LBF Events Schedule 2017-2018

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Events Calendar 2017


3 October 9.30am-12pm

16 January 9.30am-12pm

17 April 9.30am-12pm

Global Teams Jo Owen

Wake Up! Chris Baréz-Brown

Lead with Purpose Ben Renshaw




Corporate Wellness Richard Wiseman

Powerful Presentations Paul McGee

Storytelling David Pearl

10 October 9.30am-12pm

23 January 9.30am-12pm

1 May

Soft Skills Neil Mullarkey

Memory Masterclass David Thomas 1.30-4pm

Grit Andy Reid 27 February 9.30am-12pm

Creativity Rod Judkins 1.30-4pm

The 80 Minute MBA John Knell

31 October 9.30am-12pm


SPIKE René Carayol 20 November 7.00-11.00pm

Funny Business Tim Waterstone, Sahar Hashemi, Impropera and David Starkey

Innovation Mindset Sahar Hashemi 1.30-4pm

Clarity Richard Gerver

High Flyers Adrian Furnham


15 May


Yes! Steve Martin 8 March 9.30am-12pm

The 7 Habits Tim Threipland 1.30-4pm

The Chimp Paradox Steve Peters


Champion AP McCoy 1.30-4pm

Who Dares Wins Matthew Ollerton and Jason Fox

Global Teams Lessons from the world’s best Jo Owen Tuesday 3 October 9.30am-12pm British Museum

Leading and working in global teams is tough. Differences in time, language and culture bring new challenges - you need a certain mindset to capitalise on the talent and ideas available. Drawing on research with the likes of IBM, Google, Canon and Hitachi, Jo Owen will reveal how the world’s leading companies achieve high performance for business success at a global level. He’ll look at decision making, goal setting, communicating and building trust in a team that are dotted across the globe.

About Jo Owen Jo Owen is a co-founder of Teach First, the largest graduate recruiter in the UK and a co-founder of Future Leaders. He is the author of fourteen bestselling business books, including How to Lead and How to Manage. He was formerly a strategy partner in Accenture’s financial services group. His latest book is Global Teams published by Pearson.

Global Teams

Corporate Wellness Corporate Wellness How sleep can boost your wellbeing and productivity Richard Wiseman Tuesday 3 October 1.30-4pm British Museum

Almost a third of our lives are spent asleep but are we making the most of this precious time? Richard Wiseman reveals the scientific truth about the sleeping brain. He’ll provide powerful tips on how to use these hours of apparently ‘dead’ time to transform your working life. Even a small lack of sleep can have a detrimental effect on our health and wellbeing. Based on exciting new research and the world’s largest archive of dream reports, Richard will reveal how you can be more productive, creative and successful.

About Richard Wiseman Richard Wiseman holds Britain’s only Professorship in the Public Understanding of Psychology, at the University of Hertfordshire. His research into a range of topics including luck, the psychology of change and persuasion have been published in academic journals, while his psychologybased YouTube videos have received over 200 million views. He is the author of several books including The Luck Factor, Quirkology and the international bestseller 59 Seconds.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

Soft Skills

Soft Skills The art of being a people person Neil Mullarkey Tuesday 10 October 9.30am-12pm BAFTA

If you can’t get on with people, you can’t get on in business. We need knowledge and technical skill to do our jobs, the hard skills, but it’s the soft skills that really set us apart - the ability to communicate, collaborate and build relationships with others. Neil Mullarkey will show ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’ in today’s fast-moving business world. Soft skills can’t be outsourced but they can be learned. Take simple steps to engage, persuade and lead those around you to be more successful in life and work.

About Neil Mullarkey From co-founding the world famous improvisation group The Comedy Store Players, through to numerous broadcast appearances, Neil Mullarkey has worked with some of the most talented names in comedy, film and television. He is now using his expertise to inspire people and businesses to embrace their creativity and enhance their communication skills.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

Clarity Clarity Simple thinking to unclutter your mind Richard Gerver Tuesday 10 October 1.30-4pm BAFTA

We are born simple. Sadly, those instinctive days of wonder, curiosity and exploration are short-lived. Life gets more complicated, self-doubt kicks in and we find ourselves overthinking almost everything. Richard Gerver will offer simple techniques to help you unclutter your mind and enable you to realise your true potential. Simple thinking will give you the clarity you need for a more innovative and agile approach to work and life. Richard’s simple wisdom will give you the confidence to lead and manage more effectively. Drop the baggage weighing you down to create a clear path to success – simple.

