Portable Solar Panels - Tips To Buy The Right One
The clean energy industry is a booming market in these recent times when environment protection seems to be a priority for everyone. Solar energy has been long accepted as best, most safe and efficient energy source that humans have to generate electricity for our consumption needs. Most countries are now switching to this system for manufacturing and selling electricity on a commercial scale. The same holds true for the utility of this form of energy on an individual level. More and more people are now turning towards solar power for their portable energy requirements. Solar panels are a great product to help match this need.
When you are in the market, looking for portable solar panels to buy, there will be many options that will come your way. There are all kinds of features and capabilities that you can make use of. Different products means different configurations - this can create a situation where you as a buyer can feel confused about which one to buy. Here are some tips you can keep in mind while selecting the right model and type of solar panel for your needs.
• Make sure that the device you are selecting comes with a built in regulator. The regulator is an extremely important part in the overall system of a portable solar panel as it helps in controlling the amount of energy that it will be using. It also prevents the device from overcharging which often causes extensive damage to the batteries.
Understand that no matter what is mentioned on the device about its hard wearing features, you will have to handle panel with care. Make sure that you do not fold the solar cells as it may damage the inner circuitry. Carrying it around for your outdoor expeditions is advisable but make sure you take the necessary precautions to keep the device working well for a long time to come.
You can easily use the portable solar panel to power up any device you want to use but ensure that when you are putting it up for charging, there are rechargeable batteries in it. If the batteries in your panel are non rechargeable, you will end up damaging the panel eventually.
One good way to save your solar panel from accidental damage on your outdoor expeditions is finding a designated safe place for it on your campsite. Make sure that this location is safe for the panel to be put so that people or children on the campsite cannot bump on it or trip on it. Also, one good idea will be to buy extra connectors or a connection hub that can come in handy in case you are using the portable solar panel to charge multiple devices. Also, some devices usually need specific connector ports/pins. Think ahead and buy them beforehand.
More info: http://www.getsolarprices.co.uk/ http://ezinearticles.com/?Portable-Solar-Panels--Tips-To-Buy-The-Right-One&id=8783777