Lsx response to mayor's consultation

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Introduction LSx ( is a think and do tank that aims to create collaborations that address the complex barriers to a sustainable London. In particular, LSx’s Air Quality Programmes have been working with schools and communities around London and identified that the levels of air pollution (specially in regard to NO2 and Particulate matter) exceeds the legal limits and it is far to follow the recommendations from the World Health Organisation. Furthermore we have identified the need to specifically target health and planning policy in London. For these reasons, we welcome the opportunity to comment on the Mayor’s consultation on his measures to tackle air pollution in London. Our response to this consultation is informed by LSx’s direct experience of delivering our behaviour change programme of work, aimed at improving air quality and public health across London. Our programme includes the following projects:  Cleaner Air 4 Communities  Cleaner Air 4 Schools  Well London  Other projects tackling wider issues such as health and well-being Involvement in these has given us insight into public attitudes and behaviours towards public services, a knowledge of the relative effectiveness of different elements of campaigns and projects, how public opinion influences local infrastructure needs and, crucially, an understanding of how best to effect lasting change in behaviours. Moreover we have consulted our beneficiaries directly about the Mayor’s public consultation by interviewing the participants of our Air Quality Annual conference and by hosting a Webinar on this subject. Mayor’s consultation Overal we welcome the Mayor’s proposals to address air pollution in London. The proposals focus on road traffic, in particular diesel vehicles, demonstrating that the Mayor understands that targeting road traffic is fundamental to improve air quality in the capital. We feel the current proposals are a significant step towards meeting lower pollution levels in London, and here we present some suggestions for improvement. 1. ULEZ expansion In regard to the ULEZ expansion, we suggest that ULEZ should be considered for all London, regarding heavy vehicles, and not just within the North and South circular roads, otherwise some communities will be cut in half. In our opionion the most polluting vehicles should be


targeted first. Moreover the ULEZ implementation should be brought forward to September 2018 instead of 2019. 1. New Emissions Surcharge We are ambivalent about the T-Charge, but it could be a good way of achieving cleaner air targets earlier. We would like to present our worries about equality, since the measures does not make a distinction and has implicit that poorer people will pay the same as more wealthy people. People should not be able to pay to pollute. We suggest that blue badge holders should be exempt, while private hire vehicles and taxis shouldn't be. We also question if 90% of residents were exempt, who would actually pay the charge? Moreover we understand that the T-Charge scheme should be revenue neutral (i.e. revenues cover set up and operating costs), in case there are any revenues these should be ring fenced for pollution busting projects, such as improving cycle infrastructure. 2. Scrappage Scheme Considering that 85% of air pollution in London is produced by road transport, particularly large diesel vehicles, we welcome the implementation of a diesel scrappage scheme. However we think this could be implemented already in 2018, and should take into consideration the people in greatest need by giving them priority to access it. We also agree that a Scrappage Scheme should also be developed for boilers, since they are another important source of NO2. 3. Buses We welcome the measure of bringing forward the requirement for all double-deck buses to be ULEZ-compliant in central London, but we suggest this can be done by 2018. The implementation of clean bus corridors is a fundamental measure to tackle the worst pollution hoptspots by delivering cleaner buses on the dirtiest routes. 4. Public information We welcome the options presented for alerting the population about high pollution events, since this can help people to protect themselves from exposure to pollution. At LSx we have been advocating the text alerting system, but we are aware that a better system can be created not only to alert people about high pollution but also to include guidance on how they can protect themselves and contribute to decrease air pollution. We consider the proposed range of pedestrianisation initiatives, such as car free days or pedestrianisation of Oxford Street, important measures to create awareness and contribute to behaviour change, but we believe they can be more ambitious and extended to more events and areas. Concluding Remarks LSx, and the communities we have been working with, welcome the Mayor’s ambition to make air quality a priority in his term. We are very supportive of many of these proposals, but we believe that some of his measures can be improved in order to be more efficient in targeting air pollution and therefore improving the health and wellbeing of more Londoners. We look forward for the outcome of this consultation, and for the next round of consultation. 2

About London Sustainability Exchange Our projects provide action-based research to develop, and in turn share the lessons from our work across London, and most importantly, influence London’s policies for a sustainable future. What we deliver: We know that information alone doesn’t necessarily lead to change. As a consequence, we offer the benefits of living a sustainable lifestyle, working with myriad of communities and organisations. In all our programmes we identify the impact of our work through a clear monitoring and evaluation framework. As a result of working with LSx you will have  Strong and resilient communities  Recognition within our 4,500 strong learner network  Action research with identifiable impact  Evidence based recommendations for policy makers & communities alike Areas of expertise: Our energy and resilience programmes engage with communities to empower healthy and sustainable lifestyles, enabling this to be a social norm. These projects often involve identifying the key individuals in a community, who in turn influence their friends and neighbours Our Green Entrepreneur programme flips the waste paradigm: working with community groups to recast waste as a valuable resource and bring the reuse market closer to a ‘tipping point.’ Our aim is that communities have a ‘social norm’ of reuse. Our Air Quality programme brings awareness of the power of community action for change across London. Supporting communities and schools to establish the hard facts about air quality in their area, use this information to inform their travel behaviours, and in turn through peer to peer influence support their social networks to develop more sustainable travel behaviours. This programme has identified the need to specifically target health and planning policy in London.


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