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ClubRunning W E R U N T H E N AT I O N !

Fall/Winter 2009

In her first 100-mile race, BREE LAMBERT finished more than 30 minutes ahead of the next closest woman and captured the RRCA National Ultra title at the Tahoe Rim Trail Run.

Exercises to Strengthen Your Core Trail Shoe Reviews Where in the World Is Gary Morgan?

Facchino Photography; (Inset) Courtesy Gary Morgan

Plus Travel Tips for Racing Across Town or Around the World


ClubRunning Fall/Winter 2009

Matt Mendelsohn

W E R U N T H E N AT I O N !


Executive Director’s Letter


RRCA Members Speak


Health & Safety Spotlight Running Unplugged, Preventing Hearing Loss, Cold-Weather Running Tips

12 RRCA Program


Roads Scholars, Class of 2009

13 Convention Preview



Where in the World Is Gary Morgan? The Saga of a World-Traveling Runner Plus Travel Tips for Racing Across Town or Around the World

21 RRCA Championship


RRCA National Ultra Championship RRCA National 5K Championship RRCA National Half-Marathon Championship

24 RRCA Coach’s

Training Tips

Exercises to Build Your Core Strength

27 2010 Trail Shoe Reviews 30 Potluck Recipe

Quick & Easy “Lasagna”

CONTENTS F a l l / W i n t e r 2 0 0 9 ClubRunning • 3

Matt Mendelsohn

Executive Director’s Note I hope you enjoyed the first issue of Club Running. Thanks to everyone who took the time to write to us and share comments. The feedback has been positive, but we want to learn more about what you, our club members and readers, would like to see in the pages of Club Running. Please share your story ideas with us. Many people took time to comment on the Road Rage Management article and to share personal stories or other comments. The overarching theme was that we as a running community need to do more to promote safety. To that end, the RRCA is sponsoring training at the upcoming RRCA convention to encourage running club leaders to engage Jean Knaack in advocacy programs of interest to their local running community. Learn more on page 13. Just as the RRCA encourages its members to engage in advocacy efforts at the local level, as a national organization, we’ve been invited to serve as an organizing partner to help create, promote, and be part of implementing a National Physical Activity Plan. Currently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Prevention Research Center at the University of South Carolina provide the organizational infrastructure for organizations and individuals dedicated to developing a plan that will empower all Americans to be physically active every day. While important progress has been made, a comprehensive plan for promoting physical activity would provide the framework to support a broad and comprehensive national effort to increase physical activity throughout the U.S. The current prevalence of and costs related to obesity and chronic diseases make it dramatically evident that the time has come for the U.S. to adopt a national plan for physical activity. Russ Pate, Ph.D., chair of the National Plan Coordinating Committee said, “The RRCA is positioned to provide exceptional leadership in developing the plan and in implementing it in communities across the nation.” The RRCA looks forward to working with other organizations on the development of the National Physical Activity Plan, and we hope you’ll join us in our efforts to get America moving! Keep up with the RRCA and our many outreach efforts by joining our email list, reading the RRCA News on our homepage (, or following us on Facebook or Twitter. 2009 has been another great year for running in the U.S. The number of new running clubs, along with the membership numbers for existing clubs, continues to grow as we prove that running is quite possibly the best healthy lifestyle choice. Be sure to renew your membership in your local running club for 2010. As the article by John T. Cacioppo, Ph.D. suggests, your health may depend not only on your running, but also on your social involvement with your club.

ClubRunning Fall/Winter 2009 ROAD RUNNERS CLUB OF AMERICA (RRCA) Executive Director Jean Knaack RRCA President Brent Ayer SHOOTING STAR MEDIA, INC. Group & Coordinating Editor Christine Johnson, Designer Alex Larsen Photographers Victor Sailer Keith Facchino/Facchino Photography Jeff Baughan, Libby Jones, AP Photo Orlando Magic, Keith Brantly Penny Photography, Matt Mendelsohn Proofreader Red Ink Editorial Services, Madison, WI Pre-Press/Printer W. D. Hoard & Sons Co., Fort Atkinson, WI

Sincerely, Jean Knaack

Why Are You Receiving This Magazine? Welcome to the second issue of Club Running magazine. This complimentary publication is made possible by our advertisers and is created through a partnership between the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) and Running Network LLC. You’re a member of your local running club and your local running club is, in turn, a member of the RRCA.

ClubRunning Club Running is produced by Shooting Star Media, Inc. for publisher Running Network LLC, P.O. Box 801, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538. All ad materials and insertion orders should be sent to Running Network LLC at the above address. Shooting Star Media, Inc. and Running Network LLC assume no liability for matter printed. Publisher assumes no responsibility or liability for content of paid advertising and reserves the right to reject paid advertising. Publisher expects that all claims by advertisers can be substantiated and that all guarantees will be honored. Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Publisher. Copyright © 2009 by Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission of the Publisher.

We recommend, as with all fitness and health issues, you consult with your physician before instituting any changes in your fitness program.

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4 • ClubRunning F a l l / W i n t e r 2 0 0 9

RUNNING NETWORK LLC Advertising Larry Eder President phone: 608.239.3785; fax: 920.563.7298 Advertising Production Manager Alex Larsen Publisher’s Rep Paul Banta OSE Productions, Inc. phone: 503.969.4147; fax: 503.620.4052 Counsel Philip J. Bradbury Melli Law, S.C. Madison, WI w w w. r r c a . o r g ww w. r un n i n g n et wo r k . c o m ww w. s h o o t i n g st ar m e d i a i n c. c o m Member of

RRCA Members Speak

RRCA Members Respond to Club Running

I was pleased to get my first issue of Club Running. I was less pleased to recognize some of my own behavior described in your Road Rage Mangement article. Reading it was a learning experience for me, and I resolve to change my attitude about claiming right-of-way accordingly. —Tom from Frederick, MD Good article on Road Rage Management. One point that was implied but not actually mentioned and reinforced was that runners should always run facing traffic. Your point about making eye contact implies that, but it always amazes me how many runners run with their backs to traffic. It’s not universally known or accepted! Recall that scene from Forrest Gump where he is running through Monument Valley: he was running the wrong way. We as runners really need to get the word out that the safest way to run is facing oncoming traffic for exactly the reasons you highlighted. Keep up the good work. —Dean from Palm Springs, CA

ClubRunning RRCA General Running Safety Tips are posted online at We’ve taken the advice of our readers and moved “running against traffic” to be one of the top three safety tips. RRCA clubs and events are encouraged to post these safety tips on their websites and reproduce them in their newsletters. I received my copy of Club Running and wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed it. Attending an RRCA convention a couple years ago helped me become much more aware of the RRCA and the benefits we receive as a member club. Apparently our club members also enjoyed the magazine and read it thoroughly, as some club members pointed out the article on page 28, National Award-Winning Beginning Running Program, and encouraged me to submit our program for consideration in next year’s national running awards. —Terri from Memphis, TN

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Got my first issue of Club Running. Thanks! Your article on Road Rage Management was very good. At some point in the future, I encourage you to make a strong point about which side of the road for pedestrians to use. It’s number 11 on your safety tips and I humbly suggest that it be moved into the top three. Today I see runners, walkers, parents (or nannies) pushing babies, and even high school sports teams running in neighborhoods—all in the right lane, some far out into the right lane—many talking on cell phones. I watch out for them. But I fear that somewhere behind me (and them) is the late deliveryman, harried parent, distracted teenager, or drunk driver hurrying to change a life forever. Anything you and RRCA can do to get people’s attention will be important. —Don from Dallas, TX Lynn Walker

ClubRunning Nominations are being accepted for the 2009 National Running Awards and we encourage all RRCA clubs and events to nominate deserving individuals and programs. Learn more about the awards online at You and your staff put together a great premier issue of Club Running. The history of the RRCA, the direction, the Hall of Famers were all good stuff. Informative, interesting, nice photos, good ads, and layout. I was thrilled to see it in my mailbox. —Sally from Virginia Beach, VA Correction In our report on the RRCA National 10K Championship (Spring/Summer 2009), we incorrectly reported the Grand Masters Male champion as Trevor Ward. In fact, Lynn Walker (photo above) was the RRCA National 10K Grand Masters Male Champion with a time of 41:45, finishing 5 seconds ahead of Ward. We extend our apologies to Mr. Walker and congratulate him on his accomplishment. RRCA Poll Results The RRCA hosts a monthly poll at that is a great tool for tracking simple data on topics of interest to runners and the running community. We encourage you to participate. We’ll report final results in future issues of Club Running. What’s your favorite event distance? Total Votes: 4,038 5K 41.4% 10K 19.6% Half Marathon 24.6% Marathon 10.4% Other 3.7%

Health & Safety Spotlight

Running Uplugged

Libby Jones

By John T. Cacioppo, Ph.D.