About Richard Gerver Richard Gerver is one of the most celebrated speakers in the world. His insights into change and leadership have seen him work with organisations from Google to Harrods and Deloitte to Technicolor. Richard’s mantra remains the same: systems and structures change nothing; people do. He is the author of the bestselling and critically acclaimed books Simple Thinking and Change: Learn to Love It, Learn to Lead It.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

High Flyers How to help people take off Adrian Furnham Tuesday 31 October 9.30am-12pm BAFTA

Nurturing future talent in the workplace; choosing the right people; developing the good into the best and keeping hold of the brightest can give your organisation the edge. Based on the latest scientific evidence and applied research, Adrian Furnham will offer a practical guide to understanding potential so you can create a high flying workforce. He will show how to spot and develop able, motivated and talented people who are capable of exceptional performance now and in the future.

About Adrian Furnham Adrian Furnham is Professor of Psychology at UCL. He is also Adjunct Professor of Management at the Norwegian School of Management. Adrian has written over 1000 scientific papers and 70 books, including Backstabber and Bullies, High Potential and The People Business. Adrian is one of the most well-known and productive psychologists in the world.

High Flyers

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

SPIKE The power of strengthsbased leadership René Carayol Tuesday 31 October 1.30-4pm BAFTA

The world’s best leaders, from Bill Clinton to Richard Branson, aren’t flawless ‘all-rounders’. They have two or three outstanding strengths - Spikes. They expose, exploit and capitalise on these to set them apart from the rest. Great leaders also spot the Spikes in others and use them to build winning teams. René Carayol will show how organisations that focus on their Spikes do better than those who focus on their weaknesses. He will share his proven formula for personal and business development: Strengths Positively Identified Kick-start Excellence.

About René Carayol René Carayol is one of the world’s leading business gurus specialising in leadership, culture and transformation, drawing from his own unique experiences on the boards of some of the biggest international organisations; from Marks & Spencer and Pepsi to IPC Media and the Inland Revenue. René has also provided leadership support to the UK Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit, The United Nations and The World Bank. He is a visiting professor at Cass Business School.

Funny Business

Funny Business A night of comedy to raise funds for Hospice UK Monday 20 November 7.00-11.00pm The Comedy Store

Our charity event Funny Business is back! Some of the UK’s top business speakers will take to The Comedy Store stage to entertain you. Come and join us to celebrate just how funny the world of business really is – you’re guaranteed a brilliant night out! Tickets cost just £35 + VAT and all the money from every ticket sold goes straight to Hospice UK, the national charity for the hospice movement. Hospices give unparalleled care to people who are facing the end of life and to those who love them.

Their vision is of a world in which everyone at the end of life has access to the best possible care. The evening will be hosted by the (dancing) founder of the London Business Forum, Brendan Barns. Participants will include David Starkey, Tim Waterstone, Sahar Hashemi, (Business) Impropera, Michael Heppell and Graham Davies.

Wake Up! How to make the most of your time and energy Chris Baréz-Brown Tuesday 16 January 9.30am-12pm BAFTA

It is estimated that over 80% of our waking time is spent on autopilot. Chris Baréz-Brown will reveal how to Wake Up! and live a more conscious, productive and inspired life. He’ll share a series of activities designed to get us off autopilot, engage with the world and make the most of our energy. Wake Up! has been tested with thousands of people and the results have been staggering. The session will be full of practical ideas to ensure you’re super positive and making the most of your precious time.

About Chris Baréz-Brown Chris Baréz-Brown has spoken on every continent and to all types of audiences. He is the author of Free! Love Your Work, Love Your Life; Shine: How To Survive And Thrive At Work; How to Have Kick-Ass Ideas and, most recently, Wake Up! Escaping a Life on Autopilot. Chris loves to shake things up with lots of interaction, energy and hard hitting messages.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

Powerful Presentations How to speak so people really listen Paul McGee Tuesday 16 January 1.30-4pm BAFTA

Everyday we’re faced with situations where we have to speak to or persuade others. You might be an expert on your topic and full of confidence but do you struggle to get your audience engaged and inspired by what you’re saying? Paul McGee will reveal how to speak so people really listen; a vital skill that can have a huge impact on your career and personal success. Learn to recognise the 7 most common mistakes made by speakers and presenters and more importantly, learn how to avoid them.

