2 minute read
Best Sustainable Store
My Little Green Wardrobe
What's the story behind your brand?
My Little Green Wardrobe is an online store selling sustainable children’s clothing brands
The idea is to make clothing your little ones from top to toe in sustainably and ethically produced garments as easy and accessible as possible for modern day parents

The idea came about when I was trying to shop more sustainably for my own two girls
It took me a whole afternoon to buy just two items, researching various brands, checking their product specifications, and trying to ascertain the sustainability credentials of each particular garment
There had to be a better way
Why wasn’t there a site that had collated all this info already? That had checked out which brands were doing their bit for the planet, and could give parents the info about each one’s ethos in an easily-digestible format?
AND wouldn’t it be great if you could have all of these awesome ethical brands under one roof so you could shop a wide range of them, safe in the knowledge all of their claims check out and without having to do the legwork yourself??
And so the idea behind the website was born
Why is sustainability important to you?
I feel like climate anxiety is definitely something that affects me I worked in news as a journalist for the BBC for 15 years and so was always at the forefront of hard-hitting stories
The ones about climate change frighten me the most, and i’ve always tried to take action to reduce my impact
When I was working on the arts & entertainment desk for BBC News we’d cover major fashion events like Fashion Weeks It was at this point that I received press releases from the likes of the Textile Exchange and other organisations which spelled out how damaging the fashion industry is environmentally and socially.
I was so shocked that I couldn’t continue to shop on the high street any more and immediately tried to seek out better options
For me, just stopping shopping wasn’t difficult as i already had plenty of clothes, but it was a more difficult task for my children - and I found it surprisingly difficult
So that;s when the concept of MLGW came up I thought about it for quite some time, and thought if not me that does it, then who? And if not now, then when?
There’s a climate emergency taking place and when i’m older and my children ask me what I did to try and prevent it, i’ll be able to answer honestly that I did as much as i could
What can your customers expect from you?
Every single item and brand on the site has been hand-picked and hand-vetted by me I research each brand extensively and discuss with them the ways in which they are behaving ethically
Every single product has been awarded a set of values which it adheres towhich means you can filter the clothing according to the values that matter most to you For example, if you’re vegan or you want UK-made items then you can filter according to items that adhere to those criteria
You’ll also get articles and content around sustainability issues After all, I am still a journalist at heart and writing and investigating issues is a passion!
What would you like to say to your voters?
Thank you so much for your support!! As a small brand, any recognition is honestly really appreciated, and without you, I wouldn’t be here!