It’s what we say we value more than anything else. In surveys to determine the factors that contribute most to human happiness, respondents consistently rate connection to friends and family—love, intimacy, social affiliation— above wealth or fame, even above physical health. This should come as no great surprise. We are social animals, descended from a common ancestor that gave rise to all the other social primates. It may well be that the need to send and receive, interpret and relay increasingly complex social cues is what drove the evolution of our expanded cerebral cortex, the reasoning part of the brain. After all, it is our ability to think, to pursue long-term objectives, and to form bonds and act collectively that allowed us to emerge as the planet’s dominant species. Certainly, there is no other physical attribute—size, strength, speed, eyesight, smell, hearing—that accounts for our success. Despite their genuine, human desire to connect, millions of people are predisposed to undermine social connection. Despite their best efforts, they maintain a distance from or alienate rather than engage others. And yet these people are no more or less attractive than anyone else, and their problem is not lack of social skill. Obviously, objective circumstances—the new kid at school who doesn’t know anyone, the elderly widow who has outlived her contemporaries—can make meaningful connection more of a challenge. The Road Runners Club of America encourages people to join a running club as a fitness and a social outlet. How ironic, then, when runners jog alongside one another, each inhabiting the isolated bubble of the iPod. Is it a wonder that it’s possible to feel lonely in running clubs, as well as in bustling corporate offices? Talent, fitness, financial suc-

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cess, fame, even adoration, offer no protection from the subjective experience of isolation. Janis Joplin, who was as shy and withdrawn off stage as she was raucous and explosive on, said shortly before her death that she was working on a tune called “I just made love to 25,000 people, but I’m going home alone.” Three of the most idolized women of the 20th century, Judy Garland, Marilyn Monroe, and Princess Diana, were famously lonely people. Loneliness isn’t about being alone, it’s about not feeling connected. The need for connection, and the enforcement power of withdrawing that connection, is evident even among chimpanzees. In chimp society, as in every human culture ever studied, infractions against the social order are punished by some form of ostracism. Well along the path of cultural development, banishment remained the most severe stricture, short of torture or death, imposed by kings and potentates. Even today in modern correctional institutions, the penalty of last resort is solitary confinement. Ten minutes of time-out can bring an errant child into line with the social surroundings, but extended periods in solitary confinement can wreak havoc on mind and biology. In the past few years, laboratory research has examined the power of our need for contact with others and has, in fact, mapped its physiological roots. Cooperation, for example, activates the “reward” areas of the brain, much as those areas are activated by the satisfaction of hunger. When we confront social rejection, the experience activates the same areas that light up when we are subjected to physical pain. Functional magnetic resonance imaging shows that when we see unfamiliar human beings, or even pictures of human beings, our brains respond in a distinctly different way than they do when we see any other type of object. “Someone like me” is clearly an important category in our neural wiring. Empathy, too, is traceable: images of humans displaying intense emotions, rather than neutral affect, register in the brain with correspondingly greater intensity. And more significant for where our story will take us, recent studies demonstrate that the social environment can actually modulate RNA transcription, influencing the way cells replicate. Social context also affects immune function. Despite all the persuasive evidence of our need for connection and the clear demonstration of the influence of connection on our physiology, there is today a worldwide epidemic of disconnection that until now has been regarded as little different than a personal weakness or a distressing state with no redeeming features. Re-

cent studies have found these notions to be wrong. To call it an epidemic of loneliness risks having it relegated to the advice columns. Say the word “lonely” and people think dating services, “Miss Lonelyhearts,” “Only the Lonely,” or Los Lonely Boys. But there is nothing trivial, or comical, or poignantly romantic about loneliness. What has emerged is the notion that loneliness is an aversive signal whose purpose is to motivate us to reconnect. But over time if it’s not addressed, loneliness can contribute to generalized morbidity and mortality. Marriage is an imprecise marker of social connection, but the age-adjusted death rate for people who have never been married is 65.9 percent higher than for those who have been married at some time in their lives. Compared to those who are currently married, the age-adjusted death rate for those who never marry is 220 percent higher. Married couples tend to be less lonely. When one also considers loneliness, much of the health-protective effects of marriage disappear. A generation ago, depression was poorly understood, woefully underdiagnosed (it still is), and all too readily dismissed as moodiness or weakness. Most saw it as a character flaw rather than as an illness. Now we know that depression is a medical condition with physical manifestations in the brain, that it’s to some extent genetic, and that it costs an estimated $44 billion in lost productivity each year for the U.S. economy. Neglected in that impersonal statistic, of course, is a vast amount of human suffering and unfulfilled human potential. Loneliness is far more than a social misfortune, it’s a significant problem of health and happiness that’s distinct from but contributes to the likelihood of depression and ill health. To stem this epidemic, consider running unplugged. Join and get active in a local running club and talk with others as you run your way to physical and social fitness. John T. Cacioppo is the Tiffany and Margaret Blake Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago and the author of Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for Social Connection (Norton Books). He was featured in the August 2009 issue of Forbes magazine in the article Loneliness Can Kill You.

Health & Safety Spotlight continues on page 10.

Health & Safety Spotlight RRCA Cold Weather Running Tips Always follow the RRCA General Safety Guidelines on our website at •Leave the headphones at home. Your ears may help you avoid dangers your eyes cannot see. Wet, wintery conditions may weaken tree limbs causing them to fall. Hearing the crack before the fall may be the difference between avoiding a falling branch or being tackled by a dead limb. •Avoid running on the roads in snowy conditions. Drivers have a decreased ability to maneuver and stop. •Winter means fewer daylight hours. Wear bright-colored, reflective clothing or a reflective vest so you are noticeable to area traffic. For added visibility, wear a lightweight headlamp or flashing light. •Wear layers of clothing that will help you maintain your core body temperature during the run, but will keep you warm during warm-up and cool-down phases. •If you drive to a running trail or route, leave a change of dry clothes and a blanket in the car for emergency situations. •Stay alert and aware of your surroundings and the weather conditions. Oncoming storms can quickly drop the temperature, putting you at risk for frostbite or hypothermia if you’re caught wearing the wrong clothes. •Know where to find shelter on your route if the weather gets really bad. •Don’t ignore shivering. It’s an important first sign that the body is losing heat, and you may be in danger of hypothermia. For more information on cold-weather conditions and cold-weather health concerns, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

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Stop at Six By Sally Young Seven is the unlucky number on polycarbonate bottles and food containers. Not only is it a non-recyclable mix of plastics that goes straight to the landfill, it also designates the presence of bisphenol A (BPA), a biologically active compound with such potent estrogen-like activity that it was once considered for use as hormone replacement therapy. BPA easily migrates into foods and drinks, excreted in the urine of 93% of consumers. A 2009 Harvard study showed that students with typical consumption of cold beverages from polycarbonate sports bottles had 70% more of the chemical in their bodies than

Runners: Listen Safely

Smart and Healthy Training Also Applies to Using Your Personal Music Player and Similar Devices By Kimberly O’Sullivan American Speech and Hearing Association PR Manager

Whether you’re new to running or have completed many races, all members of Road Runners Clubs of America are reminded of the importance of staying hydrated while running, dressing for the weather, never running alone at night, and other important safety tips. Worthy of inclusion on your checklist should be to safely listen to your personal music player. Healthy Training Includes Hearing Health The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s (ASHA) public education campaign America Tuned In Today … But Tuned Out Tomorrow outlines the potential risk of hearing loss from unsafe use of personal audio technology. America Tuned In also teaches how to listen to personal audio devices safely: by turning down the volume and taking listening breaks. This important safety message applies to road runners, since many of you use these devices when training or using the treadmill at the gym. “Health-minded people practice good habits when it comes to nutrition, getting enough sleep, and exercising,” said ASHA president Sue Hale. “But oftentimes, unknowingly, these same people put other areas of their health at risk, for instance, their hearing. By blasting their headphones at an unsafe level for hours and hours at a time, they increase their risk for permanent noise-induced hearing loss.”

when they used stainless steel bottles. In 2007, an NIH-funded panel of 38 independent scientists concluded, “BPA exposure at current levels presents a clear risk to human health.” Even in small, transient doses, BPA causes early puberty, prostate and breast cancer, behavioral sexual differentiation, fertility problems, and hyperactivity from early-life exposures. Yet the FDA maintains that BPA is safe, based on two studies that were sponsored by the American Plastics Council. In June 2009, the FDA was mandated to reconsider the safety levels and take action by December 31. Sally Young is a runner and freelance writer living in the Virginia Beach area.

