London Business Forum Events Schedule, September 2019 - March 2020

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September 2019 – March 2020

The Chimp Paradox Steve Peters

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There Marshall Goldsmith

Confidence HIIT Farrah Storr

Cool Leadership Ben Fogle and Kenton Cool

Gravitas Caroline Goyder

London Business Forum events are bursting with big ideas to motivate people to do things differently. Featuring the world’s most inspiring speakers in London’s most unique venues, we’ll engage people across your organisation. The best way to experience London Business Forum is with a discount package. If you would like to know more, please visit our website or contact us on: 020 7600 4222

Go straight to the centre spread for a pull-out 2019-20 events calendar!

Are you feeling comfortable? If you want to reach your full potential, you’ll have to step out of your comfort zone.

Confidence HIIT Get what you want by living fearlessly Farrah Storr Tuesday 10 September / 9.30am-12pm LSO St Luke’s

Farrah Storr will reveal how the cost of a ‘comfortable’ world can be devastating – killing creativity, deadening ambition and making us fearful of change and the unknown. Discover why discomfort, the very thing we try to avoid, can in fact be the secret to success. Consider this event “like HIIT training for your life.” Farrah’s revolutionary new formula – The BMD Method – will show you how to adopt brief moments of discomfort to prove that no challenge is insurmountable. You’ll leave ready to charge into your next challenge with confidence.

About Farrah Storr Farrah Storr was appointed editor-in chief of Elle magazine in April 2019 after 3 years as the award-winning editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan, where she increased sales by an unprecedented 59%. Farrah took the magazine back to its number one position for the first time in 15 years. In 2018, Farrah was named as one of the most powerful BAME leaders in the country by The Guardian. She is a regular spokesperson on women’s issues, diversity and career. Farrah is the author of The Discomfort Zone: How to get what you want by living fearlessly.

Mind Mapping Unlock the potential of your brain David Thomas Tuesday 10 September / 1.30-4pm LSO St Luke’s

A Mind Map is a powerful graphic technique that provides a universal key to unlock the potential of the brain and boost creative thinking. Mind Maps can be used for just about anything: planning, organising, creating, presenting, problem solving and communicating. They can revolutionise how you work and boost your performance. At this event, David Thomas will show how to use your mind more effectively. You’ll return to the office better organised, more efficient, focused and capable of more brilliant ideas than ever before.

About David Thomas David Thomas is a Sunday Times #1 bestselling author, Guinness® record breaker and an International Grandmaster of Memory. David began his career as a fire-fighter and during that time, he bought a book on memory to help him pass his exams. Eight months later he entered his first World Memory Championships and went on to develop one of the most powerful memories in history. David is one of the world’s leading authorities on Mind Mapping.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

Coaching Excellence How to inspire peak performance Ben Ryan Tuesday 24 September / 9.30am-12pm Regent Street Cinema

In 2013, Ben Ryan was appointed to lead the Fiji Rugby programme with precious little budget and only the most basic of facilities to train and develop the raw Fijian athletes. Three years later, his leadership delivered the country’s first gold medal at the Rio Olympic games. Ben will explore the leadership, collaboration, teamwork, communication and culture required to inspire peak performance. He will reveal his winning coaching techniques at this event. Discover how to build trust and measure performance in a meaningful way. With the right tools, you too can lead your team to success.

About Ben Ryan Ben Ryan is widely hailed as one of the world’s leading coaches and is the only coach to have won Continental, World and Olympic titles. Ben is an ambassador for HSBC and Fiji Airways and currently a consultant for many world class organisations, both within and outside the sporting world. In 2016, he was given the Fijian name of Ratu Peni Rayani Latianara along with 3 acres of land in Serua, a province he claims as his hometown.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

Coaching Excellence Ben Ryan

Innovation Made Easy How to execute great ideas Tendayi Viki Tuesday 24 September / 1.30-4pm Regent Street Cinema

The world around us is changing rapidly. Big companies need to innovate or die. But how do you innovate while not losing sight of your core business? Tendayi Viki will present his innovation playbook. He’ll reveal how large businesses can innovate like startups without having to act like them. You’ll leave with methods and tools to develop ideas, test them and make them happen. This event is for aspiring innovators and gamechangers looking to spark sustained innovation and growth in their established companies.

