3 minute read
Results of the National Survey
Q1: Whilst 36% of respondents take part in National Clarion activities, a much larger percentage of 56% only take part in their section activities. A 6% (probably new members), are unaware of National Clarion activities.
Q2: Riding for leisure with their local section, with a group of like-minded people is significantly more important than being involved in bike racing. And many want to be better riders and be safe in a group.

Q3: Clearly club runs and leisure riding are 3 to 5 times more important than different aspect of racing. Audax also had 25 mentions in the free type comments. Suggesting that the Clarion needs to recognise that non-competitive cycling is what most of our members are interested in.

Q4: Whilst Facebook is quite popular, some people have found the website lacking in updates, so we need to put more effort in this area. People also commented that they rely on emails from sections and the National club.
Q5: A very strong theme here, not only in the question responses but also in the comments, is that we are proud of our history, but that we should focus on the future, on cycling and fellowship. There were some really great comments given, and I will attempt to summarise some of them later.
Q6: The responses to this question surprised us with 56% who would like to keep receiving their card and only 7% would like to not receive a card.
Q7: Once again, 56% still like the idea of having a printed magazine and 31% don’t care either way. 13% would rather not have a printed magazine. Interestingly a few people asked for only one copy per household which is already an option when you renew your membership. 15 comments said that they would be happy to have it online to save money and trees (most likely in the 13% above).

Q8: Two to three times as many people want us to concentrate more on cyclist rights and protection, and/or on leisure riding than putting more emphasis on racing. Maybe we need to get volunteers on the National committee who want to help us with these areas. We had lots of comments on this question, but few were more than 2 similar comments, with the exception of some quite complimentary comments, thank you.

Q9: For a new benefit to our members, we were very surprised that 3rd party insurance is the highest response in this question. Fondness for the history of the club is also very high, whereas racing, Easter Meets and the affinity with the political origins are quite small. Over 20 comments all said that they like the Clarion because it’s their ‘local’ club. Some said that they saw no benefit from National membership, and a similar number said that it was nice be part of a National club as well.

Q10: Wow, we have a whopping 85% who think that the membership fees are good value for money and only 3% who don’t. In the comments, there are quite a few about not being aware of some of the benefits, so clearly we need to be better at telling people about benefits and events.