Top 10 Phobias the Generation Y may not know they have

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Dear readers,

Hi. Fear is a feeling that everyone has. Everybody is afraid of something. Some do not like the dark. Others hate nightmare and scary movie. So, what are you scared of? What reaction will you react when you afraid of something? Do you know that everything you afraid may have a name? According to the National Institute of Mental Health approximately 8.7%

of people, or about 19.2 million of adults, suffer from one or more specific phobias. Although researchers have not yet determined exactly what causes a phobia to develop, we know that phobias are rooted in the normal fear response. Based on the research, people with a phobia may not find that they have it, until the people around realised it. So, this comic will tell you the Top 10 phobias the nineties may not know they have. In the teen age like me, I have a lot of fear things, and I didn't know the phobias actually had names. And, the lists of phobias are listed on the last 4 pages in this comic, and we are going to talk about what and how the phobias start, yet the questions are mentioned as below. Last but not least, get to understand your own phobia now and try to overcome it. All in all, I hope this comic can clear your doubts. Have fun reading! Writer Wei Yee. Loh


Guys,do you understand what is phobia?

Basically, having a phobia means one is extremely afraid of a specific object, situation, or activity. Having a phobia about something is very different from everyday worry or stress. 3.

W ha t c au se s ph ob ia s ? does W h e n ia b o h p a ? start

2. For example, most people feel worry and stress at some time, such as when speaking in front of a large group of people. People with phobias have so much fear that it's hard to do normal activities, such as going to work. Having a phobia includes feeling stressed about being near the object, being in the situation, or doing the activity. It also includes being afraid of the object, situation, or activity itself.

The cause of phobias is unknown. If you have a family member with a phobia, you are more likely to have a phobia. Sometimes a person might have a phobia because he had something bad happen. 4.

Phobias usually start when a person is a child or a teenager.

5.Children have more animal phobias, natural environment phobias, and blood-injection-injury phobias than teenagers or adults. Situational phobias usually start when a person is an adult. Women often have phobias at a younger age than men do. If a person has one phobia, he or she is likely to have another phobia as well.





Herpetophobia is a fear of reptiles. This condition goes beyond a dislike for snakes and lizards. If you feel nauseous, rapid respiration, shaking, increased perspiration or you have a racing heart, you are a herpetophobic. Based on the research, when the nineties simply looking at a picture of a reptile is enough to trigger a reaction.


| Top 10

W H Y N O T 1 ? ! !!!! WW H H H H H H Y Y Y Y Y Y ? ?


Yo u Suffer From Euphobia?

This phobia is usually a result of getting disappointed by hearing good news that actually did not happen.The phobic person will thrive better in a chaotic environment and will not display any happiness when you hear good news. You may then limit yourself to a group of friends who also share the negative emotions they also feel.


| Top 9

WHYYYY ISN’T 1 ??!!!!!!

Do Yo u Suffer FrOM

Kakorrhaphiophobia? ... The most blatant cause of Kakorrhaphiophobia is an experience of failure. Perhaps the individual coping with this phobia also experienced severe consequences because of that failure. The kakorrhaphiophobic person is extremely competitive and was encouraged to avoid failure or defeat at any cost.


| Top 8







Bzzztt ~

B z ztttt~ Do You Suffer From

Rupophobia? ...

Ever seen a person who keeps washing her hand over and over again every time he or she touches something that she deems dirty? These personalities are obsessive - compulsive ones and persons who are afraid of germs or dirt are known as Rupophobic. If you have the symptoms where you feel very unpleasant whenever you are dirty because you feel a sense of discomfort, and yes you are considered a rupophobic that range from mild to severe.


| Top 7

U H -HU Hhh h THIS IS SOOOO CRAZY ? !!! you think that’s FAS H I ON ? ! ! !


Afraid to change for something New?... Neophobia, or the fear or dislike of anything new or unfamiliar. Humans are typically creatures of habit after all, but for some people, especially nineties taking any risk with new things is out of the question. If you who experience neophobia has an abnormally persistent fear of new things, people, places and ideas.


| Top 6

R I N G G!! Mand




NO OO O o !!!! ! !