About Tendayi Viki Dr Tendayi Viki is managing partner at Benneli Jacobs, a UK-based strategy and innovation consultancy firm that helps established companies develop internal ecosystems so they can innovate like startups. He holds a PhD in Psychology and an MBA. He is also the awardwinning author of The Corporate Startup. Tendayi has worked as a consultant for several companies including Pearson, Standard Bank, Egmont, The British Museum, The World Bank, General Electric, and Whirlpool. He is also a contributor at Forbes Magazine.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

Gravitas Be more confident, influential and assertive Caroline Goyder Tuesday 1 October / 9.30am-12pm British Museum

Have you ever wondered why some people earn attention and respect when they speak and others don’t? The secret to their success can be summed up in one word: gravitas. In this inspirational session, leading voice coach and speaker Caroline Goyder reveals how to speak so others will listen. Caroline will deliver a step-by-step guide with practical techniques and exercises to build your natural gravitas. Learn how to express yourself clearly and with the passion and confidence to persuade, influence and engage listeners.

About Caroline Goyder Caroline Goyder is the founder and creator of The Gravitas Method and author of Gravitas. Caroline worked for many years as a voice teacher at the Central School of Speech and Drama. She has spent the last ten years developing a system to help her non-acting clients to perform with the same poise, presence and power in everyday life. RED magazine recently called Caroline one of Britain’s top coaches and her client list is as diverse as her knowledge, from CEOs of major companies, TV news anchors and an array of people in between. Caroline’s passion is helping people from all walks of life to sound their best.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

Cool Leadership Take your team to the top Ben Fogle and Kenton Cool Tuesday 1 October / 1.30-4pm British Museum

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

In April 2018, top mountaineer Kenton Cool led seasoned adventurer Ben Fogle in an exhausting challenge to climb Everest, raising funds for the British Red Cross. The expedition saw them pushed to their limits, with Ben’s oxygen supplies failing twice in the notorious Death Zone and Kenton sacrificing his own supply to help Ben to the top. They’ll share their experiences of team building, leadership, decision making, motivation and facing personal fears under pressure.

About Ben Fogle

About Kenton Cool

Ben Fogle is an award-winning broadcaster and adventurer. Ben has climbed Mount Everest, rowed across the Atlantic, raced across Antarctica to the South Pole and crossed the deserts of the Empty Quarter in the Middle East. Ben also ran the Marathon des Sables, and swam from Alcatraz to San Francisco. Ben’s latest book is Up: My Life’s Journey to the Top of Everest.

Kenton Cool is one of the finest alpine climbers of his generation. His accomplishments are staggering. He has summited Everest thirteen times. He is the first person in history to climb the three Everest peaks, the so-called Triple Crown, in one climb, a feat previously thought impossible. His accomplishments are all the more extraordinary considering he shattered both his heel bones while climbing in 1996 and was initially told he would never walk unaided again. His book, One Man’s Everest explains why he still has the energy and desire for more adventure.

Wellbeing Boost mental and physical health Sally Gunnell Tuesday 8 October / 9.30am-12pm British Museum

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

Former Olympic champion, Sally Gunnell knows better than most that there is a clear connection between wellbeing, performance and results. At this event, Sally will offer a range of practical ways to improve physical health and psychological wellbeing. Research shows that companies who run wellbeing programmes inspire employee engagement and enhance recruitment and retention rates, saving money and boosting productivity. You will leave inspired and equipped with tips, tools and strategies to be more healthy, resilient and achieve greater work-life balance.

About Sally Gunnell Sally Gunnell won gold in the 400m hurdles at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics and broke the world record in winning gold again at the 1993 World Championships in Stuttgart. No other woman has held Commonwealth, European, World and Olympic track titles concurrently and her Stuttgart time remains a British record. Since retiring in 1997, Sally has been a broadcaster and campaigner for better health and wellbeing.

Top Talent Six ways to attract, keep and inspire great people Gareth Jones

The New Alpha A guide for modern leaders Richard Reeves

Tuesday 8 October / 1.30-4pm

Tuesday 12 November / 9.30am-12pm

British Museum

British Museum

In the ever-changing world of business, how do you attract the right people, keep them, and inspire them to do their best work? How do you create a culture people want to belong to? Gareth Jones will identify the six key organisational attributes that create a great workplace. With vivid stories and examples from global companies, he’ll illustrate the kind of strong, attractive workplace culture that leads to sustained high performance. Discover the power of honesty, the magic of authenticity, the key ingredient of purpose and why rules should always be simple.