A safe maximum listening decibel is 85 decibels (db); MP3 players can be turned up as high as 120 db. Both the volume level and the length of listening time contribute to noise-induced hearing loss. Some rules of thumb when using your personal audio device are: • If you can’t hear the person next to you when talking, the volume is set too high. • If the person next to you can hear your music through your headphones, the volume is set too high. Findings by Johns Hopkins researchers predict a rise in hearing loss that will be partly due to personal audio devices. Additionally, a recent European Union study found that listening to sounds at high volumes for more than an hour a day weekly will likely cause permanent hearing loss. Rule of thumb: Don’t listen at high volumes for more than one hour per day. Warning Signs of Hearing Loss • Tinnitus or “ringing” or buzzing of the ears • Difficulty understanding speech, or conversations that seem muffled or unclear • Needing to strain one’s voice to be heard from three feet away. The next time you go for a run and put on your headphones, remember to turn down the volume. Hearing loss can affect your ability to communicate, learn, and socialize. If you feel you’re experiencing hearing loss, visit to find an audiologist in your area. If you have young children and want to teach them safe listening habits, visit the educational and bilingual website for more information on the kid-friendly Listen to Your Buds campaign. For more on Hearing Loss, see next page.

Health & Safety Spotlight What is noise-induced hearing loss? Every day, we experience sound in our environment, such as the sounds from TV and radio, household appliances, and traffic. Normally, we hear these sounds at safe levels that don’t affect our hearing. However, when we’re exposed to harmful noise—sounds that are too loud or loud sounds that last a long time—sensitive structures in our inner ear can be damaged, causing noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). These sensitive structures, called hair cells, are small sensory cells that convert sound energy into electrical signals that travel to the brain. Once damaged, our hair cells cannot grow back. What sounds cause NIHL? NIHL can be caused by a one-time exposure to an intense “impulse” sound, such as an explosion, or by continuous exposure to loud sounds over an extended time. Sound is measured in units called decibels (db). On the decibel scale, an increase of 10 means that a sound is 10 times more intense, or powerful. To your ears, it sounds twice as loud. The humming of a refrigerator is 45 db, normal conversation is approximately 60 db, and the noise from heavy city traffic can reach 85 db. Sources of noise that can cause NIHL include motorcycles, fire-

crackers, and small firearms, all emitting sounds from 120 to 150 db. Long or repeated exposure to sounds at or above 85 decibels can cause hearing loss. The louder the sound, the shorter the time before NIHL can occur. Sounds of less than 75 db, even after long exposure, are unlikely to cause hearing loss. Although being aware of decibel levels is an important factor in protecting one’s hearing, distance from the source of the sound and duration of exposure to the sound are equally important. A good rule of thumb is to avoid noises that are “too loud” and “too close” or that last “too long.” What are the effects of NIHL? Exposure to harmful sounds causes damage to the hair cells as well as the auditory, or hearing, nerve. A loud, sudden sound (also called impulse sound) can result in immediate hearing loss that may be permanent. This kind of hearing loss may be accompanied by tinnitus—a ringing, buzzing, or roaring in the ears or head—which may subside over time. Hearing loss and tinnitus may be experienced in one or both ears, and tinnitus may continue constantly or occasionally throughout a lifetime. Continuous exposure to loud noise also can damage the structure of hair cells, result-

ing in hearing loss and tinnitus, although the process occurs more gradually than for impulse noise. Exposure to impulse and continuous noise may cause only a temporary hearing loss. If a person regains hearing, the temporary hearing loss is called a temporary threshold shift. The temporary threshold shift largely disappears 16 to 48 hours after exposure to loud noise. You can prevent NIHL from both impulse and continuous noise by regularly using hearing protectors such as earplugs or earmuffs. Scientists believe that, depending on the type of noise, the pure force of vibrations from the noise can cause hearing loss. Recent studies also show that exposure to harmful noise levels triggers the formation of molecules inside the ear that damage hair cells and result in NIHL. These destructive molecules play an important role in hearing loss in children and adults who listen to loud noise for too long.

From the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, one of the National Institutes of Health

The Big Sur International Marathon was recently named one of the top three “best marathons” in America by Runner’s World magazine. Join us on April 25, 2010 for the Twenty Fifth Presentation.

Running on the Ragged Edge of the Western World F a l l / W i n t e r 2 0 0 9 ClubRunning • 11

RRCA Program Spotlight

Roads Scholar® Program Since 1996, the Road Runners Club of America has awarded grants totaling more than $300,000 through its Roads Scholar® program. The program underwrites promising American post-collegiate runners as they become national- and world-class road running athletes. The grants go directly to the athletes to support their goals and often serve as a bridge between collegiate running and sponsorship through a distance training center or corporate sponsor. The RRCA is pleased to introduce the 2009 Class of Roads Scholars.

Forest Braden Forest Braden was a seven-time Idaho state champion before running at Boise State University. While running under coach David Welsh at BSU, Braden became one of the most decorated distance runners in school history earning three All-American awards and winning the conference title seven times. After college, Braden ran for Team Indiana Elite, coached by Dr. Robert Chapman, where he set his 10K best on the track. In August 2008 Braden moved to Spokane, Washington to assist

coach Pat Tyson at Gonzaga University. He currently lives and trains in Spokane. His recent running performances include placing 17th at the USA 15K Championships and 12th at the Lilac Bloomsday Run in Spokane.

Sally Meyerhoff Sally Meyerhoff started running when she was 8 or 9 years old. She participated in a youth track club that offered a month-long running program with an event at the end. In middle school, she ran cross country and then ran for Mountain Pointe High School in Phoenix, where she was a nine-time Arizona state champion. She ran track and cross country at Duke University and was a three-time All-American. In 2008, she ran her debut marathon, the PF Chang’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon in Phoenix, finishing with a time of

2:42:47. This qualified her for the 2008 Olympic Trials– Women’s Marathon, where she finished 20th with a time of 2:39:39. In 2009, she set an American course record at the Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10-Mile Run in Washington, DC, running 54:38 and finishing 7th in a very competitive field. On May 9, she won her first U.S. Championship in the River Bank Run 25K. Her time was 1:27:28. This is Meyerhoff’s second term as an RRCA Roads Scholar.

Stephanie Rothstein Stephanie Rothstein stepped onto the national stage in track & field at the 2006 Stanford Invitational with her first attempt at a fast 10,000 meters. She would race to a 33:27.85, putting herself among the best in the USA. She broke not only the University of California–Santa Barbara record, but also the Big West Conference record and found herself ranked 10th in the U.S. out of all American runners, collegiate or professional. Rothstein debuted in the half marathon dis-

tance at the Aramco Houston Half Marathon on Jan. 13, 2008 with a time of 1:13:19. Later that year, she took fifth place at the Twin Cities Marathon in Minnesota. Rothstein runs for the New York Athletic Club and is coached by Brad Hudson.

Antonio Vega Antonio Vega is a graduate of Tartan High School in Oakdale, Minnesota, where he competed on the track at 1600 and 3200 meters and was all-state his senior year. He lettered five times in soccer and twice more in football as place kicker. At the University of Minnesota, he was an All-American in cross country and competed in three NCAA cross country championships. Vega was a four-time All-Midwest Region harrier and the 2005 Midwest regional cross country champion. In 2006, he was named the Midwest Runner of the Year. In his senior year, he posted a 29:04.13 in the 10,000 meters, and

Grant recipients are chosen annually through an application process and finalized by a selection panel. The 2009 selection panel included Carl Sniffen (chair and former RRCA president), Mike Morgan (former Roads Scholar), Amy Yoder-Begley (Olympian and former Roads Scholar), Don Kardong (Olympian), Phil Stewart (race director), Brent Ayer (current RRCA president), and Jean Knaack (RRCA executive director). The RRCA would like to thank the generous donors for their support of the Roads Scholar program. To learn more about the program and how to support elite distance running hopefuls, visit us at

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in 2008 he achieved a personal best of 29:00.47. This year at the Peachtree 10K, Vega was first American in 29:41. He then ran 1:04:26 in his debut at the NYC Half Marathon. His 2009 season has included seventh place at the USA Half Marathon Championships with a personal best of 1:02:55; 15th at the USA Cross Country Championships; and selection to the U.S. team for the NACAC Cross Country Championships. He also was a member of the first-place men’s team at the USA 15K Cross Country Championships and finished second at the ING Georgia Half Marathon.