What Do What Do You You Do Do When When You You Are Are Afraid of of Taking Taking Phone Phone Calls Calls??!!!!!! Afraid Many people may not like talking on the phone, or may even have a 'phone fear’ and these people are known as telephonophobics. A caller on the other end could be a prank caller can be considered a phone phobia when your hesitance to make and receive calls causes you to become anxious about answering the phone.


| Top 5

Secondly, you will also experience symptoms such as severe anxiety, shortness of breath, or a racing heart.



Suffer From

T hana tophobia ?

Thanatophobia, or fear of death. Many of the nineties, if not most, they are afraid of being dead, while some are afraid of the actual act of dying. However, if the fear is so prevalent as to affect your daily life, then you might have a full-blown phobia.


| Top 4

ps o o h W

! ! H ah ! ! !

Do You Suff er From Glossophobia?

Glossophobia is the fear of public speaking. People who suffer from glossophobia tend to freeze in front of any audience, even a couple of people. They find their mouth dries up, their


| Top 3

voice is weak and their body starts shaking. They may even sweat, go red and feel their heart thumping rapidly. Your symptoms are usually so severe you get terribly embarrassed and fearful of any public speaking.

Do Y o u Suffer From Somni-phobia? ! ! ! The phobia the nineties really have Top 2 is the fear of sleep. (anatophobia) Majority of us like to sleep and look at it as a basic necessity to survive just like eating, drinking and breathing. Many tend to get cranky or irritable due to the lack of sleep. However, there are some people in the world who also suffer from anxiety disorders related to sleep, prominent among which is a condition called Somniphobia. Somniphobia is related to a host of other phobias like fear of sleepwalking, fear of nightmares or fearing dying in sleep.


| Top 2

... See






Are you a

Nomophobic ? Top 10 phobia the nineties really have goes to Nomophobia. It is the fear of being out of mobile or cell phone contact and psychologists say that it is affecting more and more young people, especially the twenties. A good example to show if you are a nomophobic is that when you are separated from your smartphone, you are not able to focus on conversations or work, and constantly checking phones for notifications. Another saying is you always think your phone is ringing but it’s actually not. - The End -


| Top 1

f ear is a feeling that everyone has.

So, what are you scared of? W hat reaction will you react when you afraid of something?

D o you know that everything you afraid may have a name? Fear of BEES : Apiphobia Fear of BEING ALONE : Autophobia Fear of BEING DIRTY : Automysophobia Fear of BEING TOUCHED : Aphenphosmphobia Fear of CATS : Ailurophobia Fear of Failure : Atychiphobia Fear of Fire : Arsonphobia Fear of Flowers : Anthrophobia Fear of Flying : Aviatophobia Fear of Garlic : Alliumphobia Fear of CHICKEN : Alektorophobia Fear of CROSS STREET :Agyrophobia Fear of Darkness :Achluophobia Fear of Dust :Amathophobia Fear of Gold :Aurophobia

Fear of Amphibians Batrachophobia Fear of Bacteria Bacteriophobia Fear of Body smells Bromidrophobia Fear of Books Bibliophobia Fear of Depth Bathophobia Fear of Bats Chiroptophobia Fear of Beautiful women Caligynephobia Fear of place Cleithrophobia Fear of Being ridiculed Catagelophobia

Fear of Heights :Acrophobia Fear of Imperfection :Atelophobia Fear of Insanity :Agateophobia Fear of Men :Androphobia Fear of Needles :Aichmophobia Fear of Noise :Acousticophobia Fear of Numbers Chemicals :Arithmophobia Chemophobia Fear of Opinions Chopsticks :Allodoxaphobia Consecotaleophobia Fear of Wild animals Clocks :Agrizoophobia Chronomentrophobia Fear of Riding in a car Clowns :Amaxophobia Coulrophobia Fear of Sourness Cold :Acerophobia Cheimatophobia Fear of Spiders Colors :Arachnephobia Chromatophobia Fear of Staying single Comets :Anuptaphobia Cometophobia Fear of Untidiness Confined spaces :Ataxophobia Claustrophobia Fear of Pain Constipation :Algophobia Coprastasophobia Fear of People Crystals :Anthropophobia Crystallophobi

Fear of Bicycles Cyclophobia Fear of Cancer Cancerophobia Fear of Cemeteries Coimetrophobia Fear of Microbes Bacillophobia Fear of Falling Basophobia Fear of Plants Botanophobia Fear of Stairs/ steep slopes Bathmophobia Fear of Toads Bufonophobia