About Gareth Jones Gareth Jones’s career has spanned both the academic and business worlds. For the former he has spent time with London Business School, Henley and the IE Business School, Madrid. For the latter he has enjoyed corporate roles at Polygram, then the world’s largest recorded music company and most recently at the BBC as director of human resources and internal communications. He is a founding partner of Creative Management Associates (CMA).

The traditional alpha leadership model is at odds with the collaborative, diverse and happy culture that we now know makes organisations successful. Why then, do so many of us feel we still have to be more “alpha” in order to realise our leadership dreams? Great leaders are not defined by specific personality traits or traditional labels. Today, Richard Reeves argues, we need to embrace individuality. Great organisations encourage diversity in their leaders and their people. Discover how critical it is for companies to champion diversity of all kinds across gender, race, social class and personality. There is more than one way to lead.

About Richard Reeves Richard Reeves is a senior fellow at The Brookings Institution in Washington, DC. In September 2017, Politico magazine named him one of the top 50 thinkers in the U.S. for his work on class, inequality and social mobility. Richard’s previous roles include director of Demos, the Londonbased political think-tank and director of futures at the Work Foundation. He is also a former European Business Speaker of the Year. Richard is co-author of The 80 Minute MBA.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

The 80 Minute MBA The fastest MBA programme in the world John Knell and Richard Reeves Tuesday 12 November / 1.30-4pm British Museum

Our most popular session, the 80 Minute MBA covers the core syllabus of an MBA programme but in a fun and engaging way at supersonic speed. It guarantees a hit of high-quality business ideas without spending years at business school. It will help inspire your thinking on key issues, such as leadership, culture, sustainability and communication. You will receive an injection of inspiration, creative thinking and dynamic approaches that will help you see the world of business differently.

About John Knell John Knell is one of the UK’s leading thinkers on the changing face of work and organisations. John has worked with a wide range of corporate clients, including Microsoft, AstraZeneca, Eversheds, Lloyds, Siemens and UNICEF.

About Richard Reeves Richard Reeves is a senior fellow at The Brookings Institution in Washington, DC. In September 2017, Politico magazine named him one of the top 50 thinkers in the U.S. for his work on class, inequality and social mobility. Richard’s previous roles include director of Demos, the Londonbased political think-tank and director of futures at the Work Foundation. He is also a former European Business Speaker of the Year. Richard is co-author of The 80 Minute MBA.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

Pull-out Events Calendar September 2019 – March 2020



9.30am-12pm Confidence HIIT Farrah Storr


8 October

1.30-4pm Mind Mapping David Thomas


9.30am-12pm Wellbeing Sally Gunnell 1.30-4pm Top Talent Gareth Jones

9.30am-12pm Coaching Excellence Ben Ryan


1.30-4pm Innovation Made Easy Tendayi Viki


9.30am-12pm Gravitas Caroline Goyder


1.30-4pm Cool Leadership Kenton Cool and Ben Fogle


9.30am-12pm The New Alpha Richard Reeves


1.30-4pm The 80 Minute MBA John Knell and Richard Reeves



Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

9.30am-12pm Find Your Why David Pearl


1.30-4pm Fast Leadership Sophie Devonshire


9.30am-12pm Emotional Resilience Harry Barry


11 March

1.30-4pm Influence Tali Sharot

5 February

9.30am-12pm Personal Best Marc Woods

9.30am-12.30pm What Got You Here Won’t Get You There Marshall Goldsmith 1.30-4pm The Chimp Paradox Steve Peters

1.30-4pm The Customer Experience Linda Moir


9.30am-12pm Marginal Gains Ben Hunt-Davis


1.30-4pm Positive Mental Attitude Emma Lawton

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

Find Your Why Kick-start 2020 with renewed purpose David Pearl Tuesday 14 January 2020 / 9.30am-12pm British Museum

Finding your purpose has never been more important. At this event we’ll explore how you can do this personally and professionally. David Pearl will take you on a journey to discover what really matters in work and life. You’ll leave inspired and energised with new techniques to help you communicate more effectively, get things done and stand out from the crowd. Find your why and prepare to tackle 2020 and beyond with renewed passion and purpose.

About David Pearl David Pearl works with organisations to bring more purpose and creativity to the workplace. In 2015 he founded Street Wisdom, a social venture that brings urban inspiration to cities in over 30 countries…and counting. He is also author of Will There Be Donuts; How to Wow, Wanderful and Story for Leaders.