2009 donors as of Dec. 1, 2009 include Cherry Blossom Inc.*, Atlanta Track Club*, Albuquerque Road Runners, Brent Ayer, Central Mass Striders, Fulmont Road Runners Club, Leonard Goldman on behalf of the Lake Merritt Joggers & Striders, Jon Hughes, Jersey Shore Running Club, Lilac Bloomsday Association, Maine Track Club, Lisa Paige, River City Runners, Syracuse Chargers Track Club, Team Footworks, Travis Eliot Landreth Foundation and Willamette Valley Road Runners. *$5,000 and over donors to the Roads Scholar Fund

52nd Annual RRCA Convention Preview

AP Photo

Keith Brantley

Keith Brantly Keith Brantly will be guest speaker at the luncheon on Saturday, April 24. With 15 years’ experience as a professional runner, Brantly is considered by many experts to be one of the United States’ most successful distance runners of the 1980s and 1990s. At distances from the mile to the marathon, his accomplishments include: 1996 U.S. Olympic team member–marathon and U.S. Olympic Trials participant in 2000, ’96, ’92, ’88, and ’84 at 5K, 10K, and marathon, competing in a total of seven Trials events. Brantly is a twelve-time member of national track, road racing, and cross country teams. He’s an eighttime U.S. national road racing champion in the 10K, 20K, 25K, and marathon. His lifetime personal bests include 2:12:31 marathon, 42:50 15K, 28:02 10K, and 13:36 5K. Brantly was inducted into the RRCA Distance Running Hall of Fame in 2005.

Orlando Magic

Every year since 1958, the RRCA has gathered in cities around the country for its national convention. The convention is a great opportunity for running club leaders, running community volunteers, RRCA-certified coaches, race directors, running community supporters, and runners to come together to share information and best practices. Participants also contribute to the national mission of the RRCA to promote running at the local level as a healthy activity and a competitive sport. The convention features educational workshops on a variety of topics, social networking events, the RRCA Annual Meeting of the Membership, and the National Running Awards Banquet. Here’s a look a what we’ve got in store for the coming convention, which will be held April 21–25 in Lakeland, FL.

2009 RRCA State Rep of the Year. Williams is senior vice president of the NBA’s Orlando Magic. One of America’s top motivational, inspirational, and humorous speakers, since 1968 he has been in the NBA as general manager for teams in Chicago, Atlanta, Philadelphia—including the 1983 World Champion 76ers—and now the Orlando Magic, which he co-founded in 1987. In the last 13 years, he has completed 50 marathons, including the Boston Marathon 12 times, and has also climbed Mt. Rainier. He is a weightlifter, Civil War buff, and serious baseball fan.

Special Training Seminar The Road Runners Club of America is working with the Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest (CLPI) to develop two 1-hour training seminars at the 52nd Annual RRCA National Convention. The purpose of the training seminars is to teach running club and event leaders how to develop and engage in grassroots advocacy campaigns and lobbying efforts in their communities. “The RRCA envisions our members as important players in the development of local advocacy campaigns and lobbying efforts related to topics that are of importance to the running community,” explained Jean Knaack, RRCA executive director. “The RRCA’s investment in this training is a commitment to our vision of runners as health, fitness, and pedestrian safety advocates.” The first session will outline the laws that govern grassroots advocacy and lobbying activities for nonprofit organizations. It will also cover the differences between direct and grassroots lobbying and other important concepts. The second session will outline the con-

Keynote speakers include: Bill Rodgers Bill Rodgers, one of marathon’s most recognizable names, will be the keynote speaker for the RRCA Annual Banquet and National Running Awards Ceremony on April 24 held in conjunction with the national convention. Rodgers, an American runner and former American record holder in the marathon, is best known for his victories in the Boston Marathon and the New York City Marathon in the late 1970s when he won both races four times each between 1975 and 1980. He twice broke the American record at Boston with a time of 2:09:55 in 1975 and a 2:09:27 in 1979. Rodgers made the 1976 U.S. Olympic team and raced the marathon at the Montreal Olympics in 1976, finishing 40th. He didn’t participate in the 1980 Olympics due to the U.S. boycott over the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan. Rodgers’ most remarkable year on the road racing circuit came in 1978 when he won 27 of the 30 races he entered. Over his career, Rodgers has won 22 marathons. Pat Williams Pat Williams will be the guest speaker for the Friday, April 23rd luncheon honoring the

cepts of developing grassroots advocacy campaigns that clubs can implement locally. These locally developed campaigns will address ideas such as runners’ safety initiatives, community health promotion initiatives, multi-use trail development and maintenance initiatives, and many other topics. The training sessions will be led by CLPI training fellow Jeannie Fox, who is the deputy director of public policy at the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits (MCN). In her role at MCN, Fox is responsible for direct and grassroots lobbying and advocacy efforts on behalf of the nonprofit sector in Minnesota, and is a frequent speaker and trainer to various nonprofits increasing their capacity to do advocacy and civic engagement work. Learn more about the convention, our educational session, and networking events, and register today at

RRCA National Race Shirt Contest The RRCA is pleased to announce the second annual RRCA National Race Shirt Contest. This is an opportunity to showcase your event from a little different angle. The RRCA is seeking shirts (long or short sleeve, cotton or performance) from 2009 events hosted by RRCA members. Only one shirt per event is needed; size doesn’t matter. A club hosting multiple events can submit entries for multiple races. The race shirt must have the RRCA logo on it to be considered for judging. All entries should be mailed to the RRCA National Office at 1501 Lee Hwy., Ste. 140, Arlington, VA 20009 by Feb. 26, 2010. Please include the name of the event, event date, location, host club, contact name, contact email, and contact phone number. A first round of judging will take place at the RRCA National Office by a team of local club members. Attendees to the 2010 RRCA Convention ( will have the opportunity to vote on the finalists to select the 2009 RRCA National Race Shirt Winner. The winning shirt will be announced at the RRCA Annual Banquet and Awards Ceremony and featured in a future issue of Club Running. Don’t forget to save the date for the 5th annual National Run@Work Day, Sept. 17, 2010. Go to for more information.

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Where in the World Is


All photos courtesy of Gary Morgan

You might be asking yourself right now “Who is Gary Morgan and why do I want to know where he is?” Well, the answer is simple. Gary Morgan has served as the RRCA Michigan state representative since 2005. RRCA state reps are the all-volunteer corps of runners who promote the mission of the Road Runners Club of America with clubs, events, and runners in their home state. Some state reps, like Gary, even cross those borders to promote running and the RRCA at the national and international levels. State reps travel on a voluntary basis because of their love of and passion for the sport of running, belief in the RRCA’s mission, and because running presents a lifestyle activity that’s full of adventure.

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Gary developed an interest in running during high school while running on the Pontiac Central High School cross country team in Pontiac, Michigan. That led him to a 20-year athletic career as an award-winning race walker that included 17 national titles, a spot at the 1988 Seoul Summer Olympics 20K racewalk, and qualifying for six U.S. Olympic Trials. After the 2004 Olympic Trials, Gary returned to running by volunteering to be a pacer at races and pursuing other volunteer posts in the running community. He also serves on the AAC (Athletes Advisory Council) to the U.S. Olympic Committee on behalf of USA Track & Field, and he was an active promoter of Chicago’s 2016 Olympic bid. I learned about Gary’s running wanderlust a few years back at the RRCA convention when he rattled off a laundry list of events around the country that he’d already done that year and another list of those on his to-do list. At the time, he was nearing retirement from his job with General Motors and looking forward to his future running travels. In 2008, the RRCA followed both Morgan and RRCA Eastern Region director Mitchell Garner on their adventures to the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing through “Mitch’s Beijing Blog,” posted on the

RRCA website. In 2009, Gary traveled to Antarctica, South Africa, and Berlin, to name just a few places, and we’re pleased to share a few pages from his travel journal about his amazing running adventures so far this year. “I’m a modern day Marco Polo,” Gary explains. “I have been in all 50 states and 33 other countries doing a little bit of everything. Life is an adventure, live it.”

Antarctica Marathon

On March 1, 2009, I caught a plane for Buenos Aires and left the freezing cold 6º temperature of Detroit. Fifteen hours later, with a stop in Atlanta to pick up other marathoners taking the trip, most notably the Penguin (John Bingham) and Jennie Hadfield, I land in Argentina. I enjoy the 80º weather in Buenos Aires as we stay for a 3-day layover before flying to Ushuaia, the world’s southernmost city, to catch a ship to Antarctica. There are two ships going; both are former Russian spy vessels that have been retrofitted for expeditions, and they are quite awesome.