Dancing Chorophobia Dogs Cynophobia Extreme cold/ ice/ frost Cryophobia Food Cibophobia Hair Chaetophobia Jumping from high and low places Catapedaphobia Meat Carnophobia Mirrors Catoptrophobia Money Chrometophobia

Novelty Cainotophobia Sitting Cathisophobia Snow Chionophobia Stings Cnidophobia Time Chronophobia Ugliness Cacophobia Waves Cymophobia Working on a computer Cyberphobia


Fear of Accidents Dystychiphobia Fear of Being in a house Domatophobia Fear of Deformity Dysmorphophobia Fear of Demons Demonophobia Fear of Dentists Dentophobia Fear of Diabetes Diabetophobia Fear of Dining conversations Deipnophobia Fear of Dizziness/ whirlpools Dinophobia Fear of Double vision Diplophobia Fear of Drinking Dipsophobia Fear of Dutch Dutchphobia Fear of Receiving praise Doxophobia Fear of Fur or skins of animals Doraphobia Fear of Going to school Didaskaleinophobia Fear of Justice Dikephobia Fear of Making decisions Decidophobia Fear of Objects at the right side of the body Dextrophobia Fear of Skin disease Dermatosiophobia Fear of Throwing stuff out Disposophobia Fear of Trees Dendrophobia Fear of Undressing in front of Someone Dishabiliophobia


Opposite sex Fear of Blushing Fear of Beggars :Heterophobia Ereuthrophobia :Hobophobia Priests Fear of Church Fear of Being hypnotized :Hierophobia Ecclesiophobia :Hypnophobia. Fear of Reptiles/ creepy, crawly things Fear of Dawn/ daylight Fear of Being robbed :Herpetophobia Eosophobia :Harpaxophobia Responsibility Electricity Fear of Blood :Hypegiaphobia Electrophobia :Hematophobia Road travel Fear of Freedom Fear of Feeling pleasure :Hodophobia Eleutherophobia :Hedonophobia Saints/ holy things Fear of Hearing good news Fear of Firearms :Hagiophobia Euphobia Fear of Horses :Hoplophobia Shock Equinophobia Fear of Fog :Hormephobia Fear of Insects :Homichlophobia Sinning Entomophobia Fear of Forests :Hamartophobia Fear of Nosebleeds :Hylophobia Sun Epistaxiophobia Fear of Liquids/ dampness/ moisture :Heliophobia Fear of Sexual questions :Hygrophobia The number 666 Erotophobia Fear of Long words :hexaphobia Fear of Teenagers :Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobi Water Ephebiphobia a :Hydrophobia Fear of Vomiting Emetophobia Fear of Work Ergophobia

at :Gelotophobia Fear of Chins :Geniophobia Fear of Crossing bridges :Gephyrophobia Fear of Germany/ German culture :Germanophobia Fear of Growing old :Genuphobia Fear of Knees :Gnosiophobia Fear of Laughter :Geliophobia

Fear of Being laughed

Fear of Speaking in public Glossophobia: Fear of Nudity :Gymnophobia Fear of Sex :Genophobia Fear of Marriage :Gamophobia Taste :Geumaphobia Writing :Graphophobia

Fear of Cockroaches Katsaridaphobia Fear of Failure/ defeat :Kakorrhaphiophobia Fear of Fatigue Kopophobia Fear of Ridicule Katagelophobia Fear of Movement/ motion Kinetophobia Fear of Rooms Koinoniphobia Fear of Stooping Kyphophobia

Alcohol Methyphobia Ants Myrmecophobia Bees Melissophobia Being bound/ tied up Merinthophobia Black colour Melanophobia Changes Metathesiophobia Childbirth Maieusiophobia Cooking Mageirocophobia Erect penis Medorthophobia Large things Megalophobia Long waits Macrophobia

Fish Ichthyophobia Going to the doctor Iatrophobia Ideas Ideophobia Poison Iophobia Solitude Isolophobia Termites Isopterophobia Vertigo Illyngophobia

Childbirth Lockiophobia Computers Logizomechanophobia Darkness Lygophobia Lakes Limnophobia Lawsuits Liticaphobia Lawsuits Liticaphobia Loud noises Ligyrophobia Otters Lutraphobia

