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Chief Editor
Advertising Manager
Graphic Designer
Lauren Rowley
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© 2023, London Runway Ltd and contributors Printed by Mixam and distributed in-house by London Runway Ltd All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without permission from the publisher. The views expressed in London Runway are those of the respective contributors and are not necessarily shared by the magazine or its staff
Contributors: Eve Nicholls, Emily Massey, Jennifer Smith, Daniela Rojas, Chanitox Castillo Espinosa, G&C Studio, ПапченковаИрина, Тина, Анна Алекс, Irina Papchenkova, Evgeniya Lungu, Niloy Kumar De, Bhartee Jhhaa, Nam Solutions, Raveena Mehta, Peter Brazier, Polina, Valeriia, Hanna TsalTsalko, Seherenia, Dirk Schmerler, D Peach, Alexey Chernikov, Wofai Je, Mercedes Robson, Max Chidera, Bruce Miller, Ummi Chowdhury, Veronika Klimenko, Anjali Phougat, Designer Dream Collection, Lieve Verstraten, P V Subramanian, Dysheen Davis, Charlie Lapson, Sana, Camila Sanabria at Miss Universe Bolivia, Diksha Vinayak, Anitha Srinivas, Deepa Morak, Manasa Desai, and Jes Ruzics
Face of London Runway 2022 ambassadors are Pippa Winn and Flinn Andreae