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Nicola Clark
I wanted to start a monthly flick book for the best lomography out there! There will be themes i.e the LC-A, double exposures, panoramas etc. I'm hoping to gather the best pics around and create an online book for you all to see and get inspiration from! So look out for themes. And any ideas welcome. We also have a new blog and you can find us on twitter @lomoloversuk
Paul Younger
dima dima
Solange Valladão
Martin Snelling
Ness Mar
Michelle Ho
Teerarat Mayom
hafizah ghazali
Magdalena Mrozik
zofia krzyżanowska
Susan Stayer
Karla Pajadura
Paul-Henri S
olivia puspita
Colin Edwards
gretchen hayhurst
jason hu
simone muscogiuri
Amirul Alpha
Caio Braga
Debra Moore
Liu Prato
Aka Ho
Murray Stevens
francesca guiotto
Thiago Oliveira
Jose Macedo
Jack Dimmit
Vanessa Oliver
Johann Salazar
Karen Caetano
Elisa Bastianello
Gerry Lauzon
ali afacan
Маруся К
zu Pilgrim
Otavio Lilla
Dave Clmnt
Marcin Kubiak
Graham Hawkins
Sinead Stafford
Kevin Taylor
Revista Iglu
Bernardo Cople
Ivã Coelho