Fear of Anything new :Neophobia Love play Malaxophobia Machines Mechanophobia Memories Mnemophobia Menstruation Menophobia Metal Metallophobia Meteors Meteorophobia Mice Musophobia Moths Mottephobia Slime Myxophobia Small things Microphobia

Fear of Becoming ill :Nosophobia Fear of Clouds :Nephophobia Fear of Hospitals :Nosocomephobia Fear of Names :Nomatophobia Fear of Night :Noctiphobia Fear of Numbers :Numerophobia Fear of Returning home fear of losing mobile phone :Nostophobia Fear of The dark of night:Nomophobia :Nyctophobia Fear of Your step-mother :Novercaphobia

Speaking Laliophobia String Linonophobia Things to the left side of the body Levophobia Tornadoes and hurricanes Lilapsophobia vegetables Lachanophobia White colour Leukophobia Words Logophobia

Fear of Being stared at :Ophthalmophobia Fear of Belly buttons :Omphalophobia Fear of Birds :Ornithophobia Fear of Eyes :Ommetaphobia Fear of Figure 8 :Octophobia Fear of Gaining weight :Obesophobia Fear of Heaven :Ouranophobia Fear of Opening one's eyes :Optophobia Fear of Property :Orthophobia Fear of Rain :Ombrophobia Fear of Shellfish :Ostraconophobia Fear of Smells/ odors :Osphresiophobia

Fear of Snakes :Ophidiophobia Fear of Teeth :Odontophobia Fear of Vehicles :Ochophobia Fear of Wet dreams :Oneirogmophobia Fear of Wines :Oenophobia


Fear of Dirt :Rupophobia

Frogs Ranidaphobia Getting wrinkles Rhytiphobia Magic Rhabdophobia X-rays Radiophobia

Bald people Peladophobia Beards Pogonophobia Becoming bald Phalacrophobia Being tickled by feathers Pteronophobia Children Pedophobia Daylight/ sunshine Phengophobia Dolls Pediophobia Everything Panophobia Falling in love Philophobia Fire Pyrophobia Flying Pteromerhanophobia Friday the 13th Paraskavedekatriaphobia Ghosts Phasmophobia Kissing Philemaphobia Lice Pediculophobia Light Photophobia


Bulls Taurophobia Fear of Death/ dying :Thantophobia Heat Thermophobia Injections Trypanophobia Injury Traumatophobia Fear of Making/ taking phone calls Number 13 Telephonophobia Triskaidekaphobia Pregnancy/ childbirth Tocophobia

Mother-in-law Pentheraphobia Paper Papyrophobia Parasites Parasitophobia Penis Phallophobia Phobias Phobophobia Burglars Puppets Scelerophibia Pupaphobia Chinese/ Chinese culture Purple colour Sinophobia Porphyrophobia Crosses/ crucifix Rectums Staurophobia Proctophobia Decaying matter Sexual perversion Seplophobia Paraphobia Food Spirits Sitophobia Pneumatiphobia Halloween Stuttering Samhainophobia Psellismophobia Learning Taking medicine Sophophobia Pharmacophobia Moon Thinking Selenophobia Phronemophobia Narrow things Tombstones Stenophobia Placophobia Outer space Virgins Spacephobia Parthenophobia Parents-in-law Soceraphobia

Urine/ urinating Sea Urophobia Thalassophobia Speed Tachophobia Stage fright Clothing Topophobia Vestiphobia Surgical/ operation Rape Tomophobia Virginitiphobia Taking tests Step-father Testophobia Vitricophobia Tapeworms Taeniophobia Technology Technophobia Theatres Witches Theatrophobia Wiccaphobia Dryness Xerophobia Foreign language Xenoglossophobia Razors Xyrophobia Strangers/ foreigners Xenophobia Yellow colour Xanthophobia

Relatives Syngenesophobia Stars Siderophobia Trains/ railroads / train travel Siderodromophobia Worms Scoleciphobia Writing in public Scriptophobia Satan Satanophobia Scabies Scabiophobia Shadows Sciophobia Sharks Selachophobia

Fear of Sleep :Somniphobia

Animals Zoophobia God Zeusophobia Jealousy Zelophobia

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