in Härnösand.

• The meeting took place in a part of Logosol’s warehousing facilities. In honour of the occasion it was decorated a little extra.

• Logosol’s founder Bengt-Olov Byström thoroughly enjoyed meeting all the ”Logosolers” and showing off machines. During the closing dinner, he gave a speech with flashbacks from the first 30 years. Afterwards, he deservedly enjoyed cheers and resounding applause.

• Interesting companies and activities succeeded each other. What all the parties had in common was a burning interest for wood.

• Robert Ebner has won the German Championship in Hot Saw 6 times and won silver in the last world championships. His chainsaw has an 84 hp rotary engine.

• Logosol’s dealer in Norway, Norlog was looking forward to offering its customers the new B751 PRO.

• “I have learned a lot from Logosol that I will benefit from in my own company. Like investing in quality and building a good team,” Paul Lemiski from Canadian Woodworks summarized the Logosol World Meeting. • Carlo and Michele from Italy and their team have more than doubled their sales of band sawmills in the past year.



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HOW TO FOLLOW LOGOSOL ON FACEBOOK When you are a member, feel free to search for Logosol and click on “Follow”. You can also scan the QR code below to get directly to Logosol on Facebook. If you share pictures that you want us and other Logosol followers to see, enter #logosol in your post!

HOW TO FOLLOW LOGOSOL ON INSTAGRAM Logosol’s page on Instagram is called @logosol_portable_sawmills. If you search for #logosol you will find pictures both from us and our customers. Remember to tag your Logosol images with #logosol.

Open your mobile camera and point it here and you’ll be taken directly to Logosol’s Facebook page.


LEARN HOW TO SAW ON YOUTUBE Logosol has its own YouTube channel where our videos at the time of writing have been viewed 12,396,913 times! See news, presentations of new products and reports. The channel is called Logosol Portable Sawmills and has over 56,000 followers. Welcome!

Logosol Portable Sawmills

Open your mobile camera and point it here and you’ll be taken directly to Logosol’s YouTube channel.

@logosol_ portable_sawmills

Open your mobile camera and point it here and you’ll be taken directly to Logosol’s Instagram page.

HOW TO FOLLOW US ON YOUTUBE 1. Go to www.youtube.com and search for Logosol Portable Sawmills or enter the address https://www.youtube.com/user/logosolinternational 2. Click on subscribe. 3. You can easily see our latest videos when you enter YouTube! You can also point your mobile camera at the QR code at the side to get directly to our YouTube page with thousands of videos!







On Logosol’s YouTube channel there are now new videos with...

Interviews with customers Logosol F2 Chain Sawmill +

B1001 - Our patented band wheels How to load your B751 Band Sawmill onto a trailer

TIP! TAG #LOGOSOL If you post photos on Facebook that may be inspiring to other Logosol custumers, please tag your post #Logosol and @logosol_portable_sawmills to make it easier to find!

”For me, a piece of furniture shouldn’t just sit there. It should invite questions. The finish and joints should entice you to feel the wood.” Alexander Wikström, cabinetmaker WIKSTROMINTERIOR.SE



news items with a feel for wood

Steve (here with Ashley Cross) created in a short time one of Instagram’s biggest accounts for wood with a lot of inspiration around the world of sawing. Also tune in to Steve’s Woodprenuer Podcast.

acresoftimber @logosol_ portable_sawmills

Acres of Timber Logosol

”Sawing the timber myself was the only way to get hold GLENN LUCAS GLENNLUCASWOODTURNING.COM Glenn Lucas creates amazing wooden bowls and also teaches woodworking all over the world. He loves to drive his Logosol bandsaw really hard.

Glenn Lucas Logosol Portable Sawmills

lucaswoodturning @logosol_ portable_sawmills

Glenn Lucas Woodturning Logosol

Björn Christiernsson, carpenter known from Swedish TV shows

of over 5 metre long, massive wooden beams!”


Logosol has entered into a partnership with the Canadian company Cannon, which manufactures high quality guide bars. ”We have known for a long time that Canon manufactures a fantastic bar, probably the world’s best guide bar for the low-profile 1.3 chain. Therefore, it feels extra good to be able to offer the bar on the Swedish market,” says Mattias Byström, Product Manager. The Canon bar is the hardest guide bar that Logosol has ever tested and now it’s exciting to see what customers think. ”The high pricing has put us off in the past, but after our tests we are convinced that the bar will pay off in the long run. We start with 50 cm bars because it is the size we usually sell the most of. If there is interest, we can expand the range with more sizes and models,” says Mattias Byström.

Canadian Woodworks have specialized in building furniture. With extreme craftsmanship and a great attitude, they have built a huge fanbase all over the world.

Logosol Portable Sawmills

canadianwoodworks @logosol_ portable_sawmills

Canadian Woodworks




2. It is almost a must to have a good log table to keep the logs clean and to be able to easily roll the logs onto the log lifters. 3. Good tools to have on the saw site are a log winch to be able to lift logs, a log turner to be able to turn logs and a lifting hook to be able to get hold of the log and adjust it if necessary. 4. You also need spacer strips if you are going to air-dry the wood or lay-up the wood before any other form of drying. The spacer strips should be about 20 mm x 20 mm thick and as long as the width of the timber stack. The spacer strips must be dry, otherwise they can cause blue marks on the wood. 5. To make a good arrangement, you also need a good base for your sawn timber. It may be a good idea to start by laying out a tarpaulin to prevent growth around the wood, which can cause it to become damaged or not to dry. It is good to get up a few decimetres off the ground, by laying, for example, blocks or pallets laterally. 6. BIt may be advisable not to build the width of the wood pile too wide, 1 - 1.5 meters may be appropriate, so that it is easy to handle. For safety and practical reasons, the boards should not be stacked too high. It is an advantage to choose a place that is often exposed to the wind. A roof that protects against rain and sun can be placed at the top of the pile. Finally you get the benefit of that old roofing sheet you’d squirrelled away! 7. It is better if you put the core side up in the stack as it becomes steadier. It may be useful to add, for example, a layer of timber slabs or other weight on top of the roof, to reduce the risk of the material bowing and/or being skewed. Think about safety first and stack safely. Keep an air gap between the top layer and the roof. 8. Do not expose the timber ends to sunshine, as this leads to crack formation. You can use a plywood board as protection. It may also be useful to protect, e.g. valuable timber by painting the ends with a dense paint.


MY SAWMILL FROM LOGOSOL ”Logosol has a good reputation. Better customer service and technical support than competitors.” Mats, Sweden ”Products with great features and modern design.” Brandon, Canada ”Logosol stands out in marketing terms. It’s fun to take part in and be a part of! Logosol News, videos, catalogues, website, Instagram, Facebook etc.” Sara, Sweden


Canadian Woodworks

1. Space makes things easier. It is good to have plenty of room for, for example, a tractor to be able to unload the wood on to the log table.

• Logosol becomes the Swedish representative of Canadian Canon and starts with a 50 cm saw bar for the Speed Saw and a specially designed 50 cm bar for Stihl’s chainsaws for chain sawmills and electric saw E4000.

“A wide range. I can buy both my sawmill, drying kiln and planer from Logosol.” Klaus, Austria ”Frequent updates with new smart accessories and upgrades!” Tim, USA

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