About Paul McGee Paul McGee is one of the UK’s leading speakers on the subject of change, workplace relationships and motivation. His provocatively titled book SUMO (Shut Up, Move On) became an instant bestseller as did his follow up book SUMO Your Relationships. Building on his background in psychology, Paul delivers a practical, relevant message that can make an immediate impact on people’s professional and personal lives.

Powerful Presentations

Memory Masterclass 7 ways to remember more David Thomas Tuesday 23 January 9.30am-12pm British Museum

How many times have you lost confidence when you’ve forgotten a name, a number or a vital detail? We all know the value of a fantastic memory. The ability to recall numbers and precise details has the power to instantly impress those around you. David Thomas will share easy to master strategies that really work. You’ll learn how to improve concentration, organise your thoughts, and recall information quickly, accurately and with confidence. This session will be very practical and you’ll see your memory improve straight away.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

About David Thomas David Thomas is a Sunday Times #1 bestselling author, Guinness® record breaker and an International Grandmaster of Memory. He is a Guinness® memory record breaker for reciting Pi to 22,500 digits. A regular participant in the World Memory Championships, David has one of the most powerful memories in history.

Grit How to go from ordinary to extraordinary Andy Reid Tuesday 23 January 1.30-4pm British Museum

There are times when we all need to call on our strength of character, courage and resolve. We need to be resilient. Corporal Andy Reid knows this better than most. He lost both his legs and his right arm after stepping on an IED plate in Afghanistan in 2009. Andy will talk about how to have the right attitude and focus on what we can control, not dwell on what we can’t. Find out how grit can help you achieve anything even in the face of extreme adversity and how we are all capable of going from ordinary to extraordinary.

About Andy Reid Andy Reid served for 13 years with the 3rd Battalion, The Yorkshire Regiment. In 2009, he was blown up by an IED while on patrol in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. He was injured so badly that it was thought he would not survive but he defied the odds. Since then he has become a triple-amputee skydiver, cyclist, charity fundraiser, husband and father. He won The Sun’s Millie Award for Overcoming Adversity in 2010. Andy’s autobiography Standing Tall was published in 2014.

Creativity How to get your creative juices flowing Rod Judkins Tuesday 27 February 9.30am-12pm Design Museum

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

Your ability to succeed is tied to your ability to think creatively. We all want to get our creative juices flowing but what are the secrets behind brainstorming and imaginative thinking? At this event you’ll learn from a true master. Rod Judkins will explain how to generate original and game changing ideas by revealing how to think differently about anything and everything. As a result you’ll be more adaptable and open minded as well as an indispensable problem solver, communicator and inventor.

About Rod Judkins Rod Judkins is an innovative lecturer at Central St Martins, one of the world’s pre-eminent art schools. He has lectured and consulted on the subject of creativity at universities and businesses around the world. He is author of The Art of Creative Thinking, which has been translated into a dozen languages and his most recent book is Ideas Are Your Only Currency.

Yes! Secrets from the science of persuasion Steve Martin Tuesday 27 February 1.30-4pm Design Museum

The ability to influence others to say ‘Yes’ to your requests and to persuade them to change is central to your professional and personal success. Steve Martin will reveal how small changes can make a big difference to your powers of persuasion. Based on decades of research into the psychology of persuasion, this session will reveal remarkable insights that will help you be more persuasive both at work and at home. In addition to the six universal Principles of Persuasion first identified by his co-author and world’s most cited persuasion researcher Dr Robert Cialdini, Steve will offer up plenty of new and intriguing insights into how to be persuasive both inside and outside of your organisation in entirely ethical and sustainable ways.