It is an 800-mile trip across the Drake Passage, where the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans meet, and it is regarded as the most dangerous body of water on the planet. We obviously crossed the passage over a peaceful 48-hour period. A twoday journey by boat found us landing on King George Island where the marathon takes place. King George Island is the largest of the South Shetland Islands and is 120 kilometers off the coast of Antarctica in the Southern Ocean. It is a balmy 37º, a little warmer than when I had left Detroit. The island is home to four bases: Russian, Chilean, Uruguayan, and Chinese base camps. The island is rocky, muddy, and with one large glacier on it, but there is a distinct lack of snow and ice. Still, a few penguins and seals call it home. The morning of the race, we took Zodiac boats from our ships to the island to get ready to race. There are 180 marathoners and 49 halfmarathoners entered in the event and each person is responsible for their own aid, fluids, and

nutrition. The course is a 13-mile loop that wanders through the [four] bases with a halfmile run up the glacier. It is a rocky, muddy, hilly, two-track and trail course, and I could see it was going to be a tough race. The gun went off at 9:00 a.m., bottom-ofthe-world time. It was great running weather: 37º, cloudy, with very little wind. I go out slow so I could take a couple of pictures along the way, I’m in Antarctica after all. I make sure to stop and have my picture taken at the glacier, as well. It was some awesome scenery: ships sitting in the harbor, seals and penguins on the rocky beach, and runners running. As I ran down the glacier, I picked up the pace and had to maneuver my way through the mud. I went through the half marathon mark in 1:54:00 and felt good as [I] ran up the glacier again. Unfortunately, the wind picked up at the 20-mile mark and I started to get cold. The next six miles hurt. I crossed the

finish line with a time of 4:03:00. I placed 10th overall and 3rd in my age group. I was really hurting; this was one tough race, and I could not wait to get on the ship and take a hot shower. That night we all celebrated as the ship headed for the Antarctica Peninsula. We arrived in the morning to see the sun shining off glaciers on mountains. It was a spectacular sight. We rode around on the Zodiac boats to see the whales, seals, and icebergs. The icebergs were completely blue; this color is a result of the oxygen being squeezed out of them, and it was absolutely beautiful. We stopped on some of the peninsulas to walk with the penguins,

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Lessons Learned from Running Comrades From RRCA Board Member Kelly “K2” Richards

When one person spontaneously lifts up their voice to sing Shosholoza at the starting line, thousands of others will join in making a sound so lovely it will bring you to tears even when you don’t understand Zulu. (Shosholoza is an old Zulu mining song whose title roughly means “keep going, move faster on those mountains.”) • A point-to-point race run in opposite directions every other year can actually be uphill, both ways. • If every single racer around you is doing something such as walking with their arms up in the air you should

do it, too, even if you don’t know why. Eventually you’ll figure out they’re stretching and it feels good. • South Africans are insane runners! Some run Comrades year after year into the decades! After the first time, they actually know what they’re in for and they still come back to run it again. • The most inspiring “high five” can come from a handless boy holding his elbow out ready to make contact with a runner. • Oranges sprinkled with salt taste like a slice of heaven.

• Cheers of “well done,” “journey on,” and “run strong” are more fun to hear than “great job” and the most common lies we often hear while racing in the U.S., “you’re almost there” and “looking good.” • If I can dream it, then I can achieve it. No goal, no matter how outrageous, is out of reach so long as you are willing to work hard and have support from your running club comrades who make the journey worth the trip.

who proved to be very curious creatures. They will come right up to you and check you out. We topped off our five-day cruise up and down the continent with a stop at a closed Argentinean base that had a large hill near it. We all climbed the hill, and then slid down on our backsides. What a way to end the cruise before heading back home! The trip back across the Drake Passage was a rough ride as the ship rocked the whole way back, but two days later we were back on land and headed to Buenos Aires. Most of my fellow runners flew home, but I took a side trip to the [Iguazu] Falls that border Argentina and Brazil. They were absolutely beautiful and well worth the extra time to go and see them.

expo, course tour, and pre-race pasta party kept me busy for three days and I was able to also catch up with my fellow RRCA state rep Kelly Richards from Lake Grapevine, Texas. She had traveled to the race with some friends in her running club. Race morning came and I had to get up at 2:00 a.m. to catch the 3:00 a.m. bus to the start. It was a 56-mile bus ride to the start in Pietermaritzburg, so it got me there an hour before the 5:30 a.m. start time. As I lined up at the starting line, I thought to myself, “What have I gotten myself into now? A 56-mile race! Am I nuts? “Well, yes,” I say to myself, but it’s worth it because this is a world-renowned race and it’s

Africa. Enough said. The gun goes off and it’s all for the race now. Darkness prevails for the first hour and a half, so I have to watch my footing and worry about the other runners next to me. It becomes a long grueling race with a lot of hills. We are running in an area called the Land of a Thousand Hills and it certainly seemed like I ran up and down a thousand hills; my quads were screaming. But in reality, the course is characterized as having five major hills known as the “Big Five.” I hit the halfway point (28 miles) in 4:44:00 and it gives me confidence that I will finish before the cut-off time of 12 hours. I felt really good at this point, because I had just run

Comrades, South Africa I left Detroit on May 19 to start my incredible adventure to Africa to race Comrades, the world’s most famous ultra marathon, attracting over 12,000 runners every year. 2009 marked the 84th running of the race. I arrived in Durban, South Africa on May 20, after 24 hours of travel, which would allow me three days to recover and prepare for the 56-mile race. The race

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Kelly Richards and Gary Morgan proudly wearing their RRCA gear in South Africa.

up the biggest hill on the course. Supposedly it’s all downhill from there, but I know better than that. There are lots more hills to come. As I saw the Durban skyline, I knew the end was getting close. Running the last mile in the streets of Durban and having spectators cheer on the runners was inspiring. I knew that I was about to complete something very special in my life. When I came into the stadium, I

could see the finish line and my heart beat a little faster as I picked up the pace to cross that finish line with a time of 9:42:14. I had beaten my goal time of 10 hours. This was the hardest race I’ve ever done; it hurt like hell, but it was worth it. To have run the Ultimate Human Race, as Comrades is referred to, was a great honor for me. The race started in 1921 as a memorial race for WWI veterans. Then it became a symbol to fight apartheid and to have women run the race in 1975; this race is a tribute to the human race. The next day, I started my African

vacation by flying up to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. It was truly spectacular seeing that much water going over a mile-long cliff. There is so much mist that comes off the falls that they call it the “smoke that thunders,” because you can see it a mile away and hear the thunder of the falls. The next day, I walked with lions that conservationists plan on releasing back into the wild as part of a breeding program designed to rebuild the lion population in Africa. I saw amazing wildlife on the adventure and traveled to the location where four countries meet (Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, and Botswana), the only place in the world where four countries meet.

Continued on page 20

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Continued from page 19

10 Travel Tips for Racing Across Town or Around the World

From Gary Morgan and Kelly “K2” Richards

1. Read about the history of the race to learn about traditions, customs, and other lore as it relates to the event. 2. Make contact with a local and experienced runner or local running club in the town of your chosen event. He or she can inform you of what the race director means by “gentle” hills, “some” non-asphalt surfaces, or “limited” parking. You can meet up with local club members before the race for last-minute tips or an after-race celebration. Either way, you’ll enjoy the camaraderie of others despite being far from home. 3. Bring everything you might need for race day, but after that, travel light. Don’t rely on buying gel or other important items at the expo. You might end up with chocolate, berry extra caffeine when you wanted caffeine-free vanilla. 4. Never, for any reason, put your race gear in checked luggage. If necessary, wear your running shoes on the plane. 5. Be sure to bring copies of your passport if traveling

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internationally and be sure to have important numbers with you like your credit card company’s phone number, just in case your cards are stolen or shut down due to “strange” international charges. 6. If the experience is more important than your finish time, run with a disposable camera. Take a few seconds here and there to capture the moment and be sure to take loads of pictures of your post-race adventures, too. Be sure to take a great photo of yourself near a famous sight or beautiful scenery in your running club or RRCA wear ( 7. Bring mementos from your running club, city, or state. Wondering what to do with all those old race shirts? Your new friends, especially the ones across the ocean, would love to have a shirt from your local 5K. Don’t forget to buy some gear from the event you are traveling to. 8. Travel globally, then think locally. Find out where the locals like to go to eat, shop, or just hang out. You’ll likely avoid the crowds and have a more authentic experience.

9. If you travel for more than a weekend getaway, have a plan before you travel that outlines where you are going, how you will be traveling locally, what you want to see while traveling, but be very flexible once you get there. Plan your race as the first part of the trip, then sightsee in the days following the event. Walking tours make great active-recovery activities. 10. Experience something unique about a city on every trip including short weekend getaways. As part of your race recovery, go on a walk, stop in a museum, visit a well-known restaurant, tour the town, take in a ballgame, etc. You don’t need a two-week journey to experience a town.

