THE DROMOSOFISTA COMPANY (Italiy / Argentina) introduce:
« HISTORIETA DE UN ABRAZO » from Rugiada Grignani and Facundo Moreno
Description : A tale fills with images without words, composed of four sequences where the love is observed with unsuspicious eyes ‌ An adorable story threatened by caricaturals and too melancholic characters ‌
Kind: Music theater and object theater Public : For everyone Duration : 25 minutes Language : show without words Number of actors: 2 Scenic space: Inside or outside, by night or by day Maximum number of spectators: 400 Time of mantling: 40 minutes Time of dismantling: 40 minutes
Tecnicals need: • • •
Space of 4m x 4m Power socket of 220v 2 projectors of 500w on foot
Dromosofia From the greec dromo: street and sofia: knowledge) word invented to illustrate the philosophy of the one who chooses the street as school of the life. Trajectory of the show The show « Historieta de un abrazo » begin in 2009 at the Lucania Buskers , Italy ; next, it participate at diverse festivals in Italy (Circumvigando 2010, festival Andersen 2010, Puglia Show Time 2010, Aria festival 2010) and worldwide too: Holland (Poppen festival Dordrecht 2010), in Belgia (Puppetbuskerfestival eftc 2010) and in Taiwan (Close to you, Taipei, 2010).
Rugiada : (0039)3318958805 Facundo : (0039)3208808824