About Steve Martin Steve Martin is co-author of the Royal Society nominated international bestseller Yes! 60 Secrets from the Science of Persuasion. His books have sold over 1 million copies worldwide and been translated into 27 languages. He is chief executive of Influence At Work UK and co-directs UCL’s Executive Programme in Behavioural Science. Steve’s work applying behavioural science to business and public policy has been widely featured in the national and international press and his business columns are read by over 2 million people every month.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

The 7 Habits of highly effective people Tim Threipland Thursday 8 March 9.30am-12pm British Museum

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is one of the bestselling business books of all time. Written by Stephen R. Covey in 1989, it has sold over 25 million copies worldwide. This 7 Habits session will align timeless principles of effectiveness with modern technology and practices. No matter how competent you are, to hold onto success you must continually improve and constantly renew your ability to influence, engage and collaborate with others. These elements are at the heart of personal, team, and organisational effectiveness. At this event, Senior FanklinCovey Consultant, Tim Threipland will present the 7 Habits in today’s context. With its unique inside-out approach to leadership, you’ll discover how the 7 Habits are timeless, universal tools you can apply every day.

About Tim Threipland Having served in the British Army for 6 years both in the UK and abroad, Tim has honed his skills in the world of business as a long-time facilitator for FranklinCovey International. Tim is also director of coaching for BECAUZ LLC – a Seattle based leadership coaching business. His high profile clients worldwide include Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Hitachi, Oracle and GlaxoSmithKline.

The Chimp Paradox Mind management made easy Steve Peters Thursday 8 March 1.30-4pm British Museum

The Chimp Paradox is a powerful mind management model that can help you become a happy, confident, healthier and more successful person. Professor Steve Peters explains the struggle that takes place within your mind and reveals how to apply this understanding to every area of your life. The model is used by elite athletes as well as corporate managers and leaders. In this session Steve will apply the Chimp Model to the world of work, helping you to get the best out of yourself, as well as out of your work colleagues, partners, customers and clients. You’ll come away with a host of sustainable ways to improve the performance and wellbeing of yourself and your organisation.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

About Steve Peters Steve Peters is CEO of Chimp Management Limited. He is a Consultant Psychiatrist working in Elite Sport and is well known for his work with Sky ProCycling, British Cycling and World Championship Snooker. Steve has been with Sheffield University as a Senior Clinical Lecturer since 1994 and is also Undergraduate Dean. He is the author of the bestselling personal development book The Chimp Paradox.

Lead with Purpose Putting emotional intelligence into action Ben Renshaw Tuesday 17 April 9.30am-12pm Regent Street Cinema

What is your purpose? This is the most important question you can ever ask and the answer will shape your future. In our complex, fast paced and uncertain world most of us are too busy tackling our to-do lists to figure out our ultimate purpose. We operate on autopilot with a tendency to repeat habits which can undermine the very outcomes they are trying to achieve. It’s only when you discover your big why that you’ll become purpose-led and able to create a roadmap to guide you in the direction you want to travel. This event provides the opportunity to accelerate your learning and development and realise your potential in work, life and relationships.

About Ben Renshaw Ben Renshaw is one of today’s foremost leadership thinkers. His latest book LEAD! inspires you to be the best leader you can be. Based on developing top-level leaders in major companies like Coca-Cola, Heathrow, Heinz, IHG, Sky and Unilever, Ben infuses his work with the real business at hand: how to lead with purpose and authenticity in order to maximise your leadership impact.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

Storytelling Create your own business blockbuster David Pearl Tuesday 17 April 1.30-4pm Regent Street Cinema

It’s more important than ever for leaders to master the art of story; not just telling stories about what’s happened but creating authentic stories about what’s to come. At this event David Pearl outlines the must-have techniques to create a compelling story and deliver it with power. He’ll look at ways to allay fears within your teams and inspire those around you in a shared vision. If you’re the kind of person who wants to get something done, if you have a team that looks to you for direction, if you’re trying to change the status quo or make the world a better place, this event is for you.

About David Pearl David Pearl has been performing since he made his debut, aged 9, at the Royal Opera House. Later he co-founded the pioneering arts-in-business agency Lively Arts, presented his own music show on BBC2 and wrote for the great filmmaker, Stanley Kubrick. Since then he has worked with numerous organisations to bring more creativity to the workplace and today he is a creative confidant to business leaders around the world.

Innovation Mindset Eight habits to boost innovative thinking and doing Sahar Hashemi Tuesday 1 May 9.30am-12pm BAFTA

Innovation is at the heart of inspiring and engaging employees. It creates the opportunity to do things differently and more effectively. It includes concepts like bootstrapping, prototyping and celebrating failure which can help transform corporations into super-creative environments. Sahar Hashemi will inspire you with practical tools to ignite your innate creativity and forget the ‘this is how we’ve always done things’ mentality. You’ll leave with a set of habits to help you come alive at work; spot new opportunities; have inspired ideas and make them happen.