Presented by Sports Authority

RRCA Championship Spotlight

RRCA National Ultra Championship The Tahoe Rim Trail Run 100-Miler Reported by Howard Nippert; July 18, 2009 Facchino Photography

Facchino Photography

High in the mountains where the air is thin and the views are spectacular, overlooking Carson City, Nevada to the east and Lake Tahoe to the west, is the setting for the Tahoe Rim Trail 100-Miler. The event served as the 2009 RRCA National Ultra Championship. The course, the weather conditions, and the competition were fierce. The course boasts over 20,000 feet of total elevation change, with a high point of 9,000 feet and a low point of 6,800 feet. Temperatures reportedly were over 100º on race day where the men’s competition saw last year’s co-national champion, Eric Skaden of Folsom, California return to claim his full share of the title. Skaden covered the two-loop, out-and-back course in 20 hours, 27 minutes, and 32 seconds. In the women’s race, Bree Lambert of San Jose, California, took the lead from the starting gun and never relinquished her position, finishing in 23 hours, 42 minutes, and 32 seconds. Skaden had come into the race not expecting to win. After running the Western States 100-Mile less than a month ago, he didn’t feel he had recovered completely. While never feeling smooth or comfortable during the race, his race plan was “just don’t drop out,” figuring his fitness was still adequate. After finding himself in 6th place at 20 miles, Skaden moved to 3rd by 25 miles and finally into the lead at 43 miles. First-time 100-miler Bree Lambert seems to have picked up on the trade quickly, as she bested the next closest woman by over 30 minutes. Lambert is no stranger to top-quality

Eric Skaden Bree Lambert

competition, having won the 2007 Quicksilver 50-Mile and finishing second there in 2008, finishing second in the 2008 Tahoe Rim Trail 50-Mile, and winning the 2008 RRCA Nevada State 50K Trail Championships. Volunteer race director Dave Cotter was enthusiastic with the race results, remarking, “It was impressive that so many first-timers finished so well.” His lament was that there was a near 50% drop-out rate, as the unusually high

temperatures and deceptively hard course took their toll on a huge chunk of the field. Rounding out the RRCA National Ultra Championship competition were masters champions Robert Evans, 43, and Roxanne Woodhouse, 46, with times of 20:46.5 and 24:14.4, respectively. The grand master champion was Davy Crockett, 50, with a time of 25:43.5. No female over 50 completed the course.

RRCA National 5K Championship

Penny Photography

Reported by Brooke Nelson, Volunteer Race Director August 1, 2009

Scott Strand

The 2009 Woodstock 5K in Anniston, Alabama, which hosted the RRCA National 5K Championship, broke all previous attendance records and was a wildly successful event, thanks to tremendous community support. Anniston and Calhoun County pulled out all the stops to welcome 1,040 runners from 16 states and 3 nations to our little corner of the running world. Now in its 29th year, the Woodstock 5K is one of the oldest footraces in the south and the course is a challenging loop run through the hilly and historic Woodstock neighborhood.

Cooler-than-normal temperatures greeted runners at the Anniston High School race site as they jockeyed for position at the starting line at 7:30 a.m. Within minutes, Ryan Woods from Boone, North Carolina had secured his place in Woodstock history by claiming the first-place overall male title in a time of 14:47:40, though he didn’t come close to the course record held by Scott Strand (14:24:00, 2002). Making a clean sweep for the state of North Carolina, Stephanie Pezzullo from Indian Trails, won the first place overall female Continued on page 22

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RRCA Championship Spotlight Presented by Sports Authority

title in a time of 17:34:45. She, too, didn’t threaten the women’s course record of 17:12. The RRCA masters champions were Scott Strand, 40, from Birmingham, Alabama with a time of 15:28 and Donna McCullar, 40, from Leesburg, Alabama with a time of 20:40. The RRCA grand master champions were Ernie Brooks, 55, from Powell, Tennessee, with a time of 19:14 and Ann Eller, 55, from Pelham, Alabama with a time of 21:46.

Penny Photography

Editor’s Note: The Woodstock 5K received the inaugural RRCA Road Race of the Year Award in 2007. Stephanie Pezzullo

RRCA National Half-Marathon Championship Compiled from reports by Jess Mancini, Jim Butta, and Jay W. Bennett of the Parkersburg News & Sentinel August 21, 2009 The News & Sentinel Half-Marathon produced by the River City Runners & Walkers in Parkersburg, West Virginia, welcomed 1,700 runners to the starting line for the all-volunteer-organized race. Racers enjoyed the un-

Jeff Baughan

Alene Reta

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usually mild climate for the event. Ethiopian Alene Reta, 27, became the first runner to capture three consecutive News & Sentinel Half Marathon championships, besting the field by more than a minute. He tied the record of Kenyan Godfrey Kiprotich for most overall titles with three wins. Reta crossed the Market Street finish line at 1 hour, 4 minutes, and 15 seconds, off his mark from 2008 but well ahead of the pack. Hellen Jemutai, 27, of Kenya, won the women’s half marathon with a time of 1 hour, 15 minutes, and 57 seconds. A group of six— Jemutai, Divina Jepkogei, Alemtsehay Misganaw, Frashiah Waithaka, Phobe Ko, and Maria Busienei—ran neck-and-neck over the first five miles of the course. By the time the group reached the rolling hills on Gihon Road, Ko, who was the top American finisher a year ago, had dropped off the pace while the remaining five continued to battle. Ko held her position to finish as the top American female in the race. By the time the group reached the sevenmile mark in 40:52, the pack had lost a second member—Busienei, who was the third-place finisher in 2007. Three miles later, the pack thinned again as Waithaka found the

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“Today was a very good day for me,” exclaimed Jemutai, who trains with Jepkogei in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. “We usually beat one another during the year. Today was my day. I am very happy. The course is very nice. I liked all of the people cheering.” Gideon Mutsiva, 42, of Eufuala, West Virginia won the RRCA Masters Championship with a time of 1:11:57 and the female RRCA Masters Champion was Albina Gallyamova, 45, of Russia, with a time of 1:20:14. Winners of the men’s and women’s RRCA Grand Masters Championship titles were Thomas Dever of Terre Haute, Indiana, with a time of 1:16:20 and Lee DePietro, 51, of Ruxton, Maryland with a time of 1:25:39.

Hellen Jemutai #30

Jeff Baughan

pace too tough. But the trio of Jemutai, Jepkogei, and Misganaw were running strong and appeared to be locked in a three-way battle for the crown as they headed for the course’s toughest hill, 13th Street Hill. As the group approached the sharp incline, Jemutai made a move to the front, followed by the 24-year-old Jepkogei. Misganaw failed to answer the charge and wasn’t able to recover. Downhill, Jemutai continued her advantage and she picked up the pace. Jepkogei stayed within striking distance, but could never really challenge as the duo came to the Market Street finish line. Jemutai outkicked countrywoman Divina Jepkogei down the stretch on Market Street for the win.

Upcoming Events... 2010 National Championship Preview All race dates subject to change. See official race websites for final 2010 dates. RRCA National 10-Mile Championship Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10-Mile Race April 11, 2010; Washington, DC The 10-Mile starts and finishes on 15th Street, adjacent to the grounds of the Washington Monument. The route features a 3-mile circuit under a canopy of the legendary cherry trees in East Potomac Park (Hains Point), in addition to the traditional sections through the trees along the Tidal Basin, Independence Avenue, and the always-popular Memorial Bridge crossing. Registration for this quick-to-sellout event opens in December. RRCA National 5K Championship Race the Lakes 5K April 24, 2010; Lakeland, FL Hosted by the Lakeland Runners Club, Race the Lakes traverses a spectacular course around beautiful Lakes Mirror, Morton, and Hollingsworth and through the streets of downtown Lakeland, Florida. This event offers 5K and 10K courses, or challenge yourself and run both consecutively in the 15K Challenge. RRCA National 10K Championship Kalamazoo Klassic 10K June 19, 2010; Kalamazoo, MI The race takes place in a residential, tree-lined set-

ting in Kalamazoo, Michigan and consists of a twoloop, 5K course. The Klassic is associated with the Kalamazoo Area Runners, with over 500 club members, and the Front Line Racing Team. The Front Line Racing team is a highly competitive organization that participates in the Klassic and presents a competitive field for the event. RRCA National Ultra Championship Tahoe Rim Trail 100-Mile Endurance Run July 17, 2010; Carson City, NV This event is run in the high elevation alpine and subalpine regions of the magnificent Sierra Nevada Mountains. The race begins and ends at Spooner Lake State Park, which sits at 7,000 feet. The highest point on the course is just below the 9,214 foot Snow Valley Peak, which also provides one of the best views on the course (“A Taste of Heaven”). The low point on both courses is at the bottom of the now-infamous Red House Loop (“A Taste of Hell”) at approximately 6,800 feet. The event is hosted by the Tahoe Mountain Milers of Lake Tahoe, Nevada and the Sagebrush Stompers of Carson City, Nevada. RRCA National Half Marathon Championship Parkersburg News & Sentinel Half Marathon August 21, 2010; Parkersburg, WV The half marathon race begins in downtown Parkersburg, West Virginia, and the course takes you out of the city and into the scenic and hilly surroundings before looping back into the commercial area of town. You’ll finish the race to the cheers of spectators lining Market Street prior to the Parkersburg Homecoming Festival Parade. The race is hosted by the River City Runners. RRCA National Marathon Championship Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon October 3, 2010; Milwaukee, WI The Lakefront Marathon: For Runners, By Runners By Tom Held*

