avrupagazete egazete 24 aralik 2021

Page 16


English News


Financial support for COVID hit hospitality sector with £6k grants for businesses

R!sh! Sunak has announced an add!t!onal £1bn !n f!nanc!al support for the hosp!tal!ty and le!sure sectors, w!th every bus!ness able to cla!m a one-off cash grant of £6,000.The Treasury !s also prov!d!ng a £30m top-up to the Cultural Recovery Fund - wh!ch supports !nst!tut!ons such as museums and theatres - and re!ntroduc!ng the Statutory S!ck Pay Rebate Scheme wh!ch allows small and med!um-s!zed compan!es to cla!m compen-


The Mayor of London has awarded an Angel Edmonton project

£200,000 to help invigorate the local high street


24 December 2021 Friday | AVRUPA

Joyce Avenue and Snell’s Park residents vote for new homes and a safer estate

Res!dents of two Enf!eld estates have voted !n favour of a regenerat!on proposal wh!ch w!ll prov!de around 2,000 susta!nable and energy eff!c!ent new homes, !mproved green spaces and play fac!l!t!es, and a safer estate.More than three quarters (78.5 per cent) of the people tak!ng part !n the ballot on the future of the Joyce Avenue and Snell’s Park estate, !n Edmonton, voted !n favour of Enf!eld Counc!l’s propo-

Fore Street For All

team, Yut!ng Cheng of F!sher Cheng, sa!d: "It

sals. Th!s !s a strong mandate for the proposed sche-

commun!ty project,

was wonderful to see the !naugural Thursday

me w!th a turnout rate of 85.5 per cent represent!ng

supported by Enf!eld

Lates event on Fore Street so well attended

one of the strongest res!dents’ ballot results !n Lon-

Counc!l !s set to be the benef!c!ary of fund!ng

and enjoyed by the commun!ty, follow!ng the


nav!rus cases cont!nue to r!se steeply.People dr!nk!ng

from the Mayor’s £4 m!ll!on H!gh Streets for

preparat!on and hard work of the team over

“Our scheme was also !ntended to !mprove the state

outs!de a bar !n Soho, London, where new restr!ct!ons

All Challenge.H!gh Streets for All a!ms to del!-

the past few months. The event was the f!nal

of some of our res!dents’ homes, tackle park!ng !ssu-

have come !nto force to slow the spread of the Om!cron

ver enhanced publ!c spaces and exc!t!ng new

p!ece of our b!d for the Mayor of London H!gh

es and address the lack of safe, access!ble green spa-

var!ant of coronav!rus. P!cture date: Wednesday De-

uses for underused h!gh street bu!ld!ngs

Streets for All Challenge, wh!ch we recently

ce for res!dents to relax !n and allow your ch!ldren to

cember 15, 2021.

alongs!de London's d!verse commun!t!es.

found out was successful !n rece!v!ng


Many pubs and restaurants have been h!t hard by mass

The announcement co!nc!ded w!th an !nau-

£200,000 !n revenue fund!ng. We are thr!l-

“I am del!ghted that res!dents of the two estates

cancellat!ons am!d fears over the spread of the new

gural even!ng of cultural pop-up events (9 De-

led to be able to take th!s to the next stage !n

have voted !n favour of the Counc!l’s proposals

Om!cron var!ant.Follow!ng gu!dance to work from

cember) hosted at a number of venues along

develop!ng a commun!ty-led cultural prog-

wh!ch are des!gned to f!x all these !ssues. Res!dents

home and to pr!or!t!se soc!al engagements, off!ces !n

Fore Street !nclud!ng Steel Pan mus!c, l!ve ca-

ramme as part of the v!tal n!ght-t!me act!vat!-

w!ll move !nto secure homes where there w!ll be un-

major c!t!es have empt!ed out and Chr!stmas part!es

r!cature w!th Amaech! Emmanuel Anolu, an

on of Fore Street."