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Fast Leadership How to lead at speed Sophie Devonshire Tuesday 14 January 2020 / 1.30-4pm British Museum

In today’s fast-paced world, leaders need to move at speed. Leadership decisions need to be quick, smart and deliver real impact. Find out how to accelerate performance in an agile way and learn lessons from the most savvy leaders in business. You’ll discover how to use your time most effectively - slowing down when necessary to get decisions right and accelerating elsewhere to unlock growth. This event will show you how to lead innovatively, decisively and impactfully in a fast-moving world.

About Sophie Devonshire As CEO of The Caffeine Partnership, Sophie is an experienced business leader, entrepreneur & brand specialist. Her career includes brand management at Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola GB and Leo Burnett, as well as founding, building and selling her own e-commerce business. Sophie is the author of Superfast: Lead at Speed.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

Emotional Resilience How to supercharge your wellbeing Harry Barry

Influence Brainy ways to be more persuasive Tali Sharot

Thursday 30 January 2020 / 9.30am-12pm

Thursday 30 January 2020 / 1.30-4pm

Wellcome Collection

Wellcome Collection

There are many challenges facing our wellbeing as we struggle to cope under constant pressure to do more in less time. This session will explore key skills such as empathy, pragmatism, conflict resolution, work/ life balance and how to cope with uncertainty which, when used effectively, can transform your emotional capacity enabling you to reach your full potential. Harry Barry will reveal how you can unlock your inner emotional resilience reserves, challenge procrastination, deal with the challenges of life and boost your wellbeing.

About Harry Barry Dr Harry Barry is a highly respected Irish author and medic, with over three decades of experience as a GP. With a keen interest in the area of wellbeing, Harry is the author of numerous books addressing various aspects of mental health including anxiety and resilience.

A core part of our daily routine, personally and professionally, is to influence others. We do this because we each have unique experiences and knowledge that others may not. But how good are we at this role? It turns out we systematically fall back on habits when trying to change how others think and behave. Many of these instincts are ineffective, because they are incompatible with how the mind operates. Tali Sharot will share strategies to get people on your side by understanding how the human brain works.

About Tali Sharot Tali Sharot is a neuroscientist and the author of The Influential Mind and The Optimism Bias. She is the director of the Affective Brain Lab at University College London and a Wellcome Trust Fellow. Tali regularly writes for the New York Times, Observer and Time Magazine.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

THE HUMAN Owners’ manual

Tali Sharot

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There How successful people become even more successful Marshall Goldsmith Wednesday 5 February 2020 / 9.30am-12.30pm Queen Elizabeth Hall

Marshall Goldsmith is widely regarded as the world’s top executive coach and he’d like to help you climb higher. Your hard work is paying off. You are doing well in your field. But there is something standing between you and the next level of achievement. That something may well be just a small flaw. It may be the very characteristic that you believe got you where you are – like the drive to win at all costs. Marshall will explore how people often do well in spite of certain habits rather than because of them. The small ‘transactional flaws’ performed by one person against another (as simple as not saying thank you enough) can lead to negative perceptions that can hold any executive back. Using straightforward, jargon-free advice, Marshall offers managers and leaders strategies to overcome their unconscious annoying habits and become even more successful.

About Marshall Goldsmith World-renowned business educator and coach, Marshall Goldsmith is the leading expert in his field. His singular ability to get results for top leaders has drawn over 150 CEOs and their management teams to address change in the workplace. They want what Marshall offers – practical and proven methods. Named as one of the world’s five most-respected executive coaches by Forbes, his clients include corporations such as Goldman Sachs, Glaxo SmithKline, Johnson and Johnson and GE. Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

The Chimp Paradox A unique mind management programme Steve Peters Wednesday 5 February 2020 / 1.30-4pm Queen Elizabeth Hall

The Chimp Paradox is a powerful mind management model that can help you become a happy, confident, healthier and more successful person. Steve Peters explains the struggle that takes place within your mind and reveals how to apply this understanding to every area of your life. The model is used by elite athletes as well as corporate managers and leaders. In this session, Steve will apply the Chimp Model to the world of work, helping you to get the best out of yourself, as well as your work colleagues, partners, customers and clients. This intensely practical session will help you to better understand yourself and others, communicate more effectively, plan for success and manage the challenges and pressures of working in the 21st century. You’ll come away with a host of sustainable ways to improve the performance and wellbeing of yourself and your organisation.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

About Steve Peters Professor Steve Peters is a Consultant Psychiatrist working in Elite Sport and is well known for his work with Sky ProCycling, British Cycling and World Championship Snooker. His career began with teaching Mathematics but he has worked in the clinical field of Psychiatry for the past twenty years, culminating in working at Rampton Secure Hospital. Steve has been with Sheffield University as a Senior Clinical Lecturer since 1994 and is also Undergraduate Dean. His specialist interest is in the working of the human mind and how it can reach optimum performance applied to all walks of life. He is the author of the bestselling personal development book The Chimp Paradox.