award-winning “for runners, by runners” philosophy in its 29th running in 2009, and in years to come. The event will celebrate its 30th anniversary on Oct. 3, 2010, when it will also serve as the Road Runners Club of America National Marathon Championship. Organized by the nonprofit Badgerland Striders Running Club, Milwaukee’s marathon has developed a reputation much like its host city’s: friendly and efficient. The race has grown slowly and quietly, eschewing corporate sponsorships, a significant charity partnership, and a half marathon event that boosts turnout. With that low-key approach, the Lakefront earns high marks from participants and ranks as the 39th largest marathon in the country. This flat and scenic, point-to-point course travels south through rural countryside and quiet northshore neighborhoods and finishes along the shores of Lake Michigan north of the Milwaukee Art Museum at Veterans Park. The Lakefront Marathon is a Boston Marathon–qualifying course and has a current limit of 2,750 entrants, according to Kristine Hinrichs, who’s now in her 10th year as the volunteer race director. Registration fees for the marathon cover the cost of the shirts provided to participants, the permits from municipalities, and the fees for law enforcement assistance, Hinrichs said. Any remaining profits stay with the Badgerland Striders Running Club to invest in training programs and other club-hosted races. “The draw is and always has been [that] we’re a running club event,” Hinrichs said. “We’re not about the bands, the charity, and the tourism. We’re about the runner.” The formula worked well enough to earn the Lakefront Marathon honors from the Road Runners Club of America as the 2008 Road Race of the Year. Runners praise the Lakefront for offering a relatively flat course that can produce fast times, along with encouraging spectators and easy logistics. The course record of 2:14:09 was set in 1981 by Steve Benson. The women’s record of 2:39:15 has been held by Nancy Mieszczak since 1983. *Tom Held received the RRCA Journalism Excellence award in 2007.

The Lakefront Marathon continues to stick to its

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RRCA-Certified Coach’s Training Tips

BECOME A COMPLETE RUNNER By Jeff Horowitz, RRCA Certified Coach

Runners run. That’s what we do. But if all you do is run, you’re only half the runner you could be. Most runners are aware that they need to train their “core” to become better athletes, but few runners know exactly what that means and how to do it. The core is defined as all the muscle groups of the midsection—from mid-thigh to the sternum, front and back, including the rectus abdominus (the “six-pack” muscles), external and internal obliques (love handles), erector spinae (lower back muscles), and transverse abdominus (the deepest layer of core muscles, forming a horizontal girdle across our inner midsection). These muscles enable us to twist, turn, and bend over, and they stabilize us as we move through space. Think of the core as the stable platform from which your arms and legs do all their work. Without a strong, stable core, every movement your body makes is compromised, which can cause premature fatigue and injury. If your gym offers ab classes or Pilates classes, take them at least twice a week. If you don’t belong to a gym, or you miss the scheduled class, a quick 5–10 minute routine done on your own every other day will keep you strong. Old school sit-ups are out since they can put too much strain on the back and rely on other supporting muscles, but here’s a list of the exercises you should be doing. These exercises won’t take much time but, done regularly, they’ll make a big difference in your running and your overall health.


Lying on your back, keeping your chin raised toward the ceiling, roll upward until your shoulders are off the floor. Begin with two sets of 10 repetitions and work up to two sets of 50. When you get good at this, try it with your legs up in the air.


Lie on your back with the edges of your hands under your hips and your legs together and outstretched. Slowly raise your legs until they are perpendicular to the floor, keeping them as straight as possible. Then lower them. Do two sets of 10, and work up to two sets of 30. When you get good at this, try it with your hands resting on your belly.


Lying on the floor, bend your knees and put one ankle on the opposing knee. Now bring your opposing shoulder up and across your body toward the knee that’s up in the air, e.g., with your right ankle on your left knee, raise your left shoulder to your right knee. Reverse and repeat. Do two sets of 20, and work up to two sets of 30. We recommend, as with all fitness and health issues, you consult with your physician before instituting any changes in your fitness program.

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. R A E G . L E R A P P A . S E O H S












RRCA-Certified Coach’s Training Tips


Lie face-down, and simultaneously raise up your legs and your upper torso, so that your body is resting only on your stomach. Lower and repeat. Do two sets of 10, and work your way up to two sets of 30.


Use of the stability “Swiss” ball and the BOSU apparatus will be the subject for a future column, but for now, keep in mind that anything you can do to introduce instability into an exercise—which is exactly what these two pieces of equipment do—will stress the core and force it to improve. So generally speaking, any exercise you would do lying on a bench, you can do lying back on a stability ball, and any exercise you would do standing up, you can do standing on a BOSU.


Too many runners focus on legs and forget that running also involves a lot of upper body work. Strengthening your upper body will promote good posture and build explosive power. Like balancing, strength training will be the subject for more in-depth discussion in the future, but for now, here are a few quick exercises to get you going. For the best results with the least time and effort, do these exercises two to three times a week on nonconsecutive days.


A one-stop-shopping exercise for building upper-body strength, this exercise works the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Keeping your body in a straight line from your toes to your shoulders, slowly lower yourself down until your nose almost touches the floor, then raise yourself back up. If you have trouble doing this or you get tired, try doing them from your knees, keeping your body straight. Don’t let your back sag! (As an alternative, you could also bench press with a barbell, or use a chest press machine.)


Another classic exercise, this one works the upper back and biceps. Keeping your hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing you, pull your body up until your chin clears the bar, and then slowly lower yourself back down. Aim for two sets of 10 repetitions. As an alternative, if you belong to a gym, you can use the cable pull-down machine.

JEFF HOROWITZ is an RRCA-certified running coach, as well as certified personal trainer and triathlon coach. He’s the author of My First 100 Marathons: 2,620 Miles with an Obsessive Runner (Skyhorse 2008), and writes for several sports and running magazines. He’s run over 140 marathons in every state, as well as on most continents, including Antarctica, but his biggest challenge is helping his wife Stephanie chase after their 4-year-old son Alex. Contact him at and

We recommend, as with all fitness and health issues, you consult with your physician before instituting any changes in your fitness program.

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Trail Shoes 2010

by Cregg Weinmann

Welcome to our semi-annual look at shoes for off-road running. Since wet weather conditions are more common during the winter months, a number of these eight new or updated models feature waterproof laminates or water-resistant treatments. There are shoes for every type of terrain, ranging from rugged trails to racing, and even shoes that transition well from road to trail for those routes that have a bit of everything.

adidas adiZero XT $90

The second round of the adiZero XT departs from the minimalist original to incorporate more of the design and technology of the adidas trail line. While the open mesh is not water-resistant, it drains well. The racing shoe fit continues with a bit more support from the overlays, especially in the rearfoot. The midsole maintains the effective low profile, though it’s now supported by the heel strapping of the upper that extends into the shank. The outersole is adidas’ TraXion, which digs into soft or muddy ground, but flexes on firm surfaces (even pavement) to grip as well as cushion. “Supportively snug fit, like a racer. Decent cushion for a trail shoe, mostly due

Avia Avi Stoltz $110

The partnership of Avia and adventure racer Conrad Stoltz has resulted in this new trail shoe. The design is built on the stable dualdensity midsole of the Avi-Lite, with adjustments to the upper and outersole. The upper is closed mesh with a web of HF-welded overlays and a saddle-like synthetic midfoot overlay from the heel to the eyestay, which offers a snug fit and effectively wraps the foot over the midsole. The tongue is gusseted to keep out debris, and the raised heel tab affords quick entry as well as a bit of extra protection. The outersole offers good stability thanks to its cantilever design, with excellent traction from its prominently lugged profile. The forefoot has a shielding plate in the midsole to manage rough or rocky trails.

to the multi-level lugs. Forefoot has a very responsive toe-off.” “Light and stable, overall performance & looks are outstanding. Did a great $90 Sizes: Men 6.5–13,14; Women 5–11 Weight: Men 11.2 oz. (size 11); Women 9.3 oz. (size 8) Shape: semi-curved to curved For: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

job for me on rocky and smooth trails. I liked the traction and the ride.” $110 Sizes: Men 8.5–13,14; Women 6–10,11 Weight: Men 12.8 oz. (size 11); Women 10.8 oz. (size 8) Shape: semi-curved For: medium- to high-arched feet with mild to moderate overpronation

Helly Hansen Trail Lizard HT $100

Following up on its pioneering Trail Lizard, Helly Hansen offers the Trail Lizard HT, a winterized and waterproofed version. The upper features a closed mesh backed with Helly Tech, a breathable laminate film, and Helly Wear, protective grid-like, rubbery overlays at heel and toe. The midsole is compression-molded EVA with C-Zone polymer pads specific for heel and forefoot, which adds responsive cushioning and rebound. The outersole is a high-traction formulation in the forefoot with durable carbon rubber in the heel, lugged for trail grip while managing roads, as well.