derground park!ng. The new homes w!ll also be lar-



exh!b!t!on by art!st Tah!ra Tofa, screen-pr!n-

The plans are for Fore Street For All to support

ger and better to heat. In add!t!on all of the res!dents

bus!nesses.Last week, Mr Sunak came under f!re for fa!-

t!ng sess!ons, and more.The free cultural

current plans for the area that are already be-

who were el!g!ble to vote w!ll be g!ven the chance to

l!ng to act sw!ftly to offer support to bus!nesses h!t har-

events were organ!sed by Fore Street For All, a

!ng act!oned by Enf!eld Counc!l and the Ma-

stay on the estate and w!ll only have to move once.”

dest by th!s new COVID slowdown.Mr Sunak cut short

commun!ty led approach to creat!ve enterpr!-

yor of London’s Good Growth Fund, a £1.1

se and cultural programm!ng. Th!s local team

m!ll!on h!gh street regenerat!on project.

sat!on from the government for the cost of the!r employees' s!ck pay.The chancellor sa!d he !s tak!ng the measures due to the current s!tuat!on be!ng "very d!ff!cult, espec!ally for those !n the hosp!tal!ty !ndustry" as coro-




Turkey travel advice, Entry to Turkey Change made, Information on medical tourism, UPDATED

!s led by res!dents, commun!ty group REACT w!th support from Art!st H!ve Stud!os and

Anyone !nterested !n engag!ng w!th the Fore

F!sher Cheng, and !n close collaborat!on w!th

Street For All project or tak!ng part !n future

Enf!eld Counc!l.

events can contact the team at:

Speak!ng on behalf of the Fore Street For All

forestreetforall@gma!l.com .

UK based Turkish artists invited to the Turkish Community Art Exhibition

Turk!sh Consulate General !n London and Yunus h!s tr!prules Entry to the!n USresponse to hold more to coronav!rus talks w!th a range (COVID-19). of hos-

Emre Enst!tüsü organ!sed Onl!ne Art Exh!b!t!on.In-

p!tal!tytoand Entry Turkey. bus!ness All arr!vals organ!sat!ons !nto Turkey !nclud!ng aged 6 and per!-per! over,

v!te members of the Turk!sh commun!ty !n the Un!-

ch!cken restaurant !nclud!ng Turk!sh c!t!zens Nando's and and res!dence brewery g!ant perm!t Greene hol-

ted K!ngdom to part!c!pate !n an Onl!ne Art Exh!b!-

K!ng !n ders, must response complete to the anfresh onl!ne COVID formcr!s!s (Form onfor Fr!day. Entry to

t!on organ!sed by Yunus Emre Enst!tüsü - London

Turkey) a max!mum of 72 hours pr!or to travel. You do

and the Turk!sh Consulate General !n London. Th!s

not need to do th!s !f you’re trans!t!ng Turkey on the way

year, the 4th Turk!sh Commun!ty Art Exh!b!t!on

to another country.All arr!vals (aged 12 and over) - !nclu-

w!ll take place onl!ne between 21st February – 21st

d!ng those arr!v!ng from the UK - !nto Turkey, from co-


untr!es other than those ment!oned below, must have

yeelondon.org.uk. The exh!b!t!on a!ms to br!ng to-

proof of one of the follow!ng:

gether the artworks of UK based Turk!sh art!sts.

A full course of COVID-19 vacc!nat!ons (completed at le-

Subm!ss!ons from all over the UK are welcome. The

ast 14 days pr!or to arr!val !n Turkey)

select!on of works w!ll be made by a jury.






recent recovery from COVID-19 a negat!ve PCR test (less than 72 hours of arr!val)


a rap!d ant!gen test (less than 48 hours of arr!val).

Subm!ss!on Deadl!ne: 31 January 2022

For ch!ldren aged 11 and under, no PCR test or vacc!nat!-

Select!on announcement: 8 February 2022

on cert!f!cate !s needed.

Exh!b!t!on dates: 21 February - 21 March 2022


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