Personal Best How to achieve your full potential Marc Woods Wednesday 11 March 2020 / 9.30am-12pm British Museum

Despite suffering from cancer as a teenager and losing his leg, Marc Woods overcame his challenges to become a four-time Paralympic gold medallist. His inspiring story is full of the determination and dedication we need to be the best we can be. Join Marc on a journey and discover how to take personal responsibility, work within a team and enthuse those around you. You’ll leave with new strategies for coping with the unexpected, boosting your personal resilience and finding success.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

About Marc Woods Marc had his left leg amputated because of cancer when he was just seventeen years old. Within a year he was swimming quicker with one leg than he did when he had two. Competing for Great Britain over a 17-year period, he won a staggering 33 medals. Since his retirement, Marc has become a mountaineer, author and broadcaster.

The Customer Experience Lessons from London 2012 & Virgin Atlantic Linda Moir Wednesday 11 March 2020 / 1.30-4pm British Museum

In 2003 Sir Richard Branson offered Linda Moir an irresistible challenge - could she make flying fun? She became Virgin Atlantic’s director of customer service and introduced ‘Brilliant Basics, Magic Touches’ to cement Virgin’s position as number one for service.

This session will explore how, with the right motivation, training and support, all kinds of ‘ordinary’ people can do the most extraordinary things to deliver an outstanding customer experience.

In 2012, she brought her philosophy of fun to the London Olympics. The world watched as Linda’s 17,000 volunteer Games Makers surprised the world by hosting 9 million spectators with personality and charm.

Linda Moir started her career at British Airways before being appointed as HR director for NATS (National Air Traffic Services) during the period of transition from public to private ownership. She then joined Virgin Atlantic as director of customer service before leading the front-line Events Services at the London Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

About Linda Moir

Marginal Gains Will it make the boat go faster? Ben Hunt-Davis Wednesday 18 March 2020 / 9.30am-12pm LSO St Luke’s

“Will it make the boat go faster?” was the killer question on the lips of the Men’s Rowing Eight that won an Olympic gold medal at the Sydney Olympics in 2000. With this one question in mind, the crew were transformed from one that regularly finished last to being unbeatable. Ben Hunt-Davis will tell the engaging, interactive and inspiring story behind their success. With Olympic-winning lessons that can be applied to business, Ben will reveal how focusing on what matters and restlessly seeking improvements, excellence can become part of your team’s mindset.

About Ben Hunt-Davis In 1998, following another disappointing Rowing World Championships, Ben Hunt-Davis and the rest of his GB Eight rowing team decided to approach things differently. The changes they made helped them win a gold medal at the Sydney Olympics in 2000. Ben later co-wrote the book Will It Make The Boat Go Faster? revealing how to use similar strategies to improve performance in business.

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

Positive Mental Attitude How to look on the bright side of life Emma Lawton Wednesday 18 March 2020 / 1.30-4pm LSO St Luke’s

It is likely that we will all, at some stage, experience things, in our life or career that will throw us off course. How can we react positively when these challenges arrive?

Emma will offer inspirational insights into the power of a positive mental attitude. You’ll find out how to cope with adversity, be super-resilient and bounce back.

Five years ago, just as the company Emma Lawton was working for was redesigning the Parkinson’s UK website, she was diagnosed with the condition herself. She was aged just 29. It could have ruined her life. Instead, she quit her job, founded her own business, wrote a book and started sharing her story to inspire others with the condition.

About Emma Lawton

Find out more and book at or call 020 7600 4222

Emma was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at the age of 29. This year Emma is doing something new every day to shine a light on the importance of investing in our own development and happiness. In 2015 Emma won the CharityComms Inspiring Communicator award, she is one of MT’s 35 women under 35 and has been dubbed ‘One to Watch’ by Wired Magazine.

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London Business Forum 38 Bartholomew Close London EC1A 7HP 020 7600 4222

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