Inov8 Roclite 288 GTX $130

The Roclite 288 is among the lightest trail running shoes on the market, which makes this next part a bit of a surprise: it’s a GoreTex waterproof boot! The upper has a narrow, close fit (it shares the last of the X-Talon 212 racer) and is very supportive above the ankle. The outersole has the efficient, lower height Inov8 lug, which grips well without grabbing everything in sight. The midsole offers a good level of cushioning—it’s equal to most rugged conditions. The ride is responsive, and while not specifically designed for stability, its low profile does make it nimble and balanced. “Very snug, almost narrow fit, but with great ankle support. No issues on a

“Good, snug fit in the heel and midfoot with a roomy forefoot. Nice cushion-

variety of terrain, even when landing on a rock the shoe had good balance

ing underfoot, a bit thin for the roads but more than adequate for the trails.”

and security.”

$100 Sizes: Men 7–13; Women 5.5–10 Weight: Men 14.5 oz. (size 11); Women 12.0 oz.

$130 Sizes: Men 5–13,14; Women 6.5–11 Weight: Men 12.8 oz. (size 11); Women 10.9

(size 8) Shape: semi-curved For: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

oz. (size 8) Shape: semi-curved For: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

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Trail Shoes 2010

Mizuno Wave Cabrakan $125

Named for the Meso-American deity of earthquakes, the Cabrakan shakes up the Mizuno line, settling in as a quality, high-end trail offering. The upper is a water-resistant mesh with a protective rand in the vamp (not the heel), and stretchy elastic snugs the internal fit of the shoe. Overlays provide support and protection, with a high-friction toe bumper leading the way. The midsole shares the same double wave as the Wave Inspire, along with a good measure of medial support, decent flexibility, and responsive cushioning. The outersole is a multi-directional, deeply-lugged design which has a confidence-building grip for the steep stuff, though it also does a good job on pavement. “Comfortable fit with plenty of room for toes to breath. Snug around the heel for good control and had very good traction and comfort.”


New Balance MT 100 $75

At different turns, New Balance has pushed the envelope in trail performance, offering lighter trail racing and performance shoes. With the MT 100, they’ve done it again. The upper is an open mesh called Super Fabric that’s anti-abrasion, supportive, and breathable, permitting water to exit the shoe. The low profile midsole offers a good measure of responsive cushioning and the carbon rubber outersole features well-designed and effective forefoot and heel lugs. The forefoot also features a protective rock plate that’s still thin and flexible. The rearfoot improves traction with a number of concave depressions which also lighten the shoe enough to make it the lightest of the current crop of trail racers on the market. “Snug racer fit, though pretty roomy in the toes. Cushioning is quite good for a light minimalist shoe, and the traction is amazing—about the best I’ve tried. It’s a lot of trail shoe for the money.”

$125 Sizes: Men 7–13,14,15; Women 6–11 Weight: Men 13.9 oz. (size 11); Women 11.8 oz. (size 8) Shape: semi-curved For: medium--arched feet with

$75 Sizes: Men 7–13,14; Women 5–11,12 Weight: Men 8.0 oz. (size 11);

neutral biomechanics to moderate overpronation

Women 6.1 oz. (size 8) Shape: semi-curved to curved For: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

North Face Boulder Canyon $85

The North Face has spent more than a decade focused on trail running shoes, and the Boulder Canyon reaps the benefits from it. The upper is closed mesh with a full rand of various overlays for support and protection. The fit is snug, but with a forefoot that’s roomy enough for the metatarsals. The midsole is relatively low-profile with a responsive feel; it’s quite firm, but works well off-road. The outersole features plenty of grip, but manages the roads well enough to get you to the trails. Overall, the features and reasonable price make the Boulder Canyon a good value.

Saucony Razor $135

The Razor is aimed at extreme trail conditions caused by rain or snow. The upper features a stretchy soft shell over an open mesh, which extends above the ankle— not the first time it has been tried, but it’s done well. Protected by an eVent laminate to waterproof the foot, the design is to keep the micro environment functional: breathable without extra moisture. The midsole and outersole are the same as the effectively proven Xodus, which offered reponsive midsole cushioning and excellent traction from the Vibram outersole. “Decent fit, but not a lot of arch support. Good cushioning, though fairly

“After a couple of runs, they seemed to adapt well to my feet. I like the

firm. Nice level of traction and protection. Wish I had even more sloppy

amount of cushioning in the shoes. The soles are stiff enough to be very

conditions to really run these through their paces.”

secure feeling on trails. The dark color keeps the shoes from looking disgusting after running in powdery dirt.”

Sizes: Men 7–13,14; Women 5–12 Weight: Men 15.3 oz. (size 11); Women 13.1 oz. (size 8) Shape: semi-curved For: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

Sizes: Men 8–12,13,14 Weight: Men 12.6 oz. (size 11) Shape: semi-curved For: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

CREGG WEINMANN is the Running Network LLC’s footwear reviewer. He has coached cross country for over 25 years at the age group, high school, and university levels and beyond. He can be reached via e-mail at Copyright © 2009 by Running Network LLC. All Rights Reserved. No part of this article may be stored, copied, or reprinted without prior written permission of Running Network LLC. Reprinted here with permission.

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©2009 Saucony, Inc.


Potluck Recipe

Quick & Easy “Lasagna” 1 16 oz. box of Rigatoni 1 24 oz. jar of your favorite marinara sauce ½ T of Italian Spice mix 1 T minced garlic 1 8 oz. bag of shredded Italian cheese mix 8 oz. ground turkey (optional) ½ of a 10 oz. package of frozen chopped spinach 1 16 oz. container of cottage cheese 1 15 oz. container of ricotta cheese

Preheat oven to 375˚. Cook the Rigatoni to al dente. Drain. Heat tomato sauce with the Italian spices and minced garlic. Brown and drain the ground turkey. Thaw and drain spinach. (It’s important to thoroughly drain the spinach or the additional moisture will make the dish watery after heating.) Mix pasta, tomato sauce, ground turkey, and spinach together. Pour into a 9x12 oven-safe baking dish. Mix together the cottage cheese and ricotta cheese and then spread over the top of the noodles. (Don’t mix the cottage/ricotta cheese in with the pasta.) Top with the shredded Italian cheese mix. Bake at 375˚ until cheese is golden brown, approximately 30 minutes. Makes approximately 8–10 servings. Ways to Get Creative Kick up the protein, by dicing up 2 hard-boiled eggs (discard the yokes) and mix with the pasta. Increase your veggie intake by mixing julienned and sautéed carrots and zucchini with the spinach. Cut the calories by skipping the cottage/ricotta cheese mix and simply topping the dish with Parmesan cheese. Use a tomato sauce that doesn’t contain high fructose corn syrup. To submit your favorite original potluck recipe to share in Club Running, email us at

CLUB RUNNING RACE ADS March 20-21, 2010 Yuengling Shamrock Marathon, Half Marathon, 8K and Operation Smile Final Mile Virginia Beach, VA Flat, fast, and festive course which runs along the Oceanfront and finishes on the Virginia Beach Boardwalk. Old fashioned beach party with Warm Irish Stew, plenty of Yuengling Beer and live music to celebrate your accomplishment. to sign up., 757-412-1056.

February 13, 2010 Virginia Is for Lovers 14K and 1.4 Mile runs Virginia Beach, VA What better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than being surrounded by several loved ones on this fast, flat course around the Verizon Wireless Virginia Beach Amphitheater and the Virginia Beach Sportsplex. The race features couples teams and relay teams as well as a finish line celebration with Moe’s Southwestern Grill Food, Yuengling Beer, and live music all under a heated tent. to sign up;, 757-412-1056.

May 16, 2010 Cellcom Green Bay Marathon Green Bay, WI Join us in Green Bay for our marathon, half marathon, 5K or WPS Kids’ Run. Enjoy running through tree-lined streets and along the scenic Fox River Trail. All races (except the kids’ run) take a final lap through the famous Lambeau Field before finishing in the parking lot where you will find a tailgatethemed party featuring beer, brats, and live music.

To advertise in this publication, please contact Paul Banta at OSE Productions, Inc. phone: 503.969.4147 • fax: 503.620.4052 • email:

30 • ClubRunning F a l l / W i n t e r 2 0 0 9


will make you realize RUNNING is your one true love. Even if QUITTING is really good in bed.

What if running could feel even better than not running? It’s possible. All you need is a shoe designed around every angle of your foot. Not just length and width, but 88 points of fit. From heel to toe, sole to laces and everything in between. It’s something we call Total Fit. Now go run. Besides, whenever you’re with QUITTING, you’re just thinking about RUNNING anyway. ©2009 New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc.

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