About Sahar Hashemi Sahar Hashemi is an internationally recognised thought leader and speaker on innovation. She founded Coffee Republic in 1995, the UK’s first US style coffee bar chain and built it into one of the UK’s most recognised high street brands with 110 bars and a turnover of £30m. Sahar is author of the bestselling books Anyone Can Do It and Switched On.

The 80 Minute MBA John Knell Tuesday 1 May 1.30-4pm BAFTA

Business success doesn’t come without hard work, but The 80 Minute MBA proves that the journey there can be fast and fun. Think of The 80 Minute MBA as your reduced Shakespeare for business – John Knell has sorted the great business ideas and key insights from the rest, so you don’t have to.

About John Knell John Knell is one of the UK’s leading thinkers on the changing face of work and organisations. John has worked with a wide range of corporate clients, including Microsoft, AstraZeneca, Eversheds, Lloyds, Siemens and UNICEF.

This entertaining, high-energy, high-impact presentation will make you think differently about business and about how to get ahead. All in less time than it takes to run a meeting. Make sure you escape one to attend!

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

Champion Inspirational lessons from a natural born winner AP McCoy Tuesday 15 May 9.30am-12pm British Museum

When it comes to the dedicated pursuit of victory there are few bigger legends than Sir Anthony McCoy OBE, known simply as AP. He dominated jump racing for over two decades, ending his phenomenal career in 2015 as Champion Jockey for the 20th consecutive year. Despite suffering broken bones more than 700 times, AP has more than 4,300 winners to his name and has ridden the equivalent of 1.7 times around the world! AP will explore the parallels between sport and business through stories from the saddle, his addiction to winning, his fear of failure and his drive, determination and motivation to be the best at all times.

About AP McCoy Sir Anthony McCoy OBE is one of the world’s highest profile sporting personalities. He recorded 4,357 wins, including the 2010 Grand National, the Cheltenham Gold Cup, Champion Hurdle, Queen Mother Champion Chase and King George VI Chase. AP was awarded ‘BBC Sports Personality of the Year’ (2010) and the ‘BBC Sports Personality Lifetime Achievement Award’ (2015). He is President of the Professional Jockeys Association and recently opened an AP Academy for injured jockeys. His film Being AP was chosen to premiere at the Toronto Film Festival. AP is author of Winner: My Racing Life.

Š Robert Wilson / Contour by Getty Images

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

Who Dares Wins Leadership secrets from the SAS Matt Ollerton and Jason Fox Tuesday 15 May 1.30-4pm British Museum

Britain’s SAS are famed for their bravery, resilience and professionalism. The selection process pushes even the toughest to breaking point. At this event, Matt ‘Ollie’ Ollerton and Jason ‘Foxy’ Fox will give their exclusive insights into the mindset and performance required in the most demanding environments imaginable. The founder of the SAS, David Stirling, was a pioneer. In the 1940s he took a group of leaders who were prepared to take risks, show unprecedented bravery against all odds and gave them the autonomy to make quick decisions without the need to seek authority from a higher command. Ollie and Foxy will show how you too can seize every opportunity to be a pioneer of change, turbo charge your life and make your team a force to be reckoned with.

About Ollie and Foxy Ollie and Foxy are former UK Elite Special Forces soldiers with extensive operational experience. They both passed the gruelling 6 month SAS selection process and were reunited in the hit Channel 4 show, SAS: Who Dares Wins. Together they founded BREAK-POINT, an organisation that focuses on changing people’s limiting beliefs and boosts their performance.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222





7. LEAVE DELIVER YOUR CLOSING LINE WITH VERVE. A new book by Neil Mullarkey Published by the London Business Forum. Available on Amazon. To place large orders for your company, contact or call 020 7600 4222.

Discount Packages Our events usually cost ÂŁ300+VAT. If you and your team would like to attend lots of events, you can save money with one of our discount packages. Packages run for 12 months from date of purchase and VAT applies to all prices.

For more information, please call 020 7600 4222 or email




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Cover image: © Robert Wilson / Contour by Getty Images


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