How to Lose Weight and Keep Fit Forever
How to Lose Weight and Keep Fit Forever Who else’s weight fluctuates? Answer: everyone. However, if you manage to work exercise into your daily life, you’ll be living your best life. Here are Trieu Nails’ tips on how to lose weight and keep fit forever:
1. No Quick Fixes Start off with this. Find your determination to continue. There are no quick fixes, and there’s no such thing as a diet pill, we’re pretty sure. Rather than slapping on a flimsy plaster, we want a long lasting fix. A body isn’t just for summer, it’s for life y’all. You’re going to have to be committed to the long run here, we’re just warning you now!
2. Achievable Goals There’s no point setting yourself goals you’re never going to do. It’s just going to make you feel worse when you fail - and less likely to continue. Work out an achievable set of goals that you can accomplish every day. Then feel proud when you do you it! Even if it’s just a set of mat exercises before bed, the routine of actually doing it will be beneficial, you’ll feel like you’re actually achieving.
3. Consistency It gets easier, you just have to do it every day. You can climb the mountain toward your goals, just take one step each day. But seriously, the way we build and retain muscle is by exercising it regularly. Do it, whatever it may be, every day. And it’ll train your mind to do good stuff too, we’re sure of that… Make use of reminder apps on your phone!
4. Diet There’s no point burning off 500 calories with cardio, if you go and stuff a double cheeseburger down your throat immediately afterwards. Diet is a huge part of staying healthy. Work out a weekly shop and plan meals for each day – it’s going to be a lot easier to stick to your goals if you keep them within reach. Keep a stock of staples, plan your meals.
5. Work Exercise into Your Routine It’s a lot easier to do something if it naturally falls into your routine. It’s hardly a chore if you don’t realise you’re doing it, right? This step could be as simple as cycling to the shops instead of driving. You could even get up 20 minutes earlier and walk to work! When you plan, it’s a lot easier to work this exercise effortlessly into your routine.
6. Do a Mix of Exercises There’s no point pumping weights if you haven’t done enough cardio to actually loose some weight. Work different groups of muscles at the gym to make the most of the time it takes them to recover. Try looking at apps like GymShark for exercises to try, or you could always check out some free content on youtube.
7. Play Racket Sports with Friends This one functions similarly to making exercise part of your routine; harness the power of your competitive side and focus on the game. The social side of this will encourage you to want to take part. You’ll walk away having done great cardio without hardly noticing!
8. Join a Sports Club Again, get competitive. Use it to your advantage. Try to focus on technique and you won’t even notice you’re getting a great exercise… Use resources like Get Active to easily find clubs near you.
9. Get on Top of Nutrition There’s no point eating healthily if you’re not actually eating healthily. Stay away from processed food. Go for protein rather than carbs, try; lentils instead of pasta, chickpeas instead of rice - these two are great cornerstones of healthier living. Try to eat as many vegetables as you can.
10. Get Good at Cooking You’re going to want to snack and break rank so much more when you dislike the food you’ve planned for yourself. Put effort and thought into your dishes and you’ll look forward to coming home to them, rather than eating a burger in the car. Spare yourself the shame, congratulate your successes. Get good at cooking, try to enjoy it!
11. Change Your Eating Habits And that means no more snacking. Focus on planning your meals. Plan around exercise and snacking moments by taking healthy food out with you. Bring a couple of bananas to the gym or have a bag of nuts to hand for during the day. Buy yourself some nice tupperware and take a lentil salad out with you.
12. Exercise at Home So it’s rainy and you can’t go outside to exercise, don’t just give up. Get out that yoga mat and give me twenty crunches. If you haven’t got neighbours downstairs, try some burpees. If you’ve got the headroom, throw in a jump at the end too. Work out a routine that you can fall back on to get your heart racing at home, seriously.
13. Get a Bike Riding your bike is a great way of working exercise into your routine. Cycling to work can be a serious piece of cardio. Do you think you could do it? Try a few times around Victoria Park, or take the canal towpath all the way down to the Olympic Park in Stratford. Sounds like a pleasant Sunday with the kids!
14. One Cardio Workout Daily Minimum. It doesn’t have to be huge. Just a little piece of cardio will raise your metabolism for the rest of the day, try to work out in the mornings to make the most of this effect. Combine this with a healthy diet and you’ll be off to a fighting start.
So good luck to you. Work exercise into your life in a manageable way, and eat well! It's all about consistency, and we know you can do it. Really you can. And once you have, it’s important to reward yourself. And what better way to do so than by selecting something from our menu.
Want to know more? Check out the full article here: